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MANNIG. S.C..M-\Y 2. 1900 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. ................... ..-. ... Four month. .. -- -. 50 ADVFRTSlN(' RATES: One -Juare. one time. 81: each subsequent in srtin. --A) e-nt'. obiituaries and Tributes of i~spect chargtd fovr as regular advertisements. Liberral ctras made for three. six and twelve mzonths. Comnlunicatiots must be accompanied by the real name and address of the writer itn order to receive attention. No communication of a persoral character will be published except as an advertisement. Entered at the Postoqlice at Mannin.- a' st ond Class matter. Copies of this paper may be found oz tilt Washington in the otice'o our corres pondent. E. G- viis- F Z*tt Washinvton. D. C. BIL.Y WILSON'S NERVY VENTURE. Every'body remembers the St Charles hotel in Charleston. The old folks re member it as the "-Pavilion." This hostelry has sheltered many Clarendon people, for when it was in its prime it was headquarters for everybody from this section. The building has been closed for some time, and even before it closed its doors,. the management was such that drove patronage from it. The concern was run down, and is now an eye sore to the progressive people of that city. There is an element of young Ilooa in the city now, and prom inent 'a that class is our own "-Billy" Wilsot. who are making the mossbacks wondet v.hat will turn up next. It is such nerve and pusli as is possessed of Col. W. B. Wilson which has brought about a condition that will force Direc tor Merriman of the (etaus bureau to acknowledge Charlescor as being en titled to a place on the map. Colonel Wilson and Mr. George H. Moffett put their heads and "wads" together, lighted the Carolina Grocery Company's celebrated Morro Bella ei gars, and sauntered down Meeting street and stopped on the corner of Hazel. Here these two young men de termined to s: a worthy examp> to those who they are urging to stick pins in themselves to produce activity: they bought the old "owl roost" and when the papers were signed sealed and de livered the owl's in the rookery want ed to know "-who. who' and when toMd that Billy Wilson the country lad that wetit down to the city a few years ago had the titles in his inside vest pocket, and had associated a pal who can't stand still, the owls organized an emigration society, flew off to the custom house, took a plunge in Ostendorf 's bath tub, and then hied themselves off to the offices of the fellows who will not con tribute to the Exposition fund, nor do anything else to help Charleston. Colonel Wilson and Mr. Moffett are going to tear the whole inside out of the building, and give it such a renova tion as will make it as good as new and modern in~ all of its appointments. These gentlemen did not go into this project to restore their health, nor for any benevolent purpose, the enterprise has been entered upon. with malice aforethought to make money, and they are going to do it. Charleston needs a good hotel and with Wilson & Moffett backing such an institution she will have it. There is no use talking about wait, when business men of the Wilson stripe are on the tapis. and if Charleston will just stop thinking that she is the only place on this mundame sphere, and remember there are others, and will hold out her hands in welcome to men with brain, push and money: exposi tions, hotels, factories and everything progressive will come her way. Give encouragement to a display of nerve, and enterprise and not board up wealth as family heirlooms. When the St Charles has been trans formed into a thing., of beauty as we know it will be, then we hope to be come a guest under , its hospitable roof. How's This ? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hais5 Catrrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo. 0. the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for last 15 years. and believe him perfectly hn le in all business transactions and finan ciolly ae to carry out any obligations made by their fi Ws'r & ~whol r~ oledo. O. WA.LDING, KINNAN & MARvis. wholesale drug gists. Toledo. 0. Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hairs Family Pills are the best. The District of Columbia seems to have been afflicted with the mind changing microbe. -111 weeds grow apace." Impurities in your blood will also grow unless you promptly expel them by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. If Dewey gets in at all, it will be over his bridge and not on his platform, but more likely when the baby wears her beads. Working Night and )ay. The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated glabule of health. that changes weakness into trength. listless ness into energy. brain-fag !ato mental power. They're wonderful in building up the health. Only :5~c. per box. Sold by the R. B. Loryea Now a lot of fisherman up in Michi gan claim to have seen a veritable sea serpent trying to climb over the dam at Grand Rapids. and to have vainly tried to spear him. Michiganders should not take such strong bait with them when they go fishing. A Woman's Lettes. Coolidge. Ky.. Aug. 11. 1898. New Spencer Medicine Co.: Since writing you in July. 1 have continued to use Benedicta and am surprised at the results. Before using the remedy I suffered from womb troubles and a weak stomach. but the three bottles of Bene dicta has completely cured me. It is a great medicine for delicate women. MRs. H. R. GILREATH. Sold by the R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson says that Porto Rico is the richest spot in the world, and that he is going to send men down there to teach the natives how to get three times the profit out of their land that they do nowaday. That is what the franchise hunters hope to gestion. Regnlates the Liver. Price,25cts. Talk a)ut coutusiun. The Treas.u rv DepartIent has otficially held that Por-to IliLeo is not a foreign country and that Cuba and the Philippines are. The decision was rendered in con neetion with demands for rebate of the duties on the component parts of manu factured.articles exported to the is lands, and is without explanation of its peculiar details. Beware of a Cough. A cough is not a disease Ilu a Vtpn COI sumptioni and bronchitis. whifar their first dangerous and fatal diseases, havO for terl iddication a persis'ent cOuvh. andr if proierly treted. as soon as thi ceoali pearmarev ehsly cue.(h alicr'i n*' nied-v has en ue Ch mrla and gained its p rnt ou ald ale by its sue wie rina d. a d es which cause coughing. if it not benet-i it will not cost you a cent. For al 13. ryca Drug Store. Isaac M. Lirvea. Prop. Douglas Notes. Flitor The Manning Times: The Democratic club met here Satur day, elected officers and appointed dele gates to the county convention. The officers elected were: President, W. J. Turbeville: Vice President. A. Smith: Sec. and Treas., D. L. Green. The roll was read and revised and the following delegates and alternates chosen: Delegates-J. E. Beard, A. Smith. -W. J. Turbeville. J. Smith, W. F. Dennis. L. B. Gibbons. D. L. Green. Alternates-i. W. Coker, E. S. Robin son. S. C. Turbeville, D. H. Gowdy. J. F. Cole. The roll as revised contains 17 names. Pine Grove Graded school will give an entertainment 'May 23 and 24, to which the public is cordially invited. Thursday. 1av 24. at 11 o'clock there will be a lecture by Rev. J. A. Clifton. D. D.. subject. "Possibilities of a Boy.' All who are acquainted with Dr. Clifton know him to be a lecturer of marked ability, abounding in original humor. All who come may expect to hear a pleasing and instructive discourse. M. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the land who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. The 'proprietors- of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine: and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absoluteiv cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma. bronchitis. hoarseness and all diseases of the throat. chest and lungs are surely cured by it. Call at the It. B. Loryea Drul'Store and get a free trial bottle. Regular size .c. and Si. Every bottle guaranteed. or price refunded. ' Snmmerton Notes. Editor The Manning Times: The Democratic Club organized fully her- Saturday evening. Mr. J. C. Lan bam wa.; elected member of the County Executive Committee. and Messrs. J. C. Lanham, L. T. Fisher and C. H. Nelsoa were elected delegates to attend the County Democratic Convention at ,Manaing May 7th. Rev. 1-. A. Sublett preached an able s-rmon at the Methodist church yester day to a large and appreciative congre gation. The graded school will close about the last of 'May. The Principal will give out program for tho closing exercises. a little later. X. Y. Z. Summerton, S. C. April 30th. 1900. it is with a good deal of pleasure and satis faction that I recommend Chamberlan's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy." says Drug gist ~A. W. Sawteile. of Hartford. Conn. " A lad:: customer. seeing the remedy exposed for sale on my show case, said to me: -I really be lieve that medicine saved my life the past sum me: while at the shore.' and she became so en thusiastic over its merits that I at once made up my mind to recommend It in the future. Recently a gentleman came into my store so overcome with colic pains that he sank at once to the floor. I gave him a dose of this remedy which helped him. I repeated the dose and in ifteen minutes he left my store smilingly in forming me that he felt as well as ever." Sold by R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. prop. __ _ _ _ _ _ To My Friends. I desire to express my thanks and ratitude to my friends of Summerton and the surrouinding country for their kindness and thoughtful attention to myself and family in my recent serious illness of more than thr-ee months du ration. Time will fail to obliterate from my memory the many kindnesse's shown by all my friends 'in this-com mutv-. ' W. H. SHIRER. Summerton S. C. April 28. 1900. A Remarkable Case. Antioc. Miss.. July 1. 189S. I want to thank you for the great benefit I have received from your wonderful remedy. Benedicta. I was induced to try a bottle, and it beneited me so much I used another and I am now entirely well. There Is certainly no medi cine like it and I can recommend it to all women. Mas. BETTIE LANsOTUN. Sold by the R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Kissing a fashionable young lady _on the cheek is one way to remove pamnt. J. I. Carson. Prothonotary. Washington. Pa.. says. "I have found Kodol Dyspepsia Cure an ecellent remedy in case of stomach trouble.and h~ave derived great benefit from its use." It di gets what you eat and cannot fail to cure. D-~O. Rhame. Stummerton: Dr. W. M. Brockinton. Manning. The things that go..without saying must have escap 4&minine attention. It Saves the Children. Chamberlains Cough Remedy has saved the lives of thousands of croupy children. It is also without an equal for colds and whoopingt cough For sale by the R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Isaac M. Loryea. Propr. [janlay Women had larger waists in ancient times-but the men had larger arms. Brave Men Fall Victims to stomach. liver and kidney troubles as well as women. and all feel the results in loss of appetite. poisons in the blood, backache. nervousness, headache and tired, listless, run down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that. Listen to J. WV. Gardner. Idaville. Ind. He says: --Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down, and don t care whether he lives or dies. It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than any thing I could take. I can now eat anything and have a new lease on life." Only 50 cents. at the R. B. Loryea Drug Store. Ev-ery bottle guar anteed.3 A man's best friend is the one who marries the girl that jilted him. It isn't always the deaf woman that wears the loudest dress. Quick Results. Coolidge. Ky.. Aug. 1. 1898. I have been suffering with female troubles and was unable to get relief. I was persuaded to try Benedicta and after one month's treatment I can recommend your remedy to suffering women. Mits. H. R. GtLREATH. Sold by the R. B. Loryea Drug Store. The pin is mightier than the sword in the hands of a woman. Red Hot from the Guin wa h althat hit G. B. Steadman of New arkrMih..inthe Civil War. It caused horrible Iulcers that no treatment helped for :!0 years. T hen Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures cuts. bruises, burns, bols, felons, corns, skin eruptions. Best pile cure en earth. 2% cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by the Rt. B. Lor yea Drug Store. 3 When a girl reaches the age of twen t-five, she loses all desite for birthday parties. Beware of Green Fruit.-Now in the heated term people should pay atten ton to their diet, avoiding unripe frutt and stale vegetables which invar-iably bring on cramps, cholera morbus, or diarrhoea. Children are particularly subject to complaints of this kind, and no mother can feel safe without having a bottle of Pain Killer. It is a safe, sure and speedy cure. Avoid substi ttes there is'but one Pain-Killer, For Blood, S Hooid's It Cures Scri If a man doesn't expeet anythling ele for Christmas. ie can aiwa.y depend on his wife's relatives. The marriageable agte of woman is anywhere between sixteen and death. Keep Quiet and use Chamberlain- ', ie. Cholera and DIar rhoca Remedy for all pains of the st 'mac'h ind all unnatural looseness oif the bowel-. lway cures. For sale by the RI. 13. Loryea Drug S ture [saae M. Loryea. Propr. jnay INSURANCE FIRE. LIFE. ACCIDENT & BURGLARY INSURANCE. Tailor-Made Clothing. FIT GUARANTEED. A FULL LINE OF SAMPLES. Carpets, Art Squares, RUGS. DRAPERIES & BED SETS. Colored designs and samples of goods. Carpets sewed free and wadded lining fur nished FREE. J. L. WILSON. Tax Sale Delinquent Land. By authority of S. J. Bowman. Treas urer. I will sell on Monday, the 7th day of May next. one tract of land for taxes for 1899. in St. Mark's township: Estate J. N. Richbourg. 33 acres. and four buildings. Purchaser to pay for papers. DANIEL J. 1RADHAM. Sheritf Clarendon Coutity. 'Manning. S. C.. April 11. 1900. [50-4t MONEY TO LOAN. I am prepared to negotiate loans on good real estate security, on rea sonable terms. R. 0. PURDY, Sumter, S. C. J. S. wnLsos. wV. C. Dtraarr. ILSON & DLRANT, Allorwys' and Ounselors o! Law, MANNING. S. C. S L. KRASNOFF. GENERAL CONTRACTOR. Will furnish estimates and make con tracts for all kinds of building and is prepared to contract for first class paint. ig. Address. S. L. KRlASNOFF. Manning. S. C. SURVEYOR'S CARD. Parties desiring surv eys and p~lats~ made will receive my most careful and accurate attention. I am supplied with improved instru ments. Address. S. 0. CANTEY. Summer ton, S, C. Land Surveying and Leveling. I will do Surveying. etc.. in Claren don and adjoining Counties. Call at office or address at Sumter, S. C. P. O. Box 101. JTOHN R. HAYNESWORTH. OSEPH F. RHAME. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ..IANNING, S.C Win, 0. CHANDLER, Furniture & Undertaking. WE ALSO CARRY A NICE LINE OF THE Choicest Groceries. ALSO Can Goods, Spices, Sauces, Pickles, Candies, Tobacco and Segars. Come and see us in our up-to-date store.* W, C, CHANDLER, McI~eod Block, - - MANNING, S. C. A Good Clothing Store Is where you get the right sort of Clothes without dan ger of mistake. Our Clothes are of the right sort, and you will appreciate their excel lence and smallness of cost. We Make Clothes to Order for those who prefer them. Lasting Materials, proper fit and make and moderate pri ces. Your orders will have our best attention. J L. DAVID & BRO S. W. Cor. King and Wentworth Sts., CHARLESTON. S. C. Notice to Road Overseers. OFFICE OF SPERYISORt CLA RENDON C~OU NTY, Manning, S. C., A pril 18. 19404. You are hereby required to report to Ine all persons who are plowing into the public roads, and furnish me with the necessary data to base a warrant for their arrest. It is the dtuty of r'oad overseers to prevent this violation o1 law. and as complaints have been made to me I will do my duty and I want the overseers to do theirs. T. C. OWENS. 'tomach and Nerves, Take aA parIillall fula, Dyspepsia, Nervousness. In the Privacy of the Home. HERE is no need of women subject T ing themselves to the mortification of examinations by doctors for the ~ )k treatment of the various diseases to - which they are subject. These troubles - _ can be treated just as effectively at the home. When you are affected with de rangements of the menstrual functions 1L or any other female disorders, you can be completely cured and the organs fully restored to activity and strength if for a few months you will use regularly GERSTLE'S F EMALE PANACEA. TRA (. Y MARK. DOCTORS FAIL, BUT GERSTLE'S FEMALE PANACEA CURES My wife was taken sick and I at once called our family plqrsician. and he thought best to call in another phsicin for consultation. Antr using their inediines for two mionths I found she was very little better. so I then Purchased aboleof Gerstie's Female Panace and commenced tre:tiig her. Before she had finished taking the second bottle she was in better health than she had enioyed in years previous. I then recommended t he Panacea to t hree of my neighbors with good results. H. J. THRAILK IL, Thrailkill. Miss. Remove all costiveness with mild doses of St. Joseph's Liver Regulator. If your case is complicated, write us and we will instruct you fully how to use these great remedies. Sold by all druggists. L. GERSTLE & CO., PROPS., CHATTANOOGA, TENN. So at The______ B. B.______ Lon--. oo S101i opl r CATARRH CAN BE CURED BY Johnston's Sarsaparilla QUART BOTTLES. "DANGER IN THE EARTH AND AIR; DANGER EVERYWHERE." A Wise and Venerable Doctor Talks about Advanced Science. In a leading hotel, in a great city, a famous and aged physician was convers ing. Listening to his wise and sententious discourse, were a group of well dressed men, evidently lawyers, business men and commercial travelers. My firm belief, is " that medical science is certain yet to show that all dis eases without exception are caused by invisible germs which are living organ isms. Here is the germ of that terrible disease diphtheria. Herd is the bacillus of typhoid fever; and-iere is the still more dreadful bacillus of tubercle which causes that mos' destructive of all diseases, consumption. This of that very common and supposed incurable disease, catarrh." "I wish, Doctor," said the traveling man, "that you would tell us about catarrh. I have had it for years, and 1 am thoroughly discouraged." The Doctor answered. "Catarrh, like diphtheria, consumption, typhoid fever, and a host of other diseases, is the result of a microbe invading the blood and attacking specially the mucous membrane. This foul and most disgusting disease is especially prevalent in the United States and it is rare to meet one who is not, or has not been troubled more or less with it. How often is he or she obliged to remain at home from pleasant entertainments, deprive themselves of many intellectual treats, from fear of the disagreeable odor arising from ca tarrhal affections. In its worst phase, the patient becomes loathsome both to himself and his friends. " I believe." continued this great physician, "that the true way to heal ca tarrh is to medicate the blood. This can be done only by powerful alteratives which act as blood purifiers." Betsy A. Marett, of Manistee, Manistee Co., Mich., writes: Dear SirsV:-For ten years I was a suerer from general debility and chronic catarrh. My face was pale as death. I was weak and short of breath. I could hardly walk, I was so dizzy and had a ringing in my head all the time. Mfy hands and feet were alvays cold. 31y appetite was very poor. On getting up in the morning, my head swam so I was often obliged to lie down again. I had awful pains in the small of my back. 1 had a continual feeling of tiredness. My muscular power was almost entirely gone, and I couldn't go half a dozen steps without stopping to rest, and often that much exercise caused me to have a pain in my side. It seemed as though the blood had left my veins. The doc tors said my blood had all turned to water. I had given up all hope of ever get ting well. I tried the best physicians in the state, but failed to get any relief. M1y husband got me a bottle of Johnston's Sarsaparilla. I took it, and then I bought another. When these had been used, Iwas somewhat improved in health. I continued its use, and felt I was growing stronger; my sleep was re freshing, and it seemed as if I could feel new blood moving through my veins. I kept on taking it, and now consider myself a well and rugged woman. I work all the time, and am happy. I am positive that the Sarsaparilla saved my life. The sick headaches I have had since childhood, have disappeared, and my ca tarrh has almost entirely left me. I cannot be too thankful for what Johnston's Sarsaparilla has done for me. I recommend all women who have sick head aches to use your Sarsaparilla. Dr. W. M~. Brockinton, Mannig, S. C. BICYCE. jj Experienced Wheelmen Will Bicrcirs Buy the IDEAL, Becaus~e thiey hav~e Tone and Sty le, as wxeli as all the othei points wxhich g~o to make up a tirst .class~ wheel and becaus~e they ar the best W25 wxheel on th e market today. We ask yvou to call and examine the 1900 IDEAL. All the Gold in Kilondike Couldl buy no better. more carefully and accu -rately constr'ucted or more intelligently design~ed wheels than the 1%il model There are wheels which are igher pieed, BUT NONE BT TER. a aPepsin Ci STasteless and Guaranteed to Cure Chills and - Fever and all Ealaria! Troubles. ~~~~~~Does Not Coti annesotYijure t> Stomach Nor Efrect th e 'earing. w.~. McLarty & soa, DimefBoz, Tex., say: " Ramon's Pepsin Chili Tonic .s the ~be' Ce rtnandld. My' soa prescribes it in hs practice, and says it ia theani Ch: T ici a. chila can take without uuy to the stomach.' For sale by THlE Ri. B. LOltYEA DilUG STOlRE. r)R.MOFFETS Allays Irritation, Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, MakeseTeethingHEasy (etigPowders) - TEETiINA Relieves the Bowel Costs only 25 cents at Druiggists, ANY AGE. J~JOr mall escentsi to C..J. MO FF ETT, M. D., ST. LOU IS, MO. \1y~ Lot andl Dwelling in \1anning. POSITIONS GUIARANTEED, ;xo two de-:irabk- 13uilding Lots ad ,Under $3,000 Cash Deposit. joining. Rail road Fare Paid. For' terms aplly to We Are Now in Our New Quarters NEXT DOOR TO W. E. JENKINSON'S, READY, WITH A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES, ro SERVE OUR FRIENDS. W ii you are ready to buy goods that Re .emoiber' we are the people who brought the prices of Graceri.s down. Yours truly. THE PEOPLE'S MONEY SAVERS, Tli Ma1Hillgr rcrv Co min WH-OLESALE GPLOOERS. B. B.-Car of Fresh Rice Flour just received. Also Corn and Feed Oats. HOUSEKEEPERS C We have just received a lot of nice. seasonable goods which we know will interest you. Among other things are: TWO-GALLON WATER COOLERS........................$1 60 WIRE DISH COVERS...... ...............8c and 10c each THREE PRONG ICE CHITSELS...............................15c W IRE FLY TRAPS......................................15c each I 'E ('REAM FREEZERS-1-qt.. *1..3: 2-q(t.. $1.75: 3-qt.. S2.25: 4-qt.. $2.75. STONE CHURNS......... ...........1-gal.. 23c.: 2-gal.. 35c POTATO MASHERS..........................................23c HA M OCKS............................................... .L25 TOOTHPICKS-large package......................'...........5C We have lately received a large consignment of STOVES. and can safely say that we have the best assortment of them to choose from that has ever been shown in Clarendon County. Our prices. too. are so reasonable that they excite comment from every one. Ve can assure you that you can do as well with us in making purchase's as you can anywhere. MFARMERS - We still have a few of those cheap Orangeburg Sweeps and Cotton Hoes on hand. We have lately received a lot of Paris Green Distributors or Sprayers and will endeavor to have them on hand when wanted. Our One-Horse Harrows have been in great demand. We still have a few. HOUSEBUILDERS Will find our stock of Builders' Hardware in good shape. We have Valley Tin. Locks. Hinges. Nails in endless variety. Also White Lead. Oil and Colors for Painters. Remember our COLUMBIA R BICYCLES Have been tried and proven the best on earth. We have Bicycle Repairs at lowest prices. Very truly yours, Manning Hlard ware Co. -8. R. VENNING, (* Jeweler & Watch Repairer, MANNING, S. C. - DEALER IN -- Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver war'e and All Einds of Fancy Novelties. - I AEA SPECIALTY OF HEAVY SILVERWARE AND FANCY Arice of all kinds, suitable for Wedding and Holiday Presents. Such goods have never been sold here before. Call and see them. I deal also In IffiOlld Fllt! HwldftlIgd China OhId GI8IISSQ[. All Novelties in Silver bought of me will be engraved free of cost. ALL REPAIR WORK GUARANTEED. Manning Times Block, three doors sonth of Postoffice. r.r i~csOOK FO~i. 'WATC"EI SIc~r. -M CROSS WELL_& CO. Did you know that we have the largest and most complete stock of Grocer ies of any house in Sumter. and always prepared to meet the demands in our liney Our trade has grown to such extent that we are forced to have more room. In addition to our large store and warehouse that we now have we are fitting up a 9I-foot warehouse between the Atlantic Coast Line and Southern depots in order~ that we may be in better position to supply the demands. In addition toour large stock of goods on hand. we have lots of goods bought at factories that we can ship direct to you and save von money. We give yon a FEW PRICES BELOW. but as we have not space to give you a full list of prices. will ask that you write or come and get our prices which we will furnish with pleasure. Best Large Lump Starch. 40-lb. boxes................................3i4c lb Best Soda. 60-lb. boxes. 1-lb. packages, at.......................$2 per box Star Lye. 83 per case. 4 dozen. Delivered in 5 case lots. Rlex Baking Powders i and 1-lb. cans. $3.60 per case of 100 i and 50 lbs. Deliv ered in 3 ease lots, with 1 case Rex Soda. 60 lbs.. free. T EA.--Good Black and Green. 10-lb. caddies.:.......................35c lb DDIE .\HLK.-Four dozen in case. at.-......................3.50 per case OLD VIRGINIA (CHEROOTS-Three for Sc. a...........12.50 per thousand OLD GLORtY CH EROOTS-Five for 10...................$14 per thousand CIGARS-The tinest 5e Cigars on the market...............35 per thousand ISCHNAPPS TOBACCO--1-lb. Caddies.........................33c per lb EA RLY BIRD TOB3ACCO -10-lb. Caddies.......................35c per lb SWEEP APPLE TOBACCO-10-lb. Caddies...................34c per lb LALLA ROOK TOBACCO ( --10)-lb. Caddies.. .................32c per lb BIG WHISTLE TOBIACCO) - 10-lb. (Caddies...............c per lb R ED EY 11 E \TOAC ) a pug to !b. 10-lh. (addies...............27c per lb L AR D:::l NOL ASSESV And other~ Goods at LOW EST PRICES. Ask for prIices which we wvill furnish NSReguator The Best Liver Medicine. Largest Package on the Market. One Package Price 25e. Five for $1.00. David liowells, Scranton. Pa., says: "Fo: some tim elIwas annoyed with pim pies on the body, and a f'eelin of sickness and general weakness. I was unable to work.nt re nd recommiendeR IF' T.o. It ~torGree ured For sale by THE R. B. LORYEA DRUG STORE,i RHEU2ICIDE QIs rapidly takin:: the place of all other known remedies as a rheu mdtic cure. laxative, tonic and blood purifier. The reason Is plain. for it There is no better time to treat rheumatism than during the 9 sprin- months. RHETMACIDE costs but $l per bottle. Secure it and cure your RHEUMATISM. R.OBYEA DI STORE. We've Gone Through This store's stock and put light ning prices on all goods that don't move fast enough to suit us-given them the farewell, good-by push that'll send 'em out of sight quickly. The quality of every item is all right, but fra some unaccountable reason they ha, e not sold rapidly enough to please us, and we've put them at prices that will make them go quickly. We men tion the following: 1-lb. cans Chipped Dried Beef at 20e can: regular price 25c. 1-lb. cans Brawn. 10c can; regular price 121c. i-lb. cans Vienna .Sausage. 7c can; regular price 10c. Armours' Deviled Ham, small cans. 4c can: 45c dozen. z1-lb. cans Sliced Breakfast Bacon, 10c can: $1 dozen. 1-lb. cans Atmore's Plum Pudding, 18c (regular 25c.) 2-1b. cans N. Y. State Pears 6c can. (regular 10c.) 1-lb. cans Cocktail Pineapple (chunks) best quality, at 10c: worth I24c. 2-lb. cans Sliced Pineapple, good quality, at 121c. Fine N. Y. packed Green Corn at $1 doz. (Cheap at $1.20.) Choice new Evaporated Apples at 1Oc lb.: regular 12ic. Choicest sliced Dried Apples at 8c lb.: regular 10c. Best Sliced Peeled Dried Peaches at 15ic lb. Crushed Oatmeal at 3c lb: 40 lbs for $1. Frv's Sweet Chocolate at 2.5c lb. Me niers' Vanilla Chocolate at 40c lb; reg ular 50c. Meniers' Plain Chocolate at 30c: regular 40c. Richardson & Rob bins' Chicken Soup, quart cans, 20c. ltEmery's Tomato Soup, quart cans at 10c. Wheeler's Irish Ginger Ale at $1 doz., import cost. Ask for our Bargain Price-List. It is full of surprises. WELCH & EASON, Universal Providers, 185 & 187 Meeting & 117 Market Sts, CHARLESTON, S. C.. Buggies, Wagons, Road Caits and Cariiages REPAIRED With Neatness and Despatch -AT R. A. WHITE'S WHEELWRIGHT and BLACKSMITH SHOP. I repair Stoves, Pumps and run water pipes, or I will put down a new Pump cheap. If you need any soldering done, give me a call. LAME. My horse is lame. Why? Because I did not have it shod by R. A. White, the man that puts on such neat shoes and makes horses travel with so much ease. We Make Them Look New. We are making a specialty of re painting old Buggies, Carriages, Road Carts and Wagons cheap. Come and see me. My prices wilr please you, and I guarantee all of my work. Shop on corner below R. M. Dean's.. R. A. WHITE, MANNiNG, S. C. Furniture Stains and Varnishes. A Can With Brush, 5c. -AT HAE'S DRUG STORK SUMMERTON, S, C. To Consumuers Lager Beer. We are now in position to ship Beer all over this State at the following prices: Pints, "Export bottles," five and ten dozen in package, at 90c. Per Dozen. We will allow you l~c per dozen f.o.b. your depot for all Export pint bottles and can use all other bottles and will give standard prices for same. Cash Must Accompany All Orderst All crder-s shall have our prompt and careful attention. GERMANIA BREWING CO Charleston, S. C. AL.WAYS KEEP ON HAND There is no kind of pain or ache, Internal or exter nal, that Pain-Killer gwill not relieve. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. 'THE GENUINE I BOTTL.E BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS & SON. DR. J. FRANK GEIGER, DENTIST, MANNING, S. C. JF. RHAME, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW, MANNING, S. C. C. DAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MANNING. S. C. Office lately occupied by the late B. .rslev B. Brron. 1sq.