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VOL. XV. -M1ANININ G, S. C., WEDNESDAY, MIAY 9, 90 __________N . THE PARTY UNITED. James Creelman Says the De mocracy is Again Solid. BRYAN'S CHANCES ARE GOOD Thousands of Democrats Who Voted Against Him in the Last Campaign will Vote for Him This Year. in the New York Journal of Tues day week ago, James Creelman, the veteran correspondent, who has been doing a great deal of party interview ing for his paper, prints what seems to be a very fair statement of the Demo cratic situation. He begins by saying that while in 1896 when he "swung around the circle" with Bryan on his memorable campaign he constantly re peated the prediction that the Demo cratic leader could not be elected; but that now "fa-ts equally plain point to his election this year." An impartial investigation of the present political situation, says Creelman,. "ought to convince any man that if the presiden tial election were to take place now Mr. Bryan would be elected ay a decisive majority." He goes on to say that "there is but one serious point of difference between the most extreme of the conservative Democrats of the east and the great body of the party which supported Bryan in 1896; many o' the eastern leaders desire to have the ratio of 36 to 1 omitted from the money plank of the platform; the leaders in he south and we3t are practically unanimous in their opposition to any change." le has been "present at several important con ferences of Democrats representing these two views of party policy" and can affirm with some certainty that "the aim and intention of the great mass of the party who were ioyal four years ago has been to readopt the Chicago platform and to incorpoate it, word for word, in the platform to be made at Kansas City on July 4. From this point we quote Creelman in full: I can say authoritatively that Mr. Bryan will oppose the abandonment of a single plank in the Chicago platform. It is demonstrabis that an overwhelm ing majority of the next Democratic national convention will refuse to aban don, alter or modify the Chicago plat form. The one great question that now remains before the Democratic leaders is this: Will the Kansas City conven tion content itself with a simple re affirmation of the platform of 1896 in three or four lines and devote the rest to its utterances to the issues of 1900, or will the convention reiterate the Chicago platform? All other questions are, for the present, subordinate to this. Mr. Hill says that Mr. Bryan will be renominated. Mr. Hill declares that he will work hard to elect Mr. Bryan. No man who has meet Mr. Hill within the past two weeks eau doubt his earn estness or his determination to lend his whole party in the approaching cam paign. He sees victory in sight for the first time since Mr. Clevelani wrecked the party. Mr. Hill will support Mr. Bryan, Chicago platform or no Chicago platform. The abandonment of the well-tried American theory of equal rights everywhere under the flag for the British policy of subject colonies over shadows all other issues. But Mr. Hill and State Chairman Campbell and Mr. Croker and Former Senator Murphy and men who take their view of the situation are urging upon the western and south sra leaders the fact that the passage of the cur rency bill by the Republican majority in congress removes the free silver question for the present from the field of practical politics and statesmanship; that even if Mr. Bryan were president now he would be powerless under the law to disturb the gold standard, and that a Republican majority in the United States senate will make free silver legislation impessible for the next five years-therefore a readoption of the 16 to 1 plank at Kansas City can accomplish nothing and will be a mere academic statement of a history about which the voters of the party disagree. Some of the conservative eastern leaders insist that Mr. Bryan cannot be elected without the electoral vote of New York State, and that a modifica tion of the Chicago platform will make Democratic victory in New York a cer tainty. But the "irreducible minimum" of a majority of the Kansas City con vention will be a simple reaffirmation of the platform of 1896, a statement that can be made in 40 or 50 words. That seems to be the utmost that can be hoped for by the conservative lead ers. To bring the body of the Chicago platform into the convention for muti lation or amendment would bring on a bitter and useless fight, in which the conservative men would be beaten. A strong goup of leaders believe that there will be no fight on the finan cial question in open convention. The Demoratic party is practically reunited now; when the Kansas City convention meets it will be absolutely united. Not only have men like.Mr. Hill and Mr. Croker, who were silent in 1896, placed themselves earnestly in support of Mr. Bryan, but thousands and thous ands of "gold Democrats" in New York and other eastern States who voted for McKinley have returned to the party which stands for the preservation of the republic and opposes a military empire with colonies. Men like John DeWitt Warner are heartily preparing to assist in the elec tion of Mr. Bryan. Mr. Bissell, who was Mr. Cleveland's law partner and afterward postmaster general, is ready to stump the State for Mr. Bryan. It seems to be generally recognized that the financial question is, for the time being, removed from the sphere of prac tical things, and that, while the money plank of the Democratic platform is an important issue, as between .political leaders, that question, too, will disap pear, and the whole strength of tne party will be devoted to a vigorous war on trusts and a defence of the republic against the McKinley plan of military empire. Every one of the eastern leaders to whom T have talked has assured me thax he will heartily support Mr. Bry an whether the platform of 1896 is re affirmed or not. All the talk about a "Democratie conspiracy" in the east to nominate Admiial Dewey or to injure Mr. Bryan is pure bosh. Mr. Bryan is supreme throughout the party. No man challenges his authority, no man seeks his defeat. The change which the brutal and corrupt policy of the McKinley administration has wrought in politics is almost without a parallel in America. Mr. Bryan has become a platform in himself, standing as he does for hon esty. decency, fairness. plain speech and true Americanism as opposed to hypocrisy, corruption, duplicity, eva sion, imperialism and shameless servi tude to trust domination. Mr. Bryan has no choice for vice president; I can say that advisedly. No candidate for the second place has yet organized suf ficient strength to be considered seri ously. All seem to be waiting for Mr. Bryan to speak the word, but I have been assured by Mr. Bryan himself that he will not interfere in any way. THE CANAL BILL PASSED. During Its Discussion One Congress man Calls Another a Liar. When the house met Wednesday, on motion of Hepburn, of Iowa, in charge of the Nicaraguan canal bill, general debate on the bill was closed and the bill read ror amendment under the live minute rule. Hepburn offered the committee amendment to substitute the word "protect" instead of "defend" in the first section. After some debate the amendment was adapted. Parker, of New Jersey, introduced an amendment to strike out that por tion of the bill limiting the length of the route. This called forth a protest from Hepburn and the Parker amend ment was defeated 31 to 89. A dramatic and sensational scene oc curred in the house between Cannon, chairman of the appropriations com mittee, and Hepburn. Cannon resent ed remarks made by Hepburn impugn ing his (Cannon's) sincerity. Cannon spoke under great excitement saying he had just read Hepburn's attack. As he proceeded he recalled an intimation that has come to him of which he had spoken yesterday-that those who are promoting the bill are doing so to delay the canal. Yet he said he had acquit ted Hepburn ot such intention. Today he frankly stated Hepburn's name had been connected with the rumor. Hepburn called Cannon a liar and there was considerable excitement for some time. The bill was passed 225 to 35. Gives Up the Fight. A dispatch from Charleston says Maj. Joseph W Barnwell has with drawn from the race for congress and Col. William Elliott will probably have no opposition in the Democratic pri mary. The decision to withdraw was reached after a conference Thursday night. The withdrawal occasioned some surprise but it was not altogether unlooked for. The Barnwell support ers declared their intention to capture county convention and their failure to do so showed their weakness and forced Maj. Barewell to the conclusion that he could not secure a majority suf fleient in Charleston to overcome the majority that 3ol. Elliott was expected to get in the country and bring to Charleston; hence the withdrawal. Maj. Barnwell has many friends and his dignified and manly campaign, al though it was brief, has served to at tract many people to him. His with drawal is of course regretted by some of his friends. Col. Elliott's eupport ers are correspondingly elated Sympathy With the Boers. Senator Teller introduced the follow ing resolution in the senate at Wash ington Wednesday: Whereiss, from the hour of achieving our independence as a people the people of the United States have regarded with sympathy the struggles of other people to free themselves fronm European domination; therefore, "Resolved, That we watch with deep and abiding interest the war between Great Britain and the South African republics, and, with full determination to maintain a proper neutrality between the contending forces, we cannot with hold our sympathy from the struggling people of the republics, and it is our earnest desire that the Government of the United States, by its friendly offices, offeredl to both Powers, may assist in bringing the war to a speedy conclu sion in a manner honorable to both Great Britain and the Southern African republics." A Strange Case A few days ago Gov. McSweeney is. sued a requisition upon the governor of North Carolina for Ben. Peake, a white man, now in jail at Releigh, who is wanted in Spartanburg on a charge of horsestealing, and appointed Deputy Sheriff Alfred Peake to act as the agent of the State and bring the man back. Wednesday Gov. McSweeney received a telegram from Mr. Dean, who is at Raleigh, stating that Gov. Russell had refused to honor the requisition. This is a very unusual proceeding, and Gov. McSweeney promptly wired to Gov. Russell asking him to please furnish him with his reasons for refusing to honor the requisition. No reply has yet been received. Delegates Appoinuted. At the request of the governor of Kansas, Gov. McSweeney has named the following delegates to represent this State at the 27th national conference on charities and corrections to be held in Topeka, Kansas, on May 18 to 24: J. A. Smyth, Charleston; F. S. Earle, Columbia; I. F. Williams, Greenville; Arch B. Calvert, Spartanburg; A. B. Stuckey, Sumter, and WV. H. Dukes, Orangebug. It will be noted that the governor has selected the heads of the municipal government of principal cities in the State. Te Strictly Cash. Terecent death of a member of a Sedalia, Mo., firm disclosed the fact that for thirty years the firm had kept no account books. It did a strictly cash business, and divided the day's re ceipts each night, share and share alike. When a bill of goods was purchased each member of the firm paid one-half BRYANtS. TOUR Addressed 30,COO People in Wash tcn One Day. HAS TRAVELED 8,000 MILES He Has Watched Democrati< Gains in Western States and Still Talks Free Silver, A dispatch from Lincoln, Neb., t< the New York Journal says William J Bryan returned recently to his homr from an absence that has been almos continuous since he took the stump ii the campaign of last fall. Hi2 wife an two children, who spent the winter a Austin, Texas, preceded him by arriv ing a few days before. Mr. Bryan said that his health ha never been better. He gave his atten tion last Thursday to the renovation o his home, preparatory to a rest of tw< months, beginning May 8, which will be unbroken by any political engage ments. His five weeks' tour, whici extended to the Pacific coast and ended yesterday in Kansas, represents the greatest distance ever covered by Mr. Bryan in any of his speech-makinq trips. In all he traveled 8,000 miles. HIS 8,000 MILE TRAVEL. Mr. Bryan left Lincoln on March 20 going first to South Dakuta, where h( delivered three speeches. He ther went west to Utah, where he spoke al Ogden and Salt Lake, after which he continued his weitern cour.e, going through to Sacramento, where he spoke. At that time he made but the one sto; in California, going northward immedi ately to Oregon and Washington, it which States he spoke in all the princi pal 6ities. Then south again to Cali fornia, speaking successively in Fresno, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Barnardi no, Santa Anna and Pomona. After leaving California the second time, Mr. Bryan turned eastward tc Arizona and New Mexico, speaking at Pheonix, Prescott and Albuqurque. He spoke twice at Austin, Texas, and coming north at Wichita, Kansas. his speech yesterday at Clay Centre, Kan., enied the tour. The most trying day of his tour was on April 2, in Washington, where he first spoke at New Whatcom at 9 a. m. Several stops were made en route to Seattle. Crowds had gathered at the depots and he addressed the people at each stop. In Seattle he spoke both afternoon and evening, and later re sponded to a toast at a banquet. It was 2 a. m. when he retired. Daring the day he had spoken to over 30,000 people. Mr. Bryan returns thoroughly enthused concerning the political out look in the Western States. le said: DEMOCRATS GAIN IN THE WEsT. "The growing opposition in the west to the Republican party is too apparent to be questioned. Instead of losing votes on the expansion question, the Democrats will make large gains. My trip has convinced me that we will car ry Washington without a doubt, while the chances of victory in Oregon arc growing every day. "The wage earners of the northwest find their expenses increasing, while the farmers who are getting no more for their crops find themselves the victims of numberless trusts when they come to spend the proceeds of their crops. One of my largest meetings was held in an empty nail mill. It had been bought by the trust and then closed down." HOLDS FIRM TO SILVER. During his tour, Mr. Bryan says, he found no inclination on the part of any of his supporters to abandon the silver question. It is his opinion that there are more opponents to the gold stand ard and the money trust today on the coast than when he visited there. The issue has in no way been blotted out nor even dimmed by later ones, and Mr. Bryan says he never makes a speech without touching on the three questions, money, trusts and imperial. Ism. Beginning next Monday Mr. Bryan will visit a few of the Central States for a week's speech-making, his itiner ary being as follows: Port Huron, Mich., Monday; D)etroit, Wednesday; Toledo, 0., Thursday; Valparaiso, Ind., Friday; Chicago, Saturday; Omaha, Monday. Most of these speeches will be at banquets. FARMING HIS RECREATION. In regard to the long rest he intends taking, he said that although he was in the best of health, he had enjoyed but little surcease from activity for some months, and considered it time to do so. His chief diversion will consist in as sisting in the care of a 30 acre tract of ground in the outskirts of town. Part of the ground is already planted in wheat, oats, corn and garden truck. He also has some chickens, and all of these will receive his personal atten tion. Mr. Bryan declines to discuss the matter of his attending the Kansas City convention or taking the stump, but from all indications he will be heard from during the coming campaign. Last Thursday he attended the installation of a lodge of Elks. Delegations from Omaha came to conduct the exercises. Mr. Bryan is one of the charter mem bers and directors of the local lodge. They Needed Him. A physician in Scott county, Kansas, recently moved to another part of the State because he could not make both ends meet in his practice; but his ser vices were so badly needed in the old field that the citizens circulated a peti tion asking the county commissioners to appropriate a bounty of $500 annual ly to the doctor on condition that he should return. The commissioners made the appropriation, and the doc tor has gone back to his former home. A Common Thing A woman in Galveston, Tex.. is said to have been sold at auction a t ew days ago for $40 and the authorietics are quite indignant over the affair but they are selling both men and women in the domain of that distinguished of ficeholder the Sultan of Sulu without so much as a protest. -Spartanburg CAVALRY HORSES SUFFER. The Chargers of Stubborn Fighters Were Reduced to Skeletons. The London Daily Telegraph's mili tary correspondent at Stellenbosch was ordered to inspect horses returned from the front and report if any or how many were again fit for service. Hle thus describes the result of his inspec tion: I will attempt no vividly drawn pic ture. But had you seen those bags of bones loominz through the twilight, on their way to the morning feed, it would have startled you no less than it did me-and would have brought before you more than any szht not actually in fighting line coul have done the hor rors of war. I take it for granted that you have sympathies for the horses as I well as for men. The less decrepit among this awful band of skeletons had been back from the front about a month, the worse cases about a fort night-representing, with others I saw yet to see, in great part the remnant of s Gen. French's good cavalry chargers I with which he forced his way to Kim berley. How those ragged frameworks still supported life, even on the improved diet of their present quarters, was in i itself a marvel. Yet most of them c moved forward, some even blithefully, r to their food-squeezing their gaunt t projecting hips into the crush along the feeding trough. Some few still bore I signs of wounds scarce healed. Their a detrainment at Picquetberg road must I have been a terrible experience. Sev- f eral were dead in the train. Eight died a at the station, a few more on the way to the farm, while on most days after- d wards one or more would succumb from s sheer weakness. t If it be true that the convoy 120 c wagons captured by the Boers on Riet f river contained the forage intended for the cavalry force, and that for upwards of fifty hours afterwards the horses of d the force had to continue their march I without any nourishment whatever, no t wonder they fell down to die by the I roadside in hundreds, or that this great d deed of the relief of Kimberly was cost- t ly to a degree that makes one shudder a for pity for the poor animals that had 1; to be sacrificed. THE ENTIRE FAMILY HUNG. A Mysterious Triple Suicide or Murder Case in Maryland. s f A shocking tragedy was discovered at a small farm seven miles from Cam- o bridge, 3d., Wednesday. A German family, consisting of Charles Kernig, Y his wife and his son, were discovered dead in their little farm house, each r having a noose about the -neck. t Strangulation Tas probably the cause of d death in each case. t John A. Tschantre, a jeweler of that a city, who owns the farm, discovered the bodies. He found Mrs. Kernig's s body tied with a rope to a door knob. 0 The son Carl was suspended from a bed r post in the same room, his body resting S upon the floor while his head was held a Itightly in a noose. In au nd joining room the body of the s elder Kernig was found hanging from a k hock. From the decomposed condition s, of the bodies it is thought the act must t: have been commitied several days ago. f, The last seen of either member of the i. family was on Saturday, when Carl d Kernig came here and drew $600 from ii a bank. No trace of this money can be v found today, and the authorities he- c lieve it was sent West to relatives. A small sum of money was found in e a purse in the pocket of M1rs. Kernig- r Many who saw the bodies today think e a murder has been committed. The t authorities, however, point to the state- t) nment of neighbors that each member of y the family was known to have been k despondent recently. They also believe Carl Kernig as sisted his father and mother to hang themselves, and then, by making a half 1 hitch with the rope, strangled himselfr and fell where his body was found. b Not Exactly an Encore. q When Artemus Ward was to lecture I in a little place in the far west, a bliz- " zard came up, and consequently the c audience was small. "After my leec- q ture," said Artemus, "I ventured to (. suggest to the chairman of the commit- 5 tee that the elements having been d against me that evening, I might re- c peat my talk later on in tha season. 11 After conferring with his fellow-coin- t< mitteemen, the chairman came back v and said to me: 'We haven't any ob- t1 jection at all to your repeating your lecture, but the feeling is that you had I better repeat it in some other town." C Negro Mutilated. Wednesday morning at 2 o'clock a crowd of citizens, numbering about 150, " visited the jail at Graham, N. C., and1 showing pistols in the face of the " jailer, demanded the keys of the jail. n Leaving the majority of the crowd ont the out~ide, four or five of the leaders ~ went quietly up to the cell of the ne-h gro Sellers, imnpxisoned for attempted t assault on a young white girl on the ~ outskirts of Burlington, and mutilated h him. There is no excitement. r Hill's Ambition. It is said that David B. Hill's am-Q bition for future political preferment s, will lead him to do all he can in the s< interest of carrying New York for Bry- g an in the next election. Should the t: state go Republican there would be lit- h tle prospect of future political triumphs ti for Hill. Medical College Scholarships. Gov. McSweeney has received a let- ti ter from Dr. F. L. Parker, Dean of the c' Medical college, notifying him that ~ there are seven vacancies in the col- D lege which arc to filled by appoint- tl mnent of the governor on the same terms a and conditions as were the appoint- I mnents of last year. Puts it Strongly. IBryan says: "The Republicans are D in control. If they want to do any- it thing with the trusts now is the time V to do it. If the party is inactive at g< this time with a campaign before it, li how can it be expectela to do anything ti I fer the campaign is over?" ir MiNE EXPLOSION. A Fearful Accident Causes Over Two Hundred Deaths. WOURNING IN EVERY HOUSE. ,offins Bought by the Hundreds and a Special Train Run to Carry Away the Dead. Over two hundrcd people, perhaps 25, were killed and over a score of thers were crippled for life by an ex >losion in tunnel No. 4 in Pleasant [alley Mines at Littletown, Utah, on Vednesday. Scofield, a half mile rom the scene of the accident, is turned nto a morgue. People are paralyzed vith horror. Not a family escaped the oss of a relative or a dear friend. The rork of rescue is progressing. So f ar, 01 bodies have been found. The explosion, which occuired in the nterior portion of the mine, is attribut d by some to the blowing up of a umber of kegs of powder. As fast as he bodies are reached they are taken o the boarding houses and other com >any buildings where they are dressed nd prepared for the coroner. In each nilding there are from ten to thirty ve bodies. Those identified have tags ,ttached to them bearing their names. )ne hundred coffins have been or ered from local undertakers to be ent at once to the scene of the disas er A special train bearing the seri usly wounded has started from Sco ield for Salt Lake City. W. C. Wilson, a mine owner, said: 'There was a rumbling noise in the .istance. I said to my partner an ex ilosion has occurred. -We ran to the unnel. We were none too soon in eaving the mine for after that the amp reached us some three or four ainutes before we reached open air, Imost suffocating us." The damp de %yed the work of the rescuing party, ut the magnitude of the disaster sooR ecame apparenL All men on the raise known as 'Pike's Peak," sbood close together. Le the foul air cleared from No. 1 the rork of rescue began and it was soon een that many of the miners had suf oated. Those in the l'wer level were warned f the explosion and made their escape efore the gaseous air reached them. ars were taken in and the dead loaded ato them aud brought to the mouth. Ls the bodies were brought out and ecognized by their respective families be lamentations were most heart ren ering. The mine has been worked ver twenty years an I has the reputa ion of being one of the best ventilated nd protected in the west. Harry Taylor, one of the injured, id: "I was repairing some track out n the dump when I started toward the iouth of the tunnel to get sone tools. uddenly there was an awful report and t the same time a black cloud filled ith rocks bore down on me like a treak of lightening. The next thing I new I woke up with a man pouring me brandy down my throat and I saw be boys lying all around me mourning >r help." The scene around the mine beyond description. Women chil ren and friends crowded around, weep 2g and wailing, excited beyond control, aiting to see if the next body brought uit was a loved one. The financial loss to the company annot at present be estimated. It is egarded as the worst disaster that has ver occurred in this part of the. coun y. The nearest approach to it was ie Southern Pacifie explosion five ears ago when over 100 men were illed. Rural Free Delivery. Four new divisions were established ist week owing to the growth of the ial free delivery. An order signed y the postmaster general establishes ur divisions, the eastern with head uarters at New York, comprising New |ngland, New York and Pennsylvania ith Special Agent IE. H. Hathaway in arge; the middle division, with head arters at Indianapolis, comprising hio and all states west of the Mis uri river, and the Southern states own to Louisiana, with F. M. Dice in barge; the Western division, compris ig states from Iowa and the Missouri >the coast, the headquarters at Den er, with Wn. E. Annin in charge; 2e Southern division, including eleven athern states, with headquarters at fahington, in charge of 11. Conquest Ilarke. Killed by a Constable. Tuesday afternoon Henry Bell, con able for Magistrate Rhodes, ,in Grove 'owship, Greenville county, S. C., ot and killed a negro, Pete Terry, ear Piedmont. The constable went >the negro's house to arrest him, hen Terry started toward him with a ammer. Bell fired at once and killed e negro almost instantly. Soon after ards Bell telephoned the sheriff that e would come to the the city and sur nder. _________ When Rogues Fall Out. The Spartanburg Herald says "if ay's friends carry out their threat to ~uttle Mark Hanna's ship subsidy ~heme in retaliation for the defeat of ay, it would strikingly illustrate the uth of the old adage which says that onest men get their dues when a cer i class of individuals fall out.." To Buy Davis' Home. At a meeting of the State Conven on of the Daughters of the Confedera hed at Opelika, Ala., Wednesday it as voted to buy the old Jefferson 'avis home at Montgomery. This was e first White House of the Confeder ,y. Mrs. John A. Kirkpatrick, of ontgomery, was elected president. Killed by an Electric Car. R. T. Bass, a prominent citizen of anville, Va., was killed in dismount g from an electric car at Norfolk, Va., ~ednesday. He was struck by a car ing in the opposite direction and ved but a short time. He was a re red business man and was there visit WILL GO TO LOUISVILLE. Gov. McSweeney to Accompany Our Veterans. The Monument. Gov.'McSweeney Thursday received the following letter from the secretary of the Chattanooga boa-a of trade: Chattanooga, Tenn., May 1, 1900. Gov. M. B. McSweeney, Columbia, S. C. Dear Sir: We are gratified to know that the South Carolina legislature has decided to erect a monument in honor of her gallant soldiers on the battlefield of Chickamauga. Please furnish us the names of the commissioners in charge, the probable date of the dedication, and inform us whether we may expect to be favored with your presence on that date. Should any Carolinians going to, or returning from the Louisville reunion, wish to stop over to visit the battlefield, please assure them of a welcome. The Carolinians resident of this city assure you that they will take part in making the dedication of the monument a suc zess. and if desired they will be aided by Forrest Camp U. C. V.; the Geor gia society: and the chamber of com merce, in each of which organizations I have the honor to be an officer. Respectfully yours, B. I4 Goulding, Secretary. Gov. McSweeney says that the com mission will have to visit Chattanooga early in June and go over the battle field, selecting the site of the monu ment. He has determined therefore to arrange the date so that himself and the other members of the commission can go with the veterans to the Louis ville reunion, stopping at Chickamauga on the way back. Gov. McSweeney and Gen. Floyd have been invited to go with Camp Sumter of Charleston and Gen. Walker in their car. This car will leave Charleston late on the night of the 28th inst., will come to Colum bia. The morning of the 29th at not later than 8 30 this car together with that of Camp Hampton and possibly others will be carried on to Spartan burg. There the Southern will make up the South Carolina division's special train and run it through to Louisville via Asheville, Morristown, Knoxville and Lexington on a quick schedule, reaching Louisville for breakfast on the morning of the 30th. All the members of the commission save Gov. McSwee ney are veterans and they are pleased with this arrangement. Tfiey antici pate a pleasant trip.-The State. Somnambulist Breaks an Arm. Miss Gertrude Willis, the thirteen year-old dauhter of Gideon T. Willis, fell from a second story window of her father's residence in Stone avenue about 10:30 Monday night, breaking both bones of her right arm about an inch above the wrist. She had retired and while walking in her sleep, came too near the window which was only a short distance from the flo-r and fell. Her mother who had just retired heard a heavy noise but did not realize what had happened. She rushed up to her daughier's room to determine the cause and was startled on looking out of the window to finad her lying on the ground outside. Mrs. Willis hurried out, to find her daughter in an unconscious condition. Miss Gertrude was brought into the house and a physician sum moned immediately. She soon recov ered consciousness and the broken arm was set. With the exception of the broken arm, and barring the shock, she was not injured. She is now resting easy. Miss Wilj had frequently walked in her sleep, and her mother was always. anxious about her, but she had never before met with an accident. -Greenville News. . A Horrnble Accident. Mrs. Wilson, the wife of General James H. Wilson, the military gover nor of 31stanzas Province, was so badly burned last week while driving from her home to the General's office that she died a short time afterward. It ap pears tbat a match was lying on the bottom of th6 carriage, and it is sup posed that Mrs. Wilson stepped on it, whereupon her dress took fire and be fore the blaze could be extinguished she was terribly burned. Mrs. Wilson, accompanied by her daughter, left home dressed in thin light cloth ing suitable to the climate. When near her husband's headquarters the match was ignited, and within a few seconds her body was enveloped in flames. Before any one could assist her Mrs. Wilson was dreadfully burned about her face and body. She was taken to her home, where, after suffer ing intense agocy, she died at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Miss Wilson escaped without injury. Bishop Capers Chosen. All South Carolina veterans-indeed all the veterans of the Confederate army-will be delighted to know that Bishop Ellison Capers of the diocese of South Carolina, the distinguished ex Confederate general, who is now one of the most eloquent and forceful divines in the country, has been selected to de liver the memorial sermon at the Con federate reunion at Louisville, Ky., on Sunday, June 3. Gen. Gordon, com manding the U. C. V., has notified the bishop of his appointment and the lat ter has accepted the duty. A Jegro's Atrocious Crime. Asthur Coleman, colored, was lodged in jail at Saluda Tuesd'ay evening upon a warrant sworn out by his wife, charg ing him with a most detestable crime. The child accompanied her step-mother to the magistrate's office and appeared to be very much excited because of her father's threats to kill her because she refused to lay the charge of illicit rela tions to another man. Fight on the Stump. Judge W. N. Spence of the Albany, Ga., circuit running for reelection and J. E. Donaldson, is a candidate for the place, engaged in a joint debate at that place Monday. In the course of the debate Donaldson said Spence lied, and a red hot fist fight resulted. Doni aldson was pretty badly used and Spen er escaped without damage. There may be further developments. Smothered in a Mine. A special from Bluefields, W. Va., says: The mine casing in Pine Run Mne, on Toms Creek, took fire, and J. E. Montgomery, of Jackson, Ohio, and W. A. Thompson, of Roanoke, Va. ere smothered to death. 2everal thers were overcome by the smoke, but wer rescud and reassitated. AN UNFORTUNATE AFFAM. Rev. W. E. Johnson, of Bamberg, Kills Wm. T. Bellinger. Rev. W. E. Johnson, Pastor of the Baptist Church at Bamberg, shot and killed Mr. William T. Bellinger, court stenographer for that judicial circuit, on the streets of that town last Friday with a shot gun. The first and princi pal witness at the coroner's inquest was Mr. Joe Brown. He testified that he went to Rev. Mr. Johnson's house Friday morning to see him relative to some trouble Johnson had the previous day with the deceased's father, John R. Bellinger, Esq.; was told by Mr. Johnson that he had been badly treated by Mr. Bellinger; did not advise him as to what course to take. They then went to the postoffice together. To the question of Solicitor Townsend as to whether he got a pistol at the postoffice, he replied that he had. Did not know .to whom it belonged. "Was in my buggy when I saw Willie T. Bellinger crossing campus' of fitting school and Mr. Johnson coming out of his house, opposite, having a shotgun. Mr. Bellinger drew his pistol and fired at Mr. Johnson once before the latter fired." Thinks the second shot from Mr. Bellinger's pistol was simultaneous with the report of Mr. Johnson's shot gun. Mr. Bellinger fell immediately, and witness thinks he was shot once after he fell. Upon being questioned, Mr. Brown replied that he provided himself with the pistol on account of trouble he expected at his place with a hand. Mr. Johnson returned to his house after the trouble was over. Dr. B. D. Bronson testified that upon being called to the place of the trouble Mr. Bellinger lived about 30 seconds or a minute longer. "I knew he was mortally wounded; found 20 wounds on his right side, 12 from back shot, the remainder from smaller shot, penetrating the right lung and liver. Col. Robert Aldrich, retained by the defendant, was present at the inquest. The verdict of the jury wasThat de ceased came to his death by a gunshot wound at the hands of W. E. Johnson. Mr. Johnson has been pastor of the Baptist church for three years. The deceased is about 25 years old, and is the son of John R. Bellinger, Esq., attorney. Another aceount says trouble between the two began Friday over the painting of aline fence between the premises of John R. Bellinger, father of the deceased, and the Baptist parsonage, at which time it is said hot words were passed and a pistol was drawn by Bellin ger. Friday morning as young Bellinger was returning from the postoffice to his father's residence Mr. Johnson, armed with a double barreled shotgun, aecosted him in front of the Carlisle Ftting school, a few words were passed, a few shots were exchanged and young Bel linger lay dying on the ground with a smoking pistol in his right hand. After the shooting occurred Mr.. John son walked quietly into his house, un hurt, and remained there until about 1 o'clock when he went down to the jail and surrendered to Sheriff Hunter. As to how the affair started and as to who shot first there is considerable diversity of opinion, but it is generally claimed that Mr. Bellinger shot first and that Mr. Johnson only shot once. Bel linger's pistol had four empty chambers and he probably shot four times, twice at least after he had fallen mortally wounded. Bellinger was struck in the right side by twelve buck and eight small shot, which penetrated his lungs and liver, causing almost instant death. The families connected with the un fortunate affair are two of the most prominent and infinential in the town. THE LOUISVILLE REUNION. Some Facts About Southern Railway Trains from This State. The Columbia Record says several members of Camp Hampton have re ceived letters from Confederate soldiers who happen to be members of no camp or who have not otherwise been in formed, asking for facts as to the rates, etc., for the Confederate reunion at Louisville. For their information and that of all others interested the following facts were obtained from Colonel Cardwell last Thursday: The Southern railway will run two trains from Columbia, that is the reg ular and a special train which will leave the union depot at 8:30 a. in., May 29. They will run solid to Louis ville via Spartanburg, Asheville and Lexington, Ky. It is expected that all who intend to take the trip from Columbia and points south and east of it ,will concentrate here in time to take the 8:30 train on the 29th. Others to whom Spartan burg will be more convenient to reach are expected to assemble in that city and join the party which wilt reach that city from Columbia. Bnth trains will be scheduled to reach Louisville the next morning in time for breakfast. There will be ample sleeping car ar rangements for all who desire such ac commodations, but all who want to avail themselves of them should send in their notificiation to Colonel Card well at once. The best possible service will be given in this particular, if due notice is given in advance that it is de sired. . . The price for the round trip will be $11.5. Tickets will be on, sale May 27, 2S and 29, and will be good to return until June 8. The Southern has a double daily service be tween Louisville and Columbia, one train leaving in the morning and the other in the-evening. Tickets will be good on either of these trains. It is expected that at least-twenty-five will leave here with Camp Hampton, but the rate is good for any Confeder tte soldier or son of veteran, and ladies and citizens as well. Colonel Cardwell will be glad to give ny further information desired, but generally everything necessary may be learned from any agent of the Southern. Nark Hanna's New Role. "I was opposed to giving Mr. Qay a seat" says Mark Hainna, "because un ir the constitution he was not entitled to a seat." This is enough to bring laughter even from the gods in the gal lery. What is the constitution to Hanna or Hanna to the constitution? paanbr Herald. TWENtY KILLED. Filipinos Slay Two Thirds of American Garrison. 30 BESIEGED BY HUNDREDS. For Days They Heroically Resisted Fire and Bullets. Finally Rescued by a Handful of Men. An Associated Press dispatch from Manila last Wednisday says the Ameri can garrison at Catubig, islani of Sa mar, consisting of 30 men belonging to the Forty-third regiment, has been at tacked by rebels. Twenty of the Am ericans were killed. The remainder were rescued. The Americans were quartered in the Catubig church, which the enemy, numbering several hundred men, surrounded and fiercely attacked. The Americans fought for two days and then the rebels managed to ignite the roof of the church and it burned away and finally fell upon those inside the edifice. The walls remained intact, however, and were used as a shelter by the besieged Americans for three days longer, the enemy attacking the build ing on all sides at once. The Ameri cans continued firing from the windows and doors of the church and did great cxecution among the Filipinos. It is estimated that over 200 of the latter were killed, many dead bodies being re moved from the scene of the fighting. After five days' resistance by the Americans a lieutenant and eight men arrived from Laoan and engaged the besiegers, who thereupon retired. The fortuate arrival of these reenforcements prevented -the annihilation of the Am erican force entrenched in the church who had repeatedly declined to surren der when ordered to do so by the Fili pinos. The ten survivors were without food, had little ammunition and were physically exhausted when relieved. This fight has encouraged the Filipinos, who are 'now acting in an aggressive manner and threatening that section of the coast particularly the town of Cats mara, whence the garrison probably will be withdrawn to Laoan. A dispatch from Washington says Gen. Otis has so far not reported to the war department the casualties sustained by the American garrison at Catubig. The officials believe that ne has been holding back the news with the object of supplying it with the names of the siege. The loss reported in killed is the most severe suffered by the Ameri can forces since the beginning the insurrection, but even so, zhe ciais at the war department could not but express their admiration for the heroie endurance and courage displayed by the little garrison. The department is not informed as to the composition of this particular garrison, having only a iough statement from the commmanding general of the disposition of eaci regiment among cer tain islands, without particulars of the loation of each company.. The officers at the department 'who have seen ser vice in the Phillippines are not sur prised at the fact that an officer with eight soldiers was able to raise the siege. They say that the Filipino. were probably dismayed at the extent of the punishment inficted upon them by the garrison before the relieving party came, and then they supposed it was but the advance guard of a formad abie force and ran cif. FOUR 310EE KILLD. A dispatch received at Manila Thurs day from Iliolo reports that a desperate fight took place at Leambanao ia the centre of the Island of Panay. It ap pears that a reconnoitering part of the Twenty-Sixth infantry was surrounded and that four of the Americans were killed and that sixteen others severely wounded were left on the field. The remainder of the soldiers had a narrow escape. The dispatch adds that reen forcements were sent from Iliolo as soon as news of the affair were received whereupon the Filipinos retreated to their mountain stronghold. Assassination. W. H. Culton, State Auditor Sweeney's clerk, at Frankfort, Ky., in dicted as accessory to the Goebel mur der, testified in the hearing of the mo tion for bail in his case Wednesday af ternoon and gave some sensational tes imony. Culton's testimony followed fter the motions for bail in the cases f Powers, Davis, Youtsey, Whittaker nd Combs had been overruled. An order was entered transferring the rosecutions against them to George town for trial on a change of..venue. ulton said: "Henry Youtsey told me that Goebel ould be killed. I told him that it ust not be done. I told Gov. Brad ley what Youtsey said, and Bradley said: 'My Go.i, this must not be done.' outsey afterwards said there was nething in it." The witness told of another conver sation with Youtsey. who came with Barton of Breckinbridge county. 'Youtsey said he had the greatest scheme yet; that Goebel cmuld be shot fromn the secretary of State's office and nobody would ever know who did it." "At a meeting in Powers' office I presided, and the question of provid ing boarding places for contest wit nesses was discussed. B. B. Burton pulled out a handful of cartridges and said: "A few of these turned loose in the proper place would soon settle this ontest' .Tust Like Them. The declaration of the Massachusetts onvention, that we must hold the Philippine islands for the philanthrop cpurpose of lifting its savage inhabi tats to the plane of our own civiliza ton, is quite in keeping with the tradi tonal policy of the Massachusetts peo ple, while, on. pleasure bent, to have a rgal mind. The islands are rich and they want them, and it is exceedingly handy to have gie islanders in need of civilizing influences. They will go on eiviizing them until they have made many thousands of millions of dollars out of them, when they will leave it to thirster-aity toiv'dize them a little