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111ItI.ISIIES ALL COUNTYAi)T\' OFFICIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. M A NNING, . C.: WieDNESDAY AU.i.1, 1tt Notice is hereLy given that no advert isenents will be hereafter changed in this paper where the copy i brought in later than Sat urdav n0011. Farmers. Farmers we call your special atten tion to the following articles as the cotton picking season is now at hand and many of you in distant parts will need sueh supplies to let out to cot ton pickers. Splendid grade green coffee at Sets per lb. very nice grade rice at jte per lb. splendid flour at $4.00 per bbl. a nice flour at 3.50 per bbl.50caddies of the famous wild duck plug Tobacco at 3c per lb. this is undoubtedly one of the greatest sellers in plug tobacco we have ever offered to the trade. We have just got in five thousand pounds choice while sides which we offer to the trade much cheaper than thev can buv the same meat in Char leston, now this sounds big. but if you give me a trial I will prove it to you. We get meat and flour by the car, and we sell it just as cheap as it can be bought inl Charleston. We carry the largest and inost complete line of dry goods of any house in this town, and we are prepared to name close prices on dry goods and shoes than any house in this town. Yours truly. W. E. JENKINSON. The town police have been supplied with new clubs. Mr. J. Harry Lesesne has accepted a po sition in the store of the Est. of M. Lev:. Mr. Plimer Clark who is now working in Charleston spent last Monday in town. Miss Virginia Fischer of Charleston is in Manning visiting the family of Mr. A. 11. Breedin. Fresh turnip se-d, at Rhame's drug store. Dr. Walter Brow., of Annis-ou, Ala., is in Manning on a visit to his biother, Dr. W. E. B3rown. Ho! for a good time. Take advantage of the excursion to the --Isle of Palms" on September 5th. Mr. Lucius Harvin has returned honie from Baltimore, where he has been attend ing a business college. Mr. Tommie Tisdale, of Packsvillie has moved to Eastover where he will engage in the mercantile business. Miss Mollie Avant left this morning for New York to get all the new fall styles for Kendall's millinery parlor. During an electric storm last Friday af ternoon, lightning struck a large oak in the yard of Rev. James McDowell. With every pair of shoes you buy of Kt n dall's Racket store from $1.25 up, you get P pac ce of glass ware fully worth 25cts. Bird Cages at cost. \lanning Hardware Cc. Summerton and Elloree played a match game of ballahst Friday which resulted in a score of 20 to 6 in favor of Summnerton. Go to Brockinton's for a delicious and re freshing drink, when heated. Married last Wednesday even ing,by Rev. W. A. Pitts, at the residence of the bride, at Jordan, Mr. John June and Mrs. Theodosia Peagler. The first cotton on this market reached here last Friday; one bale went to S. A. Rigby for which he paid 52 and the other went to J. W. McLeod. A matrimonial cyclone struck Jordan last Sunday evening, and when it passed ovec, it was ascertained that two charming widows had been carried away. Fresh Rutabaga seed,Rhbame's drug .,tore. Mannin'g has a wholesale grocery estab lishment which we have no doubt will be a great convenience as well as a tine busines' investment. It will be a chartered institu tion. The sermon preached last Sunday morn ing in the presibyterian church by Rev. G. A. Blackburn of Columbia, was a strong presentation of his subject, and .L master piece of oratory. Fruit cans 50c. per dozen at Man ning Hardware Co. Married last Sunday evening, at the residence of Mr. C. R. Sprott, at Jordan, by Rev. W. A. Pitts, Mr. John D. Gerald, of Camden. and Mrs. Trifosa Few, widowed daughter of Hon. C. 3L. Davis, of Davis. Why stay bot? when you can get cool quick and easy at Brockinton's up-to-date soda fount. Mr. Lucius C. Roach, traffie manager for the Charleston Consolidated .tailway Gas, and Electric Co., was in town yesterday, im the interest of the excursion to the Isle o1 Palms on September 5th,which is advertis ed in another column. Make baby's birth qu ick, easy and almos1 painless by taking Simmons' Squaw \Vine WVine or Tablets. Sold by Dr W M1 Brock inton. There was a game of base ball played al Panola last Thursday, between Panola and Elloree, which was witnessed by a large crowd. Panrola won by a score of 23 to 13. On account of rain the game was stopped on the seventh inning. Neill, the famous juggle with cottou eral figures, clain.3 that this yeaurs crop mray reach 12,040,J bales, which if near cor rect means four cent cotton for those whc toiled to make it, and large fortunes for ti speculators and manufactures. Always destroy the dread of becoming: mother by taking Situmons' Squaw Vin Wine or Tablets. Sold by Dr WV M Broek inton. The Secretary of War has wired Gover nor McSweeney to rec.minend two officers from each of the l-ite Souti Carolinara ments, to serve in the Philippines. Thb friends of Mr. A. C. Davis hsve recommen d ed him for the governor's consideration. Anti-rust tinware, a positive guarante, against rust goes with each article sold a Manning Hardware Co. Supervisor Owens contemplates puttini the chain gang at work in tge woods to hev timber to build new bridges. It is his pur pose to give the county a bran new set o bridges before his present termu e>:pires There is nothing hike good roads ant bridges in a community. Lake City is at last to get her post odie. reopened. Mrs. C. W.- McClam will be ap pointed postmaster. It is said that Mr McClam is personally known to Presideni McKinley and through this acquaintanc the fourth Assistance Postmaster Generu has decided to re-open the Lake City office The citizens of that town are much grat: fed in the governmuent's both th opening of the office, and the appointmen In diarrhoea Dr M A Siommons' livt medicine is invaluable, It gives tone the stomach. ails digestioO and assists n ture in carring~. orf all implurities. Sol by Dr W M1 Urockinton. Last Sunday afternoon about ti;'e o'eloc Mr. L. P. Wooluble was sitting on his pia; za talking to his faily, when very sudder -ly he complained of feeliug unwell. an d a few monmats life was extinct. TIhe di cese ...s Mabu +ft eve years of age, an in;4 uonet w\i;! ta.kv n 'e hat !ya vote my% 0r:"!ire, tim:n t it th V'0::-2 . 1 and01 rat SE". J 1:1 \NE. uvdy . .veryv unfortunmate, :W1an hajee MIr. T. .Ti e.a harLl % worki-ng farmt vin about ft:!r!, of .anni on; last Thr~a veing1. when-' h e h: Im h-: at hN tobace barn, I inre aleVng to -0 t1 the Lit* he was vt 1'rtieu ar to : t every.thing wats in ( lier, and in a .s'ttieh rer i ati Ir atl f d it in a rOAtriM:z I does irst know how to aeimst tor th i*r The barn wa :,A tull ai it coulI ho[ i his lo1 . i - fu i tv :: . Simmnons' Sinatvw Vin- Win,- ori'be are efeciv, leanit to t:tke., :t.ral I'ro-11u, W '1 Bro Ackiton. The telephon( ;y-te iv' ine . a . ranzd::t Unc, eOrect line., :1,ll on point and arn a da adnl tfre p.6ny tha.t Canl rsupply th- very late-st i~sti" rnsat su a S"'igt cot that n( w% rigutlatedi buinss or hm 'ould do witi out it. To ring' up a doctor at miiuidgl ten tuies way would alone pay fr tL conveience. To preiare a rL.81 t1oi t .2 we, ar41 t wi a mother. gi've h t s \'it Wi ur T 1able s. Sld by Dr W Dr1 NMroel mton. Mr. J. T. Stui , Jr., has rece:vil troi Governor MeSweerney the beneticiry scho arshi) to the South Carolina .\ledical Co Iege in Charlton. ir. Stus receivA this appointmetnt I let vear, but through a oversi-ht in the governor's o1i10,h t l Governor Ellerbe also gave the appoIn tuent for thi.s district to a young ian fro. Marion, and unir the rules, there ca only be one from a district, Governor E lerbe's mistake caused the ftcilty, the C. ernor, and 31r. Stuk's considerable embai assatent, and at mefting of the faculay .1: Stukes' appointient w;as rejected an Governor Ellerb a ivi-d to maake an al pointment for the first distriet which h had failed to ilL The gCovernor eudeavoi ed to get the fa ulty to accept Ir. Stulke which thev nec lined to do on the groun that he did not live in that i'striet; thet was miuch correspondene and! G vercn Ellerbe tefas- I to make an apxte for the first distt', and at the s.ttni-- tUt poiise'd to give Ir. Stakes the a pointment for thisyear. Goavernor Elierb died before the time arrive I to make th appointment, but his private Secretary ir formued Governor McSweeney of the ci cumstances, aud the late governor S pron is'', whereupon Governor MeSweeney fe cal:ed upon us a miltter of simple jnsticc I recognize Mr. Stukes' claim and appoin ed him accordingly. There was seven al pointme:1ts to ma:1ke and for these plac the Gov, rnor had sixty five applications. IMr. r.nd Irs. B. Lackamp. Elston,MLd -vrie: "One Minute Cough Cure save tl life of our little boy when nearly dead wil croup." D. 0. :thaime, $lummnerton; D W. 31. Urcekinton. llanning. A spirit of restlssness has plaCel I trembling hands upon the shoulders of few moneved men in this town. and th< are beginning to look about them for icar to invest. It is a self evident fact t!) Manning, as long as she depenads eitire upon an agrcultural support cannti 't mial as rapid strides towards popiuit:on at wealth, as if she had othvr sourcs au Imeans to support ber. A town depe:nde,! entirely upon the products of the far must cling, more or less, to the crc-lit s. te: a system which is snail-like in i movemenits, and in this day of rush an push, it is run over and outdistanced, b fore it shows any signs of lIfe, besides b inc to slow for the times the credit systetn is injurious to both, merchant and fairm' Therefore to get out of paths that h ive a ready been troddin too long, a few bus ness men are wanting to indu-:e others t join them in building up an I startin small mtanufacturing industries. A yar: till is slooken of. such ana an-t"tuion en: ploys a considerable iamounat of l abor, doe's a cordage mill, a factory to makett ba thread, back bands, cotton c arp-tin;a, ati maov other articles oi us-e which iud read'y sale, and pay large ii lends to tl owners of stock. A ya mill in lor county, recently decl.are.1 a dividend of per cent, certainly a1 very enteirt ives ment.lIf a mial in York can pa. -tneh dividend, it can do ,o here. Thease fact< ries have thi'. eti-.L ti thtecommnty;lt ti; farner ins~tea-l 0f planting cotton can mmt. het vegetables, ruit-. loraige, poultry, ea wood and number.s of other thinagt, whtc a thickly populated to'..n must have, a'! for which the- ready c-a is paid, TIhe then salaries o "Ito operatives is spenfti the toavn, ma'king a maoney circuleatia twelve months. in the y.ear, insteada of thre, The result of thi's w.ould be to nalake co:n petitionl more a1ctive, credit would be give entrelv upo n mrit ind integrity, and i: stead of every Tom, Dick~ and ILu'ry wvit a bull-ox coming to to'.wn and getting lien, the merchant w.'ould not be so ainxior to do such a business, because he wod. pree to '-eli his goods at shorter protit with qjuicke.r sales, and hear the ring certainty in his moaney drawers. We nee manuactun' industaies and those coi teplating sttch, should be encourag-d i every poss.ible way. There is only _ot way. to tbuild up a town, and that way is build it. De.\\itt's Little Elarly Riise'rs benefit ih manently. They lend gentle ~as'istance nature, causing no pai or weakne..s, pe manently curing constipation antd liver' al ments. D. 0. lhame, tsummerton; Dr. \ 31. Brockinton, M1anning. Pinaewood Points. Editor Tul 'fTms: We have had some line amnusI ments since my long silence. The ice cream festival given by ti ladies of the Presbyterian chlur( proedl weuces In spite of tl. gloonmy wather there were not war out, but those who had the pleasut of participating of the cool ices pas Ied off the evening very pleasantly. The proceeds which am~iouted 825.00 will go towards the erection< a new place of worship. Quite an excitement arose in ot community last Tuesday, its it is de. Idays, and such flue hot weather it fine exercise chasing mad dotgs ovi corn andl cotton fields, w'.hy rot ha' some every other day, atnd if the: are any points required I wvill reif you Messrs C. L. G3riflin, .Samu'el \ Barron, Adolph Stack and others wl had the pleasure of combating with mad dog the evening mnctionis thoughi they proved a failure in ea: tuing him. A fine game of ball was played< our diamond last Wednesday Priv teer tnd Pinewood. The game w very exciting to the liuish, our bo2 deeating~ them 12 tol11. Our pitch Jim Griflin wvas in iine form and he he visitors down only allowing or man base on balls. Sam Osteen tl twirler for the visitors pitchied til ball thioughl was poorly. supporte T hre we~re some ine features eu nected w'.ith the game. TheI playil of our b)ovs on the diamnond was. s peb, antd'they deserve. i edit to bo them-elves and Pinewo'.od, havii such little practice. This- beiug~ t 2 nd gam we only lost onei, that wvi PtnOla, bitt we hope to cross b with thiem soon1 atnd make it muorei Wie hope to play the surro'undi teams before the season is over. 'T no it of the M~ethlodist church v a occupied by Iev. J. G. Beckwith lasi r-Snayv m~rt ing' aid evoling who preaebedan x lrt Sermon to a highy appreci auldienICe. 101 lectured at night on the ioveent of the 20th c, iturv. of wici the hearers L Wr'e well pl'sci. 1 ev. 11eekwith aing-l many frien:s in Pinewood, -n will lahVas he we lcoei-d in our commun)'' 'flity. ad m.a he have good r luck in tie tifld of ltbor. t1 Iiss Carrie Legg i oe of Manning's : fair daughters, spent yesterday in - town tle guest of Mrs. II. T. Stack. r Iisses Lizzie Nelson and Ria Scott of MIaining is visiting 'Miss Neomie yBrougihton. We had several visitors it the cornmniity Sulnday of whichT I Will iot mUen1tioll for lack of space, will cone to an end itn hopes- of e bright prospects for future. 1: r .E. \\'. u Piewo,d, S. C., Aug. 7, 1899. it .4-. Hlis Life V1t Saved. t Mr. . I . Lilly, a pro:nin ent cit:z -n (f . linibal, .\Mo.,'latly iha :t wondeirfu de-t livvrance from at frig'htfull decath. Inl tcl -n f it hv says: -I was taen wth T phold 1r. tii ran into Pneumonia. My - ng- becam haridend. I was -o wea I it coni't e-ven sit up in ld. Nothing belp-. e "a i.. I e-me i) to soon die of onsump ., ti n i, ii I hea rd of Dr. Kin"'s New 1) Scover .Ont t I l ave -ret reief, I con tainue2 to i. i ad now ami w ell and tron.g. I cn't say too onneh in its pIt"s-. This nrmarvels medici:no is the surest aid qmtckent inr- in tie world for all throat n mid ilun troti 2e. I-gular size ;,Octs an d S$1.0. Trm botte free at R. 1,. LOryea'S drug stC vev-ry bottle gurItee. 2 slages of Water. n Caiden. Aug. 11, 8 a. m.-Height p 0 of Wateree river, 4 feet, being a n1 rise of 2-10 of a foot during past 24 - hours. Aug. 14. 8 a. im.-Height of Wat- s eree river, 5 feet, being a fall of C S-O of a foot during past 24 hours. C IColumbia, Ang. 11. S a. im.-Heiglit of Coigaree river, 2-10 of a foot, be ing a rise of 1-10 of a foot (luring past 24 hours. A Aug. 14. 8 a. im.-Height of Conga roe river, 5-10 feet, being a fall of 3-10 a foot during past 24 hours. St. Stephen's, Aug. 11, 8 a. im. Height of Santee river, :'-10 feet, be ing a fall of 2-10 of a foot during past e )4 hours. - 31other Tells How She Saved Her Little Daughter's Life. t I in the inother of eight children and A 1 have had a grt-at d: al of experience w.tb s - medicines. L-ts snum-r my little daugh- p >- ter hIt the dysent-ry in its worst form. h S We thonght she would die. I tried every- n thin. I could think of, iut nothing seemed a to do her any good. I saw by an adver -, usement in oir paper that Chamberlain's e Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was h highv ro-n-nded and sent and got a - botteat once. It proved to be one of the very best nidcines we ever had in the :nous. It saved imy litLLI daughter's life. I an anxious for ~every mother to know what an exCellent medicine it is. Had I known it at first it would have saved tue a It 'trat deal of anxiety and my little daugi t tr iinuic siif'ring. Yours truly, Mrs. Geo. ' F. Burdie'., Librty, R. 1. For sale by R. d D. Loryeai,drgit d it The man who is satisfied with hi self is verv easily satisfied. d A Rlemarkale Case'. - ~ Antioc, 3Miss., July 1, 1808. 1 want to thank you for the great benefit I have rece-ived tront y-our wond-rful remt ledv, enedieta. I was induced to try a bot tle,-n iit beneetited nine so rinuch I used an other -nd I atm now entirly- well. There is certanly- no mnedicine like it and I can recmmend it to all womien- it M3res. BUrrm Lisosiox. "old by 11. 13. Lorye-a. dHappiness often consists of beinrg next in a crowded barber shop. - Gun-shot wounds and powder burns,I e- uts, bruises, spratins, wvounds froni rusty I nails, insec't stitngs aind ivy poisoning. qicklyd hi-aled ii~y DeWitt's Witch Hazel 3 a-lve Po-itivel ivtpevn ts bloodi poison- Im Ig - e ware of meounterufeits. "DeWitt's'' s -, -f' :. n sure. D. 0. Rhamte, Sum mer- tI to; [Dr. W. 31. likoekinton, 31anning. al a 'sa isefahe that knows as a 1 For hietulache caused :nost likely by a i1 -dsrde-red ston:aeh, accotinie-d by con t Stip ation,. ise Dr M A imuiiions' liver nied - -cie Sod by Dr Wi MI Brockinton. Wihere ignorance is bliss, it's follyw to establish night school.c I The soothing and herding properties of Ch. brin's Cough Remedyrt, its [pleasant I tas'te aind prompt anud periianent cures, . iv n. L. Ce it a great favorite with the leo- &i ni pie' everywheLIre. For sale~ by 1t. B. Lo ryeai, c drugis. * Fools rush in wheire anrgels would ' not care to be caught by the police. r-ave yon a pl.t of yor lmnd on record? If riot, you shonal have it done. Reason-. r. abe rates andr good service are offered you. . E J. nowxs Surv-evor. 3lanrning, -8. C. t N otic of Discharge, a On the 7th day of Sept. 1 0, I will tap piv to the Probate Judge for Clarendon cornty for letters of discharge as adminis traitri: ot the estate ot J1. ii. 31eFaddin, a 31. 11. SHANNON. ar in-'a- Aug. 3d, 1873t. , e .J 1 Gral in, Lanenster, S C, says: For 18 y Aiar 1 live use-d and reconiruended Dr 31 a 'S'-ut-n-' lver umiiemen ti all paminters e - 'V-i - iM' ii-i-i e fo! r painter' c-rlc anrd -torpiliver'~ti. I tIn-i it tr sutr ior to Zeil ns. Sold Iby Dr Wi 31 Uro(ck~ior. - Stra ho its u.-u:xlly showv which way the wind blow-i. ao 'iiC-n't ceiC- 'lysiepsiar by dnig. Eat ''0 wi lesome- feed -nil plenty it it. I Dy1).eps--ia L':r- diige- f-od withoutt I tr i~ th sto:ieb, and is'ttide t ir eire. f D.I (. lib-alnu, i-ui0tett'on;- D.) - . - 31. ri - iti, Mmlining. The shorot er a mant is- in his -accounts the longeri it takes to find him. o A -, t s-mme.t and iXwC in-,1 good a atiit. the.Wt vu ' 1v-~e iOpn and tr c b. --n'-re.--i-na <i--e of Dr M1 - Simmoiiins' 'ver min. ' hl by Dr WV 31 lrockin- e n Some-i old fashione1d( folks, like bal - t ig- irls Iee their fortunesO in their~ s Cari in tirngamdy lhas saved r !.-ne i hu-andis.- of croupy c- hibdinen. j it al. wti:: t :tr egnalm tor cols aind .1.hI-paig coagh. For sale 1 yIR. U. Lot e ~ y OtdruaK. [janlay The 1 troule martke-t is easy, and it cani alwayms be borrowed at low rates.I iat muight lav-e- un"---if thrit little chn- adn't been neitetd--is the sad ri l -in if th' nsindi 0t On It1mm.h- ( imh (Cur- enres coughs and . i\ A teaia manager1 is ailways. known byv the colimany lhe keeps. - To la-p v\un i~ - -eep well, keep) theC n., mme mthe h oly ruddy antd we il fed, a-ndl with Dr 31 A Simiionis Imvern mei.dicine eglte t be stmahnd bowels. Sol by. 'a~~ JBIAN TEA cures Dyspep sia, Constipation and Indi estion. Rvulates the Liver. Price,25cts. Sold by RI. D. Loryea. A t(ntIog 31:itnn: Guards ! leadquarters : aing (;iards, tlaning, S. C., Ang't 1, 1-99. a iry orl.rk' I to n 1t at your - 'r every Saturtdav at 4 ,'clock until us- (ord1r is cna . liing all the guns By orlr of V. -I. L~wrs, J. (. GaIIAHr , Captain. First Notice 1o Telellers. 1 te Tecrs of CI:iendot in County: I :ave lan direct d by tie State Super At-lndenlt f Ennto to say. to aill teachi - in ( Clarendi.iOl elnty thait tht Stte 0ard of E Ineal on h;s niadle it ouLiatory pon all t-a;cWhers to atherl the Conty In ttute or Snwtatr Schiol; a-d inlaass they atttendI their certiti oin cannot be rt wed nle~SS the ca ieSome SaItisfac rv (xc.iI'e to the Sit:' Snperintetient Ednention for nion-a'ttendanlce. So it I b': eeia th tlist power of ren -:wing nehte'.- riticat as h;-, rItotore vested the County loard of E ineation, has -en taken awa.. The Conaty Ir.stttnto will convene in inning on August 17th prompitly at 9 . hope that a foll attendance tieachers will meeat us on the first day of L. L. Wox~.s, Co. Supt. (f Education. An Unsolicited Testinouial. I take pleasure in :,tating tait I pur iased of R. 1. Lory(-a, the druggist, itrnatio-ial Ponitry Food and it proved -rv beneticia: in removing Cholera from y chickens, and up to this time they have n free from it, and I expect to use the oltrv. Food in the future. T. J. TISDALE. Ianning, S. C., Augnst 4, 1899. We carry a full line of International :ock anLd Poultry Food, Heave Cure. >lic Cure, 1larniss Soap, etc. R. B. LORYEA, D (ruggist. nother Grand Forward flovement at COLUMBIA, S. C. JOHN A. RICE, PRESIDENT. Prices reduces nearly 25 per cent. for xt year. Modern appointments, coim rts 'and e'quipments. New infitmary. igh standard in thirteen Departments. ble Faculty (if specialists Best homelike, W.11 anti religious inilueices. Closest eronal attention to every student. Those ving daughters to educate can't afford to iss seeing the new catalogue. Sent on plicition. 9-3t. ASTORIA For Infants and Children. he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ignature of , The Pub ic QeneraIly, Exacting, economical and critical buyers iclued, are urgently requested to call and amine our late arrivals of New and Seasonable Styles iDress Goods of all kinds, Organdies. ereales, Duck. Lawns. Vassar Checks, iques, Organdiie Adalisque, Shirting nts, etc. Or Notion line is complete for you. en's and lk'y~s' Straw and Crash Ihats, the .test go. I romt 1t0c up. Or sho' idepartiment is comiplete' with e latest styles and at pirices to suit the .ost e-xacting buyers. Prices from (35e up). Ladies' and Children's Oxfords, black d tan, to suit and please. Gent's Negligee Shirts, in the latest c I 's and styles, from 25c up. We can suit ur taste and pocket-book almost always. Just arrived, a beautiful line of' Flower' ots and Jarainmres. Our Clothing Department is full of bar rins for vou. Come and let us show vou h.t wec can do tor: you in this line. It >ts nothing to look and examine. Knvest anti Forks, H~atchets, Saws, Chis sFiles. Plows and nunierous other arti es, too numierous to mention, at prices t will surpise you. Conie and hbe can. GROCERIES. Wc allow no one to undersel us in pure, 'sh goods. Our Grioeo: y diepartament is ocked with the choicest andl best goods mat mioney can bumy. We not only aim to cep the best, we do it. Try us for good qualhty, honest weight id low pric; you will get it. R eeber that we are headquarters for erythng kept in a general merchandise Also rememiber that we'Ziet'y competition 3d guarantee satisfaiction of ev'ery put: anse made of Yours truly, I'i Kind You Hue Alas BOtt eoS3Hacker & Son ... 'rmemo nm i sOFm ure a ommoa - Dors, Ssh Bins Youlding and Building M~aterial, CH ARLESTON, S. C. sashi Weights and Cords and Builders' Hardware. Nindow and Fancy Glass a Secialty, C UBA N O IL cares Piaerscuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu matism and Sores. Price, 25 centa b1;d bm R B. Lornca. W1 CUUI B-RVIN Manufactures the finest Line of HOS IERY for Gents', Ladies' and Children known in the Southern States, and while this Famous Line of Goods have such a wide reputation, yet they are sold at a popular price, namely: 10c. per Pair or Three Pair for 25c. We are Sole Mill Agent for this splendid Line of Goods in this County and we recommend this Line of HOSIERY to our friends as being worthy of their attention for during our long experience in the Dry Goods business we have never seen as nice Line of HOSIERY offered for as little money. WEWISH ASO To impress it upon the trade that we are Agent for the Famous J. & P. Coats Spool Cotton, and we are prepared to sell it just as Cheap as any wholesale dealer in Charleston, New York or any where else on the continent; try me and see. Dry Goods. As is well known our Dry Goods Department is one of the strongest lines in our Store and we wish to announce to our friends that we now have in Stock an immence line of all kinds of Homespuns, Checks, Calicos, Jeans and Dress Goods, and when the season opens we will have in Stock the most complete Lice of Dress Goods in this part of the country and all we ask you to do is to watch our ads. from now on. SPECIAL SHOE SALE. We have gone through our Shoe Stock and thrown out all odd lots of Shoes, one two and three pair of a kind, and we are offering them at a great sacrifice. You can get Shoes at almost any price you want. Call and see this Line of Shoes and you will get some bargains that will astonish you. Groceries. 50 Sacks good rice, 100 lbs., only :.50 per sack. 100 dozen :3 lb. cans finest Tomatoes, $1.00 per dozen. 500 lbs. G4ood Coffee, *c. per pound. 500 lbs. very good Coffee, 10c. per pound. 500 lbs. Best Rio Coffee. 12;c. per pound. 25 bbls. good straight Flour, -4.00 per barrel. 25 bbls. good Family Flour, .4.25 per barrel. 25 bbls. Best Patent Flour. $4.50 per barrel. Bacon and Lard at the lowest cash prices. 17 lbs. Granulated Sugar for $1.00. See our Blue Jay plug tobacco at 35c per lb. 10 Bars of the best laundry Soap for 25c. Yours truly, W. E. JENKINSON. FOUNDED IN 184.5. LIMESTONE COLLEGE, GAFFNEY, S. C. This institution, famous in the history of education in South Carolina, has recently been thoroughly reorganized and now, with a large and able Faculty, is~ prepared to do college work of the very highest grade. Nearly twenty thousand dollars have been appropriated for improvements. A splendid new building is being erected which will contain a large Audito rium, a Library. a Readinig-Roon, a Museum ot Natural Science, a beauti ul hall for the Literary Society and somue needed offices. Th le building will be furnisned with new heating apparatus throughout, all the rooms will be supplied with new furniture, new pianos will be purchased, new physical, chenical and mineralogical laboratories will be equipped-in hort every thiig that is necessary in the work of a first-class woman's college will be rovided. The site is unequalled in South Carolina for beauty and for ealthfulness. Limestone College makes its appeal to the people stric'ly on its own merits. Literary, Scientific and Commercial Courses. The reg uar college degrees are given by the authority of the State of South Caro lina. -n especially fine Course in Pedagogy is offered to those desiring to become teachers. There are three departments, the College, the Seminary, and the Primary. Let Limestone's friends and fornmer students tell the news all over the South. The revered Capt. Ii. P. Giriffith is the Senior Pro fessor. Professor Wade R. Brown, recently of Winthrop College. is the new Professor of MusIc. For further information, address the President, LEE DAVIS LODGE, A. M., Ph. D. TI onsumners ot L.ager Beer: Thei Germn ia Urei~,vn g Comp ~any, of _ __ Charleston. S. (., have made arrangements b~y which they arc enabled to fill orders from consumers for shipments of beer in The -.. anyv quantity at the~ following prices: Pints, patent stopper, 60.per dozen. Manning m a-~ Quarter-keg. $2 25. - .~t~BTHalf-barrel. $4.50. LJ $iX I e Exports, pints, ten dozen in barrel, $0. It will be necessary for consumers or Have you called on IiERIOT, Iparties ordering, to state thmat the beer is for the Baker, vety If not, do so pnvate~ consumption. W e offer special and purchase a trial lot of rates for thetse sliments. TIhis bceer is his Bread, Rolls, Cakes and -aate ue aeo h hiethp Faney Crackers, all of which adm lt. ad hecoimende tb he lie$5 als kee in stock te medical fraternity. Send to us for a trial biest line of Canned Goods order and Meats to be found in Itown. WVill giv-e youI spec-ial EEMANIA bargains also in h eavy Gro.-i ~ A 'I ceri es. Your p)atronage is~ '-olicited. If fresh goods and PV in CO DS J low prices availeth anything ig Co~ ry . you will call again. Char-leston, S. C. JOHN W, H ERIOT In Rear of Bank. D If V A TE. Pove ll lhnig, hold fst that -which is good. Our Prec.mrptioni Department is under the supervisioni of experienced and skilled pharmuacist; the strictest attention given to the compounding of Prescriptions. PROPRIETAR~Y MEDICINES. SWe carry full lines of all Propmietary Fresh Supply Just Ini, TURIMP SEED. BUIST'S and L ANDRETIL'S' T'. w. Wood & sons Famous seed, tested and rue inallvarieties. RHAMIE'S DRUW STORE, BAEBALLS AND BATS. SUM MERTON, S. C. Mm vs-: me nt at all prices. We carry a ulline of all goods apper ~tainDng to a welappointed and compl1let( V ~* Drug Store, and feel satisfied of our ability 11 11 \Y A L.I wto pleas the public and our friends. Offce 'AING t~ C.R. B. LORYEA, Tne Druggisi Pressley Barron, Esq. SIGN OF THE COLDEN MORTAR. A Blu SHQE !SAL E. 500 PAIR OF SHOES AT JUST HALFPRICE Mens' $1.75 Shoe for $1.15. $1.50 Shoe for $1.00; $1.19 Shoe for $90c. $3. SHOES, 1.55; $2.48 SH OES, 150. We have had the Misfortune of Our Shelves Falling in and Crushing the boxes of about 500 Pairs of Shoes and we will sell these Shoes Come in and see -them and if you don't think they are the biggest bargains you ever saw, then don't buy them. Come and see them for yourselves. Yours for Bargains, C. W KENDALL, YELLOW FRONT. THE CAROLdNA GROCERY COMPANY, TEOMAS WT.LSON, Presiclent. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 195 East Bay - - Charleston, S. C. Gi We W 3ul il a tid fl ave Y0 Wiite US fo2 II~i Will Gillllel'S aild Mill 3J11l Remember when making repairs and overhauling machinery, that we have the best stock of Steam Fittings that has ever been brought to this place. Also Belting, both Rubber and Leather, which we are selling at very low prices. In fact, we cannot be undersold in the last articles, having bought when it was cheapest. We also have Lubricating Oils at all prices. Wood choppers, we have a splendid axe to offer you at 60e each; also guaranteed Axes at 75c, 85c and $1. We have the finest line of Pocket Cutlery ever shown in the county. Also Razors and Shears. Very truly yours, MANNING +HARDWARE *COMPANY. MANIN S. Milnry.iliey Trnsct ge ner l fnking adiesolrno reivtdt ii ofrEveryandtsntconis gitenttonstiles anoodeprtsitorofreelcdinggfrotaofeatown. Deposits soiie . 0. IMstccnssso BO E S AllAcolleltionsLhavetpromptnatten Businscs hor genral bak. bus to s S.E2cOAD ne. LEVIERasSier. Prmtaeialattto ie -_____ ___ Depositsdiolicited.rendonareinvitedtovisit All colectins hanoprumt fte- h Pu entalLf nfr abe C vinie s pt -dte i e l s igs. BusinessMhoursoromcona.iststof ~j). RI. FLThER are BonSr JOSEPH PROIT, Aso HALTH AND LACCeT INSmmin. A. LEVI Cashir. a ISUMTERins S.iCn. ThePreeniadenfetn.rac1C0 \X E. BOWN, S M. ~ IsE\aSueyin antodat Lelig. Th atn ao nin Counies. Cmais - -~ -- - - - - - - Call Thofier are s atn better . C, AlsoTEUR.NEAN ATCDENTINSUANCE MANNhGs. . Brng urJo WIL orktoTh anings. ofC.