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THE MANNING TIMES. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17,1886. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year, in Advance $1.50. or $2.00 at the Erpiration of Six Months. Advertisements.-Per Square, first in sertion, $1.00. Each subsequent insertion. 50c. J!0- Contract Advertising at reduced rates. Advertising in Local Colnmn, 10c. per line. Our progressive barber has a coIL stove. Our farmers are prepairing to plant oats. Only one wedding on the "carpet" this week. Mr. Thomas Miles, of Philadelphia, is in town. The Legislature meets on Tuesday, the 23rd inst. The tusiness of the town seems to be on the increase. A large delegation of Manningites attend ed the State Fair. The serenaders were on their rounds last Thursday night. Our market is supplied weekly with fine fish from Charleston. Cotton receipts of Manning are beginning to grow beautifully less. M. J. Hirsch, Esq.. of the Kingstree bar, was in town yesterday. What suit is that in which a man never feels comfortable? Law suit. "HACKMETACK," a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Miss Hattie Billups, of Summerton, is visiting the family of Maj. Benbow. Don't forget the Dime Reading at the res idence of Dr. J. G. Dinkins Friday night. The editor being sick, the editor pro tem begs the indulgence of the TIMFS' readers. Owing to our limited space this week, much interesting reading is necessarily left out. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bot tle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 ets. Judging from the state of the weather we would say that winter will be here by and by. .We miss from the streets the genial face of our friend, Col. B. P. Barron, whom we learn is quite unwell. Every one ought to read the annual re prt of the County Commissione'rs pub lhed in this issue. A full account of the proceedings of the Farmers' Convention held in Columbia on the 9th inst., is given on the 1st page. The new hack recently purchased by Mr. Bell is decidedly pretty. It will add much to the comfort of the traveling public. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guarantee on every bot tle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cumre. We judge that the tax gatherer is doing a thriving business, from the number of per sons inquiring for the whereabouts of his office. Mr. Jesse Plowden has moved from his old store. He is now doing business in the neat little brick store recently erected by Mr. Galluchat. The Sumter Light Infantry are holding a fair in Sumter for the benefit of the com pany. The company will give a hop in Music Hall to-night. Owing to the length of the Annual Report f the County Commissioners we were forced to leave out the advertisements of essrs Levi and Loyns. Managers of Federal election can obtain heir pay by' calling on Mr. A. Levi. Mr. . S. Plowden, we are informed, will pay he managers of State election. THE REV. GEO. H~-THAYER, of Bour bon, Ind., says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHTLOH'S CONSUMPTION URE." Lately, in a music Hall, after the ballad lady had warbled: "Would I Were a Bird," great excitement was created by a stalwart mner in the audience shouting, "Would I were a gun." We regret to record the death of on e of iarendon's oldest and highly esteemed cit izens, Mr. Sam'l C. Brunson. Mr. Brun son died on Monday last, at his home near Summerton, of apoplexy, in the 68th year f his age. Died, at his home in Newman, Ga., on )aonday last, Dr. W. R. Caldwell, formery of this county. The Doctor had a host of friends in this county who will regret to learn of his death. His bereaved family has our sincerest condolence. ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziniess, Loss of Appe tite, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. Maj. Hudson Lee, of Charleston, was in town on Monday. He came here to adjust the loss of Capt. W. S. Briggs, whose dwell ing and household effectswere destroyed by hre some time ago. Capt. Briggs was in sured in the Liverpool, London and Globe Insurance Company for $1,800. The entire mount will be paid. SHLOH'S CATARRH REMEDY-a pos itive cure for Catarrn, Diptheria, and Can ker Mouth. OFFICIA VOTE. The offcial cos'nt for this county is as lollows: For Governor, John Peter Richardson, For Lieut. Governor, Win. Li. Mauldin, For Secretary of State, W. Z. Leitner, 904. Attorney General, Joseph H. Earle, 904. Treasurer, Isaac S. Bamberg, 904. Comproler Gen'l, Win. E. Stoney, 904. Spt. of Education, Jaimes H. Rice, 904. Adj't and Inspector Gen'l, M. L. Bon ham. Jr., 904. Schol Com'r, P. G. Benbow, 902. County Commissioners-A. M. Brailsford, 905; E. Conyers Horton, 900; T. Jeff Cole, Judge of Probate, Louis Appelt, 899. Senator, Jos. F. Rhbame, 903. Representatives-James E. Tindal, 881. . R. Plowden, Jr., 896. The whole number of votes given for con stitutional amendment, relative to the issue of StateBonds, was 672. The number of votes in favor of said amendment was 425. Against amendment, 247. The whole num ber of votes given for constitutional amend ment, relative to the census, was 651.. In favor of said amendment, 468. A gaint said amnendmuent, 183. For Congress, Geo. W. B~argan, 908. What True Merit Will Do. The unprecedented sale of Boschers Ger na &Jrup within a few years, hus astonish ed the world, It is without doubt the safest and best remedy ever discovered for the speedy and effectual cure of Coughs, Colds, and tne severest Lung troubles. It acts on g entirely different principal from th~e us zal prescriptions given by Physicians, as it does not dry up the cough and leave the disease still in the system, but on the con trary, removes the cause of the trouble, heals the parts affected, and leaves them in a ~~re., h ealh onatin - A bntl kept in the house for use when the u ea1 their appearance, will sa doctor's Nlls an a long spell of serious illne-ss. . trial wti convince y'olu of these facts. It is l *sitive lv sold by all drng-nst< ai n er iiet n in the land. Price. 75 eents, largc tti:. Proprietary Medicines. A visit to Dr. (ireen's Laborat:r1v. :1 Woodbury, N. J., has conLiidrabl y ebatn ed our views, and especially ou1 prju!icer in regard to what are nl knovn: --Standard Patent Moeicines." O coma we are getti'g to the age in life wlian wt are forced to conclide L4' itself a huni bug, and naturally di-ztruxst :m vthinIL tiu has not withstood , g :nd an J tr ex-lro es. Being a physicii I li the i to know how ue' a s (l i f tw - preparations coukl be ssil for so ily years. The perfect syst::: uIL (1t business is conducted. :nd .he - tical arraiements for tii i nanu1.e:ure o: the two recilpe vith wich we were I' acquainted : !e suf;iiVntly eonvincing to us tiat te \ , rsv Fw.:. f(r " ."lj and Liver Coinplaints, and oem sI G :M Sunrp, for Throat and Lung Trouible, were for the compltints they are recoi mended, uost excellent roie'des and onlv regret that in much of our practie lic'ial ethics prevent us fromn lirescribing thm11 without niakiiig the i fornl ImbI WILi we were shown the r aet quantity of volun tary ltters having beeLn forwrdod Dr. Green, frota all parts of tl: omitry. from all classes of pople, 1:.k rr : ters, and doctors, giv in a ieili * f their ailnients, t lsti"nonials of tIhir c.r s, etc., I feel like nrs ng Dr e'..u gestion that the Governi 1t e l such valuable formuts 'anti nse hiia for Sn 'Il eral use by giviiig iote(ction to th.- invent or same as pattnts genera"y ' p' 'om . 2'. Drugi (re'r yf t 1 WHY VILL YOU congl when Shilho's Cure will give immediate relief. 1'rice 1 ets., 50ets., and :1. SHILOR'S CUtRE will immteliaetl-tv re lieve Croup, Whuoping C''ugli and .1 n-h chitis. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. made miserable by that terrible cough. Shdlohs ('tre is the remedy for you. SHILOII'S Col-(iH and Consanption Cure is sold by us Ln a giarianteie. It eurs Consumption. For laine back. side or eilt. use Shil.h's Porous Plaster. Price 25 etits. SHILOH'S VITAT.IZEIR i.s wiai you oi for Consumption, Loss of Apptit--. ])iii ness, and all symLptonis of 1>yslit Isia. 'rice 10 and 75 cents per bottle. CROUP, WHOOINt COUG H In 1 Tron chitis iinmediately relieved iy -L'I Cure. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepa and Liver Coampaint? Shilo 's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. CATARRH CURED. healt and sweet breath secured. by Sliiloh's Catarrh 1:aedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal liijector free.' THAT IIACKING COD UI can le so quickly cured by ShiIoh's Cure. FREE TR11ADE. The reduction of internal revenue and the taking oir of revenue stamps from Proprietary Medicines, no doubt has largely benefitted the consumers, as well as relieving the burden of home manufacturers. Especially is this the case with Gren's Aegusi Floucer and iRksch;' Grman grvp, as the reduction of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been added to increase the size of the bottles containiug these remedies, thereby giving one-fifth more medicine in the "75 cent size. The August Fowern for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and the Gevrman Syrup for Cough and Lung troubles, have, perhaps, ilie largzest sale of any medicines in the world. The advan tage of increased size of tne bot tes will he greatly appr'eciated by the sick and afflicted, in every town and village in civilized countries. Sample bottles for ten cents remain the same size. r~nacordia CURES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. T is Invigorat. IT gives NEW inlg and De- LIFE to the ghtful to take, whole SYSTEM and of great value by Strengthening as a Medicine for ,- the Muscles, Ton weak and Ailing ing the NERVES, Women and Chil- and comipletely Di dren, gesting the food. * C'ONTAINS A.o~an. no hurtful ~ b edn Minerals, is corn- hscas eln posed of carefully ~ o otetds selected Vegeta- \\Iessa OE ble Medicin es,~. iietgte combined skill- wtaeo ad fully, making a s'ecrsb e Safe and Pleasant Heolerce, Wi ot ep OLI Cotli I, owzu t o trent, is buihle wilmailedz togethert VolnarugandChe ital seofan H rieloycprces Rethedy. B on rtoecitozo. tale will be ane, chark p ~ , Vo ona ru =auand'ro Chemcal~ Comany hss Es Chiros Co., c. Ha.n A. n~ - A cls a Boonooe --is~a entons nd ptent evre ubleEvrno ofnformSTiona whic into person seud berwiircula. suc thalit mnactrcaion nerlynn equaln chaoal oEras ofairs cass w vn conibnd nrc.2a Tear maot o lub Seeldy lnewserdevoeds ventions andlishenss ber llutratd w tsi enrings T C.hvs oinforationwhchnoperonshoul befout. Tepplteo Pte Osie F.nd hAve.repAreds suhthtits circl~ionar patets ntheo l oter ae ts cla cmined. Pyriht.$31a Assr. iscountCus. Sond yall eseapers.o Urng o Pubvishers No.36rroawa, theY U~itc St TSECad. E1nlnd&. Frace Crman andothe forignsounties Try pared PaterntOfce and raoave trerms. f mlorie wthout chne. Hnd-b Tou--o nnformaponicet free. oPatents otinte thogunitedCo sares ntd orin hcieuntie. mrcane. Tadane-3 ofrsu, o-ichts, Aelunessignments apens ho with tor for pseuring t inCnOs Othece nga n"th U::zte. d StaeCn. Englandk.Frne WV. Shepherd & Co., 2:12 EETIG T., Charleston, SC. STOVES, Stoves, Stoves! -AT WHOLESALE -AND RETAIL! --0 Tinwar(es, House Furnishing Goods, Potware, Kitchen and Stovc T-tensils. re'Scnd for Price List and Cireu lars. WELCH & EASON, Family Grocers, 183 & 187 Meeting Street, and 117 'Market St., CHARLESTON, S. C. Invite attention to the following aroains: 1Cut Loaf Sugar, 12., lbs . for St. (rannted r10 lbs. for S1. Conf.-etoers' Sugar, 15) lbs for i. Whi. 1 Ex. C. Iar 1i lbs. for si. Brown Sugar, 11. bs for $1. Grood Brown ir).2 lbs fur $1. 211. To:natoes, o ets.a doz. 311). Tomatoe. S1.10 a doz. Gool Segars. -1 for a box of 50. These are but a few of the many attract ions we are constantly otiering, and house keepers will ind it greiatly to their advan tage to send for a copy of our Monthly Price List, and consilt it always. pi'No charge for packing or drayage. Boyd Brothers, Wholesale Grocers and Commisson Merchants 159 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. Direct Importers of Ales, Porters, YCines, and Brandies. Aug 18 .--THiOMV, JRi. J1. .L TroMAS. --:0: Stephen Thomnas, Jr,& Bra, -WATCHES Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware. Spectacles, Eye Giassas, and Fancy Goods, gg Watches and Jewelry repaired by expert workmen. 273 Kiio S-r., ICHAIRLESTON, S. C. TONSORIAL ARTIST. I hav"e opened a first-class Shaving Saloon t the' Ent.:rprise office, and solicit the pat ron of the citizens of Man~ning and com Pw~ -Ihir Cutting, 25c. Shaving, 10e.: f--Speciad attenltion given to children. Jnh 156.MAYNxINo, S. C In the CODst of Probate, STAXTE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CLAT1END~ON, (ori-r or r:or-.'E Matilda T. McFaddin in her own righi anda as Alm~nist ratrix of theO estate of James 1L. Mcliaddin, deceased, intestate, PlainT yii of~ I: Hugh MrcFaddina. a muinor of two year. ci age: Jrohni J. 31eFddin, JTr.. ad th.e I andc . .,rtgage anid Trust In Decfendant. Citation to Croditors. Otor Bed case, bearing date Ocoer-th, A D. 1S4X, it is adjudged: That all peorsonis having claims again.t the estate of JanLiIIL.11 iaini, deceaised. be, and the euuse arc he-obyv reqmired to prove~ and tile them inl tiie sold Conrt of 1ProbateO on or before th,. arst d:. of JSann-l ary I.D 1'S7 at nWon, or La debarred of arv bendit of the Deeron mae thereiix. Wistns my, hanl anud "eal of o11ice this. J. DrPRJE AXLSIIROOK, Oct2 Probate Judge, C. C. McGahan, Bates & Co. JOBBERS OF Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, ~Nos. -26, 228 and 2:30 Meeting St. (:IIATWESTON,. ('C. lsSU .Nov. )th. Nov. 9th, .t;. STATE FAM! / 00 /11 No doubt the Fair this season will be more successful than any in the past. Extensive preparat1ins are inde on a large scale to entertain the visitors, who expect tc attt nd th- Fair. In addition to the above attraction I will take pleasu-r in entertaining visitirs the Zmporima of Fashion, with an exhbitlon df fash ionabl clothing for men and Ioys. The iplay of m.i's garmiients are artisti a.lly alrang o A to gi e the Visitor the uopportaity of 'Indin the style garnwnt he 111ay ieed w 1i lkin Over thc. whole stock. on eturin th- Imnoth estah lishmnt, to your rig'ht vou will :Iud a hnd somec line of Gents' Furnishing Gods;: this cepartient cni-'sts ofshirts. Laundried and tilundried, of every -d-escription, half hose in plain m d faney, collars, u gloves, hainkerchief-;. supenders. and an elegant line of gents' ncc-wear. To your lt-ft is the hat dlcpartment, wh-re you will find all the latest style-s and shapes of soft and stiffl hts, awatin' y-ur inslot ion: also a beautiful lino of si11 abrehibi , with gold and silver hanles. Then in the c-ntcr of' this large store you will find the counters loaded With choice suits for lmien and y outh, of every -tyle, pattern. and nality (od Near the center you cimc to the entaway suits, in whi p cord, cork scrcw, cheviots and ahner eassimieres. Then still imovi. on you comie to thc Counktrs illied wit do-uble breasted freck iott-i and vest-. After r-:'asng this stoch Von are lead into the boys' d--partment, which is entirely seprte from the oth-r lepartment. Tihis- stoack of boys and child reis clothing i. nit sirpassed ;-by any in the city or State. The displafar exceeds any of m1y past ende avors i1 naking this at traction for the bovs and their mothers. The styles and textures of th'-sc goods can wt be found elsewhere in the citv. Tlose who have visited this d-pa:tmnu-iit aIre more than pleased with the stock. Just opposite to the boys' deaLtient von will find a line f gents tine sho, s, whic can be had in tny strie or sh;er' thazt vi nimay need. 1 keep none but the leadi'ng makes in this tock. R.Zemember you can find them in all urades. Those who want fine shoes will all here. Respectfulily, M. L. KINARID, )ct6 Columbia, S. C. I C. H. Claussen & Co., Steam Bakery and Candy FactorY, CHAILESTON, S. C. CHEAP PRICES. p? IIaving just opened a varied stock Fresh Groccries, desire to cail the attention of the Charen on People to the low prices and good quial ty of the same. All wlho favor mae wit b a all will find I sell evecrything at rock. bottomi n-ies, for CASH, as the following quota ions w'ill shov Best D. S. Sides, at 9e. per lb. Be-it Fa~'ml Fl our. -2 lbs. for $1. Bet Staun dard A. S~ugar, 121lbs. for S1. C. Sugar, 13) lbs for '-1. Be-st Cofl'ee 8 lbs. for -1. Colmmion Coffee, 10 ibs. for $1. I est (ilt Edge Butter, 311bs. for St. Best Leat Lard, 10 ibs for 81. All other Goods at proportionately low pri es. I w'ih to call sipeeil attention to my 10 CENT :In Counter. Give mev a c.ll ' efore b~uying elsewhere, nd I guarantee saitisfactioni. J. S. Pi'LWD)EN, E-xpress Agt., nd Agent NEWS AND CUCRIF,1R for larendon Couuty-. Sept22 DRUG STORE.' :0: Dn. J. G. DixxINs is still at the old tand, formerly occupied by the firm >i J1. G. Diukins & Co., and is nlow ~repared to supply the people of larendon with STRUKTLY P URE' Drugs and Medicin es, t the Lowest P---il Prices. -ALSO .utN-s, OrLS,, Torzr Au-rcwz, ooTrn AND HfAtI Bla'Uit, CromIa, FINE CorzrLE Soars, S-rt rNI1X, Ere. A full and select stock of all the Patent and Non-Secret Medicines An eleant atssort ment of rune ('1v ARS AND TO 8A CC0. -'T:Post-au DIAMOND DYES, A L. L(Co LO)s. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully ompounded by day or night. PATENTS AVEATS, TRADE MAR!(S AND COPYRIGHTS )btained. an-i all othir ,inessiC-- in tie 1. . P'atent O(ice attendedi to for MJI/jE! Send J/-'/lEL "h' lill! 1I7X';. W> ad ise as- t) pait-'nabiilt fr-e of charge ; and se liatk- 30'! 1/v'!; ' \L E W E (>B-~ Wie ref--r hre to the~ Potmautci-, the Sept. f .Money Ord--r lTi. and to oflicis of tile U.~ 1. i'tet onl ii. For eireular. advice, ter ms and ref. renctes to acitual clients in you own S -' ei orounty. write to C. A. SNOW & Co., GROVE SCHOOL, Manning1, S. C., Aug. 11, ISS6. A Graded School for Girls and Small Boys. M~ss; Tuim Ixm:.ur :, AxN: EWELL. P :o: T he thir year f tile Giinl Grove 'Sehool will beginep temnbel th. IS86. 11oi e .Imo s!h. 1887T. It is the purpose of the l'rincipii to give thoroughd instruction inl the clelreinia- hnno-hosz5. aI nd then1 -lanceP the pils;iIs as ril as Sudli1 jNlymen ill :nhnit. pecial attent ion given to Cazistlie . The school biln111 is inl enoinplete orler 1,01 comiiiflort and col velce. beil ng well eni(1 ated. an1d alllly h.?d i Winter. Expenses Per onth. First G rade. . . .00 Second 1 ..5 Third . . .0 Fourth ". . - S4ixth :3.5.) Seventh Irl Eih ti G rades. . IFor) fuirthe r t (lld ps ;jAvI toe either prinipial. William 1. ird .00 CH-_ARL.STON, S.50 Counter, Platformn and Cotton Scales. Trtcks, Grocez s' Thiwarey etc. Paints an(1 Pajnt-rs* M1aferial of ever ' description. We' are headquarfers for these goods and offer inldueenints to purchaser. Aug18 ESTABLISHED 1844. Charie--stn p aon Works ~4anfa~tnersand Dealers ini Mlarine Staljonar y. nd Port-0e Engines and Boilers Saw Mil Mchney.C,-tton Prs4Gins, Railroad, Steam b oa t, M fa C 111*1) 1 ignI 'aIersI-.! an1.-1d-7 Mil I I) plies. e we ' On!! jn m'f.~CdIpalh. i~~e'w pr~ice lb4?-. il ~ ~ A-.50 I East sav, Cor. P ritdiard St., Ja13 1 Charleston, S. C . OTTO F. IETE Wholesale Grocer. Ff thOLESALE dealer in Wines, Liorsand Ser ars. No. 1 EAST BY, CHARLESTON , S. C. CALL O'N OR? WRITE TO Ff-ALK &CO0, King streto pposit Wasel Cor o Ciarleston, S. C. Mil Galod Stand Samle s Chonaplst on, 0.1. shpeuC oaprvl OTTOF. WIETES, WhlsaeGrcr wHOL~~sALE de~~ale nWns inr n eas No'8 AT ACALETN .C CALO RWIET FAL &0. Kigsre~opst ae FORt YaOUOlR Guaanee PreCl oin, Fornishd~ingI od s and Sampessn Bonapicto. O.tto. shpe ujctioppov N WH LONDONE YOnn EihtY ans trOslfd. eOl TheBron Ctto Bron CoG., - Feeders, and Condensers. All so the very latest improvements: two brush belts, steel bearings, - ,~~O~dG,4,improved roll box, patent whip per, extra strcng brush. New perfected Fee-ler, enlarged dust proof Condenser. &i nStrong, durable and simpie fectly. Send for Circular and PI~ee List. F. J. Puxe, Pr esident. F. S. IRoDGERS, TOresurer. ATLANT ?IC PI~IOSPIIATE COMPANY, OF CHJAtRi ESTON, *S. C. Manu facturers o f S/oaarul F'erilixvrs a Iinp~rrters <f .PUR E G E R A.N KA- /'IT. PEILZERt RODGERIS & Co., Gen. Agents Jan. 13. Drm~.w-' Ww'r CH A R LE~STo; OS, M. U TRUMBO, HINSON & COMPANY, Factor s an'd Coniuna.issin M.erchanits, Cotton and Naval STORES, lImOWN'S WHARF s1 A N 1:3 (, 1. k! [EsTO( &. C A. G. CUDWORTH, Agt. 15 !ETING STREET, opp. Charleston Hotel. Man ufact nrer nd deal.-r in Saddlery' H~arnss. Collars, Whips, Saddle Hardwar &c. Koep constantly on hand an extensiv and well slected stock of everything in thie lire. And Inufattare goods to order at short notice. Oct. 14. It. 3IARI.LL& (0., S . HlARDWARE MERCHANTS. 135 _IEETIN STREET, Charleston, S. C. Sole Agents For STARKE'S DIXIE PLOUGHS, WATT PLOUGHS, AVERY I N PLOUGHS DOW LAW COTTON PLANTER AND GUANO DISTRIBUTORS. Iron Age inrrow: and Cultivators, Roman Plonh Stock. Wasliburne & 3Ioem's Galvanizod Fene Wire, Cham pn Miewers and Keapers. AND WATSON'S TURPENTINE TOOLS Manufactured in Fayetteville, N. C. Every Tool absointely warranted and if broken will be repiacca, Also Dealers In GENERAL IIARDWAiREI, AGRICULTURAL STEE Hoop Iron, Hors2 and Mule Shoes, V and Tinwa re. Coopers tools, Miners Tools, Cutlery, Guns and Sport ing Articles. Prices made on application. GRAND, UPRIGHT, & SQUARE. UNSURPASSED IN Tone and Durability. 1885-New Orleans Exposition-Two Gold Medals for Upright and Square. 18S1- Boston (Mass.) Exposition-First Prize for Square Grand. 1878-Paris Exposition-For Square and Upright Pianos. 1876-Philadelphia Centennial-Far Square, Upright and Grand. And also over 200 FIRST PREMIUMS at State and County Fairs. Have the endorsement of over 100 different Colleges and Schools as to their durability. A large assortment of SEco!D-HAYD PiAY os always on hand. General wholesale agents for Palace, New England and Bar deft Organs. Pianos and Organs sold on easy monthly installments, Pianos taken in exchange, also thorough ly repaired. Send for Illustrated Piano or Organ Catalogue. CHAS. M. STIEFF, 9 N. Liberty Street, Baltimore, Md Follin Bros., CHA R LESTON, S. 0. DEAIErtS IV ToBACCo, CIGAR.S, PIPES, Erc. Sole agents for the celebrated brands of tobacco LCIL~E. BROA D ANi. UxOLD BARS, RED MEAT, CORtONET, B3UCK. BERTI$, SANIm. THE CELlBRATED leading Qrgan, OVER' 10,000 IN CONSTANT UH Buy Direct from the Manufad Wholesale Mlanufacturing Prices from ELEGANT DESIGNS. LARCE SOLID WALNUT CASE8 FINELY FINISHED. BEST SEASONED MATERIALS USED. VOICED TO PERFECTIO1K TONE IS UNSURPASSED. SATISFACTION OVARANTEED. EVERY ORGAN WARRANTED FOft FiVE YEARS. SEYD FOR CLRCULARS. RIEADRhTG ORGAN~ C0-r F. 3. EANTNEB, Manager, MRS, A. EDWARDS OPPOSITE COURTIT HOUSE, MIanning, S. C., Confectionery,~ Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts,~ &c. ce hand and arriving daily. M~y Bakery Depart ment is Complete with bread and pastry. COME AND SEE ME AND BE OOYg vinced that my prices arc low and that I cannot be undersold. --ALSO Both light and heavy and always freeb, gr Canned Goods in endless variety. Country trade solicited. I thank my friends and patrons for p* faor and ask a continuance of sae gr Remember the place opposite C)ourts ?U'. Dc 11