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BY JULIAN A. SELBY Hon. Reyebdy Johnson on the Third Term.?A pungent and conclusive letter from Hon. Reverdy Johnson to the Now York Herald, commenting upon Gen. Gront'b third term letter, has been pub? lished. While Mr. Johnson concedes that a constitutional prohibition against s> third term does not exist, he maintains that this is no proof that the usage of prohibition is not and should not be con? sidered as conclusive. He holds that long and uninterrupted usage in a Go? vernment like ours cannot safeiy be dis? regarded. He illustrates his position by an allusion to the present condition of the veto power in England, which, by an ancient law of the realm, the crown pos? sesses, and which Mr. JuBtioe Black stone says "is a most importaut and, in? deed, indispensable part of the royal prerogative. Yet this power, says Mr. Johnson, has not been exercised since 1692; and has bo fallen into disuso that its exercise by the crown would produce a fearful ferment in the kingdom. Thus is shown is that representative and law abiding country the conclusive force and effect of usage. The tradition against a third term is and ought to be as muoh a precedent here as the tradition against the veto power in England. Every Chief Magistrate of the United States since the days of Washington has recognized the force of his example, and not one of them ever dreamed of a third term. Mr. John? son does not think it probable that Pre? sident Grant will be renominated or re elected a third term. There are many who believe that if the agitation of the question should lead to a one-term amendment to the Constitution it would not have been an unmized evil. Three English steamers are at Galves ton, loading with cattle for England. This' is a new outlet, and may become one of immense importance to the South. When Georgia and South Carolina were British coloniocattle and beef were sent from Savannah and Charleston to Lon? don. In reoent times, King Cotton has ruined the stock raising business tempo? rarily in the best climate on the conti? nent for that industry?a mistake that will be remedied some of these days, The German infantry force of 1,200, 000 men will be called out to practice with the new Mauser rifle. The artil? lery 1b to have the improved Krupp gun. When this vast army pulls trigger in earnest, there will be rivers of some kind of blood. Tho whole army,1 both infant? ry and artillery, will have their new weapons in 1877, about the time Prince Bismarck will probably think it neces? sary to cross over into France. -A-txp-tlorL Salee. Pendloton Manufacturing Company - Stock. ?N WEDNESDAY, 23d instant, at 10 o'olook A. M., at our office, 127 Richardson street, we will sell, to the highest bidder, for cash, on account of whom it may concern, SEVENTEEN AND-A-HALF SHARES OF THE PEN DLETON MANUFACTURING COM? PANY'S STOCK. Par value of each share $100. SEIBELS ft EZELL, June 8_Auctioneers. A House to Bent, (Furnished.) ON the front beach, Sullivan's Island, next West of Fort Moultrie. Apply to lt. L. GITjLILAND, at Bryan's bookstore. June 6 Ham and Eggs for Breakfast. JUST received, ten tierces Davis' Dia? mond HAMS and ten barrels fresh EGGS and twenty tubs new grass BUT? TER. All for sale cheaper than any other house in town, at _ JuJ?? 3 HARDY SOLOMON'S. For Sale, APAIR OF GREY HORSES, small size. Work well in double or single harness and under saddle. Will be sold together or separately. Applv at this office. _Mny'fl Pianos and Organs. CASH PRICES! EASY TEEMS! From $25 to 8lOO can bo saved in tho purchase of a Piano or Organ under onr new system of selling nt Cash Prices with Hasy Terms for payments. Pianos have never before been sold on such favorable terms in the South. Fine Pianos at $275, $:100, $325 and $350, fully guaranteed for live years. Terms $50 cash, and balance in six months, or $100 cash, and balance in one year. The Celebrated Mason & Hamlin Organs aro also sold upon cash payments $25 to $50, and balance in six and twelve months. Special Terms arranged to suit convenience of all responsible pnrties. Monthly or quarterly payments received if preferred. Planes and Organs for rent and rent applied on purchase A good stool and cover goes with each piano sold from our warerooras. Send for our new Reduced Time Price Lists and see what real inducement* wo now offer. LUDBEN & BATES, Southern Musio House, Savannah, Ga. May 26_|;CH3 The Queen's Delight, although abused, Is one by all the sick most used. 8 'Let our Just Censures COLUMBIA, S. C 151* 3ZS. JAOKBON,1 93 wF 93 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. June 6_0_ - CICARS For 25 Cents, at PERRY & SliAWSON'S SEED PEASi 700 BUSHELS select SEED PEAS, for sale hp Juno 1 J. A. HENDRIX & BP.O. Adrninistratrix's Notice. ALL persons indebted to tbe estate of I the late JAMES N. JONES, will make payment to the undersigned; and all persons haying claims against said estate will present them properly proved by the 20th of June, 1875, otherwise they will not be paid. CABBIE JONES, Adm'x. June 1 j9 Per W. H. Suon, Agent. CHEROKEE SPRINGS, SPARTANBURG, S. C. _ ? WATER ALTERATIVE t^Ot snd Tonic; Climate dry, bracing and healthful. ;Every attention paid to guests. References in Columbia.?Maj. D. B. Miller, A. Palmer,. Col. Jos. Daniel Pope, Prof. L. Plato and S. J. Perry. WILL OPEN JUNE 15. ^^HAOKS meet visitors it Spartanburg C. H. JOHN B. Juno 1 lmo Resident Manager. The Charleston Hotel 'WILL not be closed this Sum- I tmer. All Guests patronizing us during the Summer and Fall months, and remaining a week or more, will be allowed a reasonable discount?except occupants of rooms on the first or parlor floor. ^ The attention of the Country Mer? chants is respectfully called to this no? tice. May 28 6mos 6 CIGARS For 25 Cents, at PERRY & SLAAVSON'S. Notice to Tax-Payers. rpiLE COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE _I_ will be open for receiving RETURNS from JUNE 1 to JULY* 20, 1875, instead of from July 1 to August 20, as hereto- 1 fore. The law requires the County Auditor to assess all parties who fail to list their personal property within the time above noted, at tho. same valuation as of 1874, and add a penalty of fifty per cent thereto; and all new buildings and structures, not returned in 1874, must bo returned for the fiscal year 1875, and in default thereof a penalty of fifty per cent, will attach. To facilitate tho tax-payers in making their returns for the fiscal year 1875, I will attend in person at the following Precincts: Gadsden Precinct, June 17. IK and 10. Acton Precinct, tfune 21 and 22. Davis' Precinct, June 21. (larner's Precinct, June 2H and 20. Camp Ground Precinct, July 1. Killiun's Precinct, July 5 and 0. Hopkins' Precinct, July 8. Trcnholm's Precinct, July 10. A. L. SOLOMON, May 28 lmo County Auditor. Kerosene! Kerosene!! f\ BARRELS pure white standard OU KEROSENE, just received and for sale, at 19c. per gallon by the barrel, and 20c. per gallon at retail. Kerosene delivered, free of drauwfe, hi nn>/ pnrt of the city by' JOHN' AGXEW A SOX. ' ACTS OF TH E LEG ISLA TURE~ I70R 1875, with postage, $1.15. For * sale at R. L. BRYAN'S May 5 Bookstore. Flour and Meal AND MIXED FEED! CAR LOAD ORDERS filled on short notice. Address "CHARLOTTE CITY MILLS," Charlotte. N. 0. R. D. GRAHAM, Proprietor. Geo. C. Chambers, Superintendent. May 20 lmo* Interest Allowed. THE Mechanics' and Farmers' Build? ing nnd Loan Association, of Rioh land, is now receiving deposits of $1.00 and upwards, nnd allowing interest at tho rate of C per cent, per annum on all amounts ovor $10.00, which remain 30 days or longer. Deposits received by T. H. Gibbes, Treasurer, at the Central National Bank, B. D. 8ENN, April 22 1 President. , THURSDAY MORNING, , n Silk, Linen,Gingham Umbrellas. KiNABD & "Wiley?To potrons in f^i arolina for their liberality: We Indeed thank you for buying /~\ ur fine ready-made Clothing, \J Neckwear, Under-wear, cheapest, T argest stock ever in the city, JLi And we believe best, for wo sell X T nion Adams' Black Silk Ties, U EussianBracos.Suspcnders. Skirts"]*/!" adespecialty, good fit; guarantee J.VJL Durability, elegance, comfort to T> uyer. The Quaker City and MB & We claim to sell at less profit a good A rticlc than any house in the tradojf\. In fine, rendy-niado Clothing, our O tyle and price is unequaled. JO Linen Cuffs.Handkorchiefs, Collars ur stock can't be surpassed. " Elegance, style and fashion. Hats in assimerc, Silk, Straw, Felt, Wool. Youths'Clot hing, Shirts, Hats,Caps, A t No. 12A Main street._J\ Millinery OF the LATEST STYLES; also. Ladies' and Children's SUITS of all sizes and qual? ity, UNDERWEAR, COR? SETS, HAIR and FANCY GOODS. Just received, a large assortment of Wenck's PERFUMERY, at MRS. C. E. REED'S. April 25 COL. ASBURY COWARD, Princi pal A Full Corps of Able Professors /COMPLETE outfit of Arms, Apparatus, \J etc., for thorough mental ana physi? cal training. Location noted for health fulness, and possessing Railroad and Telegraphic facilities. For Blustratcd Catalogue, apply to Principal. June 1_tl3_ California and Imported Wines, Liquors, Etc. JUST received, direct from "California, a carload of supe? rior WTNES and BRANDIES, ?'made of delicious grapes in that highly favored country. Best Imported Scotch WHISKEY, Old Jamaica RUM, Holland GIN, Otard and other brands BRANDY, Sherry, Port and Madeira WTNES. I am also manufacturing that superior LAGER BEER,/ for which my brewery hasl acquired such a deserved re-* putation. Give it a trial?it is pure and warranted free from any deleterious in? gredients. Physicians recommeud it Also, best brands Imported and 1 Domestic CIGARS, Smoking and 'Chewing TOBACCO, Ac. My SALOON is supplied with the best of everything. LUNCH every day, at 11 o'clock, Give me a call, at the sign of tli*; big barrel, Nos. lOl and 1G(5 Richardson street JOHN C. SEEGERS. Prepare Your Own Mineral TBTaters, BY VSINO THi: Granular Effervescent Salts. ROCKBRIDGE ALUM, VICHY, CRAB OIK HAD, KISSINGEN, FRIED? RICHSHALL. The Salts represent in a condensed and agreeable form the me? dicinal constituents of these various Mineral Waters, and from their conve? nience and comparative cheapness, are coming rapidly into use. One or two large toa-spoon-fuls added to a small tumbler of water, instantly reproduces a draught of the natural Water, accompanied by a sparkling effervesce nee. For sale at L. T. SDLLIMAN A CO.'8 April (1 Drug Store. NEW BOOKS At R. L. Bryan's Bookstore. Gi EORGE IV, His Lift) and His Court - r *i.2?. Scientific London, by Beeker?$1.75. Science and Religion, by Dr?per? $1.75. Farrar's Life of Christ?$2.50. The Shadowed Home, by Bickersteth $1.50. Conquering and to Conquer, by Hchonberg Cotta Family?$1.25. Vernes' Journey to tho North Pole?$1.50. Ralph Wilton's Weird, bv author of Wooing O't.- $1.25. The Science of Law, by Amos?$1.75. Also, a variety of new English Novels, paper covers, hy Mrs. Olyphant, Far geon, author of ?'Castle," Mrs. Broddou, Wilkie Collins and others. Apri' 25 Mackerel. CHOICE MESS MACKEREL. No. 1, 2 and 3 MACKEREL. Just opened and for sale low, at retail, by JOHN AGNEW A SON. Attend the True Event." rUNE 10, 1875. to: Great Reduction AT t11k GRAND CENTRAL DRY GOODS ESTABLISH. OWING to the season of the year and scarcity of money, we have made STARTLING REDUCTIONS IN PRICES OF ALL GOODS, to enable our cus? tomers to purchase their summer sup? plies. Customers will find almost every arti? cle needed in a family at our establish? ment and at prices below all competition. Summer SILKS lower than sold in New York. Summer DRESS GOODS about half I the usual prices. Summer POPLINS below cost of im? portation. 13luck GRENADINES, from 25c. up. Ladies'and Children's Summer Merino UNDER-WEAR. Ladies' SUN UMBRELLAS, SILK TIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, RIBBONS. EMBROIDERIES, LACES, HOSIERY and GLOVES. Gents' White SHIRTS and FURNISH? ING GOODS, the most extensive and cheapest in the State. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, SHADES, MATTING and WALL PAPER, BOOTS and SHOES?choice goods at low prices. HOMESPUNS, PRINTS, JEANS, COT? TON ADES, &c, lower than ever. A choice line of CASSIMERES, LINEN DRILLS and DUCK, for Gents' and Boys' Summer wear. It will pay every one in need of goods to examine our extensive stock before making their purchases. BARGAINS can always be found at tho 1 Grand Central Dry Goods Establishment of WM. D. LOVE & CO. Samples sent gratuitously to all parts of the country on application. Juno G The Great Sensation Created a few days ago By Reducing Prices Prints, Long Cloths, Sc., To correspond with WILL be followed now by still greater reductions in the prices of finer grades of goods. GRENADINES, BEREGES, PLAID GRENADINES, AL? PACAS, GENAPINES, &c, at very low prices. A few LACE POINTS yet un'.old will be offered at a great reduction to close them out. PARASOLS and SUN UMBRELLAS reduced in price. Real HAIR GOODS, Switches, Curls and Braids lower than ever. Ladies', Gents' and Children's BOOTS, SHOES and SLIPPERS, the most com? plete stock in the State, and at prices un? surpassed anywhere. JONES, DAVIS & BOUKNIGHTS, Successors to R. C. Shiver &. Co. June 5 New Fresh Goods AT J.H.KINARD'S IARGE assortment of rich and beauti- ; j ful DRESS GOODS. The styles and patterns of PRINTS re numberless in variety, and every de- ! pnrtment of Ids large establishment lias! been replenished with accessions re- ! freshingly seasonable and accommodat? ingly priced. The Millinery Department T-; superbly stocked. Mr. Kinard invites a call. .j Spring OlotbinglH ?j Spring Olothing ? H Spring Clothing!^ Just opened The Largest and Rest Stock Ever seen here, AT D. EPSTIN'S, UNDER COLUMBIA HOTEL. STYLES. New and Handsome! FABRIC and DESIGN, Elegant! BEST MAKE UP! PRICES, Lower than ever! Vorv full lines of Boys' and Youths' CLOTHINd, FURNISHING GOODS and HATS. Call and examine at X>. PTPSTTJXT'S, April 4 Under Columbia Hotel. C. F. JACKSON, LMDB?OFJWraiCSu, WANTS MONEY. WILL SELL CHEAP! STO&E F?LLJE HEW BODOS! _128 main street._ Wine List?May, 1876. THE "CITY HALL GRO? CERY STORE" offers, as be? low specified, the finest Wine 'List ever published in Co? lumbia: CLARETS?St- Estepho, 8t Julian, Margaux, Pontet Canet, in pints and quart*!. HOCKS?Laubenheimer, Hockhcimer, Dudesheimer. SAUTERNES?HautSauternes, Graves S? Preignac, Latour Blanch, Chateun Yquem. CHAMPAGNES -Pommery A Greno's Lee, decidedly the finest dry Wine im? ported, Ohaus & DucLsdel's "Sillery," Carte Blanche, Kelly Island, Ac. SHERRIES AND PORTS?These of fine quality, age and bouquet, fuB stock, most carefully selected. My stock of French Brandies, Holland Gin, California Wines and Brandies, Do? mestic Whiskies, "Maryland," "Baker," "Finch," "Bomgarden, and other favor ito brands, is always full up. I have always endeavored to keop this branch of my business supplied only with best possible quality obtainable, and am fully satisfied with the result Any rare Wine or particular brand not here advertised, will be procured from first hands at very few days' notice. GEO. SYMMERS, City Hall Grocer and Wine Merchant. May 20 , YOUTHS* AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AND HATS, FOR S 3P B I H C OF 1875, Now in store, and to be sold at low prices. B. ft W. jj. SWAFFIBLD. Who feeds me from his grocery store. And shows me every day a score Of dainties, finer than before? 'Tis Solomon. Groceries, Family Supplies, Pure Liquors, Wines, &c. Whoso clerks arc smiling, childlike, bland. And always at my service stand Attentive to i>iv Last command? Why, Solomon's. Breakfast Strips, Beef Tongues, Sal? mon Bellies, Fulton Market Beef, Canned Goods and Other Delicacies. Wh<> cares for no man's smile or frown, While he can keep his prices down, Yet sells the finest goods in town? 'Tis Solomon. A Splendid Assortment of New Cof? fee and Teas- Japan, Oolong, Gun? powder, Hyson, Imperial and Mixed And can I ever cease to be The best of customers to thee, Who always did so well by me, Oh, Solomon'? Fancy Crackers, Raisins, Nuts, New Flour and Buckwheat. I'll keep to the store I like so well, I 'Neuth Mr. Gorman's big hotel, And kept by Hardy S-O-L O-M-0-N. ' _.??-Prices still lower, and goods frosh I every day. April 9