University of South Carolina Libraries
BY J?LIAX A. SELBY Dicttonabiies.?The victims of the lately prevalent orthographical mania will be interested in the fol? lowing announcement: "The Librarian of Congress says in a recent letter upon orthography: So far as the Library of Congress is concerned, Webster has never been followed in orthography in printing its catalogues,' reports or other documents. On the contrary, wherever proofs from the Con? gressional printing office embod the innovations upon Englis orthography which Webster intro? duced, they are invariably returned with corrections restoring the es? tablished spelling, as represented by Worcester and the usage of all gr?at English writers." & In our distinguished judgment, neither one of these dictionaries is worth the paper on which it is printed. They both present exam? ples and samples of shoddy literary work of which the American peo? ple have reason to be ashamed. It is true both are very bnPy, and contain a vast number of words, and illustrations to correspond, but when one wishes to ascertain the real radical meaning of a word, its history and growth, he might as^vell look into an algebra as into either one of the unabridged edi? tions. There are, moreover, a great number of common words adopted from other languages and in cur? rent acceptation aud employment, which cannot be found in either dictionary named. The deiinitions of both Webster and Worcester are also frequently unphilosophical und to that extent inadequate and incorrect. It is a great pity that this country has no association of scholars like the French Academy, to undertake a great dictionary of the English tongue, tracing out the history and development of each word, fixing its etemology and giving its authorized orthography. It may fairly be doubted whether any one man, however learned and laborious, is competent for such a task. I M. Littre prepared such a dictionary of, the French language, but neither Dr. Webster nor Dr. Worcester had the head or the hand of Iff. Littre. A Hopeful Missouri Bot.?Mr. Pomeroy Beeding, a fast son of Mr. E- L. Beeding, living in Cam? bridge,. Mo., was trapped last Wednesday, in an attempt to mur? der hi? father, mother and brother in-law. Mr. Beeding is one of the wealthiest and most popular men in the State, and being desirous of his son getting a good education, sent him to Fayctte, Mo. This boing a small place, he thought his son would not get the opportunity of practicing his rascality. After Pomeroy had been there for a few weeks, his father went to visit him, and found he had gotten deeply in defet, and was engaged to be rnar riefl to a young lady, who broke her engagement for this purpose. Mr. Beeding thinking this was. the wrong life for a school boy to lead, took him home. The boy wished to marry, but he had no money, not of age, and had no means of getting any. How was he to get it? Ho finally agreed to kill fkia father, mother, and brother-in-law, who constituted the 1 family. To do. this, ho tried to get Mr. Stan ton, a man not o? the highest standing in the world, who lived just across the river frotn him, to assist him. *?*a if ho would do, it, and1 told hipx that he could get a man in Sfe'JbbuiB to do it for $500, but klU tfc?tfWjrpafc one. tJ flr.:; gtsftb* told Pomeroy to meet him in a 1 ' Tunwef oiy ? certain night, and til wo?l^w?ceed from tAaere tdl falhng therm, but waft going to tell Mr. Beeding of his son's designs. Thinking that Mr. B. would not believe hirxi Mr. Slanton got two men to neoompany him to the log house, so n? to have some proof After the*i*d arrived at the house,, Po^p^6nco4 toui^ i?-: ton? and. Mat then the men from und*rn?oA ?ame in, grabbed him, and ^kb^ to, ha father. Mr! gave him a draft for ftity do? and discarded him. Pom-roy went to Glasgow, got his draft paid, sent for Ins WW^W Louis, since which nothing has been heard from him. "Let oar Just Censx Spring Clothing! u Spring Clothing S Spring Clothing! ? j j a hi openod The T^argnst and Best Stock Ever seen here, AT D. EPSTIN'S, TTNDER COLUMBIA HOTEL. STYLES, New and Handsome! FABRIC and DESIGN, Elegant! BEST MAKE UP! PRICES, Lower than ever! Very full lines of Boys' and Youths' I CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS und HATS. Call and examine at April 4 Under Columbia Hotel. HEN'S, YOUTHS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING AND HATS, s ro?. OF 1875, Now in store, and to be sold at low j prices. i & W. C. SWAWIELD. TO-DAY AND EVERY DAY! EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS AT JOKES, DAVIS & SOUKS', Successors to ft. c. shiver c:o. C1HOICE DRESS GOODS at 25 cents I i per yard. CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, ; JEANS and LINENS for Men and Bovs" wear. HAMBURG EDGINGS und TN-1 8ERTINGS. BLACK SILKS! We make Black Silks aspecialty. You \ can save TWENTY PER CENT, by pur- | chasing your Black Silks at this house. Parasols of all shades and styles opening I this day, at very low prices. Ladies', Gents' and S?sses' tine SHOES. This d court im nt is managed by Mr. M. I A. SHELTON, and the stock is second to | none in the Shite. Patent STEP LADDERS, all sizes, with I all the latent improvements attached; Berlin W(K)L. Java CANVAS, Crochet and Knitting NEEDLES. JONES, DAVIS A BOUKNIGHTS, Successors to R C. Shiver A Co. ifflHRASHERS, HORSE POWERS. EN Xi iGINES, FAN MILLS, GRAIN CRADLES. REAPERS, Ac., Ac., at ma? nufacturers' price. Send for catulogue io L?RICK &LOWRANCK, April 22 Columbia, S. totiee. f\K and afterVMay 1, thjd^ollowing I i\J Banks will cllae tbeirAmsinees at 21 I o^lock P. M.,:untirVnrth?>f inotice: C, J. tD3d?DELL, Cotter Carolina Na- | ^TAHf^AWYEvE*fTJas\pr Central Na Isional Hank. L. H. ?EjfcCY. Crfshicr SVh Carolina | Bank aatf^ifUstfCompani G. M. WALKER, Cashi April2# At R. L. Bryan t Booketere. [ iTt EORGEIV, His Lifc and His Court?! |*T ?1.25. < Soisntiflc London, by Booker??1.75. Jl Science and Religion, by Dr?per ?1.75. Farrar's Life of Christ-$2.50. The Shadowed Home, by Biekersteth? I ?1.50. Conquering and to Conquer, by Sehonberg Cotta Family??1.85. Vernes' Journey to the North Pole ??1.50. Ralph Wilton's Weird, by author of Wooing O't?$1.25. The Science, of Law, by, Ames??1.75. , Alas', a variety of new English Novels, paper covers, by Mrs. Olyphant, Far gecn, author of "Castle," Mrs. Brad don, Wilkio Collins and otbere. Apri? ?2 COLUMBIA, S. C, SUNDAY CITY HALL GROCERY. Gl RAND OPENING of spring and fum T mcr GROCERIES, WINES, ami so on, such as Substantials! Viz: Hams, Smoked Beef, Tongues, Bi'eaklast Strips, o.e. Desirables' As Pressed Corned Beef, Canned Sal? mon, Lobster, Oysters, (extra, ) Toina-1 toes. Peas, Apricots, Pine Apple, Ao. Indispensables! As the finest Fancy Family Flour, Pearl Grist, Fresh Bolted Meal, (Jilt Edge Butter, Pure Leaf Lard, Raw and | Parched Coffees, and Teas of unap? proachable purity and flavor. Medicinal! Wines, Brandies, Rums, Gins, Whis-I kies, Champagnes, Clarets. Hocks -all of guaranteed purity, strength and general excellence. My stock is replenished daily, the few goods enumerated above are but a small portion of the stock which is offered, at attractive prices, in the handsomest store in Columbia. GEO. SYMMERS. April 11_ Kerosene! Kerosene!! BARRELS pure white standard] *J\J KEROSENE, just received and for sale at 19c. per gallon by the barrel, and '20c. per gallon at retail. Kerosene\ [delivered, free of drayage, in onif jmrf of\ (hi city JOHN AGNEW ? SON. * Final Discharge. NOTICE is hereby given that JOHN AGNEW, executor ol* the ?rstate of Daniel R. Unwell, deceased, bus applied to Hon. B. I. lioone, Judge of Probate, in and for the County of Richland. for n ! final discharge as executor. It is ordered that the 21st day of May. A. J>. Ib7.">, be fixed for hearing petition, and a linal settlement of said estate. B. I. BOONE, Judge of Probate, Richland Couutv. April 22 :12_ Final Discharge. NTOTICE is hereby given that JOHN I AGNEW. administrator of the estute of James S. McMahon, deceased, has ap? plied to Hon. B. I. Boone, Judge of Pro bate in and for the County of Richland, for a final discharge as such administra? tor. It is ordered that the 21at day of May. A. D. 1875, be fixed for hearing of petition and a final settlement of said < state. B. I. BOONE. Judge of Probute, Richland Countv. April 22_W_ To All Whom It May Concern. NOTICE is hereby given that applica? tion was made on the 10th day of April inst., to the Clerk of Court for Richland County, bv D. Wyatt Aiken, John A. Barksdale, 5. N. Lipsconib, J. A. Sligh, Samuel W. Evans. C. R F. Bnker, A. M. Aiken, Geo. H. Waddell, Thomas Taylor and others, for a charter I of incorporation for the "State Grange of | South Carol hi a," for Agricultural pur? poses, in accordance with the Act of the I General Assembly of the State, in such case made and provided. Apr 20 tu4 Prepare Your Own Mineral Waters, HY using THE Granular KfFervescPiit Suits. ROCKBRIDGE ALUM, VICHY. CRAB ORCHAD, KISSINGEN, FRIED? RICHSHALL. The Salt? represent in a I condensed and agreeable form the me? dicinal constituents of these various | Mineral Water?, and from their eonve nienoo and comparative cheapness, arc coming rapidly into use. One or two large ten-spoon-fuls added to a small tumbler of water, instantly reproduces a draught of the natural Water, accompanied by a sparkling effervescence. For sale at L. T. SILLIMAN & CO.S April ft Drug Store Money to Loan, On Marketable Collaterals. EXCHANGE on New York, Baltimore, Philadelphia. Boston, and all promi-1 nent cities of the United S'.at.'-- and Er. rope bought and sold. DEPOSITS received and int. vest-bear? ing CERTIFICATES issued. STOCKS, BONDS, GOLD and SILVER | bought and sold. ACCOUNTS of merchants and others from the city and country solicited, and LIBERAL LINES OF DISCOUNTS! Knted by the CENTRAL NATIONAL] NK, corner of Plain and Richardson streets. JOHN S. PRESTON, PreB't. J. IL SAWVKn. Cashier. Mar 24 COTTONI QTORED and INSURED at very lowest j kJ rates, and the top of the market gua? ranteed for all Cotton consigned to us for | Sale. Advances mado at okk raa ?ext. fkr month upon all Cotton Stored with us, No charge for Drayage. Northern Timothy and Glover at $1.25 1 and 1.50 oi 100?full weight guaranteed. SEED POTATOES I Fine Early Rose, GoOdYieV, Peerless, Peaehblows and other varieties. Jonenport Fertilizer?as good as any used?$45 *? ton cash and 8011 ton time. SOUTHERN WAREHOUSE CO., Feb 10 3m Opposite 6. C. B. Depot. Davis' Diamond (Hams. AFULL supply of these choice HAMS | just received and for sale by April 10 JOHN AGNEW A SON. MORNING, MAY 2, 1875. FIREMEN' A FIREMAN'S TOURNAMENT will be held iu Columbia! Si C, on THUBSDAY, MAY 6, 1875. Under tho auspices of the Palmetto and Independent Steam Fire Engine Cmn Sallies and the Phoenix Hook und Lad? er Company. The following prizes have been offered by the citizens for competition: "1st Prize, for steamers.$100 2d. . 75 1st *' Hook A Ladder Co.. 75 2d " " " " " 50 1st '* " Hose ('or. and Hose Reels. ' 2d 14 ?. " 50 Companies intending to participate in the Tournament, will please communi? cate with Capt. W. B. Stanley, Chief En? gineer, Columbia, S. C. Copies of the Order of Exercise will be furnished on application to T. H. Muck well, Secretary of the Committee of Ar? rangements. THOS. DODAMEAD, Chairman. T. H. Black well, Secretary. New Spring Millinery. MRS. M. O'CONNERhaa just lopened, at tho store formerly ?/Occupied by F. B. Orchard A Co.. a line and well selected stock of MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, to which sho would in? vite the attention of the ladies of Colum? bia and vicinitv. Prices moderate April 2 lmf A FEW FACTS That We Wish the People to Know: 1THAT wc have an entire NEW ? STOCK OF Din GOODS. ?\ THAT we have an entire now stock of CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, MAT? TINGS, RUGS and WINDOW SHADES. 3THAT wc have an entire new stock ? of Ladies', Gents* and Children's SHOES; decidedly the largest variety and the best work ever shown in mis market. ALL the above wo are prepared to SELL CHEAPER und give you BETTER GOODS thftU any other house in the trade. JONES, DAVIS & BOUKNIGHTS, Successors to R. C. Shiver A Co. SEW FRESH GOODS J.H.KIIMARD'S IARGE lujRortim nt of rich anju beauti J ful DRf SS GOODS. / The fityrfs und potftfllfejdT PRINTS I are nuiubsrless in vafc(*e$?and every de fiartnienJTof hi^Mrge establishment ha? >een snj^r^h> d with accessions re fresbjl^PTy seasonable end accommodat? ingly priced. The Millinery Department Is superbly stocked. WMr. Kinurd invite<- r. eaU. April 7 song of soloin. Who feed4 me from hiv gvo?'ery -tuso. And shows me every day ft score Of daiutic?. finer than before? Ti^ Solomon. Groceries, Family Supplies, Pure Liquors, Wine9, &c. Whose clerks ere smiling, ciiildlil; bland. And always at my servici stand Attentive to mv least command/ \\ hy. Solomon's. Breakfast Stripe, Beef Tongues, Sal? mon Bellies, Fulton Market Beef, Canned Goods and Other Delicacies. Who cares for no man's smile or fruwu, While he can keep his prices down. Yet sells the lines* goods in town? t 'Tis Solomon. A Splendid Assortment of New Cof? fee and Tea* Japan, Oolong, Gun? powder, Hyson, Imperial and Mixed And can T ever cense to be The best of customers to thee, Who ulwuys did so well by me. Oh, Solomon? Faney Crackers, Raisins, Nuts, New Flour and Buckwheat. I'll keep to the store I like so 'Neutb Mr. Gorman's big hotel, And kept by Hardy S-O-L O-M-O-N. ' ^flP'Pricos still lower, and goods fresh every day. April ? C. F. JACKSON, x THS LEADER OF LOW PBIGB6.. HAS in store I the greatest variety St*! FANCY ARTICLES, RIBBON A* Ac., ever offered in this market?all Of] which he will dUpose of at very low [ prices. SPRING GOODS, of all shades and colors, to an inspection cf which the ladies are particularly invited. 128 MAIN STREET. Mid the True Event." VOLUME XI?NUMBER 36. IBEG leave to jRfefnT my friends and customers thai my arrangements are nearly completedNuid I will open the store, under the CityVIall, early in May, and he prepared to i>fler extraordinary inducements tojihe Jrade. W. B. BURKE. Apr 24 smwO Commission Mcrch't. Notice of Limited Partnership. TI1HE undersigned hereby give notice, I thut tbcv have this day formed a LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, for the trnna nction of a mercantile buainesa in the city of Columbia?said business to em bnicc, chieflv, the wholesale and retail of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. BOOTS, SHOES and HATS, at the old stand of R. C. Shiver A Co.. under the firm name of JONES, DAVIS A BOUKNIGHTS. DAVID JONES. J. HENRY DAVIS, EDWIN S. BOUKNIGIIT, C. BOUKNIGHT, . ANN R. SHIVER, All ve-sideiits of the citv of Columbia, S. C. CALEB BOUKNIGHT, an executor of the w ill of Robort C. Shiver, deceased, is a special partner in said firm, and has contributed thereto the sum of fifteen thousand five hundred dollara. Mm ANN It. SHIVER is also a special part? ner, and has contributed to the capital stock of said firm the sum of ten thousand dollars ill cash. The partnership will terminate March 9. 1877. CoLT.'MniA. April 7, 1875. April 7 wfl Notice to the Public Practitioners and Students of Dental Surgery. riTHE South Carolina State Dental -Wo .1. elation will meet in the city of Co lunibia, on TUESDAY, May 4, 1875, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the rooms of Drs, Boozer A Wright, at which time and place the Hoard of Dental Examiners in the State of South Carolina will hold their meeting in pursuance with tho Act passed by the Legislatur?' of the State, entitled "An Act to regulate the practice of den tistry. and protect the poople against empiricism in relation thereto, in the State of South Carolina." Candidates for examination Mill pre? sent themselves at 12 M. of WEDNES? DAY, May 5, at the above mentioned place. THEO. F. CHUPEIN, D. D. S., President South Carolina S. D. A. C. C. PATRICK, D. D. S., April G Corresponding Secretary. ^5iT*Greenville .Yt'icscopy twice a week until day. Final Settlement. NOTICE is hereby given that I, W. P Hix, surviving partner of the firm of WE Alt N Sc HIX, will make my final settlement iif. Mte^rttBSMSj s of the said firm, withVTlie administratrix of the estate of ^Richard Wearn,jjSi the 12th Y, 1875. All/persons who again* thu^said firm will same bejjrre that date for ' all persons' still indebted ara^cquested to make W. P. HIX. lay of bavo present payment, to the saf payment. Ai'itir, 15, Notice is her R. Wearn, adm Richard Weo Hon. B. L and for. the final discharge It is ord MAY, A. D. 187 petition, and a estate that Margaret Lof the estate of I has applied to ?f Probate, in .ichland, for a linistratrix. 12th day of for hearing of final settlement of said B. L BO ONE, Judge of Probate. Riehland County. AprjUG^_ t!2 Millinery OF the LATEST STYLES; also, Ladies' and Children's SUITS of all sixes and qual? ity, UNDERWEAR, COR? SETS. HAIR and FANCY GOODS. Just received, a large assortment of Wenck's PERFUMERY, at April 25 _MJ*^ J^i^E?0'8 Columbia Ice House; ICE Shippers have mado a large crop at lower cost the past winter than. in any previous winter in the history of the business. I have made arrangements for a full supply of superior ICE for the pre? sent season, at lower rates than in any former year, and propose to reduce the rate to City Consumers as follows: 100 pounds and upward, l\c per pound; less than 100 i pounds, lie. 50 !>ounds and upward delivered within the iinits of the city free of charge. JOHN D. BATEMAN, Apr 27 lino . Agent HARVESTING npHRASHEES, HORSE POWERS, EN X GINES. FAN MILLS. GRAIN CRADLES, REAPERS, Ac, Ac, at ma? nufacturers' price. Send for catalogue to L?RICK & LOWRANCE, April 22 Columbia 8. C. SIMMONS' TO I ? REGULATOR The symptoms of Liver Complaint are uneasiness and pain in the side. Some? times the pain is in the shoulder, and is mistaken for rheumatism. The stomach, k is affected with loss of appetite and sick fness, bowels in general costive, and sometimes alternating with lax. The head is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sensation, considerable loss oi memory, accompanied with painful sen? sation of having left nndono something which ought to have been done. Often complaining of weakness, debility and low spirits. Sometimes many of the I above symptoms attend the disease, and at other times, very few of them; but the Liver is generally the organ most in? volved. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR I For nil IMsenHes of tlic Liver, Stomach and Spleen ! IT is evidently a Family Medicine, and by being kept ready for ini inediate resort, will save many an hour of suffering, and many a collar in time and doctors' bills. After forty years' trial, it is still receiving the most unqualified testi? monial* of its virtues from persons of the highest character and rc spynvibility. Eminent physicians commend it as the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC for Constipation, Headache. Pain in the Shoulders. Dizziness. Sour Stom.ieh. bad taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attack-;. Palpitation of the Heart. Pain in the region of the Kidneys, Despondency, Oloor*. and forebodings of evil; all of which are the ortspring of a diseased Liver. If yon feel Dull, Drowsy, Debilitated, have frequent headache. Mouth tastes badly, poor Appetite and Toag?.e Coated, you are suffer? ing from Torpid Liver, or "Biliousness," and nothing will cure yon so speedily and permanently. The Liver, the largest organ in the body, is generally the seat>of the disease, and if not Regulated in time, great suffering, wretchedness uud DEATH will ensue. Armed with this ANTIDOTE, all climates and changes of water and food mav be faced without fear. As a remedy in MALARIOUS FEVERS. BOWEL COMPLAINTS. RESTLESSNESS, JAUNDICE, NAUSEA, tho Cheapest, Purest and Best Fatuilv Medicine in the World! ??I have never seen or tried such a simple, efficacious, satisfactory and pleasant remedy in my life."?H. Hainkb, St, Lonis, Mo. "I occasionally use, when my condition requires it. Dr. Simmons'' Liver Regulator.' with good effect."?Hon. Ai.kx. H. Stevens. "Your Regulator has been in use in my family for.some time, and I' am persuaded it is a valuable addition to* the medical science. "?Uov. J. Unx SnoBTxa, Alabama. "I have used the Regulator in my family for the past seventeen . vear*. I can safely recommend it to the world as the b^st medicine I? have ever used for that class of diseases it purports to oure."?H. F. . Thiopbn. ... "Simmons' Liver Regulator has proved a good and efficacious medi? cine."?C. A. Nutttmo, President of City Bank. , . "We have been acquainted with Dr. Simmons' jjjver, Mer ,. more than twenty years, and know it to be the beet Ljver Reg offered to the.public." - M. R. Ltok and H. L Ltos, Druggists, fontaine, Ga. iXlMtMOlSr?' LIVER For DYfcPEPMA, CONSTIPATION, JA?NDB^IV Bj^OUfi AT? TACKS. HICK HEADACHE, COLIC, DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS, SOUR STOMACH, HEART BURN, Ac, 4c, X* WW*{ ?er**** la a faultless Family Medicine, Does not disarrange the system, Is sure to eure if taken regularly, . . . Is no drastic violent medicine. Does not interfere with business, Is no intoxicating beverave, Contains the simplest and best' remedies. CAUTION? Bay no Powders or Prepar*d SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, unless in our engraved wrapper, with Trade Mark, Stamp and Signature unbroken. None other is gennine. Ian 30 IwCmo J. H. ZElLlN ft CO., Macon, Ga., and Philadelphia.