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, m , -- m THE BEST VAUDEVILLE EVER. SHOWN ! ? " ^jMBiii Y Iffl Anderson At thc thrice; Is At ? The Palmetto Theatre, I .'?.???HTIIII-'-M--?--WIIIIIP^ -- -.-mum.umm\ 11 Buy Your Diamond Now Diamonds are expected lo advance in price before Christ mas hy those who are in touch with the market. So, il you are thinking of buying, now is the time. Our price: are right and we sell pert ec t goods only. John M. Hubbard & Co. Where Quality is Always Higher than Price. ^?TN >?C- ** _ *N fV*Mfc ijJ-j HOME OF YO UR_ ><^^*V >f^_.0W_NJ^ A HOME IN OECD -:-^S^5t^ \ *C0*"- Wo are now ready to irive all iSO? of our time to selling lota. ^ j ^?^pjg H?Hes 1 ?EC V ., ""^^ For fifteen months we have been opening streets and grading lots. 200 beautiful lots have been made ready for homes. ^ 75 of the 200 have already been sold. . . m We Have A beautiful lot on the corner of N. McDuffie and Greenville Street that we are offering very cheap. Now is your chance to buy a lot close in at a ~ry small cost. , ,e also have a nicebusiness lot on N. Main Street that we willsell cheap. J. FURMAN EVANS CO. Evans Building :: Anderson, S. C. fni? i nf CvrdmcdMin? rnvita? ?on^?ono?ramSlalio??ery (: r l'A iii i IO N A B LY TING RAV ED //, C?>, m. I H? ANDERSON INTELLIGENCER JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT QI/USJW3B/XOCA^ AGJ6/KT3 % rU THIS EXCLUDIVE, I^rMfy.^ .Y- -Y' -Y- -Y- H- '.{. H> -Y- -Y- -Y- '.<. .{. Y Y * ELECTRIC CIT * _ .Y Items of Interest and Person i * Wireless on the S \iil<pmobiles nero In tirent Prominence. fine visitor spending yesterday lu Anderson commented un tile fact that there were/ moro automobile? In the ?.Hy for the day than he had ever seen here before. The explanation of this to begin Investigating und he reported that there were more "buss wagons" here limn had over been seen In this idaeo before. Every man, when his opinion wa? asked, said that more ma chinen wen; here than had ever been here before. The ^explanation of thlH lies not In the Tart that yesterday's events were of such importance, but Hitit Anderson county now has more machinen than ever before. There is never n day without an automobile being sold in some portion of the county. Hope Schools. Muy Fxlend The Terms Members of the county board of education ,sald yesterday that they would like to seo every school In Anderson county extend Its term this session HO that every Anderson county school might have seven monthB of school work. There ls possibly of this hope being realized in which ovout Autlersnn county will be head and shoulders above all the remainder of the State. AB lt now ls, Anderson county leads South Carolina from an educational standpoint and can boast of lieder schools than any other coun ty in the state. Office Seekers And the VoteT. Although there was a large atten dance at tho Slate campaign meeting held in Anderson yesterday, there were almost as many candidutCB in the city as voters. Every candidate for avery county office, numbering about 65, put In an early appearance and this number, coupled with thu can didates for State offices, furnished al most as largo a n?mber as did the voters at some places visited by tho State party. Merchants around town reported that yesterday's business was splendid. ? o Townvllle To Hate Big Picnic. People living in and near Town ville nrc anticipating the picnic at that point next Friday with considerable pleasure. It bi understood that a ma. Jorlty of tho candidates for county of fices will be in attendance and will speak during the day. It is estima ted that a tremendous crowd will be in attendance. Mr. Mann Is At Return Church. Friends In Alderson have received a letter from Rev. J. T. Mann In which Mr. Mahn says that he is now at Return Church, near Seneca, whore he ls assisting in a revival meeting which s bong conducted by Rev.- L. which is being conducted oy Kev. L,. a meeting at Mt. Bethel church which ho says was very successful Indeed. I Schedule Changes I Canned Cont union. ' Owing to tho fact that several changes went Into effect In the sched dlcB on tho Piedmont and Northern lines Sunday, some confusion arose. A number of people went to tho sta tion to board trains which had been stopping at tholr towns, only to And that tho trains had boon made Into limited expross trains and did not stop at those; points. They were In convenienced but little however, as the local trains a short time later ac comodated them fully aa well. The new limited schedule to Spartanburg is said to be very satisfactory. O Beautiful SOUTH Are Suprebfy Sung. ' Lovers of good music In Anderson i aro lmmoneely pleased with tho *t?rac , tton ottered at the Bijou yesterday, tue Belmont quartette Thcso gentlemen aro easily the sweetest singers that Anderson people have heard In ages ' and as a result tho crowds are tlock ing to tbls popular amusement place. Manager Bristow is to be comple mented on securing such attractions for Anderson and tho people of the city aprec?ate it, Judging by the atten dance yesterday. Tho quartetto will remain hero through today and to morrow. Had Narrow Escape .From Being Drowned ' DeWitt Vandlvor, a woll known Anderson county farmer, was almost drowned at Watson's mill a fow days Iago, according to the story related by porno of his frejnds yesterday. A party of young men went in swimming I. at the mill and Mr. Vandlver. who ls ?Just leaVntng the art, dived .from an overhanging, tree Into a pond. He struck tue water with such velocity 'that he was rendered powerless ead had lt not been tor the timely assis I tance of the. young men wt lb him, ino would have lost his life. if. if. if? if. if. if. if, if. if. if. i{. if. if. if Y SPARKLETS * _ * al Mention Caught Over the * treeto of Anderson * if? if? if? Of* if? if? if? if? if? if? if? if? if? if? Candidate Had Mis nantis Full. As our Of tile cundill al cs entered tlie Cbiquolti hui' i yesterday, he no ticed a piece uf bluo rihlHiii on the floor, according to accounts, and Hlouping, he picked up thc loose end. lie found thai it was longer than he j thought and followed it entirely across the lobby and to the elevatoi j shaft, where he found a young lady blushing furiously. He handed the double handful of ribbon to her and withdrew, blushing more than even was the young lady. -u Windows Wore At A premium. Windows in tho court house yester day were at a premium. Through out the campaign meeting the voters stood around various windows, wait ing until some hearer would get tired ot the speeches and move, whereupon the window would again he occupied In short order. The court room was thickly populated wtlh those anxious to hear the speeches and the offices, both on the ground floor and on the next floor, were equally popular. -o Picnic und Speaking At Three and Tuent? Thc plan: niado for the Woodmen of thc World picnic at Three and Twenty today was very elaborate and lt is expected that the candidates for county ofllces will speak to a largei crowd than has yet greeted them. The Woodmen picnic is un annual af fair for Three and Twenty and the people from all parts of the country go there for tho day. The additional fact that the campaign party is to be there will attract a larger crowd. Anderson Folks At ('amp Meeting. During thc last week a number of Anderson people 'havo been to Pop lar Springs, near Royston, Ga., where they have been In attendance upon a big camp meeting which ls In prog ress. Returning to1 Anderson Uley report that greabf Interest ls being manifested and that thc grounds will not accomodate "thc largo crowds. Among those who made tbs Irip from I Anderson Sunday were Bruce Harper, I Henry Harper and T. E. Smith. An Annual Excursion To the Sea Coast. . Thc annual excursion ruf tho South ern railway from tho 'Piedmont sec tion to Charleston and points on the Bea coast will go this year on Friday. August 21. This excursions ls al ways one of the most popular trips of the year and Anderdon people never Tail to take advautago of the low round trip rates offered. Clearing Away The ravinions. The Southern Public Utilities Co. lias put a force of hands to work on bearing away the property off itu ena Vista park, preparatory to turning thc park over to the syndicate.which pur. ".based lt last week. Several street :ar loads of chairs were brought up From the park and stored away yes. terday. ittended State Campaign Meeting Mes3ra. J. A. Drake, J. W. Drake ind J. R. DcVorc, throe clever and popular citizens of Donalds township, were among the many visitors In the . Vy Monday attending the State cam paign meeting. Thc Messrs. ' Drake nave many relatives and 'friends in \ndcrscn county where they aro al ways welcome visitors. -o Crop Conditions In Brushy Creek. J. W. Roth rock, farm demonstrator or Anderson county and agricultural tgent, haa returned from a trip Into he Brushy Creek section. Mr. Rotb *ock reports that crops are fairly good n that portion of the county and he ixpocta the farmers to -got good rle ids. /He says that the Brushy Jreok people have had moro rain than hey really need but ho exec ts both Mt ton and'corn to do well there, o-. . Sri. finJhards Got Amusing Post Card. John Q. Richards, candidate for governor of South Carolina and some imo claimed to bo a coat.tall swing er by his opponents, .received . an imusing post card . yesterday.. Tho ?ard bore a printed picture at the top, k hand holding on to a disappearing '.oat tail and underneath were tho words. "Hold tight Richards,' He is tunning 'Away From ''you<* . Lower lown the card eatd. ' I dare you to ihow this to Bill lrliy^..Tna;Veara tore no signature but waa postmarked lt Columbia. It afforded considerable unusement aa did tho fact ' thnt Mr. Mchard's room number at t?? Chl iuola hotel waa "23." .?t . . -o-? ir. Damier fs Back Fro? Tour. , Rev. 8. W, Danner baa returned o Anderson after a six-week's preach [PALMETTO THEATRE H TODAY'S PROGRAM THE KING AND GIBBS MUSICAL COMEDY CO., Presents fME BOGUS COUNTS ? ;v;:;; !IN MOVIES OUR FAIRY PLAY . ;; ..Vitagraph 2 Reel Special BEANS ...Essanay Farce Comedy ANDY PLAYS CUPID. . . Edison Comedy Complete change of Vaudeville every day. Sj THE COOLEST PLACE IN ANDERSON || P F JW "M'IIMW^''^*MW,WI^'*W'U'"M''1'1* ON W OFF the FILIT5 AUGUSTUS PHILLIPS. AUGUSTUS PHILLIPS' work tn heavy lend* 1ms earned him a grout deni of pru lac. end be ls to be featured in the near future, accord ing to report. "The Glided Kidd" ls by Mark Swan, in two parts. To win a wager the Gilded Kidd bsd to get arrested. If he lost be would have to stay awsy from the girl he loved for three months. He tries many ways and Is finally compelled to bribe tbe warden to get Into jail. Wben he decides to leave things look bsd. In -All For a Tooth.- by Roto M. Woodward. Bamsntby's lost tooth and a book describing the Roman Cata combs were tbe cause and the subjects cf ber husband's dream. -The Living Desd," by Richard Washburn Child, hi the ninth story of "The Mnn Who DiFsppeared." Nelson Wales caused Perri ton to be arrested nnd he'd a prisoner lu bis stateroom. Mnry. In the next stateroom, opened a panel so Perrlton could escape. When she pretended to faint und her brother and detective came to ber . assistance Perrlton Jumped overboard and es caped. . j. "Broncho Billy Wins Out" This ts n story of a coward and his defeat by a hero., featuring G. M. Anderson.- Bron cho Billy and the coward are botb In love with the schoolteacher at Snake vllle. Broncho is accepted, and the coward, mad with Jealousy, tries to get bim in trouble, but falls into his own trap. Howard Todd, who plays opposite Victor Potel as "Mustang Pete" tn the Bnakevllle serles, has purchased a ranch in southern California. -The Old- Fire Horse" ts by Msrfc Swan. When Old Jim, a former nie horse beard a fire bell be would nm In that direction. Nick Sharp trjx* planning to obtain Betty's fortune hy n promise of ?marrluce. Taking Old .Hm. they elope, but their plans are upset by tlie ringing of n fire bell. "Andy Learns to Swim" Is th? ninth adventure of Andy, by Mark Swan. After a microscopic examinn tlou pf Water, Andy decided he would use as little'as possible, both Internally end externally. A visit to Coney Is land on a hot day changed his attltuuv and he learned to swim. Since Richard C. Travers has bad, sr? many accidenta In his racing rar. be hos hired s messenger boy to go alone with bim on bis- rides and point om the trees and things that he might hit. and tbus save himself from an other wreck, and his face for tho bene fit of screen fans. lng tour. He has been through Charleston, Marlboro and Orange, burg counties and says ' that ho. met wtlh splendid people while away and that all hlB meetings were successful. He ls pastor of the Bethel Methodist church in this city. Mr. Smith Is Able to Be Out Ralph Smtlh, a well known young enan of Anderson was able to be out. tm the streets yesterday after having suffered a very .severe, attack of ty. [?hold fever. Mr.; Smith .waa in the hospital for some weeks an^TJUs con 1H ion WOB regarded as serious. ? About one week agohu was discharged from tho hospital and since that time has been regaining hie strength. J Bul was being congratulated by. his many friends yesterday. Hreek Soldier } CIBI lg In Anderson. A veteran of two wars and' w4dol$ raveled in the "old country" 1|J*ay*gs 3ar?gos, from Sparta, Greece, arrlv )d In Anderson last nlghWld Mitt nake his homo here with' hlVjfcou?rA 3 us Antonikos. G a rogos ts a c^pftr* Ulvoly young man, being . only 27 /cara of age,, but he foUglit^WWWgtt the Turkish war and-the 'BW!gW?f?!J .var and received ?twtjj IwftltiiSjpanHB luring engagements?.. \ He talle some interesting tales oP tho two wars ano avery Greek In town would rather near him narrate those experiences .han to make mony at his business. i'rof. Banks Has Reached the. city. . Prof. A. R. Banks ot Columbia who ls to become a member ot < thc (acuity of the Fraser Fitting: School, ir ri ved ia Anderson from Columbia yesterday. Prof. Banks is one of thc liest known educators tn the. state ind Anderson people feel that the lo za\ school was fortunate tn seevrutf 'lim. He will teach mathematics au' Latin at the Fraser school during'tht lext session. ....... , ' v, . ii . .? . . JENNINGS GIVEN NOISY RECEPTION Candidates For United States Sen ate Spoke in Georgetown .Yes terday to Crowd of 1,900 Special to Tho Intelligencer. Georgetown, August 17.-There was moro disorder today in the campaign meeting hore than la nay oilier meet ing since thc candidates for the Unit* ed States sonate began their tour of ?the eti?te. I?. r>. Jennings during his whole alloted time was annoyed by Bucklers. He was not allowed to make hts speech, j J. W. Doar, who acted aa. county i th air man, made several ineffectual offdrtH to hold the crowd quiet. W. H. Andrews, mayor,'sat .on tho. st and, ?ld the chief of police, and neither o any- effort . to enforce order. Each wore a' Blcase badge. .Mr. . An drews also presented a loving cup to Go&rnor Bioaso. / Tiovernor Blcase waa the - first; sneaker and ..- was warmly applauded ^ffig^introduced. About the only VlfmUon .In his speech -srorn his cns. 'jainaij utterances. was his denuncia tion of M, K. Miller, chief clerk in thc office oi E. J. Watson, commissioner or agriculture and commerce. This criticism was incurred, by a. letter sent out by Mr Miller In answer to a request for his opinion of the posel blllty of the governor's election. Senator Smith wa? not Interrupted, either, and m?r*.e -today otto of the most affectiv?, speeches of the cam paign. He made no reference what ??3r to the governor.. P?7?/. IV Pollock-did not attend the meeting today, being detained In Che raw. A telegram . wu*-, road, In which the, candidate expressed his regret, tr^^here were approximately 1,000 person present'. Georgtown t..rnJabed an unique de. BIJOU ...THEATRE TODAY'S PROGRAM TUE BELMONT QUARTETTE will sing .today "Memphis Blues," ?|Dear Ola Girl,** |<LIttle Tres,** "Sailing Donn the Chesapeake Boy" and com. edy;songs for encores. Dont fall, to hear these harmony Dingers, they are great. ? THE DOPE Eclair. A 2 reel drama, with Mil. dred Bright and Bob Pra*?sr. WOOING OF BESSIE BUMPKIN Joker. Comedy. j FOURTH REEL TO BE SELECTED . The Belmont Quarttetto will slug any songs handed In at the bot 00106; Dont- forget the Electric Theatre ts snowing high elana pictures at an ad mission of Bc to everybody. ?. ;! ' . i ... ' . vice * today by whfetf* arrangement the speakers might be heard by Georgetown citizens in*V?Wlr?Ma>?ftes. A telephone receiveV **H>Wa^nj||(f!i?d to a huge megaphone which hung, di rectly over the ppcakern.\Tho wiring led directly to tbe teleghono ex change, thus it was possible for every person with a telephone in George town to hear the candidates by mere ly taking down their. receiver. The meeting tomorrow iMptl be% at Mon ck's Corner, Berk < ley county. Back from Washington. . Mesars.' Lee . Holleman, J. M. Broy les, 8; N Browne, T. T. Wakefield and' .William Banks returned < yesterday from tho cotton congress in Wash ington Messrs. B. F. Mauldln and B. B. Goasett went , on to New York;, MeSSTS. 3. J, Vty?twe11 Harve Kelley and J. M, P&ir.^sn retnniedf Sun day.