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simp]/ lo gratify their own personal arabitiuns, but because .(boy can be of service. Having proved (lint they are of Hei vice, wisdom dictates that they continue to be of ae?vlce; and lt may be confidently asserted that the value of tho service of a man of ca pacity, character and industry and good habits Increases in exact pro portion to his length of service. These fact? should furnish food for thought to every constituency in the land. Th? two-term-find out rule is a poor one for any district. I c&h speak on this subject with some freedom, as my own district has given mo ten unani mous nominations." .1 < - -very truly, > ' ' ' Wyatt Aiken. Washington, August 15. H'M. P. 8.-I ?in Just in receipt of tho following from Senator John Sharp Williams: "United States Senate "August 13, 1914.. ".Hon. Wyatt Aiken, House ot Rep resentatives, Washington, D. C., "Dear Wyatt: I have heard that some ciltlclsm has been made of you on account of your vote on tho Pure Food Dill in tho House In HI 1)6. 1 voled, ns you did, against the bill when lt came up in the House for thc Mini, time, because it contained a section ??that was objectionable on the groupd that lt took away the right of a state' to make any regulation] on thc subject. As states rights Demo crats I think we voted right. "The Senate struck out; the ob: Jectionable section and when the bill carno back to thc house lt was pass ed without a dissenting vote. "With pleasant recollections of our service together lu the House, I am with every expression of regard, "Very truly yours, (Signed) "John 8. Williams." FRECKLE-FACE Sun and Wind Bring Oat Ugly Spots,] How to Remove Easily. Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-face, to try a remedy for freckles with the guarantee ot a reliable dealer that lt will not cost you a penny unless lt re. moves the freckles: while'if it does give you a clear complexi?n the ex pense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of othlno double strength from un y drugg!?; and a few applier.'ons should show you how easy lt ls tb rid yourself of tho homely freckles and get a beauti ful complexion. K*arely ls mote titan one ounco needed for t??e worst cuse, . Be sure to ask the 'ir ogg i ut for the double strength othine ns this !? tho proscription sold under guarantee of money back If it fails to remove freckles. ? **? mm wmm Hr? Ragland Writes Interesting Letter OD This Subject. Madison Heights, Va.-Mr. Chart. A. Ragland; o? tafe place, Writes: "f have been taking Thedford's Black-Draught for indigestion, and other stomach troub les, alscfcolds, and find it to be the very" best medicine I have ever used After taking Black-Draught for a few days, 1 always feel like a hew man." Nervousness, nausea, heartburn, pain In. pit of stomach, and a feeling of full ness after eating;, an sure ./mptoms ol stomach trouble, and should be given Bia proper treatment, as your strength and health depend very largely upon your food and its digestion. To get quick and permanent relt?l from tficse ailments, you should take s medicine of known curative merit Its 75 years of splendid success, In the treatment of Just such troubles, proves the real merit ot'' Tn?dford'? Black Draught. Safe, pleatt??f, ger?U?i?adT?n, nnd without ?ad 'sff?r-i?ffeefsi lt te ??rc to tenefit both y?un? and old. For everywhere. Price 25c. >y~~iL&m. ?;. ; .'. T . 'i juMi,,,!'- - 8I ;Betterttt?l^.aw^ ayst?^caMy. (Vflt lilli! ? wages every pay. day* Systematic Saving ls a gre** factor Ia[hvAl4 jb^eajutt?to* Vrj lt - . [? ? ; .....' p?rtm?rit bf Th? BiokofA?ders? ;.; The Rtron^eRt Bank In ibo County. George E. Moore, editor ot 'the .Chronicle at Henea Path, waB among the interested voters attending tho campaign meeting in Anderson yester day. E. C. Machine of LowndeBvillo epent a few hours in the city yesterday on business. J. P, Due worth, a well known bOBl ncBs man or Willlamston, was In An-j dcrson yesterday. C. E. Harper, of linnea Path, a Bub -1 s tan ti al citizen of that place spent | yesterday in the city. H. L. Cox of Cravenville was in | the city yesterday for a few hours. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Merritt have re turned from a short visit to relatives | at Greenwood. Dr. Herbert' H. 'Harrst' and' Philip] W?hlte spent Sunday in Hartwell, Ga., j with friends. Dr. Herbert H. Harris and Philip] Miss Ruth, have returned from Hart well, Ga. . Dr. c. r,. Guyton of Plercetown spent ? part of yesterday in tho city. Archie L. Todd has returned from Asheville and Hehdersonville, N. C..j whero he has been spending a week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barton spent] Sunday in Hendersonville, N. C. Melvin Wilson of Pendleton was lui Anderson yesterday for a short Btay. L>. M. Jones of Selma, Ala., passed through Anderson yesterday en route | to Asheville, N. C. Frank Ashmore and E. J. Daven, port of Greenville were in the city] Sunday for a few hours. They are on] their way to Atlanta. Miss Annie Belle Strickland, who once lived here hut is now making her home in Charlotte, ls spending ? few days in the cty wth friends and relatives. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Smathers of Co lumba are Visiting friends In Ander son . Dr. Smathers was. once a well I known dentist in this city. Mr. and Mrs. W, C.- Thompson of 'Forsyths., Ga., are in the city, the] guests of friends.' ;. Miss Frances Murphy ; has retarded j from s visit to relatives in Green. vlUe.. R. E. I lol ly rod spent part of Sun day In Greenville with friends. Louis H. Cary of Greenville spent] a few hours in tho city yesterday. ?? \ Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Stripling of] Greer spent Sunday in the city with] friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Couch or Hart well. Ga., wefe In the city Sunday, guests at the Chiquola -hotel. I - G. H. Huff of Greenville spent a j few honra in the etty yesterday on] business. E. B. Elmore of Clemson College] was among t?ie visitors to spend yes terday in ?he city. Samuel McCrary, one of Pendle-'| ton's wen known, citizens, waa In An derson yesterday. . , , E? G. Evans -ot Pendlotr / was 1 among tho visitors to spend yesterday | m Anderson. . W:-fI?rT|D6V',nf:,?r?^nvh,?e'' spent a fow'hours rn thc city yesterday In the interests of the Southern Railway. . Harry "sloan and Jack Elmore of Clemson Col lego were In the city yes terday on business. - .'fy/jif. Jackson o?r Starr was among tho vie!tors to apend yesterday in An derson. ' Sam -Jackson of Iva was In the city] yesterday for a few hours. 'Master William Smoak has return ed from a vtstt ct two week? t? re?a*. ismmess Clear Eye. Strong ?rm, Ooo* Health, are Secreft of Snceesi, 1 : Th.o; Mn -frith tho pnhehrhoti? men-' tsj and physical .la the big business success of today, V * : ''|r^mi? n^^B?;'ili?. for?a be hind bis business possibilit?s. >'*.;.\\" The business World has no ?mo to paten to the' grbdch^l?*.' ^ . . . ? Sour stornach, malarial Indigestion, coated tongue and a 'huhdrcd other bodily lila come from an out-of-order Hwfr. .-' ' ? . ; Calomel used to be considered the only relief. Modern medical sclonce .has provided a far ml?dof end moro pleasant f?rm of liver roilor ia CARS WELL'S LIVER UD. a purely vt*ts tabl? ^td.r?medy. ; A large botti ecan be had fe* W cents at FrleMon'? Pharmacy Be?td?. S. C;., whare the purchase price will be promptly returned in case you wish Photos by American Press Association. .Little Fighting Craft of British Navy ; IN warfare the little craft of the fighting navies, able to sting even the big gest Dreadnoughts to death, are often ns important ns the mighty bsttle ships or battle cruisers. Two of the swift vessels of the British navy-the Swift ls the lower' one In the picture-are seen here. . The upper ship is the Janus,'going'at fall ?peed. The British navy ts plentifully supplied with tor pedo boat destroyers. : * . r,: TtV* ? ? - ik*.. - imf Mt? ' i nf H Photo by American Press Association. Rheinland In Kaisers First Navy Line. THERE-are four battleships of the Rheinland class In the German navy, and all. four have been Included In the first line for offensive and. de fensive operations. They are the roden. Rheinland.'Westfalen sud Nns sou. They ore heavily armed, mounting twelve elevemlnch Runs each, besides 3any of smaller caliber. They, were all built sbodf alz years ago' and turo a sp] a cern ont of ?-I&G02 tons each. i'';W^?,lr Photo by American Pirew<Assoclatlon.f , . , . ... - , The British Battleship Superb .xl'*:ffihMu.-i'M"'?; . -A- ..?. ..,:'. . .. ... i eipM?B British 1battleship Superb was launched tn December, 1807, ss a muter I " shlpiof this T?m?raire und the Bellerophon,.- Bho ha? a speed exceeding t" U?tVenty-oii6 knots and carries ton twelve-Inch grins rind five eighteen-lnch forpetW* tubbs, fn-.addition to'the secondary battery.of elxtebu four-Inch guns .Sfnosks),, Ho waa;accompanied bjihlsl :Mr:.and'Mrn:.-W?fC..^omoson and to^^Maater Halium Smith who.willr little m^M%mmS^??^''^l l?? ape^'Bover?uweek? wlthjilm. : ?.<>: clty"the gu%ta of ! prland Mrs. R. E. ; iWn! iHir'\{b''?'. ?. ?. Thorn^pson and other relatives. . JWt?? it?i^ .?-'. . ".'. ? ' of> yesterday uta the city on business. ^ R. O; ?Brock of Pendleton was w'V'ss^ffo?v-:.--rnurong the visitors spend yesterday I'?WK Bsbttirig, Jule Uucworth ?. Hrr in the city. ... -Kay^itfi ^JBTlGe? war?1 som? ot the -i-, woir ?known farm ors tri the etty yes. J. L. O Shaw of Rock Ullis spent torday' foV tho chmpalgn meeting. part of yesterday in the city on bust .:.;f<i .?T.-7.-, ?? - - . n?88; A. 'O. 'Wood of Greenwood spent a : " -' feW 'honra''tn the city yesterday on Mrs,. W. t. Anderson of Belton, business. / .. route 2, waa shopping tri the city yes .' terday, D. F. West ot the Roberta sefton ' - was among the visitors to ?pend yes- Reid Sherard, at'pho time a citizen terday in the city. ot Belton, but who noir makes hts ~- home:in'Bost?n,: spent yesterday in T. A. Simpson of Starr was in tho, Anderson. , city yesterday on ; huaracas. I ./ '. . . _-L ' V. ' '.> ' ' : iV,Pv W^bokg*y has ' rctt?rhed' to the J Mw. Emmie Stewart of ' Satannah,;city ?ftef having .'spirit several days lOa, 18 hero on a>visit to her parents, ' in the city on brulhejia. . V Mr. and Mr?. A. 1*0 Davenport ot! Mrs. R. H. Morrow* of Vnrnivjtle. Fountain ?nn are visiting Mr. and Ohio, has arrived in tho ctly for a Mrs. Holder. j visit to Mrs. W. B. Valentine, In . iiiSi (North Anderson. '. v.O. W." Garret of Greenwood was infv 1 ' ^ ..?-'-'?.-?? tho etty yesterday. {. F. M. Rurneu, secretary ot tho An - ..?'??. ' - J flerson Y.. M; ' C. A.,- rot ur n cd to . tho DeWitt Blackwell of - Due W*. .t city'lam night after ?ponding a month ^V^^r ^ .^ ^fi .jat BlWk ^0ttjit|?lp,'?f? ?r- ;,'-. < Political Anti FOR COUNTY SUPERVISOR I hereby announce myself a candi dato for county supervisor, subject to the Democratic primary. J. MACK KINO. I hereby announce myself a can didate for tho office ot county Buper visor of Anderson county, .subject to the rules governing the democratic primary. T. M. VAN DIV KR. - i I hereby announce myself a candi date for supervisor of Anderson coun ty, subject to the rules of democratic primary. C. P. MARTIN. I hereby announce myself a? a can didate for county supervisor, subject to tho rules of tho democratic pri mary. W. J. JOHNSON. Polscr, S. C., R. F. D. 1._, I hereby announce myself a candi date for County Supervisor of Ander son county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. THOS. B. KAY. REPRESENTATIVE I hereby announco myself as a can didate, for House of Representatives (rom Anderson county, subject to the rules of the democratic party. OSCAR D. GRAY. I hereby announce myself a candi dato for the Houne of Representatives from Anderson county subject to the rules of Ute democratic primary. RUFU8 FANT, JR. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the legislature subject to the rules nnd regulations of thc democra tic party. GEO. M. REID. I hereby announce myself a candi date for tito House of Representative from Anderson county subject to the rules of the democratic primary. WALTER F. WHITE I hereby announce myself as a can didate for the' house of repr?sentatives from Anderson county subject to the] rules of the Democratic primary. W. I. (Bill MAHAFFEY. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the House of Representatives for Anderson county, subject to thc rules of the Democratic primary. ASA HALL, JR. I hereby announce myself a candi dato for Representative from Ander son county, subject td the rules of the Democratic primary. J. T. WEST. Belton, S. C.^ .. ? announce myself a candidate tor the legislature from Anderson Coun ty subject to the rules ot the demo cratic -rty. T. P. DICKSON. ? aro a candidate for the Houaa of Representatives from Anderson cOGb ty. I will abide the rules of the primary. SAM WOLFE. I hereby announce myself a candi date for House of representatives for Anderson count*/, subject to tho rules of the Democratic primary. J. BELTON WATSON. '. -:-j -* "'? i 1 '' I hereby announce myself a candi dato for legislature, i subject to tho rules of the Democratic party. 8. A. BURNS. I hereby announco myself a candi date for Houso of representatives for Anderson' county, subject to tho rules of the Democratic primary. L, T. CAMPBELL. I hereby announce myself a candi date, for representative from Ander son county subject to the rules of the democratic primary. J. H. HUTCHISON. I heroby announco myself as a can didate for re-election to the legisla-j ?uro subject to the rules ot the domo-,, .. , . ,T. F. NELSON. FOR PRORATE JI TO GE F~ . W. p. Nicholson is hereby announc ed as a cabdldato for re-election to the office bf Probate Judge, subject to the rules ot the democratic pri mary. ( , v t v ? hereby announce' myself a candi date for the omeo of probate judge of Anderson county, subject to the rules Ind to the result of the Democratic primary. VICTOR B. CHESHIRE. ,1 hereby announce myself a candi date for Probate Judge of Anderson County Bubject to.tho rules of the demo cr tlc primary. W. F, COX. - X. hereby' announco myself a candi date for tho omeo of Probate Judge for Anderson county, subject to tho rules ot the Democratic Primary. LT. HOLLAND. .? hereby announce myself a candi date for'the office of judge ot pro bate for Anderson county, subject to the rules governing the democratic primary election. ' W. H. FRIER80N. FOR CONGRESS ; I hereby announce myself a candi date forCongross from the Third Con .grosaloftal District, subject to the rale? of the democratic party. JOHN A. HORTON, - . . '.?._ Belton, a Cl . t hereby annt anco myself a candi date for congram from the Third Con gressional, dhttr ct, subject to the rules pf tho Democratic primary. - WYATT AIKEN. FOB STJPEBIHTENDENT I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to,the omeo of Comity Superintendent of Education, subject to the Democratic primary. . iouncements FOB C0HXI8SI0NEB District No. 1. I hereby announco myself a candi date for commissioner of District No. 1, comprising: Corner, Hall, Savannah I and V?rennos townships, subject to tho rules of the democrat lc primary. PRESTON B. GAILEY, JR., Iva, S. C. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for County Commissioner of Anderson county from district No. 1. comprised of Havannah, Corner, V? rennos and Hall townships. Subject to the action of tho Democratic pri mary. J. LAWRENCE McGEE. I hereby announce myself a candi- j dato for commissioner for district No. 1, comprising Savannah, Hall, Corner] and V?rennos township, and pledge j myself to abide tho result fo the demo cratic primary. G. E. CON WELL ? ~~ DistricT No. M. I R. A. Sullivan of Fork township ls j hereby announced for commissioner for Section Two, comprising Fork Rock Mills, Pendleton and Cen tor vi! le townships. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Commissioner from District No. 2, omprlslng Pendleton, Rock Mills. Fork and Centcrville town ships. Subject to the rules of th* democratic primary. JOHN R. CULBERSON. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Commissioner from District No. 2, comprising Pendleton, Rock Mills, Fork and Centcrville town ships, subject to rulos of Democratic ?party. J. II. WRIGHT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for tho office of codmissloner | from section 2, comprising Fork, Rock Mills, Pendleton and Centervllle I townships, subject to the rules of thc { ; democratic primary. W. R. HARRIS. I hereby announce myself a candi date for commissioner from District No'. 2, comprising Pendloton, Rock Mills, Fork and Centervllle townships, subject to the rules of tho democratic | primary. D. S. HOBSON. District Ko. 3. I hereby announce myself a candi [ date for county commissioner for the third section, consisting of Garvin. ' Brushy Creek, Willlamston and Hope well townships, subject to the action I of tho democratic primary. _H. A ^STER. W. H. G. Elrod announces hlmsolf s candidate for county commissioner from tho district composed of Wil llamston, Garvin. Brushy Creek and Hopewell, subject to the rules of the democratic party._._ I hereby announce my candidacy for County Commissioner of Anderson j county from the third section com pricing Hopevell, Wililantstci. Brushy Creek and Garvin townships, I subject to the action of Ute Demo- [ eratic party. _J. MACK DUFF* ROGERS. I hereby announco myself as a can didato for Commissioner of ?ndorsor county from Section Nu. 3, composed of Garland, Brushy Creek, Hopewel* and Willlamston Townships, subject to. the action of tho democratic party W. T. Watson. I hereby announco myself a.candi date for Commissioner of Third Sec tion consisting - i Of Willlamston, I Brushy Creek. .Hopewell and Garvin Townships, subject to tho rulos of | the Democratic primary. W. A. (Berry) SPEARMAN.) District Nfc 4. 1 hereby announce myself a candi dato for commissioner for Honen Path, Belton, Broadaway and Martin townships, District,No. 4, subject to the ruloa Of tho democratic primary. ?_ W. F. TOWNES, I hereby announce my candidacy for county commissioner from Sectio-* 4, comprised of Belton, Martin, }lonee P?tli and Broadaway townships. Sub Ject to tho ruloB of the dem?crata party. R. D. SMITH,. Better known as "pick" Smith., T hereby announce my candidacy for,] County Commissioner from Section 4 comprised of Relton linnea Poth, ] Martin, and Broadway townships, subject to tho rulea of the Democratic, primary. J. M. Hoilldoy. .. .._. _ I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election as. Coramlsslonot for District No. 4., comprising Hones Path, Martin, Belton and Broadway township, subjuct to the rules of the Democratic primary. 1 J. M. Dunlap". . The friends of R. A. (Lon) Mullikln hereby announce him as a candidate I for County Commlstsoner from dis trict composing Hopewell, . Brushy Creek, Garvin and Willlamston. Bub-] ject to .the roles and - government of ; ?tho democratic primary, j FOR STATE SENATOR I hereby ?ut?pun?V myself .-s7:C~v.. . date for State Senator from Anderson ! County, subject to the rules of the Do mocratic primary election. . ,. I h?roby announce myself, a candi dato for! the statfc'Senate, front Ander son county, shh Ject co the rules of tad Democratic primary. -Cllpc Summers, Jr, HT0B ??unce myself a candi dato tor County, Auditor, subject to the rales ol. the democratic primary. ''.i- r By*AsJ!'.41W?msV --.-;-. ? y i.. .-???..'? .^*.v /? st t hereby announco .myself ns a cari dldato,. f or\ rc-elocilun Lo tho ! office. of County Auditor. Anderson, subject to the rules and regulations of the dem io?rty? p^ry My record, as a pop Ile servant Blanda for itself and I will apprrciato the voles of tho peopio of this county. . WINSTON SMITH. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the oulco of Auditor of An derson County subject to tho rulea of Ibo Democratic party. _It. WARE AUSTIN. I hereby announce myself a candi date for tho office of Auditor, subject to the rules of the Democratic pri mary J. R. C. G Rd FF? V. FOR COUNTY TUKAHUUEB I hereby announce myself a candi date for county treasurer, subject to the rulea of the democratic party. _J. MERCER KING. I hereby announce myself a candi dato for county treasurer, subject to tho rules and regulations of tho democratic primary. _Dr; W. A. Tripp. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for County Treasurer of An derson county subject to tbe rulos of the Democratic party. _JACOB O. ROLLING ER. I hereby announce myself a candi dato for County Treasurer, subject to the rules of tho Democratic primary. .'- ,?_W. A. EI.ROD. I hereby aimounue myself a candi dato for Treasurer of Anderson coun ty, subject to tho rules of thu dcrao cratlc primary. J. LoROY SMITH. I horeby announce myself a candi date for county treasurer of Ander son county, subject to the rules of tho democratic primary. J. A. COOK, I horeby announce myself as a can didate for treasurer of Anderson coun ty, subject to the rules of tho Demo cratic primary. J. j. FRETWELL, JR. I hereby announce myself n candi date for county treasurer, subject to tho rulos of tho democratic, prmiury.. G. N. C BOLEMAN. Muddy Complexions \ Most poon complexions aro duo to sluggish, torpid livers, constipation and other livor 111B. A dose of R. Lo To alien just beforo retiring will, tone up the livor, carry off tho excess of hilo and cause an easy ami natural move ment of tho bowels. It will not only mako its good work felt in bettor health-make you LOOK well and FEEL well. 50 cents and 1.00 per bottle at your druggists. < Manufactured and guaranteed by EvatiV Pharmacy. *'.-"- Thfee Stores. mOU Can Add/Glass and Distinction to Your Business bu Having a PROPERLY DESIGNED ^-LETTERHEAD ?* Just Between Ourselves and The Lamppost By MOSS. THIS, is a little heart to heart talk, ' lt's meant for thc bbslnesa men of t h ja terri tory, for thoso who advertise and. for those who ought t? .;r*- ' Friend, yon ninst, moke your customers buy from yon MEN TALLY before they purchase tn ACTUALITY.. . , ? You must arouse nus interest tba ,tuiud, before you can roach the pocketbook- ; Thpught pre cedes action. Make tho FAMILY CIRCLK a SHOPPING CENTER. First go Stuka m?t^m Wr- : the DETAILS., %oo peopio, want ; mer your persuasion home. The results th&o Ile between your competitor and yourself. . Remember, this newspaper taken you into th? homes ot tho BUYING class ot people.' Yon ' can tell your storywhorir it will p^r^^?Jto im:^M^? ? , -fr VEBUfr-tHl *fOr*" ***** ~'~"**:~ ->r*-r**' ?