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' You ?ah ' t Ha HOW F^feS WILL Be AWARDED Th?$S^KoO|Rs>ffa This is tbe Handsome Ford ?ar To be given ?wa5r*y ike Anderson IntelKgen cer. Some lady wffl %e the proud possesser of will beaven to the lady, regardless of d?^cV*as Ite.^, vote at the cl?se of the contest.. , . ?;. . DISTRICT P??pS District No. t-The corporate limits *f tO?^?y $f Andarsar?. The $450.00 Lest?- ?i: will be awarded to the lady in District No. V whohasthe highest v#te after the first grand prize has bc ?n awarded. The $110.00 Rock Hill Biiggy will be awarded to the lady in District No. i who'BAS&eisfcon4 Mgiv est vote after the Grand Prize has b .en awarded^ District No. 2-All Rural Routes and tlrwiis^tkile ttfc fifty * Anderson . ' , . -.. h?N The Ivers & Pond $4j0;00 iPi?h? will be given to the lady in District No. 2 who hts fte .'4tf?tt>*tt after the first Grand Prise has been awarded. The $110.00 High Point Biggy will be awarded to the lady in District No. 2 who vh$s IH? - second highest v?te after, the first Gntad Prize has been awa.rdeu. ?o You Euch u?s?ric? ?iiU?t receive s pii;~c s*d A rubber tire buggy. Tho h:dy receiving the highest vote, regardless- of district rets the Ford TouringCit. , -?---v ..-i,,. _- _ UM? ?"??cn *?, ^??ri*t. wm Vl\j l IUU ; !A?J^ ^^ wmcmi: !, 111 Tho Car you will eventually buy. , Tliis car was sold to us and is fully guaranteed . ' .^'jPvffi V",,?t^?l>L*^?ttp^L'w;^N?l<B^><p - 'rim - ? atinan i i^n?-i?ft e? W. Earle St. Phone-226 Anderson, S. ?. First Prize District No. 2 . Value $450.00 Ttue inttrunte&u. represent th? highest standard eyer^e?iadned'^ar tistic plano bulldjrte*,; Toe aiC3t..<Oft ly meteriz]t tca?.tba&rrid affords and the most ^vett. labor oaly are med in their, conetrnction. Thus IVKl^ & PQN'JU VU?iCn^ <aa na de pended xivoTL-'Wijfato'ttaMfr.UKto^ ta ttno acidity.- aaie"*!?- pre>.t!wid|gta ?WS;i&!Si' . fcthey are- nt ; year le? T^ar?y IVERS & POND P?ANO 6 to? , >al\y Guamnteed hy the m?ker^and by/?h<?. X S-M'?Wra &. ^?^5 want you to cal! tind let them tell you ail about thifi:^ijg|rjf First Prize District " ^fl^MnMj^^^^g^^^^ ' ?NoJL T V ll Value ?S450.00 ^5S 4<j Thia Instrument ls cue of the most . fm potiular of! jUco "tester styles. Tho sim>U?tty^.^;??^ila bishly ar- : 'HMB . tb.dc aadta^ tewd tjtaror with those . 'S?SHIHH SR .???wran who do! ^ ' ''^BST?^B ifiB?* ' ' '' '' '"'^E* hWd ';^uarteredr Oak ; jHflH^^H the pitosterat^/oeattifully vlneer- SB lH ia^H' ed-to match the cate. Tho veneering HM inside asd oat, la of the ?neat nature 'SH MrH ^3 ^t?^[??l^mf?r;/^'. Oak, double and jgl , ?ftct?^a?d^dv .TAa P?Bel9 ?roae tho ...fl Bnfl " IABI TKE LESTER P??NO-Fu??y i^aronteed the makers and fiy Willis r& Spearman.. ? They i?Vite y?ur.inspect??^-/.-^.^^ ;/ ?B HILL B?GGY~l^e_ pretvyeU ?o">