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Electric Cit Items o?* Interest sud Personal less On Ibe Str W. A. Gillespie or near Pcndletou, was in Anderson yeaterdnv au.I paid Tlie Intelligencer an ap tirer i nt erl I cali. Mr. GHlespiQ Haid thai over j r,,<jfo bales or cotton had been dinned! ?it ibe Pendleton gin this yt ir, which j is quite a remarkable rcct rd. Mis? Wiggle M. Carlington, su perylsor of rural schools for Ander-1 ?on county, left yesterday 1er ti trip j of Inspection over (he ii univ. M IM Carlington ervects to visit finito n number of the schools and ?iii nut; return to thu city until Friday. The. Texaa Oil Company yesterday received a nnloudifl n< . ,u?i mit bile delivery truck which was at once put into operation. The truck ls al two-ton altair and will greatly fac ilitate th?; handling of t~ii company's ever increasing business. Quite a number of Anderdon coun-i ty farinera are miking preparations] for attending line j ut li annual meet ing cf tho South Carolina Che Stock Ascoclntkn wak a ls ta convene In I Columbia on Keb. 4, und continuo throughout tho Ct h. The mooting ls to take place |Q I it. council chamber; of the Columbia city hall and some' of Oe moat prominent men In thc Stato will deliver addresses on tho Bubjuct of the raising of live stock. A change which goos into Imme diate effect ls that la t ic yardmasters at the local station or the c. A. w. C. railroad. Cnn!. Watter Martin, who has been faithful lu tho dis charge of his duties at thu local sta tlon will go to Augusta, Cu., and will be succeeded beru by Capt. Ed ward Robertson, who comes from Laurens, Capt, Martin will also move his tam ?y to Augusta, which will be much regretted by their many friends in Anderson. Capt. robertson will rcceivo a warm wel come. _ Georgs Miller bf Minneapolis, who ,ia spending' several days in Ander ?on and vicinity with relatives, ha? ?.i? .? preposition before tho ritv authorities for the placing of a "great White way" up the two main streets of tho city. While tho prop osition has not assumed concrete form,.lt is understood that lt ls ehori ly to be discussed and considered. While the prosent system ot light ing ia satisfactory in some respects, it is antiquated in others and the installation cf a white way boro would call for hearty commendation from ' the majority of tho general public. A musting or tho finance commit tee of the Anderson branch of the South Carolina Stato Sunday Behool Association ls achoduled to take place ii the Anderson Chamber of Commerce at IO a. m., Thursday. The finance committee of tho association ls composed of tho following gontl.? T00 MUCH PATERS ALI??. In Udlding Railroads In Alaska. Washington Jan. 20-The bill pro posing the building of a Government railway in Alaska encountered its first vigorous opposition in the sen ate when Senator McCumber attack ed lt us the first stop toward the realm of paternalistic and socialistic government. Until the North Dakota . sou alor-spoke, Senator Williams was inn only member who had directly ?tated his purpose of opposing the measure on which is an agreement, for a final vote on Thursday. Amendments adopted today by the committee on territories would pro ride for tlie taking over by the go? Tenvraent of any existing linea necus aary, by purchase or condemnation.' An amendment providing for a gov vemment rteam&uip line from the coast terminal of thc road to ports! .an the Pacific coast wan rejected. | Senator attacked the whole theory' of government ownership. He said erporienee had she wn that it eost the government twice as much as aprivate concern to operate any enterprise. Arguments presented for agricultu ral development In Alaska, ho declar- . ed, were without merit, tho fact be-/ lng that the majority of tho products named in statistics came from dis tricts accessible by sea or which it was not proposed to tap with the. projected railroad. ? Bijou Theatre TODAY'S PROGRAM. UIOVAN?T? GRATITUDE Reliance 2 reel Italian Drama. HS WOULD ? HUNTING GO Keystone Comedy Fourth Beel to he selected. 4 REELS lee ?Mutual Movies Make Tune Ply." Electric Theatre TODAY'S* PROGRAM. PROM RAIL SPLUTTER TO PRE8I DENT. Cob, gea! 9 reel feature of the Life of Abraham Lincoln 'MIKE AND. JAKE AS HERODS Jukes ri EA RT OP A VAQUERO Nestor Mexican Drams fc'OUM REELS EVERY DAV y Sparklets Mention laugh! OUT the Wire ects of Anderdon. men: M iv Muuldin, R. s. i,'p-??n. \'. M. MUM ison, i> H. Taylor. J. V. Bhc i,ir B11.j Ptjrter A. Whaley, Till? meeting IN railed pi-tm I yal ly fur thc . :r.:i.-r of mapping otu a plan for lng convention und is of no little Im pm tance "?A'. Marshall Craig ot' Wilmington, j N c., HH?O i >i?- paster of the Kirnt i-i lal church <>f tin: cliy, under-1 w< nt lin operation rdr appendicitis .a-t Friday. Mr, ( r:i'i; is Well known in Anderson, liuYIng a bro.hcr who' coiuicitcd with Ute Mutin Druts ttuvpahy in i .i . city. ? Ills brother received a telegram from Huntington! >' u.Til'jy announcing i at tho ope ration J.auJ l?een flit ?rt-: ? Hutisfactorj and. Ulai IL*, t r..ig wu-, doing nicely, O Irl cor il.ji.'.f,. o? Hon. :'. :'..'.'!. who was set t-j op and alma: : kilted by thtu -> Borne time ago, linn boen dis charged freni tao. Anderson county hospital ami has rot tir nod io his hot?g in Hones Path. Willie not en in ./ rocoverod. Mr. Hughes lu al most himself nga'ii and will shortly he able to resum?] hi* duties. Quito u number 01 thc meni'jers and ofllccrs of Cltfqucla lodge of Knights of Pythias, located in An derson, went to Hodges last n?R??t to assist in the: installation of offi cers ni th?* Hodgon lodge. Members returning last nicht unid that tho oc casion was moat enjoyable in every 'respect and was thoroughly delight ful. On?: of thc principal events in An derson In connection with tho cele bration of I?eo's birthday was the splendid add res? delivered by. .Rev. J. II. GlbLoucy, rector ct Hruco Epls? copSl ci lurch, at thc Cluck Mills ivchool. Miss Gary Hovd is the teacher of this schcol and she hud put forth much effort to have an en joyable proprem nvrang-.'d. D. II. Russell, city recorder for Anderdon, is contemplating enforc ing the blue law in Anderson. T!te recorder says that ho socs no reason why drui; stores should bc allowed to dispense, soda and cigars on Sun day and that in his opinion it is a clear violation of the law. He ls now giving th? matter earnest con sideration and will .shortly make a ruling as to whether or not the drug stores will be allowed to continue the present Traction. Of Interest to Anderson county people is the funt that Ellis Hughes, arrested in connection with the as sault on Officer Hughes at Honea l'aih.. has,, been released on bond in th? nam of ?500. . Tobius, the other mun arrertod in connection with the msc, baa beeb given his fr?edoiu, nineo it waa ahevwn^that he was not implicated In tho affair in any man ner._ \_ During tho discussion of Alaska's coal resources, Snpator Clarke of Wyoming declared that, while chem ical tests had shown. Hering district oal to be better than tho West Vir ginia product, actual naval tests aboard ship proved ?that "tho Bering field absolutely fnl.'ji down" In sup plying coal tho nary could use. Senator Jamed replied that he had a letter from n former member bf congress saying chit thc coal used- in the naval tests aboard thc cruiser Maryland did not tarnish a fair sam ple of the product ot tho field. -m TRI r'.l> TO Bl! lill : HIM. Is the Allegation gs >ew York Poli ties Now York. Jan. 2if-H. W. Sherman, formerly D?mocratie ASayor of Utica, and brother of thojutfe vice President Jamos S. Sherman] threatened Janies W. Johnson, a State hlghwav con tractor of Utica, mat if ho did not contribute to the [Democratic party, be would get noj^conipliehment.-t he would got no ??omodatlons at Al bany, according p Johnson's testi mony nt District .morney Whltman'" lohn Doo '? .\,jatlge*on into tho high way graa. Johnson said ha declined to contri bute and that ! 'ijpuvmcnt of j::...; on a Slara roi? dijeon tract lie ),ad completo! was i-xty np by the Stat . High way Dvjparii *n* for niue months. "I never found [jut lite rom-cn for the holdhr; up of felt that iij rui'usl something to do] testified. ly coi.traet, but I to contribute ll SU vii'.? ll, ' Jo: lisOll FAKJB ADI Canada "Boost Ex| Washington, J: Overman, of the I'ittee declared toi Joslyn, President newspaper Halon, Washington voluntar! ISI>U. the South'i 20.-Chairman te lobby cora that if George Uio Western d no? come to he would bc subpoenaed to testlfjion thc -/large that his concern had nen paid by the '.anadian Government! to furnish t American enwspspersrpatet Insider." containing newspaper patent Insides" of agriculture in Ca livery body Hos A OVMI AV ord for Dr. Jeno V Liniiaont. M. W. F. S w a: t r., Hotel Hancock, Hancock, k., sayai "Dr. JoneV Liniment cured me K a bsd sus of rhtxtmatitm. It certainly i U pain killer.'. Mrs. H. A. Meyer, 23 Mario&U, Trenton, N. J., write?: "I have givh Dr. Jon<V Liniment a fair trial, and bagv* it ia tbs beat reined? in th? world * ?*?dache.n Mr. Leonard tob?*, 120 Wilray Piuca, Bu?faio, N. X., wrttejrf *fm\d Wu ?fl li ic ini?. r Jkl.auMMJ sn<WUi.' Tried everything but wat not tpsfllad in tho least. "Finally I ueed Dr. loes' Liniment and 2 ?&v? not beau troubll abaci." .. . SPLENDID 0PP0R1 ISTLER JD_ Int sl?gencer Voting Contest Offers More Contestants Needed E er s to Get READ OVER THE PRIZE LIST A TUM IT Y IS HELD OUT ArN -NOW IS TliV Interest keeps up in Tin- Anderson I Inn lllgoncora' great voting contest, t'vi ry hour brings new evldenese of ' this tact, lt la spreading all ovi r i Wei tern South Carolina with cacti pas,inj; day. it is already n fact! well established that thia contest is ! K?llig ; i rovt r a territory even larger] than the Intelligencer lins heretofore ci lied i'n "V..!. The news of tho lit.?-j oral offer ha---, spread In ibo last few di j i 'a nearly every town In weatorn S< nth Carolina, it has attracted atten tion of, thousands of South Carolina's best people, tunny of whom have nomi nated themselves or their friends. The Anderson Dally Intelligencer ex pects to >;o talked about a groat deal between now and the end of this con ti.-.!, and af!t-r that time, to be known better than lt has over been known I before. This contest has bwn launch ed by The Anderson Daily Intelli gencer an a combined circulation ami advertising campaign; lt wants to ; have more nev readers aud morel' friends, and tu have the attention of the westcrp part of the State attracted to it H merita as a News Paper, lt know that all ti lis could he must effectively dom; by energetic and popular peo ple i:i wostcru South Carolina and ?H willing and ?l id to handsomely reward ; these. A Ford Touring Car may be Justly considered a most liberal prize. ; Such a prize is in keeping with the ; polity of The Anderson Daily Intel- ; llgencer, not to do things by half, lt was the same policy that dictated the ; purchase of two ?450.00 High Grade ; Piano? from local merchants who ] stand back of them. The plnuoa aro ; ready for your inspection at the stores. ] Two High Grade Rubber Tired Car riage* wore also ourchased and aro on display at thc local stores. (The deal err, from v/honi these costly prizes were purchased will be found on a dis- ; play paR'> in this issue.) One thousand Soven hundred and ten dollars is n lot ; of money, but this money. The Ander- ; non Daily Intelligencer cheerfully paid \ for the prizes that is going to be given awa ynnd it already feels that it old not \ make a mistake when lt decided on 1 this bij: expenditure. A splendid op- ' portunity Is offered a number of peo- ' plc in a ia rv.- auction hy this liber ality and according to all indications, it is an opportunity that ls not go- 1 Inn to be neglected. It is well, how- * ever, to call attention to the fact that'J a great many nominations are needed . and that early nominations give au ; advantage. ? Votea are obtained easily after a day ? or two o? experience. Get busy and : see what you can do. Remember the Contest Department ; ls always at your service. We will ] be yied to have you call us up. write 1 a letter or conic in and see us. ] Picare let us have an earlf report from you. Mrs. James T. Snow.1.025 j Miss Frances Harris Bruce ... 1-.085 Miss Neil O'Donnell. 1,025 . Mrs. J. W. Thread. 1.02:, Mrs. Geo. W. Speer-.1.02;. Mrs. Anna H. Weston . 1,025 Mrs. J. Pearson . l.nzr. Mrs. Geo. M. Tolly.l,02n Mrs. Will F. Tolly. l,0$5 Mrs. Leila M. Tolly.1,02$ Mrs.* J. II. Townsend. 1,02[. Mrs. H. C. Townsend.1,025 Mrs. J. D. Hammett. l,0?g Miss Mlle McCully.1.020 Miss Anna I. Dergcr. .. l,02r, Miss Catherine Stetting. 1.02? .Mr?. W. F. Farmer. 1.02 i Mrs. T. S. Crayton.'. 1,025 Mrs! M. ll. Campbell*.1,025 Mrs. H. R. Wells. 1.025 Mrs. John Et Anderson ... 1,025 Mru. Eva S. Murray. .. 1.025 Mrs. W. Wi Sullivan.1.025 Mrs. N. B. Sullivan. 1,025. Mrs. C. S. Sullivan.-.. 1.025 Mrs. Leila F. Sullivan ... 1.025 Mrs. C. O. Hurrlss.1,026 Mrs. P. K. McCuily, Jr. 1,025 Mrs. O. Geisberg. 1,025 Mrs. C. W. Causey.J.025 Mrs. E. R. Horton ... . l,02f> Mrs. C.. A.. Gambroll.1.025 Mrs. E. C. MeCants-.1,025 Mrs. J. N. Pearmau. 1,025 Mrs. K. P. Smith. 1.025 Mrs. W. W. Chisholm.1,025 Mrs. C. 8. Minor. 1,025 Mrs. 1>. S. Gray .1.025 Mri. G. B. Walton ... ... .. LOM Mrs. J. L. Farmer.1.025 Mrs. R. Leo Sanders ... ... ...1,025 Mrs. J. J. Rrcazeale.1,025 Mr?. C. M. McClure.?'.O??B Miss Sadie Fretwoll.1.025 miss Visa Patrick.1.025 Mrs. C. S. Breedln i. .. .. 1.025 Mrs. Frank Johnson.1,025 Miss Edna Bailes.i ?25 Miss Zona Geer.1JM5 MIBS Mollie Hanks . .<..1.025 Miss Pearl Hall.1,025 Mrs. Desale McHugb .. .. ..1.025 Misa Helen Reed.1.025 Miss Mona Burrlas.1,025 Hiss Clara Osborne'.1,025 Mian Estel Johnson .1,025 Miss Alteo Bray.1.025 Miss Moggin Archer .1,025 Miss Kato Liddell ...1.025 Hiss Myrtie Mr Ki un ie ...1.075 fcUss Isabelle Webb.1. J25 Misa Ruth Hollis.'..' 025 Hiss Beanie Bolt.1.025 Miss Alma Rurriaa.1,025 41*8 Tommie Hollaad . . . . .-1.025. iii: i'.ill. I G<<?Kiriie.'..'.'.?"< Miss .Myrtie barton.r.?z? ilise Nell Bartou.1.025 .rt- iikf.. ? -.- . mw** 4x 11> 11 ?? iviuis . . ? . . . ? . v-1 > ifiss Lots Garrison.1,025 Ira. Julia Mae Fisher ... .... 1.02? Opportunity to Any CaroUnian ivcryv/herc-Good Work a Prize ND SEE WHAT AN OFPOR ?D GET IN THE GAME IE TO START Misc Rosa Payne.1,025 Mra. Marv Pruitt.1,025 Minn Jessie PIckena.1025 Mini Ltuna Watt.1.025 Mr.-i. Udna iJyrou.L02fi Miss Lillie Mae Simpson .. . . ..1.026 Mies Evelyn Kay.1,025 M'HS Pl'eackcr Clark.:.025 Miss Marie Beybt. 1,025 Mi6.i Ruth WaiKlns. l.U2;> Miss Florella Heck. 1.025 Miss Louise dimer.T 1,02." Miss Janie Hamlin.1,025 Mrs. Qeorge Jolly.l/'25 Mrs. Malcolm McFall.l.'>25 Mrs. Harleston Harton.1,025 Mrs. Jim Keith.1,025 Mrs Jim Craig.1,026 Mrs. Hunter Thompson.1,025 Mrs William Mindrow.1.021 Mrs. T. E. Howard.1.025 Mrs. Krank Johnson.1,0-i.l Mrs. Lera Rice.1,025 Mr-;. Flossie Briggs.1,025 Mrs. Raymond Cockran.1,025 Miss Leila Mosely . 1,025 Mrs. Ola Cooley.1,025 Mrs. S. D. Hrowulee.1,025 Miss Elizabeth Van Wyck ... 1,025 DONALDS. Miss Lizzie Agnew.1,025] Miss Lela Martin.1,0251 Miss Lucille Humphreys.1.025 Mrs. J. T. Johnson.1.025 j Miss Lille Dodson..'.1.025 Mrrt. Steve Bro'Vn.1.025 Mrs. Dr. Carlton.1.025 Mrs. E. IL Hooker .'.1.025 Miss Virginia Kelson.1,025 Mis:} Orebcllo Martin.1.025 Mrs. II. L. Harmore.1.025 j Mrs. Melvin Ai;uew.1,025 LO WN i> E S V L L E. ; j Mim I>:ia Fui?i?f. ?."-..] MlsB Mozelle Huckabco.1,025 Miss Ida Allen.1.025 Miss Anna Helle.1.025 Miss Ella Floyd.1.025 Mrs. W. W. Thompson.1.025 Miss Lou iso Harper.1,025 Mrs. Dr. J. D. Wilson.1.025 Mrs.'C. T. Dak er.1,025 Mrs. E. J. Huckaboo.1.025 Miss Louise Harper.1,025 Mrs. R. IL Mosely.1.025 IVA. Mrs. ,S. M. McAdams. 1.025 \llss Nora McCullough.1.025 Miss Annie Beaty.1,025 Miss Annie Sadler.1,025 ?)sa' Minnie Spearman.1,025 Miss Lula Griffin. ..1.025 ytlsB Mattie Simpsou.1,025 Mrs. Lula lteld';.,.1.025 ttX?, Frank GtllHund .-..1.025 Mrs. Ladle Leverctte.1,025 ?ir?, Harper Hall.1,025 ?rs. Dr. J. E. Watson.1.025 Virs. B. A. Wharton.L025 Wrs. Krunk McGee.1.025 STARR. Mrs. M. E. Yeargln.1.025 Hrs. Krank Gentry.1,025 dies Lula Dean.1,025 ?ra. F. !. Jone.?.1,025 Mrs. J. M. Land.1,025 Mrs. Cl>do T. Bowen.. l,025 Miss Mary Pool.1.025 Hiss Mattie Banister.1.025 dlss Lulu Price.1,025 PELTON. M?H3 Krsnces White.1,025 ?jrs. C. S. Poore ...1.02 Hiss Sarah Martin.1.025 dvs. W. F. Muttison.1.025 Ollie Acktr.1J)25 .1rs. A. W. Cheshire.1.025 .:;.;s Blanche. Green.1,025 drs. L .W. Baddox.1,025 ?isa Mattie Yandi ver.1,025 Miss Nanette Campbell.1,02 Hrs. Henry Broom.1,025 drs. J. ,C. Kay.1.025 ?irs. V/. H. Trammel.1,025 Miss Grace Campbell.1,025 diss Mattie Dunlap.1,025 alas Pallie Wright.1,025 drs. W. H. Cobb. Jr.1.025 ATS. W. F. Acker...1.025 .1rs. M. T. McCucu.1,025 WILLIAMSTON. Mrs. B. L. Darnall.1,025 Miss Lillian Darnall.1,025 Miss Beatrice t.odtrey .1,025 flss Lela Hammond.1,025 Mrs. M. L. Crigler.1,025 liss Lela Irby.1.025 Ir8. H. Kirby.1.025 Uss Lydia Sherard.1.025 1rs. Dan Brown.1,025 irs. E. W. Gregory.1.025 liss Anna Donald.1.025 liss Christine' Scott.1.025 Uss Blanche Miller.1.025 iles Sal. Cox..1.025 ORS Maud Bowie.1,025 liss Anne Lauris Colycs.l.C ?ss Mary Wilbowa...1.025 liss Edith Digby.1,025 PELZ?R. Uss Julia Simpson.1.025 Has Sallie Cobb.1,025 Ira. Frank Tripp. ..1.025 liss Agnes Belle.1,025 Ira. John Hudgens. .. ..1,025 Ir?. Sara Beam..'.025 liss Carrie Lander .. .. .. ..1,025 flss Annie West...1,025 Uss Rose Hudgens.1,025 liss Agnes McBrady.1,025 Uss Rollo Jones?.' ..1,025 Irs. John McCuen.1,025 Uss Mamie Bunin .-. .1,025 Sisa Ida Mae Crenshaw.1,025 Ilsa BoBe Norris.1,025 Uss Lela Godfrey ...-.1,025 liss Ola Scoggins (We?*, .. . .1.025 lisa Lillie Mae Armstrong .. ..i.Ozn liss Ethel Cobb ._.. ... . .1.025 ItSa ?vpUltt DuUOOH fg? ?MMS?SJHJ4Vlj* [rs. W. V. Wench. IMS Sadie Hilliard.. .1,025 M?M? Eva, Clifford.1.026 Mrs. J. ss. Le veretta.L025 Miss Ulam lie Hutchins.1.025 Mis? Anna Aiken.1.025 Misa Frederica Donald.1.025 Mista Carrie i .ou Rosa.1.025 Mr? i-:. l>. Campbell.1.025 Mi?i.s Lela Anderson.1,025 Mrs. Frank Saber.1.025 SLM.l A. Mrs. F. B. HtrlblInRs.1.025 JM?H?I Dorothy Jennings.1,025 Miss Florido Probst.1,025 .Vi^rt .Mac y Sitt?n.1.025 , Miss Hue Daily.1.025 i vi i au Lula Qign?llat.1,025 MisH Lou De Farmer.1,025 Mis? st?ila Fincannon.1,025 MIBS -Mae Hamilton.1.025 M?HS Kittie Bligh.1.02G Mrs. Eustice Hopkins.I.02C Mis. Sallie Holleman.1,023 HONEA PATS. ? Mrs. Jerry McKenzie . l,02J ! Mr?. Osear McCurry. 1,025. ?Miau Ruth Willlama.1.025 j Mra. J: F. Shirley.1.025 i ..1rs. M. A Kuy.1.025 Miss U)la Anderson.1,025} i Mrs. M. A. Mann.1,025 iMIhs Julbi Mofrett.1.025 | ?Misa Lela Flowers.1.025 | Miss Am? Matiison.1,025 :Mrs. F. H. Dugan.1.025 ? Misti Ftliel Ilrock.:.1.025 Milu Lola Monroe.1.025 ?M?as Willie Sullivan.1,025 I Miss L. QassoWay.1.025 ( Mr J. S. T. Uiuckman .._.1.025 ?Miss Lima Wright .. .".t.023 i Mrs. Jessie French.1,025 Mra. Ella Hudgens.1.025 IMrs. Henry L'tttinier.1,025 Mrs W. J. McGee.1.025 Mrs. Cima. Bolt.L02.r Mli3 llosa Cox.1.025 ANTHE V?XLE. Misa Fannie Killingworth .. ..1.025 Miss Annie Bell".1.025 Misa Sadie Pr!.' :e.1,025 Miss Zula S?ber .... ).1.025 Miss Hattie Lou Hadden.1,025 LEVEL LAM). Miss Inez Wilson.1,025 SANDY SPRINGS. M?as Carrie Darby.1,025 Mrs. Sam Hammond.1.125 Mrs. Alice Cllenn. 1,023 Miss G' naude Mist; Kathleen.Elrod.1,025 Mrs. D. li Heed.I,'l25 CLEMSON. Miss Nola Sloan.1.01e, Mrs. YT. ?.. Hutchinson.1.025 Mr.;. M. t?. Abbott.1,025 Mrs. N. M. Hoggs.1.025 Miss Etta Sad.'er.1*205 Miss Pauline Hughes.1,025 Miss M. Stokes '.1.025 I-AIR I'LA Y. I Miss Vera Crawford.1,023 Mn?. Casey.1,025 Miss Sadie Marrett.1,025 Miss Lillie Cole.1.025 Mrs. Bernice Gliruph.t,025 Miss Mae Belle Crawford.1,025 SOUTH UNION. Westminster P. <)., IL F. D. No. 2. Mles Georgia Thomas.1,025 Mrs. Otto Burrbjb.1.025 Miss Amanda Reeder.1,025 PENDLETON. Miss Louise Sloan.1,0 Miss Louise Hunter .. ... .. ..1,025 Mrs. lt. A. Buchanan.1025 Mrs. J. J. Sitton.1,02 Miss Elgar Foster.1.025 Miss Margaret Evans ...1,025 Mrs. J. ILCovcrston.1,025 Mrs. *\ G. Harron.i.O Mis. S. E. Whitten. ..I,' TO WN VILLE Mrs. J. A. Stevenson ... ... ..1.025 Mrs. J. ?. Babb.1.025 Mrs. Sam Johnsen.1,025 Mrs. Rev. Myora ...1,025 Mrs. Lon Dolcman...1,025 Mrs. J. W. Dickson.1.025 Ml9s Mattie McCarley .. .. ..1.025 Miss Janie Gaines.1,025 Mrs. J. L. Gaines.1,205 Mrs.H. W. Sears.1,025 *ORRIS. Miss Loh. Whiting ..s. 1.025 Miss Burnett Alexander ... .. 1,025 LIBERTY. Miss Nelle Robinson.1,0 Miss Mary Gantt.1,025 Miss Pett Chapman.1.025 Miss Daisy WilliB. 1,025 KASLEY. Miss Gladys Smith.1,02; Miss Edua Mae Folger.1,02; Miss Ethel Wyatt.1,025 Miss Emily Robinson ... ...' 1,0: Miss Jennie Robinson. 1,025 Miss Margaret Sellera. 1.023 Miss Bell Norris.1.025 AUTLN. Mts. Alex Simpson.1.025 Miss Maude Whitman.1.025 bliss Mary Lee Norris.1,025 UK Yf KAL. Miss Mary Rowland.: .. 1,025 Miss Stacy Shirley.1,02," Mis? Maggie Carson.1,025 MW. J. W. Wallaco. 1.0"' Mrs. Florine Norris.1,025 Mrs. Jyff Gassaway. 1.075 Mrs. Ralph Ramsure. 1,025. Misa: Jennie Allea. 1.025' WAUK SHOALS. Miss Maude Darwia. - ? 1.025 Mrs. J. F. Hill.LOSS ANDERSON, .?FD. KV. Miss Mary Loo Morris, K l?, D 6, 1,025 j The reason a princess is so light on ber fee* when she dances all night ls because they hurt ber so mur-.h th?? n*vt day that she can't help mother with the aweoning. H Ef SKELL'S M Ooc applicalio* tooti** mad Wal* a rough j mt * corn. Hc?t??, ErfitptU*. Teuer, Ulcer* and 1 P ail skin dictates yteM to ka curativa MOMitltt. 1 I ?acaecer. At ?ff Cnrnt?a. Ll J Kl tu 13 il fi PRACTICAL TALKS BY GOVERNMENT FARM EXPERTS No. !V. - Co-operation ?nd Tips to Fruit Growers. Producing fiore Eggs. (Official Nowa Summary of Up to Dato Matter? Compiled by the United States Department of Agricultura.) COOPKI.ATION anion}; ~ fruit growers in the disposing of their products bas been carried on with lt relatively high de gree of success for a considerable length of tlino In some of t?e impor tant fruit districts of the country. Ac cording: to tba department of agricul ture, co-operative methods In selling fruit are gradually being extended.' . Many fruit growers who are able to so manage their orchard.i ns to pro duce large crops of excellent fruit at ? minimum cost fail to inuke their busi ness profitable, or UK profitable as the possibilities admit, through failure to properly dispose of lt. lt Is difficult In largo numbers of cases for a fruit grower whoso time und energies ure tuleen up with the detulls of produc ing bis crop to KO keep informed with regard to market conditions and mar keting methods us to cnnble bim to dispose of bis crop to the best advan tage. It ls us Important to meet the market conditions fully and success fully as lt ls to produce a good crop of fruit to sell. A relatively small number of com mercial fruit growers ure able to sell their crops directly 'to the retailer. Whero thin method af disposing of the crop hns been carried cn lu n business like manner it usually proves success ful. To meet the requirements, h OW; over, it ls uecessury for fruit growers to place with t!JO retailer nothing bnt first class runton.!., Rim lt is quite im portant tbot he should lie obie to fur nish a continuous supply in order that fhe demands of the retailor's custom ers may be met without Interruption. Large quantities of fruit are dispos al of through commission merchants. This method due*, not always prove pullsfaetory for reasons which1 are va riously attributed to ibo system itself, to the middleman, sometimes to the purchaser-of the fruit, and in some In stances the quality of the product fur nished ibu commission man enters into the consideration. l'rult" growers aro hotter orgnnixed, nn? a larger proportion of them are members Of some co-operative associa tlfm in the western fm lt districts than 1n eu h or portions of the United States. Whore a co-operative association is well managed and the members are loyal lt has proved, ns n nile, a satis factory means ot placing fruit on tho market. Gradually the economic importance of careful picking and honestly grad ing and pucking fruit products is being appreciated, and the effect of fruit so graded and packed npon the consum er in his Increased demands for truit lu largo quantities nt reasonable pricer* ts being realized. Co-operation further enables growers who produce fruit In relatively small quantities to re?oive the advantage of shipments made in largo quantities. Some co-operative associations bun dle a full line of fruit growers' sup plies, which are furnished to the mem bers at a minimum cost, h ntl .through various activities, such as the .opera tion of fruit evaporators, fruit canner ies, etc.. the business organization of the nssociatlou is kept constant..** *ni cloyed. This makes li pi bring to behr upon the activities of the association the continuous services Of highly trained men. Getting More Ecjg*. According to statistic* of the United States department of agriculture thc products of the American hon Aggre gate a total value of over SOOO.OfW??O annually, poultry and eggs are pro duced in all section:-, of thu country, but 1t is a noticeable fact that thc bull: of these important products ts pmdu.vtl by the fumiers of ibo Mis sissippi-vatiey. In this sc. ! ore. practically no largo poultry farms such as tire commonly found in the eastern states und on the Pacific coast Poultry keeping. tlieroforuL ls usually Incidental, the bous being considered t...... ?...1 J.J....._UIIv j. - ? . .. converting innterinl which would oth uct. Cons?quent ly tim poultry and eggs produced constitute merely a by product of tin' general farm. The- department of agriculture linn placed thc mumal loss due to Improper lin miling of eggtj at *45.?>OO.ono. und it tuts been, stated in fciinsu* abmo tile Wlue of the egg product would Oe Increased si .nun.IHMi anuuully ir proper t are wen? taken of tho product by the furnier Slid merchant. OM ninny fll rms throughout tb? country tho money derived from tho sale of poultry nod e?g* Put,* grocer ies uud doming Tor the entity family, uud the inouey from tills source could be KiiPs?Mnitijliy !?ere::^?i estai*, lisliing n private trude with hotels und restaurants? In order tbnt the farmer may sell moro ogjp?. Petter eggs und obtain a tatter price for them the department lins issued the following suggestions: Improve your poultry ?tock. Koop one of the general purpose breed?, such ns the Plymouth Ruck, wyandotte. Orpington or Illunie I* land Ked. Provide one clean, dry. vermin free nest for every four or five hens. ?ouclude nil batching by Mny 15 timi sell or conline mule birds during the remit Inder of the summer. Gather the eygs once "dully during ordinary times mid twice dully during bot or ni i uy weather. In. summer pince eggs tts soon a? gathered in a cool, dry room. Cse nil MID;ll or dirty egg? ut home. Market fre piehtly-twice u week. If possible-dining the summer. IP taking eggs to market protect them from the sun's rays '?'In- departuWut lins also issued tho following suggestions to the country merchant und cash buyer: Candle ult eggs uud buy on the los* off basis. Allow the farmer to see you candle the eggs occasionally and return thou; rejected If he wishes them. Pack carefully in stroug, clean cases or-fi Hers. Do not keep lu a musty cellnr or near oil barrels or other odoriferous merchandise. Ship daily ?luring warm weather. To tho railroad obi via ls the depart ment make* the following suggestions: . Provide n covered portion on station platform where cases of eggs can be bBbT TA li LE EGOS. stacked mid see that thc ngent stacks them there. Provide refrigeration for the egg? on ?o^ul '..e!:;!'1' Where refrigerator cars are used on ?oin! freights SOO that the ii ours dre kept closed when not loading. if'refrigeration cannot be supplied, provide Ktock cars rather than box cars ter this purpure during tho sum mer. ' ' - When box cars are used for eggs do not allow freight which piny liurt their quality, such-ns oil barrels, to bo load ed in tho same ear. Cutting tho Locust Tree. The department of ?grleulturc ad vises that the cutting of the l'ocust tree for all purposes! Including: thinning op erutlon and for private commercial use, should he done between the llrst or Oc tober n nd the Inst of .March. To de* ?troy the locust boret o before they en ter the wood tho removal of the bark from uh desirable portions of Ute trunks ut the trev's felled ts important and neoHsary. Thu injury to the trees caused by the' borers consists of wounds in the harli II nd ?upwood, wiilcb, if ?ulueloiit ly Re\ ..?re and repeated year lifter year, rextiltt. In n ?vonhiena growth or tho . death or the timber affected. ?The com mercial value of the wood ts consider ably lessened by the worm holes. The piwenee of the lifsecta in In jurious iiumb*ni m iiiduateil In Che CBII. of the year by ttu? frequency of the adults mi the goldeni'tnl flow era und ou tho tr.'.-s So extepvtv? hus the dnmsgv of lb ix pest boen lu some sections of tb.? c?stciu ?tates and tho i wddlc wt-st Unit it ts imw considered unt>rotitnbte to grow' the tnt' for ei ther abide or timber. One Important (peloton for holding this borer in check hi lo prt'Vtoit it-? extcii-'.oti Ititi? the far West aird oilier ve? t:?n? which ure nt present free from lt h5^1???riments fi*ve do??M?p!",r?*?d tba? the milln univ oe killed by to.lliylng the tm**, ?nd broncho? with M atrong solution of kern.-.'in- emtU?top Thia should bo doue riot eu riler than No vember nod hot later than .March. The Corn Rootworm. nnliethi No. M of the department of agriculture state* that one of the moat doxtrnoUve pests known to ?he weat? ern cornfield la the-corn root worin, it is a tout tb? ids? ,?r?i>? t?fr-fi?>?i ^ijennH ?*cr ?ie?*ue. ?ins'n yellowish green >oior nod black-eyes. It is stated that the inneii in ?farqr io ?urwv? ?uiier erwv* rot ntl on methods.