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Here's Some of Our Work We are proud of It Just us we're prone] of every memorial, public or private, we to ever bulli. Heiter Hill?our customers are proud of theai?tber tell as so and will tell \Ve submit designs and gtvo yon the beno tit of our loon experience without choree. Wo want to tell you of our Improv ed faiilliles for producing: memo rials of permanent,, beauty. * We want you to know bow t-iirefully we select material bow thoroughly our work is clone, and best of ull how con scientious wo are la every detail. We ruraatM aitisfictioa. Our prices are rieht. Write sis today aad let us study your Droblem. Owen Bros. Marble & Gran ite Company, Grccavoed 8 C Confederate Monument Manning, ^ & c Designed and y Budt . ' byas. The \Var of Business Clear Eye, Strong''Arm, Good Health, are Seen!., of Success , The man with t?ie punch, both men-j tnl and physical is the big business | success of today. His iKJdily healtll .is -.the. force, :bo7 hind his business possibilities. The business .world has no timo to listen to'the gr??c?i stiiry. ' \ ' Sour 'Stomabli;- malaria, Indigent ion, coated tongue and a hundred. other 'bodily ills come from an out-of-order liver. Calomel used to he considered the ! only rolief. Modern medical .science has provided a far milder und more pleasant form of liver relief in C.NRS WELL'S Ll\rEft-All), a purely vege table liquid remedy. A largo hottl ecun be had for HO I cents at Frierson's Pharmacy Bolton. i S. C, where tho purchase price will fne promptly returned in case you wish It after trying this wonderful remedy. I CONDENSE!) PASSENGER SCHED ULES PIEDMONT AND NORTH ERN, J^iIXW|x C?JaT?NY, sfatffo August i?U imi ' :, AiSd?r\on, S.^'C.1' ' bn Arrivals .! - < y No. 81 7.45. a..,Ui:No. Np. 33 9.40 Ja.'m.No No x35 1-1.35 a^m.No. No. 37 . 1.35 p.m.No, No. 39 3 30\p. m.No. No. 41 4.45 -p., m.No No 43. 5.55f p. m.No, No. 45 7.15 p. ni.N? ijUial Departures 30 6.20 a. m.| ' 32 8.20 a. m. ,.34 10.25..a m. 36 38 40 x42 *44 11 50 a. m. I 2.10 p. m. 8.30 p. m. j 4.45 p. m 5d6 p. m. No. 47 1115 p. ni.No.U0 10.00 p. m.'| (x?Limited traln^)' *'./'pi : C. V. PALMER, General -.Passenger, Agent. CHARLESTON ? WESTERN CARO LINA RAILWAY ' -, fat;?r?v-i -i-.- .- . . ?The-Alignai Shod jLlpe-rr . ?*.*?t> -vi- Ar?Ures^;^,, h..,..- - No, s..ii.40 a -mu, #o.\21* ii A 8.45 p.: m ;; S t: ]: .r:. No. 22 tVvv. m .y,.,). ,,4... .6.<w.a m, HJ. ! 6 -.t?.. - .t.'. rta Iftfc?* jftj-^i Information; schedules,! rates,.. etc., promptly given. ') M ri : v ;., : , Anders?n, -S. C. _n? no boalth who w the Ufo tmr rent ta pol?obed. It may to tbe ;?ervcs aro crylns oat for relief from headaches and aieoplosstia?i pcrtiapa ?*--> ?-lAj ??H^rih, fchw thev biirt? the. bones may ba ?wi the; a?5 may break out^llofthcuo are onlyavmptorna. Tho-btoodlii the lifo".ajad it bows, be ?uro aad abundant If yea ara to bo.well. and "he ^r^m* ^n^aU^rU^Sp^ How caa -nerve? ;i? steadf,. dJfrpsUpn, cood and head cleat when tuioh*h them1 ?11 Is f3(mlx^aconstaatBU*am or p?lfloa! I ^rT^i '; ! * Pavify?artipBIdo? ::,4^?e'MeaKay:;^ ?^MepX." ,ln i tho' Bou ?yotor?n... JUO to a?" 1 OaA^JLCV Manning Congratulated By Hundre?s of Fri nds Sumtor, Sept. 1.?Prom men in ev ery walk of life, from every section of South Carolina, Richard I, Manning of Sumtor, who will make the second race lor governor lias received con* gratulatiohs and offers of support in the Becond primary.: Several of the ."dldateg, for governor Who failedto ?et into the second race wired that they, are .ready to support Mr. Man ning now and to' help place him in the governor's office. . John G. Clinkscales wired Pa morning to the elTect that Mr. Man nirtg could, Count .on his support. Mendel L. Smith of Camden, was7 th? first candidate to offer hiu services in the right that will he made for the Suinter man. Some of the messages that have come from Suinter are ringing -in their appeal for good govcrnuie::: and many are a clarion call to the people ;Of the state. R. O. Bryan, 'of, Georgetown, says Mr. Manning will be tho next gover nor. He wired: "I congratulate you, our next governor." From Old Charleston. Charleston county stood by Mr. Manning in the first primary and re ports from that section now indicate that he will sweep the county in the second primary. Two Charlcstonlans well known throughout the state wir ed Mr^ Manning: V ^Hearty cougrntulatioiiB. You "will be praud of old'Charleston. We-will do better-for you :in the second. Hun ter ,R/Boykin, Frank D. Bell," Sjjmte.r people In other sections showered congratulations' Here is a telegram from "'Tex"- Slbert, who now lives in Ncwberry:. ''Congratulations. We are with. you. All work harder than ever." Sendtcr Epdfl and many ?tlibrs from WiHlamsbu>tT county / wir:od. Senator Epps predict*. Mr Manning's election as' follows: . V'"< rat illa tion s to our next govcrno; That Spartanburg is bounu ?o Qui This was 'signed:' "' P. Davies, president of the club; . in Hill Cave, v'ce president; Edgar A. Brown, sec retary i? ,. M. L. Smith's telegram now widely known throughout the state was as follows:' "Congratulations. You can count on me to the last ditch." Do Not Let Up. There lia va come many messages, | letters, aild telegrams urging no let up In the pace. W, F. P?terkln, one of the most pro gressive farmers in South Carolina, who live Irf the Fort Motte section of Calhoun npuhty wired\" ^Congratu lations .a?fl'best ^Irhcs. for ypur suc cess." " " ' '; ' "i\ J. N. Kirven and J A. McLcod of| Darlington county wired: '.'Congrat ulations and best wisiics We are your I friends." , This 1B a brother of "Josh'' Kirven. Former Senator J. E. McDonald, one of the most distinguished in the state, wired Mr. Manning: /"Slncer ost congratulations1 and best wishes." From ciemson College came the following: "Your Ciemson friends are delighted. I. M. Mauldln. ? W. Evans." (Mr. Maul din was appoint ed stnte bank examiner by Governor BleSse ) From Ninety-Six came the following telegrum: "Many, Many congratulations from Voilr friendst" Thiir was1 signed by James Rogers. Neils . Qhristenscn, ., Btnto senator from,, Beaufort, sent, the following message to Mr. Manning: "Heartiest congratulations and best wishes for the socond primary." ..From Fountain. Inn Mr. Manning received the following: "Long may you" Wave.' Congratulations." A. L. Bl?nding. From W.?W. Moore, successful can* didate ' for. adjutant. general, the , fol lowing message of good cheer came: "Congratulations. Am with you 'jo ?'io finish Advice what I can do." Senator J. A. Banks, of St. Mat nicely by Mr. Manninr, In the ?.roond[thews, well known planter and busl raco is the opi*!?- of J. Hottz Brown. I nei-U man, wired-Mr. -Manning as fol l-lo wired: "Congratulations arid lows': "'Y?ood' morning. Governor best wIcheB. This county bound to (Manning. You will stand by all our do splendidly by you In the second primary. Number of strong men have already volunteered support. We are just beginning to reap results of our work here." / Jr H. Woodward of. Orangeburg pledges ?rarigeburg' county ' which did So splendidly by Mr.,Manning, an tho liest .primary^;- n-)-?i<-.. u.r.n t ' ' "Everybody..Manning .thja morning,* wired (W. ,S. Mowry of ' Benhettsvtflc, .it?r''rhe result'seeta?d'as*1 people." From Beaufort: "Hurrah for Gov ernor Manning. Beaufort county is still on the job." This was signed James M. Rhett. Lexington county stood handsomely by Mr. Manning. ; Two.of the strong est. Manning coupt lea were Lex in g tun .and ?jewberry.. Tlie "following tele gram's We're received from those" sec tions: ' "Congratulations. >,. Lexington., and Newbo'rry,,with,.you to.the. finish.",,,D,' F. .Eftrd.. S. ' J, Der.rick^" ' 'Sheriff M. M Bufdrd of N?wberry^. j'krioWrj all over tn?:uV *o?htry,''wir?d:tr t'??s?) hearty-congratvilaUorisi and Ije^ the day a paired.- " ' ' ''''?" -,\ j Jamjea- D. 'Evans, editor iof,jU?e( FJqr onde TJ?es,,...wr#> .was. jB.uoh ^..stron? 'supporter, of,Mr. Manning in the first tfrimary' Hvir?dHnkc* w^?wm&m, w4n,-i !WTe'-''a?i?''-?efr*i<5lt3r! delighted;^w?ahei^r .BUc^ess'''i, .^,..,, :^/Frpm Dorches'tejr came! the., incr- 't . Mry Evans'-paper^ls worldng for Mai. ^[^dM^P^L^i^? "ft?t^arn-j'^Coj .toulUtronUl' "We'^a-Ve ???de ?Wcoun?y/f? aT^ proud td have you in the MslLhT?^ca'H,''ccVu,W 1 on:f toar-'ebnttty pp,w, jMuriy' Br.nvwell people were for Simriis itlrsL and : Manning ?opond ls: tjie v?fport Jr^m jta?, section, , , Sen?tqr J. H?1 Manning ' of Dllldh, 'wired) "' "Accept" oo^gWuiatWtts.?1: W. nf.i;Hdt??nr'!6t'All<edt wtr?d-^rom lYemassee congratulations uud: hopes for the second .. primary. .. Clinton Ml F?ld?r of Blocfevillf I wired that he is ''the happiest man na earth" and that conditions -are- all right in thia. section and "your elec tion sure all over the'state but it Is best to keep working." 'payjd B. Traxler of Greenville wir ed: "1" understand you are. in. sec ond race with Richards. If I can he of any aorvlce to you call on me. Be3t wishes for sure election." E. E/ Lucas? Iqf Florence. says that tcountyvwlll glv???lr. Manning a hand I some, majority on the eighth. L., Wlgfall Choatham . of Edg?p?liL [editor .pf thc. Cturonlcle.'th?r?.'.a.'pa, ner |h1tfe<rw^snOT^jjf^^iaOTt^'asKs this ady??e.': ;Tel,l u's pdiok and 'oRory how'?e the' yldtory eompt?te**' ' T IV,_Li T8?Ji.iV -?.?llilA Af'llm-'l Su?jpS^g.3Mg .With7 y?u Utqf?;, 6' ow i and ,tforeVei'.,> ,Tlio Chor?w u'nch" had wired Mr., Manning he-: gore th,? primary,that they, Were With him "now aiid foreVdr." Senator B. .E; Nicholson ?f 'Edger iieii- Qpld'es' that. . .dgeflo? county will be all right in the second race?. He vfredl. "qongratulaUonSv' , Yon cat^coiint"?'n WIPlamshurg T'%&day Governor of All the Peuple? Tr,M^W,aunan^er.oJt^St Matthews { ae?on(J.:race: -.Mj. K. Connor." ;, Rep^ssentaHvft.,^. ;P...MoCray9y. of S[Qk??a, l thp authop of .the McCravey cat [option''' '?o'mpulsoiry .ed?dation bfll 'w'ired '^dr: -'Manning as follows.;, I'CoppratulatioiiH. . 1 am. yours for, a^rYide..;->.;,jf^nimand ija,fy" /,Frpm.,,^lllamsburg':" "Congrat?la tl?n? ito' the next governor' of South Carolina-' ' Williamsburg win do hex duty in 'the coming primary.' W. D. Jenkinson, J, D., OIBryon." 'From Prcf. John G. Ollnkscales.r "CongratulatlQna. Count ^on.roy.supr Port," . '.-'.' ;': V,_ ;,. , These are but a few.: of thQvhun-; dreda of messages that ^av^ ?^?is to Sum ter. wltij regard to Mr. Mojh^itXE'n race and offers of support iwur-, ed in by letter and .otherwise. ' SIAN.MNG TRUE MAX F?'P.: McGowan o?.LaureUB;UUHs on] ?,,,,* Fellow Citizens. .- il-wish to say a few .wjojrda in be half of)Hlchard I. Manning, a candi-1 dato: tiff vgoV?rno?r W Vi?c ?ec?nd ^rl ?, mary - I ^avc;i?iownyMrc.Manrp^^ 12 years and can say cohnclentldlisTy m&i he is .a-\ivr?eih>an . fe^ft?ifl^Wli ot^h? Avbrd. 1 was In the legislature iW^th: him for four, years1 and during a part of that Ume boarded In the mraB hptol or hoardih'gJliohso wtth'him and lecame Intima to with Jilm and, learn ed much" 'of his true1 cl?aractcf.?&?? ially, h? was courteous, kind and con siderate. In tho^?iBctie?r'ge of phWie; duty, tie was always wise in^conh?it, fair, able and fright ? debate,'and follows: "I congrdthlate thevnfeople of Qouth. le?rolina who vif 111 bevo agnanin the 'eiv?e?tfto chair; Who Will' be governor, rggjfcrt <ii?.v?1i4^?'?'V.y:;-h.!>.-y^->;,. ' :-\ Senator^ *M&maii Raysdr W Grange-} ; -who^Ms-up ln.6aluda ^ftejr th? Matthew3|ab30lutejy Yrecr rrbm ' political ?r* leg ??ys Mr. Mhnnln? W?? t?:. the .govera^ujo^ t?lckery. - - nor.* of.; SU the^jjfeople; Ho wired a?h ; Fridndaand ^cbunt^ymen; tally ' to roUmvn- r ^ '^. 'the support of Manning, trust his lead Wfchlp and -ln ^lec'Gn'g ' him ? governor jtouf'-vilTdO credit to. yoursolv?n-and reflect'gfdaY h?hor upon the state, tho Mimn\nn irtnlhnr nf 119 all. . ^p-TJ.'--^'- > F/ 'P/ 'MeGbwaH. D'r, J" S. Byrd of Edgefleld .said hylpjarinds of the . . '^^^^ ^tS:&Mm^ii- tlme.^lovi^ iones burled there and who * '. ' V-A L tSVtl? ^Mannbg that h? puts hlu > leas Into ^Irttrst'^Rbvf^to^ Ce*s)e.;J <>r*..?^ gat ion who bavo.j ire and whi ait iutcrest that can onIy he expr One%ilnr5nat. has,: been;appwcl*?.t-jin^ar?nxncial way- By such the ed b? ?r^Ma?*^^h1sffrlenda m\imis^SSS ,italt^la' ????*l.'S*; ^ the spdntanwnlr reaitonse? in the - ?---^2^^ call tor organitation in -the several ^?httea .Fronx Barawetl- county;, comes Uio following jnossage: "Cohgratolations. : Hav? -?W>W? dn?;"w?5Kjs?sii??i. ;. work: will be| mfejw'^eoon. as tho fiinds are u hands to guaran^,^ ^W.^?yVHA?RIS?N^-: . ,, Iii I FOB GRU?JAL COUB? ?7-H; ! SOLICn OR READY TO BEGIN MEMM INGER HERE! Doubt Abuot Presiding Judge Is Settled By Announcement That Popular Jurist Will Preside / (From Wednesday's Dally.) Tho doubt about whether Judge .Memmlnger, Jndge Wilson or .lu?go D?vore would come to Anderson to preside at the coming term of lh?i CbUTt of general sessions for this gounty was settled yesterday when definite announcement was made that Judge R. Withers Memmlnger will come to Anderson and open court here on the morning of Monday, Sep tember 7. 'Judge Memmlnger is popu l?r with tho lawyers of Anderson and he is popular with the people of the tiounty and he will receive n cordial [Welcome. I The coming term of court will last hardly more than two. we.oks, although it is understood'that It could last Ion. ger If necessary. However, Clerk of Court Pearman has drawn juries for but two weeks und It is believed that tho business of the cciirt can be dis patched in that lo.ngV?' of time. AU. told thcro are.'IG'br r,o jury caLes tried at tfiTs term of court but Solicitor K." P. Smith says that he expects to get the docket pretty well cleaned up' in a fortnight. There are seven murder cas?s to bo tried at this term of court, these being:' Claude Poorc, charged ''With the murder of Joe Kelley. It will be re membered thht Pppre.wae a of tho police fofca/q^ 'JvVjll'.amston and that Kelly wa? an ex-uolioouian. The affair created great interest in Williamston when it arose. Oscar BozOman, a negro! charged ] with the murder of Matthew Jones Archie Colyer, charged with the murder of Rosamond Walker. This killing occurred near Del ton and the defendant is only' a yourig'boy. It is believed that this may be nothing more than a case of accidental killing. WIR Garrison, charged"'with fi? murder of Will Hall. Thia; Wiling occurred on Peoples' Ro/w'Wf?'An.der Kon and was tho u.iual, negro killing about -a woman.. ::r ' "sl W.R. Harris, a w^'Ilo rparj. i? charg ed"''With .killing; Lewis Ooede1 In ' the Fork'section :pf 'th?^c?Utily' ;" ' ' -Ulysses' Dav|ii;. a'.n?gfb^?a charged #,ltht killing" Jim'. jEmmers?li, another ;ie,'gr/ov in ^9rtb A??etfe?n ldht B?hday night.: ' - in'Addition lO^theBo^casos" one mur age*"'ca*sq Sl?^5?5n^wtw^"jLne l?sT term er.-apiuat. Ria b?i^jr' will ";??^?ji?? who..b3 ..Chargea,. arr'^i?iPv^^" r.pobuok. .. ... .,,..'. . ,y . ?'i " ., " There nr? ulko 2o.,ot Zti,l?\s?<?Uap} ?dus' cases* jsvbleb|.,have',arisen , ?i??ia the, last term cf_ court, the 'charges ranging ,frpniarsijn. to, and tottery... ,^..,',,11,,^,l ,'. ... Abolit..HL ca?ee were, prpjugut. over from theI-.last, topp .pt .c]dyrt on rie coiint 'of., the ,n",l?kn?jaa ?i '.aetendah?r and tho ?uq?ncu ot material wiiner... ji and all theto .are to bo tried at inls] term. V Ten or twelve coses were also tried at .the last term of court In which th? .d?fendants wore convicted, and Sen. termed but nmder "the terms4 of their Sentences they were to appear at this term and receive the rernaihaer ol] their sentences. oooooooooood oo o oo of 3' TU? GOVERNORSHIP o a K - * o o o op poo e o o o o o a o o ?#. V , (Newh.=and? Courier.) The election ;o^T).obard L" Manning over John^r^e^i4B-4a--tho--aeoood. IDTimnry,, jt?_'.ine.Jhcld* on September vote gol'n^ above- I30,b00/the. voie jfor the founcandidates "who ni??e the ra*e aa; a vowed. .Rupxiortcrs ,. ..of, J?pyernpr ! Blasse a^gregat^ or. a 'Httle \ more th'aa one-third cast last Tuesday. . The'bulk of the ballots ..received, by. Drowning. CHnkscalnai Cooyer and t.hq. two Smiths, ought to. go. to Mmmlug Jn ,thp second-primary and he"wlH^receive some of the.-votes which ware, casf. for Irby and Simmej. % This Ib. tho way .the situation- fi?~ bros out. on paper, and thlo, we be lieve, Ja the .way. it,. wiji ; figure out;. at th? policy-??^titS ih???g a gn tn gf. -.tph j oh th? gycat. -mosov q ?,yntc'rs ,who have de clared for a [cjipnge of. pplicles; m South ; p^ro\?n&c .?hou.ld ?ua^labove p>o?Vthi^ ^^ ^i!JitflM^ga>?.. opathy,, and apathy Is xS??f? the greatest danger in' a s^.-corr^Riwmary. Manning-ca'h bo ?lect'd anilw? trroro?ghirb?H?ve Gibt fee will Ib? Jeleeted-tbet the> friohdo? of !*fb?d-. ?o-ernmest-should .. itaire no themselves- on the Sth or ?eptembor and they s%?uia s?W-tolt: thkt ?li th?s? With whom they have influence do so ?laav''i>-j.';'?^K?4i : >i. ittt'i !. .'.; - The people of South Carolina havV ohoivn unmisiakably that they want aJ-:gbVe^br-:,*f'^f1/'''M^6lhgw type; brtt-ho-will'be roiight bitterly and hbs-. tile to big ^Hoctien wffl be the power ful ilnnor :int^rekt? ' They are far more desiroua el^havlng. a governor %ho will work' in' harmony with them; than^ they rare ot having "a' trtthdiy senator- at:VvowlnB?cs. ' ''* . The victory for- cloan government Can: bo made oompleto and it must be fah>'?nM?4jiyjUlgiMVlgnanCe ahould ,,-by all means b?'walataine?i 'Tiv. . } ??" ' ?ni -io^ifywjj?^ !?*' fjiivf t- i ' BRICK RECORD BROKEN PY ORDER YESTERDAY ANDERSON CONCERN GOT BIG CONTRACT FOR THE THEATRE Andert?n County Brick and Prob ably Anderson Stone Will Be Used; In Handsome Building (From Wednesday's Daily.) The largest single order for brick ever placed in this county was award ed yesterday by the contractor who will build the Anderson theatre. The contract gosts- to the big brick kiln at I Rendition and calls for 800,000 brick, all of which will be used in the con struction of Anderson's new piny play house. Builders said last night that It was a larger order than had I'ever been let at one time in this city before and that probably the new building will require more brick than any other building in the city. The contract wa? awarded by Nich olas Rooney, local representative of of the S. W. Atkinson Co.. of, Atlanta, Ga . which Arm has the contract for creating the handsome new edifice. Mr. HoS.ney also sub-let tiie excava tion work to Clarence Osborne, who began on the work yetrtcrday. He er.timntek that he will be ablo to com plote a? of the excavating by Satur day and; be ready for the contractors to begin their work. Mr. Ropney directed thnt the first consignment of hit* brick order bQ delivered < in this pity Thurrday and from th?t,time on as fast an the man. ufao^ureVe could furnish tb.em and it is very-evident that Anderson's, thoar tre will soon be completed. It was aaid yesterday that the Wil liamston quarry 1b figuring for the] contract to tjnrnish the crushed stone] used iu the construction of' the build ing and it is believed that they will] get it. The building permits required by the city before a new building can be constructed1 was taken out yesterday and bo far as can now be seen tbero Is not a single hitch in the plans and preparation.- for Hho amusement place, "i F. Vk DOMiNICfC Talk? j|f Bringing Suit For Libel ^Against Certain Newspapers* I *$mi -In District i I" r ^WT^ WsdU83dayrs Daily.) ? iffifffifc JtMlte&r candi&Un-torJ i;Iast.-.uIgnTthat l^eTs, yejy^nioch vexedj on' accountT of* a" recent publication, and unless ?cetruetlo?iw and i apologies? are made it is his intention to pros! ecuto ono or more papers for violation .of,the Ilbrt Taws.'' / ?"? ? :' >: The. article to which he> refers av-. pe?red In a Seneca paper first and inter in an'Anderson paper. It alleg ed that Mr. Dominlck'hnd held u, Bee ret conference with supporters at a hotel in Seneca and had announced .his determination to : oust the post master, there and at some other: points and to h?mo some of his own men. ; V: Mr. Dominlck - says the only color, of truth in the whole matter is the fact that he spent a few minutes in Seneca oil the day .mentioned. He was on his way to Piekens add held no-conferences, Mr.. Dominlck spoko rather .bitterly I of the matt?r in connection with oth-| [er Charges made. aE?in?t u?ts. - Ko i'v/hs provoked.n?oui a iale tu?t he bad rhipped liquor to Central and to Sen eca.. .Tho' only, truth in those state ments, he "Buid, Is the fact' that' twd' packasen each about the size .Of va" auart bottle, were shipped to- him ut tlibao. pla?e's/ .. Hack ' package con tnluca .circulars- printed in The lntol-j lig??cor- ?illco... ..Mr. , Dominlck says printers iufc. Is ''less dangerous la .an election. - . . ' Throughout tbo campaign, Mr. Dom inlck soya that hu has treated bin op ponents fairly and he *?lll give $100 to-anyone who can prove any dlacrcd-: itrible act on his part in tbo campaign, or can prove that he;has made" any) promises of plac? or other "iblng of value,to get yot03. "YIDDISH GOLD" I Thousand Subscribed - for Relief of, ,.. Jews Abroad Who Are In Dire i ,- .. ?S'c?d,. ??? York. S(!j?t. 1?Thn ?xerutlvo committee of tho '. American JowlBh committ< c, after considering aoninmn ICatlons from various pa,rj^oPftho $qrld regarding .the 'condition, of tlf?i Jesva eprood, announced ], today It had | appropriated 427,500 for the relief of j tho Jewish s?fferere. ] v; ThV roports : to the commltteo in- : eluded, one from.^lenry; Morgenthau Amcr?can ambassador to Turkey, in di recting that the Jewo in Palestine are confronting a serious,crisis as the re sult.qf the discontinuance of contr'lbu tlonB from Jews in the belligerent ?u , rbpean - countries. To help these suf jforors $?5,00$ was'.approprlated. Ja [cob l H. Scbift.gavo.112.500. Por the .benefit ot .Jewish,, /children at Sofia, Bulgaria, who lost their parents dti-s ring Oie Balkan waJrJ^?{'^oj^l^ set ojsjde '$?.600.. ! A pub-comn-iuec w?i? /or?iOri tc : deavor to copo with .the.-problems j?which the Jaws faco In Russia; Ger-^ many, Austria and elsewhere . TO ALL GINNERS. When your Bans are well gummed and sharpened you can then do ' the beet ginning. We have gin-saw G?mmers and Sharpenere. . J Columbia Supply Company, 823 Gervais St., Columbia, S. C. ' Some Buyers I You that regardless of the war situation they had no trouble whatever in selecting their Fall merchandise. It was different with our buyers because they did have trouble in making selection. You see We are just ? little harder to please than most folks and we do our own buying. Our buyers are back and report a most successful trip. You'll agree with us when we tell you we'll have the very finest line of "every thing for women" ever shown in Ander son. Every day one pretty thing after an other comes in and each shipment seems prettier than the other. y We want you to come in and look. We are al waste glad to and to jshow y?u;: WORK FOR ROADS on we EVERYBODY INVITED TO VIS IT THE SQUARE T H IS AFTERNOON I Photographer Has Arrived in City and Begras TodayI Preparing i Pictures' for Panama t^hi> Ever aee ' yourself b moving pic turet Then, thla'--Wtofttopp V/lll bo the one big chance of a ilrotriino ^be cause at 2 o'clock thin afternoon' W. Jr Kraft of New York will begin turn ling'the crank of his moving picture machine, making a film of the public arniare and everybody on tho jdiunro at'the time will be; included in' the picture and will be seen In every .town lu^South Carolina ana i?t?r 'ai the Panama exposition;-' wliore' the- picture i is to bo shown. Mr. Kraft oald yes terday that- he would start thiB after noon promptly at 2 o%>lockr and ho hones'that there wlir bo a goodly ! number of p?oplo oh' thbatiuaro.' It 1b' necessary- that* tho'r&'be'a good -crowd If Anderson is ,tp aoQW up In the pic tare ?* sno.jjhpuld. , .' Tho moving picture man will atnrt this morning* at making pictures ?t the various industrial ' planta around ho expects. to have .all Hatful rdmatnderj of the afternoon to making, the ,!>?>, tur?s1'^ the' sceriea around town. . Mr. ; ?ra?; paidlastr night * that he was very favorably impressed indeed, with Ahdbreon and from- what he has seen df tile city he "be?tevea that Au dersphhviii show^up; to as .much adv vantage as any other city in the state. WANTS Wanted?B;do on^d -thousand do) lara worth of school bonds to run ! a period of twenty1 years. These bonds a? e df Valrvlew5 and Cherry : sfihnnl districts.'State rate: of In This County Will Have Delegates At I^Qxt Meeting of Southern Appalachian Association mi-. ??rafe? ? Ono of Anderson county's wol.1 ?vUOV,'it g??d i'?nuB enthusiasts y?Bier diiy received "a ''totter "''from Dr.1 Jos-Z oph ' I?ydo Pratt, prooldont ' of.' tho ' feout,!;orri Appalachian Cbbd Roaus As-1 aipcjgtio'li,S 1n wblJh - Dr." Pratt asked' ' that delegates' bo appblntod frotrr tills ' county and bo urged to ! ottohd, th?" moptlbg: A portion of. Drv Pi^U'c lot ter said; . . : .-"The j.'Southern. Appstlnchiari flood ?. Iloaxls Association wall- hold, Itt/'nixtlt Uihual, couvontlon . at Bristol, .Vu.-, Venn., Octobor tt-s), and tfc?J Bristol' beard of truda v/lll Join tho a.taocia tlon hl> art'^ffort to make , 'thia 'tho1 greatest convention tho association Van ever hold. . . v,tlJ herowUh extend yoci a. cordlnl invitation to nUortd the convention no a- dolcgnto,?nud I -will- thank you to appoint, about ton dologatea,to ropre. sont yonr town nt tho. cohvontion. 1 know yott -Svili? seilet 'moh-'tnt'or estdd in godd rbads? and who are able t0 attend; chd. T want do ask. that you notify them or their jLonointmeat und ur'ghf them to ;*(te'nJ,T;;We ;^ill-also notify-them^aiy-soon ad^cbiylhg'the.r names and. nd? rasse?! frota.yon": 'rZ$-'.\ '.-' "The -association, is nut only, dolus a groat work^.ip.,encouraging tho oon strimtion- nn? rnaVnte?anea o?.1a?prov ed roads in the tioutherft App-lachlan tefrritory , but is : encouraging und promotlng the 'ion'iXcuctIon Of "great interstate highways traversing allvihe, states of the southeast and reaching other 'sec'tionB-aof ;}?1? : country. "The edu?at.ion. ?j, aa well as antortMriing. ' S'omo' pt men*in the -count try will address the convention on tho (luostlons of location, construction and -"maintenance of roads, federal and State aid, and'the progress of the road movement will he jroniorted from o?l aecOons of the- southeast.: Litera ture and program' giving ftirHdar tu formation will bo sent al del?fe?cos, '?Ws fully realise'that ;tho country without good roads is a .dead on?n and w? want to help make every comtnutr ity in t'.Py south eMtv? live one. Will you not .v?iuti -uu? uri??a- a -??^ live representative^ , the . conven tion? tadle* ar? 'cbr?ttaHy Invited aud cah be appointed arv delegates."