University of South Carolina Libraries
Early Arrivals ? " ? ' - ' ?. '. *-~ " . I ?-? In Our Clothing Department NOW ON DISPLAY The best assortment of Men's Suits for Fall and Winter, are the ones we are offering. ?at? $i0,!$12.50 and $15 ISAAC HAMBURGER & SONS New Creations at $18 to $ i5 . i < 11 ? n li EVERYTHING NEW Quality and Style Supreme For your future Comfort and SATISFACTION ?WEAR A Tl^IBBLE S??T ? The Up'to-Date Closer .......... $10 DISCOUNT oHowcd cnch pnplt Vthoouters pur College within, th* next thirty tiny*. If interested, write ait once for full particulars.' Electric finiH installed In euch de partaient of our C??prc? $ McFeat-Bowen Business College. CO LU Bill I A, 8. C Be Not Over-Confident Advice to Manning Men Indications Are' That He Has a Tremendous Majority, If the People Will But Come Out and Vote Next Tuesday To tho .White, Democratic votorB of South Carolina: , ., We have Jufct passed through , one of ^ ?he moBt streuuoua- oampniK'ia ever, known In South Carolina. The nom inee for the moat Important office, that - of,Governor, has flot as'yet been se lected. Tho final decision in this race will be Tuesday. September 8th. when you will/'bo called 'upon- to decideby your1 ballot between John O.'Richards of Korshaw county, and Richard I. Manning of S?mter. The' indications ate that Mr. Mor and will know no class or faction, but will be tho friend of oil the people. ' The next two years will be critical times with the farmers of South Car olina, and it Is necessary that a sound and experienced business map and farmer be. placed at tho head of our j government, especially at thiB time. Mr. Manning Ib Just exactly the com bination needed. Ho Is a business man Of tho highest typo and recognised ability. He has been a farmer practi cally all'his. life.. He owns farms in Sumt?r and Barnwell counties, and' gives them his personal attention at all times. "Ing will be .nominated by a. splendid majority and will bo our next governor 1 Mr. Manning has promised if olected, provided ,tha friends ?? good govern- to Support Ovory measure that will mont do not become OTOi-coufldcnt and cureless in the matten We must work every minute from until the votoa aro counted and Mr..' Mannipg is declared the nbmineo. Do not relax .your efforts just as victory Is within our grasp. Lot us- not b? content with, the' nomination of Mr. Manning, but coo bow largo a majorrlty wo can Kivu nun anu me causo nc represenis. Messrs. Clinkacalca and M. L. Smith have already/ tendered their support dud services to 1 Mr. Manning, and it is expected that- Messrs. Cooper and and- C. ?. Smith will do the same Kb - eooh as the State Exocutlvc committee oftlclaliy declares (tho result. If th? supportera \pf. these candidates Will no* raHy fo^th? tupport 6f Mr. Man ning and put forth their best ?fforta In his behalf, lib. will roll up ono fit tho greatest IhaJorftfoB ever known In this 'Statb.' ahd will make a Governor of VF?iv?i? Soiitu'Coroima wi?? be proud. Mr, M?nn?ngVwill usffibls best forts to .butiQ up our Btat? in every way thftf Is best tor the people. He will bold .himself; above factionalism, benefit tho farmer.' Ho also pledges himself to the en forcement of all laws, Including those against race track gambling and the blind tigers. He will be governor of ail tho people, and will be a credit and honor to the State. The people In Mr. Manning's home county. Suinter, gavo him a majority of nioro cnni^.foUr hundred OVcr nil opponents, while his opponent receiv ed less than one-third of the total vot? cast- hi'"hid hOfti? county, I* Kersh?w . I Whst'dtt?* this meiulT 1 . (Jeti busy, men, und keep busy trntll tho''t?tei?,tfre'?'ounted' and Hon. nifh. BVd'I. Manning Is mnile Governor of Santh Carolina, the state m> love so L?t nsf forget tho past differences, and put forth a strong fight for South Carolina^ If you will do this and get your neighbor to do the samo, Mr. Manning wMI bo nominated and elected by a splendid majority. . Respectfully, O. IC. LaRoqu?. Marlon. S. C:. Sopt. l\ 1014. "LOW COUNTRY!* ?.S SOLID Manning vYIli. Come to tho I'fcdmont With a jBlg ttajorlly. Edltcf Tito ?ritblllg?ncor. The lower, ?ort : o*t the state is allvo in th* Interest of R. J(, Muninng. lln Will get, from what 1 can learn, near ly, nil tho votesf cast for t!:? nntl IHoftso candidates for governor. Ho Ik *TT*.;r-r- - -' gaining .strength dally, - and we feel sure that, iio wuT be nominated. T. hopo tl)d?t Anderson county will back him, as .1 feel sure .that he will make us a gr?at, governor, combining butt thens experience with his knowledge wf government.- He" Is" trail equipped for the afflce, and if you in the Op couhtry, will*.support hint as we wRl In this section of the state, he will be.elected by a big majority. ' John A. Hlers>? St. George, S, C, Sept. 1, 1014, RE1> MEN AT CHICK SPRINGS } g! . '" -771- , , ., ,' ? III Hold Session There Next Sut nr. i duy Afternoon. The members, of the Ordor of Red Men of Anderson, Greenville, Pick-, ens, Qconec, Spartanburg. Union and Cherokee counties arc urged to attend a Joint session of the seventh and the tenth districts, which will be held at Chick Springs next Saturday at 2:30 o'clock. The members of the order lu Anderson have recelycd no tices from Solicitor A. E. Hill of the Spartanburg district, president of the district, which reads as follows: To the . Tribes of the 7th and 10th districts Improved O. R. M> of S. C. The Joint session of these districts I win be held at Chick Springs, Satur day, Soptcmbcr uth r.1 2:30 p. m. All aro Invited to attorn; the afternoon; session. Tho First Regiment band1 will furnish the music for'tho ?cca-' sion. At the evening session thero will be held a great c litest between the two districts In't' .' degree work, the following tribes . taking part in thb con teat: Comer :Ue, Gray Eagle. Tenotley, Pawnee ?' l Keowee. Oho fate for the round t ?3 Hab been gran ted by tho P. anO s", llhes. SpeeiaT trains will leave Greenwood about' noon Saturday g- ! 12.26 from Spar tanburg. Return : rip leave 12 p. m. THEYR? ?V1EIV?6?R i THE OLD VILLAGE Former Citizens 'Prefer Buvinir Goods From Anderson People Whenever Possible ; Anderson people know that "?lHcK- ; ens will come home to roost." but thpy'do5 not"know that most Of th? people .pow. Hying away rrom' And?r^ sob'.- but once"- residents of tnis city, otlll prefer to* do their buying here when It is possible.' or 'tmpUtfW mor.t ?vfrvnTi? in . jflgiw adverttain? in' The' 1rJfel?g?lc!et 1ri the best way for any Anderson merchant to get results mil for the benefit*of those un acquainted with tfilsr filet, ' the following is given. 8. M? Orr';dr?d R: E. Fri?rsoh. both of whom once lived hV this city but are how- engifcad ta mtslnes^ at Heordmont, GUi< Under the firm name of Thek?rlersor? ?rr--Com pany, wrote -the ""fotlovflnlf; letter'ttt f.ur?D?r. S?ttb. ? d^'or^fwb ago. " "Wo notice ln~The Anderson WtblD sencer that' y'OO' ?ro' handling ' tnt)cm latin g material for clovers! 'We-ex pect to plant 21-2 bushels* of crimson* Oliver and would like to IdoeaTatd iti OA how short'riotrce can Vwfcget the :n ft ter lal from . yoUf^How? iboti -Wlir w? have to use same after Its rcceiptt l?ow much will It cost, and how much ,vlll It tnkof POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS FOB COUNTY SUPERVISOR. I hereby announce myself a candi date for county, ?upervisor, subject to tho Democratic primary. J. MACK KING. I hereby announce myself a candi date for aupervlBor of Anderson coun ty, subject to the rules of demcoratic, primary. C. P. MARTIN. REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce myself .ua n can didate for House of ltoprcaehtetivcu from Anderson county, subj'-t to the rules of the democratic party. . OSCAU 1>. GRAY. I hereby announce mysolf a candi date for the House of Representatives from Anderson county subject to tho rules of the democratic primary. RUFUS FANT, JR. I hereby announce myself a candi-. date for tho House of Representatives! for Anderson county, subject to the1 rules of the Democratic primary. ASA HALL, JR. I am a candidate for the House of Representatives from Anderson coun ty. I will abide tho rules of the pri mary. . SAM WOLFE. 1 hereby announce myself a candi date for representative from Ander son county subject to the. rules of the | democratic primary. . J. H. HUTCHISON. FOR COMMISSIONER. District No. 2. R. A. Sullivan of Fort township is hereby announced for commissioner ifor Section Two, compiling tvork Rock Mills, Pendlcton and Ccntcrvillc townships. I hereby announce myself a candi, date for Commissioner from District I No. 2, comprising PcndJoton. '"Rock| MU13, Fork and. , Cenlerv'lle town ships. Subject to the rules of the dem ocratic primary.,. . , . JOHN CULBERSON. District No. 3., ,, I hereby announce myself a candi date for county ,commissioner for tho third section, consisting. of , Garvln Brushj/ Creek, W.lllinm'ston and Hope well townships, .subject to the action of tho lomocratic primary. ... ,/' H. A? F??T?fc. I hereby apnoamco. myself a- candl lato for ?oniraissloner of Tliird Sec tion consisting! *'' Of Williamston, Brushfcr Crook, Hopewell and ' Garvln Townships, subject to the rules of tho Democratic primary. I \V. A (Berry) SPEARMAN I hereby announce my candidacy for county commissioner from Section i. comprised of Helion, Martin,' Hone? Path and Broadway townships.'Sub ject'to the rules of the democratic party. R. D. SMITH Better known "as *'Dlck" Smltu. I hereby announce my candidacy I for County Commissioner from Sec [tion 4, comprised bl Belton, Honea J Path, Martin and" Broadway town jships, subject to tho rules of the Democratic primary..... 3. M. HOLLIDAV. FOR COUNT! ?-* sURER. I. hereby announce myself a candi date for county; r treasurer, subject to j the rules and regulations of the dem ocratic primary. DR. W. A. TTOPP. I hereby announce myself a candi date I for county taeasurer, subject to tho rules of ' th? "democratic 'primary. $13? WBtiW?^K^^^^ ox wom?n to Inkroduoo ?it 'BEJBTKVE?'POLISH MOP.' Veto's coq trw*. WMk 11 par.- Ex ricm(-n nnneccMai*. TfsfoMiK* tMfrhrrt: BEtfTE VHU MFG. OO.. Dept. 111."; Ko*i E?. Louis,-Illinois. ._-?.....T. L-iC-^- -'. .^.'i.'. WHO IS % H. PAT/TEN t - $*ie\m}h' '' Ij ; : (' ill this issue 'appears an advertise ment inserted by .'friends Of^i'redV'H. Dominlck, candX&tO^ It is a. copy, of ?v cVcpJor,being dliitrlbu? ted throughout the district. We feel sure that It will do Mr. Alkoh's causa no 'harm., ..' . ..'^ .'..; ; Sometime ago*' Mr. AjkeO.', on ac count of sonTo personal matter, waB at tacked by Jas/ ^p :Bak?r, 'secretary or, the united.' Suues- Beni?i??'. ' ~rn-. Baker, is n om) nail y ?. resided t 'and. ,?: large ' f?^V^j^-XmM^SW^f But' who-ls l<c'.r.w{^t;"-,''tn\ordst. that Mf. Alk?n^bfb^V'h?ve a'chance to meet.thoso rcjwgj?j> ' & tots last Is sue of tho 3cm\jw??iklpr. .'fntelllgeficer boforo next Tuesday, we asktd his sec rotary. W. W: Bradley It they wished to make any statement.'." Mr. Bradr ley' replied .that" Jt'wo^ ^?qecos sary. y..?;.. .? >>. r n ^/s'tfl-bo1 ; He chargta that Psttonja.a Boston tnahri no doubt , tt?p^bUcaby' who, married ..In. Andorsop.. couh'ty bu t has no -right at the eleventh hour to come scattering such trash over 'the dis trict. It Is nbnb of l&Vfiftalr at all. ..' '??I-L ?*J> .Cai^of-^rAs. _ iJsi. Hoiiidat/:<^dWet? itoy^feSn nissloner for^he *th>^trWt/^s^ o thank tho voters-for the support riven him In the first primary* .*ad inks that they support him in the- see. md primary. ; If elected : r will treat- p ?ich community the same and wor> u harmony , with the supervisor and )ther commissioners. &-ad-4wpd ad Aiken Not ? Friend of the Farmer Statement of His/Record^By Hon. J. H. Patten, General Counsel of tlie Farmers' Union and Secretary Farmers' National Congress The following letter was written in reply to a letter from a prominent farmer of the Third District: ('. S. BARRETT, President Union; (.It), Cis-orgls. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Li II. RHODES, Chairman Hunington, Tennessee 0. F. HORNBL?SER, Sec'ly. Cleburne, Texas. P. w. COX, Colfax, Washington C. C. WRIGHT, . Hunting Creek, N. C T. J. DOUGLAS. Kennelt, Missouri A. V. SWIFT, Vice-president, Baker, Oregon faMers educational & CO-OERrVFIYE ?NI?N of america * Ci;.;' - ' \U~t A. C. DAVIS, SecTrcas Rogers, Arkansas HeadtioartprR of NATIONAL LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE J. H. PATTEN, . General. Counsel, * 204 Horned St. St E. * Washington, D. C. . August 22, 1914. Dear Sir: . I have your good letter inquiring about the legislative record of Con gressman Wyatt Alken and wanting to know if he haa been working and vot ing for legislation that the Farmers' Union has been urging on behalf of the farmers and the people. I have read Secretary Bakcr'B let ter..and Congressman Alken'a reply. I am familiar with the facts and would state most positively that Congress man Aiken inserted in the Congres sional Record during tho second ses sion of the 58th congress an Intend ed speech In favor of foreign immigra tion, as weil as introduced a bill, II. R. 14R33, for the purpose of bringing foreigners to the State of South Caro lina and the South; failed to vote on any on ? of the five roll, ?ails during the mcnth of December 1912 when the splendid 60 page immigration ! bill prepared. by the congressional im migration commission, was up. and passed,'although he did later vote.oO a conference report and to pass over Tatt's veto.';,..was one of 17 to ^vote against .the Pure .Food Law, June .2$, 'l?O^'^heu no other congressman from gty j state -yetted against if r?ndv.wh^ nearly 100 southern and southwestern con g r es s m an voted for the. biR ; j ,and(| the-like. ' ';, During, the four years ending. Ma h 2nd. that I, liave been General,Counsel of the Farmers Union,,Congressman Alken has not taken : ai-, particle Of interest In the National Legislative committee when it has been in Wash ington, quite In contrast with other congressmen from South Carolina, namely Lever, Flnlcy, Ragsdale, Byrnes and others, who have met wlUi and conferred,, with and advised with the committee as. has Senator Smith, one of the best friends the farmers ever had In Washington., ., ;. The Congressional Record shows, as does the Congereslonal .Directory, that Congressman Aiken has not sought, and obtain -d -membership on any committee .of, direct interest, to the' farmers and the people of South 'Carolina, fits haa Ijinley. wh:ij on Postofflccs and . Post . Roads,, helped put through parce post?on which, by the way Congressman Aiken voted wrong,. May 12, 1912, in our opinion?[ free rural delive r extension and the like, Ragsdale, Mio, on Banking and Currency, helped partially .to. Include agricultural paper, In the Federal re serve act, Johnson on Appropriations, and the like. . . ; . With reference to the congress man's rural credits bill, H R. 16028, and his rural "carriers salary bill. H/. . R.,, 18,2535,. "he would not contend that either, will ever be. reported, to tho house for consideration. His ru ral, cr?dita ! proposition , la Unpractical .and ) mp?s.sibie: president Wilson inj dU^ted uuqvalifjed .opposition to 'anjjf pnoh plan in tola annual message. \ ' December 2nd,, and Congressman Afdien must have known the admin 1 stratlonV attitude and what the Joint<aRUc5 of the hoas$, and son ia^o.wero formulating at the time ?b introduced : the bill - In. April. A3 a matter pf fact and to be quite frank, these! bills and his speech on the subject were intended: exclusively, and, solely for "Home consumption" and are* what politicians around here call "bunk for farmers." " With reference to hlB Vote, on the Pure .Food. Law,.. I would Bay. that there was only ono record vote and that was when the senate bill, No. 88V passed the house, June 23, 1906. , On occasion be la recorded .as, the only .congressman from South Caro lina voting against th? measure. It is true that there..are 16.other con gressmen, some ^southern and some, northern, voting with, him, but there axe also 241 congressmen recorded as voting for the 1)111, among those vot ing for the bill being gooo ?taten rights democrats like Champ Clark, Under Wood,, Fint?y. Jonhson, Patterson and in fact soven oighths of the southern congressmen that, voted. To be con sistent would have, led the congress men to vote against the Webb-Kenyon biR, direct election, of senators and. other . measures,., and.. would prevent much of the needed reform legislation that changed conditions require. 1 have tried to avoid boifig in any way.personal.;,..I know thecongress man and bear him,hp ilf will person'-, ally at all, but aa a public servant 'anifl a repre8ne.U^Ve^of;a fnrtoer eon s,ti^en?y, I .Mfi^f^*in:\MlW-^^?n^ letter to adp^t^he^fact. that he has not -been aggressively eflfectivo in;tnr7 thertng !thp If?glslattvi?i demands --at. the jarmers,;31kei rrioBtiaouthern^ greasmerA. a?vU? record and. work here-is f* disappointment io,.farnfera organisations.X'>! '.'-, , [s- : : With every good wi?h, I ani. ' , Sincerely yours, \ t J. H. P?TTEN, General Counsel Farmers Union and Secretary Farmers National Congress. m HELPED WITH POINT Yv^'M^TO Tri? ACHIEVEMENT r " ' ' '"T-'- Ki''j:?ri:i- U THE NEW HOSPITAL ? i t u Say That Every Bapl?l In Sotfth Handsome New Institution services ' of r the doctor.- of- nlB own choice. ? Resident Physicians. ."'. !'*'We. aro hot ready.-today'to an nounce the complete ptnff; but I d? sire to say that-Dr.'Weibodrne!will r etna In the resident physician.. and Miss Sollenberger.will be superintend ent of nurses. -" ' > > : ; ' . -1 .f.Wo expect to make the trftlning pchool a distinct and* prominent-foa tiiro of- the; hospital.-' : A- inenlty-vo* learned lecturers will be provided for Scientific medical and surgical teach ing, and; such' Chf latauv trafnlng will boTg 1 von as will At,'6u? nurses t6TJtn> AhdtamonB thoa^ present ?t tho dedl C?i?un wsrs:M number of prominent men ofSh? BaptiBt' denomination from various ^ec^ions. of : Sp?th. Carolina. jj fiT??i For B!s Veto In the Columbia,' S?pt . 2.?C. D. Fortner, iw?io^^feith? s?cohd l'ace for. railroad commbBion?f has Issuedi th? following S??KoSeAL'.M r,'i t., : . < j 'Tt ? would H b? . tmpiosslble i for any man to expro?s. the f0eling3 of deep broadest service to 'UihnattRy.;''It'lw'gr?n^id?i'?wnten^'lMluTtr?:Hlt;' ..for!.the pur purpose to make, the training1 su|tport gtW?nVm? ?by my-fellow eiti hchoOl difltlhctly a Christlab In&tltu itldn. ' .. ^- ? f i -v:'^'^1'-; ^* f, >ln the ^urtherapee Of our plans. z^ens In'my race for railroad cammla sloatih i;? would' like very; much td go Welt over theiflelftto and bqO personal ly aH tho- podploi b?t .I ?m ? poor: Wan. i iioipes, ,we Invite .and oxpect to-Ve- ahd |tifs is impbaaibte - Therefore, I i cbWe tho prayors aid cooperation Hof bare to contendmy?elf by begging my and to s?cdr?Tthe r?jill?dtlbir-'d.F^>l^r' (From,Th?rs?Joy,i JJol^y.'i' fa. - ; % sil every one who .enters our doors, friends ; to stand by mw in the second Sovpral Aiidarson Baptlata wpnt tpjwhether to inlplster or'to' be mffilaV 'rj^.'--"^^^!^^^^^. ab?'"for o tl^^p'retent-isil^c'^n ?ntoS^*-^v^} p 1 Mr. Bristet^. .pWd^a;!tribute to the thblr- b?st;?otor?ata, and.-1 Am dopend lag' upbhu^to ^-e??ctlpp: If - I i am [electedii-l! prdniiae -t? be fair and im partial' irr an my. dt??jaga bctwocn iuo cofpoVatton? andithe people. :l- bollevo ''I dgatft thank my trlenda and ttvoae iwho- supported me/ and respectfully solicit the- vot^s?-^my follow clti Columbia TueRdayjto the exercises hold la, conrf eel ton., with the formal dedication of th? new .Bap List hospital tor this Hl?to. and^rd^ "tnlng to Apderson.thoy Bay that tne Baptists' of this' stsfce. liav^eviarv^rlgWj to, be proud of what tfioy have dono toward ;m'aking anch' an ihstltction '^l-e'1 dedicatory ?fervice l^?s ?Wk?? ?Ith a prayer dff?t?d b> tntf'RevTJ. P; <nor. Dsstor of tho Associate Reform id church of that' city, and president >t the Columbia- ministerial union, Re Vi Louis ' J. ' Bitetowv (formerly j of Wllllamston and now of AbbevHie>?tlte )riBlhalor of tho Jdcn. -then outlined Jio poi icy,-" 'of-jfih? > Baptist : ;,hdapl(alt poahing 'in ^rt ias!'folloj.'?:'-; r % The Hospital's Pollen fWe take i^ssesslon-c*v thie pr^t> irty. and "open:. the hospital In tho lame of Jesus Christ and of tho Bap ist denomination in- South Carolina. Ve regard if as a Chrlatlatt contHbu l?h' to-a, ilt ia;tOjih>| l?ld: kd a aacred truat. to be oporated . [out the pu , dt the benefit of.v hpnJanity? and tkUfe' j.enlargeiiiiwtlte-itfifeparj^ ??te A. R. _Knowlton,,.M. D\ ' $? : Pra^qi; et be4ient^ . 'IThe ,.h?n read Revi' Wi' T^Tatc > of Batcsbcrg . jad a,rifbrtl?ti^ d^scrtpt?rb^be'j ig' the record'of: th? ^healing of thb lame man at the Gate Beautiful, after which Um pray or of dedication was :>ffered by thb^teV; 'Howard Lee Jones if j Harts vllld. |Vf - >A - Mr. BrlstpW-; then /introduced the' 2?ev. (C,1??'; frt?bd; ^i:j>.,:' pastor ? of "Ehcn?zcr Lutheran cnurcn^or ibis city who brought gr?otinge frorn tho other dertomln?tlon?; Vailing i attention to' ihb fact tbj*/^?;cWst^?dono^ jUdhs have been ? negTecling w great fleld of endeavor, which tho Bapt I s ta are now the- first In this atato to oc bo5>y. f' ... .'' -i :i ; <'.The Rev. Chhrlea- B. B?^is, D D:? jfastor of. thd-First Baptist-church, of Columbia, flpoko for Ihe BsptlstA of Jtiie state. Ho rccRed thd rise: and do ye?opmcnt of the hospital- Idea -in the Baptist state convention and pointed tvof'th?-denomination rtbry ?f God. " Saff?rers w?H rMi(f^ftty. ,Ho ^redlct?d" that in idtted without respect to ttoeir ^pi^IyVfcirs the South Carolina Baptist hos rty-er-rlcbesi sec* or ?rsed? V:ftoey|pftai would tB the lsrgost in this sec "tl?n of the.jpoaiury. .-At the Conclusion tJf Dr.^Buyti' ad^ resB. tho benediction was ' prohdnnC . by the Re'v. Slop P^ Heir of Fort H, a membcr-of tho board of tnra Sgiahing of the Baptist trill- be'given the .best ; of . car?? rentment by skillful surg?ona, et* H27lenced physicians and compel uraesr who, In Xhclr mintstfh o suBtaiEed by Chrlfitlan vrkr Vjni auu 4(M"I. -. ! ^hcepnol .will be op?4 . rs ?rho are ; members mod tea l societies, " ^01^!': Of course, th.< " Arly^cojiatttute^ hyslclans, w^?^, > whom will be committed alt work ecullnrly. our own. However, evary a.tlcnt will bo allowed to hare the gratulntlons- and ? mall? teleplrone and telegraph also cdm* m?$sage3, of .congratulation from. different ' acettona-i>f tho state zeos.' IP Rev.. *v;'v. v.' rtSa^wili be urchVTde& sist?d. by ^reft?lv|llo. IHH ?li?blUrjr Jb Get Dre^tplia WfH Neeea altato Wearrhg of Undyc? Hosiery : -" -'" NexlSprlag ,' : :phtmdelphia;*?j|eni'J'>. 2l--Bieached. wbita^pr^mdyed-hosiery tylll, prevail ???twsiW' aprtOK , ahd surnmbr, accoMlttg crry board of the National association bitHo^t^y'ahd /underwear iWatrafac ??tJjA; p> irambdiate -relief .Mfetefi In th? dy t/situ . accept offers -fl/**-^o??ery tor dellyery. after Jaua?ry.V or beyond such ttmt * Ith? stock of dyostuffs of tho Individu*! mariufacturor? will lout. ,