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TUESDAY AND FRIDAY NEW SERIES VOL. 1. NO. ll.lYetkly, EsUbllHhe? IS??; Dally, Jaii.13, 1911. ANDERSON, S. C., FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 5, 1914. AUGUSTA Ti THE Eh SOUTH 'CAROLINA TROOPS WILL NOT GO TO GEORGIA FOR MANOEUVERS HELD IN THE STATE War Department Has Ordered . That Regular Troops Be Sent To Each State Instead Dispatches reached Anderson last night from Columbia which salli in ef feet that there will be no encampment j heh! in \ugusta. Ga., of the ninth di- j vision ol' the National Guard next . month as hus been formerly announ ced. The statement coining here sahl that W. A. Simpson, adjutant genet al, hud telegraphed from Governor's Island, N. V., to Governor Dleuse und Ad ju tani General Moore the information that all former pluur hud been eui led \ oft and that instead of holding the en campment within the borders of their own states. lt was stated in Hie telegram that troops would be detailed from the Uni- j led States army to each stute, begin ning with North Carolina, coming on to South Carolina, thence to Geor gia and so on, und that these troops would instruct the South Carolina mi litia in the tactics. Shortly after receiving the message both the Governor und the Adjutant General left Columbia, the Governor to deliver un address before the grad uating class of the medical college, und the Adjutant General to inspect the militia. No statement could be obtained from either of the officials. The Augusta men have spent within the ntghborhood of S50.0Q0 in prepar ing for the encampment and lt is said that they will put up a stiff light to have the order resciuded and try lo secure thc encampment. The Isle of Palms alco bad spent a lot of mo ney prepairing for the encampment. The Columbia people seemed to think last night that the orders from, the war department would he final and that they expect Governor Blease . tojuurae--the*sit?H^the"6^ ment within the next few days. While nothing could be done tn this dhcctlon last night it was sug gested that Anderson might make un effort to secure the encampment of the South Carolina militia in the event that the present orders ure not re voked. SEW THIA LS ALLO WK I) lu the CUM? of "Conspirators*' Convict, ed Hy Wm. j. burns. Chicago, June 3.-The judgment ot the United Stales circuit court of ap peals in granting new trials nf Olaf A. Tveitmoe of Sun Francisco, and Richard Houlihan of Chicago, in the dynamite cases today was affirmed by that court. The court reversed itself iii granting a new trial to William Bernhardt of Cincinnati, und Bern hardt, under the opinion, must serve the sentence of one year imposed by the lower court. OH, HOW TL H ll I lt LL London. June fl.-"I will He on the steps of the house of commons with out food or water until ASH nit h con sents to receive a deputation." Thia threat wmfhttered by Sylvia Pankhurst at u meeting ut Lime House tonight. She declared she would car ry lt into elYecl if the suffragettes fail In their endeavor to see Prime Minis ter Asquith on June 10. Of O ll ll o o o o O I) ll ll O ll ? < I ll ll ll ? ('HASHED INTO CEO WD o o PIttaburgn, June 3.-A spec- o o tator, believed to be (maries F. o o Marzoff, was killed and ten o o other persons were seriously o o injured tonight when a motor- o o cycle, ridden by Arthur Arm- o o strong, of New York, crashed o o through the railing at_Pitts- o o burgh motordome into the o o crowd. Armstrong's back, right o o leg and left arm were broken, o Ai . o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Suffs Are Exp To th London, June 4.-How to deal with the growing menace of the militant suffragette agitation is becoming a problem of terrible Import not only to the government but to the commun Ity at large. Efforts o? their well wishers to persuade the militants that they ar) retarding the cause have been lu vain; they are convinced nothing but force will achieve their hythralms and. they have been applying them selves with new vigor to the oui rages. The cost of police and other pro tection against, the threatened out rages ls becoming enormous. Elaborate pr?parations for the der by ar? being repeated for the coming (CAMPMENT MR. M'GEE GIVES UP TREASURER'S OFFICE HAS FORWARDED HIS RESIG ' NATION TO GOVERNOR te _ FOR OTHER WORK One of County's Most Faithful and Efficient Officials Will Retire From Active Politics Anderson county people will learn with regret that t\ W. McGee, one or the best treasurers Anderson county hug ever hud, will retire the .'.oni of fice lie now holds on July 1 'ind will assume other work. Tills decision has been reached hy Mr. McGee after ma ture deliberation and friends of his say that it is a wise move, but ut the same time the public in general will regret to learn of his decision. Mr. McGee hus been contemplating this step for some time but he did not reach any definite decision until Tues day afternoon, He then wrote to Governor Blcasc, notifying him of his resignation, which he asked to become effective on July I. On that date, if he b.? relieved in time. Mr. McGee will take tp other work. The popular treasurer was elected to office four years ago, after serving for some time in the office of the clerk or court. He polled a tremendous vote win n he was elected and this vote it is said, would hardly compare with the one he certainly would have re ceived in the event he ran again this time. It ls generally conceded that he could easily have been re-elected. The governor should have received Mr. McGee's resignation early yester day morning, but Is away from Colum bia, being In Charleston now, and therefore he bas not given out any official notice ,of having received it. However, it is presumed, that it will roach. him today ; JJ(1 lt- ls expected that he will make some announcement. Mr. McGee is anxious to take up his new work on the first of next month if he con be relieved by that time and if not. ns soon thereafter as may be possible. 3?R. ?AVIS* BIRTHDAY Celebruted ns Memorial Day lu many Southern States. i Atlanta, .lune I'..-Memorial exorcises ! in many cities of South today mark ed the observance of the birthday of I Jefferson Davis, president of the con federate States of America. In several stales the occasion was designated ns a legal holiday, banks and other busi ness houses being closed. In Tennessee and <;?.*,..-'?. the graves or the Confederate . td were decorated with appropri?t" .rciuonles at many of the larger ellie: . At New Orleans the cotton market was -dosed and business practically suspended. Tlie day was a legal holiday In Vir ginia, memorial services being held at a number of pl?tres. TUBBY IN BAKKK Will be Chen a Gund Time on the Rois du ll ii lo un e. Paris. June 8.-President PoiivSalre \y desirous of showing Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt every courtesy during his visit to France and today gave orders to have the special presidential railroad car in readiness for the colo nel on his arrival at Cherbourg. lt ls understood Colonel Roosevelt will be received by the president at the palace of the Elysee Saturday. Lost Nine in Sur-cession. I Chicago/ June 3.-A shnke-up in ; the Cleveland-Americun league team I was forecasted today in the announce ment by Manager Birmingham that B?8Chlund, who lins been playing ' short stop, would be benched. The disheurtening showing of the Cleve I lupd team has moved Birmingham to , experiment until he finds a winning combination. tensive e Government Ascot race meeting. Strong fence*! have been erected and a special water supply hus been Installed id case ol fire. Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst now oc cupies a house overlooking Bucking ham Palace, and the force of police within the palace grounds has been increased. The king has ceased his daily morning canter in Hyde Pa"k, because of the militant activity. According to the London Dally Mail the police have received information of a suffragette plot against Prince Henry, the king's third son, who ia at Eton. Scotland Yards has sent spec ial detectives lo Eton to guard the prince. NOBLE DEAD AT ARLINGTON BEUTIFUL MONUMENT WILL BE UNVEILED AT CAPITAL TODAY "BLUE AND GRAY"! : Grane? Army of the Republic I Joins In Tribute to Chivalry of the South Washington. Juno 3.--Finul ar-., rangements for tho unveiling tomor- j! row afternoon of the monument er- ' erteil in Arlington National Cemetery in honor of the Confederate de .d were .completed today. Piesident WHBOII 1 will deliver an address at the e.ere moules and many other high govern- ( ?mont oflicialB, including several mern- " i hers of tho cabinet, .expect to attend. j The executive committee of the Ar lington Confederate monument assn elation of which Colonel llllury A. Herbert lr chub man, baa decided lo ' place, u large floral wreath on tin stone which marks the graves of more than 1,000 unknown dead in the cemetery immediately utter the un veiling ceremonies. Ueneral George W. Gardner, of Albion, Mich, comman der in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic; General Bennett Young of Louisville, commander of the United Confederate Veterans aud Sir Moses Ezekiel, the sculptor, will partici pate in the unveiling ceremonies. The monument, which is of bronze, has ar its central figure, the statue of a heroic woman facing southward and ' bearing iu un extended hand a laurel wreath. About the base are '.l'? life rized figures, representing the heroic sacrifice of the men and women of the Confederacy. The erection of the monument wus mude possible through the efforts of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy, Slr MOBBS Ezekiel, who arrived hero today, explained that in model ing the memorial lie. bod sought to portray the Sputb./rUing .- supreme 'above' her 'sacrifices, and privations. "The Intention ls that it is u peace monument," ho said, "without for getting the sacrifices and heroism of I the south and emphasizing the fact that we were fighting for a const itu- < 'ional right and not to uphold slav ery, i have attempted to have the dominant idea, the future and not the past, that the intention of the South is to rest the future on her industrial and her agriculture, and to let the past go. but not forgotten. "With this Idea, the large figure at the top represents the South, one" hand holding n wreath for the past, but with the right hand resting on thc handles of n plow. The smaller figure below represents the sacrifi cer., the devotion, the heroism of all clorses or the south In upholding the fighting for what they passionately believed to be right. WOODWARD DUKE DIES UNDER CAR Machine Was Overturned With Himself and Party-He Was Drowned (By Associated Press.) Salt Lake City, Utah, Juue3. Woodward Duke, son of J. B. Duke, president of the American Tobacco company, was drowned under his overturned automobile In a mountain creek near Park City. Utah, today. The other members of the party were not injured. The accident took place about forty miles past of Salt Lake City and just over thu summit of the Wasatch mountains. The machine skidded and fell over a six-foot embankment into the water. Duke was driving and was ?caught beneath the car. The othi-r men were thrown clear and were not Injured. They were Jo seph Baird. I. P. Bliss. Edward White side and G. L. Burt. Duke's body will be brought to Salt Lake City tomor row. JUST KILLING TIME l ulled States Senate Doing Some ('ate ElllbnRterlng. Washington, June 3.-Just when a. vote, on the Panama Canal tolls ex emption repeal bill seemed certain to come within a fw days, the senate foreign relations committee today sur prised the senate and complicated the situation by reporting favorably a res olution designed to lead to the sub misson of the dispute with Great Brit ain to arbitration by international trib unal. So far as administration leaders know, President Wilson opposes ar bitration unless the repeal bill pre viously is passed and no word had come to the capital tonight that he had changed his position. Many senators ! believe without the president's app'r# : val nc arbitration proposal can receive a majority. *^ t. wm cn. cc t _ ? John G. Richards Comes Out Fe "Sinbad" Some Time Ago--D Railroad Commis Columbia, June am going to vote for Colo L. Hipase for United States Senator becuuse 1 believe he ls nearer the mass of the people than Hie other niau." said ?jF.?hli H. Richards Jr.. cuudidate for governor tonight, rbis statement was made in answer to i direct question as to whether he was for,Smith or Blease? ll was talked around Columbia du ring the State convention that Mr. Richards had declared in a Iliense conference that he W?3 going to vote for the governor for Ute linked Stales Senate and it was known airo thal Mr. Richards attended the Blease caucus on last Monday here. This is Hie lint authorized statement nf the position of Mr.. Richards. Major Richards expressed his con lldoncc that he would be (diosen gov srnqr. He waa hereUoday in atten dance on the railroad commission of which he ls chairman and leaves with them In Hie morning to inspect the Parolina and Northwestern Railway and the Seaboard Air'Line. UOMIMCK PILKS I'l.FIM.'K -r-? Columbia. June 3^Fred H. Domi nick tonight filed his <pledge us a can didate for coiigreBBjfroin the third j THEIR VIEWS I OF NEWHAVEN! Some Directors Testify In Reply To Sensational Evidence of C. W. Mellen Washington, June 3.-JameB S. El ton, of \VaterUuVy? Conn., and William Skinner of Hqlyoke, Muss, directors of the NeW York, New. Haven and Hartford Railroad, testifying today be fore the int.ei-bto.te corrinieree Commis sion at its inyeaHgaUbn into the af fairs of the road, said,the .acquisition of various. New . England trolleys, steamship lines and other properties at a cost of many millions of dollars, constituted a part of the New Haven's comprehensive plan to in-'reaBe Its fuc ilties. ? " Many properties tbUB acquired, lt was stated, only had a prospective val ue, the natural growth of New England being taken Into consideration by the directors. Mr. Elton, questioned on this point j by William Nelson Cromwell, who ap peared as counsel for severa) directors, declared the purchase for $11,000,000 of the New York. West Chester and Boston road the stock of which form er P?esideiit Mellen of the New Huv en testified was worth only "ten ^ents a ooiind" was for the purpose of ob taining a foothold In the Metropolitan district and obtaining greater tcrminnl facilities in New York. Mr. Elton testified that the New Hav en directors had changed their meth ods and now were not influenced so much by one or two men, like J. P. Morgan and Former President Mellen, as they formerly -vers. He said the "directors now direct" and had learn ed a "great nmnv things." He added that President Elliott was more delib erate than Mr. Mellen and did not "rush them off their feet. Mr. Skinner said he believed "if things had been allowed to go on ann the New Haven and its officials had not been subjected to inimical inquir ies and legislation" tho property would have pulled out all right, per haps, in five years. He asserted that Mr. Mellen could have retained thc presidency of thc road had he so desir ed as he had a majority bf 'the direc tors with bim. Mr. Skinner will re sume his testimony tomorrow. He will be followed by Laurence Minot, of Boston, a New Haven director during a part of Mr. Melleri's administration. SENSATIONAL Charge? By Hobson-Charge? Administration With; Fear Newport News, Val, -Inns 3.-That within three weeks after the seizure of Vera Cruz by .the American forces twa shiploads of arms for Huerta were landed in Mexico under convoy of foreign warships and that the United States government was "afraid to pro test or allow the press of the country to say things about lt" was the declar ation of Congressman Richmond Hob son ia an address here to-night. Mr. Hobson declared that a German steamer, under the protection of o German warship, had landed a cargo of arms On the Atlantic side, and that another had been landed on the Pacific side. Continuing he said that the United states Officials knew that arma were landed but were afraid to make a protest andjofraid to allow the press te-ktfbliidj thcTftiots. . fiongfeasmairUobsoji spoke here un tfdV'ibe auspices, of? the State Antl fialdon League. KSPOiE?CE ir Biease, As Was Predicted by ominick Files His Pledge ision Waking Up ilistricl, in opposition to Congressman Aiken. Mr. Dominick it nt pr?sent ns- | ststnnt attorney general and was for merly cu II i pa i gu manager Tor (Jovcrnur Momo. Governor Meuse went In Charleston lonlglit to attend u meeting nf the board of trustees of th medical col lege of which be is the chairman and j lo attend (be comment-c mont exer cises tomorrow. CAMPAIGN CON i ltullroud I'?m mission Learns of Sonic* tiling al a Lute Unte. Columbus, Juine 8.-The Kail road Cninmisrlnn this afternoon issued u rule to show cause against the Pull man Company why they should not provide separate Pullman couches for white end colored people. The re turn is to bi' made on June ll. The commission scored what they declar ed to be thc practice of the Pullman Company in encouraging negroes to ride on thc same ears with white peo ple in South Carolina. An order putting into effect the In terstate commerce commission rates on express wu? issued by the com mis sion tonight directed to the Southern Express Company. The new rutes jare to go into effect July 1st. GENTLE LADIES ATTACK DOCTOR Suffs Declare That He Is a Beast For Keeping Them From Starving (By Associated PrcBB.) London. June 3.-Suffragettes today again turned their attention to Dr. FraneiB Edward Forward, medical of ficer of Holloway jail;. Twowomen -with horse whips sprang upon him as ho left the prison this morning arid another puniche J him severely when a policeman came to 1 is resoue and arrested his assailants. i Tlu women declared that their ac tion was a protest against "the foicl bto feeding for which this benat D 1 responsible." ! Dr. Forward refused to charge the women with assault, but the police detained them on a charge of dlsor I der ly conduct. Last October Dr. For ward was attacked in a similar man ! ncr. An arson sonad of suffragettes early today burned a large cricket pavilion nt Rnrrl?fli?l. southwest of l^mtlnn. Another arron squad set fire to a country residence near Belfast, but the blaze was extinguished with Bmall damage. SUFFS AND FADS TO BE DISCUSSED At the Annual Meeting of Genere! Federation of Women's Clubs -What Is Modest? (By Associated PreBs) Chicago. June 3.-That woman suf frage still is an open question and women's fashions at present are Im modest, but comfortable, were state ments hero today hy Mrs. Percy Penn ' backer, of Austin, Texas, president of I the general federation of women's [clubs. Mrs. Peenbacker arrived yes ! terday to prepare for the biennial 'session of the federation which opens here June 9. "As to woman suffrage," she said, "that remains au open Question. . "Personally I approve of lt because I think the highest type of women are ! interested in politics and everything that Io vital to life. "Aside from ?he extreme low neck and the slavish following of Parisian styles, which are to be condemned, I think the present fashions are en joyable," said Mrs. Pennbacker. "Tue freedom which women have now about the chest and waist, which allows of deep breathing and comfort ls to be praised." Suffrage and fashions will probably be two of the most interesting uqes tions before the federation, Mrs. Penn backer said. ;oooooooonoooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooo o NO DECISION YET o lb - o 1 o Washington, June 3.-Late o o tonight Mr. Zubaran and his o [o associates Interrupted their ex- o ' o Changes by telegraph with Gen- o o eral Carranza to bold a long o j o conference with their local o o - counsel and John Lind. It was o ? o stated there probably would be o ono reply to the? mediators' note o ?o tonight. 9 o o / o ooooooooooooooooooo WILL DECLINE THEJWOSAL THAT IS THE FORECAST OF THE ACTION OF GENERAL CARRANZA IS PLAYING DEEP Seems To Be Trying To Force a Kind of Recognition of His "Government" (By Associated Press) Washington, June 3.-Whether Hie Mexican constitutionalists arc to par ticipate in pence negotiations ut Niaga ra Kalls probably will be determinen by tomorrow. Agents of General Car ranza tonight were in t?l?graphie com munication with the constitutionalist leader after having forwarded to bini the answer of the South American mediators of his message of protest carried to Niagara Falls last WCCK. Publication of the mediators' mes sage was withheld hero until Gencrul Carranza has determined on his reply. Itafao) /.abaran, minister of the inter ior in Cnrranza's cabinet, and at the bend of the constitutionalist agency in Washington, would not discuss na ture of the mediators' proposals or thc probable attitude of his chief. Persons however, suggested that the terms on in touch with constitutionalist agents, which the mediators proposed to re ceive the constitutionalists into the peace negotiations would be declined. The mediators' note, addressed to Mr. Zubnran. reached Washington in a special delivery letter. As soon as the message was reel ved, the consti tutionalists agency began preparations to communicate with General Carran za a'. Durango by u special wire. When the message had been forwarded, con ferences with their chieftain were be gun over the wire, Mr. Zubarnn an nouncing thai he hoped to have soma rm'^lusivc information leter dh the. everting. ? Administration officials awaited' tho torte?me with considerable anxiety; thoa* tout the day there were nome ex. prssions of apprehension in official quarters over the success of mediation plans as originally outlined, lt was thc first time that any admissions had been made of probable setbacks. Yet these who admitted the possibility of obstacles insisted that all difficulties ultimately would be overcome. Secre tary Bryan again reiterated thut med iation wt<8 progressing satisfactorily. Niagara Falls. Ont.. June 3.--Med iation tonight walt? on General Car ranzu. The commander In chief of Hie constitutionalists forces in Mexico has in his possession a communication from tho three South American diplo mats which onen the door'for consH tutionalisis representation in the con ferences here. Upon lils word depends whether the I entire Mexican problem will he settled Sy diplomacy or whether the consti . ltionulistH will continue to light their way lo Mexico City. The mediators have smoothed the way for the constitutionalists to par ticipate. The I'nlted States govern ment wants them to accept. A rejec tion may eventually menu the Wash ington government's withdrawal of tho moral support lt has been extending to their e?;:se. Thc mediators tonight wore hopeful, ly confident General Carranza would "end envoys here. Instead of believing negotiations will be indefinitely pro longed hy suc'.? a course they think a pacific settlement would In reality bc more quickly obtained BB parties in the Mexican dispute then would be The Cotton Ci More Than I Atlanta. Ga., June 3.- (Special Cor respondence.)-President Harrison of the Southern Railway Co., speaking today of the outlook for this year's cotton crop said, 'The Governmerib Cotton Report issued on June 1st, indicates a substantially better con dition In the states traversed by the Southern railway lines than on the corresponding date last year. This bears out thc Information. received from our agents. "Some uneasiness has been caused by- droughts in the Cotton States cast of the Mississippi River, but general ly speaking, weather conditions along our lines have been more favorable for giving thc crop a good start. Wet weather conditions during the carly part of the season results in the plant developing a spreading, superficial root eystm which is Incapable In drawing a sufficient amount of mois ture from the deeper soil during dry tods later in the season und most of tho roots being just below the sur face, they are liable to ht seriously Injured in the cultivation of- the crop." "On thc other hand a dry May GQT A FAVORABLE REPORT FROM THE HOUSE COMMITTEE TAX ON GAMBLING Would Not Affect Any Straight Forward Contracts For Fu ture Delivery . (By Associated Prca?) Washington. Juno M. -Tho house ag ricultural committee tonight agreer! lo report favorably tho '. vor bill to regulate dealings in cotton for fu ture ilejlvery, with un uun.uJr.icut to tux so-called gambling transactions transferred from the domestic to a foreign market. Tin? measure would levy a tax of one fifth of ono per cent for each pound uf cotton In vol \ il in any contract of ?ale of cotton for future delivery unido oil exchanges. It would provide;far the standardization of cotton und author ize the secretury of agriculture to de signate from time to time what mar lu is shall he considered bona fide spot murkeis. A LADY VANDAL BEAT GENTLEMAN Rained Blows Furiously Because He Objected To Her Ruining Paintings London. June 3.-A savage. attack with a hatchet was made tonight by a young and stylishly gowned suffra ge! te on an attendant at,the Dor? Gallery, who tried tu preyent??fho?-' from<destroying.valuable plcturS?*<o?}. rf; exhibition there.' The -woman had-already^ ruined two paintings in tho gallery, which 'a in the heart of the fashionable'quarter of Loudon, and WUP hacking a third when an attendant named _ Bourlet seized her arm.. The vandal turned on the man fu riously and rained hi ow after blow on his body severly injuring him. THE AllVOl ATE Y??tD?LF. Dr. Murk h. Carlisle Writes a Mirang Letter to ?ev. 8. A. Hetties. Greenville, June 3.-Rev. Mark L.' Carlisle, one of the-most distinguish ed preachers of the South 'Carolina conference, hus writteh a letter to Rev. s. A. Nettles protesting against thc latter resuming the editorial man agement of thc Southern. Christian Advocat". Dr. Carlisle **olnt5' cut that Mr. Nettles was given no appoint ment by the last conference and can not hold over. Dr. Curl Isle slates that he introduc ed the resolutions demanding a change In the editorial management of the Advocate and he did BO without ref ference to whether or not Mr. Net tles would be vindicated or found guilty by thc last conference. Hs says in his letter (hut no bishop has given Mr. No ivies an appointment aa edi tor of the Advocate and that therefore he has none. here to shape the program of peace. ? There were no conferences today with either Mexicans of American dele gates. It may be stated that there will ue no obstacles placed In the wey of General Cnrranza's participation by the Huerta delegates or other princi pals. rop Outlook Jsually Bright mean* the development ", of a good tap root and ? deep root system which will insure helter growth in the event of an unfavorable condition la ter in the season, the* de?p breaking of the tnnd and better preparation of the seed bed now more generally practiced in accordance v.'Uh the ad vice of the deep breaking not. only enables the soil to retain more mois ture but makes possible the develop ment of the deep root system, the lack of the excessive rains have facilitated the cultivation of the crop and the reports from the territory along the Southern railway lines indicate that it is unusually free from grass and weeds. "Reports from the territory into which the cotton boll weevil had spread last year indicate this insect will probably be " mod in fields tn all that territory this year bat farmers know moro about,combating tho wee vil and will generally make a deter mined effort to fight against lt With reasonable favorable weather "condit ions for the remainder of the Sea son, therefore, s good yield, in cotton may be expected in the states- east of the Mississippi River." ... ^