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# * Thunday. September 1, 1%0 THE CLINTON CHRONICLt. II Items of Interest From... .West Clinton MRS. CLIFTON HEATON, Correspondent and Representative PHONE m-J N ' Mrs. Gaude Farmer and Velda visited Misses Annie and Kitty Put man and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gar ner and family in Laurens Sunday. Mrs. Geo Darnell and daughters, of Joanna, visited Mr. and Mrs. Claude Farmer Wednesday. Mrs. Maggie Mason and Mrs. Bill Elledge and boys visited Mrs. L. C. Elledge in Greenville recently. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Reynolds and 4 Billy Boy visited Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Reynolds in Rock Hill over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cox, of Sen eca, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joel Cox. Seaman First Class Richard Fin ley, of Norfolk, Va., spent last week at home with his wife, Mrs. Finley, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ott Thomas and sons, Kenneth and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cauble and son. Billy, and Jennie Red. also Bobby Jean Hea ton, Rose Snelgrove, Billy Cran ford and Roger Dunaway spent Sunday at Lake Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wallenzine, Lewis Wallenzine, and Mrs. Maxie Wallenzine'and Kim spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wallen zine in North Augusta, S. C. Bobby Anthony, of Harriman, Term., spent the week-end with his wife. Juanita Anthony. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fowler and Patsy and Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Bish op, of Laurens, visked in Asheville, N. C., Sunday. Mrs. H. A. Adams is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Jones in Greenwood. Mir. and Mrs. David Storay, of Greenville, spent the week-end with Mrs. L. V. Fallaw on their way to Mississippi for a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Robinson attended the Lothridge reunion in Ware Shoals Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Bill Campbell, of Iva. visited Mr and Mn Morris Thibodeau Sunday Mr and Mrs Bill Snow are visit ing James Campbell in New Or leans. Robbie Nell will return home after spending some time in New' Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. Stark Hudson and son. of Atlanta, Ga., visited Bessie Holtzclaw Sunday. He is the son of the former Ruby Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Williams and daughter visited Mr. Brown, a hospital patient, in Columbia Sun day. Pressley Chaney spent the week end with his sister. Mrs. Seggie Dun can and Mr. Duncan in Lawrence- ville, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McLendon and daughter, Sue, and Mr. and Mrs. Ce-’ cil McLendon and daughter. Cece lia, enjoyed dinner at Lake Green wood Sunday. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. W. R. 'Dicmas was honored with a surprise birthday party at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Pressley Chaney. Late summer flowers were placed around the liv ing room. Ice cream, cake and cof fee were served after the box of beautiful gifts were opened and passed Fourteen guests helped wish Mrs. Thomas “Happy Birth day ** Mrs. Bill McLenden was co- hosteas BIRTHDAY DINNER A birthday dinner honoring Mrs Rosa Owens was held at Roberts Cabin on Lake Greenwood. Those enjoying the picnic dinner were: Mrs. Essie Simmons. Mrs. Blanche Creswell, Mr. and Mrs Austin Da vis and son, David Owens, Mr. and Mrs. James Craine. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Owens and son, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Owens, Mr and Mrs. Neuffer Creswell, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Creswell and children. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Swayingham and chil dren Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Heaton and children, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Heaton and children. J. W Craine, Rev. and Mrs. I. H. Webb, all of this city, and Mrs. Janie Creswell, of Abbeville. BIRTHDAY DINNER Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snow and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Thibodeau honored John Campbell with a surprise birthday dinner Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Snow. ADAMS REUNION Those attending the Adams re union Sunday, August 28. at the Greenwood State Park were: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Small and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Adams and sim. and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boswell and daughter, of Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs John Threatt and chil dren. of Fort Mill, Mr and Mn Homor Perry and children, of Aik en, Mr and Mrs Elbert Walden, of near Auguata, Ga.; Mrs Milford McCoy and children, and Mrs. Ran doiph Burdette and children of Honea Path; Mrs. Eunice Adama. Mr. and Mrs James McCray and son. Mrs Mable McCary and chil dren. Mr. and Mrs. Ransom Leop ard and Mr and Mrs. Ray Harvey and children. Mr. and Mrs. George Butler and children, of Ninety Six; Mr. and Mrs. John L. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Morse and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Adams. Mr. and Mrs Brantley Adams and children, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Adams' and sons, Mrs. Earnest Adams and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Glanton and daughter, Mrs. Fran ces Harrison and daughter, Mr. j j and Mrs. James Adams and chil-; dren, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Adams and children. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Worthington and son, Mr and Mrs L. B. Adams, Mr and Mrs L. B Adams, Jr., Mrs. Olin Adams, Mr. I and Mrs. John Adams and chil dren. and Mr. and Mrs Eugene Adams and children, of Greenwood; ! Mrs. Hubert Leopard and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Heaton and Mrs. H. A Adams of this city; and also special guests were M r and Mrs. J B Beaners. of Decatur, Ga. 1 AJTK served their wedding anniversary ! ranceen Smith u M at her home Aug JO on Francis Street Teresa Foster will celebrate her BIRTHDAYS AND WEDDING birthday Sept 1 ANNIVERSARIES Mr and Mrs Thomas Prather ob- Mark King (celebrated his birth ^rved their anniversary day Aug 31. * Sept 3. Robert Whistel and David Spur Charles Simmons will celebrate lock observe their birthdays touay Ann Webb will celebrate her birthday Sept. 3 Mr. and Mrs Jessie Lyda ob served their wedding anniversary Aug. 24 Rachel Anne Lyda will celebrate her birthday Sept 7 Those observing birthdays Sept 6 are Mrs Ins Cagle. Phillys King, Dohald Osborne, Lawrence Leopard, Dianne Japart and Smokey Wallen zine. Mr. and Mrs S. S. Wallenzine ob served their wedding anniversary Aug. 30 Harry Foster. Sr . observed his birthday Aug. 31. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ginn observed their wedding anniversary Aug 31 Dennis Kernells and Keittv Can non will celebrate their birthdays Sept. 5. Mr and Mrs. Clyde Bigbee will observe their wedding anniversary Sept 2 Mrs .John B Smith will observe her birthday Sept. 3 Mr and Mrs. Bardy Cannon ob his birthday Sept 3 IF YOjl; DON’T READ THE CHRONICLE YOU DON’T GET THE NEWS PHONE 74 Gray Funeral Home CHatM. n C. FUNERAL DIRECTORS • • ■ ass • • • EMBALMERS Phoae 41 AMBULANCE SERVICE about this question: i- “I’ve had an auto acrident and must file the correct Au to Financial Responsibility forms with the state. Does the Wm. J. Bailey Agency offer to assist with the filling •Hit and filing of these forms’" Wm. J. Bailey Ins. Agency M. S. Bailay & Son Bankers Bid?. PHONE 1246 7 COLONIAl ST0RE$| Help Your Child in School JL U/ITU TUP ana mm mu cocoa luutnunoos - comi t m aMTMiHt ranci-Ktatf ana mjm «mm m cuaa amau rtn- a—n * was o*n <wa a m a* fMgaaW* <«••«•>« mo mm' »»• • MM* I ri ww >mm i (atm av mama tauunawu. turmmn > tem* aimaftMr tfaoumnavtf CfccJi* ■mlM tjmmrnmmwmJOmm an ham ma aawi e n* a* WITH THE GOLDEN BOOK illuAtlatcd ENCYCLOPEDIA fot young PiOPie □ BONELESS SHOULDER NATUR TENDER USDA .choice; BuDGfT •«!» *• 65c Xv. y • VOLUME ONE 49* VOLUMES 2 THROUGtrie at** ‘\ «. Wf will ClO*f All DAY MON Day. Sf’T S'* OPfN if , MAiNOf* Of Wff« □ tirloin or dub steak MAflA u I ooct LB □ rib (bon* in) steak mmtjl tVMOM W t ooct 4 85< T BEEL freezer values 1 r AL full cut BOUND IB auttva 1 U S DA 1011 LB. 79c MATUB TfNOCB USOA [CHOU □ rib • roast g □ ground beef □ chuck roast 1 □ chuck steak □ beef rounds □ beef loins n □ beef ribs □ hindquarters □ forequarters □ budget beef sides a# Uta ns ’o its ro • m va l* •S Chunk BOLOGNA FRYER PIECES Nu-Treat ICE MILK HaHUU 39 Hi Skift’s Fry Pan BACON GROCERY SPECIALS! □ maxwell house or cs COFFEE LIMIT, ONE (J WITH SS OftDfR 59« • CS MOTHEI mayonnaise <**» t'S PINT ORDER OR MORE 19c wesson oil GALLON 1.59 cs hot dog relish UMJTI 15-01. 15c hamburger buns OUR PRIDE PKG. Of 12 19c round pound cake OUR PRIDE 28-OL 69c FRENCH ■ DRESSING COME IN COLONIAL . . t£>U COME OUT BETTER EVERY TIME 1 CS BRAND 8-OI SAVE 10c! drumsticks wings w — Our Pride Hot Dog Buns PKG. OF 12 Pal Family Size Peanut Butter 3 Lb* Jar 99 c MULLET FISH Lb. 10* Golden Ripe BANANAS u, 10 DOLLAR SALE! bama preserves duncan hines waldorf tissue pork 6l beans 20-OZ .PEACH 19 OZ CAKE MIXES ASST COLORS OR WHITE Y □ charcoal 3-D detergent VAN CAMP FOR YOUR LA30R DAY BARBECUE FO® FO« ROLLS LB CANb LARGE BOXES fO« Detergent quantity BKiHTS BtSTBVtC LARGE BOXES LOW PRICES plus GOLD BOND STAMPS!