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/ THE CLINTON CHRONICLE Thur»4a>. September 1, IWW * Viiwtt , f’-\ § $ 1' t ^ 1*^29 n 26'33 f ' 34 11 '21 ^ '''23*' ' 31 P ' i|^4 n &■ 30 h 161 ^ Vf/j' # ^ ^p^Sr ^ Mill lx* starting the x>me tomornm ninht The loam is not as strong as last year's team that lost the state class "C" championship to Furman and ended up Mith a 9 won. 2 lost, t tuxi rec (»rd The starting lineup for Thornwell Mill probably be: left end, Clyde Gtxirge lef; tackle, Clus Folk; left .;uani. Umnie Smart; center. Jim my LaMaster, right guard, Roy Rawlins; right tackle. WJayne Walk- : ttT; right end, Milton Rines; quar terback. jjBobby Watts; right half. I Johnny t ookson, left half, Howard 1 Higginbotham; and fullback. Cap tain Timmons THORNWELL ORPHANAGE FOOTBALL TEAM Front row. left to right: Manager Isaac Watts. Clifford Allen. Mike Timmons. Rich ard Cash. Lonnie Smart. Richard Neil. Jackie Higginbotham. Ted Still. Second r •w : Manager Ken James. Emmory Brock. J m LaMaster. V. J. Burris. Lawrence Sr art. Alternate Captain Howard Higgin- botham. Hartley -Caldwell. Roy Rollins, Ronnie Jones. Back row: Coach Dick Tem pleton. Alternate Captain Johnny Cookson. Jeff Raines. Milton Rines. Gus Folk. Cap tain Gordon Timmons. Wayne Walker. Bol>- b\ Watts, Clyde George. Coach John Dow- die.—Photo by Dim Yarlwrough. Thornwell to Open Season Friday vs. Columbia JVs rhornMef high football team number* and gray pants ., e: • ?ht 'Tong Columbia JV The boys have been Morking hard van (• rida> night on the Tluirn- and shtnild in pretty good shape a: s Ou p m Tfibrnuell fjr toe opening game, according to « y out in their neM Coach P S Templeton un.?*rm' of b ! ue iersir> With Mhiie, Gordon Tim man - senior fullback is captain of the team this year. Mith Johnny Cookson ami HoMard Higginbotham, alternate captains ThornMell s squad a> a Miioie is young and inexperienced, having on ly imo senior'. Timmons and Cook- son. and imo juniors on the squad t twenty-four boys Mast of the boys played on Thorn- mell's Midget championship team if last fall and several ot these boys Young Purchases Clinton Realty Ins. uios tUt ine* thi* •*n a |«*rK-iUe heel. crv*tei1 with k»\et> pump winner of high f&*hw>n honor* thi» *pnng t* h f*Uck leather beauty with tnm narrow Perfect suir oxrpnnioo Only 2.99 CLINTON MILLS STORE LYDIA MILLS STORE L%ll*rWT E VCH'NG %- •wmneemet o tmag rnadr ths* 4«rfe of the porchof iTmrn* Rratt) and laMTahre CMapam by Ls*rrtMc K Yaoag The seweal i—an—cr s»wy e» tjWMhed toy the Ul» S N hey4. mm operated toy du mm B Hubert heyd MUl hie death and rerealty by Ur* Boyd The aceary wtuch Xamfle, auto fire hfr MMurance and bond* will tvmmmr under the *oiae name Ur Young timed Ur Young ohe wa* foriarrty roaaerted o*h a ioral masarare byterua 1 oUnge in 1SSS He aav nabury umrire « the army with a fwid artillery unM tnm Or lobar until Apnl 1MB' Hr t* the eon of Ur* Frank C Young and the late Ur Yoimc SANDRaN. IS BEST! in the floor covering Decathlon ■ ■the 10 most gruelling household tests! SEE THE NEW SANORAN OLYMPIA PAHERN. Nevef before such a beoutiful floor 1 Coma in! Saa for yoorsalf! Sandran is bast. .. lya, grease, lemon juice, even jet-black ink can’t harm Sandran’s 100% solid vinyl wear layer. Never needs scrubbing . . . wipes clean with one swish of a damp mop Wears longer because only Sandran has patented exclusive Tri-Ply construction. FREE OLYMPIC CHAMPIONS COLOR MAP Just tor coming in to *•• the beoutiful new Sandran Olympia pattern you get a big 29 x 42 Olympic Champion map with 32 illustrations. SEE THE OLYMPIC GAMES DIRECT FROM ROME ON CBS-TV SPONSORED BY SANDRAN VINYl FLOOR COVERING AND... T. E. JONES & SONS 200 W. Main St. FlimitUre Phone IS1 Births COPELAND Mr and Mrs. W. Don Copeland. Jr . announce the birth of a daugh ter. Nancy Adair, on August 24 at Blalock Clinic Mr?,. Copeland U the ' former Mis* Sara Alice Templeton. JOHNSON , Mr and Mrs Acte Lee Johnson announce birth of a son. John ny Brook.', on August 27 at Blalock ‘ Clinic Mrs Johnson was before marriage Miss Dorothy South FINLEY Mr an I M r s Albert Jerome Fin ley announce the bum of a son, Mark Hughes, on August 27 af Bla lock Clinic Formerly Mrs Finley was Miss Maudelle Hughes. RILEY ) Mr. and Mr£ Kay Alfred Riley announce the birth of a son. Timo thy Michael. on August 28 at Bla lock Clinic. Before marriage Mrs. Riley was Miss Mickie O'Shields. HUGHES Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hughes an- ; nounce the birth of a son, Joe Bonds, on August 24 at Hay* Ho* ' pital. Mrs Hughes ts the former Miss Joanne Bonds .. Major Mr and Mrs Hal Major announce the birth of a daughter, Laura Col lette. on August 27 at Hays Hos pital. Before marriage Mrs. Major was Miss Sara Patton. PRATHER Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Prather announce the birth of a daughter, Cecilia Ann, on August 28 at Hays Hospital. Mrs. Prather is the lor- I mer Miss Martha Ferguson. LOFT IS Mr and Mrs Frank H Loftis of Alto. Ga . announce the birth of a daughter, Liessa, on August 14.1 Mrs. Loftis is the former Miss Mary Alice Blackburn of Alto SHIFFERLY Mr. and Mrs. Glen A Shifferly 1 announce the birth of a son', Nor- j man Glen, on August 15 at tha Spar tanburg General Hospital Before marriage Mrs Shifferly wss Miss Janice Cannon. ADAMS Dr and Mrs William W. Adany, of Tifton. Ga., formerly of this ci^. announce the birth of a daughter, Susan Diane, on August 23 SOT ft •'"S SOMMER COLD 666 for symptomatic RELIEF OFFICE SUPPLIES CHRONICLE PUB. CO. f^kcKTO k SCHOOL BIG VALUES ON ALL THEIR NEEDS FROM A TO Z Use Our Convenient Lay-Away Plain om* KAimrai PLAIDS ... SUDDENLY in a w* susc.i 14.C9 5 •** »«*#o« of • *►♦*»*» d»oww do** wow etoct- •*•*» bato m* bid'ertmoa* c J F Cor >>••• v -pi*<*y, imda»»re ad • * br«-d ftamtoas c. 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Why not both? >- QUKT ELEGANCE OF •RAID ON SOFT UIF 9.95 The classic pump’s beautiful line left pure and simple, ex-, cept for a defHy placed fold! of leather. Mock 4%-I0. 7.99 FIRST-SHP COMFORT Haiian-ftyie siipon frflr . REGULATION Cushion Arch GYM SHOES 3.99 Strong. a«hable woven duck up pens, sponge iMole. 11-14. MEN’S — 6%.12