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'- % I A em., yo A( i mairke< 13 esse, In the latest mod embodying the new id BI In Georgette and designed and well ma( Satin 4 Very fashionable of the latest shades. Autui Inl profusion of c( light to every femininE 'i.TI MORRIS NE, MIl[RAND WILLING .10 BE PRESIDENT BIetion SaidtBe". ForegojneCon clusion. VERY LITTLE OPPOSITION Question Uppermost in Discussion Is Who Will Become Premier. Paris, Sept. 20.--Premnier Alexander Millerand todany agreed to be a can didate for the Presidency of the Frenepi Republic ,to succeed President Deschanel, who has tendered his res ignation. . Milleand's acceptance as a can didate for the Presidency virtually sovsthe problem, as it is conceded( b~y all sidles in the Chamber of Depu ties and Senate that his election is a foregone conclusion, Hie would re ceive more than 700 votes, no other cand idate officially entering the fieldl. The p~remier's op~ponents have de cidled to refrain from voting and ex pect, to 'nuster about 100 ballots. The question uppermrfst in the d is cussion among the Deputies and Sena tors at present is the formation of the new Cabinet to replace that headed by M. Millerandl. At least two ministers of the present body are slated to go. M. Briand probably will become minister of foreign affairs, with M. Jonnart as premier, Ex--Pres - iden t. Poi ncare's name has been men - tionedI as foreign minister in place of Frederic Fraoncois-Marsal, although there is strong op)position~ to M. Poin.. A care in the Chamber, wh ile he is pop.. ular with the Senate. M'. Millerandl's dcCis ion canme a fter an lhour's en fer encc with M1. Briand, who openly soid at the conclusion of the meet ing that he was working foor M illerando and would ask his followers to wvork for him. While the premier is fhe almos l unan imouis choice, there is strong op. p)osition even among his nmost ardent supjporters to any revision of the Con stitution. Thel slogan at Versa illes will be: t "I'eet M~illerand, but don't taminper wvill the Const itutioni.'t M. 'Millerandl formoally annoounced I' his candidney in a sttaimenot, reiterat- lh ing his dlela red poliie s. If (n cx-;' pressed hois b~elief that lie could best i'l serve as premier, but if Parl iament of preferred him as President he would fr "not evade the call." L.. uka~e showing 4 pecion. They I down to the ir and Suits as and of Popular fabrics, leas in fall wear. LOUSeS Crepe de Chine, beautifully le. Wharmeuse for the fall gown, and in all run Silks Ao's and weaves, and' a de-. heart. IE NE 3S, Manager FOR HEADACHE, LIVER TROUBLE Black-Draught Is The Best Medi. cine This Lady Ever Used. Says It Is Only Medicine She Gives Her Children. Cherry Village, Ark.--In tellIng ol her '~zperience with Thedfordj's Black Draught, Mrs. Lottie Ellis, R. F. D. No. 1, this place, said: "I used Black. Draught as a laxative, also for head ache, torpid liver and indigestion. It is the best liver medicine I hav, ever used and is the only medicine I giye my children. "I feel like It has slayed me a lot in doctors' bills, for when the children complain of feeling bad or have a cold1 I just give thorn a good dome of Black Draught and they soon get all right. It certainly cleans the liver and clears up the skin and they are soon out. well again. I wouldn't be without it for anything." Seventy years of successful use nas made Thedford's BlackDr~ght a standard, household remedy. Every member, of every family, need., at times, the benefit that Black-DraughtI gives in helping to cleanso the system aind to prevent or relieve the tr'oubles that come from constipation, Indiges tion, and a lazy liver. To keel) well, your stomach, liver and bowels must, be in good working order. To help keep thenm that way, take occasional doses of Thedford's Black-Draugnt. Thousands of homes Ire never without it. For sale by all druggists, Tho genuine has .the name, l'hediford's, on the .abel. Inseist on get ~ing what you ask for, 1.94 NT'IiIA('NOSE VERY SEVERE 'Tills YEAR WVashigton, D). C., Sept. 1 9.-- Severe asets mI waCt.ermeleons, paflrticla~ly >iieale( inI the laite sh ipmfenlts from .'OlJia nii Southi Carol ina, occed bC~ -s year due partly to the fa ilure oi t] 'OWers to) properly spray the~ i vines, p 'oridingC to rep~orits received by the o LIreau! of Mairkets. of theC UniItedl s aites Depar t ment of A griculturpe e rough its inspietion Service. As as suit. a nth ranose took a heavy toll (I Om the priofits of the growers. Ex.. naive spr~layinCg work in Gerogia and1( nl idla donle uinder1 thet dIiretion of1 ci C Uniitedi State's fepatment, of Af~ i0 Iliture in tihe 'spring of 19)19 was er eiiIV and1( s1uess ful and11 the losses b the pre'sen seaso r(103 eslit Iargely thi >ml the failunre of the growers to i rry out the donlartmlent's yemmmn S alue >f Fall Wearing represent the cr< it of price slashir Und In silk, lisle, cotton of style, comfort and sei Co In a broad variety c elegance is assured to p Gi Popular makes in elbow or short lengths. able. Ho. In silk, lisle or cot toes, popular designs an IW. ID] dations. Anthracnose does not usually become serious in dry seasons, but is always more destructive in rainy years such as the present has been. Anthraenose starts in the field with infection of the watermelon foliage. The disease then spreadi to the mel ons, on which it is first apparent in the form of raised pimples occurring on the rind. These vary in size from a spot that is barely visible to one some times half inch or more in diameter. When the field is severly infected, the melons may be almost completely covered with these spots, often called "pock marks." In case such melons are placedf in a warm car, particularly when the hum idity is high, the raised pimples dlevelop into su.~nken spots coveredl with pink masses of fungous spores. At this stage other organisms! of dlecay obtain entrance through the diseased -spot, and as has often hap pened (during the past three wveeksu, the car i v arrive at market leaking water. the entire load a total loss. ,Spraying the vines with Bordeaux rnixture, according to dlirections given n Circular 90, United States Depart.. 'neat of Agriculture, protects the ieid aga inst this dlisease and eliminin-. tes this loss in transit. NOTICE otice of Petition for' Homestead and Personal Property lh em ption: Take notice that Mr is. Cairlotta M. I apers has filed withI the undersigned| leti tion asking that homestead and , ersonal property exemption be ap raised and set ofl to her out of thie state of Ellison Cap~ers, dleceasedl. t J1. II. Cantey, Clerk of Court for Clarendon County VIT 'E SWEET ('LOV Eli lRed clover, r('eent investiga tions nye shown, is pract ical ly sel f-sterile imt is, under~l thle infiluen ice of its own ul len a very small nuimbher of seeds ri a given plant will set. In this re >eet it differs from wite sweet cloyv. ', which tests have demoristratedl will 't nearly as many seeds ulnder the in Lienc(e of its own pollen as it will th the jiol len of a nother plant. Th is aikes the bireeding of white sweet over a miuch mor~e prom ising undi~er kmin: thuan the brteed ing of red cloy . These facts have. beenl biought out 'tecen t exper-imnents conductltedl by e Uniited states D~epar'tment of Ag Iuture ini cooperat ion with Iowva ate College. The Fen.,a (lp -a:jk, mvauLnng, o. U. ,s or al Apparel for Women ani 3am of the Season's De g. 'Look them over early .rwear gauze or knit-the acme All w -viceability. hard servi rsets f models that comfort and For cl tractically every woman. ability. wes Milanese and Kyser silks, Of pul Very select and service- purchase. niery ton, reinforcedl heels and A sple d colors. woman of A COM ment's investigators plan to follow up nves1 these discoveries with the selection ture the and breeding of white sweet clover for the reasons a'hi increased forage and seced production. sweet clover S It was also found that sweet clover cre.i yiel Delco-Light is Carrying the Com forts and Conveniences of the - City Into Farm Homes It is furnishing bright clean electric light through ou~t the house and barn-doing away with thi smoky, dangerous kerosene lamp and lantern It is providing power to pump water, thus making possible a modern bath and the convenience o running water throughout the house and barn It is operating the washing machine, the churn ant cream separator, tihe vacuum cleaner, the milkin1 machine, the fanning mill, and the grindstone It is revolutionizing farm life-and at the sm tirne it is saving so much in time and labor tha It IS actually paying for itself. Over 100,000 satisfied users throughout th< world are the visible evidence of Delco-Lighi leadership in the Farm Light and Power field There's a Satisfied User near you T. M. B3kaAuJy, Sumter, S. C, DE L o .1 Wear! I Children awaits signs, and all are and get the best. irls' School Coats ool, attractive and made to withstand 21e. School flose iildren, fine ribbed and strong in wear Handkerchiefs est linen, fancy or plain, and a splendid In Generil Idid line of everfthing required by the -ashion, or the solid service of daily use. ANY, 9NING, A1South Carolina m)f <>1istjjec to m:1- Iit :tIsmaller amount of growth or ('11Y. This is 011V Ot Me secondl CYOJ), thle p~lants (l101 0he scond ("o1 o" draw on the water supply so strongi tiMes hafs a bette" :;'I IT r is fll(We wvater left for th tirs. There be- aiMturg1 of the seed. I ICH Air Cooled-No Bl ts--- Only Otse fwivrtfattery, Valve-in.jeecg AMotor Rune on Keoa....