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IIBIBIII!B ra i e THE ROADS OF SOUTH CAROLINA The South Cirolina 'State Higliway Commission, which body began its tour bf the State in Anderson on August 2nd, ended its first ten days of seeing the roads of South Carolina and visiting county road authorities in Orangeburg Thursday afternoon. In that time they have driven many and strange highways. The public may be interested in knoiwng what this trip is al labout. The public may ask the object of the trip and very properly, because no such thing has been done before in this state. Tp find a State commisison coming around asking for information and presenting counties with funds to be expended on their highways is a novel piece of business. First, perhaps this commission, di rected by the last legislature under the provisions of the new State high way law, to lay out and adopt a sys tem of State roads, is seeking first hand information as to the wishes of the several counties in this important business. - Second, the State Highway Com The vai They ai servicea Arc All ' Sal, TH E dham [as some ext xtra good Sov mission realized that under the act giving it control of the automobile license and sharing. with it a 50 per cent responsibility for the expendi ture of the two-mill property tax for road construction, it had approxi mately $1,300,00, more or less, tied -up and withheld from the counties of the State. This Aoney belongs to the counties and should be expended on the roads. Agreement between the county authorities and the State Highway authorities is necessary to the expenditure of this fund. So the visit to the several counties is for the purpose of reaching an agreement with each county according to it's needs and peculiar conditions. South Carolina has a lot of road building to be done and the further one goes down State the more he is impressed with this fact. The coun ties of the Piedmont are far ahead with their road work and until there is- an awakening in the lower part of the State, such as was had in the upper part within the past two or three years the progress is going to be slow. It is developing that there is mighty little road mainte nance for the State Highway Depart Not ~OU can buy We mac down th< buy it' w .of knowi it now--it iety is large, anc e of high grade: ble and satisfact Society our big sellers i of these new mi e, so come in no NEW Dur( ra good Boar vs that will fa BRADH ment outside a few counties in the upper part of the State. The roads have not been built and are, of course, not ready to be maintained In such cases the automobile license funds and the two-mill tax. unless being used for meeting interest on bonds issued for road bHlling, are combined and used for the construe tion of roads within the State sys tem. But this whole thing of the State being interested in the road building affairs of the several counties is new. Very generally the county authorities are vorking with the State authori ties and .are without exception im pressed with the idea of systematic maintenance. Everywhere interested citizens are anxious to see a pigee of road actually maintained. That is as rare in the lower part of the State as in the upper part-if not more so. Down in Orangeburg the commi's sion found a county that leads all the counties of the State so far in extent of State highway mileage. 'The offi cials of that county presented ap proximately 125 miles of road. Or. angeburg is a bi geounty and it hap pens that State highways cross and XEI the Man, an A-i Suit now ea fortunate pur e price. We are k ill still be down--. ng what the next 's the safest. I we have them f material, are spl( ory wear. Brand a md there is no ( :>dels are "Knoci w and make you ID EA Fa Pigs for sale rrow in Septe: AM DUROC Home of the W meet in that county. For inistance c the road from Columbia to Charles- t ton passed from one end to the other- E while the road from Charleston to Augusta cuts the lower half of the t county. The county has but one piece of road that is being considered for State maintainance, that being 21 miles from the town of Orangeburg to Branchville and thence to' the Dor Chester County line. It is constructed of sand-clay and is at present a good road. t As the commission travels over the t State four or five roads of State-wide , importance are beginning to stand i out. The first is, of course, the road I from Spartanburg and Greenville to Charleston-from the mountains to the sea. Another-and one that in- + terests Spartanburg--is east and west E across the upper part of the State < from Bennettsville to Anderson or to i Oconee and Pickens. The Lockhart I bridge now under construction across Broad River between Chester and Union counties, is one of two keys to the development of this road while the other is a bridge acros sthe Wa- i teree between Chester and Lancaster. I The latter is a project, but not under i but his for a very reasor chase in which th4 eeping it down. >n these suits. Bt consignment wi] or all sizes, coi ~ndidly made, ar zd Frankt )ther make in th< ed Down"~ in c r selection. COfIPi rm Also a fev mber for Sale FARM, orld's Champion Jac onstruction. This road will connect he eastern and western parts of the tate. The National Highway, passing hr)ough Cherokee, Spartanburg, ireenville and Anderson counties is y far nearer completion as a 'State oad than-any other. As Spartanburg ounty knows it has two of the small :aps in that highway at Duncan and t Cowpens. Another road of State-wide impor anlce is the so-called Capital to Capi al Highway ,entering South Carolina t Cherow and leaving the State at Lugusta, after passing through Co umbia. This road is not very well long, but it is one to be emphasized As was demonstrated today to the atisfaction of the members of the tate Highway Commission, Lexington ounty is Certainly not very much nterested in the movement of travel rom the up-county to Charleston. rhirteeni miles of road in that county ust out of Columbia is awful in spots alhoun county has the next road outh of Columbia. The State High vay Commission is realizing that here is a world of work to be done, mut the task is going to be tackled Suit ! table price from a wholesaler kno< When you corn t we have no m< 1 cost. Better 1ditions and o< id will .give yc SMedal a world any bei ur great Resolu (NY., k's Friend 7th. with energy and enthusiasm with the goal of a State system in sight al ways.-Spiartanburg H eraldi. FRONT WH[[L TROUBL[S STOPPED l'or once and all the time, on all model Fords and Chevrolets. HOW ICK'S BACKLOCK will (10 it. The only practical locking de vice known, invented by automo bile mechanic. Patent Pending. Set will inst life of car. Ride in safety. Save Repair bills. Statc and County Agents Wanted. Sent anywhere postpaid $3.00 pair, money returned if it wil Inot Stop front wheel troubles. Easy to in stall, directions with each pair. Order today from ORY M. HER MAN, Greenville, S. C. 33-4t. FOR SALE-7 passenger Willys Knight. Best of condition. Can b see!n at Rt. 1). Clark's. ~ked e to ans buy Icasions. 'u long, I ter. tion !I RRIS NESS, Manager