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Mannin Highesi The Government Bulletin HIGHEST PRICES FOR THIU The following quotation fi * "The Spot Charlotte Raleigh Fayetteville Tarboro Clinton ... Lumberton Darlington Anderson Laurens Manning . Orangeburg Since the Government Cott sons with other markets. He correct grades. That many thousands of d over gratified that our efforts Home 1 Every one interested in the lobby of the Bank. AMERICANS UNSA[[ IN MEXICI Physician Testifies Before Senat Subcommittee. NO SAFETY FOR YEARS Farmer Gives First Testimony of An erican Killing Mexicans, Tellin of Shooting Three. San Antonio, Jan. 19.-Dr. Joh Hunter, an American physician of Nc gales, told the senate subcommitte investigating the Mexican situatio today he never had known of a Mexi can being punished for killing a American in Mexico. "There has bee no safety for American life or prop erty in Mexico since 1910," he said. Dr. Hunter was at Guadalajar when the Americans occupied Ver Cruz. J. D. Ward, now a Texas farmei gave the committee the first instanc in its r cord of an American killin. Mexicans. Ward said he shot Jl:ree o them and got back to the Unite States without being captured. H was living on a fruit farm with hi wife in 1916, he testified. One nigh he was visited by soldiers. They triei to force their wany through his door lie opened fire wvhich they returned After he had shot dowvn three of ',hen the attacking paerty withdrew andl th< remainder of the niight was spent b: Mr. and Mrs. Ward in hiding unde the barn. A big Cherokee Indian, Oda JTack~ who was a member of the Blalock col ony, told the committee he had beer held for 19 (lays and ordered shot b: Col. Lopez de Lara who insisted hi wvas a Yaqui and a spy of Villa, JacI is from Pine Bluff, Ark. Dr. Hunter told of the plight o Seed Bert 90-Day and Texas, We can fill your want Pri Dickson Groce i hutttttttt::ttt:tttiUU*Utttt:$Uttuttuttittt College Prepa Mrs. E. C. Nettiei MANNING, S01 Fourteen standlardl units high sec tics, history, science and penmanship lege. Students for Winthrop and Cli tion. Thorough grounding Rapid In one year than otherwise in two, scholarships are offered by Winthrop, hia University for which special coal .innations. Term hbeins .Tanunry 5. 1020. .g Cotton "n in Thre issued January 10, 1920, for precedin EE DAYS OF THE WEEK. om the official Bulletin speaks for its '1arket for Week Ending J< Middling Mon. Tues. Wed. .38.25 38.25 38.25 ...38.00 38.00 38.50 ..38.50 38.50 38.50 ' --39.25 39.25 39.25 ..39.25 39.25 39.25 -_40.00 39.00 39.00 on Grader has been here it has been keeps advised as to prices and is ali We Are Satisfie ollars have been saved to the farmers to better the market have met with su kink & Trust Cotton Market should read the Gover Americans from Guadalajara aft the occupation of Vera Cruz. When the train on which Dr. I e ter and other American refugees w on its way from Guadalajara to Ma zanillo, the occupants were subject almost constantly, he declared, to t jeers of the Mexicans at statio - through which the train passed. T Mexicans were convinced by t "news" that was being printed in t papers that already their country a n the United States were at war, th - already "a Mexican army of 150,0 L% was trampling the soil of the Unit 1 t - Gonzalo de In Mata, the Mexic, I consul here has received and a 1 nounced the instructions from t Mexican foreign office relative to tl manner in which his government w 1 regard any Mexican which testifies i fore the committee. To all callers the consulate he has explained Mexi , will regard them as "traitors" if th a appear as witnesses. f AGAINST WOMAN SUFFRAGE Richmond, Va., Jan. 20.-A resol tion was offered in the state senate t tI (lay to reject the Susan B. Anthoi amlendlment to the constitution gran ing equal suffrage to wvomen. TI resolution was referred to a commi tee. Mrs. E. II. Speer of Jacksonvill Fla. is visiting her mother, Mrs. L,. Logan in Manning. YEGGMEN BLOW SAFE Swansea, .Jan. 19.--Robbers ma< an effort to blow open the safe of tI Bank of Swvansea about 3 o'clock th mornimg. The safe was badly danmaged, tI up~per panrt containing sonme books ar Oats! Spring Oats Rust Proof. s in HAY at the Right ces. ry & Feed Co. ratory Schoo Alsbrook, Principal LITN CAROLINA iool English, French, Latin, mathemi .Thorough preparation for any co mson win honors. Individual instru< progress. Students accomplish mot Tu ition, 36 weeks $45. Beneficiar Clemson, the Citadol andl South Car< ~hing will bo given for competitiv c, Market e States I week showed that Manning paid ilf: inuary 10, 1920. Thurs. Fri. Sat. 38.25 38.25 38.75 38.50 39.00 39.00 38.75 38.00 38.50 37.00 38.50 39.00 39.00 39.25 39.25 39.25 39.25 39.25 39.25 39.50 39.50 38.75 39.00 39.00 39.00 possible to make absolute compari vays working for a higher price and 4 af the County and we are more than ch splendid success. Company inent Bulletin posted weekly to the er Large juicy Dill Pickles. - B. B. BREED! N'S as Pure Food Grocery n ed other escurities was blown open but bE the vault containing the money re ll mained intact. 1 The loss and damages to building and fixtures are fully covered by in dsurance. No clue was left by the robbers. It at was, however, the work of profes sionals. n NOTICE OF ELECTION n lc WIIEREAS, a Petition signed by the majority of the free-holders of 10 the T1own of Manning, has been filed aill with the Town Council, asking that a )e special election be ordered, upon the t question of issuing coupon bonds of the said Town of Mlanning, not exceed _o ing Sixty Five Thousand ($(5,000.00) ?y Dollars, the proceeds thereof to be usel solely for the purpose of street paving, curbing and other street im provement. NOTICE IS HIEREBY GIVEN, that an election by the registerei electors u- of the said Town of Manning, will be o- held upon the question of issuing said ycoupon bonds of the saidl Towvn of -Manning of the par value not exceedl ing Sixty Five Thousand ($65,000.00) eC Dolhars, bearing interest at the rate t- of s5lx per cent per anunum, payable semi-annually, and~ payable twenty years after (late, for the purpose of street pavymg, curbing and other street , improvements in the said Town of.4 -. Mannin~g, will b~e held on the 2nd day of I'ebr-uary, 1920 upon the question aforesaid, such elec'tion to he conduct edl in accordance wvit~h the laws of the State ,of South Carolina governinte ec municipal elections. Such elect ion wvill h e held at the TIown Hall in the Town iof Manning, polls wvit; open a 8 0.'loc A.M.andl remain open con timuouisly until 4 o'clock P. M.-; and ~e that at such election the regir'tered Selectors favoring the Issue of saidi bonds shall vote ballots with the - wvords, "For the issue of bonds for street paving, curbing and other street lmprovements-Yes"J printed thereon and the electors opposing such issue of bonds shall vote ballots wvith the wvordls, "For the issue of blonds for. street paving, curbing andl other street improvements-No"' printed thereon. That at such election only those qualified under the lawv shall he nllowed to vote and~ the registration books for saidl election shall be open twenty (20) days hefore the election and shall remain open for a period( ofl ten (lays. Trhat Jos. W. Rigby, Jos. S. Dickson and I. f. Appelt have Tieen dlesignated as managers of saidl election, and wvill condluct the same accordling to law. By order of Town Council. E. B. Brown, T. F. Coffey, Sec. & Treas. Mayor. Manning, S. C., D~ec. 29, 1919--53-4t. NOT[CE Notice .is hereby given that books of subscription to the capital stock of Carolina Coach Lines will be opened at the office of F'red Lesesne in Man ning, S. C., at eleven o'clock in the forenoon On F'riday January 23, 1920. Herbert I. Smith, Mary IH. Smith, Board of Corporators. Sun maid fancy Cluster SRaisins. -B. B. B RJ E DIN'S~ Puare Food Grocery LAMLE xY1-1 EmxxmLl Per CE 25 Clez Ivor Gut Cut Cut 50-Y Tablewar Soli :. Pins, Rin; We can save Y( Jewel Phone 176 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ;eginning Sat rnt -on tranc( y Toilet G Glass Boc Glass Sug, Glass Wa ear Guar 1 Gold B: gs, Cuff L you money on 3ur expense is )UNG 2 'rs and W. Manning, S. RIIIIHlll IIiPI i il IIIIigIg|IIin i IU R IRR Rug ill !I RI >Ved my Meat ilding on East B )etter prepared t efore. I will ap: l'e us, and guaran lou for past fax ace of your patr( Yours t< THE [ig Mea RHODES, urday Per Cent Sale! roods vls ar and Creams ter Sets a.nteed Silver rooches, Scarf ,inks, Etc. anything in our Line small. itchmakers, C. Next Door to Theatre Market into the oyce Street. o serve the trade preciate any order tee prornpt service. ~ors and soliciting >nlage, I am > serve, t Market, Proprietor.