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SAFE, GENTLE I BRIlh For 200 tearq DOLT) MEDAL Iearleni Ol has enabled suffering humanitrie n attacks of idne', i bladder and stomach troubles and al; disease~s connlectedl with the urinary org n8 and to build up and restore tc heaIth organs 'weakened by disease These most important organs must I Watcped because they ilIter and purif3 the bilood;~ unless theyp do their wort you are doomed. le, c p ssness, nervousness despndecy,1 a'u''{cli,, stornath trou puijis in the loins and lower ab" en, gravel, dificu1ty when u irinat jeys. GOLD EDAL Haarlem ki Cadp Red Cedar an We have in anoth BRITISH COLUMBIA Also a car each of r UNBLED LONG LEA: We have a full and Lumber Moul We operate Wood can make what you wai same already in stock. write us your requirem AVERY I. Phone No. 56 We Are Hea Nitrate in quantities fr upwards. We b the past ten d age of this mat prices have adi past week it is pared with otl Get our prices MANNING Dantzler & Willard Sto Service Batteries Recharg General.] Oiling and Creasir FISK Cord and Opposite C MANNING, Lea 'Em Know T (EMEDY IGS SURE RELIEF sulegs are the remedy you need. Take three or four every dnPS. The healn el soals into the fells am linlr of the kidneys and drives out th2 p1.9cm New ge and health wla suthly follow When your normal vigor hie hetia re stored continue treatment for a whil to keep yourelf in condition and pro vent return of the disease. Don't walt until v~ou aro Incapable of earlcin Oil (':,peSumer, t Sday. YCiu. gist will (he lcrfully it fund yourm imnioy if yoru reP ]rot $tttisflod wilth results lBut he Sure to pe't the origogal irlamiot Cd GOLD 32.,r)AI, atnd accept no sub stitutes. In three Sealed pack. ages. At all drug 5(t'l(:'. d Pine Shingles er supply of the famous EED CEDAR SHINGLES f o. 1, No. X and No. 2 F' PINE SHINGLES. assorted stock of lings and Lath Working Machinery and rt in the event we ha (' Call in erso m-, phor'a ents. LIE COSumter, S. C. r dquarters for . of Soda% om ten tons and ave sold during i ys a large ton erial, and while :anced during the still cheap corn ier ammoniates. before you buy. OIL MILL. McCullough, SAYS BRITAIN CAN'T SWING LEAGUE VOT) (Continued from previous page) fulfilled its international obligation and its obligations under the cov nant or not, "Having sat at the table where th instrument was drawn, I know thr that was not done accidentally, b( cause that is a matter upon which n nation can sit in judgment upo another. That is left to the cor sciences and to the independent d termination of the nation that is with drawing. And there is only one jur that it need fear and tha, is the grtn embodied jury expressing the opinior, of mankind ((applause). There is one part of the covenant the principal part of it, where spcaks of arbitration and where i provides that any member State fail ing to keep these covenants-thes particular covenants---shall be rT garded as thereby ipso facto to ha" committed an act of war against th other members. The way it originahl; read was 'shall thereby ipso, facto b deemed at war with other nations, and I said, 'no, I cannot agree to that That provision woubl put the Unite Statvs at war without the consent o , " C( t' lca-. u ilt le n rt'' Stide Ana !ive no right in this tart o the o ver nt, or any other. to consen to ') 1orision which woabI 'lepriv th ('n..:ess of the United States e its !': r choice whether it makes wa or tot.' ( Applause.) " i' evry point in the cove nan wh was necessary to <!o s0. insisted upon language that woul leave the Congress of the Unite States free. I had finished about am tiele te: 'ou will say it. is all ver well, what. you say about the word ( the United States being n1"cessnr provided the United States i ot on of the parties to the dispute'. h. "IMS" it ann not vote. 'l'u r ver true. IM in that. case it has got. t 'igbt on thrt, ase it has got the figl on its hands anyhow; because if it 'o-' of the parties to the i dispute tI war helon-vs to it. It does not have I go into. Therefore, it cannot he for< .1 by the vote into the war. The on thing the vote can do is to force out of the war. "And 1 want to ask you to thin what it means, when it is suggestc that the United States may be a part: A party to what? A party to seii som'body else's prperty ? A part to infringe some other country's poli ical independence ? Is anyone willin to stand on this paltform and sa that the United States is likely to ( either of these things? I challeny any man to stand before an America audience and say that, that is the (ldar ger. "Ah, but someone may seek to seir our territory, impair our political ir dependence. Well, who? Who hw an arm long enough, who has an at dacity great enough to try to take single inch of American territor (applause and cheers) or to seek t ini-rfere for one moment with the pt liti:'il independence of the Unite States. These gentlemen are drean ing of' things that cannot hap~pen.' An i e-nt bring nmyself to feel uneas about things that I knowv cre not s< The great dliffleulty in this discussior 's in many others, is the numbera things that men know are not so." NOTICE OFi D)ISCH AIRGE I, will atpply to thei .Jlte oif Pre bate for Clnarendon (Cou;;:y on the 13St dlay of October 191 9 at 11 o'cluiik m.frIstters of Discharge as Acdmin istrattor of the 'st at e of Some i 1.c tohnonr deceasced. Oscar P. .iohnson, CHICH ESTERS PILLS Ladiest Auk your D~ru gist for IlIIs in ld and adenmeraiicd boxe, sealed wiih Biue 1'ilikan. Tuk no or o. .Tonr DA NDnAND P'ILLR, for 25S C*yars knownas test, Safest, Aiways Ielistite SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE You: Do More Work, You are more ambitious and you get mnori enjoyment out of everything when you blood is in good condition. Impurities ii the blood have a very de pressing effect or the system, causing weakness, laziness nervousness5 and sickness. GiROVij'S TASTULESS. Chill TONI( restores Energy uind Vitality by Purifyini and Enriching the Blood. Wheh you fee its strengthening, invigorating effect, se< how it britigs color to the cheeks and hov it improves the appetite, you will thter appreciate its true tonic value. GROVE'S TrASTELESS Chill TONI( is not a patent medicine, it is simpla IRON and QUININE suspended in Syrup So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs Quinine to Purify it and IRO5 to Enrich it. These reliable tonic prop erties never fail to drive out impurities i the blood. The Strength-Creating Power of GROVE'! TASTELESS Chili TONIC has m'ade i the favorite tonic in thousands of homes More than thirty-five years ago, folks would ride a long distance to get GR0OVE'f TASTELESS Chill TONIC when member of their family had Malaria o1 needed a body-buildIng, strength-givinr tonic. The formula is just the same to day, and you ean get it fromn any dru, store. Cne ner bottle. DILLION WANTS 36 CENTS Dillon, September 12.-A meetib - of the Dillion county unit of th s American Cotton Association wvas hel this afternoon. County Chairman Di J. H. David presided. A report wa e heard from T. L. manning, temporar t secretary, who was sent as a dele gate to the New Orleans conventior 0 A report was made of the membershi of the county association and mono collected as follows: Membership, 608; money collecteC $3,400. Committees volunteered to g into the districts not yet worked an obtain membership in them. It is be lieved that 1,000 members will b gained in this county. Mr. Manning made a strong addres t and outlined a method of taking car of the cotton crop and to enable th farmers to get their price of thirty-si: cents and above. It is certain tha e Dillon County will organize a corpora tion very soon to take up all the dis tress cotton put upon the market. Thi e plan as outlined is that the corpora tion shall buy all the cotton offere, at a quarter of a cent above any pric I offered by any other buyer or facto f 'ntil the price of thirty-six cent:; i reached. f Dillon county will neC a ti r. t corporation, and it is be. Lived be nl e most every farmer tha th11" opita f stock (an be secured within foty r eiejht hours. A ma-,; f1; imetn of th farmers, tagether w ith all }h-- me:n t bership, is planned :'or Friday, Sep I tember 19. L. 1). .lvnnin s, of Sum d ter, the originator of the county cor d poration plan, will be present and ad dress the gathering. t y YIa 0 CA C)r - k '18 cents a package y ' Camels are sold everywher ally sealed packageso-f 20 ten package 0cgrt snCaelae-colverwrton recommend this carton for olh'ce supply, or when you.i R. J1. REYNOLDS TOBACC Winston-Smlem, N. Li ME, B LATH, B RICK,2 I CEMENT, SID)ING, ICEILING PL1ASTER, SHINGLES, FLOORING, MOULD)INGS E F"IRE CLAY F~IRE BRI( ROUGH L ROOF~IN( BOOTE Pilos Cured :i1 6 to 14 Days OrurgIlst refund money it PAZO OINTMENT fail; tocure Itching. lind. Bleedn g or Protrudig Ples. intnl rlee Itching Plies and youx cange n$*mh*mumnuumu FOR Mr. C. A. McFaddin 1 farm for a few days only farm containing 100 acres ed and situated only one Manning on the Georgeto This is a very attract wanting to get near town ning School District and vantages of the scliol. If intereste SE DuRant, Hot GAMELS Turkish tobaccos an desire you e such univers enjoyment call them a , If you'd like not leave an aftertaste of odor, smo, hunger for cigarette the cigarette "1 some Camel; Camels' exp( in scientific. delightful qi cigarettes; or personal test ,'o'.g",";Cigarettes a the horne or you ever gsr ravelmade to mee 0 COMPANY prefer them c. bacco smoke Compare Ce satisfaction the world at ilding HAY, . CORN, Lterials OATs, HI UJLLS, TANKAG MlI1)1DLI RICE I WHE2 SUGL ME2 CHI K, 0' UMBER, SE PAPER, C4 [& McLEE Sumter. S. C. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores vitality and energy by purifying and .en riching the blood. You can soon feel its St ength eniud. Invigorating Effect. Price 60c. iALE has listed with us his -this is a very desirable and practically all clear and one-half iniles from wn road. ive proposition to a mant It i; within the Man one will have all the ad se Us at Once! ton & F1loyd 'expert blend of choice and choice Domestic swers every cigarette ver had! Camels give al delight, such unusual md satisfaction you'll :igarette revelation! a cigarette that does y unpleasant cigaretty - unpleasant cigaretty ke Camels! If you a rich, mellow-mild t has all that desirable ody"-well, you get as quickly as you can ! ,rt blend makes all this iality possible. Your will prove that Camel re the only cigarettes ioked that jrst seem t your taste ! vou will to either kir of to d straight! mels for quality and with any cigarette in any ic Feed Stuffs NGS, f 1ALOUJR, iT BRAN, UR F~EED), iT SCRAP, ICK(EN FEElD, kSTER SHIELL, ED~l OATS AND) RYE, )TTON SEE!) MEA L, LD. Inc.