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CORYDON SURVIV O'A SAYS BIRD of OMEN FOLLOWED SHIH Sailor Frjn Vessel Thai Perished in Hurricane Tells Thrilling Story of Experiences. Says Vul ture Forecast Trouble. Miami, Fli., Sept. 12.-A tiny blaci speck appeared against the sun any then gradually grew larger as it ap proached the Ward liner Corydon Sun day morning while the vessel peacefu ly ploy.ed her way through calm an placid seas. It was a vulture. Th bird of ill omen circled round an round the Corydon and then for a brie moment lit on the spar. Again th big bird circled, following the craf for many miles. Such was the story told last nigh by F. Addison, in charge of super cargo aboard the liner, who, with eigh others of the Corydon's crew, wa brought to this city Thursday after noon by the schooner Island Hon after being adrift on an upturned lif boat fifty-three hours without foo and water. Although terribly bruise+ and battered, Addison and the other were at least able to tell their ex periences during the two (lays the: fought the storm on board the Cory don and the nearly three days the were afloat on the lifeboat. Expected Trouble. "I knew something was going t happen to the ship when I saw tha bird," said Addison, "and when it ker following us mile after mile, I tol the captain and the crew, but nobod would listen to me." All day Sunday as the ship Pu: sued her way in calm sea -Ind ligh winds, the great bird hovered ove' head. Sunday night an d Monday the Cor don staggered through smashing sea: Monday night every member of th crew was engaged in a desperate bat tie for life. There was no food, a the galley an.I provis:on room wer flooded. 'ruesdlay morning, Addison said, the lost control of the ship. The wireles apapratus was short-circuited and n S. 0. S. calls could be sent out. When the vessel went under, th Americans kept their tieads and save the lives of some others of the cre of thirty.-si-c. Clung to Lifeboat. "I saici anginst a lifeboat and clun A Thirs Sati fy Really and]1 Perfect Healt Is. If the B Almost Evety Human Ailment Is Directly Traceable to In purities in the' Blood. You should pay particular heed to any indication that our blood supply is becoming s$uggish, or that there is a lessening in its strong and vital force. By, keeping your blood cleansed yout system more easily wards off disease that is ever present, wait ing to attack wherever there is an to it when the Coryaon listed," said: Addison. "Mallowes was at the other end I drew out my razor and slashed a.t the lashings. Mallowes cut them ft the other end. The lifeboat and I shot into the sea together. Luckily it t landed right side up and I got in. All the oars were lashed to it." Addison helped nine other men into the lifeboat. A few moments after wards the Corydon went down. Ad dison called to Capt. Christian, but the latter would not leave the ship. Battle With Storm. e Almost immediately the heavy sea; :1 capsized their lifeboat three times, I as fast as the men could dive from s under it and right it again. They - lashed themselves to the seat with y strips of clothing. The boat was . under the water most of the time with y only the men's heads out. The boat could not have weathered the storm in any other position Addison de clared. t Dem AME Cement Plaste ".4- ' SI PORTL Metal oil/ *Metal Lath, Wall Ties, M WallBoard,Bt ALL BUR1 " Carolina Pori Char] Atlanta Birmninghans t-Quenchin ing Drink B3o TheBl SOLD WH] Invigorates = R~efreshes Yours lood ,1 Kent Pure opening. A few bottles ofS S. S., the great veget'able blood medi cine, will revitalize your blood and give you new strength and a healthy, vigorous vitality. Every one needs it just now to keep the system in perfect condition. Go to your drug store and get a bottle to-day, and if you need any medi cat advice, you can obtain it with out cost by writing to Medical Di rector, Swift Specific Co., 46 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. Third Mate Mallowes told a graphic story of his battle with John Condron, a Greco-American seaman, when the hotter became crazed by privation and fear. "I held him all of the first day and night," said Mallowes. "le was raving crazy. lie got violent and tried to draw a stiletto. I tied him to the boat then. Wednesday I became so weak I could do nothing with him Pad when he got a chance he threw himself overboard and was drowned." Early Thursday morning the Cory don's survivors sighted Fowey Rock lighthouse and soon afterward the keeper of the lighthouse saw them and telephoned to Miami. Every man in the party is bruised and battered by being thrown about by the wind. All are destitute. Today a telegram from the Ward Line's New York office instructed the men to re port to New York and arranged for new clothing and their expenses until they reach New York. and the Best! GAGER r Hydrated Lime 'ANDARD BRANDS OF AND CEMENT and Composition DOFINGS Metal Ceiling, Corner Beads, ortar Colors, Shingle Stains, iilding Papers, Waterproofing & DING SPECIALTIES Wire or Write ;land Cement Co. eston, S. C. Jacksonvle New Orleans J ASK ID'Y THE NEWE ttled in a Sani Vfanning I MANNING, S4 ERE ALL THE BE , .. . 6 .i ** '. l. " a ' " 1 . i.j :t t a . iie l . IMM I. I I UW "THE MILKY WAY" To Prosperity! I The above is from a photo of one of America's ten grcatest Holsteins-by I name Coronis Colantha Cornucopia purchased from the famous McPherson dairy herd at Howell, Mich., and now owned by B. F. Kiles, Dallas, Texas. Coronis, although but five years old, has deve.iped into one of America's I greatest producers. Her last record gave her an average of 100 pounds of I milk a day for seven consecutive days, placing her in line with the 800 pound class. She earns her owner the nice little income of $360.00 a month or more. j In a recent test Coronis produced five pounds a day more than an entire herd of sixteen average dairy cows on another Texas farm. j If you are interested in procuring a few o fthese "Sixteen-to-one" cows on your farm, it will pay you well to investigate this Holstein's record. This bank believes in dairying as a a money-making proposition, and is j w lling to back up that belief by extend ing loans to the farmers of this com inunity for the purchase of a few real p rod ucers like Coronis. W. C. Davis, Pres. A. C. Bradhain, V-Pres. R. C. Baggett, Cashier. Appeals to Lovers of Ice-Cold Drinks FOR ST DRINK tary Manner by 3ottling Works, )uth Carolina ST OF DRINKS ARE SOLD Candy-Cola Stands In A Class by Itself