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SHI1 a ai vet * flo do wI T ei MANY DELICIOUS DISHES PREPARED FROM CHEESE Experiments Show It is as Easily and Thoroughly Digested as Other Staple Food; One Ounce of Cheese Equivalent to Two Ounces of Meat. In hot weather, even hearty appe tites grow tired of meat. Cheese nat urally suggests itself as a substitute, since it is rich in the same kind of nutrients which meat supplies and is a material which can be in a great var iety of ways. M4any people believe cheese to be dlifficult to digest, but extensive inves tigations h,ave been carried on in the D)epartment of Agriculture, the re sults of which show that cheese, pro perly prepared andl used, is not a gen 2ral cause of trouble. From the standpoinit of the house keeper, cheese is of importance be cause of its nutritive value (particular ly its high percentage of muscle-form ing materials), because of the ease wvith which it can be kept and pre plaredl for the table, and because of its appetizing flavor and the great variety of ways in which it can bec servedl. In substituting cheese for meat special pains should be taken to serve dlishes which are relishedl by members (of the family. A number of recipes for (dishes which contain cheese are given below: Cheese Fondue 1 1-3 cups soft, stale bread crumbs. 6 ounces of cheese (1 1-3 cups of cheese grated fine or cut into small pieces.) 4 eggs. 1 cup hot water. 1-2 teasp~oon salt. Mix the water, brea~d crutnbs, salt, and cheese; add~ the yolks, thoroughly beaten; into this mixture cut andl foldl the.\vhites of eggs, beaten until stiff. KIDNEYS WEAKE lKIdney troublet dlont disappear of Ia(ti<1 unclerninlng health with tlearllto ceutaty t l eyou fall a vic Stop your troubles while there in timo. SPiont wait until little pains become bi aches. lDon't trifle with disease. avoid future suffering begin treatment with GO)LD AlEDAIL linarlem 011 Cnp -mulcs now. Take three or four every day untill you are entirely freo from i ls well-known preparation has boen ono of tho national remedies of ilol land dor centuries. In 1696 tho govern ment of the Netherlankle granted a. spoeial charter authorizing ita prepara Ter rNe e Market opened )lenty. We sold ry satisfactory to 4 or has our person liar for the weed. sere you get a sqt Whv -r e11 Pour into a buttered baking dish and cook 30 minutes in a moderate oven. Serve at once. The food value of this dish, made with the above quantities, is almost exactly the same as that of a pound of beef of average composition and a pound of potatoes combined. Rice Pondue 1 cup of boiled rice. 2 tablespoons of milk. 4 eggs. 1 cup of grated cheese. 1-2 teaspoon of salt. 1 teaspoon of some commercial meat sauce, or similar flavoring. Hleat the rice in the milk, add the other ingredients, and cook slowly un til the cheese is melted. Serve on crackers or toast. The food value is not far from tha'. of a pound of beef of average composi. tion. Corn and Cheese Souille. 1 tablespoon of butter. 1 table spoon of chopper green pepper. 1-4 cup of flour. 2 cups of milk. 1 cup of chopper corn. 1 cup of gratedl cheese. 3 eggs. 1-2 teaspoon of salt.. Melt the~ butter and cook the pep per thoroughly in it. Make a sauce out of the flour, milk, and cheese; add the corn, cheese, yolks,, andl season ing; cut and fold in the whites beaten stiffly; turn into a buttered baking dlish andl bake in a modierate oven 30 minutes. Made with skimmed mIlk and with out butter, has a food value slightly in excess of a poundi of beef andi a poundi of potatoes. Tomato Itabbit. 2 tablespoons of butter. 2 tablespoons of flour. 3-4 cup of milk. 3-4 cup of stewed and strained to miatoes. 1-8 teaspoon soda. 1 pound of cheese. NING? LOOK OUT! The housewife of Holland would al most as soon be without food as wIth out her "Roli Dutch Drops," as she quaintly calls GOLD1 MEDAL. Haarlomi Oil Capsules. They restore strength and aro responsIble in a eat measure for thersurdy, robust realthi of the Do not delay. Go to your druggist and insiat on Mnl supp'lyng you with GOLD M 1DAI 1J aarlemn Oid Capsules. Take them as d ractod, and if you are net I satisfied with results your druggist will gladly refund your money. Lookc for the name GOLD ME~DALJ on the bo:1 and accept no other, In sealed Boxeas A rell & UVVizX Monday again i on our floor ovei ur farmer frienc al attention, and Load your wag iare deal. ,re Terrel Pulls ai 2 eggs, slightly beaten. Salt, mus tard, cayenne pepped. Cook the butter and the flour to gether, add the milk, and as soon as the mixture thickens add tomatoes and soda. Then add cheese, eggs and seasoning. Serve on toasted whole wheat or Graham bread. Green Corn, 'Tomato, and Cheese 1 tablespoon of butter. 2 cups of grated cheese. 3-4 cup of canned or grated fresh corn. 1 ripe pimiento. 1-2 cup of tomato puree. 2 egg yolks. 1 teaspoon salt. 1-2 teaspoon of paplrika. 7 clove of garlic. 4 slices of breadl. Into the melted butter stir the aheese until it, too, is melted. Then .rdd' the corn and pij1i~into, .stir for a moment and addl the egg yolks. beaten ad mixed with the tomato juice and the 'salt and pap~rika. Have ready the bread toasted on one sidle 'and very lightly rubbed on its antoastedl side with the garlic cut in two. Pour the 'nixture over the untoasted side of the aread and serve at once. A p)oached 3gg is sometimes placed on top of aclh portion, making a very nutritious :ombi nation. Cheese and Macamvni Loaf 1-2 cup of maicaronia broken into imall pieces. - 1 cup of milk. 1 cup of soft bread 1 taLespoon of butte. 1 tablespoon chopped green~'f peppert. 1 teaspoon each of chopped onion andl parsley. 3 eggs. 1 teaspoon of salt. 1-2 cup of grated cheese. Cook the macaroni in b~oilinag salted ,vater until tender, andl rinse in cold vater. Cook the parsley, onion, and >eper in a little wvater wvith the but or. Pour off the water or allowv it to >Oii away. Beat the egg white and iolk sepsarately. Mix all the ingre lients, .cutting and folding ;n the tilly beaten whites at the last. Line quart baking dlish with buttered )aper; turn the mixture into it; set he baking dish in a pan of hot water, md bake in at moderate oven from one ialf to three-fourths of an hour. serve with tomato sauce. NOTICE OF D)ISQIIARCGE I will apply. to the JTudge of Pro )ate for Clarondon County on the 15th lay of September 1919 at 11 o'clock m. m. for Letters of Discharge as Ad nirdistratrix of the Estate of Henry J. Mheeler, deceased. Mrs. Elizabeth Wheeler, Administratrix. New Zion, 8. C. Aug 16,.isato S PREVAIL Satterfield's Jarehouse vith a big rush. Tobacco was here r 140,000 pounds at prices that were Is. Every pile that is sold on our that is why we get the very highest n full and bring it to the warehouse rid Satterfield Pushes. Satterfield For Good Music Get A Vanophone--$16.00 Nothing Better for Weary Nerves Than A Vanophone--1$6.OO To Amuse the Children and Cultivate a Taste for Good Music, give them A Vanophone--16.OO Drive Away Dull Care with A Vanophone--$16.OO Facts About A Vanophone--$ 16.00 Our Vanophone is a high class phonograph at an extremely low price. We are dealing direct with the makers of this splendid talking machine and are in a position to offer the most satisfactory service possible. When you buy a Vanophone, not only will you have a talking machine equal to others that cost five times more but, should anything go wrong at any time with the one we sell you our constant touch with the factory will enable us to repla e any broken part promptly and at slight cost. Thy'Vanophones we are selling now are the latest models, being e2ilip))ed with silent operating turn tables, extra fine tempered springs and easily con trolledl shut off. The universal tone-arm on our Vanophones is worth the whole i)"'ce of the machine in itself. With this tone-arm any standard make of recor-;can be played, such as Okeh, Victor, Columbia, etc., simply by turning a screw. We handle the exquisite toned Okeh Records to select from, consisting of beautiful Records are among the very best on the market. Price 85c, two pieces to the Record. Over three hundred Records select from, consisting of beautiful hy hymns, Orchestral and brass-band music, Hawaiian and Marimba music and banjos, vocal, solos, duets and quartettes and numerous specialty Records such as dlialogues etc. Get a Vanophone. Its good enough for high day company and cheap enough to turn over to the children. What more could be desired? COME LET US SHOW YOU The Manning Grocery Company, Exclusive Agents forClarendon County.