University of South Carolina Libraries
We will basement 30' This bu Men an All othe Meat M Mannin beautiful groun water and sewe progressive, ho: flour milling ply ages, of a large Mannini and promising other town can We desi ALDERMAN Retail G Men's Clothing Meat Cutter; S Reliabili If intere of health. OTS SERIOUS IN WASHINGTON I aist Appearance of Troops on Such e Mission Since Suffrage 1)emon strations of 1913. ca Washington, July 21.--It was said on y 'loicials that the riots were of a st ore serious nature than anything tee ich had occurred since the outbreak ing the period of the old "feather Pa Ater legislature" in the turbulent br< ys after the. War Between the ('ii btets before the presen1it form of dis 00 government was organized. Tlo-j f ight' was the first time that the pa-tn Ia of .caalr*y had p~atrol led the Ci reets -since Ma rc 1 , 113, w}hen po. sa 1 tref used to stop woman suthrage mO monstrations. 'The outbrea ks si arted SatLurday aft - das1 a series of at tacks on wh~iite( t ha omlg', * (eeratl mulred rs, sco res pai tobbe'ries andi genieral l awlessness.j tha evera lihundired snohliers, sa ilor s anoil steI arines *joined t ogt her Saturda'(iiy to lea chi for a negro sspec tedI of at - cskingr the wvife of ani (mlo yee of int o naval aviationi butreau. titnable elf tind hini t hey mold themir wayV to .7 e center oft the ci(ty wher(e they VVent-Il their anger (in any inegro Ihey hap- st ened to mieet. io LU SID)ING, CIING, PL)ASTIER, - FLOORING, MOULD JAINGS, FIRE CLAY, IRE bRICK( ROUtGII Lii RO)OI'NG BOOTH DE INING, S. C., pped with all r rtments equipp( uipped in most ith automatic rt to live in; coun paved sidewall celled; beautifu Lii citizenship; f ;ian drinking w mn agricultural 4 e State, and M and see, for "se mmunication v Grocery; Hart Women's anc Bookkeeper co ability are indi first letter exr (LDI S WOODS, N re- ment authorities in the hat urging the people to r nu- homes tonight unless il eet Iy necessary for them ind Leaders in the house red nounced tonight that ec her quiries would be start if- fix the responsibility ic us- to formulate plans for is. ther outbreaks. Meetti the trict outbreakse-fiETA ire trict committee of both )n- be held, it wvas statedi urs commissioners and poll .n- be cal led into con feren - r 0 .ADMINISTRATfO ito Pu rsuant1 b> an order ham0 .Judge of Probate to- the highest bidder foi )Ofg reidlence of the la te I on Frjiay. the 8th da ,ii I 19.0 at eleven o'clock ed lowing personal prope se, mu les, four COWS and( ca Lim tw.o, two horse wiagons, hors' watgon, one reap one 11 mower, one ( dise i 3rs two hlorse plows, one iW 110 four* plow st ocks, two Splows. 254) hushels cort age, 41 bales lint cotton' 0 rgan, one sowing mia(el e- Alcolu, S. U. .July 21 " t2. pd ,~~e Feed Stuf AGE, )LINGS, r8 FLOUHR, IEAT JBRAN, T(GAR FEED), IEAT SC'RAP, CHIICKEN FEED), OYSTER SHEILA, MEED) OATS ANDT) COTTON SEEDI M COD, I Sumime open up in MAIl 90'. ilding will be equi d Women's Depa r Departments eq arket equipped w g is an ideal town ds; public library; ,rage; health unex spitable and helpf int; excellent arte: city. is the center of as any other in th serve it. Come re to get into co STORES: rocery; Wholesalk and Furnishings tenographer and ty, ability and aff sted, state fully in H7 CHARLE The provost guard and police ves had been called out early t ening but the disturbances conti . Negroes were taken from sti r'S and passing automobiles , iten. Nunerous br: wls occur Pennsylvania Aven.jc' and ot nets of the business district. I n negroes were injured so seno that they were taken to hospit; trolman McGrath was shot in ast and several white men w and bruised. The outbreaks c ned unabated until several ho er midlnigh t. Negroes who v ed into the business districts w sil and beaten while it was e for white persons to venturei ro residlential sections. )flicers of the army and navy dleclaredl that there was no~ pr ienlisted men were inciting Sic ipating in the riots but sta tif such was found to he the cai ps woulId be taken to preven t t h hing the camaps. neretIa ry D~aieis directed ofie ho Washington d isti et to spare 'rt toi preven IUt aricpation of a rirng uniforms. he dlist rict aut horities issuedl imenit todlay pointing to the whichI had booen takn by l ve1 ding RY ei'ls CORN, TANK( MIDI RIC) WI VIHER, P'APEIR, & McLt R A tbout September 1st, Modern conveniences 1d with Grand Rapid modern and complel frigerating plant. ty seat of Clarendon; :s; streets will probab I shady streets; exce )ur banks; four toba< )ter; in fact a town - :ommunity, with twe inning is determined eing is believing." rith "live wire" sales Iware and other wai l Children's Ready-t mbined. spensable requireme erience, references, RMAP anager, (Temporary outbreaks and emain in their was absolute to leave. and senate an ngressional in Ad tomorrow to r the riots and preventing fur igs of the dis ETA ET E T chambers will and the city ee officials wvill ce. [RS SAIR - / of J1. Ml. Wind-/ I will sell to - cash, at the$ . L. B. Ilodge y of August, - 1 a. m. the fol-. rty: Tlhree Ives, two oxen, marrow, three hor >se opr. ,000 lbs. for ime, <>e lot.<> ,~ 119. II. llodlge, administrator. - we adtvi an oppe m VERY I RYE, EAL, ce. N ST a new two-story der for the comfort of er s fixtures throughout :e manner. magnificient new an< ly be paved this yeaa lent schools and chi :co warehouses; oil n rith all the advantage nty-five miles averag to serve this commu people for followi e; Millinery; Shoes; )-Wear; Furniture a nts. age, whether marrie< 4 STO] address) Alcolu, S. _ -mmswmm tIch se yout e nhadatt rtntyt q ui orkt 'p RIE Rnyoeguipor 2.00 'ALITY B nfl:'HI DRES >artment store 90' x 150', riployees and patrons. I modern courthouse with ; electric lights; ice plant; irches; beautiful '.omes; iill and fertilizer ractory; .s, without the disadvant e radius, as progressive nity in the future as no ng departments in THE Dry Goods and Notions; nd House Furnishings; I or single and condition RES C. wat The 5-1O-25c Stre At exactly 9 A. M. Friday, August 1st Quality 13rand Aluminum W ar e large idl ewindows.Lok the m over before the sale. As. this is an Unus ual Sale ie ope ning of the sale. Tihis is hen w ith perfect utensils AT A :o $3.50 Values EAND . $49