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1 RIGLEYS M5 ?r!-(asting bar in each package. The biggest value in :. 'refreshment / sibI9 buy. A EEF tT Li teeth, brcath. zretite and The r'ce is 5 cents. The t~ ID/ Flavor 1 Lasts WVRAPPEo RED CEDAR SHINGLES We give special attention to all 'orders for "TITEHOLD SE LECT" Red Cedar Shingles; prompt shipment. You will make no I mistake in ordering "TITEHOLD SELECTS". Satisfied Cuto mers guaranteed by r name, by inspection, by advertised repu Carolina Portland Cement Company Charleston, S. C. W A TCHE S! * M:. JUST RECEIVED ! a line of ELGIN, W ALT HAM * and other Standard Make W atches. T hese are the best to be had A / and we invite you to come in and inspect our Stock. I f it's good Jewelry you want, come to W. D. LLOYD, EWELER,Manning, S. C. Cou' N f Orn d .i[ a fsc evc;adi tolknsalrtdencoplaiatkwithinath tie afrsidftfsit~rin ti The St~ateo Sutha roin arsetdmne.n h oplitat Cointyod Wakr, eend n t. Tk oieta umn n (Comprt Cmon Peaselitdnt) bv ae ato at t h l , scvo a ar th tc m eo w ere fietn t o f c f t e C e k o Wake ad foklr Werth CPloun-y r fCmonPesfrs an tiffes, C ounty and S atefonyeu ru ran18 crbr at soieeint Manin,9Sut (C o lain Nothi tw enty d) after litf tony To the ItefansavsuinhosdrWalker an~irequredto aswe thecom lan Nf Wome in a lth y Cpltd in hisacton whch s le inthe Co chlrn troue wth wob hvte actn ofhice of the Clerkre fiedi the Cuto ietyclr whc ffnicte ofoth b lood, of n ~~~~~~~Cor ofCommon Pleas forth sad ony ue hr smr rls tmc istr dc an~l o sere a cpy ofyourunswe andVE T S tte hil'ONin ebruar 18 to th sai comlainton te-su - tor-c. wek wil eni t bodrn y scrier a hisGfice i ManingSou h Po heodiet~ andcatea Germbl drngta enhbg Tonic to the whole system. Nature will thei Carolia, wit in twnty das aft ' thoo dispel the worm, and the Child wui b~ the service hereof,- exclusive of theinpreteit.Pasntoak.Coerbti ASSTYLES CHANGE Women Who Can Sew Manage to Keep Step With Fashion. Interesting Little Frock of Taffeta or Printed Foulard Offered as Early Spring Model. Each season's styles have such a way of overlapping that the average woman just about completes her wardrobe when along comes Informa tion as to what is to be worn in the season immediately to come. Fortunately during the past two or three seasons there have been very few radlcal style changes, and the woman who can sew and has ideas of her own (an usually manage to keep step with Dane Fashion in a reason ably satisfactory manner. The little frock shown in the sketch Is offered as an early spring model, but it is not sufilciently extreme to demand classification with any particu 'v d honte usin a.pett prne-ik 4 t r ed JT 1' q q t Frock of Taffeta or Printed Foulard. ovr season. It may easily be made at home, using a pretty printed sIlk. A draped dress of this kind is becom ing to nearly nil figures. the tunic or overskirt is draed exactly alike back and front, the only flare bing over each hip. ''he bodice material is drawn safely about the figure, marte over a fitted lining, of course, and fastens at one side and on the shoul der. The left side is usually preferred for the closing, unless the woman for whom the gon is intended Is left The eevteo fareon exeOn Ahs ill tha see thabeen fitruparmes thloey ase showt legh, ay athe ofgbuttoednd s fromdent de togrd wracumlaedstck Prizog tneb Said toaBein Forefront Chropte Witorh Oter Exensivtha Fxesv adms ashionable Jewes. Th atterspron, man, womanemento tau'thowihegy b in it , ruetofrm sei athinglishl e iaet forsth xenchv thd avict befn fah on. fnrasonabfe. hSlane istntere hst in btofpatIvel els osIpstates thatby ithron end thried sc the shw gega, saysvthg Knw oar. Tmes notrmatrobably i thlaev at thoshie whoav been mwa ncltspply And itso en t at ~ otheumitiatstock.f esfelh Abb aiindienw of h thde eof lborfo it .is adht li the 11( i South Afrie field lhrs t he colrnte wt a tltat dtaonadin dimnsau esl new and nus bei given oti.hem exWivwdceae 11(aiitfalisoni~e Jewelhe Tnehte to thisg i atenon treiks. AI bioley inIsrutedt fhors As Ifa apnting in th e nthsle hothrexesie elossi tateun neclin, ( ands neach deeve tey or othy inchssaoes the oabor euply.Aw ( i sevmisesta ++. V awAUI3 igE, '. V" Stover F A Feed Mill that WI1 cut and grind ii 1st. Corn on the 2nd. Velvet bean U 3rd. Any kind of These Mills have been w d year. Do not experime STOVER. See it worki ham & Son's, Manning, I Carolina M Sumt Box 327. *IAVE YOU A DANDY H O I Every one a goc beat these no ma Come and look t] Youtm an's JE.II RI~hI BUY WAR Si * ~iN! iiiM i -i iim:rsm aed Cutter L do your work. It will ito the stock feed, cob in the shuck. s or peavine hay. 0 rough feed. orking all around you for a nt but get the old reliable ng everyday at D. M. Brad orU achinery Co. U er, S. C. Phone 251. U SEEN THE-M? BUNCH OF AND )d one. You can't Ltte'r where you go. Liese over. Old Stable. IRA &CO