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ATPL AFTERNOON AND NIGH e Mnanning Limes. Publishes All County and Town Of trcial Advertisements. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1917. FOR SALE-Shingles, Corn and oats. Manning Meat Market. Mr. Frank Barron of Charleston is visiting in town this week. WANTED-Four-foot wood. Man ning Light & Ice Co. -tf. Dr. E. W. Barron left Monday for Camp Jackson, Columbia, where he is located for the present. Mrs. C. B. Geiger and Miss Addie Weinberg returned home Saturday from Greenville. We have 5 nice mare Mules we will sell cheap. Come and see them. F. C. THOMAS, Lieutenant Harry Curtis left Mon day morning for Columbia where he is stationed. More mule for 'ess money. Coffey & Rigby. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Hawkins of Hartsville are visiting relatives in Manning. We have 5 nice mare Mules we will sell cheap. Come and see them. F. C. THOMAS, Mr. H. D. DuBrow is on the north ern markets in the interest of the Manning Dry Goods Co. The Misses Fischer, of Charleston, are the guests of their grandparents, Capt. and Mrs. A. H. Breedin. If you need a nice mule now is your chance. Coffey & Rigby. Mr. Covert Plowden has returned from his vacation which he spent at. Glenr. Springs Messrs. Taylor Stukes, Jesse Sprott and A. C. Davis left Sunday for the second training camp. TIMBER-Upwards of one million feet upland and 50 to 100 acres in Santee Swamp at Rhnoboth Church. C. D. Weeks, Newberry, S. C.-4t-36. First it was flat foot, and then dec veloped the tango foot, but now comes cold feet. It, however, can be cured, son. A car of /fine mules received last Saturday. Coffey & Rigby. 'f he cotton warehouse wvill be open thi., season for the storing of cot ton. Anyone who wvishes to use it should consult Mr. E. C. Horton. We carry a complete line of Tyson & Jones, and Hackney Buggies, Hiar ness, Hackney and Piedmont Wagons, Adriance Mowers and Rakes andl all Farm Iplements. F. C. THOMAS. Miss Levy of Blishopville is visiting her sister, Mrs. Morris Ness. lRosa~ Weinberg wvho visited Greenville last week has retur~ned horne. A nice line of buggies and harness can be found at our stables at' any time. Coffey & Rigby. Mason F 1 Qt. Size, Pure Vinegar and Parowax, Jar Tops, Jel Kettles. Strainers. Fr Mianning ( ( YLER'S PAST T We can offer a better mule for less money than we 'have been able to offer for several years. Coffey & Rigby. "The Fall of a Nation" will be play ed here on September 14th. This is the greatest war picture ever made and it will be worth every one's time to see it. Misses Fanr.e and Vera Fleming, who had been the guests of Misses EsterLena and Bessie Reardon for some time, returned to their home at New Zion on Monday. WANTED-To lease or rent for next year (with or without option to buy) a good 4 or 6 horse farm. Must be good land and have suitable build ings. Am able to finance myself. Write, E. B. Cook, Rock Hill, S. C. The tobacco season is about over, and the prices this week were higher than at any time this year, consider ing the quality of the weed. Manning is being entertained this week by the Pierre Vaudeville Co., which is a good clean little show. Remember everything you buy from Coffey & Rigby is guaranteed to be as represented or money re funded. Misses Tasca Turbeville, Addie Weinberg and Mr. Lester Weinberg went to Charleston last night to spend the week-end on the island. Mrs. H. H. Bradham and children have returned home from Virginia where they have been on an extended visit. lion. H. B. Richardson, Jr., of Pine wood paid us a pleasant can yester day. Mr. Richardson has just return ed from Baltimore where his father is confined in a hospital. Mr. George Green, who has been the efficient bookkeeper at The Cen tral Warehouse this season, left this morning for Elberton, Ga., where he will teach school this year. Miss Fannie Weaver, who had been on the Northern markets purchasing her Fall and Winter stock, has re turned to Manning. Arrived last week a car of 175 bar rels of high grade lime, those needling lime within the next raonth or two had best buy some of this quick as it is hard to get a shipment fronm the kilns. W. P. LEGG. Diedl last Saturday at his home in Paxville, Mr. W. Brantley Broadway. The dIeceasedl was dleformed all his life andl death wvas a relief to the unfor tunate man. -lHe leaves a widowv and several children. Mrs. C. S. June of Manning is a daughter. LOST-Last Thursday evening be tween home and school house, Cameo Brooch, plain gold band. Finder will please communiente with Mrs. J. B. Caintey. When you are in need of Auto .Supplies come and see us. Our stock is as big as any place and the prices arc right. Free air station. Hlarvin Motor Co., P'hone No. 6. Died last Sunday at his home across Ox Swam p, Joseph Sprott, colored. The dleceased was wvell thought of by the wvhite people, andl for a 'great nmnny years was janitor at the court house. H~e had been in bad health for several years. ruit Jars! , Doz. 86c. Spices. Sealingj Wax. Ily Glasses. Preserving~ usit Peelers. Pans, Etc. ~roceryCo. E BIGGEST I IME THEAT] GOOD M LOST or STOLEN-Gold Watch on Tuesday, August 21, at Clark's Ware house. The, fob had the initials L. D. B. engraved on it. Reward paid for its return to A. B. Briggs, Silver, S. C.-2t. Do you want a milch cow? If you do, F. C. Thomas can suit you in price and quality. Twenty-five splendid milkers-from two to four gallon cows if handled and fed right. Come to Bloomville and look them over.-35. Mood Williams, a member of the engineers corps stationed at Green ville, spent last Friday and Satur day with his parents, and while here received a wire to come back to camp immediately. They have been ordered to New York, and will in a few days embark for France. Come to F. C. Thomas for Horses, Mules, Buggies, Wagons, Plows, Har ness, Mowers, Binders and Rakes, Riding and Walking Cultivators. The price to suit. We are always ready to serve the public. The town has placed "drive to the right" signs at the corners and this means all vehicles, not automobiles alone. This is a good law and we hope it will be enforced; but every body should be made to keep on the right side, and not allowed to stop on the left at all. We carry a complete line of Tyson & Jones, and Hackney Buggies, Har ness, Hackney and Piedmont Wagons, Adriance Mowers and Rakes and all Farm 'Implements. F. C. THOMAS. Mr. D. M. Bradham and family visited St. Matthews last week, mak ing the trip in their new Chalmers. On returning home yesterday they met a Mr. Haynesworth of Sumter, on a sharp curve in the road. Mr. Haynesworth was driving a Ford and going out in Georgia. The cars crashed into one another, completely demolishing the Ford and only bend ing the fenders of the Chalmers. No one was hurt. * WANTED-A country girl to board -school girl preferred. To stay with my wife this winter. Board reason able. R. D. Cothran. Expected to arrive in a few (lays two cars of 18,000 good brick. Those wishing to buy some of these brick can save $1.00 per 1,000 by hauling them from cars wvithin twvo (lays after arrival at dlepot. Phone or come in andl see me and let me take your order. W. P. LE~GG. The W. C. T. U. will meet Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock, September 3, at the home of Mrs. Sistrunk. This is the closing meeting of the W. C. Tr. U. year andl officers will be elected. The comfort bags wvhich the wvhite ribboners have been making for the soldiier~ boys wvill be filled at this meeting, so a full attendlance is ex pected. Mrs. Josep)h Sprott. TPhe home of Mr. RI. R. Jenkinson mysteriously caught fire again yes terday, this being the second time in about twvo wveeks. Yesterday about half past twelve, while Mrs. Jenkin son andl the cook wvere in the kitchen they dletected the odor of smoke, and at once wvent into the front of the house 'to investigate. When they openedl the bath room dloor, they (is coveredl this room on fire. The. alarm was sent in, and the department re spondedi. TIhe fire was soon1 extln.. guished with small damage to the room and clothing. F"OR SA LE-Cheap, a Willys Knight Automobile, 1910 model. This car is in the very best~ condition and has not bee~n run a heavy mileage. For particulars apply to William Berg, at The Wreck Store, Sumter, S. C. Col. Thomas Wilson's barn, about eight miles from Bishopville, was bu-frned last night about 11 o'clock. Edwvard G;amble wvas asked to take his (dogs over andl left about 12 o'clock. The (logs took tho trail immediately andl run dlown ai negro namedl Richardl Dickson, who has been lodged in the Bishopville jail. Dickson had came back to the fire and when he saw the dogs on his trail he broke away from the crowd and ran. The loss to Col. Wilson will total aou $7,000 LAY IN PICTUREE RE, FRIDAY NIGH vsic Watkin's.I Extracts a Leads Them All When it Con Some of the Star Produc Linament, Cough Medicine ....$1.00 Laxatone, Female Tonic .. .. 75c Laxative Syrup, Chill Tonic .. $1.00 Petro-Carbo Salve ..........50c Menthol Gamphor Ointment .. .. 25c Antiseptic Healing Powder 50c After-Dinner Tablets ......._50c Backache and Bladder Pills . .. 75c Digestive Tablets _.-......-_50c Laxative Wafers ...........75c Headache Tablets --.........25c Worm Tablets .. .. 40c Laxative Cold and Grippe Tablets 50c Liver Pills .............__.25c Corn Salve - -----.........15c Stock Dip, half gallon ...._...90c Stock Tonic --------- - 60c Poultry Tonic . ...--_..60c Washing Compound------------- 35c I carry an extensive line of every Spices. In the Watkins line you are best and at prices that are reasonable Hold your orders for me as I wil within the next few days. W. ED. R SALESMAN FOR CLAREND ALL MAIL ORDERS MUST BI -the barn being full of grain, hay is intended for in: and cotton seed meal. -Mr. Gamble going to France. arrived home about 8 o'clock. .. FREE Of Come to F. C. Thomas for Horses, -- Mules, Buggies, Wagons, Plows, Har- Why suffer wit ness, Mowers, Binders and Rakes, pepsia, torpid live Riding and walking Cultivators. The stomach, coming-i price to suit. We are alwvays ready ing, etc, when yI to serve the public, bottle of Green's. -- at Huggins' Phai We understand a rew citizens heldl eine has remarkal a meeting one evening last wveek to ties, and has dei dliscuss the morals, etc., of our town. ciency by fifty: The only thing that we have heard Headaches are oft they did was to appoint a committee ordered stomach. to request all places that run slot August Flower machines andl punch boards to (is- 75 cent bottles. continue them. Now, this dloes very lized countries.-s well, but there are other things going on here that would make a slot ma- Services at the chine or punch board look shame. Why not rid the town of all evil Manning Meth dloings? And not merely stop at a Watson B. Dunea little imsignificant punch board. -And too, since they are showmig so much Sunday School interest in the goodl of the town by Joseph Sprott, Su wanting it ceaned out, why not ap)- Men's Bible Cl point a committee to trim up the Hon. Charlton Du grove of weeds that are so flourishing Preaching at 11 and also fill in a few holes on our by the Pastor. Main street that have been wvith us Morninig Subjec since long before a punch board ever Our Senship." came to our town. There is no doubt Evenuing Sulbjeci the whole towvn needs a shaking up, Harvest Be?" andl since a few have started the ball, let's continue to shake while the shak Epworth Leagu ing is good. Margaret Wilson, .--0.._ _ Prayer Service NOTICE. P. M., followed by _______ing Class. Parties having wheat with smut in Public cordially it are notified that before it can be vices. milled it will be necessary to wash-- . the smut out. Tm P Clarendon Roller Flour Mills. - - - -0. -- -. he books are n TIO TlEACHI SOLIlERS town tax returns TO SPEAK FRENCH commencing Apri property within t Newv York, Aug. 28.-In accordlance of the Town of 1V wvith inatructions of the War Depart- real and personal ment, 75,000 copies of an English- for taxation or a French phrase book, prepared by the cent wvill. be add National Security League, have been Said books will ordlered shipped to National Guard Sept. 10th, at H< and1 national army camps. The book Co., Manning, S. ----- -By order of C< Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted T. M. WELL J. E. ARANT, P11. G. Optometrist, C id FOR FLE MANNING,.5. C. C" A 4S "T ition !" 1', SEPT. 14th. ADMISSION. 25 and 35c. Remedies ! rid Spices ! ies to Purity and Excellence. ts of the Watkins Company: Shaving Cream --.-- --..-..35c Black Pepper ........25c and 65c Allspice ------------15c and 30c Cloves ----.-- ...-.20c and 40c Ginger .._-. - - 15c and 30c Mustard --..--.-_..20c and 40c Nutmeg ------------.25c and 50c Cinamon --.........25c and 50c Red Pepper ....--- -- .....15c Baking Powder -...........35c Lemon Extract ---..45c and $1.00 Vanilla Extract . --45c and $1.00 Orange Extract -----.-- ...45c Banana Extract ----.......35c Pineapple Extract --- .......35c Strawberry Extract ------ .-- -- 35c Mixed Fruit Flavor ..---...-45c 4 Sewing Machine Oil --.......15c Tooth Paste .- __ _ 30c Tooth Brush ------.--.....30c rthing in Toilet Articles, Extracts and - sure of getting nothing but the very [get to see everybody in my territory EARDON, )N COUNTR. MANNING, S. C. E ACCOMPANIED BY MONEY. truction-of soldiers ITALIANS MARCHING ON 0- Austrian Counter-Attacks Fail to R CHARGE. cover Positions. h indigestion, dys- Rome, Aug, 28.-The Italians made r, constipation, sour further progress yesterday on the p-of-food-after-eat- Banzizza plateau, on the front nortl1 >u can get a sample of Gorizia, the wvar office announces. August Flower free The Austrians made violent counter macy. This medi- attacks, but failed to recover Ioi >le curative proper- tions taken by the Italians. nonstrated its eml- The announcement : .vs: rears of success. "ntewoeb rn h en causedl by a dis- "ntewoeb rn h wvere artillery actions principally yes is put up in 25 and terday. On the Banzizza plateau our i'or sale in all civi- troops, continuing their progress, have dlv. been in closer contact wvith the ene Methdis Vigorous local attacks assured fethdis Chuch.for us sonme positions which the ene my failed to recapture, although -he -- madle violent counter-attacks. )dist Church, Dr. "Unfavorable atmospheric condi a, Pastor. l ions greatly impeded the activityr of at 10 A. M., Mr. our airplanes." perintendent. --- o ass at samie hour, ADVERTISE IN THlE TI3ES. Rant, Teacher. A. M. and 8 P. M., t: "The Glory of A BEAUTIFUL~ :"What Shall the $ 0 Presidlent . WMis RY ZO N on Thursday at 5 the Treacher-Traini- CO K B K invitedl to all ser 0 ~ FREIB w open for making With your first pound oan for the fiscal year of Ryzon (The Perf~c 1 ist, 1017. All Baking Powder) for i be corporate limits RyZon is used by Qh anning, s. C., both must be returned World's best chefs in t0 penalty of 50 p~er leading hotels of thte U edl for non-return. ed States. -Remember remain open until get Ryzon fronm me Bank & Trust lucil. B. B BR EEDIM 5, Clerk & Tras. ~~'~~~'Pure Food Groee en Ory Nx ort ot TCH ER'S Nx ort ot