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VO. XXXVn MANNING, S. C., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1917 NO. 36 RUSSIAN ARMY 1$ LIKELY TO GET CUT QI IN ITS RETREAT Germans Shelling Coast Towns of Riga in Endeavor to Land Troops and Turn Flank of Fugitives. AUSTRIA CALLS FOR HELP Germany Rushing Two Bavarian Di visions to Isonzo Fro -t. Batteries Pounding Flanders Line. From Riga to the a ist of Kull the Russians continue in full retreat be fore the Germans, those from the evacuated port and arsenal making their way northeastward along the coast of the Gulf of Riga and those from Kull and vicinity endeavoring to reach the Riga-Hskoff-Petrograd railway line. Behind them the Russians left Riga partly aflame as the result of the German shells hurled Into the town before they departed, while the smouldering ruins 9f small villages mark the path over which the other contingents have passed, having been set on fire during the retreat. Shelling Towns. Along the eastern coast of the Gulf of Riga for a distance of about eighty miles north of the evacuated town. German warships are shelling various towns, posibly with the intention of covering a landing of troops, whose pbject would be to cut off the retreat of the Riga army or turn its flank, thereby entirely clearing the gulf shore region and giving Prince Leo pold, of Bavaria, a base, possibly at Pernau, whence to operate overland in conjunction with the naval forces toward Reval, Russia's principal port on the Gulf of Finland, in an endeavor to seal up the Russian fleet inside the gulf. While the Germans were knocking at the gates of Riga from the west and southwest, hurling shells of all calibres and loosing gas waves against the town, loyal Russian troops held them back long enough to blow up the fortifications at the mouth- of the Dvina. To the south, where defection in the ranks of the Russians was ap parently greatest, the Germans, ac cording to the Berlin official commu nication, took some thousands of pris oners. A ustro-Italian Front. In the Austro-Italian theater the in tensive infantry fighting of previous days seemingly has given way for the moment to reciprocal artillery duels of great violence. The cessa tion in the fighting probably is due to a realignment by the Italians of their battle line, after the rapid advance all along the front from Tolmino to the sea. Meanwhile, however, it is reported that a cry of distress has been sent to the Germans by the Austrians, ask ing for men to aid in holding back the Italian advance. As a result of this appeal, it is said that Field Mar shal Hindenburg has sent two Bava rian divisions to the Isonzo front and that the Germans also are has toning the manufacture of guns for the pro tection of the Hiernmada heights, the key to Triests. Although the infantry activity has come to a pause, the Italians have paid their respects to Pola, Austria's big naval base on the Adriatic by air. Nine tons of explosives have beeni dropped causing great damage. Another Big Puish. Field Marshal Haig continues to pound the German positions in Flani ders with a rain of shells and an other big push against the German lines seems imminent. TIhe infantry along this front and also to the south are still being kept to their trenches. Unofllicial adlvices say that behind the German lines in Wecst Flanders from Courtera to Tlhourout, the civilian population has begun an evacuation, realizing the nearness of another Brit ish onslaught. The Germans at several points along the Aisne front and in the Ver dun sector have again made inef1'ect ual attempts to pierce the Frcnch line. -----0 MUTINIES ABOARD PORTUGUESE WARSIP Madrid, via London, Sept. 4.-(Brit ish Admiralty, Per Wireless Press.) Mutinies have broken out aboard some of the Portuguese wvarships. Many arrests have been made. 0 -- ADVERTISE IN THlE TIMES. TRUSTEES CONVENTION FOR CLARENDON COUNTY Each county is a unit in the admin istration of its school affairs. This unit consists of the Count Superin tendent of Education and his board together with the various boards of tru'steees in the county whose aims should be alike in the furtherance of any and everything that would be conducive to the best interests of all our schools. The school law is very specific as to what duties shall be per formed by each of its forces. There are many things however not covered by a direct law that need our conside ration, and desiring that all may be in possession of the best ways of bringing things to pass I have been considering the advisability of holding a convention of our trustees to dis cuss certain questions. This is a day of progress and rapid development along all lines and none more so than those appertaining to our educational system. To have an effective system there must be co operation and co-ordination of all of its forces. This makes necessary an up-to-date organization of our trus tees working intelligently, and in harmony with the county superintend ent in carrying out any and all plans that would be to the best interests of our Schools. I am therefore taking the liberty of calling a convention of all of our trustees to meet at the court house in Manning on Friday, September 14th, at eleven o'clock. For the greatest possible good in a local way, I believe we should not in vite speakers from abroad, but to de pend on a whole-hearted discussion by our own forces. Think out something yourself to discuss, or to have discussed. Fol lowing are some questions out of which we could get something worth while: School Fairs, Field Day, Teachers' Certificates, Salaries, Length of Daily Sessions, Teachers' Associations, Change of Text Books, State Aid and How to Get It, School Improvement Associations, etc. Remember the date, September 14th. Come, as your presence is de sired. E. J. BROWNE, County Superintendent of Education. 0 PAXVILLE ITEMS. Mrs. Howle Jones from Charlotte, N. C., came last week to visit her sister, Mrs. M. R. McLeod. While here, she and Mrs. McLeod visited another sister, Mrs. Phillips at Mt. Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Brown of Sum ter were here last week visiting their relatives and friends. Mr. Brown re cently had a fractured limb from which he is still unable to resume work. Miss Ethel Corbett left on Friday for Fair Forest where she will teach this year. Miss Corbett is beginning her third consecutive session there as teacher in the high school department. Rev. J. D. Bowen has been granted a month's leave of absence from his pastorate, and he and family left on Tuesday for various mountain resorts, returning by Washington, D. C. Mr. 0. E. Hlodge, and daughter, Miss Pauline, are back from a short visit to friends in Charleston. Mr. and Mrs. J1. .J. Martin went to St. Paul last wveek where they will reside temporarily. 'Mr. Martin has a Position there for the fall season. Miss Belle McElveen, from Greely ville, came last wveek to visit at the home of Mrs. D~ollie Hlodge near town. Mrs. J1. W. Mims, Jr., andl children wvill leave Tuesday for~ Sharon, where she expects to spend~ a month at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Maggie Gar yvn. Mr. Condy McLeod left for P'ine wood on Friday to accept a position as salesman in the store of Mr. Clyde Geddings. Miss Pearl Broadwvay is visiting her aunt, Mrs. May Hlolladaty, near. Brog Miss Mar~y Lee Cutter is visiting at the home of Mr. J. W. Mims in Sum ter. BRllITAIN D)EPENDS ON U. S, FORl WHEATI Washington, Sept. 3.-Great Bri tain has changed her food policy andl from now on will depend on the United States for her meats, concen trating all her energies in England and Wales on grain prodluction. This is indlicatedl in an ofilcial statement receivedi todlay by the Hoover food adi ministration to the effect that farm ers are being urged to plow up their grna lnneis nnd to sou, gn...t their fellowmen they speak and labor and sruggle for democracy and peace ?" W. E. Mason, Congressman at large from Illinois, the next speaker, de clared there was more misery n the country today than at any time since Bunker Hill. "But no worse thing ever happened in the history of the United States," he said, "than is happening now when people like you are branded as criminals and denied the right of free assembly." He also declared that the only people who welcome the war were the bankers and editors, and de nounced conscription and the senling of troops to France. Something New in America. Former Senator Works said: "I have never seen the time when Gover nor of a State issued instructions to prevent the assemblage of peaceful people. I wonder if democracy in this free democracy is dead. We are not here to attack the government but to defend it. Governor Lowden should send troops here to protect us. If he fails this meeting will result in blood shed and rioting." The remarks of all speakers brought wild applause from the delegates, about 300, of whom were in the audi torium. When Chairman Stedman, announced that troops were on their way to break up the meeting one dele gate proposed the pacifists remain in their seats until ousted forcibly by the troops. Mr. Stedman said that the meeting would have to adjourn be fore 7 o'clock as the lease on the hall ran out at that time, and that the troops were not due to arrive until some time later. He told the dele gates that ifthey challenged the au thority of the State at this time they would be destroyed. He declard that their possible action was at the polls. Purpose Accomplished. "We have accomplished our pur pose, he saitI in announcing an ad journment at 6:50 o'clock. "But the adjournment it taken because our lease on this hall has expired. Our next meeting will bet announced, secretly by the heads of the organiza tion." As the delegates quietly left the hall, the principals of a quiet Jewish wedding party took their places. Chief of Police Schuettler tonight said the police today had placed pat rolmen at the peace meeting to pre vent the possibility of an attack on the conference by a mob. lie ex plained that the meeting had been authorized by Mayor Thompson, and that it was a part of the duties of the police department to see that order was preserved. He refused to say what would have been the attitude of the police if troops had arrived in time to stop the meeting. A committee of seventeen on the platform, appointed with Iilquist at their head, represented a platform principle which was unanimously adopted by the convention. The plat form called for the progressive dis armament of all nations; repeal of the Conscription Act; a concrete state ment by the administration of its war aims and peace without conquest, an nexation or- indlemnity. After the meeting disbandedl, the dlelegates went to a dlowntowvn hotel, wvhere they maintain headquar-ters. The manager of hotel said ,the leadetrs asked for a suite in wvhich a meeting could be held, but this was refused; shortly afterinwar-ds wvord came that troopis had arrived. The delegates then left the hotel in small parties. It was re(~ported that an attem pt would be made to hold a second ses sion of the delegates at the West Side Y. M. C. A. When the spec('ial train bear-ing the trooips a rrivedl at the station nea rest the conference hall, Adjutant General Dickson was advised by federal agents that thle mee'ting wals over. A fleet of taxicabs, wvhich had awa ited the troops to hurry the sol diers to the meeting place wats dIis mtis-sed and the soldiers stacked arms and took up quarters for the niight. Th'Ie 250 soldier-s wvere met at the station by Sheriff John 10. TIraieger and a squadl of deputies. The sheriiff rep~ortedl that he had been ord(eredl by the tGovernor to cooperate with the troops). Mayor Thompson (ropped out of sight after authorizing the meeting, but resolutions thanking him for his stand against Governor Lowden, the sheriff andl the federal ollicials, wvere adopted by the convention. Some have askedl why knitting is so important. An article from "Good House Keeping" found elsewhere in this paper will answer s..,h questions. PACIFISTS ORCANIZE AT CHICAGO SUNDAY Mayor Thompson Gives police Pro tection for Meetings of People's Council of Democracy. GOVERNOR ORDERS TROOPS TO SCENE Meeting Adjourns Before Soldiers Arrive. Many Inflammatory Speeches Made. Chicago, Sept. 2.-After bin, driv en from three States, the People's Council of America for Democracy and the Terms of Peace perfected a formal organization at a publ' meet ing in Chicago today. The session was held unier rro tection of the police, acting on orders from Mayor William Hale Thcmp son, which were in defiance of Gover nor Frank O. Lowden. Four compa nies of the National Guardsmen rush ed from the State Capitol on a special train to prevent the meeting arrived after it had adjourned, its purpose accomplished. Climax Reached. The clash in sauthority between lMayor Thompson and Governor Low den came as the result of the police breaking up the meeting yesterday on orders from the Governor. When the mayor, at his summer home at Lake Forest, heard of it he declared that the Governor had exceeded his author ity and immediately instructed Chief of Police Schuettler to permit the meeting and to give delegates every protection. When the pacifists heard of the mayor's action this morning im mediate preparations were made to hold the meeting which had been pre vented in Minnesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin and had been forbidden as unpatriotic and disloyal by the Governor of Illinois. Meeting Well Guarded. The delegates gathered shortly af ter noon in the Westside Auditorium in the heart of a cosmopolitan quar ter. A score of patrolmen were on guard inside and outside the build ing and fifty more were held nearby to suppress and disorder. Nearby streets were utterly deserted as the delegates were called to order by Sey mour Stedman, former Socialist candi dath for Governor of Illinois. In the meantime Governor Lowden lad been notified and immediately called Adjt. Gen. Dickson, of Illinois, into conference., It was found that as most of the Illinois guardsmen had been federalized the Governor had no troops at his disposal in the Chicago district. An effort was made to reach Major Gen. Carter, commander of the Central Department, to obtain per mission to use federal troops, but he could not be found in time. Troops Ordered Out. Four companies of the Ninth regi ment of the Illinois National Guard, who had not been federalized then, were assembled at Springfield - and started for Chicago on a special train at 3:58 o'clock with orders to make the run in four hours. Adjt. Gen. Dickson, w~ho accom panied the troops, had ordlers to break up the meetingfi at once on his arrival in Chicago (despite the action of the police and mayor. Natoinal Executive Comnmittee. Pacifists ap~pointed a national exe cutive committee as follows: Secre tary, Seymour Stedman, of Chicago; ,J. D. Works, former United States Senator, of Los Angeles; ,James HI. Mauver, of Reading, member of the Pennsylvania Legislature; Prof. Scott Nearing, of Troledo; Jacob Pankan, ofj New York; Morris HIikquist, Newv York; Prof. HI. W. L,. D~ana, Columbia U~niversity; M. A. Tloohy, Toledo; Mr.. W. I. Thomas, Chicago, national see rear f h Woman's Peace Party; George Roewe(n, Bloston; Frank Stev ens, A rden, Decl.; Lela Frye Secor, New~ York; Rebecca Shelly, New York; Elizabeth Freeman, New York, and Dr. HI. W. F". Waltz, Cleveland. Later committees were app~ointedl on A merican liberties, economic, een~ai tions, resolutions and peace terms. Rabbi ,J. L. Maglus, of New York, then delivered an add~ress in which he Pertineat Question. "It is worthy of a democracy that citizens holding dlivergent views be dIriven from place to place to find op portunity for discussion? That they be threatened with imprisonment, that they be spied upon and maligned be cause in these miraculous (lays of change, of death and of life of misery and hope, as lovers of America and BRITISH AERONAUTS BUSY Airmen Attacks Six German Ma chines; Destroy One. London, Sept. 4.-Containing their air raids over Belgium, British avia tors on Sunday night made attacks in the vicinity of Bruges. A British air plane fought six Germans and shot down one of them. The following official account of these operations was given out today: "Naval aircraft made a bombing raid at midnight Sunday in the docks, submarine shelters and railway sid ings at Bruges. Bombs were observed to explode over the objectives and fire was caused adjacent to the lock gates of the Ecluse canal. "A raid also was made early Mon day morning on the airdomes at Var sse naure (four and one-half miles southwest of Bruges). Bombs were seen to explode among the sheds. One of our machines was attacked by six hostile aircraft and succeeded in shooting down one, completely out of control. In an engagement between one of our aircraft patrols and enemy machines there were three decisive combats. One of our machines failed to return. o0 -- FALL TERM OF COURT. Court convenes in Manning on Sep tember 24, Judge Frank B. Gary, pre siding. The following is the jury: D. M. Evans, New Zion. T. J. Johnson, Manning. R. S. DesChamps, Pinewood. W. K. Hutsoi New Zion. E. H. Harris Avis Station. S. E. Johnson, New Zion. B. E. Jenkinson, Pinewood. J. W. Frierson, Manning. F. L. Dullose, New Zion. W. R. Simpson, Manning. Jno. C. Ilarvin, Alcolu. 11. C. Cousar, Jordan. A. J. Tindal, Manning. H. .J. Tisdale, Paxville. P. .J. Holladay, Summerton. D. Hirschmann, Manning. W. Ira Buddin, Turbeville. A. C. larvin, Manning. II. K. Beatson, Manning. L. M. Curtis, Pa::ville. W. 1. Robinson, Turbeville. ). M. Wilson, Foreston. J. E. Barrett, Silver. B. D. Griflin, Pinewood. G. H1. Lackey, Paxville. G. L. McLeod, Manning. W. K. Hill, Manning. J. F. Dickson, Foreston. W. M. Davis, Alcolu. J. A. Gardner, Summerton. .1. L. Green, Turbeville. Ii. A. (lodge, Summerton. W. C. Williams, Summerton. G. M. Bradham, Manning. D. E. Cole, Turbeville. W. F. Duke, New Zion. ENTERTAINS FRIENDS. Theodore Lesesne, Jr., entertained the younger society set last Thursday evening at his country home near Manning. This was given in honor of his cousin, Miss Minnie Sue Sauls, of Winston-Salem, N. C. CLARENDON'S F] LEFT THIS] CAM TPhis mninhg markeid an importnt (epochi in t he history of Amlerica, t he onie mo(st clclatedl to bring hmei to the people of the nation the se rious fac~t t hat our country is in war, when the first co~nt ingent of five per~ cent of the new national army )1i borded the trainis to go in campl. Cla renudon county is calledl upon to furnish 301l omen, and t he quota has been selected. The first five per cen t, or abonut I8 men, left for' (amp l Jackson at C o Imumbia this morning. In ablout two we(eks nminety miore men will follow and then othters at intervals of t wo weeks until the entire (quota have gone into training. The following fine, brave young men left this depot this morning: Harry Perry Thames, .Jake Angus Williams, Eddie Brown McCall, An (drew F'ranklin Morris, E. .J. Huggins, .Jake Iseman, Samuel Jlames Kellett, William Joseph Burgess, Charlic Lee Chapman, Graham LeRoy Geddings, Snyder McNeil DuBose, Robert Owens Copeland, Alvin Allen Rigby, Thomas McSwain Beard, Norman Lenard DuRant, Clarence Iseman, Isanc D. Peek, n.-n B. Crk. MAY-INVESTICATE CASE OF BAD AMMUNITION FURNISHED U. S. Chief of Ordnance Takes Steps Look ing to Inquiring Into Defective Cartridges. BAKER TO DECIDE TOI)AY Soldiers Instructed to be Careful in Opening Magazines of Rifles. Washington, Sept. 3.-Steps looking to investigation of the supplying of defective cartridges to the American forces in France were taken today by Brig. Gen. Crozier, chief of ord nance, and by the Senate military committee. Gen. Crozier asked that a board on inquiry be named. Ile said a small quantity of bromide, which retards fire for a fraction of a second, had been found in about 2 per cent of the army's cartridges. Confidence was ex pressed by the general that the board would find that the defect was un avoidable and not due to negligence. The Senate committee decided to call Secretary Baker before it tomor row for an explanation of the matter and will then decide to the purpose of holding an inquiry of its own. Whether the inquiry suggested by Gen. Crozier shall be made will be decided by Secretary Baker when the request reaches him tomorrow. Any defective ammunition which may have been supplied the navy by the War Department Ordnance Bu reau will be traced and returned for re-manufacture. The danger attached to the ammu nition is that the cartridge does not explode promptly and when a sol dier opens the rifle magazine to as cortnln the trouble, it may explode in his face. Soldiers have instructions not to open the magazine for several seconds if no explosioni occurs. The bormide in the potassium chlor ate of the primers, Cn. Crozier ex plained, was not detected in suflicient iuantity by tests made at the arsenal to indicate possible danger. It was suflicient, however, to cause chemi cal action after the cartridges were made up. -0 ANOTHElF AIR RAIl) ON BRITAIN London, Sept. 4.-Another air raid on England has taken place. The English coast was shelled as well as the London district. The official report of the raid says: "A considerable number of enemy airplanes crossed the southeast coast at 11 o'clock last evening (Tuesday and dropped bombs at a number or places. Some of the machines reached the London district, where bombs were dropped. "No reports of damage 'bmave yet beens received." RST QUOTA WORNING FOR P AT COLUMBIA A large crowd hiid assembiild tos themx of)f, falthers, imoth ers, si terxs, brothe:rs, sweethlenarts an d fiendx~s. Itev. M c( ordl cal led for or'der' and in trodxlucedl Seniator l)uilant who made~ aI fewt reamarks of enicou ragementrl. Then miost app~roprialte remarlIks male at lie staitioni this miorn ig, outs i I- of a fervent ptrayer by iRev. I .ighit foot . were the reimairks of 8enatior Ilultatt when he told the hoyv.a thait t hey wert. going to wvar, and exhorted t hemi shoot a plenity, shoot st ramightf, andil if t hey get to( Geman~ y to try an md futl thle Kaiser hr t h Ile (logs would nxot hark at him. The young me-n I(eft inx highi spiri ts, riot withlstanidinag they f ully realize what they are goiing for, anid that t hey are eat erinig a try inrg pecriodI in their mianhiood, one v i.'ch calls forn mey and nolthling less. We hope that whieni the' next (c((lt in gent leaives some arrangemient will be made to give the boys some stiff, snappy, patriotic encouragemient, in the wvay of short -heartening speceches. The best wishes (If all our peole are with our boys, and knowving themi all we have nio fears (If their not do ing their duty to thir country. God bless tinmi