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MAN-NING. S. C., OCT. r. 1909. Publishes All County and Town O fidal Advertisements. Advertisers will please re member that copy for , change of ad. MCST be i this ofce by Saturday Nocen in order t Insure Dublication the fcllowing week ST. ETRS, NO. 54 A. F. L Seasonable Offerings: Genine Cape Cod Cranberries perquart....................-- 15c New Seeded Raisins, best quality, 15c. per package or 2 for...... 25c Becker's Cream Oatmeal, 15c. per package or 2 for........... 25e Heckerf Self-Raising Buck whos, 3-pound packages ...... 20e Evaporated Pacbe' 15c. per 1b. or 21bs.for-................... 25c Imported Dried Vegetables in Albpackages, per package.... 20e _Weinberg's Grocery. "Where quality reigns." gm= Lwer will be here te speastarers meeting. Me . =Waislling the pal benal rep. ____ann fsorite - .q.. ~4h*~ me~some~ * stien nen T2nes -Norembu Mae the Pedant 'A __ e rtnrned wheheheme waine coarsho sownr. ~ ~kkOSJS& esugpper at ~ and benieds ol muil~a ~fhe pahlcn. ~ u ~ar a WM-wee ~ wilo gi bec ,erdaeme r a a fl~w easenoaswil go n~abri so P.C4Tintasas - nanbdab i sedrltOfwn. a n a uls w tha e Fers swua ods hess~~ee ober.and be adsheamoanernd ma be!Sit51~OISomeod Tisll gn R~hejleill~esfpF.C has ofai e mpblena aan rMa c o-fera t anni TeMr Timas hasMthr d pair Hne e hase every see careulmaelrton. '.neisiseappce. raavriaa ensr.SaraBradhamifnking se =1ameabl resle. Tn h isurat becomes r aswllhhechse ofsits pcaceos en'amiglndseaha The teio riends ofS Hon Gei beSlased to rafedlearnihs-is ani his halth as s fa s am rveryha il regasshoped wellwill.again b doroeathswanking the drngkse.sios. Rev C.SAt.rdaer, drinking hasbe Bunapts dhrh hsle hase ace se as alen yrcbugendhah.v Thielegis ow arend oun Hnd her ho. heae will hae ga sicedsfullcaree th his news chage Hefa ismprovleduchateh earad MonW o n e whoirwso a tone Wahigtonedhi Cint Dreedi dn ahd aeawret wh orer. n BaTise memrhohis oflae asernet is akalg po Lnchbran has mve tGtad Wtn. Mr.zn Watrs hansi ma fredsonthis townand cony and ofhe hii op he Mannave asCesuoaeer Tae wlhein new eatuHeis adlleducate teine,.arhigh eoedaChridsubiant getl pTie you hasterS Gand kickiny stror, MrnieI Anersone fealacsbrll who all b~ vsi dot o a annigete. Tthe h winh be ountnwfatrs de t e The people of Manning will be PIlS ed to learn that Mr. J. D. Gerald has decided to move hi% family back with us e again. Once people get a taste of the water in Manning they may _o where they mr-.y but back they %ill come to - the best tow-n in the State. We knew ;,hev would come back but to be certain - we welcome them back all the same, and they have our forgiveness for ever lear In", Its. There was a bad row agar Greeley ville last Fridav in which Charlie Ard, and his uncle Ben Barfield were involv 2 ed and resulting in the death of Bar field. Ard is now in the Kingstree jail. Bartield it seems *as abusive to Ard's mother who is Barfield's sister and dur ing the war of words Ard struck his un cle over the head with a stick, from the affects of which Barfield lingered until Sunday. Both parties are well known bere. The negroes had a high-beel old time at Taw Caw church last Sunday. Sev eral of the Manning coons came away with bruised heads. We are told that whiskey was openly sold near the church and there were several rucuses, as a tesult. We are told that ail up and down the Santee river road blind tigers are reaping a rich harvest. We hope there are no prohibitionists en gaged in the traffc. either directiy or indirectly. But if the reports are true there is much liquor beinr sold. Yesterday afternoon about the time most people .were eating their dinners the alarm of fire was sounded and in a few minutes the firemen responded. The fire was discovered by Mr. Pat Hardy. who was about to feed his stock in the stable Lelonging to Mr. R. D. Clark in the rear of the lot on which his tobacco warehouse is situated. The blaze was pouring out of the front door of the loft and the building sontaining much in flamable matter, was not long in getting under'such headway that when the fire engine arrived their work was confined to saving adjoining property. The barn and stables of Mr. Clark and the stables of Mr. E. C. Horton was destroyed. be sides considerable fencing. Mr. Clark had some insurance on his property, but nothing on the contents. Fortunately there was no wind blowing at the time, had there been. in any direction, a num ber of dwellings would have been con sumed. The homes of Messrs. A. C. Bradham and R. D. Cathran on the front, and Mr. Horton's and the tobacco warehousoon the back were in eminent danger. The firemen did vallant ser vice. Tobacco Epiam Station. The following very encouraging let ter has been received by the Bpard of Trade regarding the tobacco experi ment Station for Clarendon County: Washington, D. C., October 21, 1909. Hon. H. F. Lever; Lexington, S. C. Dear Mr. Lever-I have received recent letter, also:communications Commisinner Watson, Mr. Du Rant. and others concerning the pro wseed tobacco work in Clarendon Conn ty, S. C. We have had the project under con sideration ever since you and Com missioner Watson and others visited usIssAsummer and have been hoping to so shape our work that we could write more definitely concerning what would be done. As you are aware, we have gradually been curtailing enr tobeco work during the past three or four years so that funds now devoted to the several projects are less by one third than they were a few years ago. We donot believe the tobacco inter ets have suffered- in any wise, how ever, by this curtailment. You will re dall that in our hearings before the Committaa we stated that our general policy in regard to the toacco work was to encourage in every way local nterest and aid anythiusg in the nature of ansidlzing omuniities or individ. Wear now conducting tobacco work in Connectient, New York, Maryland, Virina, Kentucky, and to a limited extent, in Ohio. We are also conduct ng work on the cigar tobacme to a lmied extent in Florida. abahm and Texas. In nearly all of these States eIther the States themselves or local interests are contribdting funds to ward the work in question. The State of Virginia Is contributing 85.000 to ward the co-operadIve tobacco. mnvesti atons that we have under way in four orive of her counties. We now have under consideration the extention of certain crops of our tobacco in Noth Carolina, where the same type of to bacco is grown as in South Carolina Thdiference in conditions between he two sections as has been reported by ourexperts is as follows: In North Carolina, in the tobacco section the prodnsio is about 135000, 000 ponds a-.s4 the peoge of ten or telive countaes are practieally depend eat on thfr one Industry. This applies especially to the North Carolina coon ties along the southern Virginia bor der. To the eatword is another sec tion of North Carolina where condi tin are different and this section ex tends into Marion, Florence, Sumter, Claredon and Williamsehurg in South Carolina. Hero there are opportuitiesl for the production of good tobacco, but also oppouramities for the successful productionof othercrops.Inlother words f cotton brings a good pree the far mers in this region will for the time being abandon tobacco and go into cot on. An~y consideration of the industry, therefore, in .Clarendon Conty ould have to take into account the tat that tobacco would, or should offer one- crop in a definite and systematic rotation scheme. In other words, the produc tion of tobacco should be considered -al the line of helping the South Caoina people in a broader and more intensive diversification to the .end of. i upbuilding and maintaining the for tility of the soil. The problem, there ! fore, would involve not only the prac i 'uctionof the proper typeof high grade tobacco, but a consideration of the broad question of farm mr~uagement. t As I understand it, the people of > Clarendon County are ready to meet us iin the matter of standing a part of the a expense. No work need be undertak - sn beiore next spin, and before that time we hope tobeale to .make cer ain shifta to the end of securing funds to finance the wcek in South Carolina. Tweny-five hundred dollars would Sprobably be sufficient to dothis with a like amount from the people in the Sregion of the matte of furnishing us facilities for the work. Dr. Garner, who is in charge of our tobabco work, and Mr. Mathewson, -. who is doing special work in Virginia, ,. and which would be extended into South Carolina, are both familiar with the needs of the situation.. We hope, therefore, by the first of the year to get mattrs fully shaped up so as-to take it t un definitely-with representative man B a Manning. I have sent acopy of this letter to Commisoner Watson and Mr. D Dat. Very teuly yours, B. T. GMLOwAY, Z .~h'et of Bureau. The Secretary of te Board of Trade Shas also received a coanhunication from Y Dr. Galloway in which he says: "We have been considering this matter and Z are endeavoring to get our tobacco d work in other sections so rarranged that it will be practicable for usto com mence work ,.t Manning next spring." r - Farmer's Meetinig. a There will be held at Manning in the e old court house on Wednesday, Novem ". ber :Mth, at 10 o'clock in the furenoon. e s Farmers Institute of the same charac - ter as that held in July A number of >- pz ninent and able speakers have prom -s ised to attend, a list of whom will be 3, given later. Every farrar interested 11 in learning the more advanced scientific le methods now coming into use should be Bradham-Oliver. Tuesday evening at S.:30 o'clock at tl First lBaptist church when Mis Minn Lucile Olver became the bride of Ho David A. Bradham. a beautiful weddir was. consummated. The church was beautifully decora ed. 'Miss "dertel Keam at the organ ar Mr. .I. A. Wells violinist. render( Mendelssohn'si wedding march as LI bridal party entered. The party was 1< to the altar by Misses dewell and Rut Oliver. sisters to the bride, followed I Miss LAcy Paisley and Mr. E. I Wright. The groom attended by M Noel Martin. groomsman, and the brit attended by the maid of honor. .\i Maude Davenport of Mansfield. Arka1 sas. assembled at the altar where tU bride and groom met under a large lil erty bell hanging from the beautifull decorated arch. Rev. B. E. Wallac assisted by Rev. N. C. Denson. in beautiful and impressive ceremony Jou ed them together in the holy bonds < wedlocic. After the ceremony the brid: party repaired to the home of the brid where an elaborate supper was served The bride was handsomely gowned cream satin fashioned with princess e fect with full length train. She wore tull veil caught to place with lilies the valley and carried a large boque of white Carnations and Ferns. Tb bride is the beautiful and accomplishe daughter of Mr. and lrs. Thomas I Oliver of this city and is a social favor ite with a host of admirers. and is at tire in church work. The groom a native of South Carolin and has been a resident of Warren fo the past four years. Though raised poor boy on a farm he is a graduate c the South Carolina Military school. graduate of the University of Tennesse and a graduate from the Law Depar ment of Washingtoc and Lee Univer sity. He came to Warren in 1905 an, taught in the Warren du: ing the session of 1905-06. Since th time he has been actively engaged il the practice of law. He was elected t the Legislature last year which positio: he filled with honor to himself an credit to his county: he being author c several important laws, one of which i the act creating the S:pre Tax Commis sion. He is active in church work an is progressive in every movement Io the'advancement of the community. H is a hundred point man and has mad made good since he has been among a. and The Democrat-News witn his larg number of personal friends wish for hit and his fair bride the full measure o marital bliss as they go a-jogging alon the journey of life. Mr. and Mrs. Brad ham will be at home to their man friends in their new cottage on Riel ardson boulevard after October th tenth.-The Democrat,-News, Warrer Arkansas, October 7th. Try Your Lick. The Charleston News and Courier i now conducting one of the largest cot: tests'ever conducted by a souther newspaper. They are giving away at solutely free, to popular people of Sout Carolina, the following paizes: A Max well touring car, valued at $1,600 as firs grand prize, a Buick touring car. vais ed at $1,400 as second grand prize, ani a Maxwell runabout valued at $550 a third grand prize. These automobile will be awarded to the -andidates hold Ing the - highest number of vote throughout the State, regardless of dis trict, and then there are thirty-six oth er prizes. These prizes are as follows Six $350 Kingsburg pianos, six 8100 far niture outfits, six 65 tailored suits, si: 50 bank accounts, six $40 gold watche and six $25 trunks. For the purpose o this contest, the State of South Carolin has been divided into six districts, an< one piano, one furniture outfit, one suit one $50 bank account. one watch an' one trunk muss go into each district They will be awarded to the candidate having the six highest number of vote in their districts, after the grand prize have been awarded, therefore they are having six contests in one big one, and everybody-has a chance to win a prize Any of these prizes are worthy of the little effort required to become the proud possesser of any one of them. Elsewhere in this issue will be fount a nomination ballot and a daily ballot Al you have to do is to clip these an< fill in with your own name or that of friend and send it to the Contest De partment of the News and Courier, an the will send you full narticulars ani material which you will need in you campaign, and tell you how to securi votes. They have a number -of little ways in which they assist candidates All you have to do is to ask the Contes Man. The contest has just started, so don' delay. It .will be the candidates wh< get in now, and get busy among the! friends and acquaintances, and get ther to subscribe to the News and Courier Once you show them you are interested you will be surprised to see how man; ubscriptions you will secure. The sul: sciptions counat for votes,. and. votes de ede the winners.. HOME MISSIONS. MANING AU5XILIAR3 The ladies of the Clarendon count Hospital Association to promote worthy object will have a Baaa in th old cour. house on the morning, aftei noon and evening of November l0t inst., at. which time pretty and useft articles and home made candies will b sold. Refreshments will be served al da atreasonable cost. It is hoped the th project will be well patronized, the proceeds will go to the hospits fund. Ladies who have already promis ed articles for the azaar will oless send them in by November.2nd to th home of Mrs. C. B. Geiger. where rth ar~icles-will be inspected and valued b a committee before they are arrange for sale at the place designated. Ladies and gentlemon anywhere wb read this advestisement will do a goo work by sending any donation or m: erial or money, and will certainly gi' encouragement to those who are worl ig so earnestly for a hospital in Cla: endon county. HOWE'S GREAT WONDON SHOWS. What Brain and Money Will Do-Acknas ledged by Competitors to be Worthy Their ritaio. Acts, many-and novel, have been adi dd to the repertoire of Howe's Gre: London Shows this season. and as tl anagement registered a vow to equ: any tented show, the resul is a plethoi of attractions fitted to evoke an enthi siasm from a performance where hui dreds of skilled performers vie wil each other in friendly contests for s premacy and public appreciation. successful has this effort been that vi iors from other shows acknowied; that a competitor has entered the lis that demands their recognition. A though this has cost a lot of money, tI public are the gainers, and How's Gre Ldon..Shows will be classed at i Ioutset among names mnore familiar circus goers in the past. This great shows will visit us. wit all its attractions, to please and educa the old and young alike. In case of inclement weather tI water-proof tents insure perfect prote ti'on and comfort. Don't forger. the date, Thursday, C tobi-28. - E .ole............. o 14 3 ,Avrae Xiedance.... 135 13 ' ye etAttendance...- 95 ' ! y - Number Tames.... The tenth grade was perfect in tendance and in punctuality. None our last yerspupils were tardy. yers J~o. C. DANIEL, A Car. ie Mr. Editor:- take this means le extendin g to my friends and the goo people of the community my hear !felt thanks for the sympathy anl liberality extended to mne, after in t-|terriole loss by eyelone. There u !somethiu. yet to live for. d i Respectfully. ie 0. C. *ScAnnonot1-G Itch cured in .30 ninute-- isy Wr-C) ford's Sanitary Lotion. Nver fals. Sol by W. F. Brown & Co.. Druggist. BUSINESS LOCALS. A trial is all we ask-Coffey & Rigb D. M. BIradham & Son have th goods-try them. a 'Mules from AW to 1200 pounds at ei - tremely low prices. Coffey & Rigby. >f L! We can save you money. D. M. Brad e ham & Son. A car load of fine Horse and Mule just arrived at Coffey & Rigby's'Stables a Two ca-s Mules and Horses to arrivi f Saturday. D. .l. iBradhanm & Son. el Come at once and get a good selectiom I if vou want a nice Horse or Mule o. Cofiev & Rigby. - November first we expect to have fift fresh .lules and Horses to add to oul already complete stock. D. M. Brad. r ham & Son. lRemember CofTey & Riity guaran tee everything they ' to be exact' as represented or money refunded. A We sell you more for your. mone%5 than you can get elsewhere. Coffey 4 1 Rigby. You can aet anything you want' it 2 the wa of' a Horse. 'Mule. Buggy Wagon or Harness, at Coffey & Rigby' s For Sale-154 acres of land, known a. f the Clara H. White property. situate it Clarendon and Sumter counties, Brog s den neighborhood. For particulars apply to Dickson & Windbam. Rea r Estate Agents, Manning, S. C. e Lost last April between Messrs. L. B e Gibbon and W. M. Players, a gold pei " with garnet setting and the initials W e H. M.. on the side. The finder will b rewarded by sending it to Miss Lily Mc f Elveen, Lake City, S. C. Our fifth load of horses and mule F since September 10th arrived this morn e ing. , Severaf very nice driving horse e and a smooth bunch of cotton mules I Come and alce a look whether you an ready to buy or not, at Boyle Live Stocl Co., at the large new stables, Sumter S. C. s Our fifth load of horses and mule since September 10th arrived this morn a ing. Several very nice driving horse and a smooth bunch of cotton mules I Come and Lake a look whether you an - ready to buy or not, at Boyle Live Stoc! &I Co., at the large new stables, Sumter S. C. 1 To Rent-One fire-room dwelling oi s West Boundary Street, new house, it - good neighborhood. Also 2 five-roon s comparatively new dwellings on th4 P same street for sale. This is an excel. - lentopportunity to either rent or pur chase property in a desirable section o the town. Apply to J. M. Bradtain c Manning. S. C. For Sale.-The Canaan Plantation Scomprising 1.400 acres. Is divided inu 10 farms and is for sale to white farm ers. Lands lie in centre of 'Fairfield or six miles frou Winnboro Spr ofcold free water Spine and other tim er for building and fencing, and cabins on every farm. Ad s dress B, care The News and Herac Winnsboro. S. C. Dr. Clifton's Engagement. Dr. Clifton, eye, ear, noe and throaw specialist, will be in Summerton foi one weekc, November 1st to 6th inclu. sire. Operations on the above organs Eye-glasses Siter Examinations fre4 to all Everything during first two days free to the poor. Headquarters at Dr Rhame's drug store. All patienti please call early in the week. Novem ~berlto 6. SDr. Z. F. Highsmiith, the well knowi Optometrst and Optician of Atlanta SGa. (Formerly of Sumter, S. C.,) thakes the following announcement:~ To the General Public: SI have decided to make frequent vis r its to Manning, S. C., every sixty ol a ninety days, one week at each visit, foi the purposeof making eye-examinatiore and fittzm eye-glasses and spectacles. I shall be located at Hotel Mecca SThe date of my first visit is from Oc tober 25 until the 31st Inclusive. use the latest desimn electric eye-test iug instruments in making my excmi nations and diagnosis. I carry a complete line of spectacle and eye-glasses and such will be sup plied while you wait. Come in and hav< r your eyes examined, and if you don' -need glasses I will frahkly tell you se If you are an eye-glass wearer already come in anyway, to have them trued up for which I make no charge. Consulta e tions free. Z. F. HIGHsM1TH. i James Adams' Show to be Here Next Weell .Much talk theatrically considered is centered upon the comning engage ment of James Adams' Show whicl i s announced to appear here on Mon .day, November 1st. Mr. Aam ha reached the zenith of his career as: producing manager. Never has snel e an organization playing under a ten met with such instant recognitiol at the hands of the muost discrimi nating re-iewers. Some critics havy e declared it the most highly artistli d and cleanest performance thati -possible to presented on a stage. Thi: e company consists of ladies and genie men who are artists of ability il their respective lines and have mad< a host of friends in the cities the: have visited, and their coming ap pearance here has awakened a grea interest already. For Sale. Two valuable farms within 2 1 - miles of the court house, good dwell Lt ings and out houses. For terms at eply to. ii J. F. BRADHAM. -aManning, S. C. 'J. S. BELL, G ENERAL MACHIlNIST I Sanitary Plumbing. Steam Fittini e anid Automobile Repairing eA Specialty. Agent for Maxwell Autornobiles. h You will find me at my shop ever3 day, and to serve you will be a plea: ure-All my work guaranteed. c- south. )mWstreet. one hiock.Iromn courtous. c- LANTS N~EGOTIATE3 On First-Class Real Estat Mortgages. P urady a orryan, SATTORNEYS A T LA W, Manning, S. ( eNaks Kdeys., and Bladdws Right HOWE'S 'Great London Shows ---AT MANNING, S. C., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28 The Show this year is Bigger and Better and in a Mor Commanding position than ever before to maintain their unrivale standing and rank, and to Amaze and Delight Their Thousands o Patrons. Many Entirely New and Exclusive Features. MIon Shria an e ruefPromn AV' .Lion. - Prf.Bukly' erdo PefomngElp as Jake. Largst Gorill ever Exiie-nAeia Poeru Arms ar one o eod 40 Pope 15 Horses an-ois.2 n 1 4 rr.of Wheeser's Pery Band. ilingra DUCHES, starhin Laruges Elant uincreousrvlries carosedan the aosBeatiful en Thousyapp ddoyar usei -ieFetTnIce nHegtadWih 150 Pud, B As TrEm S ARES AgIL a S A TLrul oSerf l display o eA M Aimais, Lions. Anof P Elels P er of Staryaing Eents Seec TH SS Free Spectacula Steeat Pathrd, ;IR sar.tng fromtu Show Groun sa d 0oala. r Aferno asFvt Te o'clck. s -n NegtadWight ao 8Po'clock - a ingenou 53.7gh' 1ares, morety ord hessBune outyProperty form Sae aond thNort by olaid o i w erThe rFlowenr ands ic ciro Fet eformerLis fona; ontioEs ' couly asWateconderfu eyieslabiy the Tainedrt PAefomels. in ae Proprl t0an starnstres and and W esblrdso caring ehe. spctartornshp by ster a wily applear by lLR ,lArdretn Enle Pgoqr ac-ofuty Sarveyir, -C*lTe.s.3ak- onhv et owns, 90. res Tero Freee pest l tatreat Pande , Saarting fr cth n on, uente-4 ropert fore 'ae ing 5:7.4 acres, more or less; Bourndet We acrs t.e zionownshi tars ne on the North by Nea mns o Bralsnh ter mouvuo: ey care aredomern formerpy Sof.tJcc; on oth b exaine rst. Wne Tshp beouta500 se as~cyt lands of lemi, formero *over e )~P~Y oseand Sof tter; and West by ns0 I annrne-.5 Str Mere.Twhp.~ h e Barroa Landst, formerly of th. 15 mueres. alt. zion. Township. ace un terEsaeo ori, as will appear b tofB.h clad r brn can caaela made b at' uvyor R.m.a ry Sourb -6 armes St a nd o w 20-ve, 07N.mbr19 90.A tr Real Estatedi Agent aceng. C. 4 . All that tract of land situate ncr.B rg'.n Tn-sip;~ ~ lying and being in the County oi clereL uc o te zaide c'sbewih ~tClarendon, State aforesaid, contain Joie e . p rens. P or sor caoin. ing 7.5 acres, more or less; Boundet Eutvto:hr-' caiin e cre-Itena erue on the North by the alnso Brand JoSEH D wRIHT-formerly of . E. Daocs n Robt SlCre-. Davis:wD SP~out h~ by lands of . f mei a o APES0& WRIGHT tract, formsbot ftherlyat asof rs. Souther - oi qae eiaitwti ATONT AT2 L~ - andlands of ALermas Bander;Est b: Evansg~3 per ildth- a ro W . L od , formerly ot T eiephon .-Zo.Tw-hp ce and West of Goran of . . c d cnidvtion restcan e aformcearly 7lands ofMs. Wild per ab< - Mrs.tbac n s.he. xeln a ker m as l pa by pla anr, waer 7miesfrm anin.and fo o f vE. date Brovnembrer , 9d.Ale 1~oc en-IO saesr.N aove trcso!and being the sg~ecnee a -~ allonus orTow cnveedby.J . Salinas So s tc ta ~j icso &Widha, ite !,Trustees, recorded . . Boo :1, pgs.g4e1-484 ~ I ealEstte Acnt, Mnuug ~*C*5. All that tract of lande situate _________________ituate.__ l ing and being in thto Weth uner~ined wllsel a Cunt o( larendon, State aforesad oti ubli acton (nftof S th e Con n g ad, cresam re o1r le Bounec Hos1tMnig S.C. nthefirs leens, nthNorwn by part RaonLd Monday in WRvember Davit 1 t dout- be Estate ofi Le -'coc A.Dalo u ih ,tte Eas byrmerly land. W. Mreod Wer and itere tinadto-Y ATh LW ,g and landls of LouDis , fomer; y t d er d vttact ouila d sit a ndB ofR . n hi e fom erl Tid T-epon . . C al c: Mrns and Sot Da yi and Aobz Dais -. lyn n em nte o t as will appear by plad CladoUtaefoesidcotin.- of E. J. Browne, Sureyor dteb on teaNorth bye wad.o . J. aleybruar, 19, The7 Tame be tpart J ~ Kib Eatob landbentsrm conveyed by .W :o __ormerly__of_.__._ .. a itt'al, Trstees Wittee<a Trse lnso .J ly ot e sly reco-ded K. C.Of. Clareno Land fESDale.orersy of J. Allnthat pic Book-> parce of J. lemin: ndN~et v lan o iTuae. o leca and beigrc h e >rthe unesoaineds ani Louell atCoupay ofrusteatonte afore formely afctiepen Eant fteor aswid, Tentainin (10 arech mrec o . Happear a la toin . . C nt ry, len, akson as parx f tH .t . Surveyor in d ovember 290th, 1 tr.. and bone asP follow Nor . All that tract of land situate BK.jb o Hn nd th AniMndS. Slying and being in the County ojlnadSotbyheA Tindees lrnon,-, Sr:-e :aforsaid,. contaim-1l d.a ll perby patm d St re' Showing SLine of Men's Clothing. If you have never enjoyed the superior value and sure satisfaction which a suit of clothes. bought at this store, represents, do you not think that this beginning of a new season, when you are contemplating the Pur chase of A fall Suit, is a good time to get acquainted? We know what you will say when you see our stock, "Well, I wonder why I didxi't buy here before," and after you have delved into the choice assortment of patterns, practically exclusive, have noted the good workmanship and perfect fit, you will be further delighted with our low prices, as the slogan of this szore is "finest ~merchandise-fairest prices." We a- exclusive agents for Adler-Rochester and High Art Clothing. carrying styles and patterns to suit from the mosadastid ions to the quiet conservative dresser. Our speialty this season is the GENUINE JOHN B. STETSON HATatSS50 We handle the greatestLine of SHOES ever show&'r shown in Sumter, comprising such well-knPwn brands as NETTLETON X1$5.50 and $6.50; REGAL$.350 to $5.00 DOUGLAS $2. to SM0, and others for less woney. Stubbs Brothers, It pays to trade at Righy Drye~oods C .%~ (IChoose Ws ii Do you always get the best for your money when bDy you buy just by price alone, or -do yon conside both quality and urice?* i When you bya bargain in price, does the good1 - sometimes fade or wear out quickly?- -- Does your Shoes always give satisfactory wear for ~hood i sely~ and let us figure on your next bill of i Dry Goods or Slfoes AVHats, Etc. We guarantee every article we- sell you to higive satisfaction, and guarantee our price1;o be as low as j you can find anywhere for good mercbandise. Come in jat the earliest possible date and let us. show yor. the best 4IShoes from $1 to $5. All l'eathers, all styles andiihe best himakes. MILLUNERY, MILLINERY. Every lady should visit our Millinery Department. - You are sure to find the Hat you want. The newest and tibest are to be had at very reasonable prices. See them h#before buying. ii Comforts, Blankets, Spreads, Sheets, Etc. Cheap jjones and the better ones. - veytin in Hosiery, Underwear, Ete. Bath. wool ~ and cotton-all grades. of our cah sal s 2Pr eptem e tNvm r and hiDecem~ber will be given to the Hospital Associatlon. Help a good cause by spending your money with us-where 21-2 j per cent. will be given to the hospital. You-will be giv- A irng to a good, cause and we guarantee our -prices as low and ouir merchandise as high in quality as you can buy ~Ianywhere. - IRigby Dry Goods Co.~ hj The Store of Good Merchandise and Lowest Prices. I+ pays to trade at Rigby Dry Goods Co.'s ~