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DANGER IN DELAY, Kidney Diseases Are Too Dangerous for Manniag People to Neglect. The great dauger'of kidney troubles is that they get a firm hold before the sufferer recognizes them. Health is gradually underminded. Backache. -headache. nervousness, lameness, sore ness, lumbago, urinary troubles, dropsy diabetes and Brigbt's disease follow in merciless succession. Don't neglect Zour kidneys. Cure the kidneys with the certain and safe remedy. Doan's Kidney Pi41s, -which has cured people right here an this locality. Silas Bound, 15 W. Fine St. Flor ence. S. C., says: ''Doan's Kidney Pills gaye me great relief and I do not besi te to give them my endorsement The kidneys secretions were bigbly colored, .often denosited a dark sediment. and were too frequent and painful in pass age.'ly back acned nearly all the time and I had sharp, shooting - inges through my hips. I finally read about Doan's Kidney Pills and began taking them according to directions. They liv ed up to rSrettionso soon stopping the backae- and pains and restoring *my..kidneys to their normal condition I am more than pleased with the results obtained from Doan's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 5 cnts. Faster uilborn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name-Doan's-and ake no other. For Sale. farm at Jordan of 60 acres, 30 of o very fertile inclosed unto woven wirefence. a nice home, will exchange o property in Manning. Also an ex a nice pair of mares well bred, not Zafaid of steam or automobiles, bred by -1wseI1. work single or double, with or eve winkems, quality such as so them valuable, 5 and 6 years old. H. L. Wusos,M.D., Jordan, S. C. GORE CUREYOU thto-mat Q.. l ialetca 2hr S 6d' byr. g t~Wau i- t- etogand -whi mt-r of NtR.,e.qle. -.-. T r M - d pul*to herofat 1 'loki th freon.toshwcaue,'uan tiopsh uldno be granted Gi en ndrm a, the7 n sms. Jude ofePrbae RUSSIA AND ROYALT A Shadow That Darkens the Path of the Czars. THE FEAR OF ASSASSINATION Plots That Were Woven Around Alex ander It. and the Bomb That Shat tored His Body-An infernal Machint That Failed to Kill Alexander 11L. The shadow that falls across the patt of the ezars may extend the world round. Whevever the ruler of all the Russlas may happen to be. there th shadow of fear lies. Once in Paris, once in the paacc gardens, Aleander IL was dred at Again in the Winter Palace Squar one Solorietf. wearing the uniform o an offcial, passed the guards one day and again the czar was tired upoz Alexander ran for the palace. Solo reff followed him and fred threw times. The czar ran In zigzags, how ever, and so escaped Not long after ward two mines were laid to blow ul the Imperial train. One did not ex pode, but the second wrecked tbl train. Once more the czar escaped Watching eyes had saved him, thei owners having persuaded the ruler ti take another train. Dater Aeander IL owed his life t% the fazt that he came late to a func tion at the palace. A bomb blew del out a large portion of the imperial resi dence, but the car was not present. But of all the attempts on the live of nass rulers two stand out OMs cearly for their amzing Ingenuity One tells the story of a little unpre tentlons shop in 3ialaja Sadovj: street. Kobozeff. then unknown t, the police. took the shop and set ou to Impress the potte who were aJ way making sudden inspections 0 preme - along the thoroughfare through which Alexander I. passed that he was nothring but a provisIo dealer. Nearly every one In tha street was a paid spy. but Kobozef joked. with his cusomers, pleased hi purreyors and was mne affable n apparently harmless. The dealer Iuspired conidence. an his cnstom increased gradnally. N onder. for most of the parcels tha hs'eutomers were carTying away b da cained nothing but earth eath that during the night hours ha been scraped by the man and hi wife -rom beneath the street: It wa byich* ingenious method that a =tE met .ras -lowed and cleared unde the thoroughfste and a mine laid I meanh the way the car often passed an innodent coach upon which th husewife slept coreing, the entry t the timeL. Met an the work was us0ee 0 ti sy the scebmw wds to be cad6e .M- the car upset all the arangE mebt by gng g to istnh with th GmnlDehesmCathedeM3Deaelovi %& thoewho. were watchIng o belf of the'tenrsts wras a bemut fulgt:-G..commt. to-amed&Pl toeaya lt was she who; seetng th alerd re~ments, - gaue wirnm esa would -return to the palat anoher way. Along this route. fot sum.bemha were statan One threw lia Sen and~ horses wet kIDed all aro.M.buh the esa steppe fom. his coach unsathed. A seeon na:hoing bomb came Jorwar ~ Thiswthne the effeE w aw13 wysWael)wnGastoro' sbeh 4eesithelnstaant in h rbnt*a scyt-e..wer nbatawpseceso seeeei o1dtbe eni wh t ha'scaedo as by a 'mtrac atteW t upon his ife-. TI ansieof ther toe seas su 3 mheleai1st Op 2Ia plot ~t~1UnUn2O day the Imp ~15ck~sU~fde~b7sokdiers. Itirs aee I.t 4 czwhee lunc ~a~yhe cook ax * sakhi netpmat rpan .'*tit rbei an aesis*nt vi h u~b leian attended t san e~vnata he hi tonewkh aynpms ome n ~ize n ee& that the tn ~*i~eftat theiert station. ;;n* aus inoee forward tdwas 3ekItIandbgt the speed of eigh ners.. an' hour. Thea the ele tise beDl raatfflea the cook that t2 espaIarnUy were ready for lunc qaa~2A .few seconds after ' the sormnde. a teW!e noise wa hear andvioen rii n changed irrt twnlg'da meye the luxurious i ia trine Sto-sheap of broki kraitsof. wrecked cars, of smt~at SciseInenVeloped In smoke and mal Babe1*Oe hsarrowing by the moo dng cries'for help otthe wounde e the, czaz escaped! The dinh We aehs the sThamt had I na~tinboW ben grveIde the en klsUtDats-hI usared him.f .ithouinroot and feor we wrecked:.-its- sides were preserve 'They Indined towerd She center. pre eod each other like-two cards and a miineda-in tisat position, proteeti those who uaare there from bet *n dt~ ook'wth had been iut off t trin bad worked the whole thing. 1 gld placed, an tinfernal ainnen in -one of siar and had faked his ness, thus: getting edear away.-Phl 4elphia ledger. MsKtntus her" back to the unm:0 ut-Qais It's ATop NotchDoer. ,Gre~deedscomp I regard. The wol c rownits doers. Thus's why the Ame cin uopehave crowned Dr. Kim 1 ' eW I~s ery the King of Throat a iIug remedies. Every atom is a hiea] g rippe vanash. Ir heals CoU74h-rack rembranes and coughing stops. So mlaed bronchial rabes and lungrs I-cred and 'hemorrhages cease. Dr. G Niore. Black Jack, N. C., wrttes, -cured me ;of lane trouble. prooounc 'opeless brv all doctors." 50c and SL 'Trial botrtle free. Gaaranteed by . druggists. A Meean Friend. AUI the dust diles up my nose." "WeU. E 'holly, maybe the city 9 'y you t o parade the steets. P haps. inste ad of sweeping. It would better tod eaen them by a Vacuum pr ess"-an sas City Journal. ? Ali the Difference. y wf ?is very bad.*-said a a at *he Ekao -msbury county court. "Youm mshe is very ill. hc she is aoe a ad." replied the mnagistra ~yphtaa..-ondn Teenraph The Bed-Rock of Success lies in a keen. clear brain. backed by indomitable will and resistless energy. Such power comes from the splendid health that Dr. Kina%. New Life Pills impart. They vitalize every organ and build up brai i and body. J. A. Harmon, Lizemore. W. Va., writes: "They are the best pills ..ever used." 25c at all druggists. A MONSTER SKULL One That Was Said to B. Bigger Than a Bushel Basket. One of the most retarkable finds of gigantic human renialus of which we have a:iy record was that said to have been made at Paterato. Sicily. In the year 131G. when an entire skeleton of unheard of proportions was unearthed by some marble e-rry men. These mammoth ren -,asured exactly thirty-four feet .ead to foot and nine feet seven inches from point to point of the shoulders. A stone ax buried with this old time giant may still be seen at Palermo In section "7" of the St. Isorent museum. It is made of a bluish looking. fine grained bowlder and appears to be about two feet eight inches long by one foot broad and nine Inches through in the thickest place. A musty. rusty look ing tag attached to the relic informs the visitor that it weighs fifty-twc pounds' but the general verdict Is that it could not weigh over thirty or thir ty-five pounds. The skeleton was burned by a bo in the year 1GG during the prevalence of the black death at Palermo. the ignorant, superstitious people bellev In that it was connected in some nys terious way with the death dealing dis temper. The skull of this giant. ao cording to Abbe Ferregus -wa lare ly excessive of the baskets sayd tc hold the bushel. being titted above and belowe withe teeth to the number of sixty-foure. the each of which woult have weighed two ounces. Cavalier Scroy claimed to have foun a skull on Tenerife that had sixt3 teeth.-Westminster Gazette. C. R. Kluger. le Jewler, 1060 Vir t ginia, Ave., Indianapolis, Ind., writes -1 was so weak from kidney trouble tha I could hardi walk a hundred feet Four bottle of Foley's Kidney Remed3 Scleared my complexion, cured my back ache and the irregularities disappear ed, and I can now attend to husinesi every day and recommend Foley's Kid; cey Remedy to alrsufferers, as it curec we after the doctors and'other remed jes had failed." W. E. Brown & Co. FLOATING STORES. SMrchandise Steamers of the Muskole Lake Country In Ontario. Among the Interesting features oJ life in the Muskoka lake country, It Ontario. are the floating stores. A ,ood sized steam vessel fitted out wit] every imaginable item of merchanmda that might be required makes a ton of an assigned -chain of lakes one each week. On a certain hour of ' certain day the bost Is expected al -the different resorts and summen : omes, and enough merchanmie mns be bought at'each toitide over unt the next trip of-the floating store. Ueon stepping on board the stan boats says a spitert in ?opular Me eanen -the pueae aproaches counter with scales. and cash drawr as n any othaer kind of store. B-. the counter are s~sh , on which an Siplydsuch artic1es as may temp th& eye. Behind theseshelves Is thi entrane to the storerom and hold, I hicta-- more - merIhee Is stored - ~Eair article has Its place, and thb s torekeeper~ can find it in a moment. Sometimes Isolated farms on thb e aes are not worth stopping at even t1ri ~~so aflag is own when storesar .desired. The store vesseI drops an char when the. signal flag Is flown ~and some member of the family row -out and makes the purchases. ' Foley's Eoney andTar clearsthe ai ~passages, stops the irrtation in th t hroat,. soothes the inflamed memnbraz esg and the most obstinate cougn disa; nears. Sore and inflamed lungs ar h ealed and,.strengthened, and the cal s expelled from the system. Refuse an h as the genuine in the yellow packag4 W: E. Brown & Co. ASnake Story. - The family were at dinner whe Steecm a tap at a door seldoc ~ oeeLWinning no attention;- It wi repeated and again a 'third tIme though more softly, and then -the doc was swung back and. behold, ther ws a snake, knocking at the portal of hospItality! -Down upon Its head. I c onform.'y wIth the decree of trad Stion and with Eza's understnding < scriptural direefion. crnched a' Brd sab boot. It was a mnother-snake, wI having bravely overcome her fear c man, was seeking senn"e. not fC nherself perhaps, though she was stel ing, but more likely for the little' ont ethat -were found in the grass' by ti Sbrook. Thus for once, at any rate. di Lthe craftintess of the devil succumb 1 Sthe instinct of motherbood.-Georg B. 3R . Harvey in North American Re e If people with symptoms of kidney < L. bladder trouble could realize ther das g er they weald without loss of tint commence taking Foley's Kidney Ret edy. This great Renedy stzps the pai Sand the irregularities, strengthens at buildsup tese orgas andthere Is r danger of Bright's disease or other se e ions disorder. Do not disregard tl: eB early symptoms. W. E Brown & Co. Bismarckc and 3. -smurek had an Intense aversion'i 13. hut a veneration 'fr the nut er 3. His reasons for his pi dlection were that he served thri -masters; he was responsible for at fought In three great wars: he signi three treaties of peace; he arrange 'd-the- meeting of three emperoars; he e ri tablished the triple alliance; In tI 's war three horses wel klled under him: he had three namn b (Bismarek. Schoenhausen and Lanel aa burg; he acquired three titles (con edprince, duke); the ancient arms of b e, family are a leaf of clover and thre .~oak leaves. His family motto. " iit trinitate robur" ('Strength in tri ed ty'). was surely in Itself suf~elent1 DO. give a leaning In this particular dire a1 tion. So closely were his feelings a socated with the triple number th: the caricaturists represented him wil three hairs on his head. He had thri -chldren. CASTOR IA Por Tnfants and Children, an The Kind You liars Alwajs Bougi *****,/ the Lt Sgatreo A CUUNARY MASTERPIECE. When You Go to Paris Don't Turn Up Your Noso at Mussels. You will find in Paris a small res taurant just inside the street entrance presided over by a waiter who has ap parently been forty years of age for the last twenty years. He has a friendly. alert air, and anything in the world that you want be wili promptl provide. You will naturally order some sort of potage or something that your fan cy suggests; but. whatever else you do be sure to call for mussels. I can see you turning up your nose at this. it America who eats mussels except at rare times-perhaps some pickled :us, sels? They are with us In the same category as tripe. But behold the genius of the French! When the waiter brings in an enor mous silver bowl with h domelike 4l, ver cover and when be removes th4 cover. then you forget everything It the world except the delicious savor) smell of the steam which rlses frotr the myriad shells that- open lovingl3 for you to extract front them the dain ty sea davored mussel that furks witb in. Mussel, did I say? No: these a re no the ordinary mussels that Anercarn know. French gastronomic genius ba! transformed them Into moules marl niere. Insomedeftly magical way the French chef has imparted a deleit suggestion to the moules, just that in definable, evanescent memory of gar lic-garUc which In the lhands of th ordinary took is an offensive and dead ly weapon. but which in the hand 0: a cook of high 'degree-an artist il tact.-is a- means for achieving some o the supreme triumphs of his art. After the moules you wil have any thing you care for--dainty slices o galantine or sliced eapon nestling amU watermresses and then perhaps som peaches in a little basket where th fruit is infolded in leaves from It own tree and ripened to preclAly tb right turn on some ancient wall I the sunshine of an old French g&I then perhaps some pulled bread an a bit of Camembert and a Cafe Ma= gran in a long gla. No one remen bers now the battle that gaeints uan to this particular preparation of co fee. 1hleb shows that men may com and empires may fall and armies m be dashes into fragments upon the bal tIofeld, but the genius of cookery M mains triumphant and Its acilev ments are never lost.-Bookman. Frightul Fate Avated. "I would have been a cripple for lii irom a terrible cut. on my Ie cap, writes Frank Disberry, Kelliher, Miin 'witboutBucklen'sArnicaSalve, whic soon cured me." Infallible for round cuts and bruises, it soon cures Burn Scalds, Old Sores, Boils, Skin Eru tions. World's best for Piles. 25e at a druggists. Couldat Turn I. The eye of little Willi's teacher ws sad and sorry, for. notwithatandin that-he was her favorite pupilhe stoo before her convicted of the heino charge of a theft of candy from a fe low pupil. It was a first offense, hov ever, and. she did not desire to infilt corporal punishment. A-moral leetun "Bear in mind, WIllie," she concihx ed, "that these temptations can be r sisted If determination' Is used. A ways turn a deaf ear to temptation.' t.Little Willie's lip trembled. S"But, teacher." he answered, "I sin n ot a deaf ear." -What Wo I He Do With It? Afarmer owned a dog-a very go high bred and thoron.~hly trained dc r -that every morning for three yen chasedsa railway. train that ran pal - the farm. The farmer and his wli . were watching the persistent but Ta! pursuit one warm morning. "lwonder," the wife said, "Wi maksthat foolish dog chase the tral so peristently." "Never thought about that." replie e tly farmer, "but I've often wondeni what h wuddosf he aughtit." Wis H. Watd ~Profeumlona1 Guide (to 'palace.-C .potes-l have'an English lord charge, and I want him to get a goc impression of tfie comforts of trai In thIs country. Here's:35. Porter es, sh. Do you want-ine to gib hi a extra attention, sah? Guide-Gre Scott no! I want youto keep awi from tim!-New York Weekly. -Tommy Atkins on the Range e atern-What on earib are 74 aI fellows doing? there hasn't.been a I D inld for e astalf hour. Pi - 'vate-I think we must 'ave shot tl arker, uir-London Punch. -Broadening. godDOt you realize that tm - age broadens a man? Benedict-O S-yes; I suppose it can be put that wa bu "Btteni5~s the word I'Ve aiwa CATRR CUEDAT HON T:il '[rggaggt sf Dr. Biossei's Caturi -If you have casarrh of the nose. throat. Slungs, if you siC constnl tinbg.W e the nose, havestopped up beadI nois Sdeaness., asm. bnhitis or weak Iun n you can cure yo-urself at home by a remedy Lddsnple that even a china can use It It will coat you only a postal card to ge K' beral tree trial package of Dr. Blosse r'- wonderul remnedy. It is scnt by mall to ett e ne ntesree. certanly no ofe could Th unl Ua ent Is not expensive. A pas age containing enough to Iast one whole mot 2ii be sn by mail for s1.(n. A postal eard with your name'and addi sent to H. E. BOGEE. Manning. S.C.. will hri o you by return mnail the free trial treatment 2 an Interesting that r~ua at 0s bean to cure yaurself privately at borne. ShWNTED! TeBuckeye Cotton Seed C -Company of Augus'a, Ga., o ~epreented in Manning by M SR. M. Burgess, and he solici tt from those baving cotton sei to sell. an opportunity to bid< same. He is prepared to buy any quantity, any time, at ai place. THE BUCKEYE Cotton Seed Oil Co AUGUSTA. GA. Dr.King's NJew Life Pill The aes irs the worid. ANNOUNG COLL Wireless Tele OF NEWAF I am pleased to announce ,Leon Weinberg-as Local Mai for Manning, S. C. All subst be placed with Mr. Weinberg per share, subject to raise wi M. L. ROS Manag General Offices, Sumter, S. C -For the next ten dayslIwill give big ' ti bar'gains in men's pants, "The Allig'atorI Brand," every pair of these pants are guar ate.I haeabgline of them and I offer you special prices in the same. fit every man who has tried them. they will fit you. They fit the old men as well as the young. I can say this without fear of success- ~ fal contradiction. Is have the best line of mean these cheap siazy kind, but the best ~..~line, these are all wool $2.00 to $7.50 per suit. Get oneof those best suits for your son, hie F is worthy of it. Another case of '-Faultiess shirts arriv .ed last week. Come and make your selections - now. Prices from $1.00 to $2.00. - - Ladies and Misses rain coats, they suit cold windy days as well as rainy ones. Prices S. from $2.50 to $12.50. These are the best val nes ever offered in the South. ~ RUGS, RUGS,, RUGS. . $6.00 valuesnow..--.. ----.--....... $5.00 ~ E $5.0valoes now. ..---------..$39 $4.00 values now.........--.-.-.-.---- 298a $3.25 values now .............-..--.$-199 Men's Sweaters from 50c to $3.00. Men's Gloves from $1.00 to S2.00. Satisfaction Guaranteed -i in Every Respect. d - The Young Reliable,. *~ J. H. RJGBY, So phone tK, N. J. the a pointment of Mr 1ager of this Compan riptions for stock cai', at thout further not RN WA er for South Cat~ -. , u can get what you like and wl lk hat you get. When you cast your ey on is list it's pretty sure you'll find oe ing you'll need to day or tomorrew - 'ine Dress Suits )ress Goods, Notim ail Overcoats, ain Coats, Hosiery, inderwear, Neckee~' ~weaters, Gloves, hoes, Hats, Shirtsn I ready here for Ladijes' Men. Youths~ and >ys. D.. Hirschmann. d high prices for cotton and other- produce means oney in the pockets of all our people. This mnoney will spet, and we hope it will all be spent~in our own wn ind county. This being the case, then we are go g to use every effort to get agood share of the trade, ad if - Square DealinS e best goods. and smallest profits will insure this, why e are going to have it. We have now the largest and ost complete Stock of Hardware we have ever had since ine~ in the business. General Hardware of every iscription. Ranges. Stoves, Heaters of all sizes. The t Stock of Crockery and Glassware in town. Paints, 1. and Varnishes. Headquarters for Guns. Shells and porting Goods. A full Stock of Keen Kutter Axes, :nives, Razors, Scissors and Shears: every piece guaran ed. Enamneiware in all the latest desgns The famous Pittsburg Weld. and Ellwood Wire Fenc-~ ig. Barbed Wire also, and at prices that cannot be duph .ed. A cordial invitation to all. Tn the TLc --i 'sn" Block