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MANNING. S. C., JAN. 28, 1903. pjLILSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. sUBSCRIPTION RATES: r months......--- --- .------ .---- . ADVERTISING RATES: One square, one time. 51: each subsequent in Jsertion, 50 cents. Obituaries and Tributes of Respect charged for as regular advertisements. Liberal contracts made for three, six and twelve months. Communieations must be accornpanied by the real -name and address of the writer in order to receive - tention. No coimunication of a personal character will be published except as an advertisement. Entered at the Postofflee at Manning as See ond Class matter. CLASS LEGISLATION NOT WANTED. It is no wonder that biennial sessions are growing in demand, when it is considered how some legislators employ their time. Instead of studying out legisa tion which is for the pie's in ter a a som lawmakers ly have in view something which may suit their individual callings, or something which might prevent or aid some par ticular scheme in which the leg islator, or a personal friend is interested in, and which is abso lutely of no benefit to the public generally. We find a bill introduced to require railroads to give free transportation to State and county officers, and this measure will have support we have no doubt. The sitting of the legis lature costs about $1000 per day and this money comes out of the pkets of the taxpayers gener ally, how is a bill to give a spe cial class of individuals the lux ury of free transportation to ben efit the taxpayers? Our view of this, is that should the bill be come a law, it will be unconsti tutional, as much so as would an Act confiscating the receipts from passenger traffic, and aside from that, it is an unjust and an un reasonable requirement; had the bill provided for free transporta tion for the' public, we might have attributed it to zeal, but as it only undertakes to save money for office holding politicians we must think it is an effort to "stand in" with the vote getters, uild for the future at the ex pense railroads. It is just as reasonable to require the railroads to provide food and clothing for State and county officials, as it is to require them to furnish free transportation. Suppose the railroads did give free transpor'tation, as they did before the free pass act was passed, how, many State and county officials would refuse to collect and pocket mileage when traveling on official business? Before the free pass act, the railroads made it a practice to send passes to -members of the legislature, and to sheriff's, and these officers used them, but when tif~y traveled on official - -isines, and made out their ac counts, mileage was one of the miain features-not railroad mile age at three cents per mile, but statutory mileage at ten cents per mile, when the fact is they did not pay out one cent. Was anything saved to the taxpayers, by these officers having free transportation? Then if there is nothing to be saved to the tax payers, why take up the time of the legislature, especially when there is a cry for an increase of taxation. The State and county officers solicit the positions and very frequently spend money to get them, there must be some thing in them worth the seeking, they know the salaries attached, and there is no law compelling the acceptance, therefore we see no reason for the legislature to oppress railroads for the bene fit of a number of stall-fed offi cers. ~ Instead of a bill to give transportation to officers, a bill to compel the roads to provide better schedules, and indiscrimi nate freight rates would have some good in it for the general public. We hope the Florence Senatcr's bill will be defeated, because we are opposed to our * legislature resorting to a "hold up" policy. There should be a law enacted and enforced which will protect the public from being cheated in weights. If the penalty for cheating in weights and meas ures were to be confiscation of property, we would not hear so many complaints as we do these days, we certainly would not hear of any incidents which would result in a man getting 2100 pounds for 1700 pounds be cause he required the parties to weigh what he purchased on the same scales that he sold his *product on. Whether there is any just ground for the many complaints of short weights or not, the complaints are current, and it is proper that steps be taken to give the people protec tion; we sincerely hope that our legislators will at this very ses sion, have enacted a law, with a confiscation penalty to teach those who will not know, that it takes 2000 ~pounds to make a short ton, and 2240 pounds to make a long ton. We have been told by a party who stands high in the county, that should it be come necessary, he will make affidavit to the effect, that he is out of pocket about $90 on short weights this season; if the law confiscated the property of an other who is caught giving short weights, such a complaint would hardly be, unless by some acci dent scales get out of fix, but ~when found out, those who were sufferers, restitution ivould be made to them voluntarily and immediately. We hope the newspapers of the State will not continue their discussions of the Gonzales trag edy, and let the law take its course without creating senti- I ment for or against the unfortu nate man who must anvswer for his deed in the courts. How's This? We offer One HiuntIred Dollars Reward for any Case of Catarrh that cainnot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co.. Prop,,.. Toledo, 0. We. the undersrind. have knowr. F. J. Chenev for the last 15 ye. a nd believe him perfectl.v nonorable in all business transactionsand linan cilly able to carry out any obli::ations made by their firm. WEST & TRuA,. wholesale drugirists. Tolet lo.. WALDNG, KDNNAN & MAav:x. wholesale (h':: gists. Toledo. 0. Ha1rs Catarrh Cure is taken intcrnally. :-tin: directly upon the blood and mucous surraces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by ail druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills arc the best. Henry M. Teller has been re elected United States Senator from Colorado after a hotly con tested race. in which he received the support of the Democrats. The Republicans refuse to accept his.election and there is likely to be a.contest on the floor of the Senate. Teller has been a Re publican all of his life, but on account of his silver views broke with his party and acted with the Democrats on the money question and the policy of the government in the Philippines. ------------ A Liberal Offer. The undersigned will give a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Li'ver Tablets to any one want ing a reliable remedy for disorders of the stomach, biliousness or constipa tion. Ttiis is a new remedy and a good one. The R. B. Loryca Drug Store, Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. Governor McSweeney has now retired to private life, and after two terms as Governor of South Carolina he left that exalted po sition with honor to himself, and glory to the State. His admin istration was a success from every standpoint, and we sin cerely believe he was one of the best governors the State has had, and in our opinion, the best since 1880. We hope the gov ernor will not remain in private life, because the State needs the services of just such men as Miles B. McSweeney. Finds Way to Live Long. The startling aanouncement of a Discovery that will surely lengthen life is made by editor 0. H. Downey of Cburobusco, Ind. "I wish to state," he writes, "that Dr. King's Yew Discovery for Consumption is the most infallible remedy that I have ever known for coughs, colds atd grip. It's invaluable to people with weak lungs. Having this won derful medicine no one need dread pneumonia or consumption. Its re lief is instant and cure certain." The R. B. Loryea Drug Store guarantees every 50e and .$1 bottle, and give trial bottles free. We salute our new governor D. C. Heyward, and from the tone of his inaugural address we believe his administration will be thoroughly business, and not sensational. Governor Heyward enters upon the discharge of his duties at a time when the whole State is at peace, there are no warring factions, and the old Ship of State is sailing upon a calr1 sea, we have every confi dence in the helmsman, that he will keep her pointing forward and onward we have not the slightest doubt; the more we see: of the man the better are we pleased with him. His address* when he took oath of office, con vinced us that he is a man who stands for something. He is not a figure on dress parade, but a man of practical ideas, just, and fearless. Dislocated Her Shoulder. Mrs. Johanna Soderholm of Fergus Falls, Minn., feil and dislocated her shoulder. She had a surgeon get it back in place as soon as possible, but it was quite sore and pained her very much. Her son mentioned that he had seen Chamberlain's Pain Balm advertised for sprains and soreness, and she asked him to buy her a bot tle of it, which he did. It quickly relieved her and enabled her to sleep wich she had not done for several days. The son was so much pleased with the relief it gave his mother that he has since recommended it to many others. For sale by The R. B. Loryea Drug Store, Isaae M. Loryea, Prop. We agree with Mr. Lesesne in his opposition to a bill providing for ten year convicts to serve sentences on public works. The limit for chaingang now is five vears. Mr. Lesesne thinks five years is enough for a man to serve on the chaingang, and so do we. Whether five years are enough or not, our opposition is based upon the ground, that it opens up soft places for convicts of manslaughter-gentlemen con victs, who if they are white men, instead of picking rock in the penitentiary, they would go on their home chaingang's and vir tually be employees instead of convicts. We also agree with Mr. Lesesne in the suggestion that the chaingangs should come under legislative regulations, which will afford some protection from cruelty for the helpless un fortunates who are serving sen tence, for possibly, some mis demeanor, or breach of contract with a man who would not pay him for his labor, or forced him by bad treatment to break the contract when the time was near ly out, to avoid payment. Unconscious From Croup. During a sudden and terrible at ack of croup our little girl was un cnscious from strangulation, says A. L. Spafford, postmaster, Chester, Mib., and a dose of One Minute Cough Cure was administered and repeated often. It reduced the swel lng and inflammation, cut the mu us and shortly the child was resting easy and speedily recovered. It ures coughs, colds, ha grippe, and all throat and lung troubles. One Minute Cough Cure lingers in the throat and chest and enables the lungs to contribute pure, health-gi v ing oxygen to the biood. The R. B. Somc of the newspapers are going into hysterics because, at a recent State reception given by President Roosecvelt, negroes at tended. Negroes have been at tending the president's pubEc r, receptions ever since the days when Grant was president. We remember during Cleveland's administration Fred Douglas with his white wife were con- F suicuous attendants at these functions, and we see no reason. at this late day to make so much ado over such things. The negroes at the prsi dent's recent reception wer. , ofticials of thc government, and their wives, a custom that his been in vogue. A public recep- a ton is in no wise a social affair- s merely a prefunctory custom Y' which all of the president's have j, given at the IVhitc House. Those ti who do not wish to attend them o need not do so, and those that sl do, are not compelled to recog- a nize on a social plane the people n they see there. At a public re (eption given by the president 1 all manner and conditions of peo- a le go, to hear the music and to oi see the elaborate display of gor- P gous costumes, the same as if d they went to attend the "grand opening" of a large department store in a fashionable city, or the launching of a battle ship. Croup. The peculiar cough which indi cates croup, is usually well known to the mothers of croupy children. No time should be lost in the treatment U of it, and for this purpose no medi- I cine has received moi-e universal ap- o: proval than Chamberlain's Cough a: Remedy. Do not waste valuable ci time in experimentlng with untried remedies, no matter how highy they n may be recommended, but give this a medicine as directed and all symp- 1N toms of croup will quickly disappear. a For sale by The R. B. Loryea Drug P Store, Isaac M. Loryea, Prop. t t t1 Senator Stanland of Dorches- ti ter has introduced a bill which should become a law by all d means. and it would be com mendable indeed if the bill could go through both houses without a dissenting vote. The bill seeks to amend the law relating to pri mary elections, so as to permit watchers at the primaries. and to prohibit men from having E their names on more than one poll list, and also to require y every voter to vote in the district I in which he resides. The last g primary election brought about a condition which makes it nec essarv to demand such legisla- n tion. It is an outrage for men ~ to have their names on several clubs, and as the result of the pri- t< mary it has been proven beyond d a question of doubt that in some,t at least in one county, more votest were polled than there are qual- b ified white voters, notwithstand ing the known fact that not less d than 250 voters remained away from the polls in the second pri mary. We account for the fraud - in the loose manner of having the names of voters on a number1 of clubs, the initials of the voter being different at each club for the purpose of repeating, and which was done to the extent, that v by such fraud a majority of the legally qualified voters who did participate in the election were :efeated of their choice. A law L : the statute books making it a iisdemeanor for the name of a A voter to be on more than one poll ist, with the further require nent that no man can vote out- L side of the township in which heL Lesides, will put a stop to a prac-A ice which is calculated to smash ny party, and to invite into high places the venal and corrupt. We heartily approve of the Stan Land bill, and we believe it wille ippeal to the good sense and donesty of the General Assem-di bly. R U TS___________________________________. _________ _________ - . ce a weak but not sick enough 3. to go to bed. "Chronic cases" that's what the doctors call them, which in common English means-iong sickness. To stop the continued oss of flesh they need a Scott's Emulsion. For the L eeling of weakness they A need Scott's Emulsion. c. It makes new flesh and ives new life to the weak system.. Scott's Emulsion gets ' :hin and weak persons out L >f the rut. It makes new, -ich blood, strengthens the erves and gives appetite or ordinary food. Scott's Emulsion can be aken as long as sickness asts and do good all the r :Ime. 5 There's new strength g mnd flesh in every dose. A n. . We wili be glad i to send you a few . doses free. eth othat thi pictureti SCoTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Clarmndon, COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. eadus June, Henry Butler, Mary Eliza Tindal and Alec Tindal, in his own right, and as guardian ad litem for Alice Tindal, Pozie Tindal and Joel June, infants, Plaintiffs, against urman June, Charles Lee June, Har vey Miller, James M1iller, Eulalee Miller and J. W. NeLeod, Defend ants. Copy SofoNs-FOR RELIEF. (Complaint Served.) o the defendants above named: You are hereby summoned and re aired to answer the complaint in this tion of which a copy is herewith ,rved upon you, and to serve a copy of >ur answer to the said complaint on ie subscriber at his offce at Manning, said county within twenty days after ie service hereof; exclusive of the day such service; and if you fail to an -er the comnlaint within the time cresaid, the -plaintiff in this action ill apply to the court for the relief de anded in the complaint. The defendants, Charles Lee June and arvey Miller, will take notice, that ie Summons and Complaint in the Dore entitled action was filed in the lice of the Clerk of Court of Common leas for Clarendon ccunty on the 23d iy of January, A. D. 190k. Dated January 23d, 1903. W. C. DAVIS, 26-6t] Plaintiffs Attorney. TATE OFSOUTH CAROLINA, County of Clarenden. y James M. Windhain, Esq., Judge of Probate. [HEREAS, John S. Wilson made suit to me, to grant him Letters C Administration of the Estate of ad effects of Samuel M . Nexsen, de ,ased. These are therefore to cite and ad konish all and singular the kindred nd creditors of the said Samuel M. 'exsen, deceased, that they be and ppear before me, in the Court of robate, to be held at Manning on ,e 12th day of February next after ublication thereof, at 11 o'clock in ae forenoon, to show cause, if any :ey have, why the said administra on should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 26th ay of January, A. D. 1903. JAMES M. WINDHAM, rsEAL.] Judge of Probate. 26-3tl TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Clarendon, :y James M. Windham, Esq., Judge of Probate. V HEREAS, J. H. Timmons, Clerk of Court, made suit to me, to rant him Letters of Administration f the estate and efreets of M. A. oker, deceased. These are therefore to cite and ad ionish all and singular the kindred nd creditors of the said 1. A. Coker, eceased, that they be and appear efore me, in the Court of Probate, ybe held at Manning on the seventh ay of March next after publication 2ereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, ys 'w cause, if any they have, why 2e adid administrat~ion should not e granted. Given under my hand, this 24th ay of January, A. D. 1903. JAMES LI. WINDHAM, [sEAL.] Judge of Probate. 26-6t] ATLANTIC COAST LINE. (OALzs-ros, S. C., A pri 13, 1902. OIn and after this date :he following4 issen:,er sebedule will be trs effeet: NORTlIlEASTER~NRAILR~OAV. South-Bound. *35. '23. *53. vFiorence, 3.00 A 7.55 P. 4 v Kingstree, 3.56 9.07 r L:%nes, 4 11 9.27 7.32P?.4 rCharleston, 5.40 -11.15 9.10 4 North-Bound. *78. *32. '52. r Charleston, 6.45 A. 4.45 P. 7.00 A4 r Lanes. 8.16 6.10 8.35 v Kingstree, 8.32 6.25 eFlorence, 9.30 7.204 'Daily. t Daily except Sunday.4 No. 52 runs throngh to Columbia via niral R. r. f 8. C. Trains Nos. 78 and 32 run via Wilson iii Fayvettevillec-Short Line-and ma~ke o.ecinnection for all points North. 4 Trains on C. & D. I. R. leave Florence4 ily except Sunday 9.55 a mn, arive Der. igton 10.28 a mn, Che~raw, 11.40 a ni,4 'adesbioro 12.35 y mn. Leave Fborence iy except Sunday, 8.00 p mn, arrive Dar rigton, 6.25 p mn, [Iartsville 9.2C p mn ennetsville 9.21 p mn, Gibson 9.45 p mu. eave Fiorn ce Sunday only 9.55 a in, ar ye Dail .niton 10.27. Hlartsville 11.10 4 Leave Gibson daily except Sundlay 6.35 mu, Benunettville 0.59 a um, arrive Darling.4 ni 7.50 a mn. Leave Ilartsville daily ex-4 pt Sunday 7.00 a in, arrive Darlington 5S a in, leave Darlington 8.55 a in, arrive4 orence 9.20 a mu. Leave Wadesboro daily cept Sunday 4 25 p im, Cheraw 5.15 p mu, zriington 6.29 p mu, arrive Florence 7 p4 .Lea~ve Uartsville Sunday only 8.15 a in arlin'gton 9.00 a to, arrive Florence 9.2 3L KENLEY, JNO. F~. DIVINE, Gen'l Manager. Gen'l Sup't. T. M. EMER~SON, Truffic Manaiger.4 IU. M. E.IERSOUN, Grn'I Passi. Agint. W.C.&A.4 55. 35 51. i Wiinmington,'t3.45 P. tO 00 A. v Marion, 6.40 8 45 :Florence, 7:25 9 25 r Florence. *800 -3.30 A. 52. v Snmter, 9.15 *9 25 SColumbia, 10.40 11 05 - No 52 ruus throtgh. fro:u Charle.,n via. -nira! I. R., leaving Charlestenm U 40 a mu mnes 8 15 a mu, Manting 8 57 a mu. North-Bonnad. 54. 53. 50 :C .:, *55A. '440P. - aster, 8.20 (.13 .+ te, 820 *6.19 Florence, 9 30 7.35 17 40P. F1orett, 10.10 8 .15 Li Mr.on, 10.53 8 51 Wiingtonr, 1 4'0 11 :3t 'Daily. ?Dai: i xeept Sunday No. 5,3 rns throug'h to Charleston, S. C. (Centaa R. It, arriving .Manning 6.53 am, Lanes, 7.35 p im, Chaleston-9.20 y mn. Train No. 53 makes close connection, at ;~;er v.0.h:rin No. 59, arriving Lanes L5 a e, Chailes.ton 11 3.3 a m, Te~ns iorsdaa s an.: Satumrdays. Trains on Conway franch leave Chad are 12. '1 a m2, a?rrive Coniwaiy 2 20 p ii. urnminzg leave Couway 2.55 p mi, arrive adbona 5 20 p it, leave Chadboomn, 5 p im, arrive ait Elrod 8.10 p m,. ura1 ..- invau Elrodl 8.40 a in, arrive udlm-o 1 i*5 ai.Dilyv e-Xcept sun y. H. LI. EMERSON, Gen'l Pa.-.s. Atw-n t RI. KENLY, Gen'l M1anager. M. EMERtSON, Traffic Manager )R. J. FRANK GEIGER. DENTIST, MANNING, S. C. TPhone No. 25. Rri ignnor Job Work to The Times offins. TBt F ari We have thoroughly tested the great advantage of being WholesaiC1e F ind it's our full aim to make such attractively low prices to bring each and every FA] hat saves money by buying of us. lAny Quantity, DWI-W AY Plows of every description, Plow Iron Parts, Guano Distributors, C Points, Cast Wings and Bars, Horse Collars and Pads, Trace Chains, mnd everything to fill the want of the Farmer. CASH SELLERS OF FE Get our prices on Flodr, Rice, Sugar, Coffee, Grist, Meal, Lard and nakers on the above mentioned goods. COME ATD 3EE US BEFO~Ei Ava~nt. ercantik SUMMERTON, We are not moving, but our stock moves. Our entire Fall and Winter stock of goods must be moved out of the - way to make room~ for the Spring and Summer Goods. We have large quantities of heavy Fall Goods on hand and we are selling them at such astonishing low+ prices that makes them move mighty fast. good chance for all cash buyers. He bs sntav Cath;wemenhuinsadgti For Men and Children, Underwear, Shoes, Heavy Woolen :The Flannels, Jackets and Overcoats, Blankets, Comforts and n se m many other such useful things you need for the next two We Smonths alkns You can buy all you need at Half Price. EA$~s P IM. KRASNOFF, Prop.sma __________-- -__ __ __ - - $ prices a*with who L. - igif Itoato lrgerp THE SUCCESSFUL PLANTER FERTILIZES HIS LANDS.... The Virginia-Carolina ChemiaI. Co.u "Manuhetures the best Fertlies.oftif, virgkaoini a oi Chemica co. lirect sellers to the Farmers at MER in reach of us to become one on our list at DER PRICES.I >tton Planters, Steel Plow Points, Cast 3ack Bands, Single Trees, Plow Lines R TILIZERS. Salt Meats. We are the lowest price 3 omp'y, ,. C. S. R. VENNING JEWLER OEALER= ZN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and All Kinds of FANCY NOVELTIES. Imeaspecat o WEDDG aI HOLIAY FRES hSilverware, Hand-Painted China, Glassware and nu~merous other articles suitable for Gifts of anl Iind. COME -ANO SEE THEM. Al Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing done promptly and guaranteed. LEvI BLocsc, - - - A lG.Se C. TFS PINTS PINTS1 ~eatet Display of Stoves anc anges in Souh:arolina md in our store. We want you to come and re headquarters for Machinery Supplies of ~ nd sole agents for the best Rubber, Leather+ sStitch Belting. +i ivite special attention to our stock of w ESS, SADDLES, WHIP.S. There is no + and se our stock of Guns and Sports )plies, the largest and best ever seen on this+ rs and mechanics can find any implement or* ar store, made of the best material and at cating O i onhebest quality and at low . olicit the trade of the people of Clarendon n we have had business for so many years. . 3. DuRant, Sn'r, N 3 GLEINN SPRINGS MINERAL WATER. Nature's Greatest Remnedy FOR DISEASES OF THE Liver, Kidneys, Stomaoh and Skin. Physicians Prescribe it, Patients Depend on it, and Everybody Praises it FOR SALE BY I LCWn a Cao.