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LOUIS APPELT, E(IIEr MIANNING. :1_'"M l~~I; 9 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY A)VFRTIIsING RATES: :e ,.;uare. onetime. -i: each subsequent in sertion. .0 cents. Obituaries and Tributes o Respect char;ed for as re;rular advertisements Liberal contracts: nade for three. six and tw-:v, month,. Ceun icat ions; must be accompai.ed t' 2,a: t a address of the \; .,_i reeeive attention. No communication of a a ";: will be published except - -" : : Entered at the Powt:te-. r ......_ ' and Class matter. Copies of4h EXPOSITION. The conluniSSiOn1 appointed by His Excellency the governor met in Charleston last week, to per. form their duties under the act appropriating 850).00 for thc State exhibit at the exposition, and when the body was organ ized. it was found that nothing more could be (done until th commission was put in possessior of the plans and specifications for the State's building. It is the purpose of the commissior to do the contracting, and nol leave this important part of th* work to the exl3osition company. The members of the comlmisslor feel that the 5.,000 appropria tion is a trust fund to be expend ed for the benefit of the peoplk and therefore they will endeavo2 to get as much for the money a: they possibly can. Under the act Charleston musi have raised .Q0,000 in subscrip tions, and before one dollar of the State's 5o,(00 is expended 810O,O0 in cash of Charleston's contribution must be in hand Zt will therefore be seen that before the commission will give out the contract for a State building which will cost about tX'2,00( Charleston's money will have + be in a more come-atable positior than on paper. They must show the commission the "real thing.' Capt. Thomas Wilson was ap pointed to confer with the ar chitect about the plans specifica tions and estimates for the StatE building, and the people can feel assured of having a representa tive who will see to it that the building for the exhibition of South Carolina's resources will be substantial as well as attrac tive and obtained at the lowest possible cost. Captain Wtlson's long experience in large con tracts, and being a mechanic himself, makes him especially fitted to have the looking after this branch of the work, and the other members will make every effort to give the people's appro priation full protection; every dollar expended will be account ed fol, and not one dollar will be paid out until all the other prom ises have been fulfilled. The exposition is an assur~ed fact, and we cannot urge toc strongly the necessity for im mediate action in every county in the State. There should be a rivalry for the best possibly show, and we know of no better way to get at it,than having pub lic meetings in every township. The commissioners appointed by the exposition company should take this matter up at once as time is an important factor to wards getting up an exhibit for an exposition which is to run for six months. We hope there are~ no commissioners so indifferent that they will let this matter lag, if there be such, it would be far better for them to r-esign, that others who will take an active interest may be appointed. To make the exposition a cre dit to South Car-olina, and to bring about good results. the people must awake and go into it with a determination to derive a benefit from the 850,000 ap propriated. To do this they must prepare now to get material to put on exhibition and show by their acts that they are working to make it a grand success. The 56th Congress has ad journed and it will go down in history as the billion andI a half Congiress. The national appropriation for the Charleston exposition failed of passage, and unless there is an extra session we cannot hope for any aid fr-om Congress. This is to be regretted, but if we un der-stand the temper of Charle.-; ton, this failure will make them p~ut on their titing~ clothes and show to the world that her ex position will be a success in spite of Congress or any- other ob struiction We believe the unfiair disc-rimi nation towards Charlieston will win the symlpathy of the Union. and result in a more determinedl effort to make t he exp osition a We think when another ap propriation is asked for from the National government, the News Co'urier will take into considera lion that South Carolina has other Representatives in Con grss besides Senator Tillman aId Congressman Latimier. Pos sibly it would be well to treat all e of our representatives with a a like meg of praise. and not lavish 11 011 faivolits. ..\ J. ~t. tail) that he' is the ..t , ;,. t": n I .1. J. l~~~ 1i1X1S :wa, i:: thet c'ity' u: Toledo. co(ur ty - r :ii.:nd that s.taid tirm will pay t .n tf \l lit\th:imD DOLLARS for - v- t. C arrh that cannot b: d l v th f 1 .1Li.' C.vrAutlti CcRE. FANJ.CHIENIEY. -: to a-tore me and suttbcribed in my pr:s hi .: th a' of D cmct.-ber. A. D. 18Sti. A W. t" . au so . onl th icd mii i Of 'I tt'~ '-t.'. Sr'nd1 fo~r t-tirua lid - \' 'ii i'ui! r t.' it ct. The News and Courier m1?v learn from experience that when she is tapping at the door of the na ion's treasury begging or a (tnLtion, it does not paly to be iauing ugly faces, nor call Uncle San "treasury looter, ship sub sidy thief" and other naughty names. Possibly when an extra session is called, if the "old lady" can employ her time knitting the holes in her stockings, there may be some chance for South Caro lina's whole delegation in Con gress getting Uncle Sam to throw a few pennies this way on a promise to be good. South Car olina's delegatton in Congress is composed of more than two i:emn b rs, a fact the News and Cou rier seems to have forgotten. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. LaxativeeBrono-Quinine Tablets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No Pay. Price 2~ eents. The North American, a news paper published in Philadelphia, and owned by John Wannamaker the merchant prince, and leader in Sunday school work, has been devoting columns of space lying on, and slandering the people of South Carolina. This paper bases its vile misrepresentations upon Judge Benet's charge to the crt and jury at the Anderson court, and because it is made to appe~ar that there are a few heart less p~eole who have falsely imt prlisonied labor-ers under the guise of a labor conitract, this papetr would make tile world be lieve that South Carolina has inaugu rated a system of slav ery lie consequence is that aill kinds of demonstrations are being made, and the people of this State are being denounced in the severest terms. Great c-artoons hav-e appeared in the North American to inflame the mind of the North, and not withstanding the fact that the lawlessness complained of is con tined to a few persons in one county, and the law authorities are after them, this saintly sheet continues to arraign the p~eople of the State. The accounts pub lished are grossly exaggerated, and this people slandered to help swell the already laden coffers of tile saintly Wannamaker, by panderinig to the appetites of the sensational, to sell papers. Certain newspapers are clam oring for the veto of the repeal of the act which forbids officers accepting free passes, and nearly every day the Columbia State is reproducing from the weeklies editorials urging the gov-ernor to put his disapproval upon this measure. Just what Governor McSweeney will do. we have not the sligh test idea, other than the belief that he will not be guided for- or against tile bill by the newspapers. If in his judgment he thinks the act should be re pealed he will affix his signature to the bill, if on the other hand he thinks the law a good one it will remain, by vetoing the bill passed by the General Assembly repealing it. Whether- the governor vetoes the bill or not makes no0 differ enee to us, but we voted for it, because we have never approved of the spirit which promnpted its intr oduc tion and enactment. The measur-e was conceived in hatred and madtce a law in spite and its remaining on the statute books. is no good. All this rot about members gOiIoin oe frequently i they had free pase is the siliest kind of nonsense. There are numblers of members of the Generail Assemnblr~ who ride onl psses, and we venture to asset that thtey are in .t heir- seats as promptly ais those who have none. Take thle r-oll call of b)oth houses an y~ou wil tind tha~t members wvho have ptasses, either as local attorneys, or for adverd tising schedules, are seldoml ab sent, therefore the intimation that with passes in their pocket1 they would absent thainsoles frequently, is all to unmy rota nd emaiates from men who) cani see forsooth,are susceptible to cheap bribery. A man who is constant ly suspecting others needs watch- fe ing. and no one knows this bet ter than at lman who has come in se contact with the world like the g overn(Or. do We do not care whether Gov- s ernor McSweeney approves or w vetoes the bill, we know all ti of this advice that is being vol- cl unteered by the Columbia State and other papers is gratuitiou, to and we doubt very much if it is 2 appreciated, certainly not to the of extent of aftecting the governor' decision one way or another. dil A Good Cough Medicin for Children. ae de -I v 'o *'-t ney ei ronmnr din;: Chami- L< --i Cou-h Ietmedv. ' ,;s F. P. Moran. a i -11 ::nwn ad popu~ia b; rr of Peiersburr. Va. - \V.: hve.. ::iven it to our children :':hen trt.utC-d with bad couhs, ta-l. wh(pin;; cough. a:,d i: has alway. riven pcrfect satisfactior. It ( w:. r::um-n1enid to m a b" a drari.: as t he bi - cough medicine for chil.lren as it contaiacd n oupiu:n or other harmful drug." Sold by The ho R. I.. Lorvca Drug S:ore. Isaac M. Loryea. 4.1 Major Richardson Explains. 24 ret Editor The Manning' Tnies: Pa Pardon me for once more asking your : lndu'Ilgenee, but you.r referring to the :.1 prccuring an additicnal tax in my town- pa ship for school puriposP in your issue of . he 1thi ult.. oblige;r ma to request you s. ;o give me space for the purpose of re p).ying to the suggrestion .; it has always been iny desire to pro- fe cure th s tax, and some years ago I took ho upon minself the task of getting the necessary signaturEs to effect its ac complishnent and ser.t them to the Auditor, I think it was, asking that an election be ordered. Owing to ignor- T ance of the time such application should at he sent in. it arrived 100 late and we cu lost the opportunity. s ince then I have not been in a position to actively en gage in pressing the matter as I have no children attending the common-Be schools. but I should be glad to assist $ by ay aid a schenie in that direction at the present time or in the future, and I an sure most of my relatives would unite in the movement. We do not, however, represent the entire comiu- Ti nity, and from those having children in th attendance on the common schools, fos such an idea should emanate. But this wl was a general measure under consider- th ation and not a local one, and if space fr< permitted I could mnention many ways or an increase of money could be used to pa advantage in the various branches con- Ti nected with this institution, v hich to it. my mind is only as yet in it-. infancy, is and must of necessity bcotme in the end equal to that in any other State of - the Union. Not only does the educa tional department need caring for, but the school houses, most of them in the rural districts, require remodeling or repairing or renewing to make them more commodious and attractive. Any expenditures made by the Stata for this or any other purpose must fall heavier on the greater taxpayer rather than on the lesser, and in the school expendi tures is the only manner that I can see, where the poor man gets any benefit from taxation of the rich. I have never vet advocated any measure that would 'not cause the wealthier class to bear the burden, and hope some day to see a strict enforcement of the income tax which at present is so inetiective. Notwithstanding the organized ef forts of the employers of the cotton 'mills. representing the wealth of that initial industry, I supported the "Child Labor Bill,'' bothi in committee and in the House, because I thought all chil dren should receiva instruction, even at the cost of injury to existing institu tions, or the possible loss to capital in vested. I never thought your exp~ression as to the motives of memnber-s supporting - the appropriations was meant to apply to mue. as I understood it was used col lectively, but that some others might B take a ditierent view was the only rea-3 son which induced me to write the let ter I did. I thoroughly agree that a difference of opinion should be indulged in without the least cause for friction, and my letter was not intended to criti- 01 cise, but merely to make my motives so plain. Whether I was right or wvrong, was not what I tried to establish, which can only be decided by time and devel opments in the future. Ina conclusion let me add, that when I said this was not a propitious year for - making additional appropriations IF went on to state that I was induced to take advantage of a libei'al body of men, rather than risk the temper of some futur-e Legislature, which might ' not only curtail what is desired, but what is necessary. It sometimes occur-s that members act from information which varies in accuracy. For instance,V in your case it wias represented to you i that the tax levy would be raised two mrills if all approp~riated had been given, t while in mine, one of the most pronmi nent members of the Ways and Means Committee who I consulted, said thatO from their calculation it would not re quire more than a one mill levy. I am not able to say who was correct. th H. B. RICHARDSON Fult on, S. C.. March 3, 1901. Remarkable Cures of Rhenmatism. {From the Vindicator. Rutherfordton. N. C.l The editor oif t he Vindicator has had occ'asion cc to test the ectl'cy of Chambe'rlain's Pain Balm MI twice with the most remarkable results in each Fe case. First, with rheumatism in the .shoulders c from which he suffered exeruciatinig pain for ten days. which was relieved with two applica tions of Pain Balm, rubbing the parts anflieted a:td realizinff instant benefit and entire relief in a very short time. Second. in rheumatism in thigh joint, almost prostrating him with severe pain, which was relieved by two applications. rubbing with the liniment on retiring at n;:ht, and getting up free from pain. For sale by The R. B. L~oryeai Drug Store. Isaae M. Loryea. Pro prietor. Cross Roads Heard Fromn. Editor The Manning Tinie':j As the sun r-eddens the eastei-n sky you can hear in this progressive vicin ity the buzz of the saw, the ringing of bells, the clanking of chains and the song of the plowtman, and then from eveiry direction comes the musical voices of children as they ivend their way to andG from the school, which, by the way, we believe, is second to none in the county. We mention these things to let the out- N< side world know that the Cross Roads community is net only happy and con- N< tented, but we are progr-essive as well, PI and we extend a cot-dial wvelcome to all G( good people who nire searching for a first class location for- a happy home. Juidging firom the number of buggies 3 we- se'e on Sundays there is a struggle i going on to he dleliver-ed fr-omn bachelor- Be hood, and to these young people we will say, do not be disheartened, "if at first you don't, stucceed, tr-y, tr-y again." sir., Editor-. I notice in the report of Be the C:ountyv Supervisor-,expenditures for election b)ooths at var'ious precincts, ranging frmi $1.20 to $4. Am-c these \ booths bought or- rented? The various NI amounts paid1 cal for this infoi-mation, andl I hope our Supe~riio r wvill, in your next issue. give the desir-ed informa tion. Yotri, etc., -co Cr-oss Roads. S. C'., Feb. 25. 1901. IProf. Ivison of Lonacon~iug, Md., suf fered ter-ribly fi-om neuralgia of the stomach and indigestion for thirteen f ears and after the dloctors failed to. ture him they' fed him on morphineI A friend -advised the use of Kodol Dys-I l"pesi Cur-e and after- taking a few bot-J c of it he says. -"It has cured mte en-. tir. I ca'imt sav too much for Kodol DviPlpsia Cutre." It digests what you eat. The 1R. B. Loryea Dr-ug Store, Cures Blood Poison.-Treatment Free. Does your skin itch and burn? Dis'! -essing eruptions on the skin so you el ashamed to be seen in company? o scabs aid scales form on the skin, tir or scalp? Have you eczema? Skin re and crackecd Rash form on the I :in? Prickly pa in the skin? Swol n joints? Falling hair? All run )wn? Skin pale? Old sores? Eating res? Ulcers? To cure to stay cured ke B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) hich makes the blood pure and rich, ten the sores will heal and the itching eczema stop forever, the skin become ear and the blood pure. B. B. B. ld at drug stores, $1. Trial treat ent sent free ar.d prepaid by writing BLOOD BALM1 CO., Atlanta. Ga.1 escribe your trouble and free medical !vice gi'ven. Over 3000 testimonials cures by 13. 3. B. Sold by Thy It. B. uryca D~rug Store. Feadache often results form a disordered con Lion of the stomach and constipation of the wels. A dose or two of Chamberlain's Stom h and Liver Tablets will correct these disor rs and cure the headache. Sold by The R. B. >rvea Dru; Store. Isaac M. Loryen. Prop. Stages of Water. ?amd-n. March 1. E a. m.-Hei;rht of Wateree 1 er, 4.4 feet. beingr stationary during past .4 i1 urs. March 1. 9 a. m.-Height of Wateree river, feet. being a fall o -i-li) of a foot during past hours. :olumbia. Aiarch 1. a. m.--Height of Conga river. 3-10 of a foist. Leine stationary during st _4 hours. March 4. 8 a. m.--Height of Congaree river. 0 of a foot, bein;; a fall of 1-10 of a foot during c; 24 hours. t. Stephen's. Miarch 1. 8 a. m.-Hei;ght of nte river. 6.0 feet. being; a fall of 2-10 of a >t during past 24 hours. Iarch 4. a. ni.-Hc ;ht of Santee river. 5.0 !t. bein: a fall of 4-10 of a foot during past 24 urs. The Best Prescription for Malaria t Chills anvl Fever is a bottle of Grove's isteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron id Quinine is a tasteless form.-No re, no pay. Price 50c. , Thie Kind You Have Always Bougd The stomach controls the situation. 1 'ose who are hearty and strong-are r (se who can cat and digest plenty of I x. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests f at you eat anaL allows you to eat all e good food you. want. If you suffer m indigestion, heartburn, belching f any other stor:ach trouble. this pre- a .ratioa can't help but do you good. C le m-ast sensitive stomachs can take The R. B. Loryea Drug Store, aac M. Loryea, Prop. RAN{ON'S RELT-EF RAMON'S NERVE AND BONE OIL still head the list md are acknowledged by all to be the great conquerors of pains, ache; and diseases for which they are reconmended. Rasmon's ReUoi will positively cure patins of all kind:, such as Headache, Sick Heui(ache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Cramp Colic, Pains in the Stomach and Bowels, Diarrhea, &c., alhnost instantly, and, as a household remedy for these sudden sick nesset. it has no cnal in the world. "Once tried, always used." Price 25 and 50 cents. Sam ple bottles IC0 centst. Rsamon's Zservo & 3ono Onl is the orit~ nil and only genuine Nerve ..nd Bone Oil indl. It isjistwhattanamemplies, and penetrating 1uickly to the nerve and bene, relfeves pain, driv-es away disease and eieets a permanent cure. A specie for Rhenmnatismn, Sores. Bruises. SpraIns. Cuta, Burns, and all injuries to the fesh of I eith er thani or beiat. Price 23 and 50 cents. C Sample bottles 10 cents. The genuine has the name blown in the bottle. The Reli is put up in square red ea:ons and the Oil In green cartoons. T.AKE NO OTHER FOR SALE BY The R. B. Loryea Drug Store. INEY TO LOAN. I am prepared to negotiate loansv Sgood real estate security, on ree. nable terms. R.0. PURDY, Sumter, S. C. honey to Loan.' E asy TermBt. APPLY TO TILSON &_DuRANT. I. MV. MVcCOLLOUGH, >posite Legg & Hutchinson's Staibles. Give me a trial and 1 will give you e best wvork for little money. atisfaction guar-anteed. A Moern innery. We have at. Rimini, S. C., on an ex- 1 lent locaticn, a complete 3-'70 Saw J array Ginning System, with Cleaning eders: 50 E. P. boiler arnd 40 H. P. gin:-. Str-uthers & WVells make. rhis is a new planit. It is for sale. Write us if iuterecsted. W. H. G1BBES & CO.,G Columbia, S. C., M1achinery and Mill1 Supplies. Brig your Job Work to The iTimes ofofie. WVe are now carrying a more co: oc eries than ever. In our retail department we off . 2 Mackerel... ........... .. . 2 Mackerel, in 10- th Kits.. nk Salmon.................. >o Corn, 8 cans............. ring Beans, 3 cans........ .... tbs. Tomatoes, 3 cans.. .. .. .. lbs. California Peaches........ st full weight hand-packed Tome llo'w Santos Coffee, Parched.. .. . 10 Blend Coffee, Parched. . st Laguyra~ Coffee, Green. . We have the best Maple Syrup r Drip) Syrup in cans from 2-ibs 1 w Evaporated Apples in 1-thb cai Fresh Bread on Ha3 We want the farmers to call an res before buying elsewhere. THE PEOPLE'S M You know What You Are Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless .hill Tonic because the formula is >lainly printed on every bottle showing :het 't is simply Iron and Quinine in a asttaess form. No Cure, No pay. 30c. Another combination offer we are naking which we hope will prove an nducement to make the people take an nereased interest in keeping up with he trend of events. Listen! We will end you THE MANNING TIMES. The [hrice-a-Week Edition of The New cork World and The Farm and Home or 32.25 a year. Remember that for 2.23 we will send you all three of these )apers. THE TIMES management neans to let the rest of the State see hat Clarendon county supports a featr ess and up-to-date county paper. a pa ier that voices the views of its editor, hat has no boss and that has ever stood )y the people. The New York World hree times each week is one of the inest newspapers published iu Amer ca. The Farm and Home is devoted o agricultural, mechanical and house 1old interests and no farmer's family hould be without it. We want subscribers to take advan age of this magnificent offer we are naking. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. [he Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the signature of This is a day of expansion of thought .s well as trade, and in order to put our elf in position to be of service to our atrons who desire to keep pace with he progress of the day. we have effect d an arrangement by which we can upply our patrons w!.th McClures Mag zine and THE MANNING TIMES com pined for '2.23 per year in advance. ,IcClures Magazine is one of the linest iterary journals published, its standard ; high.and its corps of conitributors are mong the most able in the world. A eader of this Magazine is a searcher fter knowledge, and we know of no etter or more profitable reading than an be found in the pages of this cele rated Magazine. No library is c;1m fete without it. We offer McClures lagazine and THE MANNING TIMES :r$2.25 per year. The lingering cough following grippe ails for One Minute Cough Cure. For 11 throat and lung troubles this is the nly harmless remedy that gives imme iate results. Prevents consumption. 'he R. B. Loryea Drug Store, Isaac M. 4oryea. Prop. uggies, Wagons, road, Carts and Carriages REPAIRIED With Neatness and Despatch -AT D. A. WHITE'S WHEELWRIGHT and BLACKSMITH SHOP. I repair Stoves, Pumps and run water ip~es, or' I will put down a new Pump heaip. If you need any soldering done. give 1e a call. L AME. My horse is lame. Why? Because I id not have it shod by RI. A. White, Lie man inat puts on such neat shoes nd makes horses travel with so munch ase. Ve Make Them Look New. We are making a specialty of re ainting old Buggies, Carriages, R~oad arts and Wagons cjheap. Come and see me. My prices will lease you, and I guarantee all of my 'ork. Shop on corner below R. M. Dean's. MANNING, S. C. Dor S ashBlinso, CHA'LSON . C. DoorWegs, Sah, Blindsan Builders' Hardware. lindow and Fancy Glass a Specialty, nplete line of Fancy and Heavy er the following drives .................. 7c eachi ...................90c each! ..................10e a can toe..................0ccan: ....... .... ......15cper lb: ...............I.12c per lb ................16%c per lb. in half gallon cans and the Sil ol1 gallon.I tons at........... ......10c a T id at All Times. a a DNEY SAVERS, 'C m re.E S- I Your He It is a sr ago, and agai a habit of hea< trouble is wit] ative, and the and make th 'Ask ynur druggist for . For sale by THE R. B. SOJIOFUlR IND IT Johnston's QUART A MOST WON A Grand Old Lady Mrs. Thankful Orilla Hurd lives Livingston Co., Mich. This venerab the year 1812, the year of the great York. She came to Michigan in 184 too." All her faculties are excellen tentive memory, her mind is full of life, of the early days of the State i markable people she has met, and tt ness. But nothing in her varied an velous and worthy of attention th JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA. disposition to scrofula, that terribly and is cursing the lives of thousand: tims of the death angel. Transmitt found in neary every family m on( pearance in dreadful running sore! goitre, or in eruptions of varied forn may be known as catarrh in the he and often is, the prime cause or con Speaking of her case, Mrs. Huri with a bad skin disease. My arms sores, discharging yellow matter. 3 unsightly in appearance. My body My eyes were also greatly inflamed much. My blood wae SA a very ba at frequent intervals, rnd I had no was in a miserable condition, I had 1 mended, and doctor after doctor hay the state told me I must die of scro were beginning to form. I at length his famous Sarsaparilla. I tried a b thing else, as I had no faith in it, i began to grow better. You can be s many bottles. But I steadily impro sores healed up, all the bad symptom and I have never been troubled wit] of 83 years is not a young woman, b since then, and I firmly believe that greatest blood purifier and the best n scrofula and as a spring medicine." not lok to be more than sixty, and sl life was saved by JOHNSTON'S SA IizCmI.A.1T aR C G- 00T W. M. BROOHIN' Some Spec 10-lb boxes Starch. best grade. at............... Smoked Dried Herrin-:s............... NJew Mackerel, 14 good fish to kit........ Fancy Full Cream Cheese. 1' to 24 lbs each, at. Best Fancy Elgin Creamery Butter. 60-m tubs. American Sardines-new pack.................. 10-oz Tumbler Fruit Jelly. 3 doz to case........ 3-lb stand Tomatoes. 2 doz in case.............. -b stand Tomatoes. 2 doz in case.............. Ealf-pint bottles Assorted Pickles. 2 doz in ca. I- b cans Core Oysters. full weight. 2 and 4 doz :-lbcans Fancy Maine packed Sugar Corn...... l-fb cans Fancy New York State packed Sugar CRACKERS. Lemons. 514c; Nic Nacks..... ... ..5c per I Ginger Snaps.aSda Cr ackers..5c per I Sugar Crackers 6c; Fancy Mixed..6%c per I Dream Lunch Biscuits....... . .....7c per Datilakes. 2-lb packages..............90c dc MEAL, GRITS, BACON ANI Cigars, Oheroots, C Diamond T Cigar, best Sc seller, at.......... Success, none better............. ........ E. L. Royal Cigar. good smoke.... ...... .. rry our Leader....................... .... DId Virginia Cheroots........... ..... ... Oid Glory Cheroots........................ World's Best Cheroots....... ....... ..... Duke's Cigarettes................. Cicycle Cigarettes...... ......... A Big Supply of Toba Eve and various other kinds-prices ranging fr Big Drive OCTAGON, VICTORY, TIP SHOE BLACKING. Scec us. or get our prices before you buy. Is now in the head of HORI will be some fir ICompetition is i There are six st and mules, so ' Sumter, S. C.. .January, BRING TO THE TiI Life Insurance. I have been appointed a regular gent for he Equitabl e LUfe Assurance Society nd1 will be pleased to talk or corres ond with any one wishing Life Insur nee in the strongest comany finan2 ially in the world. The Equiitable w-orks to maintain hat its name implies, and is writing 11 the latest and most popular policies >r protecti.on, savings or investment. We offer some policies especially ad antageous to young men. .T. H. LESESNE. Manning. S. C. For Sale. Two Second-Hand Gins. Feeders and ondenser-s, compl~ete, will be sold ieap. They ar-e in good condition. A. L. LESESNE, mannino-. S. C. ad Aches T3=day. nail matter; but it ached two days n a week ago. You are acquiring Jache. That must be stopped. The a your liver. You want a mild lax n a tonic to stimulate the appetite e blood rich and pure. v1IES QfNDTONIC PELLE' . LORYEA DRUG STORE. S RWU. fiOLRRORS ED BY Sarsaparilla BOTTLES. DERFUL CURE. Gives Her Experience. in the beautiful village of Brighton, le and highly respected lady was born in war, In Hebron, Washington Co., New 0. the year of "Tippecanoe and Tyler tly preserved, and possessing a very re interesting reminiscences of her early )f Michigan and the interesting and re ie stirring events of which she was a wit d manifold recollections are more mar an are her experiences in the use of !irs. Hurd inheritedsa tendency and pre destructive blood taint which has cursed and marking thousands more as vie ed from generation to generation, it is form or another. It may make its ap , in unsightly swellings in the neck or s. Attacking the mucous membrane, It Ld, or developing In the lungs It may be, sumption. says: "I was troubled for many years and limbs would break out In a mass of ly neck began to swell and became very was covered with scrofulous eruptions.. and weakened, and they pained me very d condition and my head ached severely appetite. I had sores also In my ears. I tried every remedy that had been recom I failed. One of the best physicians in fulous consumption, as Internal abcesses was told of Dr. Johnston, of Detroit, and ottle, more as an experiment than any ind greatly to my agreeable surprise, I ure I kept on taking it. I took a great ved until I became entirely well. All the s disappeared. I gained perfect health. i scrofula since. Of course an old lady at I have had remarkably good health JOHNSTON'S SARSAPARILLA is the ledicine in the wide world, both for This remarkably interesting old lady did ie repeated several times, "I believe my RSAPARILLA." hEP.NT, Zai %OrT, :3MCmE. CON, anning, S. C. al Bargains. .......................................... .3% c per I ................................ ..........20c per box ............................................ ... .90c .............................................i3c per m at.............................24c per I ...............................$3.85 per,case 100 cans ....... ........... ...... ..........75c per doz ...............................................90cdoz .... ...............................7Oc doz e.............................................75c doz in case......... ................90c doz ........... .. . ..............$1.20 doz Corn.............. ............. .. ........$1 doz FLOUR. I Best Fancy Patent.................34.45 bb1 5 Best Half Patent.................. 4.10 bbl b Best Straight............. ...... 3.90 bbl I Best Family...................... 3.25 bbl z, Salt. 100 Ths.................. ......57c bag ) LARD AT LOWEST PRICES. garettes and Tobacco. ...........................35per.0 ..........................$10.50 1000 ;perbo ..... ......$3.15 per box of 250 Cheroots: 3 for 5c .. ..................$2.90 per box of 200 Cheroots ..... ......$3.25 per box of 250 Cheroo ts; 3 for 50 . .... ........ ...... .... ..........33-90 per 1.000 ............ .... .... .............. .65 per 1,000 cNamely. Schnapps, Early Bird. R. J. R.. CMable. Laila Roohk, Little Fancy. Red om 25c, 35c and 45c per-ib. s irli SOap. TOP, ELECTRIC, IMPERIAL. INK. BLUTEING, Etc. E L L&CO, - - s. C~. Y ER... West and will return with 60 SES AND MULES. There .e Mules among them. he Life of Trade.I ables in the city selling hor'ses ve HAVE to sell them close. r. H A RBY.I 14, 1901. Y~OUR WORK IES OFFICE. WHEN YOU COME TO TOWN CALL AT UWELLS' SHAVING SALOON W bich is fitted up with an cye to the comfort of his HAIR CUTTING IN ALL STYLES, SHAVINGiAND S HA MPOOING Done with neatness an dispatch. .. .. .. A 'nrdial! invitation *M ixte~nded... J. L. WVELLS. $ FURNITURE -: --CHINAWARE. ARTHUR BELITZER, SUMTER, - - S. C. Direct from the factories I have now on hand the most complete stock of Fur niture I have ever carried. Bed Room and Parlor Suits Attractive and cheap. I am also handling a beautiful lot of CHINA AND 0 GLASSWARE. - When in Sumter it will pay you to visit my Furni- 3 ture Parlors. Arthur Belitzer, I MONACHAN BLOCK, SU TR - S. C. Nollte IO 0el1g101S, lailli8110s61 G00l1003 Mlg COMMnlii. OFFICE OF JUDGE O0kJ ROSBATE, Manning. S. C.. Auguast 1, 190. To Executors, Administrators, Guardians and Committees: I respectfully call your attention to annexed statute. You will please give this matter early attention. very respectfully. 3. M. W INDHAM. Judge of Probate. q Sec. 2064-(1942). Executors. Administrators, Guardians and Committees, shall annually while any estate remains in their care or cus tody, at any time before the first day of July of each year. render to the Judge of Probate of the county from whom they obtain Letters Testa mentary or Letters of Administrators or Let ters of Guardianship. etc., a just and true ao count, upon oath, of the receipts and expendi tures of such estate the precediug Calendar year. which, when examined- and approved, shall be deposited with the Inventory anp praisement or other papers belongingtosh estate, in the office of said Judge of Probate. there to be kept for the inspection of such per sons as may be interested in the estate-(under former penalties.) Approved the 2d day of March, 1807. DrTIO3D. I have opened up a Sewing Machine store next door to Mr. S. A. Rigby's general merchandise store August 1st, 1900. I will carry the Best INi ol 8e8ll Moiule Mejig. The new ball-bearing "New Home'r the best machine made: allait"New Ideal" and "Climax," from $18 to $40. I sell on Instalment, Easy Paymens Plan. I clean and repair any kind of machines for least money possible. Call and see me. A. I. BARRON, Ag't. A Good Clothing Store Is where you get the right sort of Clothes without dan ger of mistake. Our Clothes are of the right sort, and you will appreciate their excel lence and smallness of cost. We Make Clothes to'Qrder for those who prefer them. Lasting Materials, proper fit and make and moderate pri ces. Your orders will have our best attention. J L DAVI & BID S. W. Cor. Klag and Wentworth Sts., CHARLESTON. S.C. A Gallon of PUNSEEDOs~ makesS. Hga PANonssad of the vzasT 0 ANY ost W~rLand is s.B8~TIY OrP SOTXO CR~. MST. PEv tad o Ctzerrr0 PAcTmATE-ncIN c.s .I ou~iscr s, an Sond THndK gurTeed. ttby O Manbyn oit. Htar re C o . E0 MANNIGINS. ~ORIIRp~tcan. ae5 A NNINGPA.TC, S. . is ~o JO CP . RHAIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MANNING, S. C. s. S.wn.soN. W. C. DURANT. ILSON & DURANT, Attorneys and C'ounselors at Law, MANNING, S. C. BYRD & THARP, PRACTITIONERS OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. alls promptly answered day or night CAnES s. c