University of South Carolina Libraries
?AOAcmoTO A*rrKAi*.--Tha A?ea Tri bunaU responsible for the following,. "Twv wsaMkablo, irutaoea of animal ? il?ped nider ' ouuual oir, laVe ow?rred Ip. Alken du r reek. Tin the first case, tlie log; in .the second, a horse. ?^?emany who is tite fbrta Qato poBsesflor of a large Newfoundland, of the femiuino Bpeoies, drowned a whole Utter of h?r pups, six or seven, in num? ber, bj whioh Ins household had been increased a few days ago. A day or two afterwards, he found a strange puppy near where his Newfoundland had made her bod, when in her delioato state, and upon going to tho bod, ho found four or five more, of different Varieties,' bot nearly of the same' age? Investigation developed the faot 'that his dog had avenged tfc>d?Mh 0/ her young, and, at the sap?'time, satisfied her maternal in BtiriotB, by an indiscriminate robbery of puppies from all parts of the town, TJpotf mentioning ih\<s Gurions - faot, several parties who had lost puppies weal to the resident of 4he?wnei-ofyAhe.Newfound lftnd and identified .them, amongst those stolen hynis dog. In tho other1 easo, a friend of ours, re ?iding a oouple of miles from town, was' awakened la?t Monday jdght by the.vio? lent ejvl, repeated ringing of a bell, whioh was suspended from an inverted, hoop on his front gate: At first, he war at a loss to distinguish In the dark what cauaed the ringing, but soon ascertained .that it .was .done by a horse, who had Bei zed the hell In his month, and was trying in this' way to attract tbe atten? tion of the inmates of the honse. The horse had been ridden to onr friend's house, a few nights previous, by a co? lored man, who on that occasion rang the bell, and, after completing his busi? ness with the ooonpaut of the house, watered hie horse in the yard. It is sup? posed that thirst prompted the horse to reVisit tho premises -Monday night, and secure attention to his wants by ringing the bell, - . . ?J ? -><T'f-? A villain arraigned" for. highway rob? bery pat in -a plea that he merely bor? rowed the rnonoy from his accuser. "Borrowed tho.monoy!" exclaimed tbe district attorney;, ''borrowed the money! How did yod induce him to lend, it to yon?" "Well, I-iiried moral suasion at first, but finally Imd to knook him down and hold a pistol to his ear." This re? ply prejudiced the jury against tbe pri? soner. ... igi .. ? '?? Diamond Hams. 1/Y TIBB0E8 DAVIS' DIAMOND HAMS, JLxJ i nut received and for sale by May jjt a k; f JOHN AQNEW A 8QN. '-- v. Notice. OFFICE BOARD OF HEALTH, u: ?i . Coldudu, May 2U. 1873. THE oltiaenaof .Columbia are hereby noti? fied that .on and after MONDAY next,, the Board of Health will visit and make a rigid inspection of each and every premises in the different-'Wards of the city. By order of the Board. t THOB..P. WALKER, May 214, ..... . . Acting Clerk. Meal 1 Meal! T71REHH BOLTED. CORN MEAL, lust re J? ceited aid fcV>?le at Ona Dollar per Urnihel, by ? x I JOHN AQNEW A HON. iTj] ^gjtited. ' a?ra?JW* ?AK WOOD, delivered o\JkJ\lP at Wny point on the Charlotte. Colutaluxand Aqgueta Bailroad. Inquire of ?JiriljJ ?l ." tn ?- HAMBEKG, May iQS t ' At Charlotte Depot. i . 1 For Sale, ja&fSSSBt ONE Bteinway seven octavo BfW <Bfl Rosewood PIANO, in good order. Iii TTf Also to BENT a six and a half OOtave. Nunna A Clark, Rosewood PIANO. Apply to < JOSEPH DE NOK, MaylTty . ". . . ., Taylor street. Sponges, Sponges, Sponges. BATHING, GLOVE, Carriage, Betf, Coach, Tollst, Graes, Wool, Slate, Zemodra SpoDgea, in every variety, for aale cheap at May 3 t HEINI TSH'S DRUG STORE. W.KT EVANS & CO. ABE now prepared to erect LIGHTNING RODS, either in eily or country, upon short notice. Orders promptly attended to. May 8 _gmoj Sweet Potatoes. BUSHELS YAM POTATOES, in flue tU'J) order. For aale by May 10_HOPE A GYLES. Wanted, 1 A A T0N8 OAST IRON, at GOLDSMITH XV/V/ A KIND'S Foundrv, for which the highest market prioewill be paid. May 3 Ira ?Hands Wanted. ALL LABORING MEN willing to cut tim? ber will find steady work and regular pay' on applies''.on to us. MoMASTEB, MONTEITH AROATH. March IS_}8ino Mills House Sale Stab.'cs. JSk THE ?ndereignt d, having purchased JWfeitho DEXTER STABLES, would iu W H*form their friends that they tstill keen on hand flrat olaas Sioglo acd Double Harness Horses, Saddle Horses and Mulea, which they are prepared to sell on most rea? sonable terms. B. G BAH AM A GO. John N. Loko, Agent._ May 4 For Sale. A HOUSE and LOT, on Taylor, be? tween Hunderaon and Barnwell streets; , , .fronting on Taylor street 73 feet, run? ning back 155 feet, moro or leas. Tho boueo oontaios four rooms on tho lln-t story and four unfinished rooms on tho atoond story?a very convenient residenoo. For particulars, inquire at_O. VIEROKS*. Cow Feed. 5TONS SHOBTSand WHEAT BRAN, for sahvby_ HOPE A GYLES. Weitern. Hay. 1 A A BALES TIMOTHY HAY, for sale low lULf for cash.?'? ' HOPE A GYLES. TO PLANTER^. RAA DIXON STEEL COTTON SWEEPS. yl/U 100 Twisters and Shovels. 10 Dow-Law Cotton Planters, from factory. 100 pair Trace Ohaiua. 40 dozen Plow Hames. Whioh we offer at popular prices. Apr 25_L?RICK A LOW RANGE. May Butter. CHOICE MAY BUTTER, Juat rooolved and for sale, by JOHN aQNEW A SON. Lnngi, Coaghi, Oolda, C msuniptlon? All cured by using Stanley Celobrated Cough Syrup, prepared by Helniteli, at Me drug ttoro. May 3f BY J A. SELBY. OBBTACLkV TO MAUUIAajE._-H?ppv relief for young mon from the effebte of errors and abuses in early life. Manhood restored. Impedimenta to Marriage removed. Now me? thod oTtreatment. Hew and remarkable re? medies. Books and .Oiroulars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWABD ASSO? CIATION, Mo. 2 South Ninth street, Philadel? phia, Pa.--au institution having a high repu? tation for honorable conduct and professional jjfejt " 1 r ! ' - - Mar 20 3m ti-'tke Breakfast* Imnerieon. DlaYner and Supper Table. LEA A PERBINB' WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE is indispensa? ble. JOHN DUNCAN'S BON8;Ncw York, .Got #9 jlj \ .Agents for the United States. 'SIMMONS H REGULATOR jpOB OYEB FOBTY YEARS this UBELY VEGETABLE LIVER MEDIOINE has proved to be the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC or LIVER COMPLAINT and its painfnl off pring, DYSPEPSIA. CONSTIPATION, Jaun? dice, Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHE, Oolio,* Depression of Spirits, 80UR RTO MAOH, Heartburn, CHILLS AND ELVER, ., Ao. ARer years of oareful experimenta, to meet great and urgent demand, wo now produce from our original Genuine Poicdcrs the: preparrd, Liquid form of SIMMONS' L1VEB REGU? LATOR, containing all its wonderful and vain able propertica, and offer it in ONE! dollar BOTTLES. The Powdera, (price aa before,) fl'.OO per [ package. > Bent by mail, Jl 01. ' J?-t3ATJT10I5! Bttv bo Powdera or PREPARED 81MMON6' LJYEBtREGULATOR unless is onr engraved J wrapper, with Trade mark, Stamp and Signa? tare- unbroken. None other is gennine. JT. II. ZKtLIN & co., MAOON. OA., and PHILADELPHIA. Bold by all Druggists. Jan 30, [8ept. 14] T| ly._ THE HEALING SPRINGS, On the Line of the Chesapeake and Ohio II. It ^ ?oanly. Virginia? WILL be opened for the reception of visitors on the FIR8T OF JUNE, with accommodations for tubes uunobxd pkb sons. They are accessible by the Cbeiapeake and Ohio Railroad from Covington Depot fifteen m il os by a fine turnpike of oas j ,'grades in fine order, passing in full view of the ORLKBBATED FALLING SPRINGS and the MAGNIFICENT SCENERY ON JACKSON'S 1 RIVER. .Passengers by mail train from the East ar rive at Covington at 7 P. M. Express trains from the West arrive at 8 38 P. AT. Visitors for the Springs by these trains remain over night at Covington. Passengers by mail trains from the West arrive at Covington at 20 A.M. Express trains from the ?aet ar rive at 7 A. M. Stages and otbor vehicles for the Springs leave Covington overy morn ing. Trains stop twenty minutes at Coving ton for breakfast and supper. Two hotels wjth ample aco immodations. KEHSNIOH'S FINE BAND OF MUSIC is engaged for the season, and the usual facil ties for amusement and recreation provided. Descriptive pamphlets nan bo had of Messrs. Pubceix, Lado A Co , Richmond, or of the Agent at the Sprints. TenMs?Board, $3 per day; $03 per month Children and colored servants half price. M. H. Houston, M. D., Hesident Physician. May 20 JO_B. M. QUARLEH. Agent CLEAVELAND MINERAL SPRINGS. {Formerly Wi-ton't,) near Sltelbu, FIFTY-FIVE miles ViiBtof Charlotte, N.C., will be opened for the reception of visit ira on Tthe 12th of Juno. The main building nas been improved by theaddiliou of three piazzas. The Wilmington, Charlotte and Rutherford Railroad is finished to within three milee of tho Spriuga, aud passengers will be met by hacks every day except Bun days. The Air-Line Railroad payees within elbveti miles of the Springs, and if informed in lime, hacks will bo sent to meet those who I may come in that way. Conveyances to other | poiutsmay bo had if desired. Cold and Warm Baths, White Sulphur. Red Sulphur and Chalybeate Water. Band of Mu? sic and other sources of amusrmeut. Fare first class. For further particulars, apply to May 15_T._W. BREVABI), Proprietor REMOVAL. GEO. BRUNS bega to inform his friends and tho public general ly that ho has remuvvU1 to tho large store formerly occupied by W. D. Love A Co., under the Co _.luoibia Hotel, where he may be found With a select stoi k of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Piated ' W.i it, Spi el uric*, &<:. Repairing done in all its branches. Prices moderate and despatch guarautoed. Feb 15_iOroos Oats and Corn. 1f\f\f\ BUSnELS piimo white CORN. ?\JUU 800 buehols hoavv OATS. For sale low for cash. HOPE A GYLES. Good SScdlelna is iilways appreciated. Everybody spoaksin highest praise of Hein itah's medicine. Reasonable in price, goedin loality, perfect as remedies._May 8J_ . Ilelnltsh's Great Pill, the Liver Pill? Furi??a tho Blood, ourt-o Liver Coujpia'nt, Sick Headache, Biliona Complaints. Try them. Don't suffer any more. May SJ Ileinltsh's Queen's Del Ignt?A remarka bio modioino for curing all kinds of dmoaans of tho blood. Bolter than Saraaparilla. All akin dieeaeee, Scrofula, Humors cured. Mav3J ?Let our just Censure* COLUMBIA, S. C:,JfffffiS'PA ! .sb'jv .?*? *? * i : - .! (it ?.?'' - ? LARGE lot of the Jnatly celebrated . ! a ? "MILBURN WAGONS," Juat'reeciveJ?two, throe and four horsej aud; will be sold very low, if called for soon, at the | Carriage Factory of JOHN AQNEW. Met 18 M. j. OALNAN, Agent. ATTRACTIVE SPUING AND SUMMER NOVELTIES, In Dry Goods, Millinery, Drese-Mak ing:, Notions, Oaipets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Boots and' Ehoes, Hats and Caps, at the favorite resort of R, C, SHIVER & CO.'S. mflE choico variety of these atvlieb and de JL sirahle goodB, to bo found all under one roof, renders it ono of the most delightful and convenient places for purchasing by the ladies of Columbia and suburbs, besides per? sons from abroad and the country, too. The IMMENSE BUSINESS transacted by this firm euabio them to control the choicest collection of foreign and domeetio manufac? ture, and to offer to their customers a con-1 ntant succession of new goods at reasonable | and economical prices. Mav 17_B. C. SHIVER A CO. REMNANTS ~ AT C. F. JACKSON'S ItfWhite Goods, In Dress Goods, .In Black Goods, In Cassimeres and Tweeds, In Prints and Piques, In Muslins, In Linens, In BibbonB, In Edgings and Insertings. All Cheap, for Cash. May 14 _ Owners Wanted. RETAINED for ownership at I .Police Headquarters, in this city, the following described cattle: One YEARLING HEIFER, whito belly, two white spots on the back, two white spots on tho tail, ronnd hole iu the right ear, enieotb crop and under-bit in the | left ear. One small YEARLING STEER, black head, right car three Angela, no mark on the left. One small YEARLING STEER,with awhile spot in the forehead, left ear smooth crop, right ear half crop One small RED DULL, bnlt bead, no mark, and white apnt in the face. One largo SPOTTED OX, crop tail, larg< horn* and no mark. They will bo delivered to their rightful owuere, ujion the pa>u>eni ol charges and pr<W of property, at Police neadnu?Vlers. May 15_'_ New Orleans I.' juat now kitracting the public attention on aeeount of the political trouble there. The "Indian Girl" id attracting the attention of BMokera on account of the etock of Imported Cigars, Die like of which has not been jc en here since Columbia wac Burned and Her Citizens Shnw their apprtciation ot the same, aa aleo of the store that makes a apcoialty in thin line, by the increasing demand for "Manilla," "Piiiicipeco" and "Figaro." (of Importe d To? bacco,) and ns the Indian chief who Shot Down The United States General ban caused the lava beda to email of the burning of powder, ao tins "Indian Maid" 1jhm caused Columbia to BDirtll of the burning of tobacco. May 14 Sweet Potato Slips. ?)f\(\ BUSHELS YaniB, Spanish, and \ Red, in line order. For aale by_HOPE A- GYLES. New Family Grocery. THE undersigned respectful!} inform their friends and the pub lie generally, that they have open? ed a FAMILY GROCERY STORE _lat the pld stand of Campbell A Jonen, and would respectfully solicit a por? tion of their patronage. Our goods arefresh, and will be eold at lowest market prices. BOWEN A LaFAR. Jons H. Bowf.k. M. L a Fa n. March 11 __ To Consumers. 80 000 [jBSiBA00N in Btore nnd in 1,000 bushels OATS, ' 2,000 bushels COHN, 30 barrels FLOUR, 75 barrels SUGAR, jnat received and for sale at lowoat prices. LUBIOK A LOW It AN CE. Buffalo Tongues, NEW sugar-cured HAMS, BroakfaatBtripa, . Smoked Bocf, for ealo low. HOPE A OYLES. Mocha and Java Coffees. BAG8 Old Government JAVA, 10 pockota Pure Mocha. For salo low by HOPE A GYLES. 10 Attend the Ti Y MORNING, MAY 22, 1873. Attractive Goods at the Grand Central Dry QooOb Establishm't of WM. D. LOVE & CO. "fTtTEheve added to oar etook the past few V V " day a, eoruc choice good e, as well as bargains. Will open TO-MORROW. (Monoat,) April 28-1873 i.OOO yards Foulard Silks; bcautifal goo?B, in tha new shades. 3,500 yards 4-4 Printed Cretona, at 1GJ conta a yard, i Cheapest goods Bold this season. 250 nieces Drees Qoods, from 25 cents to $1 a yard, in the new colors. - Tw6-Bulton Rids, at 75 cents a pair. Tucked Skirts, at .75 cents each. Ladies' White Aprons, from 25 cento to $1.25 ] each,'.' Yard-wide White Matting, at25cents ayard. Lace Collars, at 25 cents each. Printed Linen Lawns, at 30 and 37} cents a yard, in fast colors. White Piques, at 25 cents ayard; fine goods. White Nainsook, at 12} cents a yard. Plain and Lace Striped Victoria Lawn. Embroidered Sots, at 00 cents a set. Club-handle Parasols. Our Lace and Embroidery department com? prises a very choice selection. Hosiery, in all sizes and makes. A fuR lino of Prints and Domestics. All are invited to call and inspect our at tractive stock. Customers will find whatever advertised, at the Grand Central Dry Qoods establishment of W. D. LOVE A CO., Under Wheeler House. W. D. Love._B. D. McCreehy. MILLINERY. MRS. C. E. BEED has opened i a tine assortment of Ladies' and (Children's DRESSES, UNDER 'WEAR, HAIR of all descriptions, Bazaar Patterns, etc., all of which will be eold at reduced prices: The pubiio in general are invited to call and see .'or themselves. Mrs. Becd was awarded the highest premimua for Millinery at State Fairs of 1871 and 1872._April 18 3mo GLARBTS, ETC: Summer Stock of Wines and Liqnors, IX FULL VARIETY. WE beg to onumerato some of cur leading brands: CLARETS.?8t. Gervais, quarts. St. Eetephe, pints and quarta. St. Julin, pints and quarta, Marganx, pints and quarts. Poutet Canet, quarta. La Rose, quarts. HOCKS.?Laubonheimor, Hochheimer, Deidesheimer. These from house of Henckel A Co , Mainz. WHITE WINES.?Latour Blanche, Chateau Yquem, Haute Sauterne", i Brandenburg Frerea. CHAMPAGNES ?MoSt A Chandon, t Pommery AGreno, " Ohano A Dacbatel, And "Imperial" California. BRANDIES.?Brandenburg Frerea and James Hennessy, vintages 1865, 58,35. GIN.?Princo of Orange. Our etook of DOMESTIC WHD3KIE8. GINS, BUMS and other LIQUORS AND CORDIALS not enumerated above, will be fonnd In full supply and at loweet market rates. Our oelobrated brand of "MARYLAND CLUB" WHISKEY"?for which we are sole agents?always on hand. Its purity, strength and exquisite flavor have made it the favorite brand wherever introduced. Orders aolicited and satisfaction guaran? teed. GEORGE SYMMKRB. GREENFIELDS CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, THE CARRIAGE stock at the ot Lady and Main streets has been LARGELY INCREASED Within a few daye part, ar d is t.ow more com? plete than eTer 'before, embracing, in every variety, all the leading styles and quality of vehicles in demand in this market. The stock ot HARNESS is also complete. Pricee very low. W. K. GREENFIELD. Feb 20 Southern WarehouEe Company, Gervais ttreet, neur Greenville and Columbia Jtailroud, IS prepared to receive COTTON and other property upon Storage, and to make ad? vances upon the same. Cottou thipped to this house will be ?tortd subject to the order ot the owner, and tho loweet rates charged for storage. All property so stored will be insured iu cnod reliable companies, if insur? ance is desired; and advances will be made at the lowtm hanking rates. Our atort houses are so located (hat drayago is not necessary, and no charge for handling will be made. All business communications should be addressed lo the Treasurer. EDWARD HOPE. President. PnwiN F. Oaky, Treasurer. March 33tn Shingles. WE are now prepared to furnish our flrBl clasH CYPRESS SA WKDKHINGLES, in any desired quantity and the shortest notice. For rconomy, durability and supe? rior finish, they cannot be excelled. Ship? ments made lo any part of tho country promptly. Moil AS TER, MONTEITD A ROATH. March It} 6mo DB~ V. p. CLAYTON . FFERS his professional services tt> the citizens or Columbia. *B-0fllco at CENTRAL nOTEL. March_25 CHRISTOPHER HATNESWORTH, UAUUKIl AND HAllt-DltHSSKlt, INVITES his fiieida and all persons who arc desirous of receiving a good SHAVE or SHAMPOO, to puv him a call at his new 'rooms, in the Wheeler house. HAIR-DRES8 INO. DYEING, etc, attended to in best style. Family Flour. 100 RBLti. Extra Family FLOUR. 100 harrula low priced, hut sound. For sale by HOPE A GYLES. , n. nt'NKr.f. jameb a. dunhau. .Solicitor Fifth Circuit. RURKLE & DUNBAR, Attorneys r>nd Counsellors at Law. Oftloe Law Itsnere and Stite House, Mar 123 COLUMBIA, S. is. O rue Event." VOL, IX?NO. 53 Ahead as Usual I SPRING AND SUMMER m iiiii GO O DS! > R. & W. C. SWAFFIELD ABE now exhibiting tho LARGEST. BEBT and CHEAPEST 8TOCK of , HATS AND GENTS' FLRMSDISG GOODS Ever brought to thia city. Our Custom Department la replete with a choice and elegant aaeort ment of CASSIMERES AND VEST*NG3. We are still taking orders for those PEB FECT-FITTINQ 8HIBTS. March 19 New Attractions! - New Attractions'. ;The Cry Is Still, They Come ! Every Train brings hi A! rasi coons ron Tpa COLUMBIA HOTEL 'clothing 1 EMPOHIUM! JUST &n ived a fine line of FBENCH GAS B1MERB PANTS?the hanfleomeat lot ever seen in Columbia. The colcbrated "Webster" DBE88 SHIBT, warranted a perfect fit?being cnt low in the neck. The "Czar," "Brignoli" and "Crown Priuce" COLLARS, in Linen; "Juniata," ?Bon Ton" and "Iron Aare," in Paper. 8TBAW GOODS and NEW NOVELTIES of every description in my line, at EPSTIN'S, April 4 Under Columbia Hotel. Spring Clothing and Hats. -??> ? l KIN*ARD & WILEY, DEALERS IN CLOTHING, DATS, UMBRELLAS, CAN RS, Gents' Furnishing Goods, il CELGBIUTED ?TAU SHIRTS. ? ??? I Spring Clothing and Hats, NEW STYLE. WE have made special arrangements with ono of tho largest Shirt manufacturers to supply our trade with WHITE %nd FANCY. SUIihs at the annexed prices, for cash per half duzen; tho quality and number of Linen and Workmanship, we guarantee a perfect fit: A f.0, New York Milla. 2,200 Linon, $ 10 B 59, Wanisuta, 2,100 Linen, 110. P. CO. Tuacora, 2.0C0 Linen, $13 50. O 1) 05. Masonvillo, 1.800 Linen, $11 f>0. B 53, ForroBtdale, 1.G0O Linon, f 10. B 43, Boys' Shirts, 1,700 Linen, $8. A splendid line of Cloth Coats and Doe PanlB, Fancy Caaaimere Pants, a beautiful line of White stylo._mar 19 New Publications. NEW JUVENILE BOOKS. London edi 'lions, illustrated. New standard works for libraries. Now Novels, in cheap binding. Also, a fresh stock of WETTING DESKS, Portfolios, Gold Pene, Pen-Knives, Pocket Books, Photograph Albums of all sizes,Fancy Brackets and Book Shelves, and a general variety of Letter, Note and Can Papers, En? velopes and Fancy Stationery, tor s ale bv Nov 5_*L L. BRYAN. London Porter and Scotch Ales. CASKS Hibben** London PORTER and Younger'* Scotch ALE, far sale by March jo HOPE A GYLES. Seed Corn and Potato Slips. 2~ BUSHELS SEED CORN, carefully ae ?J leeted for thirty years, and well adapted to (his section. 50 bushels YAM POTATO SLIPS. March 30 L?RICK A LOWRANCE. 10 THE PHCENlX Book, Job shd Nowapupe ; STEAM PRUlf iXG ESTABLISHMENT Tho arc PPEPEPPR?1v>.* PPPPP P??PP. - PPPPP . EPPPP ' PPPPP PPPPP PPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPP PP PPPPP PPPPP , PPPPP * PPPPPPP PPPPPPP TilU 1 Propriet?r 6f. the PacsNrz baa fitted . up and thoroughly furnished bie office with latest improved . material for execution Of all kinds Printings BBBBBBBBBR BBBBBBBBBK BBBB BBBBB BBBB BBBBB BBBB BBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBB' BBBB BBBB BBBB BBBBBB BBBBB BBBBBB BBBBB 3 Type, Berder.Ruloi Ornaments,Cnta.Ao of MODERN STYLE and c?reruVaelected tmmnrnm TTTTTTTTTTTtTTJ inmni TU JIT III . nimm ' Ttmmi ninmii TTTTTTfJI innmmnii iiiiriiiTiiirLT of the MOB PATTERNS? and- Liber iii k Platen Oylind?r NNNNN NNNNN The Presses are APPROVED. Hoe, Adams ty?Includ< Bod and NNNNNN NNNNNN . .... ? NNNNNN, '; NNN . NNNNNN- NNN NNNNNNN #NN NNNNNN NNNN NNN NNNNNNN NNN-NNNNNN NNN. NNNNNN NNNNN'- NNNNNN NNNNN NNNNNN Professional Men, Merchants. Mannfaolnrers and Mechanloa, supplied with any atyle work xtttttttttttttt ttttttt tttttttt tt tt tttt tttt tt tt tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt tttt tttttttttttt tttttttttttt A !?.rge stock of Cards,Card Board, Paper, Bill Heads, A o. _ anhand. iniiiiiiiinn iiiiiiiiiiinn miinii iiimiii ninnii minin iiiuiiii iinnin iiiiiiiii niiiinnran ihiiiiiiiiiiii With the LABOE AMOUNT OF MATERIAL on hand, the style, qnality and cost of work oannot fail to give satisfaction. nnnnnn nnnnn nnnnnn nnnnn nnnnnn nnn nnnnnn nnn nnnnnnn nnn nnnnnn nnnn nnn nnnnnnn nnn nnnnnn nnn nnnnnn nnnnn nnnnnn nnnnn "nnnnnn Ordert from abroad will reooive IMMEDIATE ITTENTION.and work promptly forwarded. gggggggg ogggggggg ggggg ggggg gggg gggg gggg gggg gggg gggg gggg ggggg gggg ggggg ggggggggggg gggggggg gg Ohttia the ;a!* the interior of two, threo and ERS, CIRCUS can be put up in plain Black or aud examine ape J.A. SELBY, ostabtisbmor>Mn tho State whoro fonr sheetPOST BILLS, <to., Ac, Soodetyle.eithor olored. ?rOaii oimena. Proprietor.