University of South Carolina Libraries
Upon a JLady Singing. Oft as my lady saug for tao That sung of tho lost one tha> sleeps by the < Bea, i)r the grave, and the rock, and the cypress tree, Strange was the pleasure that over me stile, For '.was made of old sa mess that Uvea in my tool. So atm grow my heart at each tender word. That the pulse In my bosom scarcely stirred, And I hardly breathed, but only heard; Where waa IT-not in the world or men, Until she woke me with silence again. Like the smell or the vino, when its early bloom Sprinkles the green lane witlisunuy perfume, Such a delicate fragrance ailed the room; Whether lt came from ihe vine without. Or arose lrom her presence, l dwell li; (loutit. r.iffht shadows played on thc pictured wall From tue maples ttiat mutered outside thc hall, Anil "hindered the day.lght-yet. all ! not. all; Too little ror that all the Tirent would he Such a radiant sunbeam she j was to me I When my sense returned, as the Bong was o'er, I fain would have snld to her, "Sing lt once more." But soon as she smile l my wish I forbore; Music enough in ber look 1 found, and the hush or her Up seemed as sweet os the sound. _ _ A PHILOSOPHES Iii THE SURF. Horace Or?ele)' aa a Swimming MRB ter-illa Adventures with a Yonng lindy In the Billows. Mr. Greeley visited' Fire Island, New York, on Friday to bathe in Hie surf. 'Hie Com? mercial Advertiser has an imaginary descrip? tion of his efforts in the water so humorous that we copy lt. lt is as good as if lt were truer SURP HOTEL. August 22 "Why, he can swim like a duck," said an enthusiastic Greeley ?te as he stood upon Hie beach to-day aud watched tho vegetable candidate for the Presidency buffet the billows o? the Atlantic like a shirted dolphin. But ibo next moment a mighty breaker Bei zed the bold swimmer and stood him upon his head, his heels bealing the thin air In a des? perate struggle to alter his at normal attitude. I suppose there were two or three hundred guests, farmer folks, ?c., on the shore at the time. The news that Horace was going out to wrestle with Neptune resulted In the lorming of a large procession, which marched In good order to the scene of hostilities, and took up such favorable positions as the nature of the ground wonld permit. As the veteran mer? man emerged from the bath-house the crowd yelled approvingly, and the boys shied clam? shells at him tn an encouraging way. His Apollo-like form never apDeared to bet? ter advantage, and were lt not'for the slight tendency of his right hip to play see-saw with his left (producing a peculiar shambling gait, j he might be said to have advanced "graceful? ly" to the water line. Half a dozen young lady bathers had placed themselves under his protection for a plunge in-the brine. "Oh, dear Mr. Greeley, I know I can never stand lt," said a beautiful blonde as a big wave burst, enveloping her little feet lu the creamy foam. . "Pshaw, my dear, you needn't be afraid. I'll protect yon." And se he did, to the great nneaslness of ber lover, who beheld the dex? terous veteran (mistaking ber neck for her waist) encircle her with his arm and drag her after bim as though he meaul to drown her. In fonr leet of water they suddenly disap? peared from view, and reappeared after rive seconds, the young lady Io a terrible slate of fright. Toe kind old man endeavored to pacify ber. "Steady, my dear," be said endeavoring to bide his own nervousness, "there's no use of getting flighty. It ls natural lor the human family to swim." '*Ob, Mr. Greeley, how can yon say BO ?" ex? claimed the wretched maiden, wildly spurliug the fand aad brine from the mouth. "You ain't accustomed to it my child; calmly endure lt a little longer aud you'll like it" "No, never, never. I want to be unnatural. I dont want to belong to the human iamily, Mr. Greeley, and-" here another huge break? er cnt abort ber frenzy, and lilting both bath era hurled tbe Sage headlong over bis fair charge. A volley ot cheers arose from the i j beach os he recovered himself, quickly seized her by tbe back ot her neck and one leg, ami held ber aloft, dripping and struggling willi the fine energy that a female can exert under the pressure of mingled rage, mortification and dight. ".She still lives," faintly murmured an old lady near me, wbo, when a child, had been dandled on John Quincy Adams's knee. '.Come, that's played out, old man; fetch her ashore," ejaculated an angry cou ni ry m au. sug? gestively gathering a handful of sand. "I thought you knew better than to be yanking a poor girl round In that way." Bot by this time the horror-stricken and In? censed lover had waded In, boots and all, and rescued h. J sweetheart from the p?tillons cratches of tbe chivalric merman, who Blood gazing stupidly after them with his back to the sea, until the waters, collecting their strength, struck him abeam with a mighty force, and landed him sprawling far upon the beach. That ended the sweet old philanthro? pist's attempt to prove what "1 know about natation." , _ END OF THE SARATOGA TOURNEY. Southern "Knight*" Denounced ns "Farm Hands at Fifty Cents a Day." A correspondent ot the Troy (New York) Times, writing from Saratoga August ism, says: "Colonel George A. Armes, ol Washing? ton, and Frank Lord, of New York, have Just escaped having a duel." The writer then goes on to relate on account of his Interviews with tbe partied concerned, from which lt appears that Colonel Armes admitted thal he bad sent the challenge, and gave an account of the difficulty. After stating how ue came by tbe idea ol a tournament, he said: "I wrote to several of my friends in the South to come on and tide, aud at once pet to work to get the names for the committee:* Mr. Lord was absent from town, but one of I bia friends assured me he would ride, so I Sui bim down as one oi my aids. In a few ays Mr. Lord returned, and was quite angry that such use bad been mode of bis name .without his sanction. He ' said it must be .taken off the programmes, many ol which had been printed and distributed. I made an en? gagement to go the printer's next day to have no more printed with bis name on. On ar? riving at the printers we were Informed that all the programmes had been stricken off. Then I shall have to pupllBh acard to-morrow stating that my name has been used in con? nection with this tournament without my con? sent,'said Mr. Lord. He did so, but I took no notice of lt. Then the tournament took place. Shortly after, reliable word reached mu -that Mr. Lord had insulted me and mv Southern friends. I was told that he had remarked, in substance, that I had brought up a lot of Southern guerillas to run against Northern men, and had made a common Atty cent show ot lt. -I immediately sent a friend to Mr. Lord to demand an apology.' He said he had Intended no insult. He understood that I had remarked that he had only been a common circus rider In former duys, ami hr thought such remarks ungentlemanly. Deem? ing wis reply unsatisfactory, I sent Mr. Lord ?challenge by my Irlend, General Thomas, giving the challenged parly forty-eight hours to render an apology or accept my challenge. This was on Friday afternoon. Last evening General Thomas called upon Mr. Lord, who tent me a satisfactory reply, and, by the ad? vice of friends, I concluded to iet the matter drop. It he had accepted the challenge I would have had him dowe at Glen Mitchel al daylight without fall. There ls a splendid place there upon the rocks fora duel." The correspondent then interviewed Gene? ral Thomas, who only said, "Duel bed-d. All nonsense to talk about stich a thing. I saw Lord, and the affair is settled." Not satisfied yet, the inquirer hunted np Mr. Lord at the breakfast table, who, being Interrogated, said: "I bave ?reel ved no challenge. If such a document was sent lt was never delivered. One of the Colonel's friends came to me and mentioned something about Colonel Armes being insulted at something I hod said. I saw that the Colonel wanted to gain notoriety, and I did not propose to have him do so by ? using me. "Then you deny having received any chal? lenge at all ?" said the correspondent "Most emphatically," replied Mr. Lord; "I don't believe he dare send a challenge, for it isa State prison offence." "Did yon send bim any apology ?" t- "No, sir," replied Mr. Lord; "he brought up a lot of farm hands to run in a tournament, and made a fifty-cent show ol' tbe affair. I did not want my name connected with it, and that J waa all there was about lt". Hailroa?e. gOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, June 1, 1672 KXCCKS'ON TICKETS io Oreen ville, Anderson anil Walhalla have been pur. on sale TC-DAT, and will continue ou aale until 1st September. Uood to return unm m November. Baggage checket' rough, price to Greeuvil. ?nd Return $17 80. Price to Anderson and Return $16 70. Price to Walhalla and Return $10 30. Price to Spartanburg and Return $15 30. tixcurolou Tickets also on sale to Catoosa SprlDgs (dad-price $24. The above Tickets on sale at the Line street Depot, and at the Charleston Hotel. S. B. PICKENS, A. L. TYLER, juul O. T. A. vice-President. gOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. OHAKi.KST.iN, rv ll.. Ma; 10, 1 512. un ami after SUNDAY, May 19, tue Fussen ger Tralus on the South Carolina Railroad will ran as follows: FOR AfdUSTA. Leave Charleston. 8.10 A U Arrive at Augusta.4.26 p * ros COLUMBIA. Leave charleston.8.10 A H Arrive at Columbia.4.06 p w FOB. CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.7.40 A M Arrive at Charleston.3.20 p M Leave Columbia. 7.40 A m Arrive at Charleston.3.20 r a AUGUSTA NIOUT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.20 PM Arrive at Aagusia. coo A N Leave Augusta.?.7.40 v Arrive at Charleston.0.46 A M COLUMBIA M?HT BXPnKSS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave charleston. 8.20 p u Arrive at columbia.6.40 A M Lt a vc Columbia..;. <f-6o p a Arrive ai Charleston. 5.66 A M ilMMEKVlLLU TRAIN. Leave Summerville ut. 7.26 A II ?.r: ive ai charicstcu at. 8.46 A ll Leave Charlestou at. 3.30 p M Arrive at ?nmmervide at.4.45 v a C-UD3.N B3ANCIL Leave Camden.6.16 A M Arrive ut Columbia.10.40 A M Leave ?olumbla. 1.46 p u Arrive at Camden. 6.26 v a Buy and Night Trains connect at Augusta with Macon and Augusta Railroad, Central Railroad and Georgia Railroad. This ls the quickest and most direct route and as comfortable and cheap as any oi her route to Louisville, Cincinnati. Chicago, st. Louis and all other points West and Northwest. Columbia Nignt Train connects with Greenville and columbia Railroad; and Day and Night Trams connect with Charlotte Road. Ttl rough tickets ou sale via this route to all points North. Camden Train connects at Ringville dally (ex? cept sundays) with Day Passenger Train, and runs through to Columbia. A. L. TYLER, vice-President a. t?. PICKENS, g. T. A._Jan 19 NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COM PANY. CHARLESTON, b. C., June 8, 1872. Trains will leave Charleston Dally at 10.16 A. M. and 8.00 P. M. Arrive at Charleston 6.00 A. M. (Mondays ex? cepted) and 3 P. M. Train does not leave Charleston 8.00 P. M., SUN? DAYS. Train leavlug 10.16 A. M. makes through connec? tion to New York, via Richmond and Acqula Creek ouly, going through in 44 hours. Passengers leaving by 8.00 P. M. Train have choke of route, via Rlchmoud and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Ballimore. Those leaving FRIDAY by this Train lay aver on SUNDAY lu Bal tl more. Those leaving on SATUHDAY runaln SUN DAV lu Wilmington, N. C. TniH is tue cheapest, quickest and roost pleas, ant route to cincinnati, cnicago aud other poluta Weat aud No i ti weat, both Trains making con? nection* at Warnung ton with Western Trains ol Baltimore and ohio Railroad. S. S. SOLOMONS, Engineer and Superintendent. P. !.. CLEA POR, Gen. Ticket Agent. may21 S AV AN NAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. CHARLESTON, Jane 13, 1872. on and after MONDAY. June 17th, the Pas? senger Trains on this Road will run as follows: EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Charleston dally.3.30 p. M. Arrive ut savanna! -lally.0.46 P. M. Leavo Savannah dally.11.30 P. M. Arrive ut Charleston dally. 7 A.M. DAY TRAIN. Leave Charleston, Sundays excepted.. 7.40 A. M Arrive at Savannah, Sundays excepted. 3.30 r. M Leave Savannah, Sundays excepted... ll A. M. Arrive at Charleston, Sundays exe'ted. e.60 p. M. Passengers from Charleston by 3.30 P. M. train make close connection with Port Royal Railroad tor Beaufort,, (Sundays excepted.) Freight forwarded dally ou through bills of lad lng to points in Florida and by savannah Hue ol steamships to Bostou. Prompt dispatch given te freights for Beaufort and points on Port Roya1 Railroad aud a:- as low rates as by any other line Tickets on sale at this otllce for Beaufort over Port Royal Railroad. C. S. GADSDEN, Engineer and Superintendent s. C. BOYLSTON, Gon'l Ft. aud Ticket Agent |unl4_ (Sloucs, Rosiers, &z. CHOSSON'S CFLEBRATED KID AND CASTOR GLOVE, FROM ONS TO SIX BUTTONS. Black, White, Light, Mode and Dark. All the new fancy colors to match the prevailing shades of Silks and Dress Goods. For sale, wholesale and retail, by ARNOLD, CONSTABLE & CO., NEW YORK, SOLE AGENT FOR THE 0N1TED ST ATI'S. aug!6 thm4moB Campaign ?oo?s. CAMPAIGN GOODS. FLAGS, PAPER BALLOONS, Q ARDEN LAN? TERNS, Ac, Ac J. E. a RUM n AC ll A CO., Manufacturers, No. 215 Fulton street, Catalogues free. New York. augl9-l2 Cigars, ttobacco, &c EMPEROR WILLIAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURING CIGAR AND TOBACCO HOUSE No. ?IO KING STREET, THREE DOORS SOUTH OF SOCIETY STREET. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Of all kinds. PIPES of every quality. Call and examine stock before buying else where. WILLIAM SCHRODER, Proprietor. N. B.-The Wheel of Fortune constantly on hand, invest25 cents and try your lucr.. mniiT-nnAwivr FURNITURE REPAIRED AND RENO? VATED NEATLY, PROMPTLY, AND AT MODERATE RATES, By J. H. LU. FORD, rene smith Street, north of Wentworth. Orotencs, fMonors, &t. W. H. CH AFEE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 207 EAST BAY. Agents for Extern's Premium Trenton Crackers. Agents for McEwan's Sparkling Edinburg Ale. Agents for Guinness' Stout, Bottled by E. & J. Burke. Agents for Bass' Pale Ale, Bottled by E. & J. Burke. OFFER TO THE TRADE A FOLL AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OF GRO? CERIES. WINES, LIQUORS AND PROVISIONS, at prices that will compare favorably with RD j market in the United States. ang27-tQth8e (MM? STOUT MD BASS & CO. PALE Jil" BOTTLED BY E. & J. BURKE, DUBLIN. IN STORE : . Of\ CASKS EXTRA STOUT (PORTER,) PINTS. DU ?0 casks Baas A co. Pale Ale, pints. TO ARRIVE, EX BARK "GRANTON," FROM LIVERPOOL, 100 casks GUINNESS' STOUT, pints. 60 casks Bass ? Co. Pale Ale, pints. The quality and superior bottling of these brands make them the most desirable In market. FOR SALE BY aojr27-tuth86 W. H. CHAFE E & CO., NO. 207 EAST BAY. LIQUORS, WIRES, &c. BARRELS AND HALF BARRELS RYE, Corn and Bourbon Whiskey arrels anti hair barrels F roach and Domestic Brandies arrela and hair barrels Holland and Domestic (Un arrela and hair barrels N. E. Ram arreis and bair barrels Blackberry, Ohenyand Qlogrr Brandy garter casks and octaves Sherry and Port Wine uarter and hair casks Claret Wine ases Whiskey. Brandy, Port, Sherry, Madeira J and Claret Wines, Schiedam Schnapps, Rasp? berry and Lemon Syrup. Oharee's T.>nlc Bit? ters, Cabinet and Dry veizenay Champagne, quarti and pinta; Cordials, Ac. Ac. For sale by W. U. OHApEK ? CO., augtf-tuthsa No. 2u7 East Bay. IRISH WHISKEY. JAMISON'S DUBLIN WHISKEY. Landing ex-Qeorglnna from Liverpool. For sale hy W. U. CHAFES A CO., aug27-tuihgfl_No. 207 Eaat Boy. BRANDY FRUIT. 'f\ BOXES FiiENCH CHERRIES IN )\J BRANDY no boxes American Peaches In Brandy. For sale low by W. U. CHAFEK A CO., ang27-tuths6_No. 207 East Bay. CANNED GOODS. OYSTERS-ONE AND TWO POUND J CANS Lobsters-one aud two pound Cans Salmon-one and two pouud Cans Peaches-two pound Cans Pineapples-two pound Cans Tomatoea-two pound Can? Condensed Milk, Sardines. Ac For sale by W. II. CUAFEE & CO., ang27 tuthse No. 207 East Bay MOLASSES. I (\ IIHDS. SUGAR-HODSF. MOLASSES T\J 76 bula Sugar-Bouse Molasses 10 hilda. Muscovado Molasses arrela Diamond Drip*. Golden Syrup, New Or? leans and Florida Molasses. For salo by W. U. CH v KKK A CO.. MgxT-tathafl_No. 207 East Bay. COLEMAN'S MUSTARD. rN QUARTER POUND AND SIX POUND L CANS. For sale by W. II. CHAFFE A CO., augtf-tuthso No. 207 East Bay. Slgricnunral iii at Ijitu r n. WRIGHT & WARNOCK'S ANTI-FRICTION HORSE POWER, PATENTED OCTOBER 10, 1871. Wc take pleasure in presenting to the planters nd public a Uoraa Power gotten up by Messrs V RIG HT A WARNOCK, or Barnwell and Beau art Counties, S. C. which ts a most p .7 rect mu? lline Tlie said Power will give greater speed at he expense ot less power than anything yet lu ise; ls strone simple and durable. Can be used rlth equal ease tor gluulug cotton, threshing ;rain, pumping water, Ac. Will, ou a forty-saw ;ln in good order, with two mules, moderare ;alt. glu 1500 pounds lint colton per day; brisk (riving 2000 pounds. One mule can pull lt; light or two. lt sits In a trame In the house;can be .rranged to gin with the gin aud gear sitting on he ground. Auother important reature or this Power ls hat the rialng or railing or the door ot the house toes not infec?. Hie working ot the gear lu any vay. Thia Isa Southern enterprise, an 1 n > humhug Price $125, and rrelght, ready rur putting up. (1. H. KIRKLAND and W. A. Cd ARK. Allendale, S. C., Agents ror South Carolina. O. H. KIRKLAND, Agent for North Carolina. REFERENCES: dev. Mcasrs. Joseph A. Lawton* and Joseph itOrttick,* or the Savannah River Assncia .1(10. Allendale; captain W. u. Bonick,* Ali?n? tale; Rev. Molars. 1). J. Simmons and P. Milton {eunedy, or the South Carolina Courereuce; Cen .ral Johnson llagond, Barnwell Courthouse; Juptam R 1?. semi. Columbi ?; F.J. Pelzcr, Esq., ind Messrs. Heeder k Davis, Charleston, S. c. .those marked thus have seen the Power at york. iiins-tiitiianacimna QUICK TRANSIT-THE QUESTION SEITLEO.-While engineers and capitalists ? uv laying their heads together fei Bend through space with bird-like swirtness, lt may be I ia well to state that the ??UICKKST I'OSSIBLB n: ASSIT from a state of debility and despondency j to a condition or health and vigor ls secured by | the use or i'arrant M Effervescent Seltzer Aperient. mia most refreshing and delightful ol tblrat juenchlng draughts ls a positive specific for lyspepsia, feverishness, an overflow or bile, con ttipatlon, nervous weakness, sick headache, and Ul disorders of the digestive, secretive and ex? cretive organs. The true article is procurable at ul drug stores. augl9-l2 McE WA VS SPARKLING ALE. i)Ar,CA?KSOF THE ABOVE CELE ?\J\J B HAT KD Brand, to arrive and in biure. For sale by W. H. CHAFER & 00., aug27-stutb6 No. 20T East Bay. FRENCH BRANDY. nf\ CASES BRANDT, "SEIGNETTE J VJ A LOIN"-bottled in France. For sale at prices less than cost or importation, by ?V. H. CU A Kr K V CU., aug27 stnthe No. 207 East Bay. BUTTER, CHEESE AND LARD. WEARE NOW RECEIVING WEEKLY Supplies ni the cQoloest quality or above, which we offer at low prices to the trade. W. H. CU AFEE A CO., aug27-stnth6 No. 207 East Bay. FLOUR. OA?1 BARRELS FRESH GROUND ?\J\J TENNESSEE FLOUR, from new wheat. For sale by W. H. CBAFEE ft CO., ang27 stuth6 No. 207 East Bay. SUGAR. S)IJ HHDS. DEMERARA SUGAR ? i 60 bbls Demerara Sugar 18 hhds Porto Rico Sugar 40 bbls Forio Rico Su?ar 36 bbl? Votasses sugars Io store and to arrive, for sale by W. ti. OH AFEE A CO., aog27 stuthe No. 207 East Bay. FULTON MARKET BEEF. IN HALF AND QUARTER BARRELS. For sale by W. H. CHAFE ti A CO., au?27-Htutti6 No. 207 East Buy. NEW FISH. MACKEREL, SALMON AMD HER? RINGS, packing nf 1872. For sale by W. H. OHAhEK A CO., aug27-Btuth6 No. 207 EsBt Bay. LIVERPOOL SILT. 1AAA SACKS COARSE SALT WJ \J\) 60 sacks Fine Salt, lu tlueoider, standard weights. For sale by W. H. CHAFER A CO., aug27-stuth6 No. 207 East Bay. (Engines, itlacrjiiurg, &t. STEAM ENGINES PORTABLE. STATIONARY AND AGRICULTU? RAL ENQ1NES, two to fifty horse power Circular Saw Mills, Grist Mills Long and Short Cotton Oms Gum and Leather Belting Sperm, Lard, Tanners', Linseed, Paraphlne, White Oak oils. Tallow, Ac, Ac Eugine and Mill Supplies In great variety. CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., CORNER MEETING AND CUMBERLAND STS. aufr22-2mo8 6!) irte aub darius tiing ?coba. To Make Room'For FALL GOODS E. SCOTT, MEETING 8TREET, OPPOSITE MARKET HALL, IS NOW CLOSING O?T HIS UNEQUALLED STOCK OF mi INCLUDING THE FAMOUS STAR SHIRTS, JK. T OOST?! CALL AND EXAMINE FOR YOURSELVES 1 noni Jtotatt MeaicltUB. SIMMONS'S HEPATIC COMPOUND, On LIVER CURE, 1 FOR ALL DERANGEMENTS OF THE LITER, SSH, KIDNEYS, STOMACH AND BOWELS. T.ils well known preparation ls a great improvement upon the Original Recipe of A. Q. SIMMONS, of Georgi ?, the first proprietor or .SIMMONS'S LIVER REGULATOR. II la pa t np in linnie; fora, which saves tronble and wnlou guarantee* lia proper proportions, and la much lower la price than the pre? pared 'Simmons's Liver Regulator." flnadreds or rt liable testimonials, of IC3 great-value, from among the ben citizens of Georgia. Florida, North and South Carolina, are io possession of the pro? prietor*, and will be given to the publlo fromtlm? to time. - It ls pat np in large bottles, ready for immediate use, and la for sale at Retail by C. F. PANKN1N, DR. H. BAER, G. W. AIMAR, and at Wholesale by angl-thstuSmos JOS. BLACKMAN, G. J. LUHN, 0. A. BARBOT, W. A. SERINE, ?? ?? EDW. S.BrRNHAM, ECKEL A CO., . . GRAMAR A SOB WACKE, A. M. COHEN. A. .RAOUL, DO WIE, MOISE & DAVIS, AGENTS FOR SOUTH CAROLINA. (Cotton Sics. THE ?WALLIS" TIE. ? 2 ? " S h I Sf ??iif the^TiSV?rsftfclS?S ? Iron\. ?^"? and raPldl' fasted. Having received a fall supply of ordere. which have given such general satisfaction the past sedsoS. I am prepared to nil all angl7-stnthD*olmo ?j. rv. ROBSON, Nos. 68 East Bay and l and a Atlanilo Wharf. X>?Y GOOD?7 DEY GOODS ! DEY GOODS ! CLOSING-OUT SALE OP THE BEST STOCK OF DRY GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES AT FUECHGrOTT, BENEDICT & CO., NO. 244 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. PHEVIOTJS TO REMOVING TO OUR NEW STORE, 3VO. 275 KIIVCS- STREET, BROWNING'S OLD STAND, All of OUT doods on Hand now will be Sold at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. FUECHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., _NO. 244 KING- STREET._: Robson's ftooertisemeitt. J. IV. ROBSON, HAVING AMPLE MEANS FOR ADVANCES, A BUSINESS EXPERIENCE OF twenty years, and confining himself strictly to a Commission Buslnoaa, without operating in lils own account, respectfully solicit? consign meats of Cotton, Flour, Cora, Wheat, Ac. snippers sf produce to him may. ut their option, have their consignments sold either la Charleston or New York, thus having the advantage of two marketa without extra commissions Reference*-Bishop W. M. Wightman. 8. C.; Colomsl Wm. Johnson, Gtiarlotte, N. C.; Rev. T. O. Summers.D. D., Tennessee; Hon. Jolm P. Klag, Angosta, Ga.; Messrs. G. W. Williams A Co., Charles? ton, S. C.; Messrs. Williams, Birnie A Co.. New York. AB the HPKCIAL AGENT FOR THE STATE OF DUPONT'S GUNPOWDER, I will always keep a rall stock of all kinds at. Magazine. The loug experience or Messrs. Dupont, in the manufacture ot (J un - powder, makes lt uunece??ary to say more than that I guarantee the quality or every package. Price as low as any other Powder la the market. Persoos ordering please name DUPUNT. MARYLAND STEAM SUGAR REFINING COMPANY. As Agent ror the MARYLAND STEAM SUGAR REFINERY OF BALTIMORE, I will keep constantly on hand a full assortment or Crushed. Powdered, Granulated, A White, B. White, C Extra, 0 Yel? low a so Amber Drips la barrell, which I offer at manufacturera' prices, rre?ght added. Any chauge in price being reported dally by telegraph, thus giving the trade the advantage of lt. Am also Agent for the celebrated brands of Family Flour manufactured Dy Messrs. DAVIS A EMMONS. of St. Louis, which I can recommend tn every respect; pat up in Ninety-eight Pound Bags and BarrciH-BEST AND GOLD DUST, Cholee Family, Home Mill Medium Family, Santa Marla Good Family. Also several of the beat Milla la Virginia, Georgia and Tennessee. As agent for WHITTAKER A SON'S CELEBRATED HAMS, Anderson H 's Co. Beargrass Hams Fairbank Peck A Co.'s Caddy Lard, Werk A Uo.'s Caudles, Samuel i.eonard A Son Caadles. Johnson A ciemeut.8 Corn Starch, James Beatty A Co.'s Crackers.cases, .i c., Soaps or all varieties, Mackerel i n kits und hair barrels. Ludlow Brand or Gunny cloth, Baling Twine. Ac, Ac; and aa I devote myself exclusively to a Commission Business and all the goods aro received direct rroa factory and neither sell nor tiny on my own account, would reapectruliy call thc attention of the trade to my facilities far doing bUKiucBfl, and the inducements offered to purchasers.' Having an experience or over twenty years, and having Just erected a large and commodious store in addition to my others, 1 am fully prepared fur business. ENGLISH SUPERPHOSPHATE OP LIME, Imponed direct, rrorn Llverpool,and guaranteed to contain twenty-rour per cent, or Soluble Phos? phate or Lime. PERUVIAN GUANO, DIRECT FROM THE AGENT, WARRANTED PURE. For sale at market rates. BAUGH'3 RAW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE, FLOUR OF BONE; DISSOLVED BONE, PLASTER OR GYPSUM. Always on hand, and aa every shipment ls analyzed on arrival, Planters can roly on getting the same article, and rally up to standard. SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. The highly satlsractory and remarkable effects or this Guano In producing very lar8e'T'D,crea8^'} cropB of Cotton, corn and other staple crops, has attracted the general attention or Planters ana Farmers. _ J. TV. ROBSON, i Janl2-UHhs AGENT FOR THE STATE, Not. I and 3 Atlantic Wharf and 08 East Bay, cnarlest??. la iront of Mitts Hoa<e'St?bIes, '' . "?'^ lMnle. Tels s ock ls sold for no fault, bat to-jMJ charges and li vary bilL aog28. Ruction &a?t*~'f ?pitt IggB^^i T -sr wu. MCKAY. ELEGANT P?RNIT?BE OF A FAMILY - Declining Housekeeping. Will tee sold at toe Private Residence.No. as coming ?qsMfacp : posite Montague street, on TDESDAf, v tember, at io" o'clock. PARLOR FOB! Marble-Top Centre Tables, Marbl?-Top sets, HldebOArdSrvExtenstoa -Dining-Table, car? peta. Hair and wool Msanrwes; Liaent ^lintots J Pillows, Parlor and ; Cooking Stoves? ?U.-Della, crockery and Glassware, ope ; ?X-octave BosewooiPlano, one.- " bred'Mare, Baggy anid Harness. Slr rt gs at C?rjoU?ale. WHY SHAKE AHD BURN WITH . . ?: it- . . ? us:a ;.:-t?i arr CHILLS ?ND; FEVER? SILVXB SnUHQS, NS AB OCILA, FUu.l ' Maren OBTL . i. . MSSSBS. Do wis, Hors? A DATO. CHABUSTO*. S. u -Dear Bira: I regard MOUE'S FEVER -AHD AGUE PILLS aa a certain care, and a blessing to all living in the malarious districts of the sooth, and particularly ia the everglades of oar State.. very respectfully, yours,' IAS. B. OWENS, M> D. KINOSTBKS, S. C., December 31, UTO. f . MR. B. P. Moms, CHARLESTON, s. c.-Dear Sin 1 have used your FEVER AND AGUE PILLS ta my practice inls lall, and have never m the Ant Instance failed to relieve my patients. I nan now frequent callB In my drug store for them, and I always recommend them, and with the nappiest results. I wish that yon may have the satisfac Hm of k?owlng that your "Fever*?! T*>P? Pills" have relieved many nuder my treatment, when other medicines that I have tried HATS failed todo. . . -J *?PS:*IW228?$ih ?tf J. S. BROCKINGTON.M. D.. MKHOATUBS, BABHWmX DrsT., s. c., ) . .. ? ?? -' tJi Joly 13,1871. ?:5:|if ? MR. B. F. MOISE-Dear Slr: In- reply to yon question as to what bas been the success of your FEVER AND AGUE PILLS, that been sold by us, we would ? say as far as we know, they have given satire satisfaction. We shall continue to recommend them. ' " '".'V.."^* Yours, respectfully, W. T. BLANTON A SOS. NSAR GEEKS POND, 8. A O. B. .B/ri; Notemoet lli lBTO.'. MR. B. F. Moiss-Dear Slr: 1 amglatf'toi*? your FF.VER AND AGUE PILLS at?aU^OOClaim for them. I have used them m m? family and on my place, and lu every casa they have proved ef? fectual; some of the cases I had t loagnt chronic, as they have lasted over two years. To- no case wai more than a single box required, tad uno case has the disease returu ed, and lt ls over turee months ago since I used them. . ^ ' Tours, ac, ?. wiUKia. QOUKDIN'8 DSTOT, N. E. B. R.. Sept. 16; lVtL : MESSRS. DOWIR, aloras A DAVis-^airsr I am im? proving in healtn almost as fastas I cm, laboring under dur?rent old chronlo ?"^???i^J00? MOIRE'S FEVER AND AGUE PILLS, SftSftSUfl 10 dliections, and lind ihem the best medicine I have ever taken, and they have made a complete cure of Chilla and Fever on me, and my caa? was oae ef the worst. . ... ?. Your bumble servant. WILLIAM J. BRADLEY,1 '. Peedee Railroad Bridge Keeper. - They contain no arsenic or poisonous togre dlents or any tlnd-nothing In the least degree inju.lous to the system nader sny circumstances -und may be administered wita perfects**!** to aa Infant. ?. They never fall to oura the most obstinate caw when taken as directed.. Sold by Dr uga IBU and Dealers everywhere. ? DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Proprietors and Wholesale Druggist*, , MayM-ihs5mo charleston, 8,'Ot' GAUDICHAUDS SANDALWOOD ; , U ? . -?>? A RELIABLE REMEDY FOR ALL DISBABtt Of THE URINARY ORGANS. . ? Thiels a Solid Extract; and ls recommended es? peclally for Druggists' and Physician's use in pr? scrlptlons. The quality and umfom strength is guaranteed. This Extract ls superior to copatoa and Oubebs, or plain Oil of bandai. Unlike most preparations of. this class, lt does not nauseate.. The tesumonlals of hundreds in public and pri? vate ure, who have boen cored by this pf**" T Hon could be added; but the proprietor r* to stand upon Its own merits, andonis -,. single trial to convince the afflicted of Its efflesey. Circulars and samples ou be obtained by Phy? sicians ou application to >. . li - ona *r.i> HOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS* ,. , Agents for So. Ca., Charleston, s. 0. t Joly8-atith3mos ., SIMMONS1 REGULATOR This unrivalled Medicine ls warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any ln Juilous mineral substance, butta PURELY VEGETABLE. For forty years lt bas proved Its great value In all diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of tho good and great in ali paru of the country vouch for Ita wonderful and peculiar power in purifying the Blood, stimulating the' t< rpid Liver and Bowels, and Imparting new life' and vigor t> the whole system. SIMMONS'S LIVER REGULATOR is acknowledged to hAvo no equal as a LIVER MEDICINE. It contains four medical elements, never united in the same happy proportion in any other pre? paration, viz: a gentle Cathartic, a wonderful Tonio, an unexceptionable Alterative and a cer? tain corrective or all impurities or the body. Buch signal success has attended its use that lils now regarded as the GREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Liver Complaint and the palnfol offspring thereof, to wit: Dyspepsia, Constipation, Jaun? dice, Bilious attacks, Sick Headache, Colic De? pression of Spirits, Soar stomach. Heart Born, Ac, Ac. Regulate the Liver and prevent . - CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS'S LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured only by . J. H ZEILIN* CO.. Macon, Ga. and pnliadelpnla. PRICE-$1 per package; sent by maU postage paid. $1 26. Prepared ready for ase In bottles, $1 50* SOLD BT ALL D^GGISTS. ?; ? " ja- Beware or all counterfeits and lmita I tiona. ang8-thatnP4w?jnos rr-=^^?LD?MITH & SON, COLONNADE ROW, VENDUE RANGE eignest Cash Price paid for WOOL, WAX ewes, Skins, Paper Stock:, Iron, and all Undi o Metals. . ALSO, Dealers in COTTON, Naval Storesand Scott* Pig Iren. mayao-mwfiyr