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TERMS OE TM* MEWS. TH, DAILT NswaTby Wi one year, $?; alx monta- i* three month. $?60. Served In the umwaweek, payable to the car Flan, or SB a jear, paid ? advance at the office. TH'B TBI-WIKLT Nsws, published on Tuesdays, Tftaradays and Saturday*, one year $4; six mon*3 60; three montas $136 TH? wtrnr Nmra, one year la. Six copies tlO. Ten copies, to one add ross, $16. . .'?oBwaimQKS in all oases payable in advance ind ho paper continued after the expiration of the time paid Ter. Noncxa of Winks, To Rent, Lost and Found, Bcajdlng.'??.'not exceeding so words, 36 cents each insertion; over 30, aud not exceeding 80 words, 40 cent* each insertion; over so, and not exceeding 40 words, 60 oe nts each insertion. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A 00., No. 149 Kart Bay, charleston, s. u. THURSDAY. AUGUST 29, 1872. SEWS OE THE DAT. -Manton Marble, of the World, lt ls said, la ] in so feeble a state of health as to preclude al hope Of his recovery. -The Insanity of the Empress Charlotte is said to have again assumed an acute obarac ter. The condition of the unhappy sufferer ls -very distressing, and her death ls Imminent. . -The Parisian journals are not slow to ex? press opinions very decidedly adverse to the . claims ot Mr. Stanley. The whole history - they regard as a colossal hoax. The letters purporting to have come from the veteran explorer's own pen they denounce as forge? ries. Livingstone himself they believe to be dead, and on that condition only do they think -it probable that Mr. Stanley would have braved detection and ventured to do what he has done. -The Paris Patrie sayB that some time ago the Prussian Government agreed to sell all the French chasse po tn taken during the war having need of the money and not designing to ute them for its own armies-to a political i or a military personage ft om Sooth America. Tte bargain waa concluded, and all that re? mained to be done was some formalities, when at the rery moment of delivery tbe Prussian Government suddenly changed its mind and broke orr the whole negotiations. At the last mome-'t the Berlin Cabinet learned that in this affair tb* Benth American was only an Intei xtsdiary, sc* that the arms bad been really . purchased by Russia. -A Chinese vessel was recently wrecked near the coast o? Formosa, and sixty-four ot the sailors, who were expert Bwimmera, reach? ed the rooky shore. They wandered about for ?even days, and then were seized by a party of cannibals, who wonld have eaten them had they not resisted with a desperation excusable imder the circumstances. They fled and again dwelt among the rooka, where tbe Sanfau can? nibals surrounded them and killed and ate all of them but twelve, who were lucky enough to get away and reach home. The Chinese Emperor hes been memorialized on the sub? ject, And says: "Let the Bufferers be rewarded aooordlDg to the will of the memorialist. Let the civil and military officers make speed to examine and punish the cannibals, that it may be seen bow we cherish the people in our bosom." - -At-a large meeting ol Virginia farmers, held reoently at Blobmond, a committee made a report on fertilizers, lo whloh they called the attention of the meeting to the frauds practiced In the manu raclure Of commercial fertilizers, both In the ase ot improper aod worthless materials and through Ignorance of, chemical combinations and scientific prlnol- j pies? The committee believed that the arti? cles; aa now manufactured, are by far too . high In price for the mannreal vaine they con? tain. They recommended the appoinment of J a committee by the farmers' meeting to me- [ mortaUze the General Assembly of Virginia to .take"Into consideration the propriety o? es? tablishing within the State the manufacture o? fertilisers ar a new, Important, self-sustaining industry, to be worked by the convicts In the penitentiary. The report of the committee was adopted. -It ls officially stated that three millions Of totters went to the dead letter office last year, and that they contained a sum exceed? ing three millions of dollars In money, drafts, checks, and ao forth. Ninety-two thousand dollars of this was In cash. It ls estimated, that on an average every letter that goes lato that office loses a dollar to so me one. Fifty eight thousand letters had no county or State direction, four hundred thousand lacked stamps, and three thousand were posted without any address at alt. What a com m en . tary ls this on the ali^nt-mindedness and vagaries o? our population. Part or the mis? takes arise, no doubt, from ignorance and from weak-mind., d person?, and a good many from that menta absorption characteristic of Our Intensely r?tive people. Of the four hundred thousr.nd letters going to tbe dead letter office fur the want of stamps a portion, probably, were stamped and Oncle Sam's Im? perfect glne wonld not stick. Curious ro? mances might be woven out or tbe lost let? ters. The extraordinary facts thus officially ! reported ought to have the eile;' o? making oar people more careful io stamping, ad? dressing and mailing their letters. -A letter from the conquered City or Metz says 'that the state o? affairs there dally be comes more alarming. The population co ti? ti nues to diminish more and more as the period Axed tor the "option" approaches its | termination; business is stagnant, and the | great capitalists have all gone. "All that the official papera say," continues the correspon? dent, ,kabout the colossal development which ia to be produced at Metz by the projected railways and other plans are mere castles in the air. Tbe Impoverishment or our city ls a ] sad reality staring ns in the face. The Immi? gration of Germans, it ls true, still continues j to be pretty active, and bas already added four j thousand to the population; but it must be re? membered that these people, though they fill the streets and empty houses, do not fill the purses of men of business. Those who come do so in order to earn money, and bring noth? ing with them but the will to work. It ls a sad f&ot that the government has found no remedy for the disaster which threatens the city, and that none of tbe German Immigrants have any prope: ty worth mentioning. Land can now be bad hereat almost nominal prices; unfurnished houses may be purchased for a mere song. It seems that no one in Germany will venture to bring his capital to Metz. The reason of this ls the universal belief that In the next inevitable war wltb France Metz will have to stand a siege." -"The dal mani"-whose trial for forgery, perjury and conspiracy ls drawing nigh-con tlnoas to make his astonishing triumphal pro? gress throughout England, under the auspices ol Mr. Whalley and Mr. Onslow, members of Parliament. At Leeds be speared for tour consecutive nights, before crowded audiences, ?^?lV^"T made ** admission; S?i^??^^^^Wto, "who IT waving of handkerchiefs, cheers, and a! .ympathy with him.? & Mftrnn ihat ?S J Hf ioma a 'Tichborne Cen e ELS" 1 tee? in each town and the Ueds com- I SUttee have sent to London papers an extra- i ordinary letter, 1? which they say: 'The minds of the people are agitated and gloomy, and we wonld entreat you to watch this Tich? borne question, and to take heed to the mut? terings of the approaching storm. The British people will not allow one of their number to be sent to Jail without cause. The results ol the late trial have alarmed the most thought? ful Englishmen, and have made this nation the laughing stock of the whole world. A firm conviction has taken hold of the public mind that the claimant bss not had a fair trial. A movement la now on foot, which it would be dangerous to Ignore. It ls dally, and we may say hourly,'acquiring fresh loree. We have entered on a crusade, and we shall never lay down our arms until Justice ls done, and the honor of the nation satisfied.' 80 It Beems that If "the claimant" ls convicted, there will be a revolution ! The whole of this affair presents one of the most strange Instances of J popular credulity on record. j?? REMOVAL OF THE PUBLICATION] OFFICE OF THE NEWS. On and after Monday next, the ?d of Sep? tember, THE CHABLESTON NBW9 will be in sued from its new Publication Office, No. 19 Broad street, the building formerly occupied by the Southwestern Railroad Bank. A "Straight-out" Recorft. Northern papers, speaking of Blanton Duncan, say that "after fighting in the "Confederate army until the collapse of the "rebellion," Ac. The Richmond Dispatch gives the real facts of tbe case. Mr. Don can went to Virginia at the bead of a Ken? tucky regiment aDd rendezvoused nt Har? per's Ferry under Jackson. Somehow or other he lost bis position through difficulties with those nuder his command or for some other canse. He soon left bis regiment either immediately after or jost before the battle of Manoseas, and did no more service in the army. He tamed h ls attention to lithography, and went into printing Confed? erate currency, taking a band also in block? ade- running, which he followed very actively -making in both ways, it was alleged, a ! great deal of money. This is about all the 1 fighting he did. Capital Punishment. At a late meeting ir> London of persons I from various countries, most of whom bad been brought there by the assemblage of tbe International Prison Congress, the abolition of the death penalty was the subject of dis? cussion. Daron von Holzendorff, a well I known German jurist, presided, and Rev. Mr. Bellows, of New York, was among the speakers. Among other things, it was stated that in nearly all countries pro? gress bad been made in the way of the abo? lition of capital punishment. lu various German States it bad been virtually abolish? ed for several years; absolutely abolished in several of the United States, and practically abolished In others; it had been totally abolished in Holland for twelve years, virtu? ally abolished In Belgium for ten years, to? tally abolished in Portugal for twenty years, and virtually abolished in Prussia for one hundred years, "excepting under certain "peculiar circumstances." In Sweden there had beeo only one execution ror many yea re. Io England there was still some hanging done, bnt it was "nearly abolished." Irv | 18T0 there were six executions, in 1871 only four, and of seven sentenced at the ?sst assizes only one was carried out. It ls unfor? tunate that this leniency in England has been followed by an unusual number of murders within the last two months. Conni Sollo hub, of Prussia, made a speech, io which he said that not ooly was capital punishment practically abolished in Prussia, bat the greatest penalty in the form of imprison? ment extended only over twenty years. He, however, should prefer the state or things existing in Bavaria, where the pen? alty of death might be inflicted, bat never was Inflicted, lt being commuted by the action of the sovereign to perpetual impris? onment He wonld have the penalty held ap in terrorem-be wonld even have the punishment or the rod; but. although the law of capital punishment might be judi? ciously kept in view of the criminal, he wonld not ha/e it enforced. Dr. Bellows, of New York, also .nade a speech in favor of abolishing capital punishment, which aboli? tion, as a French wit said, would be all very well if oar friends, the assassins, would only set the example. Th? Se? of Baltimore. The new Archbishop of Baltimore, James Roosevelt Bayley, who has just been ap? pointed Roman Catholic Archbishop of the Province of Baltimore, is a native of New York City, born in 1814. He Btudied for the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church, was ordained and for some time was rector of a parish at Harlem, N. Y. Having ex? perienced a change in his religious views, be joined the Roman Catholic Church, and went lo Paris to pursue bis theological studies io tho Seminary of Saint Sulpice. Returning to the United States, he was or? dained priest in 1842, and shortly afterwards was appointed vice-President or SL John's Roman Catholic College, Fordham, N. Y., and was subsequently made President of that institution. When St. John's College was transferred to the Jesuit Fathers, be was appointed secretary to the Roman Cath? olic Diocese of New York, and held that position until he was consecrated Bishop of the new Diocese of Newark, October 30, 1853. During his energetic administration of the affairs of the Diocese of Newark, Bishop Bayley founded Seton Hall College, at Orange, N. J., the Academies or the Sis? ters of Charity, at Madison, N. J., and the Houses of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, at Newark and at Jersey City. He also introduced several religious orders into his diocese, and established the Benedictine Priory at Newark, and the Passionist Monas? tery of St. Michael, at West Hoboken. Bishop Bayley is also an author, and has published a "Sketch of the History of the "Catholic Church in New York," anda "Life "of Simon Gabriel Brute," first BiBhop of Df Vincennes, Ind. The decree appointing Bishop Bayley as Archbishop or the Province sr Baltimore was signed in Rome, on Joly 24. The Province or Baltimore includes the Dioceses of Baltimore, Charleston, Erie, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Rich? mond, Savannah, Scranton, Wheeling, Wil? mington and St. Augustine, and the Vicari ite of North Carolina. Oar Mortem Moses. SCMTKR, S. C., August 27. TO THE EDITOR OF THE NEWS. An the nomination of F. J. Moses, Jr., for Governor, Beems to be almost equivalent to his election, your readers may like to know what ls thought of the "coming man" in this, his native place. That he has ability, no one will deny, and that he is generoua and good? hearted, and has the manners ot a gentleman, all admit; but as to his moral qualities, and his probable course when he gets into power, opinions differ widely. One class of persons, among whom are our best citizens, look upon F. J.Moses, Jr., os I about the worst man In the Radical ranks. Tbey believe that he ls devoid ol morai per? ceptions, and will not hesitate, when he has tbe opportunity, to perpetrate any fraud upon the finances of the State, In order to gratify his unbounded appetite for pleasure, and to Indulge bis limitless extravagance. This class point to the ettie of his living, his eight horses, his elegant equipage, his splendidly furnished house, his English gardener, his ex? tensive grapery, and, knowing the moderate income which he can honestly command, do not doubt any of the stories that are current J concerning bis numerous peculations. They say he was without character before the war, behaved badly during the war, and bas only acted consistently since he has risen upon the scorn of the political whirlpool, In Indulging his own tastes at the expense of the people. They look upon the action of the Convention In nominating Moses on the first I ballot. In spite of the charges made against bim. and without any apparent desire to lo-1 vestigate the truth ot those charges, as con? clusivo evidence that the Radicale are perfect* ly Indifferent to the character of their candi? date. They do not take much comfort from the doings of the Bolters' Convention. Such men as James L. Orr and Whltlemore are not the persons to Inspire the people with respect and confidence; and, although the persons of whom I speak would gladly unite with any party who would put forward candidates whom they could trust, they do not regard the nomi? nees of the Bolters as answering to that de? scription. The better part of our community thus look upon the future with gloomy fore? bodings, and fear that the worst hos not yet been reached. There is another class of persons, small ia number but respectable, who, believing much } that is said of the past career ot Moses, yet ! look with hope to bis course as Governor. They think that he ls ambitious ot making a reputation for himself, and of gaining the re I spect and confidence of those who constitute ' the wealth and character of the State. They believe that he will honestly apply his talents to the discharge of his official duties, and will ! do all he can te restore South Carolina to ber old proud position In the Union. They believe that, just os he bas deserted (he natural in? stincts of race and of education, to climb Into power upon the shoulders of the negroes, so will he, when In the chair ot State, kick from under him the ladder which he used for his own elevation, and endeavor to win the ap? probation ol the best people in the commu? nity. There seems to be something in this Idea, but lt locks this essential element-Buch i course requires courage, a quality which we have never heard the best friends of Moses I attribute to him. A third, and much the most numerous, class [ regard Moses os a second "Moses" In fact, I They think he ls pure, virtuous, noble, sin? cerely attached to the principles of "the ?party," and Incapable of betraying them. They believe he will and can redeem the State from all ber troubles, pay the debt, re-estab? lish her lost credit, educate the negroes, feed tbe hungry, clothe the naked; and after hav? ing mode the most splendid display of ability and cbaraoter will retire from office amidst I the plaudits of a grateful people, and when he dies will ascend to Heaven and sit at the side of Abraham Llncolu. JUNIUS. The Last or the Mexican Empire. The Mexican newspapers announce the J death in the City of Mexico, on the 18 tb of j July, of Don Angel de Iturblde, son ot the j Liberator of Mexico, Augustin, who, alter a brief reign as Emperor, was deposed, and, upon attempting to regain his power, put to death by the people whose independence he had achieved. The Iturblde family, after the death of the Emperor, received from Mexico, In recognition of his previous services, a handsome endowment both In lands and In ! money, and for many years they resided most? ly In this country, and particularly in Phila? delphia Don Angel married la the United j States a lady of Georgetown, D. C.-Miss j I Green, who survives bim-and by her was the ! father of one son, Augustin. This child was adopted by Maximilian as Prince Imperial during the Second Empire, or the immediate family of the Emperor Augustin, there are now living only one son, born shortly after the execution of his lather, Don Augustin Cosmo de Iturblde, a colonel In the Mexican army, but now a resident of Paris, and one daughter, 8enerlla Josephine de Iturblde, long and well known in Philadelphia, where she still has many friends In the best circles of | society. Senorita de Iturblde was recognized by the Emperor Maximilian as an Imperial princess, and, during the Second Empire, she resided with her little nephew In Mexico. She ls living at Bayonne, In France. Another son of the Emperor Augustin, Don Salvador, died some years ago, leaving a son, who bears his name. jpiANOS AND ORGANS. Famished at Factory Prices, for cash, or by j Monthly Payments on the most liberal terms. CHARLES L. McCLENAUAN, Plano and Music store, July3i-imo No. lot Kins street. ftgncnUnre, horticulture* U% ?pRUlT TREEsT^?u^ITli?IT? ORNAMENTAL TREES AND PLANTS, ?H?10B GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, Ac A splendid stock of the choicest varieties. Send for descriptive catalogue aud price list. All Trees well packed so as to carry safely to any part of the United state?. SMALL FRUITS AND SMALL PLANTS, of all Kinds. Bent by mall, postage paid, tu an; postonlce tn the United States. EDWARD J. EVANS A CO., Nurserymen and Seedsmen, Jnly26-tli4m(B York. Pa. B lOatclj?, JeoriTij, ?rr. ALL, B LACK" ls ~7fo?~ NOS. 665 AND 867 BROADWAY, Niw YORK, wtll continue the sale of their immense stock of SILVERWARE, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS daring the summer months. AU goods will be sold without reserve, at a great reduction, to ] olese the business. Janl0 Special Notices. a color--a Mei chan' from Sumter, arrived In thia etty yesterday, and will call on bis friends to-day. aug29-l* gm* NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC - Moreland's Wharr is not a Public Wharf aa some Ignorant people believe lt to be. My sign la quite sufficient to warn au not to trespass npon it. 1 will not allow any person to trade on Bald wharr without permission. ORO. F. HABEN1GHT. aug29-l CONSIGNEES FEB MERCHANTS' LINE Schooner LILLY, H agnes, Master, will send to Adger's North wharf for Cargo before sunset, or goods will be stored at their risk and ezpena e. No claims allowed after goods are removed. ROACH k MOFFETT, aug29-l Agents. fm- CONSIGNEES PER MERCHANTS' Line Schooner L. S. DAVIS will send to Adger's Wharf for doods before sunset, or they will be stored at their risk and expense. No claim al? lowed after goods are removed ROACH A MOFFETT, aogM-l Agents. $m* CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP GULF STREAM, from Philadelphia, are noti? fied that she ls discharging Cargo at Brown's Wharf. AU goods not removed by Bucset will I remain on wharr at cons gnees' risk and ex? pense. All claims must be made on wharf be? fore removal of goods. WM. A. COURTENAY, ' aui. 29 l Agent. pm* IS COMMON PLEAS-BEAUFORT COUNTY.-Ex part? BAILEY * COMPANY in re R. J. DA VAN r, Commissioner, VB. the Trastees of the College of Beaufort.-Pursuant to the order of the Hon. C. B. FARMER, Judge, In the above stated case, notice ta hereby given to all and singular the Judgment Creditors of WILLIAM H. WIOO. that said court has limited and allowed ninety days from the date or thu order lu which said Creditors may prove their claims before the un? dersigned, receiver, at his office, tn the Court? house at Beaufort. H. 0. JUDO, 0.0. P. Receiver. Beaufort, S. C., June 14, 1872. jnn23-eo , pm* BALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER cleanses the head from dand ra H. Give ita trial. aug24-stutb3 FOR COLDS, COUGHS, BRON 0BIT1S and all affections of the Lungs, take AYER'S CHEKBY PECTORAL. aug24-statb8 BATCHELORS HAIR DYE.-THIS superb Hair Dye ls the best in the world. Per? fectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints, or unpleas? ant odorJ The genuine W. A Batchelor 'a Hair j Dye produces Immediately a splendid black or natural brown.. Does not stain the skin, but leaves the hair clean, soft and beautiful. The only safo and perfect Dye. Sold by au druggists. Factory 16 Bond street, New York. mchS-totoalyr_ 5HT CLEAR AND HARMLESS AS WA TER- NATTANS'S CRYSTAL DISCOVERY F0K TUE HAIR.-A perfectly clear preparation tn one bottle, as easily applied aa water, for restoring to gray hair ita natural color aud youthful appear? ance, to eradicate and prevent dandruff, Lo pro? mote the growth of tho hair aud stop Its falling out. It ls entirely harmless, and perfectly free from any poisonous substance, aud will therefore take the place of all the dirty and unpleasant preparations now In use. Numerous testimonia a have been sent us from many of our most promi? nent citizens, some of which are subjoined. In everything lu wi; ich the articles now m use are objectionable, CRYSTAL DISCOVERY ls porfect, It ls warranted to contain neither Sugar of Lead, sulphur or Nitrate of silver, lt doon not aoll the clothes or scalp, la agreeably perfumed, and ma koa ou o of the best dreaatngs for the Hair lo use. It restores the color of the Hair "more per root anet uniformly may oilier preparation," and always does so tn from tr.rce to tea days, virtually reeding the roots of the Hair with all the nourishing qualities necessary to Ifs growth and healthy condition; lt restores the decayed and induces a new growth or the Hair more posi? tively than anything elae. The application of this won lorful discovery alao produces a pleasant and cooling effect on the scalp and gives the Hair a pleasing and elogont appearance. Price $1 a bottle. ARTHUR NATTA NS, Inventor and Proprietor, Washington, D. 0. For sole by the Agent, DH. li. BAER, No. 131 Meeting atroot, Charleston, S. 0. novis-otathiv pm- O N MARRI A G E. Happy relief for Young lien from the effectif of Errors aud Abuses In early Ufo. Manhood re? stored. Nervous debility cured. Impedimenta to Uarrlage removed. New method of treat? ment. New and remarkable remedies. Bootu aud Circulars sent free, In sealed envelopes. Ad dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 Sonta Ninth street. Philadelphia. Pa.* |? M. WATERS ft CO., (LATH WATERS, PIERCE & Co.,) BANKERS AND COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 06 BROAD STREET, NEW YORK, j Buy and sell contracts for Future Delivery or Cot? ton, strictly for a commission, so thar, no inter eat of our own can possibly conflict with that or our patrons. Befer, by permission, to Union National Bank ; People's Bank, New York. Correspondence solicited. augl3-lmo _ ddncononat. J^"RS. JOHNY. ?7 BLEECKER'S ~ FKbaOH AND ENGLISH HOME SCHOOL FOR YOUAG LADIES, No. 44 WEST FIFTT-FOURTU STREET, CENTRAL PARK, N. Y., WILL REOPEN SEPTEMBER 24, 1872. Miss PEU RAM, from Richmond, Va., ls asso? ciated with Mrs. BLEECKKK, and lins charge ur the higher English branches._augi?-imi J^JRS. SILVANUS REED'S ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. Nos. 6 AND 8 EAST FIFTV-THIRD STREET, (Formerly Park Avenue and Thirty Eighth Street.) Buildings erected for the purpose. The Ninth Year will commence October l, 1872. Mis. REED win be at home september 1; until theu her ad? dress la Navesluk, N, Y._auguimo THE HOME AND SCHOOL OP THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY COMMUNION. Applications for admission and readmission into the nome for Boys should he made ut once. Exercises begin tat or October. Apply to aog27-taths6 Kev. A. T. POKTEK, Rector. MUSIC-MR. E. A. RANSOME, OR? GANIST of the Church of the Holy Com? munion, and Teacher of Vocal Music at the Pub? lic schools of Charleston. Lessons on the Organ, Pianoforte, Melodcon, Harmonium, and In Vocal MoBic. Highest testimonials as to ability and aptitude for teaohlog. Address No. 41 ashley atreet-_aug3-stuthimo? CIVIL AND MEOHANIOAL ENGINEER. 1NG ac the Rensselaer Polytechnic instil me, i roy, N. Y. Instructions very practical. Advan? tages unsurpassed in this country. Graduates obtain excellent positions. Reopens September ii. For Annual Register, containing improved course of Study aud full particulars, add ess Prof. CHAS. DKQWNE, Director. angll-lmo Stimmer Reeorta. MOUNT "YERNOS HOTEL, NO. ? ^??-J!i.0NDMENT STREET, BALTIMORE J1*,",' ,?N EUROPEAN PLAN.-Thia favorite es laoiiB&ment, situated in one of the moat eligible positions In the city, on the highest ground, and consequently weU adapted for a Summer Resort, being comparatively cool In midsummer, mag nfflclently furnished with baths and other con? veniences on every floor, la now open for the re- 1 caption or ihoao contemplating a tour or pleasure the coming se is on. The cars ran within a square of the house. Coaches at all the stations, E. V. WESTCOTT, Proprietor. jun8-4mos iii ctl inga. ATTENTION, NATIONAL ZOUAVES. A Meet In? of yonr organization will be bela 'i HIS EVKNINO, to electa Fi,st President and Non? commissioned Officers. A prompt and ful! atten? dance la requeste i. By order of President. aug29 E. G. VOIGT. Secretary pro tem. "VTIAGARA FIEE ENGINE COMPANY, Xi No. 8.-Attend an Extra Meeting of your company, THIS KVKKINO, at 8 o'clock, as bastoees of Importance will be submitted for your con? sideration. - By order of the President. ang29 J. M. HOLLOWAY, Secretary. mame. WANTED, A MAN TO COOK AND BE useful about the bouse. Also, a small Girl. Apply at No. S Aiken'? row. ang29-l* WANTED, A WOMAN TO COOK FOR a smal> family on Sullivan's island. Go d recommendations required, Apply at No. 62 East Bay. _aug29-l* EMPLOYMENT WANTED BY A RE? SPECTABLE Mechanic of steady habits as ?i marni b. He wishes a steady place; bas no ob? jection to go in the country. ' Address E. H., at this office,_ang29 WANTED, A GOOD .COOK AND WASHER, without lncumbrances. Ap? ply, with recommendations, at No. 2 J Montague street._ang20- ? WANTED, A WHITE SERVANT GIRL to do Housework. Apply at No. 9S st. Phillp street._ ang28 WANTED, A COMPETENT COOK, TO whom liberal wageB will be paul. Good rete, enees required. Apply at No. 2Church streut. ang28-2? ._ WANTED, A HOUSE IN A PLEASANT and central location, contain lu? about seven roorrn; rent paid monthly. Ad.iresa 'House." NewB Office._Bug28-2?, WANTED, A HOUSE, CONTAINING twelve or fourteen rooms, In the lower part or tho city, on or near the line of the City Railway. Apply at this Office. bug24-8inth8* WANTED TO RENT, BY THE YEAR, a Hall in some central looality, suitable Tor a Social Club and Rifle Corps. Address, with full particulars, R c., at this office._ang20 AGENTLEMAN, WITH THE BEST testimonials, of good character and com? petency wishes a position as Teacher In some Bubiic institution, or as private tutor in a family, o objections to going into the country. Can teach Frenen, Latin, Greek, Piano and the other bran ches of a good education. Salary of not so great consideration as pleasant association. Ad? dress c. D. V., it the office of this paper. mayio_ WANTED TO INFORM THOSE NOT acquainted with the fact that the SOUTH? ERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY issues Joint Lite Policies, i asor lng the lives of partners in business, so that, on the death of either, the amount insured for ls paid to tue surviving party. lt also Insures imgband and wife on the same plan. EBEN COFFIN, Agent, No. 81 Broad street. mayl8 ?o?t anfe ionn?. L~0^,"ON SUNDAY, AUGUST 25T? between St. Philip's church and the Bat. tery, a Jointed GOLD BRACELET. The finder will be rewarded by leaving the same Kt this office. aug2v*i* ?ox fiau. FOR SALE, A JUDGMENT AGAINST J. HENRY ol'JKN, son of the late Henry ui jen, for Seventy-live uoliai a. Will be sold st a Ulscountat MEN KB A MULLER'S._augitt FOR SALE, HORSE, BUGGY, HAR? NESS and WU1P-Gentlemen's turnout. Apply at Charleston Hoi el atables. aog27-3? FOR SALE, TWENTY-HORSE POWER Stationary ENGINE ANO BOILER, In fair order. Price, $660. Also, a lot of SUAFl'lNG, Pulleys, Ac, at a bargain. CAMBRON, BARK '?KY A CO.-_aqgjj thatu EOR SALE, THE ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, in the store of the late T. tvEiuLY, deceased, No. 264 Klng-sireu; will be oirered for Bale, In buln, from thia date, until the 31st day of August, after which time, ir nut closed in bul?, it will be offered at retail. OfferB for the whole stock may be left at the store, or addressed to the subscriber, at his office, No. 80 Uroad street, wau will make known cue terms of sale. M. P. O'CONNOR, aug24-!?tatii4_Administrator. ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF SEWING MACHINES repaired op reasonable terms and at tho shortest notice, Also a row good se? cond-hand Machine? fur sale, very low. J. L. LCN s KO RD. s ad th street, north of wentworth. PLANTATION FOR SALE -GREAT BARGAIN-PORT ROYAL RAILROAD. lue subscriber, bel?g about to leave tue State, offers fur sale that valuable PLANTATION, called the "Yeoman's Tract," situated In barnwell coun? ty, near Jackson's Branch, waters of Lower Three Runs, coutalulng 9i9 acres. The Hue of the Port Royal Railroad ls lu close proximity to ft, and the splendid circular Saw MU) of Dr. J. C. Miller not more than a mlle from the richly-timbered portion of ihe estate. There aro about 300 acres cleared, producing splendid crops of cotton and corn. Last year 4 comfortable frame houses were erected by tho proprietor on the outer edge of tne body of tlmuer, aud the locality ls remarkably healthy. The Umbered portion (719 acres) presents as fine a body or virgin forest as tbe eye can meet with In this State, varying Irom tno smallest sized cap Umber to tho largest ranging tdze. i'o railroad contractors, lumbermen and tur pentlue distillers, no finer opportunity has ever been presented of realizing a lortune, as they nave the option of shipping to Savannah or Port Royal, elmer by water or rad. For further particulars, apply to the subscriber, or to li. M. THOMPSON, Esq.. Attorney at Law, winlaton, So. Ca., lu whose hands are the titles. Wlliiston, So. Ca., August 1st, 1872. augy ; . R. N. MILLER. So Bent. T~~0 RBNT, IN THU TOOTING TOWN of Oraugeburg, a Splendid STORE. Resi? dence uf seven ruows overhead, and Fine Fruit garden. Apply to M. K. Mcmaster, Orangeburg, S. C._aug2tf-2? TO RENT, ELEGANT AND SPACIOUS Apartments, centrally located, suitable for a lamiiy or a private club. Apply at No. 101 Meeting Btreet aug27-4* TO RENT, STORE No. 188 KING STREET, next to Singer Office, suitable for Dry Goods or Boots and shoes. Apply to Sluger Sewing Macidne Company._auglS-ihsiu rpo RENT, THAT DESIRABLE STORE JL comer King and Liberty streets, with or without bock store, suitable for any kind of business. Will be re ,teal from 1st of September. For particulars apply at Store. augS-imo JBoarmnc TWO SINGLE GENTLEMEN, OR GBN l'LEMAN AND WIFE, can bo accommoda? ted with board and pleasaut rooms lu a respect? able family. Address "H. A.," DAILY NEWS of. nee. . aug!4 ?egal Notices. ADMINISTRATOR'S N OTTO E.-ALL | persons having claims against the Estate ot tne late T. KEL.LV, deceased, are requested to present Hie same, duly attested, and thone In? debted to make pay meut to M. P. O'CONNOR, Administrator, Law Office No. 30 Broad Btreet, Charleston. angU4hsf Se m int] illa tl] ines HE NEW IM PROVED T WHEELER A WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST JS THE CHEAPEST. We are now selling these superior Machine* on Teu Dollar monthly payments. Adjusting and Repairing doue promptly. WHEELER * WILSON MANUF'U CO., aprt-lyr *">. 309 K,n* "tr?* T. OHTATEAU * co., DBALRB8 AND DISTILLERS OP TURPENTINE AND R08IN, OFFICE NO. 173 EAST BAT, CHABLKSTON, a U The highest prices paid for Crude, aprto-omofi_ QHAS. L1EBENBOOD, STEAM TURPENTINE DISTILLERY, AT FORKS OF ROAD, CHARLESTON, S. O. Offices-No. 128 Meeting street, and corner Line and Meeting streets. ?-Highest prices paid in Cash for Crude Turp?n tlne.-e? mohi9-amoi l?int Stock ?0mpttnrj. THE OH?BLKSTON JOINT STOCK COM* ni . JL ?/ the-beaeflt of the Mate Orphan asylum. UI.ASN NO.119-WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUgUSt 28. 69- 3-55-28- 2-54-53-38- 68- 4-27-48 l,LASSNo. 12U-WEDNESDAY F.VKNINO, A0ga8t28. 77-'52-11-17-67-28-57-34-10-25 -61-43 aug29 A. MORosu.swora Commissioner. TRUSSES, ~~ . . . , aOt every Size and Style. Abdominal Supporters Elastic Stockings, u_ Ac, Ac, Ac. For sale by DR, H. BAER, wholesale and Retail Druggist, _No. 131 Meei lng street. RUSSELL'S SOOTHING CORDIAL 1 This Preparation ls highly recommended by many of tne leading Physicians of Charleston, and ls always kept for sale, Whole-ale and Retail, by DR. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street. BRUSHES. A Full Assortment of ?he Beat Too'h Brashes Nail Brushes Hair Brashes Flesh Brashes Shaving Brashes . . _ Infant Brashes. For Bale by DR. H. BAER, _ No. 131 Meeting street. TO BAKERS I Dr. H. BAEK offers at the lowest market ratea the following article*, or which he a.ways keeps a good Block on hand: Carbonate or Ammonia-In Jars and in bulk Cream of Tartar-pure supere ar bonato of Soda Saleratus Fresh Hops-pressed and loose Ginger, ita ce and Ground UH ot Lemon Extract of Vanilla, made or the fresh bean For salo Wholesale ami Retail at UK. BABB'S Drng Store, '_No 131 Meeting street. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY, WITH DR. PIERCE'S NASAL DOUCHE AND DR. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY. Deblng'B Pile Remedy DeBlcg'8 Via Fags Dr. Uorsiord's Acid Phosphates Wllber's Cod ll ver Uli and Lime. For sale by DR. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeline street. p|"OMOOPATHIO REMEDIES. JUST RECEIVED, A FRESH SUPPLY. A fall Une or au the most approved Medicines of this School-in tinctures, powders and pellets; in ali dilutions and potencies. Also Family Medi? cine Cases, with Small's Practice For sale by DR. H. BAER, _No. 131 Meeting street TO PHOTOGRAPHERS ! DR, H. BAEK.No. 131 MEETING STREET, Keeps a tull assortment of Photographers' Chemi? cals, as aiao Pare Alcohol, Acetic Acid, Ac, Ac, all of which he MPj at the lowen prices._ VAN DEUSEN'SWORM CONFECTIONS. (Made of Pare saatonlne ) Pleasant, reliable and effectual; haa stood the teat of many years. For aale wholesale and Retail by DR. H. BAEK, No. 131 Meeting street. jy/j-JNERAL WATERS. WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS WATER, from the Celebrated Orecnnrier iVhlto sulphur Springs in Virginia Congress Water Geyser Water. For sale by DR. H. B A ER, _No. 131 Meetlug street. pERFUME ATOMIZERS. Thia new and elegant addition to Hie toll-* table 18 couilng daily into moro general use. A tull supply-different styles-constantly on hand, Al DR. U. BARK'S Drug Moro, No 131 Meeting street. SPONGES. Bath Sponges Toilet Sponges surgeons' Sponges Carriage Sponges Reer Sponge Slate Sponge. For Bale by DR. li. BAER, _No. 131 Meeting street. g YRINGES. My assortment of SYRINGES ls unusually large. I am Agent for the sale or the FOUNTAIN SYRINGE, unquestionably thc nest of au Syringes, especial ly for noir use. lt IB simple c ?Helen t, easy to m image, and cannot get out or order. Une will last a lifetime. Oar best physicians recommend lt. I aleo have a foll Btock or Manson's, Davidson's and other Bulb Syringes; alco Glass and Hard Rabber Syringei, and the HYPODERMIC SYR? INGE. H. BAER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, _No. 131 Meeting street. BEEF, WINE AND IRON AND BEEF, WINE, IRON AND CINCHONA. These elegant and excellent stimulating Tonics are now getting Into general use, especially in cases or delicate females and child; en. They may be had of DR. H. BAEK, No. 131 Meeting street. A fall stook er Elixirs, and all tho other new Pharmaceutical Preparations always kept on hand._ JgXCELSIOR HAIR TONIC. THIS pr?parai lon \a Just what many persons need. They wl-h no uye, but only a Hair Wash, or Hair Dressing-something Hut will keep Hie hair oieau, aud at the same Hine be a p casant hair dressing-not too greasy. The "Excelsior" meets all these indications, und should bc given atrial. Fifty cents a bottle; Ave bon lei tor two dollars. A liberal discount to : he trade. For sale by the Manufacturer, _UR, U. BAEK. No. 131 Meeting street. CO L O G N E . The real, genuine imported article, In different styles, comprising: Joseph Antoni farina Jean Marla Farina "4711" (FrancoH Marie Farina.) Also, a very superior Cologne, of my own man? ufacture, put up In uU styles. Give lt a trial. DR. II. BAER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, No 131 Meei lug street. MEDICINE CHESTS, Physicians' Saddle Bags Physicians' Pocket Cases Electric Machines. For Bale by DR, H. BA KR, No. 131 Meeting street. DR. FITLER'S VEGETABLE RHEU? MATIC SYRUP. Warranted under oatn never to have faned to cure. 28,600 certificates ur testimon?ala of cure, Including Rev. C. li. Ewing, Media, Penoaylvaula; Rev. Joseph Beggs, Falls of Schuylkill, Philadel? phia; the wife or Rev. J. B. Davis, Ulghtstown, New Jersey; Kev. Thomas Murphy, Frankford, Philadelphia; Doctor Jennings and Doctor Walton, Philadelphia; Hon. J V. Greeley, member Con? gress from Philadelphia; Hon. Judge Lee, cam? don, New Jersey; ex-Senator Stewart, Baltimore: ex-Governor Powell, Kentucky, and thousands of others. Warranted to cure or money rei duded. DR, GEU. CAULIKK, Agent, Jolyl-lyr _charleston. S. C. ELEGANT AND RELIABLE PREP AR A11UNS. W. B . WA R N R R A CO., UF PHILADELPHIA, Otter the following naaortmeut or Elegant Pre paratlOM, now used by Physicians everywhere. Send for Price Ult to Dr. U. BAKU, Charleston: Iron and lodoform Pilla, a powerful Alterative aud Tonic Comp. Phosphorus Pills, tor Impotence, J.os? ot Nerve Power. Ac Elixir Cinch?n ta Calisaya Elixir Pyrophosphate of Iron Elixir calisaya, Iron and Bismuth Elixir Calisaya, Ferrated Elixir Calisaya, Iron and Strychnia Elixir Bismuth Elixir Pepsin, Bismuth and Sircyhuia Elixir Vaierlanate of Ammonia Wine of Pepsin Bitter Wine of iron Wine of WUd Cherry Ferrated Wine of WUd Cherry Comp. Syrup of Phosphates (or Chemical Food) syrup of Hypophosphltes (for Consumption, Bron? chitis, Ac) Beer, Wine, Iron and Cinchona, Licorice Lorengea, (jotaming Vanilla, Tola, Ac. Elixir Taraxacum comp. This ls a new and valu? able combmatloa or the medlclual properties or the Dandelion, Wild Cherry and Gentian associated with Aromatics. It la a very agreeable and efficient remedy. Aside from its medicinal virtues, lt is u-ieful as a vehicle and ror marking the bitter taste or Qutntnc Elixir Gentian and Iron Elixir Bromide or Potassium. Syrup Phosph. Quinine, Iron and Strychnia, (Alt. ken's syrup) for Debility and Nervous Pros? tration, Indigestion, Chlorosis, Ac Eux. Vaierlanate of strychnia Ellx. Phoapb, Quinine, iron and Strychnia (of the greatest service where there ls a tendency to Paralyals) Beer, wine and Iron, an elegant combination, especially serviceable In cones of chUdren aud delicate ladles, in addition to the above, w. R. warner A Cc manufacture a fall Une of Fluid Extracts and Sugar-coated Pills, ail or which are to be had at Manufacturer's Prices, or DB, H. BAER, Nc 181 Meeting street, mcJm-da warn os Char lea ton. S. a ?pTolflfAiTE"^ MOO bushels WHITE' ?ULUNG CORN, Apply to ? ? - - J. A. ENSLOW A OO.p aoa> i _So. m get Bay. VALENTINE'S PREPARATION OF MEAT J DIOS. Just received, a large supply of tte afcov&^Eac? bottle coutalDs four pounds** the best Beet, ex elusive of, fat; caa be used with cold cr warm water; also can be taken .with CodUver OU. aaa d ftt roys the taste of the Oil. Theouly food for delicate children. .-A. This ls much superior to the "Extjratf pf.BMi." heretofo-e offered to the pablloj? wiU-baiMUM upon trial. For salo by*' " ' W.H.JBAM, junT NO. 181 Meeting street. Q.RO0ERI?S ? GROCERIES ll OEOCERIKS I l l We are now receivlag our fall and winter stock or FAMILY GROCERIES! comprising a full assortment or TEAS, 8UGAR3 AND FANCY GROCERIES. ? ; . . " ? ?-f? \ ': Families in the country win find lt to their in? terest to entrust orders to oar care. Having made a specialty or "PARTICULAR ATTENTION, TO COUNTRY ORDERS," w o now have the larg? est country trade or any retail dealer ta the city. WE SELL YOU GOODS AT WHOLESALE RATES. WE MAKE NO CHARGE FOR DELIVER? ING GOODS. WE PACK GOODS FREE, THEREBY MAKING IT TO YOUR INTEREST TO PAT? RONIZE THE PEOPLES' FAVORITE GROCERY? WE MAIL SAMPLES OP TBA TO "XftY PART OF THE COUNTRY FREE ON RE? CEIPT OF ADDRESS. ALL LETTERS RESPONDED TO PROMPT LY. SEND YOUR ORDERS AND GIVE US A TRIAL. Address ~> WILSONS' GROCERY; Box No. 383, "? y CHARLESTON, & O. $tm gnbucatlom. J^CKJARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. NEW. CATALOGUE. NO. 38. STUDIES IN POETRY AND PHILOSOPHY, -bj J. C. buttlrp, $160. i Aw Shairp's culture and Religion in some of tt?sir Relat ous, $126. Lange's New Volume, the Book or Kings, fe. beau stanley; History or the church or Scot? land, $2 6u. y The Desert ox the Exodus, Journeyings on Foot in the Wilderness of the Forty leia Waa? -, derlngs, undertaken in connection .with til? v Ordnance Survey of sinai and the Palej?nt Exploration Fund,'by K. H. Palmer, ?M. Ai?, wltc Maps and Illustrations, $8. Jesus, by Charles F. Deems, numerous Illustra? tions, $6. fi Paul of Tarsus, an Inquiry Into the Times and tte Gospel of the Apostles of the Gentile?, fl 60. George B. Woods, M. D., LU D. Historical and biographical Memoirs, Essays, Ac, ft. Women Helpers In the Church; their Say Logs and Doings. Edited ny William Welsh, $160. Robert and wini un Chumben ; Memoirs and Autobiographical Reminiscences, $160. The Autobiography of Stephen Collins, M. D., $L Annual Record of Science and industry for 1871. Edited by Spencer A Baird, tx Tho Newspaper Press of Charleston, embracing a period oi 140 years, by Wm. L. King, $x Astronomy and Geology Compar? by Lord orruai ii waite, $1. The student's own Speaker, a Manual of Decla? mation and Oratory, by Paul Reeves, SI 26. Shakespeare, edited, with notes, by Wm. J. Rolfe, A. M. The first rourparts of this unique edi? tion ur Shakespeare, comprising Mercnant ot Venice, The Tempest, Henry Till, ?od Jallas cosar, bound In one handsome Vol?me, with illustrations, $3. Aldine Editiun or the Poets, to be completed Ia or ty - two Volumes, at 76 cents. Merry Maple Laves, or a Summer in the Country. / by Abner Perk, Humorous illustrations, fl, . THE LATEST NOVELS. .? N LORD KILGOBB1N. by Chas. Lever, cloth fi tw, papt r $i. Adi's Tryst, paper 76c A MRpr'a Story of the War, or the Plebiscite, by Motif the 7,600,000 who voted Yes, (from the Frenoa ol Erek m.: un-ch ai rtan,) cloth fl 25, paper 76a. A crown for the Spear, paper 76c Baffled Schemes, paper 76c The Cancelled WIR, by Miss Eliza A. Dopey, paper fl 6C Eleonora, from German of E. von Rothenpels, by F. Elizabeth Bennett, cloth $1 26. Her Lord and Master, by Florence Marry a tt, paper 60c Qrif, a Story or A asir?an Lire, ny fe. L Far* geon, paper 40c Petronel, by Florence Mar. r vatt, paper 6oc. A Bridge or Guus, by F. W. Robinson, paper 60c Married Against Rea? son, by Mrs. A. Shelton M ac ken s le, paper 60c Albert Lnnel, by Lord Brougham, paper 76c. " Veronique, by Florence Marryatt, paper 76c Poor MIHS Finch, by Wilkie Collins, paper 60C A Siren, by T. Adolphus Trollope Music and Morals, by Rev. H. E. Sawers, M. A* $176. Seven Months' Hun Up and- Dowa and Around the World, by James Brooks, S< *5. Three centuries of Moders History, by Charles Duke Yonge, fa. Ganot'a Natural Pnliosophy lor general readers and yoong persona, translated with the author's sano lion, by E. Atkinson, f 3. 49- persons residing m the country wffl pt casa bear In mtnd that by ?ending their orders to us for any Books published in America, they win ba charged only the price of the Book, we pay far the postage or express. Address FOG ARTI E'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. Nc 260 King street, na the Bend,) aprSS-tuths Charleston. 8* O MARBLE DUST, Sulphuric Add Bicarbonate or Soda Tartaric Acid Flavoring Extracts j Cream or Tartar ' ~v Alcohol, ?5 tot um? Aa, ?a, Ac At lowest market ratee By DH. H. B A ER, Nc Ul Meeting street.