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TERMS OE IME NEWS. TH? DAILY NKWS. by mail one year, $8; six montas $4; threo montas $2 60. Served In tbe city at EIGHT KEN UXMT9 a weeli, payable to tne oar riera, or $8 a year, paid In advance at tbe office. TUB TRI-WK jKLT NEWS, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and saturdays, one year $4; six montos $2 SO; three months $126 THE WEEKLY NKWS, one year $2. Six copies fl?. Ten copies, to one address. $16. SUBSCRIPTIONS lu all cases pay ab c In al Vance and no paper continued alter the expiration or the time paid for. Noncxa of Wants, To Rent, Lost and Found, Boarding, Ac., not exceeding 20 words, 26 cents each Insertion; over 20, and not exceeding 30 words, 40 cents eaoh insertion; over 50, and not exceeding 40 words, 60 cents each Insertion. REMITTANCES should be made by Postofflce Money Order or by Express. If this cannot be done, protection against losses by mall may be secured by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay? able to the order of the proprietors of THB NEWS, or hy lending the money in a registered letter. These rates are NET, and must Invariably be paid In advance. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., Na 149 East Bay, Charleston, S. a Wit $&)xvftt?\m J&toj MONDAY, MAY 20, 1872. ga* Mr. WILLIAM E. SIMMONS, Jr., is the travelling agent for Tus NEWS, for South Carolina. NEWS OE THE DAT. -Gold closed in New York, on Saturday, at A3yall|. -The New Torte cotton market closed quiet; uplands 34| cents; sales 1500 bales. -In liverpool cotton closed steady; uplands Hid ; shipping at Savannah or Charleston Hid ; sales 10,000 bales. -A Mrs. Logan, of Akron, Ohio, has become Insane through the Importunities of sewing machine agents. -The Emperor of China, though not sixteen .years ol age, is about to be married. -The lorebt Ares are raging in New York State. ry. -The red, white and blue-Gratz Brown's I hair, Greeley's hat, and the countenances of | the officeholders next November. -Ex-senator William Allen, ol Ohio, the Democratic Nestor ol that State, pronounces In favor of the endorsement ol the Liberal ticket by the Baltimore convention. -The Methodist Conterence in New York on Saturday adopted a resolution electing eight new bishops-one ot whom ls to be from the South. -Commissioner Douglas sustains the de? cision that brokers must pay tax on borrowed money used as banking capital. -A mass meeting of carpenters In New York on Saturday rejected the proposition of j the bosses for the eight hour system on No? vember 1st. All carpenters are ordered to stop work to-day. -The New York Tribune announces that "Mr. Greeley accepts no Invitation to speak on political questions while a candidate," and expresses the hope that this announcement will ba accepted as his final determination. -To the objection urged against Mr. Greeley that in previous popular elections he had run behind his party ticket, the Tribune produces all the returns that tend to eluoldate the sub? ject, and In each case Mr. Greeley ls lound j t head of his ticket. -John Bussell Young, whose departure for Earope was recently noted, takes the posl York Herald, ac a salary of elgbt thousand dollars a year, holding the same position in London that Mr. Smalley, of the Tribune, nolds. -Among prominent Democrats who are now openly quoted at warmly In favor of the nomination qt Greeley and Brown are General John C. Brecklnrldge, ol Kentucky, General Richard Taylor, of Louisiana, and Duncan j Kenner, of Louisiana, -A Cuban letter states that two hundred Spaniards surprised a camp of twenty-five women, six children and twelve old men, in the woods between Guantanamo and Arroyo, and massacred all of them. Ihe Spaniards subsequently were pursued by the Cuban rev? olutionists and many of them killed. -The Virginia press is the fiercest of any for Greeley. They say the South Is coming to Baltimore to vote for him In the Democratic National Convention against all comers. One says "Virginia has her opinion without walt? ing for Baltimore." They give Voorheesand "all such" the cold shoulder, decidedly. -The Springfield (M.) State Beg ls ter (Dem.) publishes a list of forty-seven Democratic papers published in Illinois, forty-four of which support Mestura. Greeley and Brown, and three advocate the nomination of a straight Demo? cratic ticket at Ballimore. There are twenty nine other Democratic papers in the State to hear from. -The N. Y. Evening Post reports that "In conversation with a Republican congressman from Ohio, a day or two ago, President Grant ?aid that In case of his re-election he intended to make a general change of officeholders throughout the country." In other words, ' Grant believes In his own perpetual re-election, bot thinks the one-term rule Is good for all ether officeholders. -When Mr. Greeley left his editorial room, on resigning the command of the Tribune, we read that "in one corner o? the room there are nearly thirty boxes, from the different Hew York batters, each containing a white hat They had come in so fast that Mr. Gree? ley distributed them to the employees In the buildlag. The compositors must have come In for a good share, as the majority of them, as they passed to the composing room that evening were crowned with white hats." -Our Atlanta exchanges of Saturday con- j ? talned a call for a meeting ol -Democrats op? posed to a nomination of candidates for Presi? dent and vice-President by the National I D?mocratie Convention. The call was signed by about^ eighty citizens, subscribing them? selves as Democrats. Among the names we observed those of Judge D. F. Hammond, Evan P. Howell, Clark Howell, W. L. Gordon, Colonel R. A. Alston, Perino Brown, Colonel Thomas C. Howard and Colonel Lewis Tura? lin. The meeting was to be addressed by Colone'. Clnclnnatus Peoples and General A. C. G?: llngton. -The Democratic Convention of the great State of New York has in effect endorsed Greeley and Brown. It has fairly and enthu? siastically committed Itself to the Cincinnati platform. It thus puts behind lt tbe whole record of the war, accepts the work of the war as final, (constitutional amendments, negro tuiTrage, and all,) Ulta Itself from the slough of continuous and certain defeat, and turns hopefully toward the problems of the future The Empire State ls In foil accord with Vir? ginia, m?nele, Texas, Connecticut, South Caio Hna, and the rest. ''New York casts her sixty-six votes for Horace Greeley." -From a Texas paper comes an appalling .tory ol the massacre In that State ol nine teamsters and tbe capture of theireffecls by a mixed marauding party, consisting of Indians, negro deserters and Mexicans. The tragedy took place on the El Paso road, where a sup? ply train had halted for the usual midday meal and rest, when, without a moment's warning, the enemy swept down upon the company, seized their weapons ol defence, and then de? voted themselves to the execution of their easily-acquired prisoners. The wagons were pillaged or their abundant stores and rolled together, after which their helpless drivers were tied to them and the whole pile set on Ure, while the cruel captors kepi up the dance of death until their victims' shrieks ceased to afford music, when, gathering up the Bpolls and taklDg the mules, they decamped. The government troops who sought to punish the treachery failed, and the correspondents who gleaned the details ol the affair say that the unusual atrocity was due to the greater sav? ageness of the Indians' new allies, the black troops. The State Convention-Its Powers and Duty. The State Democratic Convention, under the call of the State Executive Committee, will be held in Columbia on Tuesday, the 11th of Jane. This Convention will deter? mine whether the Democracy of thia State shall send delegates to the National Demo? cratic Convention, and- what line of policy the delegates, if sent, shall pursue. Upon the maia issue of the Presidential canvass the South Carolina Democracy are apparently a unit. Toey look first to the welfare of the State, but they have no rr - son to fear that their taking part in the Bal? timore Convention will d.minish the pros? pect of local reform, and they know and feel tbat sucb a reform in tbe character of the National Government as is promised in the Cincinnati platform would be of incalculable, if indirect, advantage to all the States of the South. There are some few presses in this State which are still in doubt These await the action of tbe National Convention before deciding what they will do. To them we say that tbe Baltimore Convention can? not change wrong into right The wisdom, nay 1 the common sense of a course of ac? tion is not determined by its adoption or re? jection by a political convention. Such a body may cause a movement to fall, inas? much aa il is far easier to pull down than to build up; but it cannot, by a set of r?solu-1 tiona, make the movement one jot more or I less patriotic and sagacious tban it waa be? fore tbe Convention assembled. It ls our deliberate judgment, and we believe it to be the judgment of the large majority of the Sonth Carolina Democracy, that the nomi? nation of a Democratic candidate in Balti? more will ensure the re-election of Grant and destroy tbe only reasonable expectation which the Southern States have had, in seven years, of obtaining Amnesty and Peace. Such a nomination wonld be an act of selfish folly, if not worse; and what we call it now we should unhesitatingly call it when the act, and with lt our ruin, was ac? complished. The interests of the Northern Democrats are not, in many respects, our interests. They can afford to stake their fortunes on a sentiment or a name, but this particular form of foolishness Is well-nigh dead tn th-> South. We want a just govern? ment which will not interfere with the rights of tbe people, and under wbicb com? merce shall revive and person and property be safe. This manner of government the Southern States must have, and they will not hold them guiltless who, because of silly oM>r<Mi ~- ,-ambition- aland K? tween the Sonth and redemption from the worst evils which ever afflicted a people. It is indispensable that these convictions have their full expression at Baltimore, and lt ls therefore a duty to appoint a strong delega? tion from every Southern State. There is no doubt that South Carolina will Bend ber rep? resentatives. The press is nearly in accord upon that point It must be our endeavor, besides, to choose delegates who will fitly represent the present opinions of the people men of thought and power, who will not be cozened or brow-beaten by any set of Tam? many politicians. We think it best that the South Carolina delegation should be in? structed to oppose, in every way, the nomi? nation of Democratic candidates for Presi? dent and Vice-President. It is not ex? pected, nor is it desirable, that the Na tional Convention should nominate Gree? ley and Brown. Tbey can and they should abstain from making a nomination, and should advise tbe Democratic masses to sup? port tbe Cincinnati candidates as the surest way of accomplishing the changes in the policy of the government which are requisite for personal safety and public freedom. All these matters, so far as South Carolina is concerned, must be determined in Columbia on the 11th of June, and we deem it of the first importance that the Convention be a full one, and that it be composed of the right kind of men-that is, of men who represent the wiso opinions of to-day, not the crotch? ety notions of four or five years ago. Tbe Connty Meetings to elect delegates to the State Convention will be held, we pre? sume, on the first Monday in June-in Charleston the meeting might properly be held at an earlier day. There may not be a great disposition to encounter the trouble and expense of going to Columbia; because no opposition will be apprehended to the action generally expected to be taken. But this State cannot afford to run any risk. South Carolina should cry out for reform more loudly than ber sister States; for her plight is worse than theirs. It is not her wont to whisper the story of ber suffering; and, now that these spur her to insist that the Northern politicians shall not again sacrifice her and her sisters, ber voice must be clear and resonant as the blast of a trum? pet. And this can only be, if the State Convention be composed of her staunchest citizens, and ir, in addition, her delegates carry with them the unmistakeable expres? sion of the fixed resolution of her people. Upon this Presidential election, as we under? stand the situation, depends the weal or the woe of Sonth Carolina. Tbe County meet? ings should be large, and the State Conven? tion should be fall. And in selecting dele? gates to the State Convention lt is hoped that the people will remember how mach barm has before this been done by the rash words of thoughtless doctrinaires. No man should be a delegate whose past record will tend to cast a shadow or suspicion over the proceedings of the body. Itongbt to be a gathering of citizens, not of politicians. The younger men can now come to the front. Give them a slight leaven of age and expe? rience, and they will make a model Conven? tion-one which will join to the caution and sobriety of ripe years the hard common sense and practical wisdom of youth. This is the kind of Convention wanted now. It rests with the people to seize the opportu ni ty, perhaps the last, or reminding the Northern Democracy that the restoration of ^ the South to its old relations is oar most, grievous national want, and of proving that j South Carolina is resolved to leave nothing undone for accomplishing her own regene? ration, and for healing up the wounds which war and proscription inflicted upon her people. The Baltimore Convention. General Kershaw, ia a letter to Colonel Simeon Fair, advises against sending dele j gate3 from South Carolina to the National Democratic Convention, mainly because I such a step might hinder the possibility of a Reform Republican movemeut in this State. We cannot see that thoie is any solid ground for apprehending so undesirable a j ' result. The object in sending a Democratic delegation to Baltimore is to vote against a party nomination, and in favor of hearty co? operation with the Liberal Republican move? ment. And a like policy obtains in State affairs. The people are ready to support any decent Repul-.icun candidates whom Re? publicans may put in the field ; but they know that it would be the height of fully to i nominate Democratic candidates for State I offices, nod under no circumstances will ! they do anything of the kind. This is the bent of public sentiment; and the participa? tion of Sooth Carolina in the Baltimore Con? vention, while increasing the chances of the election of Mr. Greeley, could not, io our opinion, cause the people to change or modify their fixed resolution to leave the State elections la the bands of the contend? ing Republican factions. We may add that what information we have regarding the Sooth Carolina Reform Republicans leads OB to believe that they are wholly indifferent as to the action of the Democracy ia regard to the National Convention. What they ask is that there shall be no Democratic State ticket, which is no more tkan every sensible man is ready to concede. THERE is reason for hoping that the I precious scheme of calling an extra session 'of the Legislature will full through. It is vigoroasly opposed by tho Radical press, and by several of the prominent members of the Senate and House. ?jostetter's Bitters. PROVIDITXGAS At this season all the great Hues of travel begin to swarm with human beings intent on business or pleasure. Are these movlug multitudes aware of the danger which ensues from drinking d?n?r? ent varieties or water r.ud breathing atmospheres to which their lungs are unaccustomed? Do they realize how Important lt ls to be pre-armed with an antidote that will defend their systems from the evil coasequencea of such changes and-from all aliments and disturbances which arise from the miasmas so plentifully evolved from the soil at thia period of the yearf Such an antidote certain In ita protective operation and free from everything objectionable In Its composition and flavor-has been for twenty years before the world. No Instance can bo adduced, during that period, in which HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BIT? TERS bas railed as an acclimating medicine, or as a preventive of the bodily Ills to which the undefended system ls liable in unhealthy locali? ties. A good appetite, perfect digestion, a vigorous condition of the nervous system, functional regu larlty, and a pure and active circulation, are the pipmpntx or health nn<> these signal blossinas maj be secured and perpetuated by the use 01 tins powerful, yet harmless, vegetable tonic. Such IB the experience of all wno have ever taken lt as a safeguard against the diseases which debi Hy, i rr.-gu lin ty and a morbid condition nf the solids and fluids ef the body are sure to Invite. may20-mwr3D*c iflnnicipat Notices. REGISTRAR, CHARLESTON, MAY 2, 1872. Chloride of Lime and Copperas, to be usRd fur duli)reeling purposes,will bs furnished gratul I toosly ta all persons applying therefor on and j arter this date, at the fellowing depots: G. W. Al MAR'S APOTHECARY, northwest cor? ner or King and Yanderhorst streets. ARTESIAN WELL LOT, northeast corner or Meeting and Wentworth streets. H. NEWTON'S APO IHEOARY, southwest COT I ner of Columbus and Nassau streets. Citizens are earnestly requested to co operate with the Board or Health by a timely and Judi alons use of the above, and all other means of Improving and Insuring the public health. GEORGES. PEL/HU, M. D" mayS2f3 City Registrar. Cigal Notices. IA PER, DEOEASf D.-<>n the 20th day of June next, the undersigned will apply to the Hi n. Ju ge of Probate for Charleston County for a flnai discharge and letters dtsmlssory as Execu? tors or Bald Estate ELIZABETH A. TUPPER. Executrix. SAM DEL Y. TUPPER, Executor. may20 mwfimo Unfitness QLarO0. J^JOSES GOLDSMITH Sc, SON, COLONNADE ROW, VENDUE RANGE. Highest Cash Price paid for WOOL, WAX, Hides, Skins, Paper Stock, Iron, and all kinds of Metals. ALSO, Dealers in COTTON, Naval Stores and Scotch Pig iron._ may20-mwfiyr JAMES Z. STOCKER. COMMISSION MERCHANT, And Dealer In LIME, CEMENT. CALCINED AND LAND PLAS TER, HAIR, LATHS, Ac, NO. 0 VBNDUR RANGE. mayto-ii Q HARLES BERBUSSE, BASKET- MANUFACTURER, No. 379 KING STREET, Has just returned from the North with a large I Stock or Goods, consisting of : BASKETS, CHINAWARE, AND TOYS. ALSO, A large assortment or CHILDREN'S CAR? RIAGES, ranging lu price from $4 to $26. Be Is also Agent lor Colby's Celebrated "Little Washer and Clothes Wringer," the most perfect and cheapest in use, which he selia at manufac? turera' price. Call and examine ror yourseir. mch22 fmw2mo ?JH AS. LIEBENROOD, STEAM TURPENTINE DISTILLERY, AT FORKS OF ROAD, CHARLESTON, S. C. I omces-No. 128 Meeting street, and corner Line and Meeting streets. ?-Highest prices paid m Cash for Crude Turp?n tine.-?? Virgin..$3 75 I Yellow Dip $2 90 j Hard.$1 go 1 mohl9-amos_ rjl T. CHAPEAU ? CO., DKALBBS AND DISTILLERS OF TURPENTINE AND ROSIN, OFFICE No: 173 EAST BAT, CHARLESTON, S. 0. The highest prices paid for Crude, apria-emos _iflegtirtgg._ ST. ANDREWS LODGE, No. 10, A. F. M. Thu Regular ccmniunlcAilon or this Lodge wid be heid THIS KVBNINO, at 8 o'clock, over Holmes'*. By order W. M. luayiu_L. 1>. spfclsSEQQER. Secretary. I~BISH RIFLE CLUB.-ATTEND EXTRA Meeting at Arcner'a Hall, THIS EVENING, nt 8 o'clock. J. F. WALSH, may; o .. _Sec erary. SUMTER RIFLE CLUB.-ATTEND REG ULAR Metlnir and Drill with rlflea at Wil? son's Hall, THIS EVENING, the 20th matant, at 8 o'clock. W. M. BRUNS, iua)20_. SPCtetary and Trea-urcr. PALMETTO GUARD RIFLE CLUB. ABiemhle, with rifles, at Archer's Dali THIS EVENI>O. ats O'CIOCK. lordrlll preparaiory to Pa? rade and Festival or the ?T?1 Instant. By urder or the Prealdeat. A. S. DOUGLASS, may20-l seiretary and Treannrer. CHARLESTON ItKLfcMEN C L U B. Y u are bereby sutrmoned to attend a drill, with nines, at Wielings Hali. THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock. A tull attendance ia desired. By order. H. D BIOASE, may20 secretary pro tem. ATTENTION I WASHINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY RT F Li OL?B.-Ai ci nd a ITlll or your Club, with arms, at your Hali, THIS EVE? NING, at 8 o'clock precseiy. AH om ;eis and members are requested to be present. MGM- stewards win repor:. wy order Presldeut v. A. COURTENAY. 0. O. Th UM BO, may?o_Seoreary W. L I. Rifle oinb. HOPE STEAM FIRE ENGINE COM? PANY_Attend me Regular Monthly , m>etina or your Company THIS (Monday) EVE NINO, the 2oth lastutt,at hair past 7 o'clocs, slurp. By order. OHAS. A. BUERO, ma? 20 _secretary. Oteme. WANTED, A CIEL AS CHAMBER? MAID and Nurse. Apply at No. 486 King I street._ may au 1? WANTED, AN EXPERIENCED NURSE. Apply Northeast corner Radcliffe and, Ruuedge streets, ucoi recommendations re I quired._ mayvO 1 WANTED, A GIRL OR WOMAM TO cook lor a emil family. Kecommenda tiona r q ii ed. Apply it No. 147 Oalhonn street. may2u-l?_ TTTANTED, A GOOD MAN COOK AT W i ha northeast corner Ball and Rottedge sire-'ta. Recommendations required; none others need apply. _mity20-l* KOUM WANTED BY TWO SINGLE geutlemen in arespectable private fauiliy. ne.trences given. Aldress Poatoflke Box No. \>:>. m ay JO 2 ANTED, GENTLEMEN TO SAVE 50 per cent, by proenring Shirts, Tits, Gloves, I Cull irs, HandkercJiieftand straw Hats, at AKCH ER'S Bazaar._may20-mwr3? WANTED, THE, PUBLIC TO KEEP Time clocks fir the million, at ruanufac turer's prices, warranted, rrom $180 np. AKCH KR'S Bazaar._ma.v20-mwr3* WANTED, LADIES TO KNOW I HAVE received 60 cases Fancy Hats, pr! es from 16o. to 5uc ; Bnsties eoe. A Ru H Eft's Bazaar. maj20-mwi3?_ WANTED, THE PEOPLE TO KNOW I received, via steamship Manhattan, 100 casts Merchandise, on sale at hair price. AROH* ER'S Bazaar._ mav20-mwi3* WANTED, A ?OMPETENT WOMAN to cook and wash tor a amati family; also, a girl rrom twelve to rourteea yeara. Apply at No. 6 Rutledge street, (corner ot Queen.) may20 l_ WANTED TO INFORM THOSE NOT acquainted with the tact that the SOUTH? ERN LIKE INSURANT", COMPANY UH ut 9 Joint Lue Potlcl ?a, 1 naur lng the lives ol partners In business, so that, on the death or either, the amount, insured for ls paid to the surviving party. They a so luxure husband and wire on the same plan. EBEN COFFIN, Agent, No. 31 Broad street. m,tyi8_ WANTED, AN ACTIVE COLOBED Woman as house servant. Apply at this ofllce._may 16 XTTASHERWOMAN WANTED.-WANT V V ED a woman io do the washing ol a fam? ily.. Apply at Nu. 43 Rutledge avenue, may 16 TANTED, ALL PARTIES HAVING 12.'._mayi7-rm2* WANTED, Tb PURCHASE FOB CASH, a amaii Honae m the central or western part ol the city. Address "Q," at this ofllce, stat ing location, terms, AC_reba AGENTLEMAN, WITH THE BEST testimonial?, or good character and com? petency wisuea a posit:on as Teacher in some pu i ii ic in-ti tu i mu, or aa private tutor la a ram: iv. No objections to going into the country, ian tench trench, Latin, Greek, llano and the other branches oi a good edncatlon. Salary of not so great consideration as pleasant association. Ad? dress c. D. V., at the um cc or this paper. maylO_ WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW that the cheapest and best warranted sewing Machine In the market la the HOME MB OT TLB, price f 26 and $37. Can be peen at the Gene? ral Ageuoy, No. 266 Klug street, corner Beaufuln I s tree t. T. L. BIsSELL. Janl2-6moS Coot ano io ano. S'fR?YE?r FROM EAST~BAY, NEAR Laurens street, o:i the loth, a BLACK BULL POP, lure feet anil breast win e, eara cut. $6 re? ward will bi paid lor lia recovery. Apply to Ai rll neilin v, Stull No, 16, small Meat Market. may20-i?_ LOST IN QUEEN, NEAR RUTLEDGE atreet. or In Kntledge atreet, a pair or Oula SLEEVE BUTiONs. A reward will be giren lr lell at THB NEWS Ofllce._tn ny 13 LOST, A BROWN ALPACA UMBREL? LA, with aa Iron stick and bamboo nandi e. Tuc Auder Will be rewarded on leaving the aame at tills office. may 7 ito tiru ina. BOTRDTINBYCH^ 610 Henry HI reet. by the day or week. ? Par t.ea visiting New York wi. 1 find lt to their interest and comiort to can at r > Ma number, a lew min utes by horse-oars ir >u. Cortlandt street, Noir York, via Hamilton Ferry, eacnet-sireet cars cross Henry atreet a fe tv doors from tue large rour-stoiy double bouse. Commodious and ele? gant y tarn ?ned rooms can be engaged ar, moder? ate i ates by addressing D. O. KNIGHT, as above, may 12 ?ox Sale. HC^SETCARTANDTP^^ Milch Cow, lor sale at No. 62 State street. ?jay2o-mw2?_._ HORSES AND MULES-THE UNDER? SIGNED begs to inform the public that he im - just arrived rrom Keutncky wita a lot ol No. 1 MULES aud HORSES, which have been sel cted with care ror this market. Among thia lot are come very large Mules, suitable ror timber and turpentine work. Give me a call at Milla Houae J. N. LONG._may 17 S EGGS FOR HATCHING.-HAVING IN? CREASED my stock ol recent Importations, i tim prepared to flit orders more promptly. The stock now consists or: Lig it and Dark BRAHMAS, Buir and Partridge C' cums, Sliver Gray Dorkings, Silver Spangled Hsmtjurgs. Black-breasted Red Game. Bronzed and White Turkeys, Black Cayuga, Aylesbury and Rouen Docks. A SETTING OF TURKEY AND DUCK EGOS ON ? HAND. A rew Pollets of the above stock or my own raising now ror sale. EVERT E. BEDFORD, No. 276 King atreet, between 12 and 2. mayi4-s? ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF SEWING MACHINES repaired on reasonable terms auu at the ?hortest notice, AIBO a lew good ae ciind-haad Machines ror aale, very low. J. L. LUNSKt'RD, Smith street, north or Wentworth. WRAPPING PAPER FOR SALE.-OLD NEWSPAPERS in large or amah quantities ,P?C06?CENTS PER HUNDRED. Apply at he o Tl cc of THB NEWS. mavis ffio ?em. TO RENT, A LARGE AND COMMODI? OUS WAREHOUSE, situated in the lower part of the city, near East Bay. Apply to F. H. rrenholm, No. i Broad atreet. may20-tna2? TO RENT, LARGE AND VERY PLEAS? ANT ROOMS, with plszzi, to an approved tenant. No 42 Calhoun atreet, next to Eliza neta I street._may2o-7? TO RENT FOR THE SUMMER, A FUR? NISHED COTTAGE or seven rooms, pleas? antly bltuated, near the woots, on Kershaw street, a tow minutes' walk rrom the Aiken De? pot, Stableon the premises. Terms moderate. I APPly to M. SCHOFIELD, Alten, S. O. may 11-10 amusements. H IBER N IAN HALL. COMMENCING TUESDAY NIORT, MAY 21, Colonel J. R. JOHNSTON'S Dazzling and Exquis? ite Panorama, TOUR OF EUROPE AND GRAND TRANSFORMA? TION SCENE, UNDER THE RHINE, Gorgeous and glittering beyond description. In addition to the entertainment ONE HUNDRED VALUARLE PRESENTS Given away each night o the audience, consisting In part of furniture, watches, Green backe, ail ver-plate J ware, tea Beta, Ac. Admission.26 cents. Reserved Seats.50 cents. ?"MATINEE SATURDAY AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock, for the especial accommodation of ladies and children who cannot attend at night. On this occasion Children admitted for.15 cents. Adults.26 cents. mayl8 Celebrations. t^C?ND ANNUAL TtOURNAMBNT OP THE HAND ENGINES 07 THE CHARLESTON FIRE DEPARTMENT, UNDER .THE AUSPICES OF THE FIREMAN'S UNION, ON MONDAY, HAY 20TH, 1872. Companies v. in assemble at the Citadel Sq o are, at half-past 8 o'clock, A. M., where the line wll be formed by the Clerk, assisted by the Committee of Arrangements, on tbe completion of which the Department will ba turned over to Chief En? gineer M. H. Nathan, and Assistants, . passing throngh Calhoun, down King, through Hasel, down Meeting, throngh Market, down East Bay throngh Broad. (In review beiore Hla Honor, the Mayor and Aide-men,) countermarching at Lo gan street, when the exercises will commence, as arranged in programme. secretaries of Companies can receive their quota of Cards and Regulations from the Clerk. T. S. DENNISON, chairman. H. BOLDEN P1CKINPACK, Clerk. ifesii?al. MAY 27TH AND 28TH, 1872. FIRST DAY. The FESTIVAL will be inaugurated by a salute of fourteen guns, to be fired at Citadel Green at 5 o'olock A. M. The Procession will form on Citadel Green at 8 o'clock A M., and ba In readiness to move at 7. The route will be down King to Broad street, through Broad street to East Bay, up East Bay to Market street, through Mamet to Meeting, np Meeting to tho Ann street Depot of the South Carolina Railroad, where the Riflemen will em? bark on a special train bonnd to Schntzeoplatz. The approach to the grounds will be announced by an artillery salute. On arrival there will be addresses of welcome and a spread of refreshments, after which the Riflemen and visitors will address themselves to the several sports provided for their entertain? ment. Centre-shooting and Target Practice for all visi? tors and Riflemen will begin at 10 o'clock A. M., and terminate at ? o'clock P. M. The Festival w.ll close for the first day at 7 o'clock. SECOND DAY. The Riflemen will assemble on the Platz at 9 o'clock A. M. Centre Shooting and Target Practice will begin at io o'clock A. M. and cease at 3 o'clock P. M. The "Target of HOD or" Will be shot at from 1 to 2 o'ciocx, (tor coin cays.; . Tilting fer Head and Ring will oe conducted by Charleston social Mounted Clnb, from 4 to 6 o'olock P. M. The Award of Prizes, with appropriate cere? monies, ls fixed for 6 o'clock P. M. on this day. There will be a diversity of Irish Nationaland Manly Games, regulated by special committees, on both days, and only anch amusement of this character as ls prescribed will be permitted. The Festival will close at 7 o'clock. JAMES J. GRAOE, D. O'NEILL, A G. MAGRATH, JR., JAS. F. WALSH, T. O'BRIEN, D. F. GLEASON, JAS. F. GREENE, T. J. KENNEDY, J. J. KEV NY, M. M0G00RISH, JNO. O'KEEFE. mayl8-smwfO FB?TH FESTIVAL Will be held at Schntzeuplatz on 27th and 28th instant, under the patronage of the Irish Rifle Club. Trains will run at Intervals or thirty min? utes, leaving Ann street Depot of South carolina RaUroad, and for further convenience the steam? ers of the Sullivan's Island and Mount Pleasant Perry company will make frequent trips to the Platz, leaving Atlantic wharves. Cards of Invitation may be had from the mem? bers of the Committee, or at the stores of C. LITSCHGI, East Bay. F. VoN SANTEN, King street Bazaar. G. w. AI MAR, King and Vanderhorst streets. D. FITZ GIBBON, King and Cannon streets. F. L. O'NEILL, Kmg street Grocery. D. O'NEILL, No. 358 King street. P. WALSH, No. 64 Market street. JAMES J. GRAOE, may 13-9 Chairman Committee. .financial. Jp O B SALE. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD STOCK, by A 0. KAUFMAN, mayis_ Mo. 26 Broad street. insurance. SOUTHERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. ATLANTA DEPARTMENT. GEN. JOHN B. GORDON,.President, ASSETS January 1st, 1872..$1,241,917 40-100. I . _ The undersigned having been recently appoint ed Agent for Charleston or the above Company, with the right to take risks in any portion ol South Carolina, wonld Invite the attention of hie friends and the public generally to a few argu menta In Its favor. It 1B a PURELY SOUTHERN CO MP ANY, and Invests all its accumulations at the South. It ls ably managed and has a la rge capital. Ii does business on THE CASH SYSTEM O NLY, and at rates as low as any other i wund Company in the Country. Call at my office and allow me to show you th? long list or Policyholders, which, ls the best evl dence of strength la a Company.. EPjEN COFFIN, Agent for ? .marleston, 8. C., '/To. 81 Broad street. GEO. M. COF FIN, Sub-Agent, apr!j J ,iorth Atlantic Wharf. ^/?ILSONS' GfiOCEST, 306 KING STREET, 306 A FEW DOOR? NORTH OF MASONIC BALL CHOICE .SMOKED TONGUES, CHOICE SMOKED TONGUES, CHOICE SMOKED TONGUES, AT WILSONS' GROCERY. DAVIS'S DIAMOND HAMS, DAVIS'S DIAMOND HAMS, DAVIS'S DIAMOND HAMS, (Small sizes,) AT WILSONS' GROCERY. CRAB APPLE CIDER, CRAB APPLE CIDER, CRAE APPLE CIDER, AT WILSONS' GROCERY. RUSiET CIDER, RUSSET CIDER, RUSSET CIDER, The finest made, AT WILSONS' GROCERY. DRIED BEEF, PICKLED SALMON, DRIED BEEF, PICKLED SALMON, DRIED BEEF, PICKLED SALMON, AT WILSOSS' GROCERY. GOOSERERRI ES, RED CURRANTS, DAMSON PLUMS, ?C., Aa, ' From Morton, of London, FOR SALK AT WILSONS' GROCERY. NEW MAY BUTTER, NEW MAY BUTTER, NEW MAY BUTTER, AT WILSONS' GROCERY. DUNDEE MARMALADE, DUNDEE MABMALDE, DUNDEE MARM AD ADE, Three Jars for One Dollar, AT WILSONS' GROCERY. WILSON 8' GROCERY, NO. 306 KING STREET, East side, a few Doors North of Masonic Hall No charge for Delivering Goods from [ WILSONS' GROOERY._ fixmonniE-. .. No. 171 to No. 175 EAST BAY, two doon north. PA CL B. LALANE A CO. may2Q-3_ Notices in JBankrnytq). IITTISPDISTRICT COURT OFRTH? United States lor tho District of Sooth Caro lina.-In re Laurens Railroad Company, Bank ru pt.-in Bankruptcy. in obedience to an order In the a'wve-statet case, dated tbe 6th day of Apall, 1872, I will re sell to the highest bidder, at pooiio ornery, at thi risk of the Greenville and Colnmnis-Rallroar Company, the LAURENS RAILROAD, at Oolam bia, 8 ntl) Carolina, in front of the columbia Bo tel, at 12 o'olucx, meridian, on the twentieth (20th day of June, 1872, free from all liens a id luoum orant es, including the track and road-bed, Iron rails, chairs, i-pikes, timbers, nrldges, culverts machine anons, water tanks, station-houses, ant all locomotives, oars and machinery, and all ant singular the pronei ty and a-aete, real and per sonni, of even kind and description whatever, o the Laurens Railroad company, together with al the rights, privileges, franchises and easements lawfully held, n?ed or enjoyed b? the Lauren Railroad Company, on the lollowlng terms, to wit Sixty-four i nous ind two hundred and twenty-twe (tot 22i 84) dollar? eighty-four cen ? must be pah within thin? (3u) days after the day of aale; am the payment of the balance of the purchas money wilbla twelve months from the day o sale, with interest thereon at seven per cent, pe annum from that day, mont be secured by th bond ot the purchaser, and a mortgage of the en tire property sold. The bidder will be required to deposit with th assignee before his bid is accepted, twenty thone and dollar?, to secure compliance with the term of Bale herein set forth, and up n latlnre to ot posit that sum tbe property will at once be re offered for sale. J AMES M. BAXTER, may 20_Assignee. deming ifloiljinea. T HE NEW IMPROVED WHEELER & WILSON SILENT SEWING MACHINE. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. We are now selling these superior Machine on Ten Dollar monthly payments. Adjusting and Repairing done promptly. WHEELER A WILSON MANCF'O CO., apr6-lyr _No. 200 King street. rp HE UNEQUALLED MACHINE. The HOME SHUTTLE uses the Straight Needle makes the lock stitch, (alike on both sides,) ha self-adjusting tension, and 1B the only first clas low price Sewing Machine in the market adapte for every variety of sewing from muslins t heaviest cloths. Price $25 and $87. Agents wanted. Send stamp for circular an sample of Sewing. T. L. BI s SE LL, General Agent, Janll-fmwemo Charleston. 3. a QEopartnersqips ano iDicsoimioni COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE .-TH] Copartnership heretofore existing under th Arm name of GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., Charla ton, S. C., and WILLIAMS, BIRNIE A CO., Nei York, has been dissolved on account of the deat Of Mr. JAMES H. TAYLOR. The business of the late firm will be continue by the surviving partners. GEO. W. WILLIAMS, ).._,.," WILLIAM B'HNIK, | SSJ2? JOS. R. ROBERTSON,) Fartner9 Charleston, S. C., May 1, 1872. COPARTNEHSHlP NOTICE. We bave this day associated with ns as par ne rs in our charleston and New York House JAMES BRIDGE, Jr., FRANK E. TAYLOR an ROBERT S. CATHCART. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO. Charleston, 9. C., May 1, 1872. mayl-wfmi2 rpHE COPARTNERSHIP BERETOFOR X existing nader the firm name of BALI BLACK A CO, ls this day dissolved by mutui consent. Either partner will sign in settlemen of the business. (Signed) HENRY BALL, WM. BLACK. EBEN'R MONRO! March 1, 1872. WM. D. BLACK. In announcing the above dissolution, BALI BLACK A CO. inform their friends and the pnbl that they intend to close out their entire stoc with as little delay as possible, and at prices th: will be an Inducement for all to purchase froi them. They have also a very large stock of nus Stones-Diamonds, Emeralds, Rubles, Cameo Ac-which they will set, to order, at unusual low rates. Their manufactory . for saver wa ; will be continued to enable them to meet any d manda In that line. No. 566 and 667 B ROAD WA ' New York. JulylSlyr ?roreritf, C?pwrf. Ut. ?j 0 R N LANDING^ 2000 bnsheis per schooner Ogeechee 2 KJO bushels per schooner Pacific 8000 bushel*. per schooner Franc Walter. For sale by WM. H. JONES * ?O. . may30-l_ QOALI COAL! COAL! AT $2 PER TON, WBTLE DI SCH ARO INO. 450 tons of superior Red Ash Egg; and Stove COAL, now landing from schooner John Shay. For sale by c. W. SEIQNIOUs, may3Q Coal Yard. No. 271 East Bay street. J^IME! LIME! LIME! 1500 barrels Fresh STONE LIKE, nov landing rrom Sehooner Snow SqualL " - For sale by JAMES Z. STOCKER, may?o-mwra _No. o Vendos Range. EGLINTON SCOTCH PIG IBON FOR SALE. Jost landing fio tons or Eglinton Scotch PIG IRuN. For sale at New York prices. Apnlv to MOSES GOLn.-MfTH A SON, may20-mwre Colonnade Row, Vendne Bange. BUTTER AND CHEESE. Landing and for sale by . ADOLPH NIMITZ, mayl8-2_ No. 209 East Bay. QORN! CORN! COHN! 3006 bushels Prime White CORN, !n balk or bags.. Landing and lor sale by maylfl_T. TOPPER A SONS. ^LEl ALE! ALE! 100 cac ks McEwan's sparkling Edinburgh ALB, landlog rrom oark Oranpner. For sale by W. ti. CHAFES A 00., mayio-tnamS_No. 207 Batt Bay. THIRD DIRECT IMPORTATION QV CALIFORNIA WINEs AND BRANDY . OF EXCELLENT QUALITY. CALIFORNIA MOUNTAIN WINE California Sonoma Wine California Claret Wine California Sherry Wins California Port n ine Calllornla Angelica Wine California Brandy. Sold by the cask, in demijohns, or by the dozen bottles, at JOHN HTTRKAMP A CO., - r? Corner King and Broad streets. Extract from Report or tho U. S. Commissioner or General L nd Office or 1868: .?vino culture is ueatined to become one of the leading branches of industry, lt having already assumed prominence, placing California tn thur respect rar la advance or any- other State, ana with fair prospect or rivalling tne great gripe growing regions of Europe.'? mayis.wfm3* g C. STRIPS AND PIG SHOULDERS. Jost receive! per st- amer a Une lot of 8. 0. STRIPS AND PIG SHOULDERS, small Size. . .... ALSO, Extra Falt?n Market Beer for Bale low by D. FITZGIBBON. N. W. corner King and Cannon streets. All goods delivered free.__j_. ATEW CODFISH, SALMON AND MACK? IE EBEL. Extra No. i MAOKEREL, large size. Choice New Pickle Salmon, st. George Codfish, very fina Pickle Halibut, Pickle Herrines. Forsale by D. FITZ GIBBON, . N. W. corner King and Cannon streets.. All goods delivered free. _ ; "THRESH BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. Jnst received per Steamer Falcon, all kinds of FRESH BlsOUlT, as follows: . Milk Biscuits, Cream Jumbles, Lemon snaps, Ginger Soaps, Soda Biscuit, Arrowroot Biscuit, Oyster Biscuit, Butter Crackers, Wine Crackers and Pilot Bread. , ^ for sale low by D. FITZ GD3BQK ' 5. w. corner King and Cannon streets. All e ods delivered free._? . ? Q?OlCE WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, Ac] A floe lot of PORE RTE WHISKIES, Brandies, ALSO, Some of that line OLD CORN WHISKEY,.at $1 76 per gallon. And lull supply ol low grade Whiskey always on hand. For sale by D. FITZ GIBBON, ;.. . ? N. W. corner King and Cannon streets. All gnod-i de lvered free. maylS-lmo gALTl SALT! SALTI 600 socks Liverpool SaLT fer sale, at tl per sack, to dose consignment, by HENRY CARD, aprM ' Accommodation Wharf. QOGNAO AND LA ROCHELLE BRAN? DY, IN U. S. BONDED STORES. . A. TOBIAS1 SONS, No. 110 EAST BAT, Offer for aale from U. s. Bonded Warehouse. Choice COGNAC and LA ROCHELLE BRANDT Tarions vintages, la Quarter casks Fifth casks Eighth casks > - ANO Caa ea or one dozen bottles each. jp AIR, PRIME AND CHOICE SUGARS. MORDECAI ft00., Na HO East Bay, offer for sale Fair. Prime and Choice Grocery SUGARS. MORDECAI A CO. 1 pALKIBK ALE. f MORDECAI * co., No. no East Bay, oller for l sale an l .voice of "Falkirk" ALE, landing direct '? from Glasgow. In Pints. MORDECAI ACO. j jp ORTO RICO MOLASSES. 1 MORDECAI A CO., No. 110 East Bay. offer for i eaie choice Porto Rico MOLASSES, in strong ? packages. : MORDECAI A 00. r jp RIME WHITE CORN. MORDECAI ft CO., No. HO East Bay, offer for sale Prime White CORN, in new sacks. 6 _MORDECAI ft 00. s^DAMANTINE CANDLES. 1000 packages Adamantine CANDLES for sale by MORDECAI ft CO. _ reb28-emoa_? ?JHOIOE HAVANA CIGARS. MORDECAI ft CO., No. 110 East Bay, offer for sale an Invoice or Choice HAVANA CIGARS, di. rect from Factory in Havana. _ Summer Resorts. I jrjENDERSONVILLE, N. C. The undersigned has opened the RIPLEY HOTEL, In this place, for the summer, and can accommodate psraona wishing to spend the som? mer at reasonable rates. T. A. ALLEN, may 20-1 mo Proprietor. A LLEN HOUSE, AIKEN, S.C.* Persons desiring genteel BOARDING during the ?ammer and tall months will,' by early appli? cation to the anbscilber at this place, secure lt. mayl6-lmo_M'S. N*NC* L. ALLEN. J?J"EW MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. ['?? TRI-WEEKLY LINE OF FOUR-HORSE COACHES FROM GREENVILLE, S. C., TO ASHE? VILLE, N. C., Leave Greenville Monday, Wednesday and Fri? day at 7 A, M. Arrive at Asheville next day by 1 P. M. Leave AsnevUle Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1 P. M. Arrive at Greenville next day by 7 P. M. Leaving Greenville in the morolng, go through to Flat Rock and Hendersonvllle in daylight. Fare to Flat Rock $5; to Asheville $7. may3-2mo W. P. BLAIR. -- Rotels. AVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. 0. G. T. ALFORD & CO., PROPRIETORS. may 14 R. HAMILTON, Superintendent. S PRING OPENING! HRS. M. J. ZERNOW, No. 804 KING STREET, j WUT open THIS DAY an assortment of MILLI? NERY GOODS, Ladies' and Children's Ready Made suits. Sole Agent for Mlle. DEMOREST'S PAPER ! PATTERNS. SHOULDER BRACES, STOCKING SUSPENDERS, and LILY BLOOM. DRESS-MAKING la all Its branches. Country orders will receive prompt attention. mchZS-tnthssmos