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CITY AFFAIRS, y -*- - . A3* Mr. WILLIAM E. SIMMONS, Jr., is the travelling agent for THE NEWS, fer South Carolina. _ Meetings This Day. Gray Jacket Base Ball aub, at 7 P. M. Franklin Lodge, at 7 P. H. MAIL FAILURE.-The iailure of the Northern mail yesterday afternoon was owing to some shortcoming on the line north of Richmond. CRUMBS.-The German Rifle Club have pur? chased another carousel for the delectation of the young people at the Platz during the com? ing fest._ THE SLATE WORKS at Greenville were sold for $2825 to Mr. A. McBee, by whom they bad been turned over, at cost, to the city council. It ls expected that they will be converted into fair grounds._ DEATH OF AN OLD CITIZEN;-Mr. C. Durham Ford died at his residence in WInnsboro' on Monday evening. He had been confined to his room for a considerable length of time. He was buried with Masonic honors. A WEIGHTY CHARGE.-Robert Artope, a colored youth, was arrested yesterday morn? ing by the detectives charged with stealing the brass weights from the grocery store of Mr. N. M. Porter, in King street Robert was [ cau|rnt in the store with the weights and took them for specie. He Is held for examination. PEPPER VS. APPLE.-Richard Pepper, a| colored Radical of some note, died yesterday In a. building at the rear of the Courthouse. He was accidentally shot and lamed by a little sou of Mr. J. Apple, and brought the famous suit of Pepper vs. Apple, which gave him much notoriety about three springs ago. A DANGEROUS WEAPON.-Last night a police? man attempted to arrest a man who was drunk and raising a disturbance In Beanfaln street. The man resisted and rushed Into Clubs and Stars with a vicious looking pair of brass knuckle*.. Assistance came np, and the man with Ma knuckles was captured and lodged th the 'Guardhouse. He gave his name- as John Kelly, and will explain before the Mayor this morning. A VISIT TO THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. We are Informed that the ladles and pupils ol j the Confederate Widows' Home will visit tbe Chamber of Commerce at five o'clock this ! evening, for. the purpose of examining the portrait of the Hon. Alfred Huger, which ls now in the hall of the Chamber, and ls to be disposed of for the benefit ol the Home. AB many of the members of the Chamber as can | do so are requested to be present. Vj, : THE FUNERAL OF MkC JOHN HURKAMP took place yesterday at St. John's Lutheran Church, la Archdale street, the Rev. Mr. Doacfa, pastor, officiating. The funeral was attended by a concourse of citizens, among whom were the Mayor and many members of the Freundschaflabund andiOennan Fire Com' pany, of which associations the deceased was a member. At the conclusion of the cere? monies, the remains were Interred in the burial lot of the family in the churchyard. FISK.-Yesterday morning about eight o'clock, the sparks from a neighboring chim? ney set fire to the shingled roof of a small wooden house in Pigeon's row, Morris street, owned by Mr. J. L. Moses. Ihe alarm was quickly given, and a number of the police hastening from the upper Guardhouse to the scene of action, with the assistance of the neighbors, s:on extinguished the flames. Their promptitude prevented an extensive conflagration among the wooden buildings, of which the row is entirely composed. THE SL ?^Y^WAT,-Yesterday afternoon, about half past-one o'clock, a cream-colored mule attached to a blue dray,opon which were two hogsheads of rice, Blipped upon the track Ol the .street raliway.-In Wentworth street, between King and Meeting, and fell upon Its head. 'It lay lor some time kicking 1; sell Into Inconceivable positions, but was at length re? lieved of the dray and harness. It was then persuaded to get up, and, having partaken of a tumbler of whiskey,' was hitched in again and went on TV 1th the load. The incident at . tracted quite a crowd, and delayed liz pas? sage of a street car tor. some time. ANOTHER VICTIM.-Yesterday an old colored man, from Sante e, who had Just sold a lot of rice for fon y dol?an, was swindled out Of twenty-five dollars by a colored sharper named John Mitchell. As usual, the latter approached the old man under the guise of friendship, and succeeded in getting twenty-five dollars from him for the purpose of assisting him in his purchases. The victim saw nothlog more of friend or money, and in despair complained to the detectives. Mitchell's arrest followed, but too late to save but a small portion of the stolen money. The prisoner ls held for ex? amination._ CLUBS AND STARS.-Wm. Morris, lodged for being drunk and disorderly on the corner of East Bay and Plnckney streets and for striking the policeman who arrested him, was fined five dollars. Jos. Nelson, reported for depositing filth in McBride's lane, was fined two dollars. Hiram Lee, for being drunk and. abusing his wife on premises in Cannon street, was, on her complaint, turned over to ? trial Justice. _' A red cow found .astray io America street was delivered to the owner upon payment of a fine of one dollar. RUNAWAY TN KING STREET.-Yesterday morning, about eleven o'clock, a horse at? tached to a sprlng wagon, coming down King street from Spring, took fright and; ran off down the plank road. The driver, a white man, was pitched out ali Morris street, and the wheels passed over his head. The horse kept on down, and cleared himself pf the ve. hide by Jamming lt against a post near Ann streeL He was captured near the Citadel by a soldier and brought back. The driver was taken into Dr. Conics's store, where, his face waa found to be bruised and slightly cut. He was soon refitted, and, hitching up bis team, once more made a quiet jouraeydown the street. No other dams ge was don?. PRESENTATION-Ata meeting of Pythago? rean Lodge, No. 21, A. F. M., held, on Thurs? day evening, Past Master Moekenfuss was presented with a beautiful Jewel as an ex? pression of the high esteem In which his ser? vices to the lodge were held. The presenta? tion was made hy the worshipful master, S. E. Welch, In a neat and appropriate speech. Past Master Muckenfuss replied with much feeling. He accepted the girt as the '-well done" from those whom it had been his most: earnest wish to serve, and would point to this occasion with sincere gratification and pride. The occasion was one full el interest, and will long be remembered by those present. The Jewel ls of superior workmanship, and was-manufaetured by Mr4. A. W. Lewin, the weusknown Jeweller ia Hasel street. , THE MARINE AND BITER PHOSPHATE MINING AND MANUFACTURING COMPANT.-At the an? nual meeting of this company, held on Wednesday, tte following directors were elected for the ensuing year: Alex. Isaacs, D. T. Corbin, C. H. Bass, J. P. Low and Geo. W. Clart._ THE CITT TREASURY.-The decision ol Coun? cil on Thursday nigbt seems to have been taken as a Anal settlement of the city treas? urership question. Nothing was done yester? day in the matter; but Mr. Thomas bas noti? fied the committee of ways and means that he will be ready to turn over the records and pa? pers of his office to them at four o'clock this afternoon, pursuant to the resolution passed by Council. THE PHOSPHATE INTEREST.-Manufacturers, shippers and agents for the sale of commer? cial fertilizers, and individuals or companies engaged In mining phosphates from the beds of navigable waters within the Jurisdiction of I the State, are requested to take notice of an I act bearing date the 6th day of March, 1872, and published in to-day's Issue of THE NEWS, entitled "An act to provide for the appoint? ment of an inspector of phosphates, and to de? clare his duties." ,1THE LITTLE INNOCENT."*-On Thursday night Mrs. Mary Bua, while walking through the passageway leading to her house in Judith street, stumbled over a small bundle which began to ery. The good lady recoiled, but investigating the obstacle afterwards with a light found it to bea fine little girl infant neatly dressed and In fine spirits. The little one brought a letter of introduction, stating she was but nine days old and was the child of "respectable parents," who hoped that Mrs. Bua would take as good care of the infant as she used to do ot the 141her city wards in days gone by. It further added that If this was done Mrs. B. would be handsomely rewarded. The circumstances were brought before the Mayor's . court yesterday, and as no one present seemed anxious to adopt the little stranger, she was left with Mrs. Bua. This makes the fifth ! THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC-The Lingard company opened their brief engagement last evening at the Academy before a fair audi? ence. The short introductory piece, entitled "The Day Aftet the Wedding," was well re? ceived. Miss Dunning, by her clever Imper? sonation of the petted and quick-tempered young wife, made a favorable impression upon the audience, and prepared them, for the Inimitable sketches of Mr. Lingard which fol? lowed. These have been beiore given in Charleston, but Mr. Lingard produced them on this occasion with a felicity which was li re? sistible. His sudden and wondrous change of .habiliments, his consummate mastery over all the facial expressions, and the concomitant, transformai lon of voice and manner, at times effected in fail view of the audience, showed the perfect mimic and vocalist. Ihe fine comedy of "David Garrick," by the famous T. W. Robertson, closed the entertainment for the evening, and showed Mr. Lingard to be at ease in the yet more difficult role of the thorough comedian. The other characters were well sustained, and the play went off in the happiest style. To-day the young people will have an op? portunity of witnessing the sketches of Mr. Lingard, and the play of "A Wonderful Woman" and "Little Toddleklna," at a matinee. In the evening, "War to the Knife," with a laughable comedietta, will be given. THE OYSTER TRADE OF CEDAR KEYS.-This diminutive town on the Gulf coast of Florida ls looming up prominently just now as the great oyster-supplying point for Savannah and Charleston, and in fact for all points conve? niently reached by rall. Until this season, the merits of Cedar Keys oysters were not appre? ciated or understood beyond the limits ot the place from whence they take their name, and lt was but rarely that a barrel of tbem found their way In tbls direction. By accident, rather than by any effort of the people at the Keys, the magnificent quality, of the bivalves became gradually noised abroad, and their popularity has Increased BO rapidly that the supply is - scarcely equal to the demand. Savannah receives at a low estimate one hun? dred and fifty barrels per week, while the ex. press agent at the Keys states that Charleston and Jacksonville take five hundred a week. This demand ls constantly increasing. The Cedar Heye oyster ls entirely uncultivated, but possesses all the qualities of the Shrews? bury or Chesapeake Bay bivalve. If culti? vated and encouraged, lt would far surpass aay other growth in American waters. So much has it been appreciated that shipments ; have been made North this season to connois? seurs, who pronounce lt unequalled in flavor and condition. V Hotel Arrival?-March 8. PAVILION HOTEL. D. H. Sally, Orangeburg; J. E. Hagood, Co? lumbia'; W. M. Hayne, Plckens; B. Stapelle, D. Duncan, Frank Evans, A. Glassford, Jr., Mre. P. Galton, Miss Blanche Galton, B. F. Dun? ning, J. H. WIckam, John Mathews, Lingard Troupe; CHARLESTON.HOTEL. John Burke, New York; Miss Mary Gwalt I ney, Georgia; J. H. W. Stevens, South Caro I Una; Mr. and Mrs. James Morris, child and j nurse, New York City; Miss A. King, New? port; George T. Wiekes,, James Keegan, Wa teree; E. Borton, C. H. Scott, Philadelphia; S. Jones,' Chicago; A. S. Doane, Wm. G. Bogers, Miss. Gracie A. Rodgers, Berlin; Wm. Batty, Mystic, Conn. ; E. C. Clark, Jr., wife, nurse anoTchiid, Eugene Gross. Albany; E. E. Bradley, Mrs. js..E. Bradley, Connecticut BUSINESS NOTICES. ALL the new, nobby and fashionable Hats Just received at Pienge's, No. 201 King street. To DRESSMAKERS AND TAILORS.-The tailors' system of cutting or ParlBian formula, by lire. M. Lu Livingston, New York. This system cuts thirty-six different garments, two hun? dred and twenty-five different sizes back, and the front with the one piece, gotten up on geometrical principles; ten consolidated meas? ures, with forms of front shoulder. Warrants 1 a perfect fit for any form, or no sale. For sale In Charleston at Singer's Sewing Machine Office only, King street, near Horlbeck's alley. mch8-2 A HANDSOME assortment of children's Hats, at Pienge's, No. 201 King street : CHILDREN'S, Bo Ya' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, sizes running from three lo twenty years. A large invoice of the above, in good and sea sonable styles, just received at No. 213 King : street, fourth door below Market. GEO. LITTLE & Co._mcb6-wths3 COUGHS.-A medicinal preparation in the form of a lozenge is the most convenient "Brown's Bronchial Troches" allay Irritation which Indices coughing, giving relief in Bron- < chitts, Hoarseness, Influenza, Consumption l and Asthmatic complaints. mch5-tuths3 ENGLISH SADDLE?.-For sale, 24 fine Eng? lish Saddles and 100 McClellan Saddles/ Will be sold low to close consignment John Com? mins, No. 308 King street, above Wentworth. mch8-ftu8 Tri i- utiAJXXiMUi _ i.i GRAND OPENING DAT of the Singer Bowing Machine Company, at No. 186 King street, op? posite D. H. Silcoz's Furniture Warerooms, Saturday, March 9,1872. ?"The Ladles in particular are respectfully invited to visit our new establishment. mch7-3 _. WHEELER 4 WILSON, Singer, and Grover * Baker family Sewing Machines for sale at low prices, fully warrp.aied. These machines have been taken in part payment for the un? rivalled Weed V. F. and Letter G Silent Ma? chines, and will be sold cheap to make room for more offering, at No. 307 King street. Jan27-sw_ FARNHAM'S FRENCH TOOTH LOZENGES, a novel and pleasant dentriflce-the finest in the world for cleaning, beautifying and pre? serving the teeth; endorsed by eminent den? tists. Sold wholesale by Dowle, Moise & Davis. At retail by Dr. H. Baer, No. 131 Meeting street Chas. F. Panknln, No. 123 Meeting street A. W. Eckel A Co., No. 215 King street G. W. Aimar, cor. Klng.4 Vanderhoret sta. G. J. Lunn, King street, corner John. Vogt & Co., No. 277 King street . Edwd. 8. Burnham, No. 421 King street C. F. Schwegmann, cor. King & Broad sta. Jos. Blackman, No. 38 Broad street 0. A. Barbot, No. 46 Broad street. Dr. E. H. Kellers, No. 65 Broad street Dr. W. A. Skrlne, No. 260 King street - Dr. Geo. Caul 1er, cor. Meeting & Society sta, And other Druggists. feb20-3mos To BUSINESS MEN.-Save your money by purchasing your Blank Books at the East] Bay News Room. decl4s ONE DOLLAR WRITING DESKS.-Superior to any sold heretofore. HASEL STREET BAZAAR, and EAST BAT NEWS BOOM. dec20s FDRCHGOTT, BENEDICT A Co. advertise this day the receipt of their first shipment of Spring Goods. The latest styles of Spring Dress Goods can be examined at their store, No. 244 King street feb29 FDRCHGOTT, BENEDICT & Co. have received the first shipment of Spring Cloths for Gents1 wear from 75 cents up. Tailors will find lt to their advantage to examine the goods. feb29 FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & Co. most cordially invite the Ladles o? this city to give them a call and examine the first shipment of Spring Dress Goods. Also the fine assortment of new Carpets as reduced; prices irom 40 cents to $1. feb29_ NOTICE TO TOURISTS.-Stereoscopic views of Charleston and vicinity for sale at the Hasel street Bazaar._ _ dec29 CROQUET I CROQUET I-The cheapest In the city. Price $4. HASEL STREET BAZAAR. deo20_ ENVELOPES, White or Buff, good quality 10c. a package, or three packages for 25c. Hasel street Bazaar and East Bay News Room. febl9-m . _ CHEILLET'S PARIS KID GLOVES-every pair warranted. These Gloves will be taken back even after wear, for any Imperfections, such aa tearing or ripping. ' * Paris, 20 Rue de la Paix. London, 53 Regent street DEPOTS ? New york, 929? Broadway. Boston, 9 Temple Place. FUR CH GO rr, BENEDICT <fc Co., sole Agents tor Charleston. _ nov3-6mos TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. GURMAN FRIENDLY SOCIETY, March e, 1872. At a regular meeting ot the society, held mis evening, the following proceedings were unanimously adopted; Whereas, By the dispensation of an All-wise Providence we are called upon to record the death or an esteemed and venerable member or our society. Mr. John H. Schreiner, Sr., was born in Ham? burg, Germany, in the year 1794, and arrived in this city about arty years ago. He became a mem? ber of our society In 1824, and died at anderson court house, where he had beea residing for the past few years, on the 22d of February, 1872, la bis 78th year, having been a member for forty eight years. Mr. Schreiner was an onergetlo and successful merchant, and had accumulated a Handsome competency, and was highly respected in the community in which he had lived. Be it, therefore, Resolved,' That we tender to bis family our heartfelt, sympathy In their sad bereavement. Resolved. That a page In our Journal be In? scribed to his memory. Resolved, That a copy of these r-oceedlnga be transmitted to the family of the deceased. J NO. A. BLUM, Secretary. (Drggg ot jjjjgjggjg* JN MEDICINE, QUALITY IS OF THE FIRST IMPORTANCE. PHILIP WINEMAN & CO., . DIRECT IMPORTERS OF CHOICE DKtJGS AND CHEMICALS, NO. 36 H AT NE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. O. ' PHILIP WINEMAN. JOHN A8HHUR9T. Big respectfully to call the attention of Physi? cians, Druggists, Country Merchants and Plant, era,, to their extensive and complete stock of Choice DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, FANCY | GOODS, GLASSWARE, SURGICAL INSTRU? MENTS, PAINTS, OILS, DYE STUFFS AND PURE LIQUORS, All of which have b??n selectel with great care and particularly with* reference to quality. Many houses sell Medicines and Pharmaceutical Preparations with regard only to cheapness; this we avoid doing, "quick sal?B and small prc fl ts" being our motto. Physicians and Country Mer. chants can rely on procuring at our establishment n ne but pure and reliable Goods; and we rally guarantee every preparation that boars our labeL Mr. WINEMAN being a regularly educated Drug? gist and Apothecary, takes especial charge of the manufacturing department. Being Agents for the most approved PATENT MEDICINES, can offer them at proprietors' prices. We are in receipt, by recent importations from Europe, of the following Desirable Gooda: Howards A Sons' London CALOMEL Herring A Co.'s Bine Mass Herring ? Co.'s Medicinal Extracts Atklnsen A Blgger's Iodide Potass Sarg8's Pare vienna Glycerine English Oonc'd Ammonia:, in bottles English Calcined Magnesia Calvert's Carbolic Acid. Together with a fall assortment of AMERIOAN CHEMICALS from the best makers. NOTICE. We can offer with great confluence to the trade the following Desirable Goods or oar own manu facture: OLD CAROLINA BITTERS Ext. Sarsaparilla and Queen's Delight Essence Jamaica Ginger Crystallized Worm Candy Infallible Cough Specific Improved Liver Pills. The above articles are prepared with special ref? erence to the diseases they are intended to cure, and are warranted in all cases to give perfect satisfaction. mch2-stath3mosD?to E F. WALL, TRIAL JUSTICE, SOUTHEAST BASEMENT, FIRE-PROOF BUILDING, febis-imo* 3 J. VIV ll JD TV O . A v> aw VA _. I .???>. 'J ._:_U_i!_ ?Dr 3 ?0003, JfrC. LOUIS COHEN ft CO., Nb. 848 KING STREET, Beg leave respect folly to announce that they are now In receipt of a complete Stock of SPRING- DRESS GOODS* COMPRISING IN PART ALL COLORS ANS SH ASKS, JAPANESE BILES, MOHAIRS, VEL0?BB, POPLINS, BAREGES, DELAINS, HERNANI GRANEDINES. AND A FULL LT NB OP TES BEST LLAMA LACE POINTS. All or which are offered at the most REASONABLE PRICES PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS .DRAWN TO OUR FULL LINES OF ' KID GLOVES ANO SASH RIBBONS, WHICH HAVE BEEN MUCH REDUCED IN PRIOE. A call ls respectfully solicited. LOUIS COHEN & CO., NO. 248 KINO STREET. mob 4 tnthaimo__^_ BARGAINS IV CLOAKS ft SHAWLS. Daring the remainder of the season, GOODS In thia Department will be sold at their COST to manufacture. J, B,. READ. DRESS COO OS. CHEAP DRESS GOODS, CONSISTING IN PART OP : COLORED SATINES DIAGONAL CLOTHS VELOURS POPLINS ? (CASHMERES, Ac. Especial attention ls invited to a lot or assorted POPLINS and MOHAIRS, being offered at 26 cents per yard. _J. R. READ: BLACK DRESS GOODS. A splendid assortment of new and most approv? ed BLACK DRESS MATERIAL : Black Biarritz, Satines, Diagonals, Berlin Cord?, Penlan Cloth, i Alpacas, Empress Oloth, Mohairs, French Merino, Tamisa Cloth, Bombazine, Ottoman Cords, Ap. KID GLOVES. HARRIS'S "SEAMLESS" KID GLOVES, (first quality.) A fad assortment or atreet colors, and others. ALSO, FRENCH KID GLOVES, at $1, m dark and light colors, black end white. _J. R. REAP. HOSIERY AND GLOVES. ENGLISH AND GERMAN H0S1ERT Ladles' superior White Cotton Hose, at 60c. Men's Extra Quality Hair Hose, at 31, 37* and 60c Ladlee' Doeskin Gauntlets and Gloves Men's Berlin and French Calf Gloves' Miases' Superior White Cotton Hosiery. . . ._J. R. READ. MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. LADIES' PLAID SCARFS, new Ladles' Twilled Scans, with tassels Ladles' Twilled searls, plain White Tarletans, 84 French Muslins Colored Tarletan^ Evening colors Black Silk Parasols, Glove-nttingCoraeta Black Silk Fringes, French Perfumery Hair Brashes, Dressing Combs, floe Tooth Brush es, Lace Sets, Lace Collars, Rnches, Ac. _J. R. READ. BLACK SILKS. BLACK, WHITE AND COLORED REFT VALOURS for Trimmings Black and Colored Poplins. SPECIALTIESmGENTLEMEN A new lot of GENTLEMEN'S SCARFS, in latest novelties, TIES and CRAVATS, received per last steamer, at greatly reduced prices. J. R. READ. oci27-mwfemos N E W STORE 13 JR Y GOOI>S, FANCY GOODS AND NOTION8. I have Jost opened a NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac, which will be sold low for cash, at No. 388 KING STREET, be? tween George and Calhoun. mch2-stnth? E. D. ANDREWS. FOX'S The Finest Sponge Butter Crackers Manufactured. FOX'S CRACKERS have for over half a century been held in the highest estimation by the people of the Eastern and Middle States. They are kept for sale by all the leading Grocers In NEW YORK CITY. All articles nsed in their manufacture are the best and purest that can be obtained. The ma? chinery used was Invented and patented by JOS. FOX, MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF CRACKERS, hANSIVGBUKGH. If. T. Send for Price Lists, Ac. I deliver goods free of charge m New York City. Liberal terms given Jobbers, and am ready to make arrangements with any reliable parties who will take urdera for me in any of the cities In this State. Address " JOS. FOX, febl3-tnthslmo LANSINGBURGH, N. Y. ' Orari s at t?rjakaale. ?)K?GS, IVOSMCINES, S P R 13V G 18 7 2 . DO WIE, MO?SE & DAVIS, I .' IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURE RS ASD " WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. ^^???egc?^lBllt,he-n"nntl?nof DrQ,flr???*s, Physician* and Country -Merchants to oar lane and gOOme?e Stock ol all QOOJB usually kept In a FIRST-CLASS WHOLESALE DRUG WASE r?B;,H?i^e/^fliori?e.i0ll0^m? h.ou8e8' wn0Be articles we offer at Proprietors' prices, and solicit orders ror them and other Ooods In onr line: Jno. Wyeth A Bro., pr Philadelphia-Elegant Pharmaceutical Preparations: Beef Wine and Iron, "Tasteless Cod Liver OH," Pepsin. Bicmuth and Strychnine, Ac., AC. v: ^ HsnceBros. A White, or Phliadelphia-Standard soild and Fluid Extracta and Sngar-Coated Pins. B. Keith A Co., of New York-Reliable Concentrated Tinctures and Powders. ChM'?h???w/powa^nd0Sn of Tar, Laharraqne's Wine or Quinine, Belloc's Medicated Grinrault, A Co.. of Paris-Syrnp of the Hypophoephate Lime, Guaran?. Ac. Lleblg'B Texan Extract Beef. . Excelsior Spring Saratoga Water, Long's Portable Soda Fountain-all complete in one SUver-Plated Draw Stand. The cheapest and most economical and easily managed Soda Fountain in the world. Expressly suited to Small Country Drug Stores, Confectionery Establishments, Ac., Ac. Send for Descriptive Circular E?l!?!1^?.?1?* Show cases-Walnut and Metal Frames-4, 6,6, 7 and 8 feet, always on hand. Mixed Palais, alt colors, ready for use, la cans of from one to Ave poonda, A very desirable article. we are Proprietors of the following, which we offer with confidence as being equal to any simi? lar Preparations in the market: <? * . Sumter Bluters-J?e Orear southern Tonic. Moise's Fever and Ague Pills-Warranted to Cure. Mopeds Liver Piils-purely Vegetable. Moise's Popular White Worm Candy. Moise's Horse, Hog and Cattle Powders. Moise's Mornlogstar Yeast or Baking Powders. ' feb29 c*w8mos _Samples Famished Free of Charge. Sim ma ?iacrjmt?. SINGER STILL TRIUMPHANT ! GOLD AND SILVER MEDALS AND DIPLOMA AWARDED TO SINGER SEW LNG MACHINE Af SAVANNAH F AIR, NOVEMBER, 1371. FIRST PREMIUM AT ATLANTA FAIR, OCTOBER, 1871. FOB BEST FAMILY MACHINE. ' PREMIUM AT THE MACON FAIR, OCTOBER, 1871, FOB FAMILY MA? CHINE. WITH BEST AND MOST USEFUL ATTACHMENTS. FIRST PREMIUM AT THOMASYTLLE, NOVEMBER 2,1871, FOB BEST FAMILY MACHINE. 1 GOLD MEDAL AND THREE SILVER MEDALS AWARDED THE SINGEB AT THE AUGUSTA FAIR, NOVEMBER, 1871. EXAMINE OUR MACHINES. H. D. HAWLEY, GENERAL AGENT FOR SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. ? J. CLARK BEDELL, RESIDENT AGENTr CHARLESTON, S. C. novlf-tuths * OFFICE AND SALESROOM No. 186 KING STREET. T MPTE T A?TT TO PLAN T ER ??PXND PACTO RS. MIDDLETON'S FISH AMMONIATED PHOSPHATE. This excellent brand of FERTILIZER comes before the pnbllo well recommended. Having been prepared with great pains and best materials, Its adaptation to the crops of this section la nosnr* passed, the evidence of which ls furnished by the rollo wing testimonials of Professor SHEPARD and J. B. BUSSELL, Esq., which we annex as follows: . OFFICE OF THU STAT? IXSTTCTOR OT FXKTILIZKHS, March Slat, 1871. Messrs. J. A. Baslow A Co.: GXHTILBMBN-Enclosed please find the analysis of the sample of .'Mlddietoh's Ammomated Phosphate," selected by my assistant from the cargo Jost arrived. J The large amount of organic matu-r, rich m ammonia, and the highly soluble condition of the phos? phoric acid, are sufflcient reoommendatlons for this article. 1 reel .?uro that the planter will be bene? fited by Its Judicious application to-cotton and other crops. Respectfully, your obedient servant, (Signed} C. C. SHEPARD, JR., M. D., Inspector of Fertilizers for Sooth Carolina. :. CHARLESTON, S. C., December 12.1871. Messrs. J. A. Enslcnc <? Co., Agents Middleton's Fish Ammoniated Phosphate: GKKTLXMXN-I experimentad with the ooo ton or Middleton's Fish Ammoniated Phosphate which I procured of yon, and beg to stare that I applied lt to Rice alongside or ihe Phosphatlo Manures manufactured m this city and vicinity, and the result waa decidedly m favor of your Fertilizer. I rave u o t: y et threshed my crop, and cannot, therefore, furnish you with the difference in yield, but the growth and vigor or the stalk proved to me the superiority of Middleton's Fish Ammoniated Phosphate over the other Fertilizers used. Very respectfully, yours, (Signed) J. B. BUSSELL. UNIFORMITY OF QUALITY GUARANTE tl). PRICES- $45 cash; or for approved acceptance, payable 1st November next, $60. Address J. A.. EN8LOW ?fe CO., }ans-WB3mofl AGENTS, NO. MI EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C. ETIWM FERTILIZERS! THREE VERY SUPERIOR ARTICLES ARE OPFERED BY THE SULPHURIC ACID AND SUPER 1 PHOSPHATE COMPANY, OF CHARLESTON, S. C., via: ETIWAN GUANO. A comp ete MANURE, adapted to COTTON, GRAIN AND TOBACCO, being the well-known artlcli heretofore offered at the very high grade or 16 PER CENT. DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME, with the addition, as heretofore, of PERUVIAN GUANO, AMMONIA ANO POTASH. Price $65 per ton, if paid on or before the 1st or April next, and $60 per unpayable lat November, 1872. ETIWAN CROP FOOD. A new article or about the same high grade or Soluble Phosphate, compounded with the elements or Cotton Seed in such a manner as to losare one or the BEST FERTILIZERS FOR COTTON AND GRAIN, at a lower price than tue ETIWAN GUANO. Price $40 per ton, if pata on or before the 1st of April next, $46 per ton payable lat November, 1872. ETIWAN DISSOLVED BOIVE. Averaging from 18 te 20 per cent, of DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE, and thus enabling tho Planter, by composting, to obtain two tons of half that grade at a saving of ONE-HALF COST AND FREIGHT. Price $86 per ton, If paid on or before the 1st of April next, $40 per ton payable 1st No? vember, 1872. ?a- Take notice that all these FERTILIZERS are of the highest grade of SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE, and mast help for more than one year. W. C. BEE & CO., General Agents, deo20-thStn CHARLESTON, 8. C. "?R?NiiiT PHOSPHAflT ~ This FERTILIZER, manufactured by the ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE COMPANY, under the dlreo tlon of their Chemist, Dr. ST. JULIEN RAVENEL, ia now offered to the Planting Community AT TH." VERY REDUCED PRICE OF 448 PER TON CASH, or $5? PAYABLE 1ST NOVEMBER, 1873, FREE OF INTEREST. This FERTILIZER has been very extensively used In thia State, and has given entire satisfaction; some of the must practical planters admitting lt to be equal to Peruvian Guano, pound for pound. All sales made now will be considered as cash on the 1st of March, 1872, and to tbose buy lng on time the sale will be considered as due. on 1st November. 1872. By this arrangement planters will be enabled, without extra cost, to haul their Manure at a time when their wagons and mules are idle. . Pamphlets containing the certificates of those who have used the ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE will be furnished on application to the Agents. PELZER, RODGERS & CO., General Agents, decS-tmoa BROWN'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, 8. O. E. FRANK COE'S AMMONIATED BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE, AND COE'S PURE DISSOLVED BONE. The above superior FERTILIZERS, admitted by every Planter who has usedl the? to be the beet and most profitable or any or the Commercial Manures, are now offered for Bale by the Agents at very much Reduced Prices, in order that every Planter may be enabled to ase them nn .. Pamphlets containing the reports of the success of these Jftrtlllzers will be furnished on appll ^The^no^?^is?oidat?? per ton cash, or BB? per ton payable 1st November, 1872, free of lnteTheblssoived Bone at $50 per ton cash, or $58 per ton payable 1st November, 1872, free of Interest. PELZER, RODGERS & CO., Sole Agents, dec8-*moa _BROWN'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. THE CHOICEST STOCK OF II??IIMIIIM JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER, SILVER-PLATED WABE AND TABLE CUTLERY, French and American Clocks, IS TO BE FOUND AT JAMES ALLAN'S, IVo. 307 K-INO STREET. decs-stntnemos I JJ ANTOUE & CkO., PROPRIETORS OF THE CHARLESTON BRANCH 07 THE A VA NA CI GAB FACT OB Y LA VALENTINA. - HfVlng purchased the above named establish? ment, and having all the facilities necessary, we are prepared to fnrnlsh the public in general with first-class HAVANA CIGARS, manufactured from fine Vuelta Abajo Tob?cea We will have a full stock constantly on hand. Orders for special Brands filled at shortest no? tice. MANTOUE A CO., Nos. 114 and 118 East Bay, Charleston, S. 0. A CABB. Having disposed to Messrs. MANTOUE A 00. my right and title tn the Charleston Branch or the Havana Cigar Factory, LA VALENTINA, in retir? ing from the above named business I return my thanks to my friends and the public in general for their kind patronage, and solicit a contin? uance of the same for my successors. M. J. QUINTERO. Charleston, S. 0., Feb. 12, 1872. febH-tnthslm Luttum Bait*~~?mn Sto?t. Bj LOUIS ?. DeSA?SS?SE. ESTATE SALE STOCKS AND BONDS, ?i bj order of ExeoaMrsVyn.;- .V?,? Un TUESDAY, the 12th Instant, At U o'clock A. IL, will be sold near ine Poa wfflcs, by order of toe Executers, S5000 CHARLOTTE, COLUMBIA ANO AUGUSTA^ Rit ILK OA D BONDS. $4633 City Charleston Ol per cent. Stock. $160 State South Carolina Six per cent. Bonds. 67 Sbarea Flrat National Bank. * 64 Shana People'a Bank (consolidated J 72 8hare8 Bank Charleston. 16 Shana Sooth Carolina Railroad and Bank Stock. Condini>ns cash. '* Unlimited stocks and'Bonds will be recelTed for" sale._: cp ._._L__: mens-, a Bj H. H. DeLEON. VALUABLE PROPERTY IN KING street, East Bay. Tradd and State Streets. Rachel Harris, executrix, vs. m V. Anekar-Sale for settlement of copar tn eran lp affairs. . .,, By virtue of the decree Of the Hon: K P. Graham," Judge of the First Circuit, I will sell on.-: THURSDAY, 14th March, 1672, at ll o'clock,.at., corner Broad and East Bay stree ta, . , ' . ? All that LOT OF LAND situate on the east side? of King street, with the loree-story Brick BaGd.; lng thereon, occupied by Furchgott, Benedict A t Co., and known as No. 244, measuring In front on King street 24 feet 0 Inches, and in depth 230 feet, be toe aame more or lesa; bounding to the north, on Landa formerly of Samuel Se> le, to the east on Landa formerly of Edvard Trescott, to tho south on Landa formerly of Jno. a Simmons,? but now or D. H. silcox, and west on King street. ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND, with the Bandings-" thereon., situate on the sooth side of Tradd street,. measuring In front on Tradd street 28 feetAr in ches, und in dept 3 98 feet 9 inches, mere or lesa: bounding north on Trodd street, sast on Lands of Alonzo J. white, south on Landa of . gai y? and wost on Lands or -.and knowns* No. ll OB a Plat made by Ed. B. white, Surveyor, on the 24th or July, 1862, and or record la Plat Book Av, No. 1, page 92, All that LOT'OF LiCND. With the Bunding? thereon, situate on the west side-of East Bay street, measuring in front on East Bur 26 feet ny: loo feet In depth, more or lest;, bounding east oa East Bay street, west on Lands'formerly of Jno: ' S. Jone?, north on the Union Bank, and south on the First National Bank. ALEO, All that LOT OF LAND, and buildings thereon, situate on the west side of sute street, measuring In front on State street 41 feet, on the south lin? 90 feet, on the north line 87 feet, more or leas;, bounding nor. h on Lands of Locke, east on State street, south on Lands of T. N. Gaded en, ind west? on Lands ol Thew lng and T. H. Gadsden, i ALSO, AB that LOT OF LAND, with the Brick Building therein, situate on the weat side or Stat? streets measuring in front on State street sa feet, and in depth HO ieet/more or lesa; bounded north on Lands of -, east on sute stree t, south on Lands or Lot above ment oned, the property of Ancker and Hf.rr is, and weston Lands afc Terms-One-third (H) cash; trjk;balance on a credit or one, two and three yeaisSrlth seven per cent, intereat rromday of. sale, stable semi-an? nually, secured by bond of th a purchaser and mortgage of the promises. Premises to be in? sured ind policies aa.-ls ned. Purchasers topar for papen and stamps and the city taxes for 1872? mch'i ?_ , BML DsLEON, Referee. ,, _gyp; ?orjrj?, 9t. CRAND OPENING! GRAND OPENING! OF SPRING GOODS, AT FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT.& CO., No. 244 King Street, NEW AND FINE STYLES OF JAPANESE SILKS,' - ; NEW AND FINE STYLES OF NILSSON SON PLAIDS, NEW AND FINE STYLES OF MOZ AMBIQUES, NEW AND FINE STYLES SILK STRIPED GE NAD INES. : ELEGANT STYLES OF MARSEILLES AND PIQUES, In Plain, Flowered, Figured, Striped and Bor? dered and Corded. FINE 4-4 WHITE LINEN BATISTE, FINE 4-4 FRENCH BUFF LAWNS, SPRING STYLES. s . ? AT FUFtCHCOTT, BENEDICT A CO.. No. 244 KING STREET. HO- Samples given. SPRING STYLES. NEW AND ELEGANT PATTERNS ?;??... S v :-. ? CASSI MERES, DOESKINS, . BLUE AND BLACK CLOTHS, . SPRING TWEEDS, SPRING SATINETS. A FULL LINK OF .' . .. TOWELS, DOYLIES, NAPKINS, TABLE? CLOTHS, All In Latest Styles at very Low Figures. ? '- ' FURCHOOTT, BENEDICT A CO?. CARPETS AND MATTIN8. * 25 PIECES CARPETS FROM 40 CENTS TO SO CENTS, WORTH 65 CENTS AND $136. 4-4 AND 5-4 WHITE AND CHECK MATTING. OUR $126 INDIAN MATS ABE WORTH $2 50. FURCHCOTT, BENEDICT ? CO. WHOLESALE JDEPARTMENT. FliRf DGOTT, B?1D1CT & CO. Having an experienced resident coyer In tte City or New York, who fully understands theda"' manda of this market and who ls always hunting/ up bargains, and buys of the very drat house* only, we can, under such rac iii tie?, well competen with any house North or South, and most respe?*/ fully invite those in seed of Goods to Rive us a call and examine our Stock sod our prices, GUA?. ANTES INO SATISFACTION ANO WAH RANTIN Ci gOOdS to be as represented. Orders from the country will receive our bett' attention. Merchants, Milliners, Tailors, and all others will do well by giving us a call before pur? chasing elsewhere. Respectfully, - FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT A OO., .-? No. ?44 King street, No. 244 King street, Charleston, S. 0. Charleston, 8.0. No. 437 King street, No. 487 King street 1 Charleston, S. 0. Charleston, 8. 0. No. t Bay street, No. 4 Bay street Jacksonville, Fla. Jacksonville, Fla. No. 22 White street No. 22 White street New York. New York. Hibbens, Millinery and Straw ' Goods. 1 8 7 Si ALSO WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, Ac. ARMSTRONGTCATOR ft CO., IMPOSTORS, MAHOFATUBBBB AND JOBBEBS BONNET, TRIMMING, NECK and SASH RIBBONS, VELVET RIBBONS, NECK TIES, Bonnet Silks, Satins, Velvets and Crapes, FLOWEBS, FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS, FRAMES, Ac, AC straw Bonnets and Ladles' and Children?B Hat?, Trimmed and Untrimmed; snd in connecting Wardrooms White Goods, Linens.. Embroideries, Laces, Nets, Colara, Sets, Handkerchief, Veil? ing, Head Nets, Ac, Ac - NOS. 237 AND 239 BALTIMORE STBEET, BALTI . MORE, MD. These goods are manufactured by us or bought for Cash directly from the European and Ameri? can Manufacturers, embracing all the latest nov tlties, nu equalled in variety and cheapness ? any market. orders filled with care, P^P*^^