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TEEMS OE THE NEWS. TBS DATAT KMWB, by mall one year, fl; six montas $4; taree montos $2 50. Served In the city at KIOHTXSN Cures a week, payable to the oar ! riers, or $8 a year, paid la advance at the office. Tau Tai-WxaiLT News, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, one year (4; six montes $2. ' ?as wmir Naws, one year $3. Six copies $10. Ten -copies, to one address, $1&> SUBSCRIPTIONS ia all cases payable in advance, and no paper continued alter the expiration or the t^p^ffe'1'' ~-; j: * -: .. Non ess of Wants, To Kent, Lost and Found, Boarding, *c, not exceeding ? words, 26 cents each insertion; over ao, and not exceeding 30 words, 40 cents eton insertion; over 30, and not exceeding 40 words, ?cents each In sert lo ri These rates aire NKT, and must invariably be paid m advance. RSMiTTAVCKS should be made by Postofflce Moats* ^Order ar by Express.-, ir this cannot be doa*rpromotion:against -losses by mall may ba ?ec ur ed by forwarding a draft on Ch aries ton pay? able to the order of the proprietors of Tn Haws, or by sending the money in a registered letter. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., Na 140 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. SATURDAY, MABOH 9, 1872.' : ? f. iSTXWB Of. THE DAT. - iii jin M- pi ii h ?' -^?Gold "closed yesterday atlO^lO?. - -IQ New York cotton closed dull and nomi? nal; uplands 22i cents; .sales .2016 bales. ._, --Trie Liverpool cotton marke t closed heavy; uplands ll*all?d, Orleans lljd; sales 10,000 bales. '. ' '.' -Nilsson will come South before returning to Europe. . ." ' . ' -The Fren oh residents of i Boston Lave, ap? pointed a committee of ladies to false money to pay the French war debt, -?t; 'ls" said that' ;t!he snow blockade has cost the Pacific Railroad Company twenty-five thousand dollars a day. , :. --<:, . u sar I r-The effort to Induce Messrs. Mill and Her- j bert Spencer to visit America this' season has j failed. ; -The -prospective couventloa-oi colored, men to consider their claims to the VI ce-Pre si dency will be apt to make Colfax and Wilson j torn palau . : KUI / za tiv.i \i .. I -A lively fight ls being made In New Hamp shire by both parlies to carry the election In that State on Tuesday next. I ^H^ea;,Gilmo(r?, el BOB top, bas the first I Ot oms of twenty thousand voice a already fuiL, aud a second lo forming for the "International concert." The chorus ls now rehearsing by sections.-.-. , . . ? -. . v -,.-..... - * -IL 'Western critic acutely' observes that "the same amount of energy and culture that I Weall lavishes upon a plano would wring the J soul of-music ' from a sho vol and .tonga*, or a pair of old-fashioned brass-mounted and- j tom.* . ; >;. ,; aun -Speaking, 3f the oosmopollian character of New York, th? Feist, of that eily,' gays: '-There ls a Norwegian ?ommunUj, and a Swedish I community, and a..Polish community in this I cltyvtrjf ?ay no thing xi a<Buss!ih '.ch uria Aah Qt I ?_S wiss military and charitable organization, j Add besides all this, we have"a Welch place bri worship, where a clergyman frc m Gry th bl wry lld can preach In his native consonants to the exiles from the banks ef the flowing Ap-Llog- J Uwrygwiih, or from the breezy heights ?of I Wrythwggldydldodd. ? -The feat of "Herr Holtum the Prussian Hercules," who is astonishing the British by catching a ban fired from a cannon, ls said to be neither novel nor difficult. The fact is that about two ounces of powder are placed j in the gun, then the ballia rammed home, then j the balance of the charge ls put In. When the j gao ts fired ail the powder is Ignited, and the j flash, smoke and reportare orthodox, but the ball receives propulsion only from th? small I quantity o? powder behind lt, and ls thrown but a very few feet. So accurately could the force be estimated that at aa experiment in Englandin. 1846 a twelve pound ball was thrown against a board renee so as to leave a slight dent on it without knocking it down, '-Over ' two-thousand persons of various shades assembled in Steinway Hall, New York, a few evenings ago, to listen to the j sweet carolings of Miss Nellie Brown and Miss Marianne Williams, the two African-American prime donnes, who have lately magnetized fashionable colored society in that city by their musical talents. Mlfs Neille Brown is an octoroon, with very handsome features, and a I rarely sweet voice, of rather small compass at I present, but capable of flue cultivation. Miss Brown has enjoyed the attention of the high eat colored families of New York for some I time past, and she ls now about toproccced to"Italy,"to study music ana Improve hervolo I under the great masters o? 'song. Sbe bas all the material tb become a fine singer, and will no doubt succeed in her laudable effort to ascend the ladder ol fame. Miss Williams Bang in several concerted pisces, and dis played remarkable talent as a vocalist. -News continues to arrive from Cape Colo? ny and tbe wonderful diamond fields of South Africa; and it* general tenor Is beginning to be somewhat more m o urn lui than form? ny. ' The precious stones; no-doubt, abound, but, as might bare been expected, they are attracting the rowdy and savage elements from every direction, and transforming the quiet diggings into a scene of robbery, lawles-ness, confu? sion ind violence, so that the gentler of the adventurers wish they we're well away "from the place, and advise their friends to "t tay at home." There is now at the fields a popula? tion of about 30,000. Of these at least a half are black-Hottentots, negroes, or Kaffirs. Men whose tribes have been at deadly feud forages work side by Bide. Most of them are naked savages, unable to speak any language but their own. The diggers are not particular In such trifles. Any one who can handle a pick, | has quick eyes to sort, or knows the rudimen? tary- principles of mule-tending, is welcome. They arrive by hundreds; but there is room lor hundreds more. The price of ground at ihe diggings is going np rapidly. Tbe rich spots are not to be bought, save for more so v-1 ?reigns than would cover the surface. As an instance, lt ls related that a man gave ?900 for a blt of ground Just the size of a grave; ?600 for a quarter of a claim that measures thirty feet by five and a hall feet, ls considered very reasonable; and when only ?150 or ?200; ia j asked, the Belier ls regarded with suspicion. Capital, evidently, 1B a desideratum in the South Africa diamond business. -A St. John, N. B., correspondent of the New York Sun tells a st range st orv of the dis? ease, suffering and death which prevail throughout a small place In Gloucester Coun? ty, N. B., called Tracadle. The popular dis? temper bas been known to the physicians for I a long time, but they have been baffled in I their efforts to counteract and eradicate it. According to the correspondent, the disease is the genuine ancient leprosy, which was communicated to the vicinity years and years ago by the wrecking of an infected vessel from the Levant on the Tracadle shore. At any rate, all the Tracadians have lt, and, singularly enough, are not able to transfer lt tanny other persons or localities, which would seem to be fortunate for eaid persons and localities. The symptoms of the disease are peculiar, not to say startling. The patient begins by experiencing a burning fever and j .M?, ______ racking ague, a rtrflhpss and weakness in the Joints, a heaviness in'the chest, ruehlngsof blood to the head;- and many other sensations of langoor. The most remarkable symptom, noweser, Is an utter Insensibility to pain. The latter, which might seem at first to be a sweet boon, may be readily seen to be a dis? advantage, when it ls considered that the in? valids are In the habit of burning or freezing off their hands and feet without knowing lt. The latter stages of the malady are attended by fiightful and disgusting manifestations, and finally death supervenes and rids the vic? tim of his greatest curse-life. If this story be wholly correct, tue real estate market in Tra cadle must be singularly devoid of fluctua? tions. ?_ Validation and Taxation. The fourth section of the Validation act .gives the answer to what has been a pro? voking: puzzle. ' At the beginning of the legislative session it waa well understood that the State offi? cials, for their own protection, would attempt to pasa a bill declaring ail the bonds and stocks of the State, already issued, legal and binding; and that they would, for their own benefit, levy a tax sufficient to meet the overdue and accruing interest, and the defi? ciencies in the appropriations of previous years. Tbe tax bill, in all its nak?d def orm Ity.'came first before the people. Although the taxes of 1870 and 1871 had been collect? ed between January, 1874, and January, 1872, it was shown by the Comptroller-Gen? eral that more than two million dollars were j required to meet the liabilities of the State Govern meut for the year 1872. During the year 1S71 the State levied taxes amounting! to over four million dollars; and, ne ver the-1 less, 1872 would require nearly three mil? lions. It was proposed to levy a tax of six-1 teen mills for State purposes and three mills for county purposes, which.would give the] State (upon taxable property amounting to $150,000,000) a nominal sum of $2,400,000, and the counties a Dominai som of $450,000. Thia proposition caused some show of re-1 sistance to be made by the virtuous Bepub- j Heans who declare that "they must draw the "line somewhere," and who do it by levying I any tax needful to pay their six dollars a day and mileage, and by refusing any pecuniary solace to those "victims of misplaced conti "dence," as Governor Scott calls them, the public creditors of the State. Behind ail I this was the serious fact that the tax assess me nts of previous years could not be collect ed in full: The delinquent tax lists were in creasing In bulk, and some of the members I o* tbe Legislature had sense enough to see that, with an impoverished people, doubling taxation does not double income. All that tie taxpayers! could do was to wait. They waited; and, to their astonishment, the six A teen milla tax bill was pat oat of sight. The Blue Ridge Swindle bribed its way through the Legislature, involving a tax of three I mills on the dollar; but on the heels of this j came a joint resolution imposing a modest j tax of eight mills for the counties and three mills for the State. This, with the Blue j Ridge tax, could be borne; and the public J began to breathe more easily. Alas! for} them who hoped for either wise counsel or prudent action on the part of our Radical General Assembly, is soon as the tax of eleven mills was safe, the Validation bill was brought from its hiding place, which bill includes the provision that "an annual "tax, in addition to ali other taxes, shall be "levied upon the property of the State * * I " * '* sufficient to pay the interest on the "bonds named in, or provided for io, this I "act." This is th? famouB foarth section of the Validation bill, which explains the mys? terious conduct of the Legislature in levy? ing a tax of only eleven mills when Comp-1 trotter Neagle and the rest were pleading piteously for a tax of nineteen mills or more. The sum total of the debt acknowledged in the Validation bill is $15,851,327. Of this debt a sum of $38,836 bears three per cent, interest, a Bum ot $481,944 bears five j per cent, interest, and a sum of $899,000 bears seven per cent Interest The re? mainder bears interest at the rate of six per cent.; so that the annual interest is about I $954,000. For the payment of this Interest an additional tax ls to be levied, at the rate, we will say, of four mills on the dollar; which, with the tax for redeeming the revenue scrip, issued to the Blue Ridge road, will make the taxation of the year : s mills for Slate purposes.$1,200,000 3 mills fur county purposes. 450,000 4 mills for Intered 02 debt. C00,000 j 3 mills for Blue Ridge. 450,000 18 mills amounting to.$2,700,000 This is exclusive of the stamp and license bills, which are expected to produce a reve? nue of $200,000 or more. We make no other comment than is ex? pressed ia the statement that the average taxation for ten years before the war was $400,000 a year; that the State debt, under three years of Radical mle, is Increased from $7,000,000 to $16,000,000, and that the taxable, property of the State, valued in 18C0 at $489,000,000, is now assessed be? yond its value at $150,000,000. D.vorce Slade Easy. I i A bill bas been introduced In the New York Legislature allowing as a cause for limited di? vorce "such conduct on the part ot the hue "band towards the wife as shall, without just "cause, deprive her of the society of her rela? tives, or friends, or of attendance upon pub "Uc worship, or shall designedly reader ber "life unhappy or uncomlortable." "Relatives'' Is a comprehensive word, applying not merely to mothers-in-law, and it would seem that a husband has only, under this bill, to shut out his wife's second cousin, who may want to make a boarding house of his residence-and there ls cause for a divorce. The want of a carriage, or a box at the opera, or a set of dia? monds or furs, might, In the absence of more serious grounds of discomfort, cause a deel dedly "uncomfortable" sensation with some ! wives, and backed by a few tears and an able j lawyer, sufficiently answer as a plea for di- j vorc?. "Cormring'' Corn Whiskey. I A certain firm in Louisville, we are told, have effectually cornered the market In old whiskey by buying up all of the article in the country, the aggregate purchases having reached $3,000,000. It ls very likely that the Louisville firm has made large purchases of certain brands of Bourbon whiskey; but lt is folly to talk of cornering the market, even on that article, when aoy desired brand of choice old Bourbon can be manufactured and supplied on forty-eight hours.' notice. So long as recti? fied spirits are plenty and drug stores are ac? cessible, there will never be any scarcity of superior old whiskey in this country. TH_ CHARLE The Great Tunad. After a delaj- of some ten year?, a company baa actnaUy been organized in London for tbe purpose of building a tnnnel under the Straits of Dover, and opening railroad communication between England and the Continent. The New York Bulletin, In an ex ii aus tl ve article on the subject, says : "Should the experiment, "which is certainly a bold one, succeed, it ls "probable that other works cf a like character "will soon be projected. England and Ire "land would next be united; a tunnel wonld "probably b? cut under the North Sea in the "course of time; and thus, between the tun Pels, ship canalB, railway bridges and tele "graph, the crooked paths of commerce will "be made' straight, the widely separated na "tions brought into closer and more intimate "intercommunication, and great material re "suits achieved, in comparison with which "what engineering science has already accom? plished'will seem as nothing." The Middle a Indignant. The same system of favoritism which made the concluding year of Cadet Grant' at West Point so unpleasantly notorious has found an example in the naval service. The case is that of the son of Admiral Porter and his crony, Midshipman Richman, graduate of the olass of 1870, who have been selected for pro? motion in advance of all others of their class. This ls made the subject of a petition to the Senate signed by all the members of the class of 1870 within reach, and rece?? ly forwarded to Washington. The midshipmen do not use sugared language, but blurt their grievance right out. They say that young Porterand his friend were both "turned back" for de? ficiency In studies while at the academy, and, In spite ot their fire yeera' tuition, fell fer below the average, one being graduated in the last half and the other only three from the end, being found deficient at five separate ex-1 aminatlons. Further they say that "improper 'influence has been largely,used to accom? plish' results BO subversive ol Justice and "destructive of discipline," and therefore they complain of the injury done more worthy mid? shipmen, and ask that all future promotions in their class vapy be dated back to coincide with those of the young favorites. Sptciai JXotites. WHITEFOORD SMITH, D. D., will preach To MORBOW Mo KN, NO, at hali-past io o'olock. and Rev. W. H. ADAMS, of the Circular Church, at NIGHT, at quarter-past 8 o'clock. Sunday School In the ?FTBRNOON, at 3 o'clock. mchs*. f?T* UNITARIAN CHURCH.-DIVINE ! Service will be coadnoted In thia Church To-Moa Row MORNING, at half-past 10 o'clock, the Rev. JONATHAN COLE officiating. All strangers are ' cordially invited td attend. mcbO ^r-DIVINE SERVICE WILL BE CON (1 neted in {he Orphans'-Chapel, TO-MORROW AF? TERNOON, at half-past 3 o'clock, by the Rev.'J. H. ELLIOTT. mena SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.-There will be service In thia Church TO MOBBOW MORNING, at the usual hoar, and In the EVENING, atbaif-past 7 o'clock. Preaching by the Rev. Q. rt. BHACKETT. The public gene? rally, and strangers especially, are cordially in? vited to attend. feb24-?4* ^THE MARINERS' CHURCH WILL j be ( pen for Divine Service every SABBATH MORN? ING, at hall-past io o'clock, corner of Church and Water streets. Services by the Rev. W. B. YATES, Chaplain. Sunday Schoal at half-past 3 P. M. fl** THE OPENING OF THE PLY? MOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.-SUNDAY, at half-past io A. M., Dedication Service. Sermon by Rev. HENRY J. FOX, D. D. Four P. M., Sermon by the Pastor. Snbject: "Why a Congregational Church 7" Ha:;-pas: 7 P. M., Praise Servie?. Addresses by Rev?. E. J. ADAMS, W. A. PATTON, and o tntra. m cbs-* ??-NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Inspector of Phosphates will enter upon the duties of his om ce, MONDAY, the 11th instant, at his laboratory, No. 23 George street. OTTO A. MOSES, PH. D., mcb9-6 State Inspector of Phosphates. pm* CONSIGNEES' NOTICE.-CON? SIGNEES per Schooner IDA RICHARDSON, Be? dell, Master, from Baltimore, are hereby notified that abe la Trna DAT discharging cargo at Cen. trai Wharf. All gooda remaining on wharf at Buneet will be stored at risk and expense of o.ners. Receipts will be required before gooda leave wharf. COHEN A WELLS, m ch 9-1 Agents. 'f?h IP YOU ARE TROUBLED WITH a slight congb, hoare eneas or sore throat, you may save the expense of a doctor's bul by using at onoe Dr. JAYNE'S EXPECTORANT. A neglect, ed oold often terminates, through much suffering, in consomption. A alight inflammation of the lining of the wind-tubes, the usual symptoms of which are a sore throat, or a pain In the breast, will, ir not properly attended to, frequently lead to Bronchitis. Even as a matter of economy, to Bay nothing of comfort, or the danger to pulml nary and bronchial organs, act prudently with yonr cold, ana by resorting to a standard rcmedy the Expectorant-in time, save money and escape more serious trouble. Sold everywhere. Whole? sale by PHILIP WISEMAN k CO., Charleston, S. C. mch7-thstu3 JEST- UNION BANK OF SOUTH CARO? LINA, CHARLESTON, FEBRUARY 27, 1872.-The ANNUAL ELECTION FOR DIRECTORS or this Bank will be held at the Banking House, on WED? NESDAY, 13th day or March proximo, between the hours of ll A. M. and 2 P. M. H. D. ALEXANDER, feb20-tbsto6 Cashier. pm* BATCHELORS HAIR DYE.-THIS soperb Bair Dye ls the best lu the world. Per? fectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tinta, pr unpleas? ant odor. The genuine W. A. Batch?lor's Hair ] Dye produces immediately a aplendld black or natural brown. Does not stain the akin, but leaves the hair clean, soft and beautiful. The only safe and perfect Dye. Sold by all druggists. Factory ie Bond street, New York. mcbO-tntbslyr-sao pm- FRESH VACCINE MATTER, TAREN FROM THE ARM, FOR SALK AT BU RNH AM'S DRUG STORE, No. 421 RINO STREET, febl2-lmo CHARLESTON, S. O. ?ar- O N MARRIAGE.-o^ Happy relier for Young Men from the ejects or Errors and Abuses In early life. Manhoed re? stored. Nervous debility cured. Impediments to Marriage removed. New method of treat? ment. New and remarkable remedies. Books and Circulara sent free, In sealed envelopes. Ad? dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth street, Philadelphia. Pa. octl2 JHnnirijial Dfotiws. '??^ClTY TAXES -OFFICE "oT^CY TREASUP.ER, MARCH 3, 1872.-The first Instal? ment of City Taxes, as called for by Ordinance of Council, muBt be paid during the present month. The payment dnrlng the present month of the whole amount of Corporation Tax entitles the payer to five per cent, discount. ?. THOMAS, mch2-Bmw4 City Treasurer. STO?N IN JEWS: gAIUiWAi, J -_. .ifo iZ*jSfi FRANKLIN LODGE, No/.96, Al F. Hff The Regular Communication or t ti ls Lodge will be held To NIGHT, atj o'clock, lo tue Masonic Hall, Holmes's Lyceum, Wentworth street. Breth? ren will please be punctual Toe E. A. and F. c. Degrees w Iii be conferred. Bj order of the W. M. moh9 juHN WINGATE. Secretary. ri RAND LODGE, KNIGHTS. OF PYTHI VX "AS! SOUTH CAROLINA.-The; Meeting for the purpose of receiving the Reportador the Com? mittees on Finance and constitution, and of com? pleting the organization or this body, will be held on TUESDAY EVENING- next, 12th instant, at Pyth? ian Hal), Wentworth street, at 7 o'clock. Mem? bers will be punctual, as business of Importance will be presented. By order Qrand Chancellor. J. H. KENDALL, G. B. and C. R. Scribe. mcb.9-3 . ._i_ AMEETING OF THE GRAY JACKET BASE BALL CLUB will be held THIS (Saturday) EVENING, 9th Archer's Ball, cr.rner Zing and George streets, nt 7 o'clock", for the purpose of reorganizing. A full meeting ls specially requested. By order. , 1 L. P. WINCEY, mchO_ Secretary pro tem. _CDantg._ WANTED, A YOUNG MAN HAVING a knowledge of the Drug Business, Ap ely at No. 875 Kl eg stree'._mchO-l? SERVANTS WANTED.-A- CHILD'S NTJRSK, a single woman; a'so a house boy, colored, .with good recommendations. Apply at Ko. 4 Doughty street._mchc-2 WANTED TO HIRE, A COLORED WO? MAN, to do tue washing of a family and to assist in tue bouse, apply ac No. 10 Rutledge street, 4th door a bo re Queen street. mch7 WANTED TO PUB CHASE, CASHMERE GOATS. Apply to SETH SPENCER, No. 1 State street. _mchs-tntbsS WANTED TO PURCHASE, STRAINED CAROLINA HONEY la large or small quantities. Apply to Da. H. BAER, NJ. 131 Meet street. moh5-6 WANTED, TO PURCHASE FOR CASH, a small House m the central or western part or the city. Address "Q," at this office, stat? ing location, terms, Ac._feb8 WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW that the cheapest and best warranted Sewing Machine In the market ls the HOME SHUT? TLE, price $26 and |37. Can be seen at the Gene? ral Agency, No. 61 Hasel street, opposite Express Office. T. L. BlaSELL._Janl2-emo WANTED, EVERYONE TO KNOW that FLETCHER ? GURNEY, at the Little Store around the Corner, No. os Market street, have constantly on hand a splendid assortment of New York and Domestic POULTRY. CAME AND EGGS. POULTRY AT THIRTY CENTS A POUND. Also a very One lot of Sugar-Cured Hams, Extra Prime Goshen and Family and Country Batter, Beef and Pork sausages, Cheese, Should? ers, Sides, Dips, cellery, Eggs and Lard, GAME a specialty. Their motto : The Best and cheap? est. Remember-the Little Store round the Corner. J an 28 -for Sale. FOR SALE, A NUMBER ONE MILCH Cow, with yoong Ca ir. Apply at Ko. 667 j lung, one door south or Spring street. mcn9-l?_ MULES AT KENTUCKY MULE LOT, King street. Jost arrived, 40 Wagon and Plough MULES, low lor cash or city acceptance. Bj OaKMAS._mohe-6? FOR SALE, FOUR MULES AND ONE SADDLE PONY. Apply at State Cotton PjesseB. _mohfl-wftow4? HOBBES AND MULES.-JUST RE? CEIVED from Kentucky four car loads 01 substantial MULES and HOUSES, suitable for plantation,'distillery, lamber and generar work. Toe terms of sale nUl be made very easy. This stock bas been purchased for ns by our experi? enced travelling agent, who has selected lt with a view to me wants of this and adjoining mar. I keta. Every animal tr Garantee J, and returned if not what lt ls represented to be. R. GRAHAM A CO. mcho-4 Sc Bent. TO RENT, THE DESIRABLE RESI? DENCE at No. 9 Pitt street, two doora south ui Wentworth street._mch?smff8? TO RENT, A GOOD BUSINESS STORE and Bar-Room, ff 1th all fixtures complete Terms moderate. Inquire at No. 57 Rutledge street, above Line._mchs-l* TO RENT, DWELLING OF FOUR rooms No. ne Anson street, south of Cal? houn street, oppoMie Carrol's shoe ?tore. R. M. M A I' SH ALL A BRO., Brokers, No. 38 Bread street. mob 9 twa_ TO RENT, THAT PLEASANTLY SIT? UATED three story House corner Meeting < street and st. Michaelis Alley, one door south of Broad street. Apply to THEO. STONEY, South? ern Whan". mohS-ws4 TO RENT, A FINE LARGE COMMODI OUS STOBE, also several airy rooms, In .a j central and pleasant locality. Apply at this office. mch7-4* _Cog ano ifonn?. FOUND, AT THElaASKED BALL, ON Thursday nignt, one Lady's Broach and one Watcti Key, which may be had by calling at Mr. F. ANSEL, No. 127 Calhoun street. mch4 ?Joar?ina. AFEW GENTLEMEN CAN OBTAIN good board in a private family. Apply at No. 442 Klpg street. mch9-2* (ff?ncationai. M R. E. A. RANSOME, (Organist of Holy Communion,) Teaoher or the j Organ, Harmonenm, Melodeoa, Pianoforte and Vocal Music Address Rectory of Holy Cern manion, Charleston, S. 0. mchfl-stntlu* g UMMER VILLE MALE SCHOOL. The Second Quarter of this School will begin on MONDAY, March 18th, instant. Terms-Sloper quarter for English branches; $0 per quarter extra for French and Classics. JOHN W. JAMISON, mch&-tnths6* Principal. ?tutoring, inrnisljmg ?oeba, &t. TAILOR I am now receiving at the Old Stand, No. 30 Broad street, my Spring Stock of Frenoh, Eng? lish and Scotch ?COATI.SGS, Suitings, Fancy Cashmeres and Testings ror Gentlemen's Wear. Constantly on hand a Fine Stock or STAPLE GOODS. I am also opening a Fine Line or Gentlemen's FURNISHING GOODS, wblch I am offering low ror cash._mcho-swimo JOHN RUGHEI MER, No. 141 KING STREET, WEST SIDE, A FEW DOORS NORTH OF QUEEN 3TKEET, Would respectfully inform bis friends that be I bas juBt returned from New York with a large | and well selected stock of the latest styles or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Also, a full assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, INCLUDING THE CELEBRATED STAR SHIRTS. mch7-lmo ?aubes, Jitotltfl, *c. ALL, BLACK ? 0 0 NOS. 665 and 687 BROADWAY, N. T., LARGEST IMPORTERS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN SILVERWARE Precious Stones Bronzes, Clocks Marble Statuary Oil Paintings Gas Fixtures, AND ALL KINDS OF FINE JEWELRY At the Lowest Prices. alyiS-Ur ^. -;;-?Ai-gaafcj ???? ?atv* . -~ ? ^,C A DEMY 0 Fill UjSlC. QBAND MATINEE THIS DAY AT 2 O'CLOCK. A SPLENDID COMEDY, ANO THE LINGARD SKETCHES. Admission 60 and 26 centa._mch9 ^CADEMY OP MUSIC. LAST NIGHT OP THE LINGAED8. ENTIRE CHANGE OF BILL. SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 8TB. First time In this city, Henry J. Byrnes Three Act Comedy, WAE TO THE KNIFE! Mr. Nubbly.WH. HORACE LINGARD Mrs. Dclaconr.ALICE DUNNING (Lingard) And the entire Company ; followed by the lanni table LINGARD SKETCHES, And concluding with the amu;lng Comedietta, A DAY AFTER THE WEDDING. Lady Elizabeth.Auca DUNNING (Lingard And the Company. Admission $1 and 60 centa; Gallery 26 centa. Reserved Seats $1 26; now on sale at Greer's Boos Store, and also at mus noose. GRAND LINGARD MATINEE, THIS AFTERNOON, AT 2. A WONDERFUL WOMAN, Lin gai d Sketches and Little Toddleklna. mcM-i ^ GRAND BALL FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE NEW GERMAN CHURCH, TO BE GIVEN BT TEE GERMAN LADIES OF CHARLESTON, Will be held at the Frenndschaftsbond Hau, TUXOOAT EVENING, Marob 19,1872, at 8 o'clock. Admission tl. Tickets can be had from the following Commltteee: L. HULLER, J. F. LILIENTHAL, H. U. BOESOH, J. A. AMUE, H. B. SCHRODER, E. VOIGT, E. BRANDES, J VON OVEN, A. F. 0. CRAMER, ALEX. MELCHER?, JR. j 0. H. LUE KEN, J. H. OLAUSSEN. mch0-stnwftu6 CADEMY OF MUSIC. JAS. A. OATES.Leece and Manage reaa A Important Announcement. First Appearance this Season In Charleston of the Favorite par excellence of the Sooth, MRS. JAS. A. OATES, AND HEB FAMOUS COMIC OPERA COMPANY ONE WEEK ONLY. ? Commencing MONDAY EVENING, March nth, With Flanche's Great Comic Operatic Extrava? ganza entitled F 0 R T U N I 0_, AND HIS GIFTED SERVANTS. And throughout the week presenting Nightly Changea of Programme. New Pieces, New Costumes, New Company. Every thing Brilliant and Recherche. 49-Further particulars in future advertise? ments and programmes. X*rThe sale of Reserved Seats will commence on Thursday morning, the 7th instant. mch4 mE? FIRST GRAND BALL or WAGENER'S ARTILLERY MARCH 2OTU, 1872, AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC. TICKETS may be obtained from the following Committee: H. WOHLKEN, J. KNOBELOCH, F. MEYER, D. MULLER, WM. JESSEN, H. STEIN KAMP, A. ROES. Also from Menke k Muller, King, opposite So? ciety street; F. Von Santea, King, near Harket street; Geo. H. Llndatect. corner King and Cal? houn streets; F. Pieper, corner King and Spring street*. 49*Ticketa not transferable. -mcp6-tnths8mtuw3_ p? B I M BALL. ANNUAL GRAND BAL MASQUE OP THE HARMONY CIRCLE, AT ACADEMY OF MUSIC, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 26, 1872. SENIOR MANAGERS: M. ISRAEL. J. APPLE. Dr. G. PRINCE, R. L. DAVID. D. JACOBS, A. A. GOLDSMITH, L. DRUCKER, LOUiS COHEN. M. TRIEaT. L. D. SHAP1KA. JUNIOR MANAGERS: L. H. COHEN, A. SECKENDORF, S. STRAUSS, L. F UKO UGO IT, LOUIS ELIAS, J. GOLDSTEIN, J. J. LOEB, J. SPRING, S. D. EP-sTIN. COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS ? B. RICE, Chairman, J. H. LOEB, LEWIS ELIAS. D. BENTSCHNER, A. R. LEWI TH. Tickets can be procured from the above Com? mittee. febi2-i86 rjlHE .financial. SOUTH^^CAROUNA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. cn AH LEPTON, January 20,1872. The attention of Depositors In the Savings De? partment of this Company 1B particularly lnvi'.eu to the great safety accompany lng the Deposita of Savings made In thia Institution. These Deposits are regarded by the Board of Directora as a Special Trust, and are invested only in sound and valuable Securities. In addition to this careful investment, Deposi? tors have, aa a further security, the Capital of the Company, whlob ls liable for their Deposita and the interest thereon. Interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, either paid in cash QUARTERLY, or passed to credit and compounded. F. A. MITCHELL;' Jan22-2mo _Caanier. tajgitabtx (Crates. QRATES I CRATES I CRATES 1 1 hereby give notice to all parties in want of VEGETABLE ORATES that 1 am prepared to get themojt In large qua J titles, and all would do well to call and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. Ordera respectfully solicited and promptly filled. Lumber of all descriptions and Plastering Laths constantly on hand. JOHN O. MALLONEE. Office and Yard, Horlbeck'8 Wharf, East sid- Washington street, febl Near Northeastern Railroad. QHINCHA PERUVIAN. PURE PERUVIAN (Chincha Is'and) GUANO, lost received per schooner Fannie Elder, direct from the Peruvian Government Agents, and for sale by GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., Factors, mchi-10_AgentB for Peruvian Onano. T AND PLASTER. if oo barrels warranted Pnre Nova Scotia LAND PLASTER. For sale by HERMANN B?LWLNKLE, Ken's Wharf. janll g jftrcc?rjlg, tipurri, gt. gfc, . CELEBRATED "DIAMOND" HAMS. CINCINNATI. Thia old reliable brand ii nov in ita Thirty-first I year, lt bas given satisfaction for the evenness antLrichness of Ita caringa Ita patrons are. to be . found in all parts of our country; nor ls lt un? known in the Canadas, England and France. ? ,' In 1850 a- First Premium was awarded hy the 0; lo State Board of Agriculture "mr Ham oared in 1846?-four years old 1 They are good, old or new. Tula season's cnre Is considered very sn perlor. ..-.j ; Mold by leading Grocers m principal cities. mchO-stuthimo .... g 0 N G OP THE ECONOMICAL HOUSEKEEPER I 'Although all dealers say they sell The very, very best? Not any Tea, like WILSON'S, Will stand a lasting test; And I have tried it los g enough, Upon a frugal plan, To and It ls the only Tea To cheer np my good man." TEAS ! TEAS I TEAS ! TEAS I TEAS 1 TEAS ! TEAS 1 TEAS 1 TEAS ! TEAS ! TEAS 1 TEAS ! TEAS ! TEAS I TEAS 1 WILSON'S ! WILSON'S ? WILSON'S ! WILSON'S ! WILSON'S ! WILSON'S J WILSON'S ! WILSON'S ! WILSON'S ! WILSON'S 1 ' WILSON'S 1 WILSON^ I -?7IL80N'S! WILSON'S! WILSON'S 1 306 KINO STREET. 306 KING STREET. 306 KING STREET. 306 KING STREET. 306 KING STREET. On hand and still arriving the largest and best | Selected STOCK OF TEAS To be found in CHARLESTON These TEAS are New Crop, received direct via Isthmus to this C I T Y J We are offering TEAS at the following low prices, owing to the anticipated decline in duties: TEAS, Green and ' Black, sold elsewhere at eoe, we sell at 60c per lb. TEAS, Green and Black, sold elsewhere at soc, we sell at 60c. per lb. . GUNPOWDER, a nice article, sold elsewhere at $i 26, we sell at $i. - We can and do offer a better TBA at $140 per lb. than eau be sold by '.her dealers for 263. a j pound advance Oar i 'to, "Quick sales'and small profits," has placed na m the van among the Grocers of Charleston, and we Intend to keep there. Oar sales are increasing, and we guaran? tee the quality of our goods. 49* Remember I WILSON BROS., No. 80S KING STREET, A3* Is the place to buy your Teas, -sn rp EA 3 ! TEAS! TEAS! A FRESH ARRIVAL AT LINLEY'S CHEA PB TO RE, NO. 190 KING STREET. Ten half chests - FANCY CROP YOUNG HYSON, Guaranteed to please the most fastidi?os taste, AT MY USUAL PB I CE, SO WELL KNOWN. Warranted superior ta power and delicacy of flavor to any TEA sold la other First-class Stores at from fl 76 to $2 per pound, and only to be ronna at LINLEY'S CHEAP STORE, NO. 190 KING STREET, At the singularly low price of $1 60 PER POUND. DON'T FORGET THAT THIS TEA IS GUARAN? TEED. A Full Line of other kinds and grades constant? ly on hand, as cheap as they can be bought else? where J-RESH BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac Just received, a fresh supply of Milk, Cream, Ginger, soda, Boston, Lemea, Wine, Butter, Pic? nic aud Arrowroot CRACK tits; also Cream and Sugar Jumbles. For sale low by D. FITZ GIBBON, N. W. corner King and Cannon Btreets. All goods delivered free_mcbS-lmo PRESERVES, JELLIES, FRENCH FRUIT-, Ac. We aro receiving by every steamer a fine assort? ment or PRESERVES, Jams, Jellies, Sup rior French Cordials, Preserved Citron, Ginger, la Jars, Ac. For sale by D. FITZ GIBBON, N. W. corner King and Cannon streets. All goods delivered free. * mch6-lmo JUNE OLD CORN WHISKEY Jost received, a large lot of that superior CORN WHISKEY, which we are selling at tl 76 per gal? lon : also a choice assortment of Rye Whiskies, Brandies, Wines, dc. For sale low by D. FITZ GIBBON, N. W. corner King and Cannon streets. All good j delivered free._MCjjMmo QANNED GOODS I CANNED GOODS I We have on hand, and are receiving hy every steamer, a large supply of the above goods, con? sisting of FRUITS, Vegetables, Fish. *o. We also are In receipt of New Prunes, Dried Figs, Oar rants, Raisins, Ac For sae low by D. FITZGIBBON. N. W- ourner King and Cannon s reeta. All goods delivered free. mchs-lmo -'- - - ? -',-.--_-| sui I_gC? rrynin'i-" 1 " " " (WO IL N L ml &? H G. mo bushels Prime WHITE CORN, per acbooner Ida BJ cb ards on, for tal? by mbit-l_BCBMEISTER A Z1BB8T*. T3ATNA OB EAST INDIA BICE JL- - FOR SA LE. Qt?m ika Weatery^TTER,8 atjw^foble prieta, by ADOEPH NiMFPfr, ? mofaT-3 : i ?to. gg IgggW; gTRIPS/PIGS PEET, H?kDs, ?er -; io barrel?Small S. C. MBJP? - 10 barrels.Spiced fias Feet, .... 10 barrels PicEied Pigs Heads io Half barrels F. ii, -Beef 26 tabs Choice Batter. .. ; . ....".. >. For Bale ]ow by BERNARD B8T0, mch6-tnthB8 -' No.loeBaifrBar^ pOTATO?SI POTATOES 1 P?T?T?^! 100 barrels PEACH BLOW v :> 110 barrels Mercers 60 barrels Goodrich - 60 barrels Jackson Whites, jost landing from Schooner Lilly and for sale low by . BERNARD BOYD, mch6-tothe8_No. 188 East Bay. ?0GNAC AND LA ROCHELLE BRAN? DY, INC S. BONDED STOKES. A. TOBIAS* SONS, No. 110 EAfeT BAT, Offer for tale from U. & Bonded warehouse. Choice COGNAC and LA ROCHELLE .BRANDT ; Tarions vintages, la Quarter casks Ftrihcaskaj lt,i.- : Eighth casks AMD ' _Caiea of one dosen bottles each. . . QHOICE WHITE MILLING CORN ANx? FLOUR, LAS BING THIS DAT. MORDECAI A CO., No. 110 Eau Bay. offer for Bale invoices Choice WHITE HILLING CORN ancr Extra gLOUR.T landing this day. ?? ? _?j JJA'?MONY'S SHERRY WINE. A. TOLiAS' SONS, No. 110 East Bay, oller for; sale au invoice of Choice HARMONY'S PALM, SHERRY WINE.* A. TOBIAS1 SON*. ?JHOICE HAVANA C1GAR& ! . MORDECAI A CO., No.-110 Eist flay,offer for Bale an invoice or Onolce HAVANA CIGARS, di?: reot, from Factory In Havana. , ? . . ? j jpiRE CRACKERS. A. TOBIAS' SONS, No. no EssVBiy,'ofter far' sale an invoice of FIRE CRACKERS, lao ding this' _a ? . gag ? . n "T7INEGAB, ' PRUNES; ; WHITE : WINE~; V CLARET, Ac . , ' ; A. TOBIAS' SONS of.'er lor salo VINEGAR,' Prunes, White- Wine, imported direct irc-m; France._ , , , , JgJNGLISH PORTER AND ALS. A. TOBIAS' SONS, Agenta of Messrs. Edward * George Hibben, or London, ofter for sale Hibbertf PORTER : ann Bass's PALE ALB-pin ts i "aid quarts. ieba-flmou gAOOH, FLOUR, ?c. /, . \' I Choice BACON C. R. AND SHOULD HRS, : j Choleo Dry Salt Heats, ";. c Flour, Lard, ,: , ?r j Sugar, - Cheese, Molasses, , soap, .. Butter, :, salt, Barral Pork, . , Fish, . Axle Grease, Aa, Jk?,\ . V r Choicest Brands WESTERN S. C. HAMS, cte-' ' vassed. Also . Breakfast Bacon oonttantly tm nknfl. 1 ' ' ? 10 J ? We m vi te par chaser s to examine our S tock, ff? MACQ?EEN A EIECKE, Nos, 21 and 2S Yeiidne Range i iv fehs lmotuthaamos i . ??. is ?-? - > J^IVERPOOL SALT. LIVERPOOL SALT, in flne sacks and good or-, der, for sale in lota to snit purcnaserx 1 febS: RAVEH&I? A CO. "? gALT! SALTI S AtT?' \ i860 sacks Liverpool SALT, now landing frons? Bark Windermere, for sale cheap from wharf in" lots to suit purchasers. fty ? ? ?? Apply to . HENRY CAE?, feb8 _ Accommodation Wharf, ?fi QOAL ! GOAL 1 CO AL I 10O tons Bett SVDNEY COAL, in krts to s ult pur? chase ra, for sale ch ea p to Close conBlgnm.nt, . < Apply tO HENRY CARD, feos Accommodation Wharfi i gUGAR AND MOLASSES. , 78 hhda. New Orleans SUGAR 48 hhds. Demerara sugar . 1*6 bbot New Orleans Molasses.- ' In store and for sale by 0. F. WETTERS,:; - . Janas, _ Na 189 East Bay. ? ?5? 1 PERU VTAN<C^LNCHAISLANI)>: ISO tons Na 1 PERUVIAN (Chincha IilandV GUANO, warranted pure, and up tb standard..' " For sale by HERMANN BUL WINK LE,' '*? febi7 ' . I ' Ken'* Wharf, y TfERY PRIME SEED SIGH, li looo bushels very Prime SEED RICE, very-pore,i and free or red. Apply to *? . I. R. PRINGLE A SON, jan27-frtnth No. 6 Adger'a North Wharf? ; Bi tm Pttbriratiorig. : J^ARTIE'S BOOK bEPOSlTGB?. ! NEW CATALOGUE, No. *L BISHOP HOWE'S INAUGURAL SERMON,, preached December 10, 1871, before, the Clergy and Laity assembled In st. Philip's Church, by the Right Rev. W. B. W. Howe, D. D., Bishop of Sooth Carolina, 16 cents. The Agreement or Science and Revelation, by Rev. Jos. H. Wythe, M. D., $176.. Hodern Scepticism, a course of lectures deliver, ed at the request or the Christian Evidence Socle* ty, with an explanatory paper, by the Hight Bev. O. J. Elllcot t, D. D., $2,26. Legends or the Patriarchs. And Prophets, and other Testament characters from various sourcesr by Rev. S. Baring Gould, M. A.,' $2. . Kev. Hugh Macmillan-Bible Teachings in Na? tue. $2;The True Vine, or. the Analogies of our Li rd's Allegory, $2; Tte Ministry or Nature, $2. Yesterdays with Antuors, by James T. Fields, $2 60. The Southern States Sines the War, 1870-'71, by Robert Somen, S3 60. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighlere, translate ed by Longfellow, 13. Seven Decades or the Union, the humanities and materialism, illustrated by a memoir of John Tyler, with reminiscences of some or his great contemporaries; the transition stated this nation j its dangers and their remedy, by i Henry A. Wise, $2. - . i The Statesman's Year Book, a .statistical and historical account or the States or the civilized world, manual f.r politicians and merchants, by F. Martin, $3. A Manual of the Mollusca, a treatise of recent and fossil shells, by Dr. s. P. Woodward; A. L. S.r late assistant palaeontologist in the- British Mu? ssum, second edition, with an appendix ol recent and rc sail concbolpglcal discoveries to the present time, by Ralph Gate, A. L. S> and G. a, illustrat? ed. $3 76. Rural Hornea, sketches or houses suited to American country life, with original plans, de. Digna, Aa, by G. Wheeler, $2. wheeler's Homes tor the People, in suburb and country, with examples showing how to alter and remodel old bandings, one hundred designs; $3. Carpentry and Joinery, a useful manual for the many, by 8. T. Aveling, with illustrations.,. Biographical Dictionary, universal pronouncing dictionary or biography and mythology, by il Thomas, A. M., M. lp., complete in one volume, S16. Good Worda, for 1871, edited by Norman Mac? leod, D. D., bound. $4. < ' Good Worda for toe Yoong, 1871, edited by Gea MacDonald, bound, $4. ? OW The Hymnal or the Church, "standard" edmon, In vari?os styles. A liberal else ont, bj the quantity, wiu be made for Introduction. *?* ini;ui paper, and Envelopes, in boxes; Fi euch, English and American, a variety or sty les, ai neusnaily low prices. ' NEW NOVELS AND LIGHT LITERATURE RE? CEIVES BY STEAMER EVERY WEEK. OW Persons residing In toe country will please bear in mind that by ?ending thew ornera to us for any Booka published tn America, they will be charged only the price of the Book. We pay for the postage or express. Address FOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, NO. 260 King street, (In the Bend,> mch6-tnth8_Charleston. 8. C. QTTO A. MOSES, PH. D. Geological Surveys and Maps promptly and exactly executed. Phosphate and Mining Pro pe-rtles reported upon, and Working Plana fur? nished. Separat ng and Metallurgical Proc?s ses adapted to Ore Deposits. Speoial attention to CHEMICAL ANALYSES' of FERTILIZERS, Drugs, Ores, Minerals, Aa : I?ABORATX)Bi^?" dec23-atathSmo Na 88 George atrKt.