University of South Carolina Libraries
UWS_fJE^THE_STATE. A.CTS OF TBS GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Published by Authority. AN ACT to amend an act enlliled "An Actio Incorporate the Trust?es of the Walterboro' Male Academy." 8SCTI0N 4. Be lt enacted by the Senate and Honse of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sluing In General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same: That an act entitled "An Act to incorporate the trustees of the Walterboro' Male Acade? my" be so amended, by striking out, in the first section of the said act, the name : ol the corporators, making null and void the pow? ers of their successors, and vesting all the tights, privileges and Immunities in the trus? tees of the school district wherein the said academy is located. Approved January 31, 1872. AN ACT to incorporate the Young Men's Free Enterprise Council, No..l, of Georgetown, Sooth Carolina. Whereas, George H. Powley, Moses Smalls, T. G. Rutledge, Anthony Jondlng and Julius ?C. Smalls have prayed that tbe Young Men's Free Enterprise Council, No. 1, of George? town, South Carolina, may be incorporated; therefore, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in Gene? ral Assembly, and by the autbority of the same: That from and immediately after the pas-1 sage of this act all those persons who are DOW, or who hereafter may become, members of the said council shall be, and the same are hereby incorporated, and are hereby declared to be a body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, by the name and style of the Young Men's Free Enterprise Council, No. 1, of | Georgetown, South Carolina; and by the said mane sball have perpetual succession of offi? cers and members, and a common seal with power to change, alter and make new the same as often as the said corporation shall deem expedient. SEC. 2. That the said corporation shall be capable in law to purchase, have, hold, re? ceive, enjoy, possess and retain to itself, in -perpetuity, or for any term of years, any lands, tenements or hereditaments, or other proper? ty of what nature soever, not exceeding the sum of ten thousand dollars, or to sell, or -to allen the same, as the said corporation shall think flt, and by its name, to sue and be .aued. plead and be lmpleaded, in any court of j -law or equity lo- this State, and to make such Toles and by-laws, not repugnant to the laws Of the land, as for the order, good go vern ment --and management thereof may be' thought ne* . .oessary and expedient. SEC. 3. This act Bhall be deemed a public act, and continue in fierce until repealed. Approved January 31, 1872. 'AN ACT to Incorporate the Walboo Wharf | Company. SECTIOS 1. Bo lt enacted by the Senate and ' House of Representatives ot the State of South Carolina, now met. and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same: That George Avinger, Samuel Brettas, -Thomas Davis, Daniel Anderson, Jacob Mc vBtvnlels, their associates and successors in office, be, and they are hereby, constituted i body politic, under tbe name and style of the | "Walboo- Wharf Company," with a capital | stock not exceeding ten thousand dollars, _with the right to sue and be sued, to plead audT>eTmpieaded,Tn any court oi competent Jurisdiction; to have and to use a common seal, the same to alter at will and pleasure: Provided, That sal tl, corporation shall have all Che privileges, and*be subject to all the lia? bilities and restrictions applicable thereto, of J the act to regulate the formation of corpora? tions. Ssa 2. This act shall be deemed a public act, and shall remain tn force for a term of ? fourteen years. Approved January 31,1872. JOINT RESOLUTION- Authorizing the State ^Treasurer to Reissue Certificates of State ?Stock to R. S. Porcher. , Be it resolved by the Senate and House of ^Representatives of the State of South Caro .ttzuy-now met and sitting In General Assem? bly, and by the authority of t he same: That the State treasurer be, and he is here ' by, authorized, .to reissue to R. S. Porcher, or his assignee, agent or attorney, certifica*e of | 'State stock, No. 186, for fifty dollars ($50,) .iBsqedupdjr act ratified September 21, A. D. 1868, and supplemental act ratified December .21, A D. 1866, In lieu of the original, which illas been lost or mislaid; provided, that he .gives a bond of Indemnity to the State for double the value of the certificate issued. . Approved January ?V1B?2.' AN ACT to incorporate the Scott Rifle Guards, of Sumter. ?SECTION- 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, not met and sitting in General As? sembly, and by the authority of the same : That 8asnuel J. Parson, Joseph 8umter, Os .?coe Roach and their associates and eucceB "Bors, be and they are hereby incorporated a body politic, under the name and style of the ?.Scott Rifle Guards," in deed and In law, and, aa such body politic 8hall have the power to use and keep a common seal, and the same at will to alter, to make ail necessary by-laws, ?*not repugnant to the laws of the land; and to .vhave succession of officers and members, con? formable to such by-laws, to sue and be sued, plead and be lmpleaded In any court of liw or equity in this State; and to have, use and en . Joy all other rights, and be Bubject to all other liabilities Incident to bodies corporate. SEC. 2. That this act shall be deemed aod taken to be a public act, and shall continue in force tor the space of loui teen years from its passage. .Approved January 31, 1872. AN ACT to amend an act entitled "An act to incorporate certain towns and villages, and to renew and amend certain charters here? tofore granted. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and "House of Represeatatlves of the State of South Carolina, now met and sining in Gen? eral Assembly, and by the authority of the same: That so much of an act entitled "An act to Incorporate certain towns and villages, and to renew and amend certain charters hereto lore granted," and approved at the session of the General Assembly, 1855, In 60 lar as re? lates to the Town of Honea Path, In Anderson Xtounty, be so amended as to confer upon the -said corporation all the privileges, rights and immunities now enjoyed by the Town of An? derson, ia accordance with their amended charter. 6EC 2. All acts or parts of acts Inconsistent -thereto be, and the same are hereby, re? pealed. Approved January 31, 1872. JOINT RESOLOTION authorizing- .J. A. Mayes, executor of the est?t? of James McBride, deceased, to sell certain lands, and apply the proceeds thereof to the education of the minor heirs. SECTION 1. Be lt resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Carolina, now met and sitting in Gen? eral Assembly, and by the authority of the same : That J. A. Mayes, executor of the esleto of J. McBride, deceased, be, and is hereby, authorized and empowered to sell at private or public sale, as he moy deem best, certain timber lands belonging iv --id estate, and to make and give deeds of conveyance for the same. SEC 2. That the money or moneys accruing from the sale of said lands shall be used for the support and education of the minor chil? dren of the same James McBride, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and if there be any amount remaining unexpended when such children shall have attained their majori? ty, the same shall be disposed of according to law, or the will of the said James McBride, as the case may be. SEC. 3. That the said J. A. Mayes shall de? posit with the judge of the Probate Court a bond sufficient to cover the amount ot said sale before the money accruing therefrom shall be turned over to him, for the faithful disbursement of the same according to the provisions of this resolution. Approved January 31, 1872. AN ACT Authorizing E. F. English to Build a Dock and Collect Wharfage at Port Royal City. Be it enacted by tbe Senate and House of Representatives of the State of South Caro? lina, now met and sitting in General Assem? bly, and by thc authority of the same: That E. F. English be, and he ls hereby, authorized to build a dock to deep waters of Beaufort River, at Port Royal City; to collect wharfage on the same, and to use, sell or l?ase Bald dock for his own benefit, subject to any laws now existing, or hereafter to be made in relation to such property. Approved January 31,18*2. LATEST COMMERCIAL NEWS. Exports. LONDON-Per Norw bark Eldorado-?00 tons or pho ptiate rock. Kaw YORE-Per steamship Charleston-139 bags sea Island cotton, 1619 bales upland cotton, 140 tos rice, 68 bales domestics, 205 pkgs sundries. The Charleston Cotton, Rice and Naval Store? Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON NEWS. ) MOND?T EVEKING, February 6, 1872. j COTTON.-The market cemmenced at Crmer rates, which was sustained by better telegrams, causing an aotlve demand and an Improvement in rates or about vc fi ft. Sales 1200 bales, say 4 at 19,1 at i9>i, 3 at 19 V, 9 at 20, 15 at 20 v, 39 at 20V, 4 at 20V, V at 20V. 172 at 21, 92 at 21 v, 189 at 21V, U at 21V, 264 at 21 v, 62 at 21V. 466 at 22,10 at 22V- We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASS IFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.20 ?21 v Low middling.21 V@ . Middling.22 @ Strlct middling.nommai. Rica.-There was a steady demand at firm rates. Sales about 200 threes, or clean Carolina, say 160 tierces at 7 V. 17 at 7V, 26 at 7Vc. We quote common to fair at 6va" V, good 7V@Sc ? lb. NAVAL STOBES.-There were no salea reported. F as i a HTS.-To Liverpool, by steam direct, nomi? nal on uplands, nommai on sea Islands; via New fork, Vd on uplands, ld on sea islands; by sall " j 6-16?vd oa uplands, on sea islands nominal. To Havre lc on uplands. Coastwise-to New York by steam Vc on uplands and lc on sea Islande; $2fi tierce on rice; by sall Vc on cotton;-ft tierce j on rice; 40? fl barrel on rosin ; $:?s ft M on lum Mr; $9@10 f M on timber. To Boston, by sali? ve fi A on upland cotton. To Providence, by sall $8 ft Mon boards, Vc9 hs on cotton;by - > ~" ... Al CO Kn IA AM VAM. U - - - ? -11.11,. Jelphia, by steam Vc ft lb on uplands; by sail, $7 ft M on boards; $9 on timber; $8 per ton en clay, and tsats 60 on phosphates. To Baltimore, by iteam Vc fi tts by sall, $e so@7 ft u on boards; S3? 3 26 ft tun on phosphate rock. Vessels are tn ?emand by our merchants to take lumber freights from Georgetown, S. C., Darlen au J sattiia River, Sa., and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, iud $to@i2 fl M are the rates on lumber and joards. EXCHANGE.-Sterling 60 day bills 18V DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-Trie banks are pur ;uaaing sight checks at v off, and sell at par. GOLD.-o@10. _ Marketa by Telegraph. MONET MARKETS. LONDON. Feburary 5. Noon.-Consols 92V. Bonds 92V. Evening_Consols 92 v. Bonds 92V FRANKFORT, February 6. Koon-Bonds SSVaOSV PARIS, February 5 Noon.-Rente? 58f 90c. Evening.-Rentes 66T esc. Nsw YORK, February 6. Koon.-Freights dall. Stocks rather heavy. Gov rnments dnli and steady. Money 6. Gold 10V. ?xenange, long 9V- short 9v Evcnlng.-Money easy at fia7 per cent, ster ng9Va9V- Gold io ^atoGovernments steady nd closing very dull, states stocks closed dull .11 round. Tennessees e6V; new 65 Virginias 6; new 66. Loolslan 66. new 60: levees 62, eights 0. Alabama nines 90; lives 60. Georgia 70; sev ns 34. North Carolinas 82V; new 15V. South laro.lnas 61; new 30 v. ' NEW ORLEANS, February 6. ' Sterling 19. Sight vaV discount. Gold ll. ; COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, February 5. Koon.-Cotton opened strong; uplands ll Vail V, irleans HVallVd. Later.-Cotton active and firmer; uplands ll Va 1 Vd, Orleans ii va il Vd; sales 20.000 bales; for , peculation and export soco. Nearly due from I , Iharlcton or Savannah llv'd. I . Evening.-Cotton closes strong; uplands liva lV'd, Orleans ll vail Vd; Bales 20,000 bales; peculation and export 80.0. Oqtton shipping at i >ew Orleans ii Vc HAVRE, February 6. i Koon-Cotton active; tre3 ordinaire if ssc; low J Diddling ir 38ali 89c. NEW TORE, February 6. ? Koon.-Cot'on qnlet and Arm; uplands 23V, Or ;ans -.3 vc; salts 350 bales. Sales ot cotton Sat irday evening for roture delivery 10.700 bales: 'el mary SSV; 22V. 22V- 22 7 16; March 23. 2 16-16. 22V- 23V, 23 116; April 23 7-16. 23V. 23V; i fay 23V, 23V, 23 9-16, 23 11-16; June 23V, 23V- < Evening.-Cotton quiet and weak; sales 2150; plands 23V. Orleans 28Vc 1 rcs 12,250 bale'?: february 2?v. 2213 ie, 22V, 22V- 2211-I6; March 31-16, 23V, 231-16. 23V, 23 3-16, 23V: April 23V, 3V, 22 9-16; May 23V; June 23V. 2313-ie; 23V _ M BOSTON, Feb-nary 6. Cotton flrm at 23vc; net receipts 260 bales; ?5 ffi exP?rt3 10 0re" Britain 293; sales 800; I 1 _ " . PHILADELPHIA, February e. Cotton Arm; middlings ?VC "".. . M BALTIMORE, February 6. Cotton stronger and asking higher rates; mld lllngs 23a23vc; net receipts 398 bales; gross 605 sports coastwise 260; sales 51u; stock 3S06. NORFOLK, February 5. Cotton firm; low middlings 2iVc; net receipts expjrta coastwise 1670; sales iso IIOC& 2732* L j WILMINGTON, February 6. Cotton firms middling* 22c; net receipt* 173 mles; Bales 187; stock 4275. w'irm -10 . " . . SAVANNAH, February 6. Cotton fair; middlings 2:c;net receipts 2939 >ales; exports to Great Britain 2564-coastwise .154; sales 2200; stock 71,737. coastwise | j " " AUGUSTA, February 6. wo ba es 21*C; rece,p!8 400 ba!eB: 8alea MEMPHIS, February 6. Cost n In fair demand and prices a (vaned nlddltngs 22Va22Vo; rucelpts lsio bat-s. ' 1 MOBILE, February 6. Cotton firm; middlings 22c; net recetnts 1712 '7 oo>? export8 coastwIfli 3926; sales 7000; stock A IFEW ORLEANS, February 6. ti nil on),'er/"fl/m' ana astlD? ti[Bher rates; mid lines 22}4'a2:vc; net receipts 13.689 balea; gross ?ni. ?.1X?pS-S l? O/e^Bntain 5J43; coastwise ?003; Biles 4s00; Stock 253.918. " .. GALVESTON, February 5. oS?;o?,l8l^ngi.g00d orul?ary 20vc; uet receipts ,2*2 e^Porw coastw.seIO; sales 1400;stock PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. v?T. T> . LIVERPOOL, February 5. Eveni7g-c?^ Rosin quiet; t4 55a4 56 Tor htr?ned kevYt?Tt ?i?r ISL" and "changed, whu wiitin *VVhoeat lc whiter red Western Jie'aie*. Corn closed steidy; new afloat, 74a76c. Bice quiet at :\'a5>ic. Pork dall and lower at $14 i2au 25. Lard a sa ide lower at 9*a9j?c. Turpentine Arm at 76a77c. Rosin steady. Tallow steady. BALTIMORE, February 6. Flour and wheat unchauged. Corn quiet and scarce ; Ice embargo checks business ; white osa 70 Oats scarce ; Pennaylvanla 53a67. Rye Arm at $1. Fork $14)?al4X ; shoulders 6\'a7. WILMINGTON, February 5. Spirits turpentine strong at 72Xc. Rosin strong at $3 90 for strained. Crude turpentine firm at $4 for hard, $6 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar firm at $2 80. CINCINNATI, February 6. Flour In fair demand and higher. Corn steady. Provisions-small business : prices unchanged. Whiskey 88. LOUISVILLE, February 6. Floor active. Provisions strong at Saturday's price?. Whiskey 88. KEW ORLEANS, February 5. Sugar, Inferior 6Xa7tfc; common 7&a8; fair to fully fair 8>?a9>? ; prime to strictly prime 9???10. Receipts of molasses light but firmer; Inferior 80c; common 35; centrliugal 35a38; fair 4sa4S; prime to strictly prime 50a62. corlee Arm at 20 a22Hc_ Havana Market. HAVANA, January 27. SUOABS.-The market has been excited this week, owing to some compet? lon among buyers for the United States, whtca has been to the ben? efit or hold rs and planters, these having gradu? ally advanced their prices io avery high range for almost all sortB of sugars. A very large busi? ness has been made in future deliveries of whole and partial crops. Clayed-Buyers for the United States and Spain have entered the market more freely than heretofore for this class, and a fair amount of transactions have been made at a heavy advance in values, the demand continuing good at the close from llalltfrs Ko 12 for current quality, and up to llMrs for Dorosne's and such fine sugars. Some 12,000 boxes changed bands on the spot at anout 10Xall%rsNo 12, as to class, and io or 12 full crops for future delivery at 10a lox? for common train, and ll Kallara for Derosne. Molasses Rinds-Have been more dealt with, '.n spite of the coo tinned high prices pretended to by planters. Lots on hand hive been sold at 8>?aD rs. per arrobe Nos 8 and 10, and a crop ls reported engaged, for future delivery, at 8>? rs. No 9. Melado-Closed flrm at 6>?a6>? rs. arrobe for full crops, several of which have been taken with? in said prices. Centrifugals.-The greater part of the demand continues to rule ror these sugars, and eales, re? sales and future deliveries have been closed on a large scale, lt being Imponible to give the amount, because probably over one hair of them are not reported ror publication. Lots on hand and re? sales of several crops to arrive were made at from 11a Ji 12 rs. per arrobe for Nos ll and 13, and engagements for future delivery on the coast at from ll^aux rs. for same numbers, which prices remain very firm. MuEcovadoei have likewise been exolted, the sales publl hed exceeding 85,000 hhds, mostly of course for future delivery-prices varying accord? ing to port and terms, At Trinidad 7)?a8 rs, gold, have been lately paid as to class; at Carde? nas 9?9>? rs for fair to goo 1 refining; at Sagua s>; a9,s' rs, mostly fair to good refining; and here lots on hand or for immediate delivery are worth 9 y a 9# rs per'arrobe for barely fair t good re-i fining. Grinding accounts' are go d from ali quarters on the ls'and-the yield continuing satisfactory, I promis ng a Urger crop thin was produced last year. In some places, however, the late rains have interfered with the grinding operation* and the transp nation of proanee to mart et or rall road stations. Notwithstanding, the receipts here and on the coast are heavier than last year. The receipts of sugar at the warehouses of Ha? vana since ls: of January amount to 57,600 boxes and 2650 hhds, against 45,737 boxes and 3163 hhds In is7i ; deliveries same period 35.600 boxes and 740 hhds, against 29,911 boxes and 1619 hhds in 1571; stock 45.116 boxes and 2321 hhds, against 37,210 boxes and 2.05 hhds in 1871; do. at Matan? zas 19,172 boxes and 8463 hhds, against 9711 boxes and 5155 hhds in 1871. ExporiB from Havana and Matanzas since 1st January: Boxes. Hogsheads. For- '~1872. 1871. ' 1872. United States... 28,447 20,274 1,807 Europe. 1,826 2 697 60 Other ports.. 801 851 Total.30,574 28,622 1,867 Increase, 1872... 7,052 . . Decrease, 1872. 3,791 . MOLASSES.-The demand continues at from 5>?a 6 rs per 5* gallon keg. as to class. Small lots have been bought here at 65?a6 rs, and large con? tracts were reported from the outports at 6>?a8 rs for clayed and Muscovado, hair of each class. HONEY-Continues scarce and firm at e^asv rs per gallon, Including cask. ?he demand forsalp ment Is good. COFFEE-Firm at $20a21 per qtl for first quality. Heavy arrivals are expected from Porto Rico, but the demand ls active. FrtEiGHTS -The uemand for the United States cominnes at previous rates, say $lal 26 per box sugar hence; $4 25a4 60 per hhd do do, and $3 psr 110 gallons molasses, do; $5e>5 25 per hhd sugar, via ontports north coast; and $3 50a3 76 per 110 about 335 tons sugar In hhds for Falmouth sud orders, at 45s io 47sSd per ton. Quotations for boxes hence 35s to 37s ea. EXCHANGES-Steady throughout the week, closing finally at advance as follows: London, 2(a24;i per cent, premium; Pans, 7>?d7>? per cent, premium; Hamborg, 89 sh per d Uar; Spain, 14al5 per cent, premium; United States currency, 2Jia2j? "per cent, premium; gold, ll Sall # per cent, premium; short Eight curt ency, 4s per cent, premium; do gold, l3J?al8>? percent, pre? mium. Receipts by Railroad, February 5. SOCTII CAROLINA RAILROAD. 1220 bales upland cotton, SO bales goods, 3 cars ?tock, mdse, ic. To Railroad- Agent. Geo W Williams A co, Geo H Walter A co, Mowry A Son, Pclzer, Rddgers x co. Wlss A co. Trenholin A Son A J Salinas, Witte Bros, Mordangh A Mathews W W Smith, Frost, Adger A co-Keeder & Davis, A 5 Smith, sloan A Seignlous, W B Smith A co, T j P Smith, T G Boag, W Gurney. W O Bee ? co, L D Desaussure, KlDsuian A Howell, W K. Ryan, J R Pringle A Sun, W o Courtney A co, A B Mulligan. W B Williams A Son. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD. 60 bales upland and 6 bags sea Island cotton, 118 bbls naval stores, cars wood and lumber, to? bacco, rough rice, mdse, Ac. To A J salina* SVhtlden A Jones, W K Ryan. A S Smith, Pelzer, itodgers A co, Treuholm A Son. SAO Railroad agent, G W Williams A co. OH Walter A co, T P Smith, Frost, Adger A co, Ravenel A co, G Dick, F E Adger A co. u Foll?n, Mrs O R Thompson, J C Mailonee, E Welling, Railroad Agent and Order. HAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. 14 bags sea Island and 37 bales upland cotton, 126 bushels rough rice, cars lumi>er and wood, ndse, AC. To II KUtte A co, Wm M Lawton A Sons, Gaillard & Mtuoit, J Colcock A co. J M Gray, .telnmeyer A Stokes. D McPherson, s Deas, W c Bee A co, F D C Kracke, and Railroad Agent. Passengers. Per steamship Charleston, for New York-Mrs liken, J B Stee', T M Horsey, H Monsecs, B Been ivicka. J B Smith. M Tobias. D White, J L Llvings Oii, W D Ferrl-, W G Fox, Mrs E S Dunning, C H Starkweather and wife, J Holla, A De Lu in Per steamer Emilie, from Georgetown, s G kfaster H M Tucker. Maste M II Tucker. Miss M kicOrarty, T G Stark. W E Sparkman. F W Ford. I Waldo, Master J D Trejholm and nurse. Mis N 1 Ostceu and chll 1, R Glennie, D B Anderson, J L ."raser. M ss N Hume, S Sampson, A Morgau, and 12 on deck. MARINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, S. C.FEBR?ARY C, 1872. kit 3d deg 46 m.u 33 sec. | Lou 79 deg57 min 27 sec. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Falcon, Hay nie, Baltimore-left - natani. Mdze. To Mordecai A co. P C Trenholm, italircad Agent?. B O'Neill, Bollmann Bros, W H Jhafce A co, P F Marra?, Tledeman, Calder A co, I Gerdts A co, Ravenel. Holmes A co, Quacken )UBh, Estell A co, L Ncumeyer, P Walsh, Florida steamer, G ll Lludstedt, Wagener A Monsecs, T Campbell, w P Hall, A Butterfield, K Bates A co. 3 Claclus. ii Klatie A co. Johu F Taylor A co, G J Lutin, Wm C Chapman A co, J N Robson, H Leid ng, John Thompson A co. stoll, Webb A co, Hart k co. D Fitzgibbon, A Hammerschmidt, Bulcken k Wohltmann, W U Welch, U Biechofl A co, Chas Kerrison. J G Mllnor A co, JU Graver A co, c P ."oppenheim, R V Burns. R R tter, A Duncan A Sous. Klluck. Wlckenberg A co, H Mehrten?, and )thers. On* Capo Hatter s, run into a heavy gale, ind had lo lay to until lt sabsided; by morning he wind hauled and came out bouthwest, with a strong wind and sea against the ship for the re nalaiier or the passage. ochr Ann S Deas. Oarbattl. West Point Mill. 90 :lt-rces rice. Tc J R Pringle A Son, and Ravenel * co. _ _ Steamer Emilie. White, Georgetown, s C. !69 tierces rice, mdse and sundiies. To Shack :lford A Kelly, James R Pringle & Son, Fraser A Dili. C G Hume. O R Thompson. P P Toale, Frost. \ciger A co, J u Geddings, Kirkwood A Hughes, J 3 Dawson, w c Bee A co. Mordecai A co, Terry A s'olen, Order and others. from john's island. 2 bags sea Island cot? on. ToR Roper. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Charleston, Berry, New York-Jas Idger A Co. _ Norwegian bark Eldorado, Thomasen, London -The Marine A River PMsphate co. Sehr E A DeHart, Pit.Kham, West Indies-Paul, (Velch A ?raides. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Charleston. Berry. New York. Sehr E A DoUart, Pinkham, West Indies. FROM THIS PORr. St-.-amshln Champion, Lockwood, at New York, February 6. ULEARED FOR THIS PORT. Steamship Gulf Stream, Hunter, at Philadel? phia, February L MARINE NEWS BT TELEGRAPH. NSW TORE, February 5. Arrived, steamships Champion and Erhien. Evening.-Arrived, Bteamahlp Cortes. LIVERPOOL, February 6. Arrived, the Kendrick Fish, from New Orleans; A Campbell, Mobile, aud sabina, Charleston. MEMORANDA. The steamship Champior. from Charleston, 4th inst, t.t New York, reports: Lat 38 05, long 74 36, I.caw sea running, came up with steamer Wan? do, with colors down and water logged, and tfie steamship Cleopatra lying by her; staid by until the crew of the Wando was safely transferred to the Cleopatra. LIST OF VESSELS UP, CLEARED AND BALLED FOR THIS TORT. FOREIGN. LIVERPOOL. Ship Nantllus, Spencer, up.Jan 8 Br ?hip Magdala, Black, no.Oct 24 Nor bark Draupner, Iogoldaen, cl'd.Jan 8 Tbe soeskummeren, Westergaard, al'd.oct 17 The Anevoca. Williams, cleared.Jan 1 Br bark Lacy, Jones, ap.Jan 6 Br bark Harvest Queen, Dickey, ap.Jan e BRISTOL, BSQ. Br bark Architect, Doddridge, sailed.Oct 17 GLOUCESTER, ENG. The Lalla, Ooady, sailed.Jan 1 CARDIFF. The Carl N Dobeln, Stenan, sailed.Jan io Sehr Henrietta, Burnett, cleared.Dec 8 fl. ottos. AWARDED THE GREAT SOUTHERN PIANO Manufactory. WM. KNABE & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF GRAND. SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, BALTIMORE, MD. These instruments have beeu before the public for nearly thirty years, and npon their excel? lence . alone attained an un purchased pre-emi? nence, whleh pronounces them unequalled In TONE, TOUCH, WORKMANSHIP AND DUBABILITY. A3-AH our SQUARE PIANOS have onr New Im? proved OVERSTRUNG SCALE and the AGRAFFE TREBLE. o-we would call especial atttemlos to our late Patented Improvements in GRAND PIANOS and SQUARE URANDS, found in no other Plano, which brings the Plano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. EVERY PIANO FULLY WARRANT? ED FOR FIVE YEARS. we are by special arrangement enabled to furnish PARLOR ORGANS and MKLODEONS ol the most celebrated makers, Wholesale aid Retail at lowest Factory Prices. Illustrated catalogues and Price Lists prompt? ly famished on application to WM. KNABE Sc CO., . BALTIMORE, MD. Or any of our regular established agencies. OCtl7-tUthS6mOSDAW Stones, &t. COOKING AND HE ATING STOVES AT RETAIL. WILLIAM SHEPHERD & CO., No. 24 HAYNE STREET, AND No. 36 PINOKNEY STREET. PROCLAMATION ! IF YOU WANT CHEAP COOKING 8TOVE8 Call at No. 16 Broad street. .'MOTT'S CELEBRATED DEFIANCE COOKING RANGE." ALSO, A LARGE VARIETY OF HEATING STOVES, For Parlor, Church and Office. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF H0?8E Fumlshing Articles and Kitchen Utensils. TIN ROOFING, GUTTERING AND Plumbing Work promptly attended to. WELL, CISTERN AND FORCE PUMP8, Cr every Description. ADAMS, ?A.2HON" & CO-, dec21-thstn No. IC Broad street. flJoors, Sashes aub Blinos IDOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS. P. P. TOALE, Manufacturer and Dealer, Has removed his Office to and opened his prin? cipal SALESROOMS at NO. 20 ll AYN B STREET and No. 33 PIXCKNKY STREET, where he takes pleasure In offering to the public a full stock of his own manufacture or DOORS.SA-.HES, BLINDS MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BALUSTERS, AC WOOD TURNING in all Its branches. A specialty reade or FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. tar Orders for stock or Irregular size work re ceived either ar. the Salesrooms. No. 20 H .VYNE STREET.or at the FACTORY oa Horlbeck's wharf. augl6tuths8mos Sbippmq J^??lNEW~TOBK-MEBCHANTS' LINE. The Flret-Oiass Regalar Packet Schooner, B. N. HAWKINS, Wyatt Master, having J_ her heavy freight going on board, wants 200 to 800 ba es Cotton and light freight to HIL WILLIAM ROACH A 00., feb6-l_ , AgentB. F OR LIVERPOOL. Thc Fi rat-class German Bark EDUARD, Captain Halberatadt. having a portion or!_ ber cargo engaged, an^i being of small capacity, will have dispatch. For Freight engagements apply to HENRY CARD. feb6_Accommodation Wharf. plOR LIVERPOOL. The first-class British Ship JULIA, Baker AA Master, having a portion or her cargo en- SESfc gaged, will sail with dispatch. For Freight engagements apply tn febl_ROBERT MURE & CO., JpOR LIVERPOOL. TheFlret dasi British Sbip -EDITH." E. Ag F. Hilton, Master, having three-rourrhs or^Ht hercirgo engaged, will have dispatch. ALSO, The First class British Bark "ONWARD," of small capacity, and having two thirds cargo engaged, will have Immediate dlsrat h. febl App y to_HENRV CARD. JJEGULAR LINE LIVERPOOL AND CHARLESTON PACKETS. The undersigned have now four Barks of a* light draft, In addition to the VINCO, airea-SB dy well known in the trade, which they propose to mn regularly between the above ports, leaving Liverpool every month or ofteuer if sufficient Freight offers; and lt ls earnestly roques ed that Importers will order their Goods shipped direct by this line, thereby saving extra Freight and other expenses now paid on Gooda via New York, and also Increase the commerce and prosperity' of onr port. AU orders sent to the principals m Llverp ol win be carefully attended to and exe? cuted on the moat favorable terms. For full particulars apply to Messrs. JOHN s. DE WOLF Sc CO., Liverpool, England. Or HENRY CARD, Accommodation Wharf, Charleston, S. 0. Vessels new loading in Liverpool, barks LUCY and VINCO. jan23-tuths2mos J10R FORT SUMTER, BATTERY WAGENER, FORT MOULTRIE, AND ALL OTHER INTERESTING POINTS AROUND TUE HARBOR. The fast, safe and comfortably appointed fa i'acht ELEANOR will leave Southern wharf VB? EVE KY DAT, at io o'clock morning, and 3 o'clock afternoon. For arrangements, apply to CAPTAIN THOMAS YOUNG, novis On Board. -p OR NEW YORK. NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LINE. * _ * * ESTABLISHED 1845. The splendid Side-Wheel Steamship MAN? HATTAN, M. S. Woodhull Commander, will rall from Adser's Sooth Wharf on THUBSDAT, the 6th mst., at 4 o'clock P. M. 49* Marine Insurance by this line hair per cent. MW Through BlllBOf Lading given on cotton u> Liverpool, Boston, Providence and the New Eng? land manufacturing towns. For Freight or Passage apply to reb6-3 JAMES ADOER A CO., Agents. THE PHILADELPHIA IRON STEAM LINE. THE FIRST-CLASS IRON SCREW STEAMSHIPS GULF STREAM, Captain Hunter. VIRGINIA, Captain Hinckley, Are now regularly on the Line, Insuring a first class sea connection beiween Philadelphia and Charleston, and In alliance with Railroad Com? panies at both termini, afford rapid transportation to and Irom all points tn the Cotton States, and to and rrom Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago and the principal cities or the Northwest. Boston, Providence and the Eastern Manufacturing Cen? tres. 49-The GULF STREAM ls appointed to sall rrom Brown's wharr on THUBSSAT, February 8th, at bair past 3 o'clock P. M. Sr^-The Steamship VIRGINIA will follow. For particulars or Freight arrangements, apply to WM. A. COURTENAY, Union Wharves. W. P. CLYDE ft CO., General Agents, Ne. 12 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. feb8 n F OB BALTIMORE. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGH BILLS LADING ISSUED TO PHILADELPHIA, BOBTON. THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST, LIVERPOOL AND BREMEN. The fine steamship FALCON, Haynle Com? mander. wiU sall for Baltimore, on TUESDAY, 6th February, at - o'clock P. M. MW Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that :lty by railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional insurance, and Consignees are allowed am? ple time to sample and sell their Goods from the Railroad Depot in Philadelphia. For Freight or Passage apply to PA.GL G. TRENHOLM, Agent. frb2-4_No. 2 Union Wharves. pACIFIO MAIL STEAMSHIP COHPrS TBEOCGH LINS TO CALIFORNIA. CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers or thc above due leave Pier ^- f Ho. 42, North River, foot of Ganai itreet, New York, at 12o'clook noon, of thc itt. ind 30th or every month {except when these lates fall on Sunday, then the saturday precec All departures connect at Panama wt ti; steam TS for South Pacific and Centrai American port?. Departure or 16th touches at Kingston. Jamaica. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran disco first or every month, except when lt rails on Sunday; then on the day preceding. No Oalirornla steamers touch ai Havana, bnt in direct from New York to Asp tawan. one hundred pound a baggage free to each adnu, Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other Information apr; j at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on the wharr foot of Canal street, North River. New fork. F. B. BABY, Agent. )aly26-iyr_ p 0 R FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH, TWICE A WEEK. The splendid Steamers DICTATOR.Captain Cox BITER 01T? POINT.Oaptaln MCMILLAN WILL SAIL AS FOLLOWS : The DICTATOR will leave Charleston every rrK9DAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock, The CIT? POINT every FKIDAT EVENING, at 8 o'clock, FOR FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, PALATKA, AND ALL LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER. These Steamers connect with railroad at Tocol for St. Augustine, and at Jacksonville with ?teamer Starlight for Melionvl?e, Enterprise, an-i all landings ou upper St. Johns; an t at Faiatka with steamers for the Oklawuha River._ Close connection ls made with steamships at Cedar Keys for New Orleans and Havana, and shippers can rely on nodetemton or freights to New Orleans, and at lowest rates. For Freight or Passage, having first-class as commodauous, appjr?^ & ^ Corner Vanderhorsi's wharr and last Bay. Through Bills of Lading given to New Orleans. These Steamers connect at Savannah with Steamer San Antonio for Harlen, Brunswick, Satllla River, and all intermed?ale landings. Freights Tor these points mus: be prepaid here. decl3 fertilisers. mWSFTTOTEIZE?S ! THREE VERY SUPERIOR ARTICLES ARE OPFERED. BY THE SULPHURIC ACID AND SUPE PHOSPHATE COMPANY, OP CHARLESTON, S. C., viz: ETIWAN GMJ^IVO. A enmp'cte MANURE, adapted to COTTON, GRAIN AND TOBACCO, being the well-known article heretofore offered ar the very high grade of 16 PER CENT. DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME, with the addition, as heretofore, of PERUVIAN GUANO, AMMONIA AND POTASH. Price $66 per ton, If paid on or before the 1st of April next, and $60 per ton payable 1st November, 1872. ETIWAN CROP FOOD. A new article of about the same high grade or Soluble Phosphate, com pounded with the elements of Cotton Seed in such a manner as to usare one of the BEST FERTILIZERS FOR COTTON AND GRAIN, at a lower price than the ETIWAN GUANO. Price $40 per ton, If pa.d on or before the 1st or April next, $43 per ton payable 1st November, 1872. ETIWAN DISSOLVED BONE. Averaging from 18 to 20 rer cent, of DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE, and thoa enabling the Planter, by composting, to obtain two ions of half that grade at a saving of ONE-HALF COST AND FREIGHT. Price $35 per ton, if raid ou or before the lat of April next, $40 per ton payable 1st No? vember, 1872. ta- Take notice that all these FERTILIZERS are of the highest grade of SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE, and must help for more than one year. W. C. BEE & CO., General Agents, dec20-tbstu CHARLESTON, S. C. S ARD Y'S" AMMONIATED SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. CASH PRICE AT FACTORY, $46 per ton. Time, $50. PHOSPHO-PERUVIAN GUANO. CASH, $50. TIME, $65. "f1 ' ACID BONE P H O S P H AT E .' * CASH, $25. TIME, $30. GROUND CAROLINA PHOSPHATE CASH, $16. TIME, $20. NOVA SCOTIA^ AND PLASTER. The above-named AMM0NIA.TED SOLUBLE PACIFIC and PHOSPHO-PERUVIAN GUANOS are rich Compounds of the highest grades o: B ne Phosphates, rendered soluble and ammonlated with No. 1 Peruvian Guano and animal matter, making the most concentrated and profitable Fertilizers In nse, combining the Ingredients required to projuce and support the Cotton Plant and C?rea s. While these Fertilizers are warranted to bs kept np to their high standard, the prices have been materially reduced for the present season. ' Manufactured and for sale at Charleston, s. C.. by JOHN B. SAEDY & SON.* Messrs. G. A. TRENHOLM A SON, G-nef il Agents. Also for sale by Agents throughout the South For analyses and certificates s nd for pamphlet._ decat-thsto8moe E. FRANK COPS AMMONIATED BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE,. . AND COE'S PURE ^DISSOLVED BONE. . The above superior FERTILIZERS, admitted by every Planter who has used them to be the beat and most pron:able of any of the Commercial Manures, are now offered for sale by the Agents at very much Reduce! Prices, lu order t?at every Planter may be enabled, to use them. Pamphlets containing the reports of the success of these Fertilizers will be furnished on appli? cation to the Agents. The Phosphate ls sold at 148 per ton cash, or 8 5 a-per tyn payable is-November, 1872, free of Interest The Dissolved Bone at 830 ner ton cash, or 859 per ton payable 1st November, 1872, free of Interest. PELZER, RODGERS & CO., Sole Agents, decs-tmos BROW78 WHARF, CHARLESTON, 8. C. . ?jar?uwre, agricultural ImpUmeuts, #r. HART & CO. Are AGENTS for AVERY & SONS COMBINATION PLOUGH. A Complete Turning Plough, with Sbraper, Sweep, Shovel, Bull Tongue and Turning Plough. $13 50 COMPLETE! We have also a Full Assortment of One and Two Horse Ploughs, Both Cast and Steel, of AVERY & SONS. AND AGKICULTTJKAL IMPLEMENTS. o FAIRBANKS SCAL ES. BUEDICK'S HAY & FODDEK CUTTEB. We are also in Receipt of a Pull Line of SWEDES IRON. HOES, POTWARE, ENGLISH IRON, TRACES, TINWARE, HOOP IRON, NAILS, WOODWARE, ' PLOUGH STEEL, ROPE, BEST FISH LINES, TURPENTINE HACKS, PLOUGH LINES, SEINE TWINE, TURPENTINE TOOLS, GUNS, FISH HOOKS, MILLSTONES, PISTOLS, BOLTING CLOTH. H -A. H, T Sc O O., ?t* Kayne Street, and C?rner of King and Market1 Janl3-stuth3mosD40 CHARIiE9TON, S, C?