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Laity Wrniworth, A NSW POEM BY LONGFELLOW. One hundrel vears ago. and something more. In Queen stree*. Porismorh, at tifr tavern door, Neat as a pin anu blooming a? a rose. Stood Mistress sta vere In her furbelows. Just as her cuckoo clock was striking nine. Above her head, resplendent ot' the sign, The portrait of the tari ol Halifax, I n scarlet coat and periwig of dax. Survered a' leisure a 1 her varied charms. Her cap. her bodice, i er white folded arms, And hair resolved, though he was pas* hts prime, And rather damaged by thc lapse or time, To fall down at her feet, and to declare The passion that h?d driven him to despair. For from his lofty a tatito he had seen Stavera, her husband, dressed in bot'l? green, Drive his new Flying Stagecoach, four-in-hand, Down the long lane and out Into thc land. And knew tiat. he was far upon the way. To Ipswich snd to B-ston on the bay ! Just then the medltatl "-s or the earl Were Interrupted by a little gin. Barefooted, ragged, with neglected hair, Eyes run of laughter, neck and shoulders bare A thin slip of a girl, like a new moon. Sure to be rounded beauty soon; A creature men would worship and adore, Though now in mean habiliments she bore A pall of water dripping through the street. And bathing, as Bhe went, her naked feet. It was* pretty picture, full or grace, The s ender form, the delicate, thin race; The swaying motion, as she harried by; The shining ."?et, ihe laughter lu ser eye, Tha". o'er her race lu linples gleamed and glancec". As in her pail the shifting sunbeams danced, And with uncommon feelings of delight The 1 arl of Balifax rxhetd the sight. Not so Dame stavera: for he heard her say These words, or thought he did, as plain ai day: ?'0 : Martha Hilton ! Fie ! how dare you '?o. About t he town bair dressed and looking so ?" At which the gypsy laughed, and straight re? plied : "No matter how I look; I yet shall ride In my own chariot, ma'am." And on the child The Earl of Halifax benignly smiled. As with her heavy burden she passed on, Looked back, then turned the corner, and was gone. Waat next upon that memorable day Drew his august attention, was a gay And brilliant equipage, tint flashed and spun, The silver harness glittering In the sun. Outriders with red jackets, lithe and lank, Pounding the saddles as they rose and sank, While au alone within tue charlot sat A portly person wi:h three-cornered hat, A ( rlmson velvet coat, h?a 1 h gh in air. Gald-headed cine, and ni ce'y powdered h Hr, And diamond buckles sparkling at bis knee), Dignified? sute.y, florid, much at ease. Onward the pageant swept, and as it passed Fa r Mistress Slavers cont tested low and fast; For this was Governor Wentworth, driving down To L.t'ie Harbor, just beyond the town, Where his great house stool looking out to sea A goidfy place, where lt was good to be. It was a pleasant mansion, an abode Near and yet hidden from the great high road. Sequestered among t.oes. a noble pile, Baronial and colonial in tts style; Ga'.) es and dormer windows everywhere. And stacks and chimneys rising high in air; Pandean pipes, on wh ch all winds that blew Made mourn ul music ihe whole winter through. Within, unwonted splendors met the eye, Panels and flo<-s of oak, and mest ry : r Carved chtmney-piecf s, where on brazen dogs Bevelled and roared the Christmas Are o: lo?s; Doora opening Into darkness unawares. My teilous pss-iages, and flights of 6t?trs; And on the walls, in heavy glided frames, The ancestral Wentworths with old fcc.lpture names. Such was the mansion whfre the great man dwelt, A widower and childless; and he telt The lo ne. in ss, the uncongenial gk om That like a tresence haunted every room; For though not given to weakness, he could feel Tue pain of woun j that ache because they heal. The years ernie and the years went-seven la all And passed in cloud and sunshine o'er the hall; The dawns their splendor through its chamber shed, The sunsets flashed its western windows red. The snow was on ita roof?, the wind, tba rain, Its woodlands were in leaf and bare again: Moons waxed and waned, the lilacs bloomed and died, In ti.e bro'd river flowed and ebbed the tide. Ships weat to sea. and ships came home from sea, And the stow years sailed by and ceased to be. Afld all these ye us had Wartha Huron served In the great house not who ly unobserved: By day, by night, the sliver crescent grew, . Th ugi hidden by clonds, her light still shining through; A maid or all wo k. whether oar;e or fine, A servant who made service seem divine ! Through her each room was fatr to look upon, The mirrors gila ened and the brasses shone, Trie very knocker o i the ourer door. If she but pa^e >, was brlgater thin berore. And now the ceaseless turning rr the mill Of Time, th it never for ai hour stands still, Ground ont the governor'* sixtieth biri dav, And powdered his brown hair with f liver gray. The robin, the forerunner or the spring*. Tee blue bird with his jocund car. Pug. The restless swallows building lu the eves. The (t'ldtn buttercups, the gracs. the leaves, The lilac tossing In the winds or May All welcome this majestic holiday. He gave a splendid banque', servvd on plate, teach as became the governor of the Mate, Who represented England and the king, And was mag; inc nt tn everything. He had invited all h a friends and peers The Peprerels. the Langdons, and the Lears, The spat haw- s, the PeuhaHows, and the rest For why repeal the name of every guest ? But I mast mention one. in bands and sown. The rector there, the Reverend Arthur Brown Of the Established Church; wi h smll ng face He sar. beside the governor and said crae ?; And (hen the fr?st went on. as ot tie? s do, Bot ended as n> ne oth?r I e'er knew. Wh/n they had drank the king with many a cher, The governor whispered in a servant's ear. Who disappeared, and presently there stool Within the room, in perfect womanhood, A malden, modest and yet s.df-posse-aed, Touthful and be.tutirm, ami simply dressed. Can this be Mar ha iMton * I- must be ! Tes. Martha Hilton, and no other the : Dowered with the beauty or her twenty years, Bow lady like, how queen like she appears; The pale, thin crescent of the da- s gone by Is Dian now m all her maj 'sty : Tet scarce a guest perceived that she was there, Until the g vernor, rising rrom hla chair. Played ?lightly with his rani rs, then looked down, And eald unto the Reverend Arthur Brown: "1 his la my birthday; lt shall likewise be My wedding-day, and you aha 1 n an y me !" Toe listening guests were greatly mystified, None more so than the rector, who replied : "Marry you? Yes. that wes a pleassn*. task, Te ur excellency: but to whom. I ask ?.' The governor answered. "To this lady here;" And beckoned Martha Hilton to draw near. She came and stood, ali blushes, at his aide. The rector paused. The impatient geve~nor cried: "This ls the lady; do you hesitate? Then I corn i and y ,u as ch et nngi=trate." The rector read the servite loud and clear; "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here," And so on to thc end. At his command, On the fourth Anger ot ber fair left hand The governor pi <c d the ring, and that was all; Mutha waa Lady Wentworth of the Hall : [January Atlantic. COMMERCIAL SEWS. Exports. NEW YORK-Per steamship Champion-US bags aea island cotton, 1719 bales upland cotton. 88 bales domestics. 50 tierces rice, 1-10 pkgs oil cake, rice meal and sundries. The Charleston Cotton, file? and Naval Stores Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON Narwa. ) SATCRDAT EVENING. December 28,18*1. J COTTON.-This article had a quiet aspect, with only a limited business doing; sales nf ar 600 bales, aay 22 at ld*, si at 17, ci at UM", 12 at 17*, 73 at 17*, 64 at IS*, 44 at is*, 7 at is*. 252 at 19, l extra s'ap'.e at 19*, and 3 laney at 20c fi lb. We ?note : LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordmarv.17*@18* Low middling.'i8X@lS* Middling.19 ? Strict middling.19*@19* RICE.-The transactions In this grain was light; sales 27 tierces, say 22 tierces at 7.*. 5 hea 1 rice at 8*c ? rb. We quote common to fair at o*@ 7*i g03d 7*33C. NAVAL STOBBS.-There were no sales reported. FaEtcnTS.-To Liverpool, by steam direct, nomi? nal on uplands, nominal on sea isl iuds; via New Torfe, *d on uplands, ld on sea blands; by Ball, 7-l6d on uplands, on sea Islands nominal. To Havre lc on uplands. Coastwise-*o New York by .team xe on uplands and lc on sea islands; $2 fl tierce in rice; by sall *c on cotton;- ft tierce .n rice;40c ft barret?n rosin; $7?S fl M on lum? ber; $9?io ft M on timber. To Boston, by sall MO ft m on upland cotton. To Provl ?enc?, by ?all $S ft M on boards, *c fi ft on cotton; by ?team ti fi bale on New York rates. To Phila? delphia, by steam *c ft ra on uplanda; by sall, $7 fl M on boards; $9 on Umber; S3 per ton en clay, and $3at3 50 on phosphates. To Baltimore, by .team *c ft re by sall, $e 60@7 ft M on boards; $308 25 fl t >n ou phosphate rock. Vessels are lu demand by our merchants to take lumber freights from Georgetown, S. C., Darien aa 1 Sat ilia River, Qa,, and Jacksonville, Fla., io Nortbera ports, aaa $10@12 1? M are tue rates on lamber and boards. Exe JAN is.- Sterling 60 day bills nominal. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-Tits banks are pur? chasing sight checks at H o-J. and sell at par. GOLD.-809. Markets by Telegraph. MONET MARKETS. LONDON*. December 23-Soon.-Consuls o:3;. Bonds FRANKFORT, December 23- Moon.-Bonds ?-3.'?. PARIS. December 23-Noon.-Rentes 95 72c. KEW YORK, December is-Noon.-St< oks dull with strong prices. Gold heavy at IXtif?- Gov? ernments dull and steady. Money Arm at 7, gol J. Exchange, long ?M., short 10",'. Evening.-Monev eusier at 7. Sterling 9'i. Gold 8"-?a8r?. Governments steady: eighty-ones 17K; si'xtv-twos 9ST: sixty-fours 9X? slxty-flve? UM; n-jv> 14: sixty-sevens 15; ten-forties 9l?\ State bou-'S very dull. Tennessees 61K; new 61 >?. Virginias 53: new 55. Louisianas 60; levees 62; eights 73 Sono Carolinas MS': new 12. Freights decimlug. Bank statement: Loans decrease $11.750.000: specie decreas' $2.575,000; legal tend? ers decrease $3,375,000; deposits decrease $lr?, 000,000. COTTON* MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, December 23-Noon.-Cotton open? ed steady; uplands oj, a tod. Orleans lO^d. Evening.-Cotton closed steady; sales io,ooo bales: export af d' s rec ul a; lon 2000 bales. NEW YORK, December 23-Noon.-cotton dull and nominal: uplands 20??c. Orleans 21;sales to? day 100 bales : last evening 700. Evening.-cotton sales 1040; uplands 20%, Or? leans 21; sales of cotton futures to-day 3650 bal-s, as follow?: December 19?,. 1911-16; January, t97,'. io 13-16,19V: February, 20'4; March, 20.?i. 20X ; April. 20 J? ; May, 21. WASHINGTON, December 23.-wires very slow. Southern eaton markets generally quiet and firm. AcorST*. December 23.-Cotton opened with a good demand at yesterday's quo-atlons, but closed quiet at about 18*ialS?,c; receipts 1109 bales: sales 910. PROVISIONS AND PRODCCE MARKET?. NEW YORK. December 23- Noon.-Flour dull and declining. Wheat dull and nominal Corn quiet and unchanged. Pork dull: new mess $14 75. Lard quiet at 9.'4'a9"-ic. Turpentine quiet and firm at 6S.l.'atee_ Rosin scarcely so firm at $5a 5 cs for strained. Evening.-Flour favors buyers. Wheat dull. Corn heavy. Pork-old $13 25: new $14 50. Lard steady. Naval s ores Arm. BALTIMORE, December 21.-Marke: generally unchanged, wi isk'-y flrmat 96a97o. Nt iv York Na val Stores Market. From the Dally Bulletin, Friday, December 22: Receipts to-day, 2'9 bois ros:n; .4? do spirits tur? pentine. The ma'ket shows rather a better feel? ing la spirits turpentine to day. and prices are more stead?, -alts have been made of 50 bhls at 59 cents. Rosin c mtlnues In active demand, but the fl mines* of holders still check operations to a ce: tain extent. We note sales of 130 bbls common strained at $5 05. 500 bbls good strained at $5 IO. 400 bbls do to arrive at the same p-ice. au I 50 bbls common strained at (5. Tar ls quiet, and prices not very strong. Pitch steady. Nr w York Rice Market. From ths Journal of Commerce. Thursday. De? cember 21: There ls no: much doing tn either domestic of foreign, an I prices are, if anything, tn the buyerb" favor. The sales are 25 tc*. Caro? lina at 8'4a9>;c.: 200 bags Rangoon at t7,a:-,c., and 100 bag* Patna at rliaTKC. From the Dally Bulletin, Friday. December 22 : The demand has been moderate, an 1 as last noted, mcBtly conOned to small lots as wanted by the regular trade. Taking the general range, prices are w.tbont decided variation, but the dullness give* bayera the utnal advantage, and the feeling ls tame. Sales of 40 tes. Carolina at S^aS'^c; 125 bags RaDgo n at 6 Jia7c. New York Coffee Market. From t ie Dally Bulletin, Friday, December 22: We have to note a continued strong an 1 buoyant marker, with a good demand prevailing and buy era fully convinced of the general i-trengtn ot the position. BnzUs have sold with considerable free? dom, m'Inly to the trade, and commanded very ru i prices; meed, anether >*c improvement in gold frc m the lowe*: point. The advance, how? ever, does cot increaee the desire of holders to reailzj, the feeling of cotflde: ce remain og as stron/ as ever, and from the nduced stocks on han<i the offerings are extremely m derate and good selections difficult to und. Other descrip tlo s also are attracting attention, and in fact all corree worth handling ls now In demand. The Jobbing distribution has also been first-rate, and the s ock in first hands reduced. Sales or 2660 bags Rio ter Merrimac; 35-0O do per Chowan, to fr<m Bampton Roads: at ialtimore. 2047 per Aqukioeck and 6000 per Gray Eagle. There have be :n ?o?d during the week In lots 2275 mats Singapore. 9500 bags Maracaibo. 3700 Laguayra. 950 O sta Rica. 1127 Mexican, 1200 Mani la. 600 J malea. 200 sava mr. An anlvat <f 30,ooo mats Java was sold previousl . We qaote Rio, gold, la b nd, as folio ?a: Ordinary cargoes 15Kal6. fair doMjgalSX, gotd do 17al7>4', prime do lT^alSc. Savannah Cotton Market. SAVANNAH,December21.-SEA ISLAND COTT ut. There has been a limited demand for the Ai e grades curing the rast week, and prices have been somewhat easter. We quo'e: Medium Fl rldas 45a?uc: medium tine F orldas, 5Sa63; Ure, -; common entirely negtec ed. RECEIPTS.-The tecelptsat this port for the past we- k h tve been 26.175 bales upland and 216 bales sea Island, from the following sources: Central Railroad. 19,21H bales upland: Atlantic and G. Kati road. 3791 oafs upland: Augusta boats, 2493 bales upland; riorVa boats, 107 bales sea island and 13 bales upland; Altamaha River boats, 577 bales upland; wagons and coasters, 80 bales up? land and 103 ba>s sea Island. EXPORTS -The export* ror the week have been 10.815 i ales upland and 349 bales sea island, as follows: Liverpool, 4125 bales upland and 42 bales sea Island; Havre, 3613 bales upland; Rot? terdam, 1710 bales upland; New York, 2394 bales upiand and 302 bales sea island ; Philadelphia, 487 bales upland and 5 hales sea island; A m-tero am. 2131 bales up'and; Bremen, 2039 bales upland; Barcelona. 2172 bales upland; Genoa, 612 bales upland; Boston, 1532 bales uolanl. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, Decemler 23.-The market was very quiet and Inactive yesterday and tut few transactions were made. We have to report small sales In cotton on private terms, at figures ranging from I8>i to I9),'c; R .les of 306 bbls rosin at $8 75 ror pale, and 265 brds turpentine at $3 60 tor hard, $5 60 ror yellow dtp and $5 35 for virgin, an advance on yellow dtp of 35c since our last issue. Interior Cotton Marketa. COLUMBIA. December 21 -Sales of cotton 200 bales: middlings 18'?c. COLUMBIA, December 22.-Sales of cotton to? day, l 0 bales: middling 18 Vi cents. OR AN GE BOKO. December 22.-sales during the weelt 140 bales, w e quo*e: Ordinary I5al7 cents, low middling lTMi mid i lng ANDERSON, December 20.-The cotton market quite active to-day. and price - range f: om 17 jj to 17\'. Sal- s for the week 61S bales. GREENVILLE. December 20.-Cotton active and brisk to day, and sel lt.g at i7.s cents. CAMDEN, December 20.-since our report of last week tne market has been more active and higher. We quote as closing yesterday, at fiom 17 to is u c*n:s, accord ng to quality'. Sales ro the weck 350 bau NEWBtRRY, December 19.-Cotton is quoted at lt"c. CHESTER. December 20-Market quiet: ordi? nary MJic.: good ordinary les; ow midd.inga I7'*c; mid.liing 17?;; geo! middling lS.^c. UMON, December 22-256 bales cotton sold .turing the wevik. Market opened oa Monday at 17.35: closed to day at 17.05. YO URVILLE, December 20.-Cotton ls selling at ita 17.'?ir. ABBE1- ILLE, December 20.-Cotton buovjnt at Boston Market. BOSTON. December 20.-COFFEE-There is a very iirm feeling for emilee, but thebuslnes or the week has been ilgtn, the trade purchasing only In small lots as wanted. Sf ck?, however, are so light at ail prints, holders are confident that high prices wi 1 continue to rule. The sales or Java have been at ?3'24'?c, go d; Rio at lial9>ic. gol 5.1600 pockets of Slngacore at 20>,a2ic. gold, aud ?0 ba?8 Malabar at I9a20c per lb. gold. No St. Domingo here of any consequence, and pr res are n miualiy I2sal3e p?r lb, gold, tn bond. Recent Imports of Java were previously disposed of. COTTON.-The tone of the c tton ma'ket has been rather quiet for a week past, an I prices are a shade easier than noticed a few days ago, ia consequence of unfavorable advices from abroad and increased receipts at the cotton ports. The ? demand has been steady f om manufacturers, with sales of ordinary ar I7>?al8??c; good ordi? nary atl9il9.i?; low middling at 19>ia20-4'. and < middling 20a2lc per lb, Including uplands and . Gulf. DOMESTIC?.-In the cotton goods market there 1 has been more excitement, and large purchases 1 have been made at an advance on all standard and desirable goods. Woollens are quite Arm and have been In rather more request, but de- 1 mand stilt falls short or expectation, and the prices or goods do not keep pace with the-ad? vance In raw material. GCNNT BAGS -We have only to notice a small sale or 40 bales at 15c per yard, currency. Heavy 1 bags continue at I5>?al6c. I GUNNY CLOTH.-There ls a Armer feeling ror cloth, and prices are well sustained. Sales or soo rolls at U)?c; 500 do deliverable In February 15c. and 600 do deliverable in Jure, July and August lbji<: per yard. In New York 73 ) bales Borne .. sold at 9>?c per yard, go d. tn bond. NAVAL STORES-Spirits turpentine ls Arra and prices have advanced to 71B72C. per gallon with a smail stock and higher prices South, lar has < been selling at $4a4 25 per bbl., a lot of 200 barrels < selling at $4 per bbl. Common rosins are scarce 1 and in demand. All to be had at $5 37>? and ) under has been bought ap. and now held at $5 75 a6 per bbl. No 1 and pale rosins are quiet, with a I fair supply. 1 RICK.-Th's article ls Arm bu' continue' quiet. 1 Sales onoo casks Carolina at SMa8XC., and for choice 9 sc. ls asked.] Receipt? by Railroad, December 93. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 2316 biles cotron. 226 bbls naval Btores. 300 sacks co n, 3 ears stock. To Railroad Agent, W w smith. Geo W Williams co. A J Salina'1. O A Trenholm A Soa, v. isa A co. Sloan A Seigntoue, Frost. Adger A co, L I) Mowry 4 Son, A S Smith, Pelzer, Rodgers A co, Caldwell A Son, W K Ryan, w c Courtney A co, Murdaugh A Mathews. W P Dowling A co, R' euer A Davis. T P Smith, Louis D DeSaussure, PrlDgle 4 Son, O H Walter A co. W 0 Bee A co, Witte Bros, Graeser & Harmon. C R Holmes. Street Bros A co, Burmelster A Zerbst. T T chapeau. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD. 143 bales upland and 22 bags sea Island cition, 249 bbls na al stores, cars lumber, wood, rougj rice, mdse, Ac. To T P smith, A J salinas, A S Smith. J R Pringle A Son, G A 'irenholm A Son, Barden A Parker, S D Stoney, Frost. Adger A co, Kinsman A Howell. W K Ryan, W C Courtney A co, G W williams A co, wm C Bee A co, Pelzer. Rodgers A c >. Witte Bros, Wilcox, Gibbs A co. Ra vene: A co. Caldwell A Son, H McPherson, D McPherson, E Willis. Wlnlden A Jones, Stoney A Lowndes. J A Quacsenbush, Gaillard A Mluott, W H Dawson, W P Dowling A co, Railroad Agent and Order. SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. 75 ba'es sea Island and 65 bales upland cotton. 976 bushels rouen rice, 2 cars stock and mdse. To W A Boyle W M Lawton A SOUB, Fraser A Dili, T P Smith, W C Bee A co, J A Blake, Murdaugh A Mathews, Reeder A Davis, H Wagner 4 co, F D C Kracke, Macqueen * Rlecke. W Gurney, P Teck lenberg, P G Hasel, Whyte A Harral, P B Lalane A co. J Ooicock & co, W P Dowling A co, E Willis, W A Pringle, Witte Broa, Kinsman A Howell, Wm H Chafee A co, Pluck: ey Bros, Barden A Parker. Passengers. Per steamer Water Lily, from Edlsto, Enter, prise and Way Landings-Col Wm Whaky, Mrs E seabrook. Col Wm Gregg. J Gregg, J Chadwick, Wm Beckett, W K Seabrook and son, D Cammell, Major A Vandt-rinrst, E W M Mackey. E M Freer, F Mathews, Jas armstrong, U T Ferrlll, H Briggs and D H To wies. PORT CALENDAR. MOON'S PHASES. Last Quarter 5th. 1 huur. 25 minares mora:: g New Moon U h. io M::s. 42 minutes, evening. First Qnarrer. ISth. 3 honra. 21 minuten, evenir g. full Muon. 2?(h, 4 nours, 15 minutes, evening. 25 Monday, 26?Tuesday. 27?Wednesday.. 28;Thursday_ 29, Friday. 30 saturday.... :>.-.! ay. .TIARISE NEWS. CHARLESTON, S. C.DECEMBER 25, 1871. La: 36 deg 46 mia 33 sec. | Lon 79 deg 67 min tr. sec. ARRIVED SATURDAY. Sehr E A DeHart, PlnMiara, Baracoa-7 days. Fruit. To Paul, Welch A Brandes. Sehr Gen R E Lee. Gradlck. Cooper River. 2100 bushels rough rice. To W C Bee 4 co. Sloop Marv, Mills, Pon Pon. 650 bushels rough rice. To W C Bee A co. Received from West Point Mill. 18 tierces rice. To W c Bee A co. Received fro :u Chisolm's MilL 52 tes rice. To G H Ingraham 4 Son. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamer Water Lily. Togllo, Edlsto. Enterprise. Rockville, ?ad Way Landings. 20 bags sea island cotton, mdse and sundaes. To Douglas Nisbet, D M"Pber3on, Kav^nel A co, W Gurney, Fraser A Dill, wnte Bros, w K. Ryan, Mowry 4 Son, O'Hejr, H Loper, A Northrop. CLEARED SATCRDAY. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, New York James Adger 4 co. Sehr Guv R Phelps. Shaler, New York vii Jack? sonville-H F Baker 4 co. Sehr S V W Slmn ons, WU lams, Baltimore via Jacka jnvllle-H F Baker 4 co. SAILED SATURDAY. Steamship Champion, Dockwood, New York. UP FOR THIS PORT. Brig Erle, Sears, at Bo ton,.December 19. CLEIRED FOR THIS PORT. S.'hr J H Hancock, Crowed, at Boston, Decem ?er io. Sehr J H Stickney Fooks, at Ba'tlmore. Decem Rr 21. SAILED FOR THIS PORT. Sehr Willie Luce, Talbot, from Rockport, Me, December 19. MEMORANDA. The sehr Addle BlalsdeU. Fairfield, from Boston 'or Charleaton, was at Vineyard uaven 19th Be? emeer. The Beaufort (S C) Republican, of Decembsr 21. jays: "Tne Co.isaw Mining Company last we-fc .leared the bark I-ubc 11 Harnett for Cork, with a :argoof6l2 tons phosphate rock. For the first lme for a year there ls nu vessel loading In this listr ct with phosrhates. -There ls great dlrtlcul vin procuring vess'K as captains at.d owners ?"r fer o-f er cargos. Several ships are dally ex? pected." ?ffuial. E XECUTIV? DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF STAT?, COLUMBIA, S. C., December 20,1871. The question having been raised as to whether tho law author zea the State Auditor, upon the approval of the Governor, to extend the time for the payment of Taxes, after a careful examina? tion of all the aits bearing upon the subject, and being unable to fin I any au'.U rity for such ac? tion, but at the same time knowing that ext a jlons have *been granted In previous years, I sub? mitted the matter to the Atto ney-General .'or a legal opinion. In reply to ih? question alluded to, the Attor? ney-General answen-: "I rave the honor to say thu the only sectlcu ander which lt ls cla'med, so far as I am aware, that the State Auditor, with the approval of the Governor, may extend the tlxefor the collecticn of taxes, is the 147th sec tioj or the Tax Act. That section ls in these words: 'ir any of the duties required to be per? formed lu this act oa t r before a certa n day by any officer here n named cannot, ror w.nt or proper time, be so ptrforme I, the State Auditor, with the approval ot the Governor, cpon proper evidence of the necessity or the same, may extend the time as long as mjy be necessary thereror.' An examination or this s ctio i will, I think, lead to the conclusion thit lt has reference simply and only toan extension of time necessary ror the tax otneers to perform theji duties, and was n t In? tended to, anl does not in ter i.s. authorize an extension of time hr the payment cf taxes. I am aware that a different construction has been acted upon for the pas: three years, but now that the question ls presented to me for the first Hine for my opinion, 1 am obliged to say that I do not tUlnk tali section gives' authority to you, upon th? approval of the Governor, to extend the time for any other purpose than to allow the tax offi? cers to complete their prescribed duties." The law as construed by the Attorney-General, la whose opinion I fully concur, does not allow the exercise of discretionary power to any officer In this matter. I would therefore once more bring to the notice of all the importance or prompt and punctual PAYMENT O? TAXES, as under the de? cision above quoted I ranntt do otherwise than execute the law, as provide l ror in the 97th sec? tion of the Tax Act, passed september 15,1868, which say j that the penalty shall attach upon all taxes and os essments not paid on or before the l?Tii DAY OF JANUARY. EDWIN F. GARY, dec25-i_State Auditor. gUGAR-COATED PILLS. FLUID EXTRACTS, ELIXIRS, Aa, Ac. A FULL ASSORTMENT. Having taken the Agency for the sale of the HOODS or Messrs. W. R. WARNER A CO.. Phila lelphia, I offer io the Profession and to the Trade i full Une or the above articles, at manufacturers' jrices. warner's Iron and Iodororm Pills are well inown and highly approved by the Faculty. Their nedlcine? are carefully prepared and perfectly rcllab e. For sale wholesale and retail by DR. H BAER dec22 Wholesale Agent for South Carolina. Sp trial Notices. SOUTH CAROLINA, from New York, are herel notified that alie will discharge cargo TO-MORROT 26th Inst., at Pier No. 2, UDlon Wharves. Good uncalled for at sunset will remain on the wharf t owner's risk and expense. dec25 1 WILLf AM A. COURTENAY, Agent. ?3r CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSUI GULF STREAM, from Philadelphia, are hereh notified that she wi l discharge c ugo TO-MORROV 26th instan*, at Brown's Wharf. Goods ui called ror at sunset win remain on the whai at owners' risk and expense. dec23-l WM. A. COURTENAY, Agent. pa CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHI JAMES ADGER, from New York, are notified th: she win discharge cargo TO-MORROW, Taesdaj the 2?th instant, at Adger's South Whar Goods uncalled ror at sunset will remain c the wharf at owners' risk. dec25-l_JAMES ADGER & CO., Agents. pm* CONSIGNEES' NOTICE.-CON sign?es by Bark HAMINJA are hereby notifie that she has THIS DAY been en'ered under th Five Day Act. Goods not Permitted at the exp ration of that period will be sent to Customhous Stores. RAVEN EL A CO., decal_Agents. ^THE PEOPLE S NATIONAL BANK CHARLESTONS. C., DECEMBER 22, 1871.-Il accordance with the usual custom thia Bank wi be closed on CHRISTMAS DAY. Ail paper matur lng on the 25th instant must be anticipated. dec23 H. G. LOPER, Cashier. ~~pS*TUE PLANTERS' AND MECHAN ICS' BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA-CHARLES TON, S.} C., DECEMBER 23, 1871.-Monda; be ng CHRISTMAS DAY this Bauk will be closed. The business of the day must therefore be ant] Cipaied. W. E. HASKELL, dec23 Cashier. ^PEOPLE'S BANK OF SOUTI CAROLINA, CHARLESTON', DECEMBER 23E 1871.-Monday .being Christmas, this Bank wi be closed to-day. J. B. BETTS, dec23 Cashier. pa* CITY TREASURY, 23D DECEM BER, 1871.-By resolution cf council, C!Ly Taxe for 1871 will be received at this office without, th penalty until the 30;h Instant. Inclusive. On the 1st January, 1872, executions for all un paid returns must be sent to Sheriff. S. THOMAS, dec23-6 City Treasurer. pa CITY HALL -OFFICE CLERI OF COUNCIL, CHARLESTON. S. C.. DF.CEMBE1 23D, 1871.-The members or the Board or Commis sk-ners or the Public Lands, Ac, are requested ti meet at the Market Hail, TUESDAY, December 26th at 7 o'clock, P. M. W. W. SIMON'S, dec23-2 Clerk or Council. pa* OFFICE SOUTHWESTERN RAIL ROAD BANK.-Tue Transfer Books or the South Carolina Railroad Company and Southwestern Railroad Bank will be closel from the first to tin fifteenth of January, 1872, for the purpose Ol making up tue Annual Dat of Stockholders. JOHN M. HARLESTON. dec2l-ths*.u5ml Cashier. pa THE BEST FLAN TO SECURE something in the BUTLER, CHADWICK A G ARI DRAWING, ls to put half the amount invested ir single tickets, and hair lu C ubs or sixty-two. There ls one prize tu every sixty-two tickets. Parties wishing to Join Club) or sixty-two oi less, will find Club Lists open at No. 29 Broad street. Any smaller CIU'D formel that wish to Increase the 6lZ3 of Club, can do so by applying to me, who will add them to smaller Clubs now formed. EBEN COFFIN, Jub-Agent Office, E. M. Moreland, No. 29 Broad Street. dec22 PB" THE CHARLESTON CHARITA? BLE ASSOCIATION. FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE FREE SCHOOL FUND.-OFFICAL RAFFLED NUMBERS. CLASS No. 202-MORNING. tj _ l -33-67-76-12 -4.1 - 5-19-23-C8- 58 CLASS No. 263- EVENING. 71-70-12- 8-24- 3-55-73-43-15-58- 1 AS witness nur hand at Charleaton thia 23d day of December, 1871. FENN PECK, JAMES GILLI LA ND, oct" sworn O mmissioners. pw NOTICE.--AN ELECTION FOR Master, Matron and Clerk of the Almshouse, to serve for the ensuing year, will be hell at the Re? gular Meeting cf the Board of Commissioners on WEDNESDAY next, the 27th inst. Applicants will please send In their utters. By order of the Board. dec21-i C. B. SIGWALD. Secretary. j^*SCREVEN HOUSE.-NOTICE TO PARTIES INTERESTED.-Major JOHN W. CAM? ERON has consented to conduct, and is duly ap pointed Manager or the SCREVEN HOUSE. dec20-lmo R. BRADLEY. pa* SOUTH CAROLINA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY-SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Depositors are requested to leave their Books to be credited with the January Quarterly Interest, due 1st proximo. All Depcalts made on or before the -Nth January will bear interest from the 1st or January. Interes' Six Ter Cent., compounded quarterly. dec22-rmwl2 F. A. MITCHELL, Cashier. pa CLEAR AND HARMLESS AS WA? TER-NATTANS'S CRYSTAL DISCOVERY FOR TUE HAIR.-A perfectly clear preparation In one bottle, aa easily applied as water, ror restoring to gray hair Its natural color and youth'ul appear? ance, to eradicate and prevent dandruff, to pro? mote tlsa growth of the hair and atop Its tailing out. It ls entirely bannies*, and perfectly free from auy pols .-nous sub.-tance, and wllUherefore take the place of ali the dirty and unpleasant preparations now in use. Numerous testimonia s have been sent us from many of our most promi? nent c.tlzens, some sf which arc subjoined. In everything In which the articles now lu use are objectionable, CRYSTAL DISCOVERY is perfect. It ls warranted to con'alu neither Sugar of Lead, Sulphur or Nitrate of Silver, lt does not soil tve clothes o/ scalp, ls agreeably perfumed, and makes one or theb st dressings for the Hair In use. It restores the color of the Hair "more per rect and unirormly than any other preparation,'1 and always does so la rrom tr,ree to ten days, virtually feeding the rJota of the Hair with all the nourishing qualities necessary to Its g'owth and healthy condition; it reitjres thc decayed and Induces a new growth of the Hair more posi lively than anything else. The application of this won lerrul discovery also produces a pleasant an 1 cooling effect on the scalp and gives the Hair a pleasing and elegant appearance. We call especial attention to the fact that a limited number of trial bottles will be given way gratuitously to those wishing to try lt. You will n'.tlce that in pursuing this course our aim ls to convince by the actual merits of the article. ARTHUR NATTANS, Inventor and Proprietor, Wasl-.lngton, D. C. For sale bv the Agent, DR. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street, Charleston, S. C. novlS-stuthly pa* ON MARRIAGE. -1st Happy relief ror Young Men rrom the effects or Errors aud Abuses in early life. Mauhoed re? stored. Nervous debility cured. Impedimenta to Marriage removed. New method of treat? ment. New and reraukable remedies. Books and Circulars sent free, lu sealed envelopes. Ad? dress HOWARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Ninth street, Philadelphia. Pa- octia jJS?-BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.-THIS SUPERB HAIR DYE ia the best In the world-per fectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tinta or unpleas? ant odor. The genuine w. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE produces IMMEDIATELY a splendid Black or Natural Brown. Does not stain the akin, but leaves the hair clean, soft and beautiful. The Lniy Safe and Perre? Dye. Sold by all Drug glata. Factory No. 16 Boud street, New York. jan23-mwflyr o Diamona Raffle. F FICIA L RAFFLED NUMBERS OF THE DIAMOND BAFFLE OF THE CHARLESTON CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION AT No. 147 MEETING STBEET, IN* PUBLIC, F?RTHE BENEFiT OF THE FREE SCHOOL FUND, Raffled at Charleston, S. C., Trna 23D DAT of December, 1871, under the Superinten? dence of the Commissioners. NUMBER. AWARDS. TALUS. 198. $25 238. 25 451. 50 1455... 25 1524. 25 1934..One Award of one large Diamond Cross Breastpin, large Diamonds designated ai No. 5 In the awards valu-.d at. 800 4393. 25 4439 . 25 4990..One Award of a single stone Dia? mond Ring-designated as No. 9 la the awards-valued at. loo 5683. 25 6703. 60 6727. 25 6737. 25 583?. 50 6047 . 25 6068 . 60 6341. 25 6142. 26 6570. 50 G743..0ne Award ot one set of Diamond Earrings and Breastpin-large and pure Brilliants,-richly set. (d- sig? naled aa N?. 2 in the awards) valued at. 1250 6829. 60 6S83. 25 6957.A. 25 7411. 60 7576..One Award or one set ii Diamond Earrings anil Breastpl -large Bril? liants, (designated as No. 3 In the awards j valued ar. 1000 8146..One Award of a Gentleman's Gold Watch, stem winder, and massive Gold Chain, (des gnated as No. 18 In the award',?.valued at.. 300 8174. 25 9167. 25 9477. 25 9527. 25 10035. 25 10491. .One Award of a Lady's Oold Watch and large Gold Chain with Tassels des'goated as No. 12 in the swaths valued at.v. 200 11235..One Award of one Cluster Diamond Ring, rec oval-designated as NJ. 7 In the awards-valued at. 300 11345. 25 1156>..One Award of a Lady's Gold Watch, with splendid Gold Opera Chain and Tassels-designated as No. 10 in the awards-valu-, d a:. 300 11831. 25 12.82..One Award of one rich clu-ter Dia? mond Rlog-designated as No. 6 tn i he awards-valued at. 400 12599. 60 12704. 25 1.800. 50 12849. 25 13732..One Award of a Gen leman's Gold Watch, stem winder, with large Gold Chain-designated aa No. 15 In the awards-valued at. 300 13373..One Awr-rd of one trlpl-i plated Tea Set on White Merni, large plated Walter, one pair of Frau stands, am one ratr Cake Baskets-desig? nated as No. 20 in the awards valued at. 200 13997. 50 13999..One Award of a Gentleman's Gold Watch, stem wlm'er, timing llfth a*ad qca'ter seconds, made by Jerg gea-o ?.i B'of the Lett timing Watch? es in the United .-tates, with mas? sive Gold chain-designated as No. 14 in the Awards-valued at. 7C0 14534 . 25 14734 . 25 14821..?.. 26 15684 . 25 15847..One award of a Lady's Gold Watch and Large Opera Chain Tasseled designated as No 13 lu the awards -valued at. 200 16040 . 25 16410. 25 16759 . 25 16739 . 25 1.987 . 25 17336..One Award or a Gent.emau's Dia? mond Cluster Breast pin, large Dia? mond In centre-designated as No. 8 In the J wards-value l at. 700 17483. 25 17037. 26 17972. 50 18347. 60 13?92. 60 18873... 25 19485..One Award or a Lady's Gold Watch and heavy Gold Opera Chain-des? ignated as No. ll lu tile Awards -valued ac. 250 20190. .50 20209. 25 20283..". 60 20347 . 25 20432. '-25 20738. 25 21228 . 25 21273. 25 21726. 25 2l?64. 25 22571. 60 23629 . 2" 23716 . 26 24153 . 25 24227..One Award of a Gentlemans Gold Watch, stem winder, with heavy GoldChatn-designated ai No. 18 in the awards-valued at. 300 24913. 25 2505i..One Award of one Set of Solid Silver Spoons and Forks-designat? ed as No. 19 in tt e awards-valued at. 2:0 25100 . 25 26312 . 26 25500..One Award or one set cf Diamond Earrings and Br? astptn-designated as No. 4 la the awards-valued at... 1000 25501. 25 26565 . 26 26623 . 25 27U5. tO 27235. 25 7292. 25 27294. 50 27303 . 25 27309 . 25 27707. 60 27809. 25 28912. 26 29105..One Award of a set of 1 lamond Ear? rings and Breastpin-the diamonds are large and of the purest water. Also a large solitaire Diamond Rlu and a pair of very heavy Gold Bracelets, with Tassels, (designated as No. Ho the awards) valued at.... 2500 29594..One Award cf a Gentleman's large Gold Hunting Watch, made by Tobi? as, with massive Gold chain, (desig? nated as No. 17 la the awards) valu? ed at.". 300 29624. 50 29921. S5 -.9336. 25 We do hereby certify that the above are the raffled numbers, and Awards thereto, as raffled, this 23d day 0: December, 1871, at Charleston, S. C., as witness cur hands. FENN PECK, JAMES GI LL I LAND, dec23-l* Sworn Commissioners. X t?oliban (Soobs. MAS C H ? ?Tff 'BUT ONCE A TEAR!" TUB RICnEST AND THE NICEST MINCE PIES MINCE PIES MINCE PIES in the City, always on hand or made to order at short notice. ALSO, TURKEYS GAME PASTRY ICED CAKES JELLIES, Ac, AC, AT TULLY'S OLD STAND, NO. 124 KING STREET, decl6_Near Queen street. JEWELBY, DIAMONDS, ?fee. F. KOLDEWEY, formerly located at No. 292 King street, can now be found at lils New Stand, No. 302 King street, above Wentworth street. In announcing this change of location, he will men? tion to hla friends that he has provided for the Christmas Holidays. Bis recent Importan n of JEWELRY, DIAMONi S, and other Precious Stones, ase worthy the attention of all seeking presents at this time. Be still Repairs Jewelry, and guarantees a l repairing of Wa'ches and Clocks. decil-mwf? pipping. THE FIRST-CLASS IROS SCREW STEAMSHIPS GULF STREAM, Captain Mc Cr err, VIRGINIA, Captain Hunter, Are now regularly on the Line, insuring a first* class sea connection between Philadelphia and Charleston, and In alliance with Railroad Com? panies at both termini, afford rapid transportation to and from all points tn the Cotton States, and to and from Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago and the principal cities or the Northwest, boston, Providence and the Eastern Manufacturing Cen? tres. 49* The GULF STREAM ls appointed to sall from Brown's wharf on THURSDAY, December 23th, at S o'clock P. M. ?ar The VIRGINIA will follow next weet For particulars of Freight arrangements, apply to WM. A. COURTENAY. Union Wharves. W. P. CLYDE A- CO., Agents, No. 11 South Dela ware Avenue, Philadelphia._dec25-rawth3 pOR SEW YORK, ?EW YORK .WD CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LIVE. ESTABLISHED 1845 The splendid Side-Wheel Steamship CHARLES TON, James Berry, Commander, will tall from Adser'a Wharf on TUESDAY, the seth instant, at 5 o'clock P. M. precisely. ?3- Marine Insurance by this Une, half per cent. Mar Through Bills or Lading given on Cotton tc Liverpool, Boston. Providence and thc New Eng .and manufacturing towns. For Freight or Passage, applv to dec2?-l JAYES AUGER A CO., Agents. JIOR NEW YORK. ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, AT 4] O'CLOCK P. M. NEW IRTJN STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870. The Splendid New Iron Side Wheel Steamship SOUTH CAROLINA, Beckett, Commander, will sail for New York on TBCRSDAY, December 28th, at 4 o'clock P. M., from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves. . Through Bills of Lading to Liverpool by WILLIAMS A GUION STEAM LINE. To Gen J. , Trieste, Naples, Leghorn, Christiania. Gotttu burg, and to Glasgow, by ANCHOK LINE STEAM? SHIPS. To New England Cities as usual. Insurance by steamers or this Line X per cent. For Freight or Passage Engagement-, having very fine Deck Matt-room accommouttrio s, apply to WAGNER, BUGER A CO., No. 26 Broad street, or to w. A. COURTENAY, No. l Union Wharves dec25-mwth3 ?UNABD LINE MAIL STEAMERS, LEAVINO NEW YORK ON WEDNESDAYS AND QUEENSTOWN SAME DAYS OF EACH WEEK. The SATURDAY STEAMERS will commence their trips early In January, 1872. Parties de-drlng to engage Passage t ; or from Europe please appply to declO WILLIAM ROACH A CO., Agents. ?ACIFIO MALL STEAMSHIP OOMPTS TH acron LIM TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers or thc above "n ??.-i- - - tmfiflbm\ No. 42, North River, root ot CanaaSaUBB ?rreet. New York, at 13 o'clock noon, of the 1KB and 3oth of every month (except when these tates fall on Sunday, then the Saturday preced , tit. ! All denarturee connect at Panama with steam .rs for south Pacific and Centrai American porta. Departure of 13th touches at Kingston. Jamaica. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran? cisco first of every month, except when lt falls on Sunday; then on the day preceding. No California steamers tonca as Havana, bot gu direct from New York to AsplcwalL one hundred pounds baggage free to each adult, Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other information apply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on the wharf foot of Canal street, North River, New fork. F. R. BABY, Agent. j aiy 26-lyr_ T QTonfcit oner CG. HE H O LID A T S. J. 0. H. CLAUSSEiTS CHRISTMAS ! CHRISTMAS ! CHRISTMAS I SUP? PLIES HAVE ARRIVED, consisting In part of the following indispensable HOLIDAY GOCDS: CONFECTIONERY. Sugar Plums, Sugar Almonds, Mixed Candles, Rock Candy, Gum Drops, Cinnamon Strings, Cream Boa Bons, Caraway Seed, Cream Chocolate Drop 3. Sugar Almonds, Cream Almonds, Burnt Almonds, Cream Strawberries, Corianders, Conversation Lozenges, Fig Paste, Licorice Drops, Marshmallow Drops, Cordial Drops, Jordan Almonds, Fancy Specialties, Cream Dates, Assorted Lczenge-, Cream Figs, Ac, Ac. Christmas Sugar Toys. Surprise and Cash Boxes or all kinds to Ki HI at 6 cents to $1 per package, and guaranteed UK tain Cash or Prizes. Assorted Candy, Stick Candy and Fancy Kisses. BISCUITS, CRACKERS, CAKES, ?c. Soda Biscuit-, Sogar Crackers, Boston Biscuits, Fancy Crackers, Cream Biscuits, Lemon Crackers, Egg Biscuits, Ginger Crackers, Wine Biscuits, Novelty Crackers, Fancy Sugar Biscuits, Oyster Crackers, Lemon Biscuits, Picnic Crackers, Assorted Biscuit?, Reform Cracker;, Milk Biscuits, (inion Crackers, Jumbles, Mixed Cakes, Tea Cakes, Christmas Cakes, Sugar and Molasses Gungers and Sheet Cakes. Merchants from the country will save money, time and disappointment by calling soon or send? ing their orders, which will meet prompt and careful attention, to J. C. H. CLAUSSEN, No. io Market street. CHRISTMAS TREES SUPPLIED GRATIS AS USUAL. dec2 mth ^NATURE'S OWN REMEDY.-CEB TAIN CURE FOR HEADACHE, Dyspepsia, Dis eases of the Kidneys. Ac-SARATOGA PA VIL ION SPRING WATER. Try lt. For sale by all Druggists. decl3-3ft) F _gripping. OR NEW ORLEANS. The small Schooner RIVERDALE, having nearly all her cargo engaged, will load imJ mediately for above port. For engagements apply to T. TUPPER A SON'S. dec2o-l F OR NEW YORK. The Regular Packet Schooner MYRO VER, Ag Brown. Master, wants light freight, cottoo,Jj|Hl Ac, to flu up and leave orompaiy. \ dec23_WM. ROACH A CO., Agents. FOR EDISTO, ENTERPRISE AND WAT LANDINGS. ; . The steamer POCOSIN, captain W. H. Gannon, will leave aa above.. T TES DAY, 26 th instant, at 1 o'clock P. at., irom Harket Wharf, foot of Harket street. Return big, leave Edtato WEDNESDAY, at 2 o'clock P. M. Fare $160. No Meals furnished. J. H. MURRAY, Agent. The POCOSIN will leave again TH tras DAT MOB KIXO, 28th, at T o'clock, and Edisto on FRIDAY AFTERNOON, 29th, at 2 o'clock._dec26-l? "p O R GARDNER'S BLUFF, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE PEEDEE RIVER VIA GEORGE? TOWN, S. 0. The steamer PLANTER, Captain J. T. Foster, will receive Freight att Accommodation Wharf, WEDNESDAY, atan t. and leave at night. Freight and Wharfage prepaid. For Freight or Passage navlng Stateroom ac? commodations, apply on board, or to RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., dec25-2_No. ITT Eas? Bay. p O B FLORI ?i , VIA SAVANNAH, TWICE? A WEEK/-' The splendid Steamers DICTATOR.Captain COIBTTBB CITY POINT.Captain MCMILLAN WILL SAIL AS FOLLOWS : The DICTATOR wiU leave Charleston every TUESDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock, The CITY POINT every FBIDAY EVENINO, at 8 o'clock, FOR FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, i PALATKA, AND ALL LANDINGS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER. These Steamers connect with railroad at Toool for st. Aug usu ye, and at Jacksonville ant Pa latka with steamers lor Enterprise; also with steamers for the Oklawaba River. Close connection ia made with steamships at Cedar Keya for New Orleans and Havana, and shippers can rely on no detention of f : eights to New Orleans, and at lowest ratea. For Freight or Passage, having first-class aa commodations, apply to RAVENEL A CO., Agenta, Corner Van der horst's wharf and i as: Bay. Through Billa of Lading given to NVw Orleans. These Steamera connect at Savannah with Steamer San Antonio for Harlen, Brunawlck, Satllia Rlvtr, and all Intermedia & landings. Freights for these points moat be prepaid here. dec!3_ ^7-EEKLT LINE TO SAVANTAH, GA, SEMI-WEEKLY TO BEAUFORT, S. 0. The Steamer PILOT BOY, Captain W. T. MCNELTY, SL will leave Accommodation Wharf ?. . ?j^a?. every MONDAY MORN NO, at 8 o'clock, ?CaSK for savannah. Beaufort, Hilton Head and Span l?h Wella. Returning will leave Savannah every T0E8DAY MORNING. WU1 leave for Beaufort, Pacific and Chlaolm'a Landings every THURSDAY MORNING at 8 o'clock. Returning will leave Beaufort every FBIDAY MORNING. Freight received WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Must be prepaid to Way Landings, Goods consigned to care of Agents will be for? warded free or storage or commission. For Freight or Passage, apply to RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., novi No. ITT East Bay. f olttrarj Soaks. IMMS'S W 0 R K hjjjV S ROMANCE AND HISTORY BLENDED. JOST REPUBLISHED, THE LILY AND THE TOTEM, ? OB, . THE HUGUENOTS IN FLORIDA, BY WILLIAM GILMORE SIMMS IN CLOTH-PaiOE ll 60. I PUBLISHED ANO FOB SALE BY WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL NOS. 3 BROAD AND 109 EAST BAY STREETS, CHARLESTON, S., C. decl8-mwfl2_ JIOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. HOLIDAY BULLETIN. We are now displaying an unrivalled stock or ELEGANT BOOKS in every department of Lite? rature. All the New and Standard Poets, Illustrated; Standard Literature and Theo ogy, the best edi? tions, insets. JUVENILE BOOKS. Especial care has been taken to make this de Bartment attractive by the aeiectlon of Good ooks. combining entertainment as weU as in? struction to the young. The Uttle folks have bad especial attention given to their wanta this sea? son by the publishers generally. Books for the young or all ag*-a are amongst tbe moat beautiful publications or the eeason, and mnch lower in p: ices than last year. BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS. Oxford Editions of Family and Pocket Bibles. We have Just received a large lnvolce.of Oxford Bibles and Prayer Books. The assortment embra? ces every variety of editions and styles issued by the Oxford press, which, together with a variety of other English and American editions, make the largest and most elegant variety of Bibles and Prayer Books ever offered for sale in Charleston, and at greatly leduced pitees. Illustrated Books and Sets or Standard Author. Including Scott, Cooper, Dickens, Thackeray Isaac Disraeli Lamb. Waverly Novels, Macaulay, Christopher North, Poe, Hallam, Milman, Hood, Froude, Mommsew, Jowctt's Plato, ac Ac. Our stock ts too large and varied to enumerate, but onr atore ts arranged with a view to the con? venience of customers, and the price or each book marked m plain figures. FANCY ARTICLES. Desks, Work Boxes, Writing Cases, Portrolloa, Photograph Albums, Fancy Lok Stands, Fancy Boxes or Note Paper. Sunday School Library and Books for Prtps,. Sunday School Carda, Illuminated Texts, Faacy Books, and a large variety of Books suitable for presentation to teachers and acholara. MW Persona residing in the country wUl please, bear in mind that by sending their orders to us for any booka published in America, they will be charged only the price or the book. We pay ror the postage or express. W Address FOG ARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, So. 260 King stree:, (In the Bend.) Charleston, S. 0 OCt3I-tOth3_ i:ancrj ?coos, #c. ^OTOETI^ ! In consequence of the increased demand for TOYS, FANCY GOODS AND SHOWCASES, the undersigned takes pleasure in informing his nn merous friends and the public generally that he has opened a BRANCH OF HIS BUSINESS at No. 314 KINO STRt'ET, where he will conatantly keep on hand a large and well selected stock of TOYS, FANCY GOODS, Showcases, Glass Shades, Fire? works, Musical Instruments, and every artlcl appertaining to the business. Dealers will find lt to their advantage to give him a ca l before pur? chasing elsewhere. WM. MCBEAN, Noa. 341 and 433 King street, NOAH'S ABB or Charleaton, S. 0. decl4-thatu A GOOD CHANCE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. CHEAP CIGARS, TOBACCO, MEERSCHAUM AND BRIAR PIPES, and aU belonging to the trade, to close oat bnsi, ness, at L. LORENZT'S, deas-: Corner Wentworth and King street!^