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0,1 TY AFFA?tS: ?3- THE NEWS will not be Issued to-morro\. (Tuesday) morning. THE POSTOFFICE will be opened to-dav fur the delivery of the malls only iiom haif-pust eight to ten o'clock, A. M. A CHANCE FOR LAWYERS, that rarely pre? sent? itself, is offered in the sale of the law i?brary of the late Judge Withers. See adver ti?Hfcen?. _ CLUCS AND STARS.-Tue Mayor's court on Saturday gave striking testimony of the goo d order which? prevails in the city during this iestive season. Only a single fine of one dol? lar was imposed, and the t'efeadaat inimedi-# atrly paid up. GOISGTO SEA.-Edward Gaillard, a colored boy of tender year?, vas arrested by tue de? tectives on Saturday, on board fae ship George Green, lying at anchor in the stream. The prisoner was charged with absconding from his parent?, and tie Mayor ordered him to be delivered to them forthwith. THE MOULTON CONCERTS.-Toe sale of seats for ti:e concerts o? Mrs. Charles Moulton, on Thursday and Friday evenings next, will begin ' to-morrow. From present Indication?, it ls likely that these concerts will prove the most successful musical entertainments we have had fer a long time. _ CRUMBS.- The; sale of the steam propeller Agnes nas been postponed until Wednesday. A defljbe mist prevailed in the city last eve? ning aiout eight o'clock. There wa3 no "periormance at the A:ademy on Saturday evening. The "distinguished tra? gedian" was played oat. ELECTION OF OFFICERS.-At a meeting held at the hall of the Palmetto State Rifle Club, on the 21st instant, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: Joseph Green, president; Joseph C. Roberte, fits; vice-president; Joseph Robinson, second vice fcresldent; Kack Witney, treasurer; Primus ^Fridie, secretary pro tem. FIRE.-Between ten and eleven o'clock on Saturday morning a tire broke out ia the De La Torre Mills at the foot of Chapel street, a short distance from thetfepot of the Northeast? ern Railroad. The neighborhood was quickly alarmed, and the employees at the depat hur? rying to the spot extingu? s'sed the flames be? fore the bells were rung. Tne mills are not running, an 1 the fare is supposed to have been caused by an Incendiary. WOOD STEALING.-Saturday morning a col? ored man was arrested charged with stealing a boat load of wood irom tue wharf of the Savannah and Charleston Railroad. He bai gone across the river, and haviag quietly loaded his boat, returr^ 1 to th J city to sell lt, when he was reporteu to the police. The prisoner, John alias Edward White by name, was lodged ia the upper Guardbousj and will be bK^gbt before the Mayor tais morning. MASONIC-At the annual communication of Tyje Lodge, held on the 20th of December, the following officers were elected and appoint? ed to serve for the ensuing Masonic year : T. Y. 81mons, W. M.; .C F. Sammie, 8. W.; William L. King, J. W. ; A. C. McGilllvray, treasurer ; Jetsie H. Bolles, secretary ; ,S. W. Ramsay, S. D. ; N. K. Reed, J. D. ; A. 0. Stone and J. W. Delano, stewards; J. J. Beasley, tiler._ CHEAPER INTHB END.-The demand for poul? try has brought many itinerant ven dei s ia thfi field, who attempt to effect their sales ^uout paying for the license reqaired by the city. Numbers of these have been'arrested and fined, and all will discover in the end that the honest way ol paying lor a license at the start ls the cheapest in the end. One of these defaulters was tried on Saturday morning be? fore the Mayor, and several were arrested iu the evening. SCHOOL FESTIVAL.-The Christmas festival for the children of Mr. C. H. Bergmann's Eng? lish at;d German school Kl!] take place to? morrow evening, at the Hibernian Hal!. The programme consists of addresses and dia? logues by the pupils, varied by selections of music, and cannot fall to afford much pleasant amusement. Tae services will begin precisely at seve3 . 'clock, and parents are requested to take rarticular notice of lhe fact. The pro? ceeds realized by the entertainment will be useJVto aid in fu-nlshing facilities to teach vc-1 ca1, music io the school. CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION-The children ol' the catechism classes ol St. Mary's church had their Christmas celebration yesterday evening, when several appropriate hymns were prettily ?ung, and a Christmas address was delivered by the pastor, the Rev. C. B. Northrop. At the ?nd of the services, Miss Mattie Armstrong present? d to Miss Antoinette Hochet, in the name of .he catechism children, a pair of gold earrings as a Christmas gift. In making the presentation, Miss Armstrong expressed very gracefully the feelings which prompted the little offering, and assured the recipient that thc children, who owed her so much, most earnestly wished her all manner ol" h9ppines?. PRESENTATION.-Previous to the drawing of the diamond raffle on Saturday, at the office of the "Charitable Association." la Meeting street, Mr. S. Broadbent, the manager-in chict of theassociation, was presented, on be? half of the various agents of the association, with a handsome walking cane. The presen? taron, a:companied by some appropriate re flrarks, was made by Mr. W, A. Zimmerman, and was responded to by the recipient in a graceful address. It wa? a pleasing episode, and showed much feeling oa the part of the participants. The cane ls made of native pal? metto, wnamented with a gold head, which bears a suitable inscription. DUN RICE'S CIRCUS, with all lt3 living won? derland entertaining curiosities, will arrive here this morning, and open this aftt.'noon on the Citadel Green. The length of time which has elapsed since the visit o a circu? to the city has prepared the young people for a keen enjoyment of the present entertainment, and the veteran joker will, no doubt, be welcomed this evening by a crowded pavilion. His "show" is said to be one of the best appointed and most amusing in the country, and lhe reputation of the owner 13 enough to make lt t?v best a tended. Nor is this to be the last of the horse opera, Haight's Circus, which claims to be a "colossal" affair, will be here next week. RAILWAY ACCIDENT NEAR AUGUSTA.-Friday morning the n'ght train from Millen, on tue Augusta and Savannah Ra'lroad, ran over three mules, about arleen miles from Augusta, and was thrown from the track. The engine, tender and box car, the baggage and express car and two passenger coaches, rollei down an embankment twenty-five feet high, and were reduced to wreck?. The e agineer, two firemen and a colored man were serlouely in? jured, and all of the passengers in the coaches thrown off were tossed about like dice in a box, und more or less bruised. The three mules were all demolished, and three race horses lu the box car, strange to say. escaped uninjured. The accident caused but little de? tention, and the track was cleared and re paj^si ia a few hour?. CU KT s TU .LS EVE. J lie Crowds in the Streets-Shoppers and Shopkeepers-.Market Saturday Night-The Hideous Horn-Blowing Everybody Merry. No calendar wa? needed to teil folks here? abouts that Christmas is upon us. For days the streets have been throneed, and the store? keepers found it hard work to serve the im? mense mn of customers. Crowds of country? men were In town buying their Christmas goods and balancing their accounts. In every department of trade business ha9 received an invigorating impulse, and the weary em? ployers and employees a'ike hall with un? feigned delight the holidays of yesterday and to-day. The banks and public offices will be closed to-day. and there will be service held in most of the churches, many of which have been decorated with evergreens. The cars on the City Railway will not run, and the post office will be open for t he delivery of the mails I only from S.30 to 10 A. M. The markets, which were opened on Sitar day night for the last time until to-morrow morning, were crowded, and a dense throng kept pouring thrcugh. Tue noise of the idler*, the bargaiuing aDd trafficking, .>nil the loud cries outside, made the markets a perfect Bed? lam, lo heighten the din, the peripatetic blowers of those stanniferous abominations, known a3 tin horns, were thickly interspersed among the crowd, and min I gled their discordant floorings with I the ordinary noises of the place. These horns have got to be one ot' the established lEStttutions ol the Christmas celebration among the boys on the street, and are noisy and unbearable enough to supersede all others. For weeks pa?t they were being pre? pared lor the market, aud, when the crisis came, they were to be bought for three, five, ten and nfteen cents apiece everywhere on King street. Wednesday night of last week, a forlorn toot might have been heard echoing dismally through the silent air. Thurs? day night it lound company, and Clubs and Stars began to take notice. Fri? day night the scattering case9 in? creased In number, and prepared people for the epidemic of Saturday, when the in? famous noise of the horns never ceased, and culminated at night in one of the most dia? bolical serenades ever heard in the city. King street, from Market to Calhoun, was the favorite ground of the players, who took a malicious delight in following where the crowd was thickest. For hom s on this street ihe sidewalks were jammed, and the pedes train3 slowly moved onward in two lines, arter the Broadway style. The point of ad? vantage was seen by the tooters, and an or? ganized band of thirty, which gradually swell? ed to near a hundred, pushed through the throng, blowing meanwhile upon their horns as if their lives depended upon the din they made. This band was a'so guilty of another freak, not as noisy, but more damag? ing than the born-blowing. While passing the house of a citizen in Chapel street, they became alt rac: el by the appearance of the palings of his fence, which were neatly paint? ed. The leader, in want oi a balan, pulled out one of the paillcgs, and the crowd, struck by the effect ol the staff upon the appearance of their leader, went for the fence and Boon stripped lt. During thj/hub-bub and confusion, crackers and rockets were lrom time to lime seton", which kept the dutiful Clubs and Stars, lo whom the Mayor's proclamation had been read, in a painful state of excitement. The offences were, however, but few, and near eleven o'clock the rain came down in torrents and gradually cleared the streets of crowds and noises. Yesterday symptoms of tooting could be heard, which promise another huge dis? cord today. TWO ATTEMPTS AT SUICIDE. A Sorrowful Knight or the Shears Whiskey the Cause. About eight o'clock on Sa'urday evening a misanthropic it 'ight of the shears named Reinke, disgusted with the varieties ot life, went dawn to Chlsolm's Mill and coolly Jumped from the wharf imo the river. The action was observed by two young men near, and knowing that lt was rather too cool lor bathing, one of them jumped In and pulled the miserable man from the water. Wnen inter rogjted by his preserver as to the cause of this attempt upon bis life the dripping man re? plied that lt was nothing but whiskey, and that he had failed this lime but would do better at the next attempt. Bis cool manner convinced the young men that he was jesting and they all left the wharf. An hour or so afterward, the young men entered a saloon on Market street, and bad been there but a few minutes when the alarm was given that a man was trying to hang himself In an adjoining room. The same j o un g man who had jumped into the water rushed up to the room indicated, and found our indefatigable knight of the s it ears with his tongue pro? truding from his mouth, and giving every in? dication of a speedy death by choking. The tailor had selected his opportunity, and put a noose around bis neck. Through the rope he then put a large slick, and, by twis ing him? self around, was-tightening the noD?o in a most scientific manner. The ready knile of the young man sjen severed the rope, and the knight of the shears was reluctantly intro? duced lo his preserver for the second time. He wa?, however, satisfied with ihe two* at? tempts in one doy, and has not since tried to bereave his family. II Arrivals- December ? .' r. nd 34. CHARLESTON DOTEL. C.B.Farmer, Walterboro', S.C.; R. Ward. Edgefleld;Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Johnson, Miss E. C. Johnson, Mrs. J. C. Atwater, New York; C. A. Lewis and wife, Connecticut; E. S. Shurtllff, U. S Coast Service; J. W. Vanderhorst, New Yoik; II. G. Robinson, Rhode Island; W.H. H. Waiker, Maine; T. R. Gould, New York; Ira E.Hill, Darlington. S. C.; J.J. Stroub, City; J. J. Carson, Louisville, Ky.; J. R. Davis, Savannah; T. J. Preston. New York; Charles j H. William;, Savannah; E. C. Stoddard, City; Henry Watkins, wife and child, Aiken, S. C.; Pearl Clifton, New York: Robert Douglas,.Au? gusta, Ga.; William L. Dawson, S. C. MILLS no CSE. A. G. Thomas Beaufort; Samuel Read, Mount Holly;N. J. Simon, A. Feldman, Phila- i delphla; T. W. Haskell, New York; John Schley, Savannah, Ga.; Henry McA. Scaley, J Savannah. Ga.;D. Haynes, Savannah, Ga.; S. | Ford, Georgia; T. F. Rruse, New York City; N. E. Scott and wife, New York; Miss Mary Scott, New York; Miss Lucy Scott and two m?id servants, New^York; L. E. Johnson, City. TAVILIOS HOTEL. J. H. Leland. Laurens; Wm. Darwin, Knox? ville; J. A. H. Cockfleld, Mr. and Mrs. Hayn and child. South Carolina; Wm. C. Whaley, N. H. Barnwell, Colleton; A. M. Nathans, New York; S. Baylis. J. Turkey, New Jersey; Wm. Chase, Savannah; 8. Berman, Columbia; Mrp. Carrie Jamison, Miss Mary Kenny, James C. Kennv, Wm. H. Cowper, A. H. Hastings, Wm. Paul," ike Lewis, Geo. Lingard, Watkins's Company; Dan Rice and wife, A. C. Wungback and wife, J. H. Trewolla and wife, Jas. Cook and wite, Robert Nilson, wife and two boys. Miss Llzze Marcellus. Morgan and Miles. Maya and Nichole. Tournaire and Gardner, O'Brien and Clarke. Howland and Trewolla, Davis and sen. Weigiitrnan and O'Bryan. Monroe and i:yan; Cirai? Troup?*. THE REV WHITEFOORD SMITH.-The Caro? lina Spartan prints the following graceful ar? ticle in its !a;t issue : We have time, on going to pres?, to give only a brief expression cf the feeling of sad? ness which we are sure pervades our commu niiyat the prospective" removal from us of this distinguished gentleman. It ls boped that the great Interests which, lying so near his hean nave induced him to consent to this change of residence f. om our rown to the City of Charleston, maybe promoted thereby, as he so ardently desires. It is a relieving la:tt>us that in yielding him to the exclus" ve duties of his sacred voca? tion there ls an evidence of improved health and pby.-ical strengtn; and that we know that in returning to the scenes of his earlier years, and to the Seid ol'those memorable services to the church, in the pulpit and pastorate, which mainly first gave him that elevated position in tne Christian ministry, and that extended re? putation which he ha's so lons enjoyed, he will find himself again in the mids: ul friends and admirers whose affection and esteem will have been only intensified and nelghtened by his lonz absence from them, and whose num? ber will be increased beyond their number here, only In proportion to the population re? spectively ol sparianourg and Charleston. BUSINESS NOTICES. ANOTHER large lot of Singer Sewing Ma? chines just arrived. LADIES will And a full assortment of Harris's ..Seamless'' Kid Gloves-at J. R. Read's, No. 2C3 King street. . dec!2-tuths GAMES AND PIC IVRE BOOKS, at popular, prices, at Hase! street Bazaar. deel4 THE DAT OF FORTUNE approaches. The Academy of Mus!c, with the other grand prizes ol' the Scheme, will be drawn for Jan? uary 8th. Get your tickets In time, from Eben Coffin, Eub-agent, at NO. 29 Broad sireet. , ENGLISH SADDLES.-For eale, 24 fine Eng? lish Saddles and 100 McClellan Saddles. Will be Rold low to close consignment*. John Com? mins, No. 308 King street, above Wentworth. decl9-tuths6 BUT A FEW DATS remain to procure tickets in the South Carolina Land and Immigration As? sociation? $500,000 in prizes.. Tickets $5 each. A sufficient number of tickets having been sold to insure a drawing, the same will posi? tively come off January 8th, 1872. Send your orders without delay, as no tickets will be sold after 5th January, 1872. See advertisement in another column. 1 dec7-tbstu6 To BUSINESS MEN.-Save your money by purchasing your Blank Bjoks at the East Bay News Room. decl4 REMOVED.-John Commins has removed from No. 131 Meeting street to No. 308 King street, five doors above Wentworth. Any person wishing good substantial Boots and Shces-no paper bottoms-will please give a call. A few cases of Ladles'Winter Slippers (flannel lined) at $1 50 per pair. declS-mwIC_ THE "HOMS ?BUTTLE SEWING MACHINE" uses ihe Straight Needle, makes the Lock Stitch (alike on both side9,) and ls one or the most useful and fashionable Christmas Gifts you could present to jour lady friends-$25 and $37._dec8-fmwl0 FOR THROAT DISEASES and affections of the chest, "Brown's Bronchial Troches" are of I value. For coughs. Irritation of the throat caused by cold, or unusual exertion of the vocal organs, in speaking In public or singing, they produce beneficial results. dec26-tulh?3 . _ A GRAND CHRISTMAS GIFT.-The finest Im? ported Musical Box ever brought to this city for raffle at Von Santen's Bazaar, King street. Two hundred and fifty chances at two dollars a chance. List rapidly filling up. ALL THOSE In need of Broadcloth", Cassl meres, Doeskins, Beavers, Ac, will do well by calling on ns to take advantage of the twenty five per cent, reduction of prices io this line of goods. Tailors are invited to price the goods. SampleB given. FURCHOOTT, BENE? DICT <fc Co. CHEAP FRENCU KID GLOVES.-For one but ton, dark and light, $1; for two buttons, plain. $1 25; for two buttons, embroidered, tl ?0. At Read's, No. 2C3 King street. decl2-tuths P. P. T?ALES MANUFACTORY AND WARE ROOMS of bull aVrs' maerlalcf all descriptions arethemo?t exten-'ve and complete- in the Southern Stales, and strangers Interested in such matters should not Call to pay them a visit. The factory is situate?, on Horlbeck's whan', near the Northeastern Railroad depot, and thd warerooms ore located ax No. 20 Hay ne street and No. 33 Pinckney street, within half a minute's walk of the Charles on Hotel. _ _augl8-lhstu 1,KETLES9 WATCHES."-We have Just re? ceived per steamer Ville de Paris from Havre an invoice cf fine Gold Stem Winders and Chronographs, from the celebrated factory of | Patek Philippe & Co., Geneva, to which we desire to call the attention ,of purchasers. CARRINGTON, THOMAS ?fe Co., Jewellers und di? rect Importera, No. 25G King street. ueclO ONE DOLLAR WRITING DESKS_Superior to any sold heretofore. HASEL STREET BAZAAR, and EAST BAY NEWS-ROOM. dec20 MAGNIFICENT MEERSCHAUM PITES, from $1 to $200 each, suitable for Christmas presents, will be Fold cheap duriner this week. A Prize Wheel ls connected with this establishment by which you may draw one of the above Pipes for 25 cents only. Call at Emperor William C gar Store. No. 310 King street. Specie In change. WM. SCHRODER, Proprietor. decl9-6 CUEILLEY'S PARIS KID GLOVES-every pair warranted. These Gloves will be taken back even alter wear, for any Imperfections, such SB tearing or ripping. f Paris, 20 Rue de la Paix. npPiV_, j London, 53 Regent street. DEPOTS NEW yolk, 929 Broadway. I Boston, 9 Temple Place. FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT ?fc Co., sole Agents fur Charleston. nov3-6mo3 CHEAPER THAN EVER !-Writing Desk' Photograph Albums and Pocket-Books, at Hasel street Bazaar. decll CROQUET ! CROQUET ?-The cheapest In the city. HASEL STREET BAZAAR. dec20 WILSON'3 CASED LIQUORS.-HaviDg long seen the necessity of placing a pure and un? adulterated stimulant before ihe public for medicinal purposes, we have determined to pack the following favorite brands of liquor in cases consisting of one bottle each of Pinet, Castillon & Co.'s Brandy, Private, block Port, "Pale Family" Sherry, "Oid Velvet" Bourbon, Jamaica Rum, "Cabinet" Gin, Loch Katrine (Scot.) Whiskey, which we sell at ten ($10) dollars per case. To our friends we will spy that we guarantee the purity of the above. They are endorsed by our leading physicians. and are, without any doubt, first-class goods. Send Orders to WILSON'S GROCERT, Box No. 383, Charleston, S. C. No charge for deliver? ing. _ _ decl8-12 PARCHEESI ! PARCHEESI !-A royal game of | India. Hasel street Bazaar, and East Bay NewB Room._ apr20-s FURS.-FURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & Co., No. 244 KiDg street, offer extraordinary bargains in Furs. Few more cases of all kinds a?l prices received, and will Ve sflfd at extremely low prices. E P 0 R T o r FIRST NATIONAL ?iKartrial. ?u "la E OF THE BANK C 0 N D I T I 0 N OF CHARLESTON, IN CHARLESTON, IN THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON THE ICTH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1871. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Loans nnd Discounts.$746,823 30 ? Capital Stock paid in.$000.00? 00 Overdrafts. 11,878 25 I United States Bonds to secure circula- Surplus Fund. 100,000 00 tlon. 400,000 oo 1 Other Stocks, Bond9 and Mortgages... 7,904 00 ; Discounts.$33 062 28 Due fruin Redeeming and Ktserve Exchanges. 13,7(6 76 Agents. 53,550 64 i Interest. 17.63* S5 Dne from other National Banks. 17.178 80 : Prom and Loss. 1 252 87 Due from other Banks and Bankers.... 12,591 84 ; _- 5 554 23 Banking House.$10,160 46 Other Real Estate. 3,100 00 Furniture and Fixtures. 3,410 io ! National Bank Circulation outstnnd - 10,070 56 , log. 350,000 00 Curren . Expenses. 10,651 84 Dividends unpaid. 402 00 Taxes paid. 3.203 67-14.115 55 Individual Deposits. 321,813 50 Premiums Paul. 24,277 62 . Due to National Banks. 17,147 33 Cash, to wit: Due to other Banks and Bankers. 14,293 ti Bills of other National Banks. 3.93i 00 j Fractional Currency, including Nickels 1.252 30 1 Specie (Colo).'.. 4.602 41 Legal Tender Notes. 64,500 00 ! $1,379.210 36 $1,379,210 36 STATE OP Sorrn CAROLINA. CorxTV OF CHARLESTON : I, WM. c. BREESE, Cashier of "Trie First National Bank," of Charleston, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, 10 the best of my knowledge and belief. WM. C. BREESE, Cashier. Correct. Attest: JO'. L. TOBIA?. ) GEO W. WILLIAMS, J Direo.:T. ?. JENNINGS. > Subscribed and sworn to before me1hi9 :2l day of December, 1S71. dec25-i J. O. BECKMAN, Notary Public. R E- P O R T O F T HE F E O F E E ? S THE OF NATIONAL CONDITION BAN Ii , IN CHARLESTON, IN THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON THE l?TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1871. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts.$l,il*,466 oe Overdrafts. 5,323 77 United States Bonds to secure Circula? tion. 400,000 00 Other Stocks. Bonds and Mortgages... 23,620 63 Due from Redeeming and Reserve Agents. 74,529 86 Due from National Bank9. 3,595 58 Due from State Banks and Bankers... 7,:i4 06 Banking House.28,150 00 Furniture and Fixtures. 2,865 55-31,015 55 Current Expenses. ?e.sco 82 Taxes paid. 4,215 27-21,049 09 Premiums paid. 32.903 12 Checks and other Cash Items. 90,000 00 Bills of National Banks. 33/.00 00 Fractional Currency and Nickels. 457 40 Specie. 2,162 54 Legal Tender Notes.1C3.00O 00-13S.8I9 94 LIABILITIES, j Capital Stock paid up.$750,000 00 Surplus Fund. 39,907 17 Discounts.$36,719 01 Exchanges. 6,200 52 Interest. 14,136 68 Prouts and Loss. 22,051 09-81,107 20 ; National Bank Circulation outstanding. 314.940 00 ! Individual Deposits. 4S2.712 27 i Dne to National Banks. 13,873 10 j Due to St ite Banks and Bankers. 33,404 83 ?Cashier in Tru9t forpaymenta on In j crease of Capital.250/ 00 00-228,993 00 $1,044,437 66 $1,944,437 66 STATE OF SOCTO CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CHARLESTON: I, H. G. LOPER, Cashier, do solemly swear that the above statement ls true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. _" . H. G. LOPER, Cashier. Attest: C. O. Wi TTE, ) JOHN S. RIGGS, J Directors. EDWIN BATES, ) Sworn to before me this 22 i day of December, 1871. <leC25-l JOHN F. ROBERTS, Notary Public. ijaroujare, Cmicrrj, ?trna, #c. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, &C. We have juat received a full Stock a." English, German and American HARDWARE, consisting in part of FINE TABLE AND POCKET KNIVES AND SCISSORS, OF.i RODOERS. W?STEN HO LM AND OTHER MAKE. FINE, MEDIUM AND- LOW-PRICED MEN A>JD BOY'S GUNS BUILDERS' HARDWARE, HOES, TRACES AND AXES. A FULL STOCK OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, OF MOST APPROVED PATTERNS -0 We call the attention of Merchants, Planters, and the Public generally, to the above Goods, which we guara.tee to be all we represent, and will be sold at the lowest flgures. C. K E-B BISON, Jr., & CO., SOUTHWEST CORNER OF MEETING AND HASEL STREETS. dec7-:hm ?rodcitnajwns. J) R O CLAM A T I 0 N STATS OF Sorrn CAROLINA. ) CITY OF CHAKLESTON, Uecemoer 19, 1871.1 For the purpo.-e ci preventing accidents, knew all men hy these pre-tnts that I, JuHN A. WAG? EN ER, Mayor of the City sforesald, do hereby Issue this my Proclamation, forb dd;ng the flricg ol squibs, crack- rs, gens, plBtols, ia, lu the pnb .lc thoroughfares or the City during the aproach Ing noll J ays. The following places are, however, designated where the dring of such aqulos, Ac, will be allowed: White rvlnt Garden, Hampstead Mall, Gadsden's Grern, west end of Ure a J street, and within private yards. The t htef of Police ls hereby directe 1 to enforce this Proclamation by arresting all persons violating the same, who win be deait with according to Urdin -nee. The above will be in fjree from coth December, 1971, to 2d January, 1572. * Witne s my hand and the Seal of the City. [L.3.] JOHN A. WAGENER, Mayor. Ornela': W. W. SIMONS, Clerk of Council. decl9-tuthsm4 jam,2 SOOtS. 5i)OC3, &t. THE NEW BOOT ANO SHOE STORE, NO. 245 KING STREET, OPPOSITE WAVERLY HOUSE. I desire n inform my friends that I am no longer to be round at the "Big Boot S ore." hav lng associated myse.fin business with Mr. DAVID S. CUTTING. We wlil take great pleasure- in having onr friends cali on us at our NEW ESTABLISHMENT, No. 245 KING STREET, opposite Waverly House, where we will r.eep on hand a well selected stock Of LADIES', GENTS', MTSSEs', BOYS' and CUIL OREN'S BOOTa AND SHOES. AL'0 TRUNKS, BAGS, VALISES AND SATCHELS. Our country friends wi 1 lind it ta their advan? tage to examine our stock before perchaslng elsewhere, srocn replenished weekly. T. A. CHASE. I DAVID S. C?TTIXO, Formerly with Formerly with . Big Boot." I W. G. Whliden A Cc. decls-mwf-3 S110 ESI SHOES! SHOES! SPECIAL BY STEAMSHIP VIRGINIA THIS DAY, DALY'S IMPROVED PATTERN OF AMERICAN GAITER, COMFORTABLE, STYLISH AND GENTEEL, Suited fur the Ball ro.m. Young Gents walting for them will p'ease call and procure ant. EDWARD DALY, decio No. 121 Meeting street. (ZTopartturerjip Notice. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICES -THE CO? PARTNERSHIP hitherto existing under the name of GOODRICH, WINEMAN A co., having been dissolved on the 6th of October last bv the death or Mr. GEORGE C. GOODRICH, the under? signed1 as Surviving Co;artneis will close the bu? siness or the late nrm. All persons indebteu will make payment to PHILIP WINEMAN, JOHN ASH HURST, Surviving Copartners. Charleston, December ll, 1971. The undersigned having purchased the interest of the estate &r Goodrich in the srrcfc in trade of ihe late firm of oot DrtlCB. WINEMAN A CO., on the 6th day or October last for.ned a Copartner? ship for the purpose or carrying on the WHOLE? SALE DRUG BUSINESS, at the old stand, No. 35 Havne ?met, under the name and Arm of PHILIP WINEMAN A CO. PHILIP WINEMAN, JOHN ASH HURST. Charleston, December ll, 187L decll-tufs Settling Xllacrjines. THE NEW IMPKOVED WHEELER & WILSON, THE 3I09T POPULAR F HUH SEWING UH. Between six and seven hundred thousand now In use. ls the most simple, rons easier, and makes lees noise than any other first-class Lock Stitch Machine. Does all kinds of work usually done by hand. Baa better attachments for Hemming, Frilling, Tocking. Cording. Quilting, Gathering, Ac., than any other'Machine. These Machines are now offered for Bale in this city on th? LEASE PLAN, at TVh Dolla-s per montlmntll paid for. Thorough Instruction given, and satisfaction guaranteed In all cases. Old Machines repaired and adjusted by a competent machinist. A few live men can find regalar and profitable employ? ment, either on salary or commission, by applying early. Farlor and Sale-room No. 209 KINO STREET. W. G. BRUCE, Agent. WHYTE .% PARRAL. General Agent*, dec 18 THE WEED " F. F. SEWING MACHINE has not jet become such a drug In the market as to require to be hawked through the streets or left at the residences against the wishes of the oc? cupants. But my eales have not diminished, nor has the reputation or these Machines suffered by competition. Call and ste r hen and you wllf be ccnvlnced of their superiority. D. B. HASELTON, dec:o-imo N". 307 KIMO STREET. itl'iUmerrj, Dressmaking, Ut. K?T " M7~~JT"C7)TC'H^T1;7^" M BRANCH OF MMR PEMOREST, NO. 277 KlNU STREET OPPOSITE MES:RS. CARRING? TON A CO. DU ESS MAKING In all its branches. PAT? TERNS always on hand for sale. Stitching ueot y executed. All orders promptly attended to. noviS-ftulmo jyjTiS. il. J. ZERNOW, No. 304 KING STREET, Would respectfully Inform the ladles that she will OPEN THIS DAY A FULL ASSORTMENT OF MILLINERY GOODS. DRESSMAKING In all its branches attended to as usual. Having obtained the Agency of Mdme. DEM?REST'S CELEBRATED PAPER PATTERNS, ls now prepared to furnish a general ASSORTMENT OF PATTERNS. Country orders will receive prompt attention. noYjg-tnt?s_ jyjT-RS. M. DUNLAP, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, NO. 364 KING STREET, ONE DOOR BELOW GEORGE STREET. ST SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COUS TRY ORDERS. dec7-thStalmo Unction Sales-Suinte Ba^as. Auctioneer!. REFEREE'S S < LE-FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE. Kl .'HARD L. PORCHER vs. NATHAN L. TOOK? ER, THEODORE A uiLBUR and RICHARD T. MORRISo ?*, Jr., Trustee. By v nue of Judg.iient and order o' sale In thia case made by the Hon. R. F. Graham. Judge of the First circuit, will be sold at Public Auction, on THURSDAY, the 18th January. 1>72, at ll o'clock, at the corner of East Bay and "road streets, Charleston, All that PLANTATION OR TRACT OF LAND known at present by the name of Richmond, situate in tnat part or the county of Charleston formerly known aschrirt Church Parish, about tweive miles from Mount Pleasant Ferry; butting and bounding to the north and northeast by a navigable creek formerly called "White's Creek," to the ease by Lands now or lately owned by George White, to the southeast and touth by Lands now or lately owned by Miss Mary Barks dale, to th; sjuth and southwest by Lands left by Thomas Barksdale to hu daughter Sarah, but now or lately owned by Thomas J H. White, Esq., and to the west and northwest on Landa of | Effingham Wagner. Esq., and to the north on said creek formerly known as George White's Creek. Te: ms-une third cash; balance in one and two years, secured by bond of tue purchaser, with mortgage of the premises, bearing In erest from date or sale payable semi annually. Purchaser to pay Referee for papers and necessary Revenue Stamp?. ARTHUR MAZYCK, dec25-m4thl_special Referee. Ey J. ?. EXSLOW & CO. SALE POSTPONED. -SALE FOR DIVI? SION-STEAMER AGNES AND FLAT. WEDNESDAY, 2:th instant, at bar-pa t U o'clock, will be aold at south Atlantic Wharf, The steam Propeller AG Nhs, lately used asa Water-bear. Sha is 2716-luo tons register; built in 1866; 48 410 feet in length, 16 1-10 feet lu breadth, and 4 7-10 feet in depth. Has two Fir teen-horse Power Engines in line order, having been lately thoroughly overhauled: built in Glas? gow, with Tubular Perpendicular Boiler. Also, will be sold, at the same time, One Wood FLAT, capable of carrying irom 20 to i5 cords Wood. Terms of Bale-One-hair cash; the remainder in six ?i! d twelve months; approved endorsed cl'y paper, with tank Interest added._dec25-2 By A. C. McKILLlVKAY, Auctioneer. THE GOLCONDA PHOSPHATE MINES I at Auction. Will be sold on THURSDAY, 4*h day of Janua? ry. 1672, a* ll o'clock, at the Old Poitomce, east end of Broad street, Charleston. S. C., The above valuable PHOSPHATE LANDS, 3>i miles from the line of the savannah and charles? ton Railroad, and on the Parkers Ferry Road, about 24 rallea (rom the city, i ne whole Tract consista of 66 aerea, all fronting on the Edi?to River. The Pho3pbatlc Vein lies in great floors from 400 to 500 feet wide on the river, and running back for a great dlstanee Into the Tract: can I ?aslly be worked from the river with a dredging machine. The Phosphate Rock is visible at low waters. The ana'ysla by Professor Shepard classes the rock among the higne-t grades, being a portion of the great. "Horas shot" Vein of wide celebrity. The Golconda Minfs are but 1>? miles above the works now In full tide of operation by a company who load and ship by steamers at their 1>ndu g. Oa the T act there are 2 small Bal.dings, one Axed up for a country store. ALSO. After the above will t><? sci i, the large 30-Horse ENG I.\E now on the piac, together with the Building lu which lt l* erected; lt has been muse but tlx weeks-togeth r with a Circular Saw Mill and Belting. Al the timber coming t > the Charleston market passes down the EdlB'o within 150 feet of the Mil'. The surrounding Lands abound tn the finest mill timber. ALSO, Immediately after the above will be sold, "HART'S BLUFF" TRACT, containing 12 acree N ). 1 Phosphate Lands, io mllea above the "Gol? conda" Tract, on Edlsto River, known as the beat j stand for a store in tne county for river trade. Ihe crude Phosphate Kock can be cheaply freighted to ibis market by contract with any of I the numerous fleets of rafts continually passing. Terms cash. Pnrchaaer paying Auctioneer for papers and stamps. Ninety nays to be allowed fur removal or M;Uh .use and Machinery. decl8-mw6thl_ By ALONZO J. WHITE & SON, Auctioneers. VALUABLE PLANTATIONS ON COOPER RIVER, Mary M. Lucas vs. simons Lucas, et al-Under Judgment of Court of Coi m JU Pleas. By virtue of 'he judgment of Hon. R. F. Gra? ham, Jud?e or First Circuit, lu above eas-, will be sold on WEDNESDAY, the 3d day or January," 1872, at ll o'clock A. M., at the c. rner of East Bay and Broad street. Charleaton, All that PLANTATION OR TRACT OF LAND, known as Mid ileburg, situate, lying and being lu that portl'. n of th? county of Charleston former? ly known as the Parish of St. Thomas and St. Denn s, on the eastern branch of the Cooper River, measuring and containing 06 acres or Tide Swamp Land, and 677 acr'B or high land, be the same more or less; butting and bounding to the LOrth I on i he eastern b-anch of Cooper River, to the east on land or Alfred Huger, to the sonni cn land fur me riv or John Biyan, and to the west on land former! v of John Bryan. ALSO. All that PLANTATION OR TRACT OF L IND, situate lu the ute Palish or St. 'ihomas and st. Dennis, now the Connty or Charleaton, and State or south carolina, known as Spring Hill, lying and being on French Quarter creek-, containing seven huudred and thirty-five 56-100 acree, more or less, as w.ll appear by reference to a survey re? cently made by wm. Hume, E-q., surveyor; nut? ting and bounding to the north on landa of Dun? can N. Ingraham. Esq., and the est?t- of the late W. Pos eli Ingraham, to the east on the Public Canal, to the *outh on lands now or late belong? ing to Dr. E. Haven l, to the we*t partly on lands now or ate belonging to the estate of John Gor? don, partly cn property c f Col mel John Harles? ton, and part y on landa now or late af John Huger, Esq. Terms-One third cash; balance payable m five (5) ( qual successive annual instalments, with in? terest, thereon at tho rate of seven per cent, per annum, secured by bond or bonda or purchaser, and mortgage of premises. Purchasers to pay for papers anu stamp?. TOOMAS Y. SIMONS, decl2,25.30.Jan2,3_Special Referee. VALUABLE WHARF PROPERTY FOR I SALE. on MONDAY, the second day or January next, at 12 o'clock tl., before the Courthouse, in George? town, 1 will offer for sale, at Publl : Outcry, All that Valuable Property known ai CUTTING WHARF, upon which are two wooden atore houses-being among the mest eligible lots in the town for business purposes; measuring in front on Bay street 50 Ie. t, and extending ti samptt River in the rear, with a dock on one side. Conditions cash. Purchaser to pay for title and stamps. R. E. FrfASER, dec2Q wim3_Auctioneer. 0i)ixtf ano ilnrni8ijmg ?oo&i. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK [OF MEN'S UNDERCLOTHING IN THE SOUTH. SILK, MERINO, ANS ALL-WOOL SHAKER FLANNEL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, WITH THE VERY LATEST NOVELTIES IN ELEGANT NECK WEAR, AT SCOTT'S STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM, ^MEETING STREET, Opposite the Market Agencies. HARLESTON ADVERTISING AGENCY, OORKXB Bao AD STE SST ASP EAST BAT. C ADVERTISEMENTS rften at publishers' lowest cash ratea for ALL PAPERS In the United States WALKER, EV?NS A COGSWELL. dec6-mwf SUnior? Salts--minn waj?. TTNDER WRITERS' SALE OF COTTLW U TIES, damaged on the voyage of importa? tion. On THURSDAY, 28th mar., will be sold in tte Bonded Warehouse in Elliott atreer, at ll o'clock, on account of the underwriters and all con cere ed, 6102 bundles COTTON TIES AND BANDS, dam? as ed on board sehr. Marlon on her voyage from Liverpool to tal s port. Conditions cash._dec2> By W. T. LEITCH & R. S. BR?NS, Auctioneers. SALE OF VALUABLE BEAL ESTATE by order of the t x-eaton Will be sold on THURSDAY. 28th instant, at ll o'clock, at the Old Pojtomce, the following desr?. rabie REAL ESTATE: That Taree and a Half Story BRICE STORE and RESIDENCE, with slate tool, double piazzas and Kitchen, situated st the boutheast corner ol East Bav and Adger's South Wharf. Said Dwel? ling contains 4 square and 2 attic rooms, beside* a large store. Lot measures 24 feet front on East Bay by 9X feet m depth on Adger'a Wharf. ALSO. Teat Two and a Half Story BRICK STORK DOUSE on the north side of Yanderhorst's Wharf, running through to Adger'a Wharf, (formerly oc? cupied by Mesar*. Cape? A Hey ward.) Lot measures 24 feet front on Yanderhorst's* Wharf by 03 feet on alley running through to Adger's Wharf. Terms-One third cash; balance in one ana two years, with Interest. Pot chaser to ps j na for papers and stamps. AT PRIVATE SALE* ' ' . J Thai Two and auai/ Sory RESIDENCE, OB brick foundation, with fine Billiard Room, Kl; eben, and stable, and situated at the northwest corner of President and Bee streets, with ene Garder*, sufficiently large for Horticultural purposes. : Lot measures in front on Bee street 310 feet by 240 feet In depth on President. For terms apply to No. 35 Broad street. decl9-tnfwth?_ By TV. Y. LEITCH & B. S. BRUNS, . Auctioneers. REFEREE'S SALE. THOMAS A. JOHNSON vs. R, B. ELLIOTT. By virtue of a Judgment for sale in this case? made by the Hon. R.F. Graham, Judge of the First Circuit, I will offer lor sate, by Public Auction, om. FhiDAY, the twenty-ninth day of December, a_ D. 1671, at ll o'clock m the forenoon, at the Ola Pos office, at the foot or Broad street, in Charlea- ' ton, All that TRACT. PIECE O % PARCEL OF LAND, with ail the Dwellings and outbuildings thereon, situate, lying and being m that part of tte County of Charleston, lately known as the Pariant of St. Andrew's, in the said state on the north side cf the Dorchester Road, near the jonction with tb? State Road, and containing thirty ana one-half acres, more or leas; batting and bounc? ing east on Lands "now or late of John Heart? northeast on a line running parallel to and on et hundred fret from the South Carolina Railroad, west on Lands now or late < f-Brown ana Johnson, and tooth by the Dorchester Road afore? said; the said Tract being more particularly de? scribed in a plat thereof made by John A. Miche?? surveyor, and dated the first day of March, A. TX 1859. On the following terms, that ls to say, one half cash: the balance payable In one year, se? cured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the property sold; the bond bearing Interest afc seven per cent, per annum from the dar of aale. Purchaser to pay Referee for papers and stamps. JAMES SIMONS, (Tee: thmeti Special Referee. By R. M. MARSHALL & BROTHER, . Brokers and Auctioneers. LOT NORTHEAST CORNER ANSON knd Gul&nard streets.-A Gool Investment. On THURSDAY, 28th matant, at ll o'clock, will, be sold at east ead Broad stree, Tneabove desirable LOT, well fenced, and hav? ing a small Building thereon, measuring 39 by lix leer, more or less. Terms-Half cash; balance in one and two? years, secured by bond and mortgage of the prop? erty, with Interest semi-annually. Purchaser to> pay R. M. M. A Brother for papers and stamps. decie-fltnthfl_. By B. M. MARSHALL & HBO.,. Brokers svnd Auctioneers. THE" STEVENS MANSION, IN BAY" Street, at Auction.-Clear Titles Gua ran? on THURSDAY, 28th instant, at ii o'clock, win be sold at east end or B oad s reer, AU that LOT OF LAND on Bay street, next north or Amherst, measuring Ito feet front and. rear, by 160 feet deep, more or less, together wttn the Buildings thereon, all of brick, consisting of a very large and elegant i; ree story Mansion, wltb. piazzas to the BI nth, and commanding a finn view of the Haroor. lt contains 12 upright rooms, besides pantry and bath rooms gas and' water pipes through the house, kitchen of e rooms, carriage house and stable, al. built of fine - gray brick. Terras-$18 0 cash; balance in one, two ana three years, secured by bond and mortgage of the* property, with Interest semi-annually; buildings to be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay R. M. M. A Bro. tor papers and stamps. declG-stutha By R. IL MARSHALL & BBO. Brokers and Auctioneers. SMALL DWELLING ON A FINE LOT DRAKE STREET. On TOUR-DAY, 23th instant, at ll o\-l jck^wta be sold at esst end Broad street, The WOODEN DWELLING in Drake stree-, east side, eecond north or Amherst, Containing four room*. The Lot ts Alty nine and a hair feet by one hundred and twenty-four feet deep. Terms made known on day of sale. decl6-stoth6_?_ By R. M. MARSHALL & BRU., Auctioneers. REFEREE'S SALE. Executors or JO BN H. TUCKER, deceased! against the Dev sera and Legatees of J. EL TUCKER. . * By virtue of a decree made in thia case,*by the Honorable R. F. Graham, Judge of the Fink Circuit, 1 wi 1 offer for Bale at public Auction, cn THURSDAY, tne 11th day of January, A. D. 187*4 at ll o'clock, In the forenoon, at the o'd Post office, at the foot of Broads'ree', in Chariest csa? The following REAL EaTATE, Mtuate In George? town County, belonging to the Estate of the lat? John H. Tucker, to wit : The PLANTAT ON known as Will Brook; aka*, the Plantation known as Litchfield; alio, tte Lands on fanny Island; abo, the Plantation. known aa G eom re; also: the Plantation known as Holly Grove; alto the Plantation known aa Moreland. A more accurate description or these Planta? tions will be given In a future advertisement. Terms-One third ca-h ; remainder In one, two and three years, to be secured by bond or bonds of the purchasers, bearing interest at the rate nf.' seven per cen;, per antium. payable annually from the day of sale, and a mor gane of the prop? erty purchased. Purchaser to pay Referee lor papers and stamps. SAMUEL LORD, JR., Referee. AW Georgetown paper please insert once a ?eek for three weeks._decl4-thstnl8. By WI C. BLACK, Auctioneer. ASSIGNEE'S SALE. THURSDAY, JAN? UARY 25,1872.-In the matter or THEO? DORE STONEY, a Bankrupt, to re BEHREN 1> BOLLMANN, surviving partner of Bollmann Brothers-In the District Court of the United States. By virtue or the decretal order of the Honorable George S. Bryan, Judge of the said Court, 1 wUT. orfer for sale at public auction, at ll o'clock A.. M., on the 25TH IK Y ?F JANUARY, 1872. at tne corner of Broad street and East Bay, near tne Oki Postofflce, In the City of Charle-ton, All that valuable SEA l-HM) coi TON PLAN? TATION, known as '-laurel HU;," situate m christ Church Parish, In the Comity of Charieston, con? taining 1602 acres, and conMsting of six separate Tracts of Land, as set foith on plat made by Charles Parker, turveyor, on 19th December, i860; bounded to the north on Lands of J. H. Waring:, Jr., and H. L. Toomer; to the south on Lands of Phillp Forcher and the Messrs. Horlbeck; to tte east on Lands of H. L. P. McCormick: and to the west on Lands 01 Robert D. Parker. TOGETHER WITH, All that other TRACT OF LAND, formerly part of the Plantation called "Elm Grove," situate in the Parish and County aforesaid, containing 13? acres; bounded to the north on Land now or lase of George White; to the east on Land or H. L. P. McCormick; to the south on Landor Phillp Por? cher; and to the wet: on said "Laurel Hill" Plan? tation. Terms of Sale-One-half cash, and the balance payable In one year, with int?r?tt at 7 per cent, from day of sale, secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of 1 he premises sold. Purchaser to pay for stamps and papers. dec22-ftnlothl L. W. O'HEAR, Assignee. ?ncti^nmo^ Vximtt Bales, Sft. "By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE, No. 93 Broad street. SOUTH BATTERY RESIDENCE. -FORT SALE, the Three Story Wooden RESIDENCE; on the north side of South Battery, between Meet? ing and King streets, containing twelve room?, three piazzas, gas, cistern. Ac, brick Kitchen, Car rlaee-House and Stable. Lot 54 feet front by 2a. re et deep. Tte premises have been recently put in good re palr and Improved._declfl-atnth6 By LOUIS D. DeSAUSSURE* AT PRIVATE SALE, THE TWO-AND-AV HALF STORY WOODEN RESIDENCE, on high brick basement cn west side of Pitt street, ; one door sooth of Ball street, containing six large and two small rooms, tin roof, with gas and cis? tern, also a larve kitchen, with six rooms andi slated roof, stable and carriage house, and two good wells of water. Premises In good order. Go, the Lot la a good flower garden; iron fence on street. Lot measures 63 reec 8 Inches rront by isa fee: de p. Apply as above, at No. 23 Broad street.. decl2-tuth86