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COMMERCIAL ?EWS. Bxporti of the Week euding October 5? FOREIGN. LivERPOOL-Per British bark Kathleen-1639 balea upland cotton, 80 tons phosphate TOCK.- . ... Per Br barke.tine M B sced-nw obis rosin, soo bbls spirits turpentine. DOMESTIC. Stow ToM-Per ????a*i?M s?ussfff ssw? asar?s meal 106 emrty obis, and l.o pkgs ?onana - ?UBBtoHL ..fer steamshipL-hamplon-17 oags sea island "sud ISM hales upland colt rn, 60 oois rosin 40 bales yaru. 4? tes rice, e;o bazs cotton peed meal, and 85 pkg*.Per sehr Franc 9 Sat te.-ly-153 "31 feet timber and resawed lumber. PHIL ADELPHI A - Per steamship Virginia-393 bales upland cotton. 20 tierces rice. 151 bales do? mestic goo-'s. 614 bbls naval stores, 8" empty bbl?, 64 pkgs sundries.Per sehr J P Allen-77.400 feet hewn timber, 40.C00 feet resawed boards. BALTIMORE-Per steamship Falcon-10 tierces rice, 76 bales cotton, 146 bbls rosin, 76 casks clay. 1176 sacks phosphate, 200 sack? hominy eli P. 67 bales domestics, ll bales hides, 20,865 feet lum? ber, and 41 pkgs sundries. The charleston Market. TOB THE WEEK ENDING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5. THE CROPS -The weither was dry, cool and bracing during much of this period, with a tem? perature for a part of the time approaching the Xrost point, and favorable for harvest work, but closed with some wet weather. The short crop reports keep up In steady volume from many por? tions of the cotton belt, with occasional estimates as low as 2,250,000 bales, while manufacturers and short sellers are hope.'ul of 3.250,000 or over, and moderate estimates expect about 3,000,000, slightly more or less. THE RECEIPTS.-The arrivals at the cotton ports for the week up to Friday last were 34,073 bales, against 20,606 the week before, and 55,672 for Ut period last year. At New Orleans the supplies were 4859 bales, against 12,146 bales the week of the season before. The total receipts at the cotton ports from September 1st, 1871, up to the 1 ?test dates were 10-1,215 biles,against 162,151 bales t he year previous, showing a decrease of 53,036 bales. The suppdes at the principal Southern markets from September 1, 1871, up to the latest telegraphic intelligence, as compared with the jear before, were as follows: 1871. 1870. Hew Orleans, October 4 .17,831 35,002 Mobile, October 4.10,202 12,527 Savannah, Ocreber 4.10.699 67,712 Charleston, October 4.18.239 33,282 Galveston, October 4.17,717 4.373 Norfolk, October 4.14,678 10,531 W ll alington, October 4.4 424 5.795 Other ports.4,325 3,026 The following are the receipts pf cotton at the principal Southern markets, from September 28 to October 4,1871, Inclusive, as reported by tele graph: SEW ORLEANS ?ept?. 336.Sept 29. 991) Sept 30. 813.Oct 2..2218 >? 5,875 Oct 3. 947.Oct 4. 520 / The arrivals lor the wees last year, 14,177. MOblLE Sept 25. 70.Sept 29. 8751 Sept30. 671.Oct 2.1382 r 4,118 .Oct 3. 510..Oct 4.610 J The arrivais for the week last year, 3237. SAVANNAH Sept 28 . 956.Sept 29 . 9091 SeptSO. 826.Oct 2.1914 r 7,400 Oct 3..1218.Oct 4.1577 J The arrivals for the week last year, 18,211. CHARLESTON Hept28. 761.Sept 29.12981 Sept 30.1615.Oct 2.1286 I 7,483 Oct S.1811.Oct 4.1317J The arrivals for tie week last year, 11,664. GALVESTON Sept 28.. 798.Sept 29. 5661 sept30.e:e.oct 2.wei 3,540 Oct 3.-.Oct 4.loco] The arrivals lor the week last year, 915. NORFOLK Sept28. 386.Sept29.12881 8ept30. 872. Oct 2.1419 I 5,984 Oct 3. 884.Oct 4.11561 The arrivals for the week last year, 5036. WILMINGTON Sept 28 . 225.Sept 29. 2981 Sept 30.. 260.Oct 2. 450 )? 2,070 Oct 3.. 428.0 t 4.419 J The arrivals for the week last year, 3458. Total this year.36,475 Total last year.56,728 The stocks of the article In sight at the latest dates were as follows: 1871. 1870. Stock lu'es.. .423,100 521,030 Stock In London.100,124 32,362 Stock In Glasgow. 150 ?00 1 Stook In Havre. 69.610 180,630 Stock In Marseilles. 21.326 12.600 Stook In Bremen. 42.161 15,078 Stock rest of Continent.105,000 30,000 1 Afloat for Great Britain (Amer? ican,). 64,000 28,000 Afloat for France (American 1 and Brazil,). 7,813 6.679 1 Afloat for Bremen (American).... 1,410 .... Total Indian cotton afloat for Europe. 717.332 395.140 Stock in United Mates ports_ 97,670 113,682 . Stock m the interior towns. 16,602 19,753 , Total.1.656,218 1,360,424 1 Increase of stock lu sight. 295,794 1 The receipts at this port for the week Just closed 1 were 176 bags of sea Islands and Floridas and 7312 ; .of uplands, tn contrast with si bags or sea islands ?od Floridas and 5333 bales of uplands the 1 r?vi? ons week, and 77 bags of sea islands and Floridas j ?nd 11,688 bales or uplands for the time the year | before. These arrivals have come as follows, say , at uplands, per Sooth Carolina Railroad, 5658 ( bales; per Northeastern Railroad, 1156; per Sa- ( vannab and Charleston Railroad, 134; Peedee 229; e San tee 135. Of sea Islands, James Island 18; ] Christ Church 54; Wadmalaw 6; Edlsto 67; John's Island 7; Seabrook's Island 4; Savannah and 1 Charleston Railroad 20. * , TBS COTTON MARKET.-Thu staple exhibited a f Armer tendency in the gen ral market, with steadier ant afterwards advancing rates. The ( foreign market opened at9?i@9>4d, and hardened to 9%@9%@9%d ft tb for middling uplands, ? while New York was I9%c, and Improved to 20%c, ?nd at this point the article commence J at I8%c 9 lb, and stiffened to is 'ic $ tb. The move? ments lu the article at Liverpool and New York for this period were as follows : On Friday, Sep? tember 23, the former was firm, uplands 9%d@ ?%d, F ales 12.000 bales; the latter was quiet and weak at 19%, sales 2044 bales. On Saturday the ' article was firm, uplands 9)?d, sales 15,000 bales: 1 the latter was arm, uplands 19%c, sales 3269 1 bales. On Mouday the former was acive and Armer, uplands 9%d@9%d, sales 18,000 balea; the latter was quiet and steady, uplands I9%c, sales 1538 bales. On Tuesday the ijrmer was active, I uplands f%d@9%d, sales 15.000 balei; the latter was strong at 20c, sales 3030 bales. On Wedncs- * day the former was advancing, uplands 9Aid, ? sales ao ooo bales; the latter was 'troi g, closing at 20?o, sales 3373 bales. Yesterday the former J was steady, uplands siles 20 OOO bales; the v latter was steady at 20%c, sa:ei 1200 bales. 1 The -.ran?actlon' anJ prices lu thia market, fer the week just dosed, wtre as follow : On Friday, 1 September ?9, the.e was rather a good demand, the marke" chowing a steady character; sa C3 700 bales, or lnary to good ordinal y being quoted at e 15@17%c. low middling 18c, ; 'liing is%c, strict middling 1-Kc^Ib. On i-aturd.;y there was a well sustained inquiry at unchanged rates; sales 600 bales, quotations as before. On Monday tiie j transactions were in a limited way at steady rates, ; he market being quiet bu: Arm; ai rs 300 ? bales, ordinary to good ordinary being quoted at { 15@17%c, low mlddl ng 18c, mlddl ng U??c, strict 1 middling I8%c $ rb. On Tuesday the article was 1 active and prices an %&%c ? lb higher; sales 1 1000 bales, ordinary to go'.d ordinary bel?g quo- 1 ted at 15@l7%c, 1)W middling 16%@l8%c. mid- ? diing 1S%@18%, st let middling 18%@18%c fl ft. j On Wedn sday there a good demand, and ? prices improved an %@%c V lb; sa es soo bales', ? ordinary to good ordin?r being qu ted at 15? f 18c, low middling 18%@i8%c, middling I6%@ ? 3>%c, and sir.ct midd iog 18%c ? tb. Yesterday ago d de : and prevaled, with rather tinner ptl- 0 ces; saves 800 t ales, sa? 3 at 15%, 4 at I6>i. 9 at 17, 6 tat VU,3 at 17%, 5 at 17%, 46 at 18,13 at 18S', 23 3 |X 18%, 4satl8%. Uia: is.-;. 59 at 18%, SSS at . |S%, io at 16%. 41 at 19, 23 at 19%c and near 100 , kales on private terms. We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. i Ordinary to good ordinary.10 @18 ;Low middling.ia?@- , Middling.18*@_ j .Strict middling.19 CA? SSIA ISLAND CoTT )N.-Tne receipts have ''een to j a fair extent, aud were 176 bigs v f Carolinas and Floridas for this time, nearly ad Carolinas, A ] good Inquiry has prevailed for medium Ote to Ane carbina*, which are h?!d with lirinuess, and sales have taken place to the extent of abos: 75 bags, mostly ot the above grades, among which vere 4 at 65c, 2 at 70c, 2 at 72>ic, 17 at 75c, 15 at soc, 13 at 90c, 1 at 95c. RICK.-Planters have sent rorward increased supplies, although the arrivals continue limited, and were 18,000 bushels Carolina rough since cur las: report. There has been a fairly sustained Inquiry at st- ady prices, but the market has gen? erally shown but nr derate offerings. The trans? actions for the week were some 500 tierces or clean Carolina, say 20 tierces Inferior at e^c, 60 at 7C, 63U8C, 5?at81-16.\ 3)atS3-16C. 165 at ssc, 40 at BKc, 40 at 8 7-16c. We quote common to fair at 7@Sc; good S.S@3S'C H ft. NAVAL STORKS.-The market has shown a Arm character, with generally etiff prices, buyers being restricted lu their operaticns by the limited stock. The receipts for this period were some 2500 bbls. or all klnls. The business of the week was about as follows: On Friday, September 29:h, there were no sa.e3 reported, the market being nt arly bare or a supply. On Saturday, September 30, there were no transactions reported. Ou Monday, October 2, the sales were 33 bbls. pale rosin at $7 50 ft bbl, 68 low pale at $7, 42 bbls. extra No. 1 at $6 75, 38 bbl9. No. 3 at $3; also 59 casks splrlis turpeutlne at 59: fi gallon. On Tuesday, October 3, there were no sales reported. On Wednesday, October 4, sales for two days say 63 bb s. pale and low pale rosin at $:@r 59, 32 bbls. No. 1 and extra No. 1 at $63 6 75, 153 bbls. No. 2 and low No. 2 at $3 25, 72 bbis. No. 3 at $3, and HS bbls. spirits turpentine at 59: $ gallon. On Thursday, October 5, the market was Arm, with limited transactions. HAT.-The market has been supplied with about 200 bale? of North River qualities, part from Philadelphia and part by rail. Transactions took place in this deacriptlrn at $1 80@t 55* hun? dred. CORN.-About 3000 bisheU of this grain arrived from Baltimore. Jobbing lots of prime whtte may be quoted ac ?1 06&1 OS bu-hel, sacks Included. About 1503 bushels tall white sold at $1 03, and a lot of mixed at )JKc ft bu mel, sacks In eluded. OATS.-There were received about 3000 bushels from Baltimore. Asale of 800 bushels transpired at OTC ft bushel, sacks included. PEAS.-The article is scarce, and old may be quoted at $l<ai io, and new at $1 25 ft bushel. FLOUR.-There ls a fair stock or most qualities or this article in the hands of dealers, with a Arm market and a steady city and country demand. S?nnern and Western super nny be quoted at $6 60i?7 "? bbl, extra at $7 50@9 ft bbl, family at $8@9 fi bbl. Southern descriptions are In mode? rate supply, an i super may be quoted at $6 60@7 fi ')bi, extra at $7 50@8 V bbl, family at $8@9 fi bb', and extra family at to'j. io ft bbl. BACON.-The market ls llgully supplied with prime meat, and we note a steady demand, and prime shoulers maybe quoted at 8.S@SKc ? ft, prime clear rib side' at 9K@9Xc 1* ft, prime salted shoulders at 7.s@7Kc fi ft, and prime salted sides at 9c fi ft. SUGAR AND M OL AS? KS.-The stocks are mo'e rate, but good to prime grocery sugars may be quoted at liX@l2Kc fi ft; fair to good Cubas lo>*@ii;,'c. New Orleans molasses, prime ls scarce. Cuba muscovado molasses may be quoted at 36@3Sc tn hhda. and 40c In bbls; clayed at 33@r?c In hh ls. and 35@37c In bbls. Demerara sugar, prime ' 12@l2Kc. Molasses, prime in puoeheons 4Sc; in bbls 52c. BUTTER AND LARD.-There Is a fair stock or this article-fancy Goshen maybe quoted at 35 eta; New York State, prime, 25@30c; medium 20@26c; ordinary grades, swee;, 15@l9c; choice Western 20@25c Lard ls lu fair supply, and ls held at 12>?@13>?C fi ft. Cheese-factory choice 13@l5c; skimmed 6$ioc; puffed l@2: fi ft. ? vir.-Jobbing parcels of Liverpool recelveJ; direct may be quoted at $i 55$l 60 fi sack. >. i BANDS AND TIES for cotton, of the nioBi u., .oved patterns, are offered on the market at 6K08C ft lb. Wallis tie 5@5Kc . INDIA BAGGING.-There ta some Inquiry for this article. We quote fl yard, gunny cloth 19@ 20c; domestic ls lu Improving demand, and doable anchor, 45 inches, may be quoted at 19 sc: elephant at i9sc, Ludlow is sc, other branda I9@i9se as In quality. TIMBER AND LUMBER.-The market for this art' ole ls quiet. We quote timber for milling purpose* from $6@io. Shipping timber $10@16. Bright timber, good merchantable, from city mills, cut to size, from $18@22 fi M by the cargo; lumber per rall, $13@15; river lumber, $io@i2; dressed lamber, $22@25. FREIGHTS.-To steam direct Xd on uplands, ld on s?a Islands; via New York Sd on aplauda, %a on sea Islands; by sall 9-i?d on up? lands, on sea Islands nominal. To Harre nominal. Coastwise-to New York, by steam \c on uplands and lc on Bea islands; $150 fl tierce on rice; by sail, - fi ft on cotton; - ft tierce on rice; 40c fi barrel on rosin; ?:@$s fi M on lumber; $n@io ? H on tim ber. To Boston, by sall, Kc 9 ft on upland cotton. To Providence, by sall, $8 00 V M on boards, xe f? ft on cotton ; by steam $1f? bale on Kew York rates. To Philadelphia, by steam, Kef) lb on uplands; by sail, $7 fl M on boards; $9 on timber; $3 fi ton on clay, and $3@3 50 OD phosphates. To Baltimore by steam, Kc ? ft; .y sall, $6 50?: ft M on boards; $3@ 3 25 ft ton )n phosphate rock. Vessels are In demand by >nr merchants to take lumber freights from Georgetown, S. C., Darlen and Satilla River, Ga., md Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, and 0@12 fi M are rates on lumber and boards. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.- The banks are purchase ng sight checks on Sew York at X@Kc discount; lme bills nominal. They are selling sight checks it par. EXCHANGE-STERLING BILLS.-The rate yester lay was 82K922K for 60 day bills. GOLD.-The brokers were yesterday buying at 12K and selling at 13S How the New York Market Closed. [SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO THE NEWS.] E NEW YORK, October 5-5 P. M. jj The cotton market closed dull and weak, since B Change hou s there have been sales for Decem- S ?r delivery at I9>4'c. and for January delivery at ? 91516c. _ _ 0 Markets by Telegraph. MUN EV MARKETS. LONDON, October 5-Noon.-Consols 93s. 5 P. M.-Consols closed 92,Sa93. Sixty-twos 93. NEW VORK, October 5-Noon.-Freiguts quiet. ?tocks steady but dull. Gold steady at 13?? il4. Governments dull and steady. Monev firm it 6 per cent. Exchange, lon* s v short 9K Evening -Go.d l4S'al4},'. Mouey 7. Exchange IK at close. Cover men ts not very active; Ave wentl- s fl vanead sass ; slx'y-twos 15K- S'atea 'ery dull. Sew South Carolinas very active. Freights more act ve. NEW ORLEANS, October 5 -Markets unchanged n every resiect. Report yesterday's sterling at 3'? : sight par as premium. Gold MX COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL. October 5-11 30 A M.-Cotton open dsteadv. Uplands 9^d, Orleans lOd. 12 30 P. M.-c ito i active; uplands 9Vd, Or eans os^sais 25,000 bales; < xport ana specu ation sooo. Evenrng -Cotton cloded ?trong: uplands 9VI. jrlcans OK'1; salts i.o.o.o i ales, including lo.uoo Mies lor export i-nd speculation. SEW YOKE, October 5-Noon.-Co ton quiet an l Heady; uplands 20K, Orleans 20S; *ales 1200 isles. Sales of conon futures last evening 5-00 >aies. as follows: October 1915-I6ai9ji: Nurern .er 19K-U9 1516; December 16-16; Ja- ua 7 20; february 20X; Ma ch ?OS; ?reeonbjard it Ci:ar?es;on, average low middli'ig lSJic. Evening.-Cotton Arm but quiet; sales 1756 jales; uplinds, Orleans 20X- Sales of ? -tton lu ures to dty 1406 bales, as follows : Odo verane .ow middlltj^s 18 I BOSTON, October 5.-cotton quiet and strong mud iiiirs 20Kc; gross recelpis 17 bales; gross 415; sa es 3oou; block 45C0. PHILADELPHIA, October 5.-Cotton Arm; mid lllngs 2UX?20KC BALTIMORE, oc:ober 5.-Cotton Armer; mid dings \9%&\9}ic: EC: receipt? 151 bales, gross 25; exp<r s cast wise 405; sales 365; stock 945. VORFULK, October 5 -. otton sieadv; low mid dings 19c; net receip s 190 oales; exports coast wi?? 365;sales too; smck 3612. WILMINGTON, O. tober 5.-Cotton Arm; mit", ?.'{f* l9c; uel recelP:s 400 bale?; sales 14; stock SAVANNAH. October 6.-Cotton In good demand; Blddlinnwc; net r.celpis 1783bales; salea 8c0 itock 9J64. ' 1 arou-TA. October 5.-Cotton quiet and Arm; nl.idlliival8r,c; receipts voe bal s MOUILE, october s.-Couoii flrtn; middlings 9Xc: net receipts 681 Ales; exports coastwise l>4; sal->600: ?tock li>,.?7. w MEMPHIS, october 6.-Ujttoaqnlet: middlings 19c; recttp sH70 bales. H ' u*8 NEW ORLEANS, October 5.-Cotton strong; mid Hags 19%a20c; net receipts 1853 bales, groaa 651; sales 1800; stock 21,332. PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. NEW TORE. October 6-Noon.-Plonr dall and lecltnlng. Whear. dull and nomina ly 2a3 cts jwer. Corn dull and lc lower. Pork steadr. less $13 62. L .rd >-teady ; steam 10>; ', Turp?n ?ne Arm at .r,c. Rosin firm at $3 70a$3 75 fer trained. Evening.-Flour, Southern dull and drooping: ood to choice extra $sa9 25. Whiski y steady at il. Wheat heavy at la2c lower. Mixed Western :orn, in ftore 74,'4a75. Poik $13 55al3 62. Plain ness beer $7all. Lard, kettle lO.uc. Turpentine Irm at eic. Rosin $3 75a5. WILMINGTON, October 6.-Spirits turpentine hm at 60c. Ko=ln Arm; $3 for strained; $3 25. or No. 2: S7 73 for ex'ra pale. Crude turpentine irm at $4 for hard: $4 50 for yellow dtp; $4 75 for rirgtn. Tar steady at $2 25. CINCINNATI. October 5.-Pork, demand light md holders Arm at $13. Lard, demand light, toldera flrm ato.'ic. Bacon in fair demand and L'lvanced sales; sides 7xa7%c; shoulders held at %c. Whiskey Irregular af 94>ic. LOUISVILLE, October 5.-Pork $l3al3 50. Bacon moulders 7>?c; clear rib 7a7%c; clear aides 8c. L,ard 9%al0%c. Whiskey steady at 95c. Interior Cotton Markets. SUMTER. October 3.-The maket has been rery steady alnce last report. Sales 395 bales at 16>?al7)?c; shipments as fodows: l?ew York 255 Dales. Cbarleston 131, Baltimore 48. Total 434 Dales. COLUMBIA. October 4.-Sales 100 biles; mid? dlings lTJiilSC. MONTGOMERY, October 3.-Cotton ts In fair de? mand to-day; low middlings 18c. SELMA, October 30.-Sales to day 250 bales; middlings lS.^c, low middlings 18c. Demand good; market quiet but steady. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, october 4.-SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Sales of 6:5 casks at eoe per gallon for Southern packages. ROSIN.-Sales nf 1300 bbls at $2 95 for strained, $3 50 for extra No 2. $5 25 for No 1, $6 25, $6 53a 6 T5 ror pa r. and $7a7 25 for extra pale. CRI DB TURPENTINE-ls Arm. and hard bas an advance of 5c sales of 22 bbls at $3 for hard, $4 40 for yellew dip, and $4 75 ror virgin. COTTON.-Sales or 259 bales as follows: 291 bales at 13>ic, 19 at 18>ic, and 19 at 19c per lb. New York Hay Market. From the Dally Bulletin, Tuesday, October 3: Receipts today 2325 bales. The market has been better supplied during the past week, but with liberal orders from the South, prices rule firm. Sales are 2000 bales for Mobile at $1 io, loo bales ror Norfolk, 50 for Portsmouth, 75 for Jack? sonville, loo for Wilmington and 30 for Richmond, alt at $110. Retail ls steady at $i 20al 60, with a fair demand. Straw, ls in more demand, with a sale of 350 bales for Philadelphia at $l. New York Rice Market. From the Dally Bulletin. Tuesday, October 3 : The demand ts fair for jobbing lots, but not much activity shown lu a general way, and the market bas something of a tame tone, though prices are unchanged. We note about 60 tes Carolina at 7X&S%c, and 3?0 bags East India at 6Xa7c for Rangoon, 6;;a7Jic ror Patna. From the Journal of Commerce: There ls no change to note. Toe business ls fair; with mode? rate supplies run prices are current. The sales are 225 baits Rangoon at 6iva7 ,','c; 250 bags Patna at 7 a: \c, and 60 tierces Carolina at 8>ia9c. The stock on hand to-day ts 275 tierces domestic, 12,600 bags foieign cleaned, and 450 bags un? cleaned Rangoon. New York Naval Stores Harket. From the Journal or Commerce, Tuesday, Octo? ber 3: The market for spirits turpentine shows very little change. There la a moderate Inquiry at the moment, entirely to meet wants of the home trade at about steady prices. Sales are 298 bbls from yard at 65", 110 bbls at 66c, closing at 65c, also 20 bbls lu shipping order at 66?, aaa 39 bois from store at 66a67c. Resins-tie demand ls principally for small i 'ts, without further change In prices. Sales arelSOQ bbls strained at $3 60, loo bbls good strained at $3 60,170 bbls do at $3 65, 419 bbls do at $3 60, 67 bbla No 2 at $3 80. 200 bbls uctra pale at $9,10} bbls pae at $7, and ?0 bbls No 1 at $5 25. We quote strained at $3 65a3 80, No 2 at $3 75at 25, No l at $4 50a5 75, pale at $5a7, extra pale at $7 25a9 50._ Stock of Cotton in the Interior Towns at the Latest Dates. 7870. Vugusta.September 29 4,432 Columbus..September 29| 1,969 dacon.September 29; 2.153 Uontgomery...September ssl 2,8 9 ?elma.September i9| 1,818 ?emphts.September 29? 2,776 Nashville.September 2P| 590 Total bales. 16,602 2,425 3.210 3,705 1,676 2,956 3.981 1,899 19,753 zomparative Kiporti of Cotton and Klee from the Port of Charleston, from Sep? tember 1 to October 9, 1871. 1871-'72. 1870-'71. EXPORTED TO ]S. L.Up'd. i Rice S. L??p*d. Rlce .lverpool.I.! 1639 ither Br. Ports.I.I 'otu G. Britain lam. ither Fr. Ports' ?ot al France..1 1. of Europe 'ot'l N.Europe i.of Europe.. V. Indies, Ac. 'otal F. Ports., tost?n. thode Island.. lew York. 'hiladelphta... lait. A NT'folk Ith. U. S. Ports 145 1689 93 8122 6211 2.9 369 78 95 Ot'lO'sePortsj 145j SOTS 642, Grand Total, i 145: ICGO;. 642 76 300 1S854 301 15361 10 2066j 131 76, 22755j 442 22766! 442 Exports of Klee, Naval Stores and Lum? ber from the Port of Charleston, from September 1 to October 3, 1871. 1871-' ll>70-'71. EXPORTED TO i NAVAL, STOR'8 NAVAL STOR'S Bbls. Feet. Bbls. Feet. oston.; tew York....1 hHadelphta.. I la.'lmore_ ew orleans.. I, lobile.I. 659 2,981 2,9(19' 310 140,000, loo; 293.731! 3,715 167.400 1,9741 347,930 484' 75,000 675 206 367,000 90,(00 Tovld'ce.R I. tth'rUSP'rts "alCoastw'sc tarcelona. iaj'a A M'ket. Pest Indies., tallfax, NS., t John's, N B. ondon. : ris toi, Eng.. liverpool. lavre. 160,000 102,821 345.138 125,500 6.S8P 1,211,8821 6,273? 1,577,814 1,600, . I 2,150 tonte video... Mat Britain. : do de Janeiro ! .ustralla.! 3,645! otal Foreign. j 5,2451. Grand Total! 12.134! 1.211.882 2,150 8.423, 1.577.844 Ch a rle i ten Who le sn le Prices. ARTICLE!. PBIC1S. BAQOIKO, fl yard Dundee. ? Gunny Cloth. 18X? 19 X New York Do jj'.e Anchor, 45 inches, 2Xth3. 19X3 BALK ROPE, f? ft Manilla. ? Western. 8 ? UH Jute. ? BUTTER-Goshen. 33 ? 35 Country. ? COTTON, %i tt Ordlnary to gool ordinary.... IS @ 18 Low middling. ISi-i? Middling to strict middling... 18X3 M Good middling. @ Sea island. ? COFFEE, ^ tts- ," ? Rm..;. is @ si Laguayra. ? Java. ? FERTILIZE as Carolina Fertilize, V 2000 tts. Cash.". 60 00 ? Time (with 7 pjr ct. Interest) 55 oo ? Wando 50 oo @ Time. 65 oo @ Double Relined loudrette. 30 00 ? Niles'Phosphate...S ?? f Peruvian Guano ? 2240 tts.. .loo oo ? Paclhc Guano,VI2000 55 00 @ Time.....60 00 @ .. Phonix Guano.. JJ ? ? Baugh'sPhos., f2(M> 50 00 @ Rhodes' Phosphrte, * 2000 tts 66 00 ? Rhodes'Standarl Manure ($66 time) . 67 60 ? urchillo Guano (140 tune).35 00 ? Land piaster.13 00 ?ia 00 Mapes'super'ptus. ??2000 tts. 66 00 @ Woolston's Phoshate of Lime 6u 00 @ Wootston's Vegeor, ? 2000 tts 85 po ? Croasdale's 60 00 ? Bowers'Compleo Manure, net 60 00 ? Sardy's Phos. Peruvian, cash. 65 00 ? Sardy'a Pacific Chano, cash... 60 00 @ Pataosco Guano.. 80 00 ? E. Frank Coe's Ammoniatec Bone Phosphat;.5?, 22 S Coe's Pure D'lssoved Bone.... 62 00 @ .. Whann'sSuperpiosphate..... eo 00 ? 70 00 Etlwan Guano, !o 1 ($80 time) 54 00 @ Etlwan Guano, io 2 ($60 time) 63 00 ? Zell's Ammontaud Bone Phos phate($70tlm0.. 60 co . Russel Coe'B Ammonlated Bone superphosphate ($60 time).-. 55 00 ? Cotton Food, pelton. 60 00 @ Bowen * Mercerl superphos 50 00 ? .. * Time. 80 00 ? .. Wilcox, Gibbs 4 Co.'a Manlpu lated . 60 00 . Stono Soluble Guvno ($55 time) 50 00 @ Stono DlBsolvec Phosphate ($36 time).33 00 ? Stono Pure Orouol Phosphate. 15 00 @ FLOUR, fi bbl - _ Fine. ? Super. 6 80 ? 7 00 Northern and Wiatern Extra. 7.50 ? 8 00 Baltimore Extra. . . . ? _ " Southern-Super. 8 JJ ? 1 00 Extra. ' 80 @ 8 00 Famly. 8 00 ? 9 00 GRAIN, fl bushel- _ Maryland Oats. 87 ? Western Oats...-. , A; Corn. ?3X? 109 HAT, fl cwt North RI ver. 1 85 ? LUMBER, fl M feet- , ." "" ^ ". Clear White Pine, first quaUty. 60 00 ? 66 00 White Pine, good run.38 00 ? 40 00 Yellow Pine...MOO ?24 00 Boards, rough. ll 00 ? 12 00 Groovedind tongued 28 00 ? 32 00 MOLASSES, fi galior- "" _ Cuba.......?. 33 ? 37 Muscovado.-. a8 ? 50 Sugar-house. 80 ? 1 00 New Orleans. @ NAVAL STORXS, fi mi- _ Tar. @ Pitch. ? Rosm, pale. 7 00 ? 7 50 Rosin, No. 1. 8 00 @ 8 75 Rosin. No. 2. 3 25 ? Rosm, No. 3. 3 00 ? gallon.... 59 ? Crude Turpentine f* bbl. ? llard Turpentine-. ? Oakum, fl ft. 16 ? Nins-American 4$20d., fl keg 5 05 ? 7 00 POWDER-Dupont's.F.F.F. g.... 6 00 ? Dupont's, F.F.F.... 6 00 <jj> Dupont's. El as t In r. 4 00 ? . PROVISIONS, fi ft- _ Bacon, Bams. JJ . 18X Sides. 09X? 09X Shoulders. 08X@ Strips....-. ? .. Lard, in keg. 12 ? 13 Butter. 25 ? 35 . Oheeae. 1? ? 18 Potatoes, Irish, fi bbl. 2 75 ? 3 00 Sweet. ? omons.-. ' 25 ? 3 50 Apples. 6 60 ? 8 00 Eggs. SO ? 40 Poultry-Chickena fi doz.... 0 00 ? 4 00 Fowls, fl doz. 5 00 ? 5 60 RICE, fl ft-Carolin*. 07 ? 08X East India. @ SALT, f? Back-Liverpool, coarse 1 65 @ 1 60 Liverpool, line. ? Seo AK, fl ft-Rtw. ? Porto Rico. ? Muscovado. 10X? 12X BEESWAX-* ft. 3? ? ? HIDES, Groen-f ft. ? . . D IT. 12 ? 16 CHESTNUTS-fl bushel. 4 00 ? II B 6 O' rd ET 2 2o <o -1 ED jc - ".???^ ?> o ..?. g wi t 2 cr . . f:; o p : : ; : ? : ?CB a? a; : ; . . . ^v . t?. : i : : : : ; . : . ?a.a.a; . Cb CO CD ?? ?o'o'o'o Q -a ta-a?o'o B 3 PB g B mi ?inii n 1 tili *. SMSSS cito- w u*-: 00 Oi?r> O J: H* -< 0> g * 6>o> WOOWCjo?CCO* M^?-OW 03 *- *? K W . U C J* O * j~* io 00 M ^J*? ; 01: _p O* "?cl- ?-l . Vi &3 -I W OD OD ? C C? ' f..> O O IO SS "J- (M I- rf BS O' MM OO . o to ?: : h3 M I : 2 Ol ? 00 -I ?i o ; ; ks; j-1 to Cl, -. go O ? Xi; 01 ? *. -J tSt30-?! -i o ?. x *. ?J g- "* o 0? to jo ji*- or* t^oa "t-i ^ 00 *. co-t ojocoi -n oflO*-w _o to p c?J; ooo Vbiocc^oiMaio?. BSS 8cu-^ ^ 01 o ? ? SM OO-JOCO - XO- OSO p c to M - ?o?1! j^._oo SO Cli "ci rc tx i.*ai fy ' S? Si cco-f CJ'-O^' o>on O O C O O. ?O 3S ?- O) . Cl. O fil 2 ? 5 -T O 0 1 g? 1 rs cr a 0 S " 2 g ' B O ?o ?TT J pg? HC? -, ra 3 ?T?cTS 5o a O 1 ry -1 O P x K * DO - i B < H I V K e i S fl th ai 5 s ri g &l * rp i ?. VI SI? il g . c . B e RI ? ils ss EB NOTE.-We have ueuucied rrom New Orleanf 2939 hales uplands, rrom Mobile 110 bales an? ia ds: from Savannah 15 bags sea Island and 10 bales upland, and from Charleston 12 bags sea island and 21 bale upland cotton-the nuautitlea received at those ports from Mobl'e, Florida, Texas andfavannah. Receipt? by Railroad, October 5. 80TTH CAROLINA RA IX BO AD. 802 bales cotton. 151 bj lea goods, 83 bbls naval stores, :40 bois dour, 10 cars wood, 1 oar stock. To Railroad Agent, and others. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD. 107 bales cotton, 37 bbls naval strre3, cars lumber, mdse. Ac. To G w williams A co, T P Smith, A a Smith, Wm C Bee A co, Pelzer, Rod? gers A co, Kinsman A Bowell, Ravenel A co, J R Pringle A Son, A J Salinas. Barden A Parker. Frobt A Adger, Caldwell A Son. E Welling, W K Ryan, W C Courtenay A co, G B Walter A co. S 1) Stoney, Claghorn, Berring A co, Whllden A Jonea, Reeder A Davis, Wagener A Monaees, C lieben rood, F L Meyer, J A Quackenbush, JOB Glaus sen, J C Mallouee, and Railroad Agent. PORT CALENDAR. MOON'S PHASES. '.as: Osarter. 6 .h. o honra, 12 min?tes, evening. New M ,on, 14th. 1 hoar, 0 minutes, morning. F.rat quarter. iOth. 6 hours. 31 minutes, evening. Full Moon, 28th, 2 hours, so minutes, morning. OCTOBER. BUK RISES. 6..S6 6..67 6.-58 6.. 59 5. .69 6.. 0 6.. 1 8UN SETS. 5..42 5..40 6..39 6.. 38 5..37 6..35 6..34 HOON R. & S. 8..20 8..58 0..40 10..24 H..14 morn 12.. B mon WATEB. 9..46 10..24 ll.- 8 ll..58 12..52 2..13 2..56 2 Monday. 3 Tuesday. 4 Wednesday.. 5 Thursday_ e Friday. 7 Saturday_ 8 Sanday. MARINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, 8. C.OCTOFER6. Lat 32 deg 46 min 33 Bec. | Lon 79 deg 67 min 27 sc c. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Sehr Ogeechee. Reynolds, Georgetown, S C. 3150 bu niels rough rice. To W c Bee A co. Boat from James Island. 1 bag sea Island cotton. To Gaillard A Mlnott. Received from Bennett's Mil!. 25 tes rice. To G H lngrabam A Son. OLEAKED YESTERDAY. Sehr Frank A Emily. McCobb, Wilmington, Tel, via Fernandina-B F Baker A co. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Steamship Jas Adger, Lockwood, at yew York, October 3. MARINE NEWS BY TELEGRAPB. NEW YORK, October s.-Arrived, the steamships New York and Ellen S Leary. SAVANNAH, October 5.-Arrived, the steamship Seminole, Boston. Cleared, steamship H Livings? ton, New York; steam tug Tontine, Savana. LIST OF VESSELS CP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS PORT. FOREIGN. LIVERPOOL. Nor bark Luget, Nielsen, sailed.Sept 15 Bark Annie Kimball, Stlnson, sailed....August 28 WEST HARTLEPOOL. ENG. The Elise, Broaca, Balled.August 9 NEWPORT, INO. Br bark David McNutt, Lockhart, up.Sept 16 ALLOA, SCOTLAND. The Ormen, Berkholm, sailed.August 28 MONTROSE, SCOTLAND. The Achilles, Binsch, sailed.Sept 13 RIO DE JANEIRO. German sohr Clara, Bodewes, sailed-August 22 DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Bark Keystone,-. up. .Oct 2 Brig E H Kennedy, Hallett, up.Sept 27 Brig Minnie Aboe, -, up.Sept 18 Brig Llzabel, -, up.Sept 19 Sehr Charles Comery, rtnkham, cl'd.Oct 2 NEW TOBE. Sehr Ada, Relyea, cleared.Sept 30 sehr LIUy, Hughes, np.Oct 2 Nebr May Morn, Stetson, up.Oct 2 Sehr M j rover, Brown, cleared.Oct 2 Sehr Jonas Smith, Douglass, dared.Oct 2 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr Henrietta, Leavltr, up.Sept 22 BALTIMORE. Sehr J H Stickney, Fooks, cleared.Sept 30 BOCXPOBT, KS. Sehr James Wall, -, sailed.Sept 26 Hit of Shipping IN THB PORT OP CHARLESTON, OCTOBER 5. Vessels under too tons, and steamers coasting within the State, excepted. STEAMSHIPS. Mlllbanke, (Br,) 832 tons, Smith, at Vanderhorst'B wharf, loading tor Liverpool-WatBon A HIU. South Carolina, 1600 tons, Beckett, at Union wharf, for New York, loading-Wagner, Hu? ger A co-W A Courtenay. Maryland, 631 tons, Johnson, at Union wharf, for Baltimore, loading-Paul C Trenholm. Gulf stream, - tons, McCrery, at Brown A co's wharf, for Philadelphia, loading-W A Cour? tenay. SHIPS. Lady Dutferlo, (Br.) 895 tons, Flynn, at Accommo? dation wharf, for Liverpool, loading-Henry Card. BARKS. St Peter, 494 tons, Bartlett, at Commercial wharf, to load for I iverpo 1-J A Bnslow tc co. Delphine Melanie. (Fr.) - tons, Bertho ut Union wharf, from Callao, discharging-Ott/ Wil? liams A co. - Ana, (Span.) - tons. Reina, at N E Railroad wharf, for Canary Isles, loading-W P Hall. BRIGS. Delphine, (Fr,) 242 tons, Taffanat, at Boyce A co's wharf, from New orleans, walting-J A Ens low A CO. SCHOONEBS. Narragansett, 317 tons, Haskell, at Robb's Mill, for a Northern Port, loading-Jos A En&low A co. J E Messervey, 246 tons, Wall, In Ashley River, for Providence, loading-L T Potter. Florence Rogers, - tons, Shepherd, in Ashley River, for New York, loading-W Roach A co. H T Hedges, 216 tons, Franklin, at N E Railroad wharf; for New York, loading-H F Baker A co. Henry Allen, - tons, Tatem, In Ashley River, for Philadelphia, loading-H F Baker A co. Marv E Mangain, - tons, Beveridge, In Ashley River, for the West Icdles, loading-H F Ba? ker A co. Ida Richardson, 172 tons, lieder., at wharf, from Baltimore, discharging-Master. R W Brown, - tons. Wicks, at Adger's wharf, from New York, discharging-.W Roach A co. Virginia, 197 tons, Ross, in Ashley River, for New Haven, loading-H F Baker A co. Frank A Emily, - tons, McCobb, at Brown A co's wharf, from Hockport, Me, discharging A McCobb, Jr. lioolG, Srjoee, Ut. Q_ E T THE BESTI Bay your BOOTS AND SHOES a: STET. BER'S, No. 41 BROAD STREET. He makes them to order, In any style desired, usingonly the beat material and workmanship. Constantly on band, a large assortment of cus? tom made BOOTS AND SHOES, of all sizes. The New EXCELSIOR OAITER, Which dispenses with Bhoe stnnzs and elastic, MADE TO ORDER at this establishment. Call and examine specimens. JACOB STEIBER, may22_No. 41 Broad street. CABLE SCREW WIRE BOOTS AND SHOES ARE Cl ul meei to be the Best, Acknowledged to be the Best,' Proved to be the Best. TH ET ARE THE MOST PLIABLE, . MOST ECONOMICAL, MOST COMFORTABLE, MOST DURABLE. WILL NOT RIP. Rapidly superseding Sewed and Pegged Work. The Patent Stamp ls on all. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS. A Bingle trial will make good all these claims. seE30-imo_ PROFESSOR BERGEB'S BED-BIG DESTROYER. Oostar'B INSECT POWDER Costar's Ra< Poison Isaacsen'BSure Pop-Death to Mosquitoes. For sale by Da. H. BAER, r*lvfi No. 131 Meetinir st'eff JD ST BE CEI YE D, Pendleton's Panacea, or Vegetable Pain Ex tractor. Also, a fresh supply of SEAL OLEUM, the grea remedy for Rheumatism. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dj. H. BAER, my33 No. 131 Meeting street. jp O R NEW TOBI. ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. SEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870 The Splendid New Iron Side Wneel Steamship SOOTH CAROLINA, Beckett, Commander, will sall for New York on SATURDAY, October 7, at 1 o'clocK P. M., from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves. Through Bills or Lading to Liverpool by WILLIAMS A GUION STEAM LINE. To Genoa, Trieste, Naples, Leghorn, Christiania. Gotten burg, and to Glasgow, by ANCHOR LINE STEAM? SHIPS. To New England Cities as usual. Insurance by Steamers of this Line X per cent For Freight Engagements apply to WAGNER, HUGER A CO., NO. 26 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharf. oct2-mwra4 .HE PHILADELPHIA IRON LINE. THE FIRST-CLASS IRON SCREW STEAMSHIPS GULF STREAM, Captain McCrery, VIRGINIA, Captain Hinckley, are now regularly on the Line, insuring a first class sea connection between Philadelphia and Charleston, and in alliance with Railroad Com? panies at both termini, afford rapid transportados to and from all points In the Cotton States, ind to and from Cincinnati, St. Louis, Chicago and the principal cities of the Northwest, boston, Providence and the Eastern Manufacturing Cen? tres. 49* The GULF STREAM, 1450 bales capacity, la appointed to sall from Brown 'a w h arr on SATURDAY MORNING, October 7th, at ll o'clock. aa* The VIRGINIA win rollo w next week. For particulars or Freight arrangements, apply to WM. A. COURTENAY. Union Wharves. W. P. CLYDE A CO., Agents, No. 12 South Dela? ware Avenue, Philadelphia. oct 3 po B BALTIMORE. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGH BILLS LADING ISSUED TO PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST, LIVERPOOL AND BREMEN. The One Steamship MARYLAND, Johnson, Com? mander, will aaU tor Baltimore, on SATURDAY, October 7th, at 4 o'clock P. M. ?sr Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that city by railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional insurance, and Consignees are allowed am? ple time to sample and sell their Goods from theRallroad Depot in Philadelphia. For Freight or Passage apply to PAUL C. TREN HOLM. Agent, oct3-5 No. 2 Union Wnarves. F OR LIVERPOOL DIRECT. The Al British steamship MILBANK E, ^fiflfc John H. Smith, Master, having a por-2^M?i? tlonofher cargo engaged and going on board, will meet with dispatch. For Freight engagements, apply to WATSON A HILL, sep25_Adger's Wharf. pACIFIO MAIL STEAMSHIP OOMPY'S THROUGH LINS TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above une leave Pier No. 42, North River, foot or Canal;_ street. New York, at 12 o'clock noon, of the 16tn and 80th of every month (except when these lates faU on Sunday, then the Saturday prece? mg. All departures connect at Panama with steam? ers for south Pacific and Centrai American ports. Departure of l&th touches at Kingston. Jamaica. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran? cisco first of every month, except when lt falls on Sunday; then on the day preceding. No California cteamers touch a: Havana, bnt go direct from New York to AsplnwalL One hundred pounds baggage free to each ad n r, Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other information apply *t the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on tte wharf foot or Canal street, North River, New York, F. R. BABY, Agent. Jjly26-iyr F OR LIVERPOOL The American Bark ST. PETER, Gage,^Q^ Master, having a portion of her cargo eh-SBK gaged, will be dispatched promptly. For further engag meats apply to J. A. ENSLOW A CO., aep30_No. 141 East Bay. I? OR BEAUFORT, S. 0. , The Steamer JPIIJOX BOY Captain w. T. MCNBLTY, Will receive Freight at Accom? modation Wharf. SATURDAY, 7th in-_ stant, and leave on MONDAY MORNING, tue Instant, at 8 o'clock-. For Freight or passage, apply on board or to RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., oct6-2 No. 177 East Bay. ?ptical. IjCONBY CANNOT BUY IT 1 FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS!! The DIAMOND GLASSES, manufactured by J. E SPENCER A CO., New York, which are now offered to the public, are pronounced by all the celebrated Opticians of the world to be the most Perfect, Na? tural Artificial help to the human eye ever known. They are ground under their own supervision, from minute Crystal Pebbles, melted together, and derive their name, "Diamond," on account of their hardness and brilliancy. The scientific principle on which they are con structed brings the core or cenrre of the lens di? rectly in front of the eye, producing a clear and distinct vision, as m the natural, healthy sight, and preventing all unpleasant sensations, such as glimmering and wavering of sight, dizziness, Ac. peculiar to all others ID ase. They are mouuted in the finest manner, in frames of the best qcallty, of all materials used for that purpose. Their finish and durability can not be surpassed. CAUTION.-None genuine unless bearing their trade mark stamped on every frame. J A y KS ALLAN, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Sterling Silverware and Optical Goods, No. 307 King street, octll-stnthlyr_Charleston. S. C. HE FOUNTAIN SYRINGE T SFLF ACTING.-NO PUMPING.-NO ALB INJECTED. The best universal SYRINGE In the market It la recommended by the drat Physicians of tb country. It ls so simple that lt cannot get out of order There are no valves, and nothing that will cor rode. One will last a life time. Dr. JOS. H. WARREN, an eminent Phislcian, 0/ Boston writes to the manufacturers: _ "From the fact of ttsstc^Uy and correct principle in the structure or you.' -Fountain &y ringe,' aud for the easy manlpiuation. practicable result, and comfort to thc patient,1 have recom c?<*n.led this instrument extensive y." ine Profession are invited to call and examine the apparatus. . For sale, wholesale and retail, by UT* a* nAI'.rt, 5o. 131 Meeting street, may30 Agent for Sonta Carolina. fiailroaos. ? SAVANNAH AND C fl AELESTO N RAILROAD. CHARLESTON. 8. C.. September 2,1871. On and after this date the MG ur TRAIN on thia Road will De dlacontlnuea until further no? tice. ? 2?? MORNTI-fO TRAIN will leave aa nanal at 8.30 A. H., Sundays excepted. Freights destined for points beyond Savannah* will ne carried through without detention, dally/ O. S. GADSDEN, Engineer and Superintendent. S. C. BOYLSTON, G. F. A T. Agent! septt NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COM? PANY. cnAnLB8TON, 8. o., February ll. 1871. Trains wat leave Charleston Dally at 6SO A. M. and 8 P. M. Arrive at Charleston 7:80 A. M. (Mondays ex? cepted) and 2:30 p. M. Train does not leave Charleston 8 P. M., sen UAH, Train leaving 8:30 A. M. makes through connec? tion to New York. Tia Richmond and Achala Creek only, going through in 40 honra. Passengers leaving by I P. Bf, Train have choice or route, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those leaving FBIDAT by thia Train lay over on SOND?T in Bal? timore. Those leaving on SATURDAY remain SUS PAT m Wilmington, N. 0. This ls the cheapest, Quickest and moat pleasant route to Cincinnati, Chicago and other points West and Northwest, both Trama making con? nections at Washington with Western trains of Baltimore and O hto Railroad. A S. SOLOMONS, Engineer and Superintendent. P. L. CL? APO a, General Ticket Agent, rebll-ismoa -. -r ?JOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. ll CHAB.LK8TON, S. 0., June 8,18TL On and after SUNDAT, Jone ll, the Passen? ger Trains on the Sontn Car juna Railroad will rnc as follows: na AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.8.30 A. M. arrive at Augusta.4.35 P. M. FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.8.30 A. IT Arrive at columbia.8.40 P. M. _^ 70S OnABXBBTOll. 4MB> Leave Augusta..... 7.40 A. ac * Arrive at Charleston.8.20 P. M. Leave columbia. 7.40 A. M. Arrrlve at Charleston.8.20 P. M. THBOUOQ WILMINGTON TBAIK. Leave Aujra-ta.8.00 A.M. Arrive at Ringville.(.06 A. M. Leave King ville. 1.46 P. M. Arrive at Augusta.T.46F.M. AUOULfA MIOHT 1I7BM8. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.,_.USF. "f. un vc at Augusta..,.vos A A. Leave Augusta.coo p. M. irrlTC at Charleston. 6.40 A. BJ. COLUMBIA MOOT tm?tal. (Sundays excepted.) ^eave Charleston. 7.10P. Bf. irrtvo at Columbia.6.00 A. lt. Lea vc Columbia....?.-.,.7.60 P. If. unve at Charleston.e.46 A. BJ. SUlOaBTILLB TBAIK. , Leave Charleston.2.46 F. M. arrive at Summerville..?.4.10 P. M. ^eave Summerville..V.oo A. M. Arrive at Charleston.8.11 A. M. CAMDIN BRANCH. * .eave Camden.6.00 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.13.40 A. M. Leave Columbia....L26 P. M. Arrive at (lamden.6.00 P. M. Day and Night Trains make close '^nnectioni At Augusta with Georgia Railroad ao l Oeanai Railroad. " f y Night Train connecta with Macon ant. Augusta Railroad. Colombia Night Train connects with Greenville .nd Columbia Railroad. Camden Train connects at Ringville dally (ex? cept Sundays) with Day Passenger Train, and runs through to Columbia and re tarts on Mon? days, Wednesdays and Saturdays. A. L. TYLER, vice-President. S. B. PICK ENS. G. T. A lan?o 0calee. BUY THE GENUINE STANDARD SCALES, More than 350 Different Modifications. . AGENTS ALSO " FOR THE BEST ALARM MONEY DRAWER. $ FAIRBANKS ft CO., No. a 53 Broadway, New York. FAIRBANKS, BROWN & CO." No. IIS Milk Street, Boston. For sale by HART & CO.? ? sep3S-tnf4mos_Charleston. 8. C gJrttge. ?qnnicalfl, Ut. R08ADALIS. _ -f EOS AD ALIS is the best Blood Purifier. EOS AD ALIS, a sure cure for Scrofula. EOSADALIS, endorsed by Physicians. EOSADALIS, a potent remedy for Rheumatism. EOSADALIS, a Remedy tried and true. * EOSADALIS, the best Altera? tive extant EOSADALIS endorsed by the following : y Dr. R. WILSON CARR, of Baltimore. Dr. T. C. POOH, or Baltimore. Dr.THOS. J. BUYKLN, of Baltimore. Dr. A, DC KG AN, of Ta rb or o', N. C. Dr. J. S. SPARKS, of Nlcholasvtle, Ky. Dr. A. F. WHEELER, of Lima. Ohio. Dr. W. HOLLOWAY, or Philadelphia. Dr. J. L. McCARTHA, of South carolina, and manv otners. See ROSADALIS ALMANAC HOSAJDAJLOJd. endorsed by Rev. DABNEY BALL, now of Mary, land Conference, formerly Chaplain in the Oon? federate Army of Northern Virginia. H08ADALI8 is Alterative, Tonic and Diuretic, and acta at one and the same time opon the BLOOD, LIVER, KIDNEYS and all the SECRETORY ORGANA ex? pelling all impure matter and building up the System to a healthy, vigorous condition H?8ADALI8 IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DO WIE, MOISE A DAVIS, ) Wholesale GOODRICH. WI NEMAN A CO., S Agesta In Dr. H. BAER, ) Charleston, mars-lv Q.OOD NEWS FOR THE SICK I LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF BEEF, (The genuine article.) TJPHHAM'S FRE^H MEAT CURE for the pre? vention and cure of Consumption, after Dr?_ Trousseau's recipe. r& Beef, Wine and Iron. Elixir Calisaya Bark. Elixir Calisaya Bark and Pyrophosphate or Iron. These and alt other new preparations are to be found at the Drug Store of Dr. H. BAEK, sepu No. 131 Meeting street.