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TESSI S OE THE NEWS. Tat DAILY N~vg, by mail ?ne year, $8; six m <ntns $4; taree moa tbs SS 60. Served In the ol ty at EieerssN OBOS a week, payable to the car? rie rs, or $8 a year, paid m advance at the ofnce. Tai TRI-WBKXLY SEWS, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, one year $4; six m mt ns $2. THB WBBKLT NBWS, one year $2. SLx copies $10. Ten copies, to one address, $15. SUBSCRIPTIONS tn ell oases payable in advance, in i no paper conunuea alter the expiration of he time paid fer. Address RIORDAN', DAWSON A CO.. No. 149 East Bay, Charleston, S.e. TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1871. NEWS OP THE WAY. . -Gold closed in New York, yesterday, at 1 liall|. -Cotton closed quiet at 1G cents; sales 2599 bales. -In Liverpool cotton cloded dull; uplauds 7ia7*rd; Orleans 7|a7jd; sales 12,0C0 bales. -Deal and dumb clerks are said to be on trial in some ol the departments In Washlng t on. -Nilsson is to favor the San Franciscans with opera as well as" concerts. Random sup? plies Verger's place in her troupe. -The New York ladies vea-, their parasols sword fashion, at their sides, when not in ose -akilling military style. -Queen Victoria Is said to have settled her favorite estate of Balmoral upon the Princess Louise: -This week, Mr. Bowen, ot South Carolina has a little engagement in Washington, to be tried for bigamy. -Many of the young men in Paris, with beardless, blooming faces, liave taken to fe? male apparel to avoid the conscript law of the Commune. -The Presbyterian General Assembly, now in session at Chicano, adopted resolutions of fraternal greeting, and transmitted them to the Baptist Assembly, in session at St. Louis. -Bishop Clarke, (D. W. Clarke, one of the Methodist Bishops, we presume,) is lying very low In Cincinnati, scarcely able to recognize his friends. -The little ship City of Ragusa is to sail from New York this week for Liverpool. Two men and a suicidal dog will aid the captain In shivering hrs tarry Toplights. -At an auction sale of old English pottery and porcelain at Sotheby's, in London, re? cently, an old teapot was sold for one hundred and ninety guineas. -No less than two hundred and twenty-four life insurance companies have been woun_ up in Great Britain within the last twenty-* six years. This ls twice as many as now exist there. -Experts differ in their estimates of the coming vintage ol California, the lowest figure named being 8,000.000 gallons, and the highest 12,000.000. Tnere is reason to believe that the vlutage of 1871 will not fall much un? der 10,000,000 gallons. -lt is said that a tourist travelling con? tinuously, without any stoppages, can now go around ihe world in eighty days, making the entire journey by railway and steamship, aud going by way of Liverpool, the Suez Canal, Ceylon, Singapore, Hong Kong, Yokohama, San Francisco and the Pacific Railway. -For some reason the medical students of Paris do not join hauds with ihe commune. They were recently convoked to conter with that body on the reorganization of the medical school. By a majority of two-thirds they re? fused any conference with tue Commune, and separated with cries ol '-Vive la Republique !" -Bismarck suffered a defeat receutly in thc German .Reichstag, on the much-bruited subject ol allowing fees to its members. Bis? marck opposed the message arrogant and selt^tisfjedjspeech, and was much aston? ished and disgusted when the house voted for the bill by 185. yoes to 136 nays. The plea for the allowance of these lees .. Ls, that the small allowance to legislators would barely suffice to cover their actual expenses. '" -M. Paul Dupont, the great Paris printer, conducted a business before the war which yielded him two hundred and fifty thousand dollars per annum, and divided ten per cent, of his profits with his workmeu according to their Individual merit. The establishment has, or had, Its schools, baths, reading-rooms, libraries, savings banks and gardens for the benefit oi its employees. It proved one of the most successful applications of ihe co-opera Uve Bystem ever kuown in France. -A New York lelter Bays: "The mystery surrounding the. seisjKie of'the. lady a^lhe 8teveus House oh April 29 ls cleared up. Miss Julia Fitzgerald, employed in a Broadway store, saw the satchel of tho deceased,"marked K. E. Harrington, and recognized lt as be? longing to her friend, Mrs. K. E. Harrington, whose maiden name was Eliza B. Seiden, niece of Ueutenaut-Governor Seiden and Gen? eral Cass, f he went on the stage when young and married Andrew Harrington, who, lt. is alleged, became a gambler and deserted her three years ugo, and is thought tobe in New Orleans. Mrs. South, ot Mulberry, ohio, who read-au account of the suicide, has written to the proprietor of the Stevens H?use, stating that she believes the woman to be Miss Seiden." , -A Boston gentleman spent thc night of April 9th on the summit of Mount Vesuvius while that volcano was in a state of eruption. He describes the crater as having three throats, so to speak, which were dissimilar in their action. One was very violent in its action, and through the night, at longer or I j shorter Intervals, it was terrific, and consis? ted in iremendous and sudden explosions in? finitely louder than those of the heaviest ar "tiller}', accompanied by the eruptiou to the height of between one hundred and two hun dred feet ot immeuse volleys of glowing sioue9 and red-hot cinders, which spread imo mag niiicent bouquets of great brilliancy. Hub ter ranean rumblings sometimes preceded the explosions, which shock the mountain lo its base. From the second throai flowed a co pious, compressed volume ol'smoke and Hame, as irom a furnace, and with no noise except that of the constant roaring of the flumes. The third ihrout ttirew out volumes of black smoke and great bouquets ol glowing cimierB, but wiih much less violence than ei her of the other two, and was accompanied with a great blowiug noise, very mucn like that of an as? cending rocket ol vast proportions. During all this time the flu* A lava was great and continuous. -The first martyr to the cause of woman's rights ls lias B;ihadoor Moroba Canobu, a Hin? doo gentleman of Bombay, jud^e ol the Small Cause Court, and distinguished among Iiis peo? ple as a social reformer. Not so mauy months ago toe whole world knew ol hun as a progres? sive man. A Brahmin of the sacred casie, he deliberately excommunicated himself by advo? cating tue right of girl-? to an education and of widows tb marry agaio. He nut only preached this doctrine, but practiced il; fur, being a widower with chtldren, he look to himself a wife irom ainoug the widows, fiie woman whom he Induced to participai* in Hus breach of tho ancient laws ot LiruhmluiMn was only twenty-five years ol' u*o, wini? he was over fiity ; out irom all accounts their domestic bliss was complete, and ia due time Bhoolee-baee, the wfe, presenietT her husband with a boy, named Hurry-bbao. OF course the whole fami? ly were declared outcasts, although the father and husband occupied one of the highest offi? cial positions allowed a native, and not only this, but his persecutors induced his children by his first marriage to bring suits of a most unnatural and vexatious kind against their erring father. The couple endured social in? dignities and public persecution for some time, until at last life became too cruel for them.; and one morning those who came to draw water at the broad-mouthed well in Mo robaM garden found his scarlet turban on the parar, et. The bodies of husband and wife were found below, clasped in an embrace and bound lightly together with the long neck? cloth of the judge. They had folded their bedcbthes neatly, put off their slippers, and taker the plunge together, driven to suicide for practical d?votion to woman's:- rights The todies were burned like ^arWas,.-without the sacred butter or the fire from the temple ; hut ought they not to be canonized ? Thc Franco-German Treaty. "Treaties ace made to be brui:*n." So say uh? satirists, and certainly not wituovr. reason. For whenever the will of an auto, erat, or the temper of a nation becomes res? tive tinder the} restrictions of a treaty, they easily find a protest for setting the contract [?aside, just as lawyers have always been able ! to drive that proverbial coach-and-four through any act of Parliament. To be sure, the violators of a treaty must be prepared to tight. And for this reason it has come to pass that treaties are binding only on weak State3 and minor powers. The great and strong are a law unto themselves. It is sad to be forced-to make such an admission, foi* it seems all but conceding that might makes right. But as long ns human nature re? mains as it has been'heretofore, and as it is now, we fear that constitutions, laws and treaties, however carefully framed, and how? ever hedged round with checks and balan? ces, pains and penalties, will be but tempo? rary-mere compromises; the work of a hoare, of experts, formulating accomplished facts, nothing more. A treaty, therefore, may be considered binding for the time being, but cannot be considered a finality. The treaty of 1815, perhaps one of the most laboriously constructed compacts between natio as in the annals of histor}*, was, doubt? less, the best agreement it was possible to make at Hie time by the high contracting powers represented at Vienna; but before many years had elapsed, one after another of those powers 'found what seemed to them good reasons for picking holes in it, till at lust Ute old instrument was found to be all tatt?red and torn-in fact, past mending Then: has npw been another shuffle of the cards, and the map of Europe has once more been reconstructed, though not by Na? poleon, whose Angers foryears had a strange itching for this job. History here again re? peats itself The Treaty of Vienna, the most important of modern times, as we have Jtatec, foHowed the downfall of Napoleon ihe Fi ret, and the Treaty of Frankfort is the .e8ultof the fall of Napoleon the Third. Time must tell how lasting .this latter com? pact Ls to prove. Its element of strength ies it; the fact that it is the legitimate out? growth of the struggle for nationality, ene )f the leading factors in the history of Euro jeun* civilization of tho present century, [little by little has this great temple been :onst.*uct*d. First, we have the war for the udepindeuce of Greece; then the ro vol* ti o a roding in the establishment of the Kingdom if Belgium; next Italy, struggling for au ojiouiy, tked of being a mere ."geographi .calideu;" ami. lastly Germany, "unifying 'herself"-as the phrase awkwardly has it. ts u mutter'of course there are heads bruis d anil bonee broken in these struggles for ew boundaries. Where there is a victor aero :s always a victim; and war is a rough ;ame. Individual rights, or the law of na ions, ure not uufrequenily set aside, or eckleasly trampled upon, when found iu the alb lo the object sought. , Thhi is the case in regard to the treaty ist concluded between Germany and France, .lsuct nud Lorraine at e to be Germanized ot merely upou the nationality principle, ir if it were left lo the plebiscite, the dwel? la" tn ??ose two nrovtooeamigbl flake it into heir L ends to cho?.se to remain Frenchmen, lihiaiy considerations require the annexat? ion; though "nationality" is given as one f the rearons for the step; and hence uone ut the German-speaking provinces of 'rance have been annexed. The German eoplu entertain the hope, sincerely, we be eve, that, by .kindly treatment the con ciousness'of their German nationality will ? revived in tho people of Alsace and Lor? aine. The recent events in Paris have cer ainly facilitated thc task of the German talesmen; and the growing lustre of the ?erman Empire will also have its eflocL ?'lins we read that already in Strasbourg a aeetiag of about ninety maires has been leid, at which a series of resolutions were dopted asking for the establishment of a :ompiete University in their city, and also or the immediate representation of the pen? ile ki iii? German Parliament. If Ihe new provinces, as is likely to be' the :ase, will soon he completely Germanized, the .ran.- fer of about 5000 square miles and over )ne nnd a half millions of inhabitants some? what affects the relative position of France ind Germany umoug the Great Powers of Europe.' France, which before the war had 53,000,000 of Inhabitants, will be reduced to ibout 36.000,000; Germany, which bud like? wise oS.OOO.OOO, vvill be ruised to about 40, 300,000.. Tuts disparity, it will be seen/is t titer all not. very great; 'nd, U3 far aa it I lt'pends on population alone, France is very ar, as some of her distressed sons feared, . rom being reduced to a second rank power. t 3vtui now when her foreign colonies are -ounted tu, sue hus a population consider ibly exceeding that of Prussia. The inipor auca of the territorial chutige, which has tow 'been finally ra Hied by the Treaty of frankfort, urn only be appreciated if we t .onsider that Germ my, while the equal of 1 frat-ce iu population, displayed a strength e nUniti'ly superior, and that, therefore, the j ( ruuifer of two of ihe most flouris?lng prov' ucen of Prance tnu3t increase thia superiori- j y in it manner which will muke another t iggressive war ou the part of Frauce for a oug limo neariy irnfjoB6ibie, unless it lie in illiunce with anuthe. great power. A dis- -t tiulity of Fruucu togo to war with Germany ti a.elves the impttssibUlty to continue for ihe im?; being au itiiciuni opposition to the tur? fier progresa ol the national unity ot' Ger aacy. This may very soon prove to be the most important of all the consequences of the Treaty of Frankfort- In tb? opinion of tie German people, the edifice of National TJnity is still incomplete. Of the countries which until 1866 were represented In the Federal Diet, two are still outside of the new Empire, the German provinces of Austria and Luxembourg. The latter is reported to be on the eve of reconnecting itself with Germany. At all events the Luxembourg question has now dwindled down to utter insignificance in comparison with the ques? tion a3 to the., fate of German Austria. Leaving out of account the Germans in Hun? gary, there is in Austria a compact German population of about 8,000,000, who take-the deepest interest in the greatness and the glory or the German nation, and who now cannot help regarding the Emperor and the Reichstag of Berlin as the great banner bearers of the German interests. A*VVESTEBN contemporary makes an In-: I teresting estimate of the gain in Congres? sional representation which mpst accrue to the Southern States under the new census. By the emancipation of the Blave population two-fifths of that aggregate, or say 1,680,-. 000, have been added to the representative basis of these States. In 1860, out of 253 representatives, the slaveholding States had 84, or one less than one-third; they willn?w, out of 280 members, be entitled, under the census of 1870. to 104, or ten more* than .one-third of the whole house. funeral Notices. MORRIS,-Died, on the morning of the 22d In instant, ST. JCUEN MAZYCK, infant daughter ti Wm: R. and A. St. J. Mon is. pS*TRE RELATIVES AND FRONDS* of the family arc invited to attend the Funeral Services at No. 0 Glebe street, THIS AFTKRNOON, at 4 o'clock." may 23* pS-THE FRIENDS AND AfQTJAINT TANCES of Mr. and Mrs. JO .IN GONZALEZ, and of their respective families, are respecfully invit? ed to a*'end the Funeral M-rvlces of the latter, at St. Pa .lek's Church, THI3 AFTERNOON, at half past 4 o'clock. may22-* pS* THE RELATIVES, FRIENDS AND Acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. C. Gerken, and or their Bun, HENRY DOSCHBR, and of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Behrens, and Mr. and Mr?. Eide Wir man, and of Mr. John Wlrman and of Mr. Henry Voig\ are respectfully Invited to attend the Fane ml of their son, HENRY DOSOHER, THIS AFTER? NOON, at 4 o'clock, from his late residence, corner of Morris and Smith streets. '_may23-? ?bitnarrj. MOORE.-Died, ar. his residence tn Gllll-oiivllle, Beaufort County, S. C., on Monday, the 15tit of May, 1871, JOHN MOORS, iu the sixty-eighth year of his age. ? # FITZSIMONS.-Died.-on the 13th April, at Rice Hope plantation, near Georgetown, S. 0., PAUL FITZS iii ONS, In thc 40th year of his age. '-The law of kindness was upon his Ups and ever flowed from his heart,'' f ?pecial Stances. O'NEllX^v^McKE WK-N OTIC E ls hereby given to all persons whose claims against the Estate of thc Rev. P. O'NEILL have been proved and allowed, to call on th* subscrib? er, at the Courthouse, and receive the Fifth Divi? dend of Five Per Cent, on their, c.alms, at any time between 4 and 6 o'clock P. M. may23-3 JOHN B. GRAY, Receiver. ps* C0?NTY TREASURER'S OFFICE, FIRE PROOF BUILDING, CHARLESTON, 8. C., MAY 20. 1871.-NOTICE TO DELINQUENT TAX? PAYERS OP 1868 AND 1869.-The delinquent taxes tor 186-and 18se are now being received at the Uonnty Treasurer's Oflloe. Persons paying the lame before June 10th will save additional coBts of idvertislng, Ac. After that date the personal property of delln ineuts will be levied upon and sold at public ven lue to the highest bidder. WM. GURNEY, may22-6 County Treasurer. .MESSRS EDI ORS-PLEASE AN? NOUNCE as a Candidate for Mayor, at the next duniclpal Election, the name or General JOUN ?. VAQENER, and oblige may 17 A FRIEND ''O ItEFORM pS* NOTICE.-OWNERS OF LOTS ON iullivan's Island are hereby notified that the trad duty for the year 1871 must be paid t?*he 'rea-mrer, at offloe No. 15 Broad street, on or be ore the 31st day of M iy, instant. By order or the Town Council of Mouitrieville. D. B. G ll.LI LAND. raay3-wstu3stu6 Treasurer. pS* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN n all Sub-Agents of trie Land Commission, that, rom and after the arst day -T March, 1871, they rill report oil their proceedings to Hon. F. L. 'ARDOZO, Secretary nf the Advisory Board ROBT. O.'DBLARGE, L. C. S. S. C. Columbia, February 2s. I87t. marl! pS* BAKER'S CITRATE MAGNESIA. . splendid preparation. Completely superseding lie usc of all nauseous purgative Medloines? Sold y Druggists. JNO. C. BARER A CO., Philadel hla. ) A full snpply on hand hy DR. H. BA ER, feb7-tuthsfiinris No. 131 Meeting street. p?~ PURIFY" TUE BLOOD -IT IS AN stubbs lied fact that a very largo class of dh-or ers can ouly be cured by such reraedle-i as will nter uno the blood, and irculatc with U through very p rliou of the body; for by this m?'ans only ap the remedv be brought Into immediate con act with the disease. To obtain this desirable nd. no preparation has ever been so uniformly ucccssful as Da. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE. Scro aia. King*-" Evil, Oaiicer and Can corona Tumors, Vhlte Swellings, Kulargeiucnt of the Bones, Ihroulc Rheumatism anil Gout, Emptive ?ls uses of the skin, OM and Indolent dcors, ?oltrou*? Swellings nf the Throat, Ac, are cured itltn a certainty which has astoniftued every ue lolder. fr. is, he-ides, one of thc most pleasant trueles that can tie taken into the stomach; oper itlng a^ a ionic, li moir ves Dys-pcpsia and Nerv ins Affections, and im:i irts a glow of animation in health unequalled by anything lu the whole iaterla Me.-li-a. Sold by all DiUttglsts. 'JOOD tICU. WIN Kl LAN & 00., Wtiolesale Ageuts. may20-siutli3 , pS* THE U"CSEUOLD TONIC.-THE iQlcacynf HOS .13 (TERM CE .Eil RA CED STtiM u:il BITTERS aa a specific for recruiting the eu ceblud body and cheering the desponding mind las passed Into a proverb*, lu the United states, vue: e this marvellous ionic has borne do wu alt ?pposl lon and eclipsed alt rivalry, the demand or it has annually increased n a heavier ami lea vier ratio tor years, until at last the regular ?ales of this preparation exceed those of all other itomachlcs commited. Eminent members of Hie nedicai profession, and ho piulsuigeous without lumber, have candidly admitted that, ihe phar naco: sela of thc faculty contains no pre>?cri?jilja hat produces such beneficial effect* lu dyspepsia, jeneral -leoiiiu anil nur vous diseases as HOSTET - rER'S BITTEKS. To use the language 01 a ven? dable physician of New York, "1 he Hitters are he purest niimiHai.t and the safest tonic we lave." But the uses of the great vegetable anti lo e are much more compreliensive than such ira is? would imply. As a preparatory antidote o ?pid?mie disease, a genial stimuaur, a pro noter or co- ?hu ion;d vigor, an appi-tizer, a tomachtc, und a ramed, for nervous debility, no uedlelual preifciration Ivas ever .U;tined ene repn ailon Of UuSTETTER'-> BITTER'S*. It ls the. lousehold mule or Hie i merlon people, and, tn ,d human pronamlity. tvdi be so fur centuries to nme, Tue magna es of science reoognize Its nerita, amt that il l- emphatically tho medicine f the masses, ts proved by its van and ever In rcaslug sales. may20-6MC Sprnat Notices. ~^B^C?NSiGNEES^?EBr- S?1TOOK WALTON, from New York, are hereby not: that she ls THIS DAT discharging at Adj North Wharf. Consignees will pisase call a flee of WM. B. HERIOT, underwriters' agent, sign average bond, before Goods can-be remo All-Good not signed for and remaining on w arter snnset will be stored at their risk a?d pense. WILLIAM ROACH A CO., m ay 23-1_'_ Agen I CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSI JAMES ADGER, from New York, are notified I she ls discharging cargo, at Adger's Wharf. Gt not called for at sunset will remain on the wi at owners' risk. ' JAMES ADGER A'CO., may23-l Ajrenl ?3r CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSI "VIRGINIA," from Philadelphia, are hereby tilled that she will discharge cargo TO-DAY Brown's Wharf. Goods uncalled for at sm will remain on wharf at owners' risk and pense. WM. A. COURTENAY, Agen may23-l_'_. NOTICE.-HAVING BEEN l POINTED SUB-AGENT by Messrs. E. SEBRI & CO.. and J. L. MOSES, Esq., I beg to inform friends and thc public that 1 am now pr?par?e RECEIVE ORDERS FOR TICKETS for the So Carolina Land and Immigration Gift Concerte. F. VON SANTEN. No 229 King street, ' Next door to the Academy of Music maj23-i_ ?&" NOTICE.-THE- BATTERY BAT INC-HOUSE, off White Point Garden, has b thoroughly repaired in ailits various departmei and 4s now opened for the accommodation visitors. Thank mg the public for past f?vor would tao-ii respectfully solicit their patronagi maylo-tnths M. McMANMON, Proprleto) THE STATE OF SOUTH CAE LINA-BEAUFORT COUNTY.-Court or Comrr Pleas, Second C rcuit.- JOHN H. SCREVI Guardian o*r HARRIET A- GAD-DEN, Plaint against'FREDERICK LANG BALLE, na Heir La--- or DAVID M. LANGBALLE, Deceased, 1 rendant.-summons r^* Reitet To the Dcrcndanf above mentioned: You i hereby required and snmmor.ed to answer t complaint m this action, or which a copy w fled in the tfflco of The Clerk if the C.iurt Comrao: Pleas for tho County of Beaufort, In t State afore.-oJd, o i the ninth day of Muy, 18 : and to serve a copy of your answer on the st scrlbers, at th lr office, In Beaufort.-South Cai fina, within twenty days arter the service or tl summoun upon you, exclusive or the day ot si vice. lr you fulHo answer the complaint with i that time, ihe Plaintiff will apply to the Court f the relief demanded in the comp amt, Dated Beaufort, May 9th, 18:i. BELL A BARNWELL, P.alntlff's Attorneys. To the D fendant, PRE ?JERIOK LANGBALL Take notice that the summons In this action, which the foregoing ls a copy, with complaint a nexed. was & ed In the Office or the Clerk of tl i ourt or Common Pleas, for the County orBeaufot In the State afore aid, on thc 9th day of May, 187 Tue object or said, action ls the Foreclosure of Mortgage of Real Property, In this State, executi hy DAVID M. LANGBALLE to the Plaintiff, c the llih day of'July, 1860. Dated Beaufort, So. Ca., May 9th, 1871. BELL ft BARNWELL, maylt>-tu6_Plaintiffs Attorneys. ZW CHAHLEST?t? BIBLE SOCIETY. The Treasurer or the Charleston liible Society wi receive Subscriptions or Donations at his omet No. 68 East Bay, corner of Atlantic Wharr. Til payment of Two Dollars will constitues person member ror one year. Bibles are kept on han for distribution. The Society, has one Co'porteu In the field, and solicits aid to introduce anothei Persons Interested in the work or seeking furthe information win please cai: on the Treasurer. J, N. ROBSON, apr28-amoB_Treasurer C. B. S. par- MEDICAL NOTICE.-PATIENT! suffering from Diseases pertaining to the GRNlTi DRINA RY ORGANS, will receive the latest seien elfie treatment by placing themselves under thi care oi Dr. T. REENSTJERNA, orBce No. 74 Hase street, three doors rrom the PostoiHce. 8ep20-tnrhlyr_._ iSEST READ CAREFULLY FEVER AND AGUE. The only preventive known ror Chills and Feve: IS the ase of Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. WOLFE'S SCHIE? SCHNAPPS Is good lor Dyspepsia. WOLFE'S SCHIEDA1I SCHNAPPS Is a preventive of Chills aud Fever. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS ls good Cor all Kid ney an I Bia ider Complaints WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS Is used all over the World by Physicians in theil practice. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS Is good for Gout. WO! FE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS lR good lorall Urinary complaints. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS Is recommended by all the Medical Faculty. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAITS ls good for Colic and pulu in th-; si omach. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS ls imuated and counicrieited, and purchasers will have to u.-e caution iu purchasing. I beg leave tu edi thc attention ur nie reader to testimonials'injavor ol the Schnapps: I reel bound to say that I regard your SC?NAPPS ns being lu every respect pre-eminently pure, and deserving or medical patronage. At all events lt lt tue purest possible article ul' Hodund gin. here? tofore uuobtainaoic, and as such may bo Barely prescribed Oy physicians'. ? . ' ' ll A.VI ll L. Ul OTT. M. D., : Pharmaceutical Chcmisi, New York. LOUISVILLE, Ky., September 1. I reel that we have now an attune oi gm suit? able for sueh cases as that remedy ls Adapted to. Ult. J. W. Ililli)UT. "Schuapps" ls a remedy in chronic catarrhal complaints, Ac. 1-take great pleasure in -bearing highly credit? able testimony te Its cincacy as a remedial agent in tho diseases lor which you recommend lt. Having a natural tendeucy to the mucous sur? faces, with a slight degree or stimulation, I re card it as uue ol the most Important remedlesui chronic caiarrhal affections, parucularly those ?I the geulto-uriuary apparatus. With much re meet, your obedient servant, CH?S- A. LK.IS, M. D., New York. No. -'6 PIXS Si KEET, N. Y.. NOV. 21, 18t?7. UooLrno WOLFS. ESQ.. l*reseiU: ?EAI? stn-l hare mane a chemical examination or a sample or* your "Schiedam Schnapps,'1 with the intent ol determining if any foreign or Injurious substance find been added lo tue s.mple distilled spirits. The examination has re>uited In thu conclusion that thu sample coutaiued uo poisonous or harm? ful admixtures. I have been unable to discover any trace of the deleterious substances winch are .sometimes employed In the aunitcratlon of liquors. I would uot hesitate to use mvsetr, noi to recommend to others, for medicinal purposes, the "Schiedam Schnapps" as an excellent ?iud unobjectionable variety of gin. Very respectfully yours, (Slgucd) CHAS. A. SKtiLY. Chemist. CnEurc.-.L Asn TECHNICAL LABORATORY, I 18 KxcitANUE PLACE, N. Y., Nov. ?a. 1M67. J UOOLPHO WOLFK, Esq. : DEA it sm-Tue under? signed have carefully and thoroughly analysed a sample ol your bromarle Schiedam Scnapps." selected by ourselves, and have found the same free rrom ail organic or inorganic subs lances, more or less Injurious to heall h. From the result or our examination we consider the article one ol superior quality, healthful as a beverage, and ortcctnal (41 it-< medicinal qualities. Respectfully yours, (Signed) ALEX. TRIPPE!., Chemist. FRANCIS E. KNOELHARD, M. D. Por sale by all respectable Grocers and Dru gists. U DOLF HO WOLFE'S EST.. mar2l-3mos No. 22 BEAVER STREET, ?. T. i?Tceti?igs. TTTTABHIMG?ON LODGE, ^To.^oT ATT VJ M.-An Extra Communication t)f thia LcoVe 'wl.i be bald To SO?.ROW EVENING. 24th instant, at 8 o'clock. The Bretnren will please be punctual, as basinets of importance to every member of the Lodge will be considered. Ky order W. M. T. E. STROTHER, inay23-^_Seeietary. PIONEER ?TEAM FIRE COMPANY OF AXttEN.-Attend an Extra Meetlnsr of your Company on? THIS (Tuesday) EVENING '?3d in s tu n r. at 8 o'clock preel?ely.- Pul attendance desired, as buslniss of ?importance will be tils cussc. By order Presiden! SMYTHE. may23 J. W. McKENKY. Secretary. T~"HE REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING of the Sans souci Club will be heH THIS KTBK1MO, May 23d. at 8 o'clock. Members are I-particularly requested to be punctual, ns busi? ness QI importance will be submitted. Also come prepared to pay arrears. . Bv order. J. EUG ENE ST. AMANO, may23->_secretary S. S. C. jTTlfNA STEAM FfSE ENGINE COM /TJ PANY.-Au Extra Meeting of tills Cora pan. win be held at the hall of the "hume Hnu-e, on WEDNESDAY VENING. 24th inst ant, at hair past 8 o'clock. Honorary, Contributing and Ac? tive Members- are earnestly r- quested to ai tend, as business or Importance 'fill be considered. By order of Officers. may23-2 ? 111 an: 5. W" TNTED~A NO.TW ?SHEE-APPLY at No. 13 South Bny. may931* WANTED, BY A RESPECTABLE White Girl, a Blina lou as chambermaid or to mind children. Nc'objections to travel. Apply at No. 10 King street._.atay23-2? W"ANTED, A MAN HOUSE SERVANT to Kian Flat Rock until November. Un? questionable reference required. Apply at north? west corner Rutledge and Montague streets. mny23-2 T*/ANTED, A NURSE; SETTLED Ty WOMAN preferred. Must come welt re? commended. Apply <it sash Factory, King street, opposite Cannon. ma*23-2* CAPITAL WANTED.-A PLANTER having good pasturage lands dtsires rc en? gage tu raising stock, und I* prepared io offer In? ducements to a capitalist who will Join him tn the business. For particulars, apply to WAHD LA W A CAREW, corner Broad aud Suite Btreeta. maj 15-mthta 4*_ AN ACTIVE YOUNG MAN (SCOTCH) wants a situation; is acquainted wah Dry Gooda and Groceries; Isa cood Accountant, und willing lo make himself generally us-lul. ' CHU glvvtlrsr-c'itSK rete.enees. Address Veritas. Offlie of TUB NEWS._. may is AYOUNG LADY IN THE COUNTRY wishes a -it nallan ns Companion or House? keeper in the city or country. For terras, and other particulars, address "B," DAILY NEWS ottilie._npr2x WANTED TO RENT. BY A PUNCTUAL ' and permanent lea ant, a neat and pleas? antly situated dwell,nLT. containing not less than lour square rooms. The western part or the city, 'or the neighborhood nf thc Battery preferred. Ad? dress statt OL' location and lowest rent, '-Te?an*..'' ortlee of Tua Nsws. ai rl8 ?LO UCIU. To RENTTTH?TI?ES?R^^ DENCE. No. 59 Smith Htreet. Possession .given Immediately. Apply nt Sk. 6 Liberty street. ma-23-t*_?*_. TO RENT, PART OF TUE BUILDING In rear of No. 3 Pitt street, containing two linc large, and one small Room and .Pant ry, RNO ? , Kitchen Room, underneath Apply at No. 3 Broad Btreet._._may20-stn2' TO RENT, THE WHOLE OR PART OF. an elegant and commodious Residence, in tue western part of the city, having a fine garden attached, and all neee&sary outbuildings. Pos? session given immediately. Apply .to G. N. BER NARP, No. 86 Broad street._may*t-tus8 KOSEVILLE COTTAGE, AT, AIKEN, IO LET for the summer, a? moderate re-jt. reaches ami Grapes fdr family use supplied gratis. AdtlreSs J. 0.DERBY, Aiken, s. 0. rany8 TO RENT, A SUMMER RETREAT IN the Town of Audersun, S. C.-a beautiful Cottage, contalnlugsix rooms, partially furmsiied. The garden ls in a high sto.te or cultivation, and the surroundings all that cnn tie desired tor sum? mer comfort ?;id pleasure. From May to October* lhere ls not a more agreeable lm-aUiv to South Cand?na.- Apply to F. G. DB FONTAINE, at th? Mills Un use, or to M., Box IOU, Anderson, S. C. aprlT if or Sale. WH??PPTNG PAPE??FO?rSALE.-^OLD NEWSPAPERS in large i r sinai quanti: ?es. Pnce 50 'ENTS PER HUNDRED. Ap,dy at the office of TUE NEWS. . m:iyl8 NEWSPAPERS.-FOR SALE A QUANTI? TY of the above. Ai-ply at Board of Trade rio ms, No. lat Meeting sn ecL novio-tu LXlii- SALE, SEVhR.vL SEWING MA? AT CHINKS, ol' good qiiauty, .which are offered . heap. Call at No. 27 f,> men street, betweei led mg street-:. Mill WOOD SAWED AT 60 CENTS PER cord for each cul, from and after this date; and sold at WM. JOHNSON'S WOOD AND COAL YARD, east end Laurens street. juu20-lauio ABARGAIN 1-TU Pl* IN TE HS AND HOOK Bl ND Kits.-A Rumiles Wood Frame Paper cutler, will be sold low for casu. Is nearly new. cuts 23 Indies, and ha-s au extra knire. charge for package. Pri?e $40. Apply, ai TUE NEWS Job office. mar.? jEos? urtu JJH??C. L~OST7 ON-TBE EVENING O? THE 17i h Instant, <>n King si ree', between Bn>ad and George streets, a BllA -S SOZZbE, belong ng >o the Monow ll ure Eugine lithe pen-on who faun it wilt return Hie ?une tu the undersigned a rowam win be gl>en. WM. y. MILLICH. Secretary .stonewall F. E- Cumpauy. mayas-a LOST. ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON. In King street, between the Stures o:' Mr. tO..WfN arid Mr. FALK, a Buckskin WALL T, cr nta nmg a sum of roo i?y and a memorandam. The nader wUi ne rewarded, by leaving tim same at No. $ Ruiledge ai reet.- may23-l* ?oarcmtj. BO ARDING. - A FEW GENTLEMEN, csu he yeeninin I a1 tal with good boan) au.i pleasant rin?ra>, mi moderne terms, uv ap? plying at. No. 12 Wentworth .street. ?D.vY BO vRiJ fMr als > furnlsiii d. m n lo titinooaie. MADAME LUZIEK, PARISIAN DBBSS UAKEIt, na? removed ui No. 238 RING arttEET, east side, between Marker, and llasel streets._apris VrOTIGB.-THE "EQUITABLE LIFE "1 ASSURANCBSOCIE'?',V.',bf Ne-? Vork, fr\vr ?euioved from No. ill Meeting street to their aew o;llce, No. 20 BRUAH STREET. WM. B. SHAW, fehis 'ifiieral Atrent. ?RilUnern, .Dressmaking, j?c. jyj A D'A" ?? E iV ? Z?KR,' " P?RISIA N DRESsMAlvBR, No. 238 KINO STREET. BAST SIDE, BETWEEN MARKET ANO II VS li,, (UFSTAIRS.) FINE FRENO ll CORSETS M IDE TO ORDER. PRICES. REASONABLE. mario URAL CA lt O L IN IAN FOR MAY NOW READY. CONTENTS AS VA lt I ED AND INTERESTING AS USUAL. Price-For single number.25 coats Per annum.$u'M For sale by WALKER. EVANS A COGSWELL, Publishers, No*. 3 Broad street. AND BY BOOKSELLERS KVEliV WHERE. mar2r. ?yooi ?iiotiou J & P. COATS' SPOOL COTTON. We have In stock anal iv.ll always keep anas sortaient of GOATS' TURRAD for sale at New York trade prices. JOHN G. MILNOR A CO.. febll stutuemoa No. 135 Mealing street. rp?E^FlBsi A.NNUAL"P?C1?Q; OF;THK G E B M A:N IA BUND. Will be glvea at the MOUNT PLEASANT HOUSE, TO MORROW, THE 21TH LNSTANT. The'Stenmer will leave the Wharf at tho foot of ! Market street, at io A. M., and l, 3 and 5 30 P. M. Returning, on the last trip, at 10 P. M. COMMITTBL: 0. P. GARDNER, Chairman. F. Wi MEYER, " F. W. KRH3TE, J. H. OTJEN may33-l Q AROLIKA DRAMATIC CLUB. (Old Freundschaftsbund Hall, 61 Eoclely St) Benefit Tendered to the CAROLINA DRAMATIC CLUB, WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY SO, 1871, Tom Taylor's standard Drama. STILL WATERS RUN DEEP,. And the Laughable Farce, . UNWARRANTABLE INTRUSION. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance com? mencing at 8 o'clock. 'Tickets Si; to he had ac the following stores: WM. SCHRODER, (Cigar Store) B. K. NEUF VII.LE, BOINEST A-MARTIN, FOGARTIE'3 Book House. VON SANTEK'S Bazaar, CHARLES RICHTER'S Book Store, Hasel street; HOLMES' Book-House. . . jg*No Reserved Seats. may23-tnth33iatnw3 P-I C N IC OP LA CANDEUR LODGE, No. 36, A. F. M.. AT THE SCH?TZEN PLATZ, On Wednesday, May 21 th, V 71. Omnlhuses will be In attendance the wt ole day, and carty p rtlclpants to the gate. Tickets can be ebtalnr? from the undersigned comirrrsB :. D. MULLER. J. MADSEN. WM. t KfHER. J. J. BOKOER, HENRY WA OE NE ti. . may22_ airs ?ocfjo, JUST" OPENEDTCIIEAP I-OBT CASHT THE FOLLOWING GOODS* . Large lot CORSE I'S, from 40 c.s. to $1 60 /J er pair,. very cheap so dozen Ladies' White Cotton Hose, at 25, worth 30 cents 160 dozen Gent's Brown Hair Hose, at 12J?, 16, 20, 26 to 40 cents 300 dozen Boys' and Misses' Hose, at 12M cents, worth 20 t<> 25 cents 20 dozen Gent's Gauze Merino Shirts, at 60 oect3, very cheap 300 dozen Linen Cambric Udkra., ate*. 10, ux, 16 and 20 cents each 60 di x h lluck Towels at the low price of 12>? ind is cents . \ 50 dozen Super Towols, at 26 to 60 cents 60 dozeu Damask Napkins, at $1,125,1 .%o and $2 pt-r dozen loo dozen shirt Bosoms, at 15,20, 26, 30 tt 50 cents sup Wt and 8-4 half-bleached Taote, at 35 to 60 cents 8-4 Bleached Damask. 70 and 36 cents A full I ne in Irish Linens, at 25.30, 40, SO to 75 cts. We beg to call special attention to our stock of the i ol: owing Goods, which we arc offering at very low prices: Piala Nainsooks, 16, 20. 25 cents Fig a rt d 'Swiss, 20 to 50 dents SpencerMuullns, 40 to-76 cents Swiss Muslins. 12s to 50 cents Mull M usn i is, 20 to 60 ce ms . Nainsoou Muslins, 20 to 60 cents White Pique, 15,20, 26 to 60 cents Large lot Hamburg Edgings, at 15, 20,25, 10,35 eta. 2 cases New sty ie Punts, at I2J??; 4-4 Figured English Cambrics, 25c; tot fist colors Misllus, IQ and l'.!>ic; lot English .Bateges, very .clieap; lot Figured Linea Lawns, very cheap; super Apron Linens, 25c; BrowH Linen Drills, 15, 20 aqd 25c: Cotton ades, 20 sad 26c; summer Cassia teres and Tweeds, a fall noe at low prices. Wf respectfully sultan an examinant n of our stock bet?re purchasing, as we guarantee to sell as cheap as any bouse in the city. Resrectruly, 1 STOL'-, WEBB A; CO., may23-tnth2 Nos. 237 and .289 King street. Groceries, fciqnors, #1:. H ATHORS SPRINGS WATER Bogen A Son's DIAMOND SPARKLING CATAWBA WINE Btnnltiger'.s OM London Dock Oin, Old T sm Gin Assorted French Brandy; Fruits,.in quartjars Assorted Frenen Fruit-, In own juice, put np in glass stoppered decanters Frental Pickle?, jn fancy Jars india currie, in flasks Yarmouth Bloater Paste. Amhovy Paste French Mustard, lu glass pots Queen's Olives, Capers, Bordeaux Clive Oil, Florence Olive Oil, iu flasks, and tiengal Chutney. . " E. E. BEDFORD, Late W. S. Oorwin A Co. i.anli_No. 276 Kine street. VfEW BUTTER, IMITATION ENGLISH Xl CHEESE, AC. RECEIVED PER RECENT ARRIVALS. Choice New GOSHEN BUTTBR, Jenny Lind Im? itation English Oneesu. Mild Factory Chose, Pine? apple Cheese, You g America Cheese, Eidam and Sup >ago Cheese, Extra ked Tong nee and* Breakfast Bacon Strips. Ctio'?e Pickted B:?ef, Fam? ily Plg^Pork and Pic led ox longues. SUOAR-CURE? HAMS. Durneld's, American,. Whcstpiialla, Whitaker, Extra Star, Davis's Diamond, and the' celebrated White Sugar-cured Champion Hams. For sale by E. E. BEDFORD, . jan ll NO. ?7o Kimr street. ??REMEN LAGER BEER ENGLISH ALES SCOTCH ALES CHAMPAGNE ALES LONDON PORTER* DUBLIN PORTERS CHAMPAGNE CIDER. S. E. BK ll FOR'), anil NO. ?7-T Km?? street. HOIOE PIG HAMS, FROM 6 TO 9 LBS., Cun always be found at JV. H. WELCH'S, S. w; corner Meeting and Market streetB. All goods delivered free. may20 O O K O U T 1 FOR THE SIGNS OF THE CROCKERY HOUSE AND CAROLINA TBA AGENCY. JOST ARRIVED AT LIN LEY'S CHEAP STORE, No. ass King street, A new supply ofthat famous DOLLAR TEA. Uso. w large lot of mat very superior YOUNG IIYsON TEA, which delights ail Tea connoisseurs '.vho luve ever tried P, and which I sed nt thc lo v price of $1 50 per pound. This t ea ls guaranteed, und lam willing to re:und the mouey tc any pur? chaser who sliojild be dissatisfied. ALSO, * A large lot of CANNED FRUIT, VEGi; TABLES AND FISH, of fie most approved brands, which will i' sold at low prices. Ag.'i.erai assortaient of Groceries, at reduced linces. (basted and Ground Rio, Laguayra sud Java ?otl'i'f.s, fre-sn every day. TKe roasting is done upon the premises, under my personal super Quahtv aud kluJs guaranteed. FilBVOH CHINA I FRENUn CHINA I rea Sets ot plain French China, 44 pieces, for $8 Tea Sets, gokl band French Chiua, 44 [ teces, for ita A lurg? assortment of French Chine for table use. Also, Fancy China Goods, Vase 1, Cologne sew, Motto Cops ana Saucers, Tete-a Tete-Sets, AC English Crockery, Glassware, Tin .vere, Hard? ware, \Vo'Ki -n.vare, baskets, .Looking Glasses, a tut a ecneral assortment of House Furnishing nonda-stud twenty-ttve per cent, cheaper than regumr deniers. Special a enuon paid to country orders, accom? panied wan casa. All inquiries t>y letter promptly answered. No charge for packing or delivering ti any pan of the city. marw-lyr JOHN W. LINLEY. ~?B&V5jL FREN?H^WHITE WINE^VlNE 80 quarter casks in Bonded Warehouse. S?r aaleTby ? y A. TOBIAS' SONS. may23-3_* * -._ gUPERIOR. ADAMANTINE CANDLES. A. TOBIAS' SONS offer for sale boxes and bau* boxes Superior AD AMANTINE CANDLES, land? ing._ ._mav23-2 BOUCHE FILS ? CO.'S CHOICE CHAM? PAGNE WINES. A. TO?IAS' SONS, Agents or Messrs. B?nens Fils A Co., or Marenll Sur Aix, France, will take orders-for either direct Importation, or vis New York, of their superior and celebrated grades of NAPOLEON'S CABINET, CARTE BLANCHE, and VERZENAY. The. trade will lind samples at oar office. may23-6tnl . _ QOGNAO AND L A ROCHELLE - BRAN ' DY, IN U. S. BONDED STORES. A. TOBIAS' SONS. No. 110 EAST BAT, Offer for sale from C. S. Bonded Warehouse, Choice COGNAC AND LA ROCHELLE BRANDY, various vintages, in Quarter casks Flftfh casks Eighth casks \ IUD Gases of one dozen bottles each. may23-tntha8mo__^_ ?JHOICE GRADES OF FLOUR. MORDECAI k GO., No. 110 East Bay, offer for Bale-? Super, Extra and Family FLOOR,' Choice Grades._may23-3 CaOICE DEJ?ERARA SUGAR AND MO .LASSES. . i ?'-??.?-'ti CARGO OF BRITISH BRIG LENA. MORDECAI A- CO, No. HO East Bay, offer for sale, landing from Brig Lena, Guion wharf, choice DEMERARA SUGAR, m titids. and bbls., and very chotee DEMERARA MOLASSES, In puncheons and bbls._ may2?-3 JJ UTTER AND STRIPS. Receiving select lots of above per every steamer from New York. For sale low by \ ,\ may23-tuth2 B. BOYD, No. 183 East Bay?, -^"ILSON'S GROCERY. WILSON'S GROCERY. WILSON'S GROCERY. WILSON'S . GROCERY. WILSON'S GROCERY. Toe largest and best WILSON'S GROCERY. selected stock of WILSON'S - GROCERY. GROCERIES WILSON'S GROCERY. to be found in WILSON'S " GROCERY. CHARLESTON! WILDON'S ORO OER Y. To which WILSON'S GROCERY. HOUSEKEEPERS' WILSON'S . . GROCERY. ATTENTION WILSON'S GROCERY. ls especially Invited. WILSON'S GROCERY. ONLY NILSON'S ORO<"!? RT. FIRST CLASS GOODS WILSON'S OR06ERY. ? ' handled. ? WILSON'S * ' ?' GROCERY. 306.KING STREET, WILSON'S GROCERY. four doors above WILSON'S GROCERY. Wentworth Street. e WILSON'S ' GROCERY. WILSON'S GROCERY. WILSON'S. GROCERY. WILSON'S GROCERY. WILSON'S GROCERY. LI EB LG 'S EXTRACT OF MEAT, FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS, For sale at WILSON'S GROCERY, No. 306 KING STREET. UTTER, C. E. SIDES-, Ac. . 30 .tubs Choice New BUTTER. 15 and s" Choice New Batter 15 hh'ds. Ch ic . (ie ir Rib Sides 15 h ti ?is. Choice Shoulders. Landing and for sale hy may22-2_TIEDEMAN, CALDER A CO. LOUR! FLOUR! 700 bbls. Fine, Extra aud Family FLOUR. For sale by T. J. KERR A CO. m-tys-_'_. TTTAG?NBB & MONSEES, Nos. 163 AND 105 EAST BAY AND Nos. 2f AND 4 ' QUEEN STREET, Have in -Store and receiving daily a large as? sortment of FAMILY AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES; Consisting In part of : BACON, HAMS. PORK, BEEF, MACKEREL, MO LASSES, FLOUR. SUGAR. LA.Kp, SALT, SOAP, NAILS, COFFEE. TEAS, Aa, AC WAG ENE tt A MONSEES Cou ti anally have in s to e a Urge a?d well se .lected assortment of SHIP G ROO ERIES, delivered free of cartage to vessels. WAGENER A* MONSEES, Agents for isodor. Bush -A Co, St. Louis, Mo., SPARKLING GRAND DUCHESSE CATAWBA. Also, continually are supplied and have tn store, CHOICE CALIFORNIA MOUNTAIN WINE, in sixty gallon casks and demrj dins. These Wines are eg Jal to any Imported Wiues tn every respect. apr25_, UnilfMng ?laterial. QHE A P ! CHEAP! CHEAP! LUMBER f LUMBER ! LUMBER I FLOORING, LINING, CEILING, SHELVING, And all other kinds of Dressed LUMBER, also, ad kmds >4 Rougn Larmier, constantly un hand: * Offlbe Planing Mills and Yard H > n o ec t's Wnarf. east eud of Washington strt-et, and near North? eastern Railroad. JO iN G MALL iNEE. may22-8_% J-^?'ME AND LATHS. 1,550 bbls. Fresh LIME 103;b00 Laths. Landing from Schoouer Frank and Ertijly. IN s i ORB: CEMENT, Calcined and Lmd Plaster, Hair, Ac. For saw by ULS?Y A CO., may2i_' Nos, ll and 13 V-'.iiUf Raneel pDILD?'? DclP?T, No. 94 CHURCH STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. BUILDING MATERIALS bf all kinds constantly on han l und lor sale low. Agency for MAUBLEIZ. ? SLATS MANTELS, maunfacturcd by thePenmyu Marble Company, a beautuui sub-tu ute for mai me, "at reduced rates. orders for Kueaunlc Til? for flooring and em? bossed uud nt Glass lor wloduws, doors, Ac, promptly fltU-U a. luauufacurer's prices. Just received a lot of SAoUES, DLtNDS. Ac, and for sale very low. P. I). Bos 374. E. M. G Ki MK. E. may 19 , <?iu,ur3, ?o?uico, ??c. QIGARSTT?B Aca >7^?Werpr?cT^ the undersigned. Proprietor of "EMPEROR WILLIAM CIGAR EMr'O.lOU." No. 310 King street, three doors souin of Soctetv street, respect? fully states to tue smoking, C ewing and Snuf. ling public, that he has concluded o oder* extra inducements 10 Wno.esa.e uno Retail Consumers ofclOARS, TUBAOCO, ->NUFF. AC, by disposing of his Stock at such prices aa to secure a large and reliaole trade, AU uxrenMve a .d complete Lut-oruneoi or all articles in bis Uue of busluess ls kepi constantly ou naud. mvin? a faculty of lllllug, without delay, ali orders exten leo-to him, IOCO in pained With i.asri or draft on responsible rouses m the city. Purcnasers are requested to examine lils perfect stock befar? iniding else? where WM. sHRODER, d F??5mt0r 0i EMperor WUUlT CiKarlrtore!