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* CITY AFFAIRS. PERSONAL.-The friends of the Rev. Dr. Ile;nardie, whose severe indisposition has been the cause of much anxiety In this his native city, .will be glad to know that he arrived here on Tues? day, and ls thegue8t or L. Chap?n, Esq. We most earnestly hope that he will soon be restored to health, and to the ministry where he has labored with such seal and.power. WIIOLESALB-ARREST.-Last night about 10 o'clock. Lieutenant Philipp?, wttb me Detective force, made a descent upon a house In Warren street, and took Edward Sweeney, Jim Bingley, Robert Wickles, Joe Williams and Wm. Fowler, colored, pruoners. These are said to be the prin? cipals in a regular (tang of thieves, and are charged with bel?g implicated In the numerous rohherles which have occurred of late. They are held for examination, and will be brought before the Mayor this morning. SUNDAY-SCHOOL PICNIC-The annual picnic of the Wentworth street Lutheran Church took place yesterday at t>e Schutzeuplatz. The grouuds were covered with the happy throng. The "merry-go round," with its seats crowded and coursers ridden by juvenile knights, revolved unceasingly, and ball-playing and other outdoor amusements were actively kept up. A substan? tial lunch was partaken of with the keen relish of youthrul appetites, sharpened by exercise, and at j half-past 5 the train bore the joyous young pleas? ure-seekers back to the city. Miss HARRIET P. RONAN IN -'THE HUNCH? BACK. '-The fair Charleston debutante was cheer? ed last night with a highly tattering house. The j Academy was fairly mied; and among those j present, we noticed some of our most prominent j citizens. . Miss Ronan had evidently s udled her role well, acting "Julia'' with perfect ease and grace, and at times with considerable passion. The audience was highly appreciative, rewarding her eHurts with frequent applause, numerous bouquets, and calls before the curtain between the acts. Wc hope Miss Ronan will meet with distinguished success in the profession of her choice, and have a brilliant career. We bespeak for her the good offices of cur co-temporaries of the press. THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL SOCIETY.-The anniversary meeting of ibis society for the ad? vancement of Christianity in south Carolina, was held last evening, at Hoimcs's Lyceum. Ac elec? tion for officers being held, the fellowing gentle? man were chosen to serve forNte ensuing year : Rev. c. C. Pinakney, vice-president; Mr. H. P. Archer-, corresponding secretary; Mr. John Baue xe;, recording secretary. Trustees-Revs. C. P..Gadsden, W. B. W. Howe. A. T. Porter, R. S. Trapler, J. H. Elliott, T. F. Gadsden, J. D. McCullough, W. P. DuBose, LeO. _F. Guerry; Messrs. C. G. Memmlnger, W. C. Bee, A. H. Hayden, W. C. Courtney, R. W. Shand, J. B. Palmer. The attendance on the part of tt clergy and laity was good, and several Interest lng reports were read. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CONVENTION_The proceedings of yesterday's session of this body were furnished to THE NEWS at so late an hour last to preclude their publication. The bishop's address was read, giving an interesting review of the condition of the church interests in the diocese daring the past year. The document concluded wit,ri the request that the convention elect an assistant tlsnop. The election, held In pursuance of this suggestion was the feature of the day's session,- and resulted as follows: Whole j number or votes cast38. Necessary to a choice j 20. Of which Rev. C. P. Gadsden received 20; Rev. W. B.W. Howe, 15; Rev. J. S. Kidney, 1; Rev. C. C. Piackney, 1; blank 1-38. Whole number or | lay votes 41. Necessary toa choice 21. Of these; Bev. W. B. W. Howe received 19; Rev. C. P. Gads? den, 12;?Rev. W. P. DuBose, 4 ; Rev. C. C. Piack? ney, 2; Rev. J. H. Elliott, l; Rev. J. D. McCollongh, 1; Rev. J. H. H. Wingfield. 1; Rev. John Johnson. 1-41. The further balloting will take place to? day._ , MARION FIBE ENGINE COMPANY.-The thirty second anniversary meeting of the Marlon Steam Fire Engine Company was held at their hall yes? terday morulDg, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year : R. C. Barkley, presi? dent; T. S. Slgwald, vice-president; 0. A. Calder, secretary ; A. J. Jager, treasurer: W.H. Sigwald, engineer; H. L. Calder, assistant; Tao?, R. Keegan, first dlrtctor; W. H. Sturken, second director; M. Maxcey, third director; J. Plaspohl, fourth direc? tor; J. DeLe- Un, E. M. Doar, K. E. Cox, H. Linn, axmen; Dr. T. R. Aldrich, surgeon; Hon. W. D. Porter, solicitor; Rev. J. L. Girardeau, chaplain; J. W. stevens, hallkeeper. Committee on Fi? nance- T. L. Sigwald, M. Harris, J. Piaspohl. Committee on Letters-Thomas R. Keegan, W. H. Stenken, M. Maxcey. Committee un Relief-T. S. Sigwald, A. J. Jager, M. Maxcey, J. W. Stevens, W. H. Starken. Committee on Burial uround-T. S. Sigwald, A. J. Jager, G. A. Calder. After the election of officers the company ad? journed to the "Cool Blow Garden," on the Meet? ing street toad, for target exercise, with the fol? lowing result: COUPANT PRIZES. . First prize-Handsome silver Ice pit cher-F. F. Krammer. Second prize-Silver goblet-L. L. Bryant, Third pi Ize-Large cup-B. F. Axson. Best single shot-set soud silver castors-M. Blanche. OFFICERS' PRIZKS. First prize-Handsome silver Bervlce-vice President T. S. Sig walu. Second prize-Mammoth tin cup-J. C. R. Tay? lor. ?hird prize-Large cup-Dr. T. H. Aldrich. After the presentation of the above prizes, Dr. Aldrich, In behalf of the members of the com? pany, and with a few appropriate remarks, pre? sented to President R. C. Barkley a haudsome gold medal badge, tastefully engiaved by Mr. Fisher, of this city, tn the race was the presl dent's uame, the engine's name and date or In? corporation, 1839. On the reverse was "Present? ed to B. C. Barkley, president; by the members or Marion Steam Fire Engine Company, in testi? mony or their esteem, Charleston, s. c., May 12tr, 1871." Mr. Barkley, on receiving the medal from the company, thanked the members kindly for xh"lr good feelings, towards him, and assured them that he would ure lils utmost endeavors to mei lt a continuance of the sime. At 4 P. M. the company marched to their engine house, in Can? non street, and partook ur a collation, alter -.fhich the members sepuiated to prepare for the ball, which took place in the evening, at Hiberniau Hall, and which was a very enjoyable affair. THOSE TIDAL DRAINS. TO THE EDITOR OF THE NE**:?. SiR-Peimit me to reply lo your article in reference to tidal drams, lt is staled that there "was no wa'.er in the drains on Monnay night, lt isio proof that lhere was sufficient water in the drains at that time. The suction pipes of the en? gines are sume times lowered into the well so deep that Hie basket enters the mud, thus draw Irg up mud Instead of water. ALEX, WILLIAMS, K. T. D. CARD OF THANKS. At a meeting or the employees of Messrs. Walket, Evans und Cogswell, held on Friday, the 12th inst., thc following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted : ft'hertaSi We, the employees o." thc stati >nery, punting and binning establishment or Messrs. Walker, Evans A Cog? veil were the recipients 11 a picnic and excursion, to 'he Middleton Place, on Ashley River, Thursday, th? mit M..y, 1,71, generously tendered ns and our friends by Messrs. "Walker, Eva is A Cogswell; and whereas it is proper that wu shot-Id give expn s-lon of ap? preciation or an act hitherto unprecedented, and hope that an atlair so auspiciou-!y inaugurated may be the forerunner or many such happy occa? sions; therefore, be it Resolved, That we. the employes of the sta? tionery, punting anil biodtrur establishment ol .Messrs. Walter, Evans .*.- Cogswell, hereby lender xur grateful . hanks to ocr tinployers ror the pl asure wh:eh we enjoyed on the occas on of the picnic aud ex ur.-lou. JtwotPtd, That we will eve-, In our arter years, CB<*ri?li the m -inory or 1 ire oera*i.<n. Resolved, TLat thc secretary fot ward the above ?rearable and resolutions to Messrs. Walker, vaos <fc Cogswell, and nave them published in the dally lwpers or the city. H. P. COOKE, Chairman. J. M. EDWARDS, Secretary. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. At a regular monthly meeting of the Broth? erly Association, Held ou the evening or the 8th instant, the fallowing preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: iFherea ?, It has pleased the Almighty Ruler or the unlveise to remove from among na our worthy brother and ex-president, Wm. E. ;iirshall, we deplore his untimely end, bu: bow submissively to the will of Him who does all things well. There fore, be lt Resolved, That by this dispensation or Provi? dence thin association have lost an efficient and faithful member, and the community a worthy and uprigat citizen. Resolved, That while we bow in humble submls. sion to this all-wtse decree of the.Great I Am. we cannot but deplore the loss of him with whom we have spetit so many pleasant hours, and have been associate'1 with so many years. ?esolrat, That we extend to the bereaved fam? ily ol our departed brother our heartrelt sympa? thy and condolence in this their hour or need. Resolved, That In respect to the memory of our deceased brother, and as a tribute of our affec? tionate regard for his virtues and many manly qualities, a copy or these resolutions be transmit? ted to his family, and that a Hank page in our minute bcok be inscribed with hts name and dedi? cated to tis memory. t , Rcsolveil, That this preamble and these resolu? tions be published In the dally papers or this city. From the minutes. JJJO. N. GRJGG, Secretary. OFFICIAL. LIST Ol' LETTERS remnlning in the Postoffice at Charleston, tor the week ending May 12, 18T1, and printed officially in THE DAILT NEWS, as the newspaper having the .largest circulation In the City or Charleston. tS- Fer ions calling for Letters Advertised, should state that they are "Advertised." SS* Office hours rrom 8 A. M. to OX P. M. On Sundays, from 5}? to 6>i P. M. STANLEY G. TROTT, Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. Abrams, Mary Galliott, Miss AiMilier, Miss Ella w C Mitchel, Mrs Jas Agean, Mi3 Ell- Gerideau. Miss j ? za Resena Uitche.. Mrs A Al.en, Mrs L A Gibbes, Kosena ?M?trh*l, llarrlit Alexander, Mrs Graham, Miss So Mary E Sarah phia Abeeda, Sirs Su-Hawthorn, Mrs [Muse, Mi>-sU A san Mary ?M ore, Mrs Car Anderson, Mrs Balsa!, MS A El rle Ettie Ann Herman, Mts1- M ?Morns, Miss Ap'.c-r, Mt-s Jo- A Be; tis nann F Bardy, Mr- Jis ?Mi rray. Betsey Armstrong, Mrs Hani" \uit? diej (col'd) Anua F Haas, Mrs 1 >u ? Murphy,Miss Jo Austin, Miss Ad- isc lianna die Ueywan'. Mri (McCarthy, Mis* Bachman Mrs Christine i M Bell Ellen . Herman, Miss McFali, Bet'y Bell. Miss IR Mollie ; Mc Ken sie, Mrs Beult, Miss Hen-Herman, Miss Amelia rei er Mnry Offer, su.-an Blt erson, Mrs Henderson. Mrs Jane Caroline Rebecca ?Oh ant, Miss Brown, M s Herman, Mrs Mi Pedertke Null A Oldenburg, Miss Brown, Miss Higgins, Miss ! C Ellng Elizabeth 'Phelps, Mts Brown, Mis Mal- Horan, Mrs El- j drucy com M lon Picket lugs, Mrs Burch, Mrs G Irving, Miss \ Rosa Bergman, Miss Alice Pralonee, Miss Gustlu Jackson, Mrs ; Hester Cammer, Miss Juda ?Purcell. Mrs B Louisa Ja mes,Miss Mat Purse, MVs Sal Campbell. Miss tte j ile Rachel J Jenkins, Mrs .Randall, Miss Chapman, Mrs Mollie Anna sb Jenkins, Miss ?Reed, Miss Sal Chapman, Miss Jane I lie OP Jones, Miss Au-|ltlce,Annie Chesnut, Mrs na L iKivers.MrsMary Elizabeth Jones, Miss A L Hivers, Mis Sa Clinton, Mrs Johnson, Mis i rah B Louisa Mary ?lt:vet?, Mrs Liz Cooper, Miss Al-Johnson, Mrs Ul zle IUB L ?Rose. Mrs Eliza Cooper, Miss Johnson, Mrs El Bouse, Mrs Sa? ga to J I rah E Collins, ML- s A Johnson, Eliza . Seabrook, Miss M (col'd) ! Sarah A Collins,Mlss Ma- Ksnapaux, Mis Shugrue. Mrs ry Eugenia Cathrine Crighton, Mrs A Klutocb, Miss Sukr-K Miss M Sophy Alllce Days, Miss Han- Kinloch, Mrs Te-;S;ovich, Mrs M uah na A Dennis, Miss Sa- Keene, Mrs Eli- ?Sontag. Mrs O rah za ?Suberoux, Miss Dillon.- M, i Sa- Lellman. Miss Emily rahV ML Istnfford, Mrs H Dozer, Miss Ma- Lear, Miss Me- j II ry Jane bey >ell, Mrs Char Dnoose. Mrs F F Lee, Miss P J j lotte Edwards, Mrs Lee, Mrs D E Stonie, Mrs Nan Hetty Lee, Mrs Annie ! cy Ann Edwards, Miss Livingston. MrsjStewarr, MrsD Nancy Mai ie F 'Strobert. Miss Edwards, Miss Livingston, Mrs i Isahella Johanna Sallie Stelling, Miss C Elsworth, Miss Lowery, Miss Sweecy.Mrs Ma Keth Jul a rt? Emery, Mi si Ly nen. Miss. j Torney, Miss Anna C Nettle I Juila Pish burne, Mrs Mack, Chloe Voice, Mrs Ann (care o: Mr Marshall, Mrs M Ward, Mrs M Behler,) Mathew*, Mrs C Washington, Fickilng. Mrs E J Neille L Martin, Mrs C J Watson, Mrs M Fisher, Miss Manv.ll, Mrs Ho- Wei s, Mrs Anna Louisa 6a |Wtbb, Mrs E H Floyd, Mrs Julia May, Mrs Caro- Wethers, Mrs A line Susannah Frazear, Miss Marjimbofl, Miss Wight, Miss Ra Anna Mete, Mrs M W chall Freizelr, Mrs Melford, Mrs 'Wigg, Miss Ann . Elizabeth Jane ) B Franklin, Mrs E Middleton, Mrs Wrighten, Mrs U Su?an F Mary Galtits, Mrs Ju- Milier.MissSallie Young, Mrs La? lla E M I venta MEN'S LIST. Alston, Maj S W Hastedt, Her- R tn?. Chas H Baker, John man K hard-on, Bat heh lee, Fl Hardy, J Y en ry Barksdale, Pom- Hand, somers Roberts, Dr T N pey Hane.--, Wm Boper, Rev Ja Haly, isaac Henne, A cob Berry, Wm Henry, Theo L Robinson.James Bee, John J Heesler. John W Benton, Chas Uills, John s itnuken, Hcn Black, Geo (.' Huggins, James I nek Bli hine, J Johnson, Sum Salmon, B Blackman, .lr, J ' uel schnueek, John R Karr, Robert C II Brown, Jacup Kelly, Stephen ?i neper, R Brown, Noah Kennedy, John Schmidt, W R Brown, Billy Kenedy. M Schoben, John Brown. RS Kilty, Wm ll Brothers, J W Klngmau. S H .Schroder. Otto Brunner, F Lauler, J U ?Seabot ii, B Karie Brcuce, Jcsepli uta,TB ?Senikcu, Henry Coheu Leary. D D Nemken, Dr Buldt. Dlcdreick Let, P Sinnett, Percy Bryson, Jack Lucker, Wm Smith, Allen Caibeuey, John .Haswell, Jas ?Sn 1th, Wm Carter, Dr Ntl Matliews.Dauiel.'smltli, W son Ma ti is, Wm 'Smith, James Chlsolro, W E Mannlug, Jame.-j-uipe, Paul Chismain, Sam- M an in, W K Spiro, Albert P uel B McBetb.Rh hard Ispiuuey. Chas ''layton, Jehu Machet!, Mr C A Cohen, T F - Mackenzie, Ma- SieniraerrnaDn, Cooper, Dan son Wm A Cohen. N A Ulgget, Edward Sttdman, Duk^s Cross, M W Mllitr, P 1. ,t Co, Culp. W L Mitchell A S wee- -teankln, Dead Darby. Fnl ? n y, nek Dav s, W b ...Mo in ague. Jas S straub, Dr Geo Davis, W S ?Moonev, James starr. Win S Deivan. Eddy M-Tall, Kev JLO stivckliiie, Wal Deweese, Oros F ter peiuss Morley, Frank P stuart, T S Dixon, Henry ttourgeou, S E surwarez, Al Dl8her, R W Moor. Lawrence fred Disher, Robert Morgan. Owen Symmons, J F Doran, Enos T Morrissey, Tho Thompson, Ed Drumniond, El- Mulilngs, Mr II gar W '^taTa " I A Tiiorburn, G M Dryer, A H Murdock, Jno II Agent. Dunn. John i McGuire, Thom Th.-ma^. Wm Ellery, John as Tuohey. J M Euglebeit. G McNamre, Topi*. Adam Fabian, H ?Nolls, Robert roue John Ferie, Cnaa Norton, Henry j Tucker. E C Pink, WUh IXowliu, Jehu iTriial. Jas Fields, John D jO'Bryau, John luibrlch, Chas Finley, Jr,.'ohu I O'Neil. Jacob Vnrrens, Du Flem ng, li ?oppenheim, J J Ju:iu Flynn. Janr.S .Owens, Levy G ?Wt bb, P G Frohue, P (Owens. Kubin Ware, James n Ganten, Luden Parsons, Chas |\\ebb. G ll Geij s, Allison li ear-on, Bil | Webster, Chas civet s. L A ??.'liickiiey, Wm i K Orlessi.aber A- G .'White, A Reinhard, ii'rioe, Paris IWiilte, JA Gray, w N tauackenbosb, IwidUiasJoshaa Grey,Jackson I KL j Wilhams, B Green, John ?Qnimi'V. E T j custon, isaac Grant, Hacker juantm. J M j Wp thington, lu* .Reid, George I: WUJ Dales, JU J Kee? I, chas Wir-rdcman, .I Rivers, Nut | Eide 03" Persons depositing letta* ii: the i'ostoillce will please rlace the stamp near the upper right hand corner of the envelope, and they will als" please to remember that without the stamp a le' ter oannot be maded, bat wiU bc sent to the Dea Letter Office . BOSKCSB BNV?LUPKS-Tan NEWS .Job OUia ls now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with business cards printed thereon, at $-1 per thous and. Send your orders. Every merchant anti business <nnn should have his card printed on his enveiopei MATTERS IN WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, May 12. It is understood that the sub-committee ol seven ol the outrage committee will sit in Washington to take testimony. The Senate committee on foreign relations reported progress in examining the treaty, and after appointing a committee to investi? gate the premature publication of the treaty, adjourned to Menday. SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION ST. Loris, May 12. The Southern Baptist Convention convened this morning. Several hundred delegates were present. Rev. T. A. Mill, of Georgia, was re-elected president. Rev. Mr. Williams, of the Theological Seminary, at Greenville, S. C., delivered the sermon. Various reports were reack THE POUNDING MATCH. - BUFFALO, May 12. The Mace-Coburn fight ls postponed to June 2. Coburn and Mace had been sparring shy for a long time when the magistral and sheriff entered the ring. While the magistrate was reading the !aw he was robbed of a thirty guinea watch. There were no arrests. SPARKS FROM THE WIRES. -Sir John Frederick William Herschel, oniy 6on ol the astronomer, is dead, aged 73. -Little progress is made in adjusting the Pennsylvania coal mining troubles. -The yellow fever in Buenos Ayres is lrightful. -Business is entirely suspended, and the eily, to a great extent, is deserted. The customhouse and all the banks are closed. The ravages will apparently only cease for want of victims. THE WEATHER THIS DAT. WASHINGTON, May 12. It Is probaole that by Saturday morning the storm prevailing in the Southern States will have moved northeastward, with light rains and winds on the middle Atlantic coast. No serious disturbance is apprehended in that, region. Fresh winds, and cloudy weather will probably prevail oh Saturday on the lakes. B U 8 F N E 8 S NOTICES. MKS. PARTINGTON ON WILSON'S DOLLAU T? Mrs. Panhtgtun say3 that "Wilson's grocery ls a .nice institution, but she thinks she can't patron? ize him much longer, as her son Ike wants Wil? son's tea three.times a day. when If she gets an article from any place els.' he never touches it." And the old lady threw down her knitting nee? dles, and,.with a heavy said : "ike's extrava? gance must be nipped in the bud; butt will have to use Wilson's u-a-no other kind -nits me." Have you tjrled my dollar tea? No. 306 King street. A nox containing one quire of Note Paper, with Envelopes to match, for iSC, at CHAS. C. RlOIITEB'S, maylS-stuth. Hasel street Bazaar. IF YOU would have new life, . 7 blood and re? newed vigor, use Uelmbold's Grape Pills. Purify the blood and beautify the complexion by the use of Uelmbold's Extract Sarsaparilla. They are no cheap patent medicines, but thoroughly pharma? ceutical, and are not equalled by any Eng' sh or F; ench preparation. THE ATTENTION OF WATCH-BUYEBS is called to our large stock of Waltha n .Watches. These Watches have been long kuown throughout the Cotted States as tim best and cheapest in thc market. All Watches guaranteed. . . W. CAKIUNGTOS A Co., maris _ No. 236 KlngBtreet CROQUET ! CROQUET ! ! -CROQUET ! ! !-Im? mense reduction in price I The largest Field croquet at $4. ll ASEL STRSXT BAZAAR AND NO. lot KINO ST. niarri PARCHEESI ! PARCHEESI !-A royal game ol India. . Il ASEL STREET BAZAAR, apr20 And No. 161 King Street. ATTKNTION, TOURISTS.-Stereoscopic view? >i Charleston and vicinity, at No. 161 King street, or at the Hasel street Bazaar.' novl2 NEW ?'ORK LEDGER, WEEKLT, SATURDAY NIGHT and FIRE SIDS COMPANION, six cents a copy, at No. 161 King stree:. may3 MARK TOUR CLOTHING !-Order yonr Stencil Plates at the Hasel street -Bazaar. oct ii-rs COMMERCIAL XE WU. .Exports. - LfVBEPOOL- Per British bark Volage-65 bacs sea Island cotton, 2318 bale? upland cotton, Ml bags cotton seed, ISO tons phosphate rock. BOSTON-Per Behr David Miller-701 bids rosin. 300 bbls spirits turpentine, 23 bbls pitch. 1 hhd glass, 1 bund.e lead, 13 hhds Iron, 50 tons louse iron. PHILADELPHIA-'Per steamship Vlriglnla-151 bales cotton. 72 tierce- rice, 772 bois naval stores, 238 bales yarns and domestics. 277 packages vege? tables, 10.C00 feet lumber, lo casks clay and sun dries. Tile Charleston Cotton, Klee and Naval Stores Market. OFFICE CnARLK^Tn;: Saws. I FRIDAY EVENING, May 12,1571. j COTTON.-The market was stronger but unset? tled, the stock being light and held at. higher tlg uies, which buyers were generally unwilling to meet; quotations were conseuuently nominal. Snlcs 250 bales, say l at 10, 4 at ll, 3 at ll>?, 12 at 12, 5 at 12.'?, 4 at MX, 45 at 13, 17 at 13#, 1 at 14, 9 at 14A?, 95 at 14>ic, 40 on private terms. RICE.-This grain was at steady raies. Sales 130 lierces or clean Carolina nt 8??e lt. We quote: C.imtnun to rair clean Carolina ats-OSJi good 8','@SJ?c ? lb. NAVAL STOKES.-The market was quiet and without t ales of note. MtKiuiiTii. - To Liverpool, ry steam' direct, iemlaal on uplands : via New York, un upliuds ; ld on sea islands ; by sa;., %'\ ou upland?, Sid ou sea islands. .Tu davie uonviuai. coastwise-io Nsw . Tfd:>*? jy steam, >?c on upla:i;l? and \c cn .-. u island-;; $i 25y tierce uu nee; by su-i. =i : <* lb . sotten;-*P titree ou rice: izc V larrc-i on res;n ; trites v M eu ?umber; *9y;jo y M. ou tituber. ; Boston, by sail, j,'c 'S lb on upland co::.;:. To Providence, by sail $S "fl M cn boar.*.?, V rb on colton; by steam $l ? ea.'e on Ntw York rates. To Philadelphia, by steam. S'c tp ir? on uplands; by sai!, J7 *?j. M on; $3 oti ?amber; S3 9 ton on e!ay,".MJtU3$3 ?o on Phos phaics. Tb rainmore, hy steam, ?ic .* b b: sail, ?? 5U?07 a w ou beards; |.3@? f , " ;nogphate rock. * Vessels are m demand bj rar merchant* to. take iururcr freights ihm ?corgetowu, s. c.Jiarien and Sat! ;.i inver, t;.. md Jacksonville, ila., tr: Northern 'urti. uu?i ft. &!2 fi M are thc ra'?? ou lamber and bi ards. ?xci?AN(iS.-s;e:?mx KD .?ny billa 21?;. joHxsTjc EsctiAS-j?. - The -.-.?KS p3rc.1a.-e light checks at j? oil to par, and sell at -4' pre uiuin. GOLn-10!i"i,.l>3' Markets by Telegraph. MO* KV MAItKETS. NEW YOKE, May l2->oou.-Freights firm, i Governments very dull, hut uuciiaugcd. --locks very duli anti heavy, ?"tales t-tioii? end ac? tive Money easy nt 4. Guid steady at ll',. Sterling IO??; long Ju.Vi : .-hort lnjf. Evenliij!.-Money easy ut 3al National D?tes H*K illfCOUnt. Ster.ln^ qu'ut ?ind linn. Gold li.\?all"-i. Governmeut-i closed Brm, with ad? vance of \i on 62's, 4's aud 5'f. Southerns . t second call were Uniter, south Carolinas mure active. Tennessees 7i)j?; new 70. Virginias 6?: new 71 >?. Louisianas 08; new t?2; levees 70; e?ghis 84. Alabamas IU3; lives 7u. Georgias 85; sevens 91. North Cai'OhUiiS 47)?; new 26)2 South Caro? linas 73; nt w 03. Stocks active; low priced have preference. Specie shipments to-morrow esti? mated at half a million. COTTON STARKETS. LIVERPOOL, May 12- Noon.-Cotton quiet and steady; nplandu 7"i; orleans 1%; sales 10,000 baleH; sales for the week 78,000 bales; for export l?,00O;for speculation 10,000; stock 986,000; Amer? ican 592,000; receipts 48,000; American 32,000; ac? tual export 32,000. Sales of mlatlllngs, on named ships at Charleston or Savannah, 7#d;at New Orleans 7*?d. Evening.-Cotton close<l with a hardening ten? dency; uplands 7J<d; Orleans 7?id; sales 12,000 bales; to speculation and export, 3000; sales on shipboard at New Orleans, 7r??d; at Savannah or Charleston, 7'i^d. Stock afloat, 469,000 bales, of which 240,000 are American. NEW TOBE, May 12-Noon.-Cotton firm; up? lands J5*ic; orleans 10c; sales 3000 bales. Evening.-Cotton steady; sales of 51S6 bales; uplands l?J?c; Orleans 16c. BOSTON, May 12.-cotton firm; middlings 15*?c; gross receipts 49 bales; exports to Great Britain l; sales 400; stock; net receipts of the week 503; gross receipts 42C0; exports to Great Britain 170; sales of the week 3150. BALTIMORE, May 12.-Cotton strong; middlings 15,Vc; net receipts MO; gross 554; exports coast? wise 3; sales 700; stock 4015; net receipts of tn e week 550; gross 1100; exports to Great Britain 895; coastwise 495; sales of the week 24&0 bales. NORFOLK, May 12.-Cotton Arm; low middling 13%c: net rec-ipts 550; exports coastwise 160; sales 50; stock 1602; net receipts of the week 1602; receipts of the week 2400; exports coastwise 6055; sales of thc week 300 bales. WILMINGTON*. May 12.-Cotton Arm; middlings 14c; net receipts 25 bales; exports coastwise 559; sales 14; stock 1546: net receipts of the week 2C3; exports coastwise 1050; salt s of the week 101. SAVANNAH. I'ay 12 -Cotton In good demand atr advanced prices: middling l4Jial6c; net receipts 082 bales; exports 442; sales 450; stock 32,416; net receipts Io. lio weeK 497C; exports to Grear. Britain 39ti;'contiaer.t 7070;coastwise 1820; sales for the week 3700. MOBILE, .May ic-Middlings 15c: net receipts ClO.balcs; exports tb Great Britain 3695; coastwise 1959: sales 400; stock 25.2.14; net receipts of the week 386; exports to Great Britain 8843; Continent 1200: coastwise 4363; sales of the week 3500. NEW ORLEANS, May 12.-Cotton active, at full prices: middlings I5,l?al5??c: net reeeipts 4789 bales; gross 5298; exports to Great Britain 8207; to llavrp 5S?5; to Barcelona 1260; sales 6000 ; 6lock 140,774; net receipts of the week 10,230; gross 21,554; exports to Great Britain 1011; to Havre 10,110; to Brenen 1770; to Queenstown 1028; to Hamburg 2u08: to Cork 4207; to Barcelona 1260; to Antwerp 1527; to Bordeaux 165; to Veracruz 271; coastwise 3314; Rales of the week 30.000 bales. GALVESTON. May 12.-Cotton steady and In fair demand; good ordinary 12J,fal3c; net receipts 927 bah s; exports coastwise 455; sales 900; stock 59,227; net receipts of Hie week 6313; exports to Great BrHsJn 0127: continent 729; oastwise 1583; sales o' Hie week 900. PROVISIONS ANH PRODUCE MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, May 12-Noon.-Flour 27s. Corn, new-34s 6d. Fork declining. NEW YORE. May 12-Noon.4-Flour dull and heavy. Wheat dull and declining. Corn a shade Urmer. Fork ?ieady. Lard qi.let. Turpentine dull at 52>ic. Rosin Bteady ; straiucd $2 37%. Mew York Rice Market. From the Datly Bulletin, Wednesday, May ?0: Thc regular season for domestic may be consider? ed as pretty nearly over, and the small remain Inir stocks area sort of fancy articles, held fora certain ?-pedal trade and naturally at full figures. We note sales lc t he retail lots of 50 tierces at 6?f?a9,*?c for ordinary " to prime Carolina. .On lortigu Hie market is a little blt demoralized, and thoinrii conducted quleik we have good reason for stating that a large "amount of stock has or ?ate bi eu-quietly nmoaded by Importers both from parcels on sp t and to arrive: i'hlp ls In the main in response to the Liverpool market, which has of lute weakened considerably under the-in? fluence of a pretty large'accumulation on hand and the unexpected appearance, of a vessel through the Suez canal with a cargo of Patna many weeks ahead of thc usual lime for the ar? rival ot ;he new crop. We learn of 200 bags Ran? goon at 0Jrfa7c; lOObags Patna at 7??c;90O bags Patna and luce bags Rangoon on -private terms, and other parcels are rumored, but particulars not for Ute present reported. From tire" Journal or Commerce: There is a fair business doing In foreign,, but at a shade easier rates. The stock ls I arge, and wit li considerable quantities on the way holders are anxious to re? alize. Wc notice sales of luO bags Patna nt ">ic currency; ?00 bags ditto. In u?nd, ou private terms; 250 bags Kangoon. duty, currcncy.i'.nd lOtO bags ditto, in bond, at. abouf 3,'io, gold. Domestic ls ?ca? ce. and, being In moderate request, com ai and A ?uil rn?e.-; Tu tes. sold at SJ?auj?c. IfeW York Naval Stores Market. From tho Journal of Commerce, Wednesday. May 10: Spirits turpentine opened with a dull market, with buyers generally awaitingthe effect 01 the fupplirs by steamers about due. There were more sellers, and prices run down to 50c; at this llgure the demand was rather more active, and ai the close there seems to be a disposition among a few parties to buy in pretty freely. Sales embrace 200 bbls lu merchantable order, to arrive, ut 50c; 45 bbls on st it sec. and 50 bbls in lou at 50.152!?c. closing ni ..oom 51c. Rosins The market remulns Arm for strained, 'with a few small lots taken, for shipment. The fine grades are In belier stock, and lower prices are submit ted to. Best virgin win not bring over $7. Sales embrace 600 bbls strained on private terms: 700 bbls lo A- No 2 at $2 50. and loo bbls extra pale at ?6. Thc lot or 1500 bbls strained in yesterday's issue bronchi $2 40. We quote strained nt $2 40; No 2 at $2 50a2 05; No 1 at f 3a4; pale at $4 25a5 50; extra pale and virgin at $6a7. Tar ls selling In small lois at steady price-; 50 bb.s Wilmington sold at $2 60 In yn?d. Wo quote nt $2 40 for Wasuiugton.aiiU $2 00 for Wiliutugton se.ectcd. Interior Cotton Markets. I CHARLOTTE, May 10.-Sales to-day 45 bales at 1 G.'iiil tc. Market qu:e\ COLUMBIA, May 10.-Only a few buyers were operatdig. They were offering lfL-ialS&c, basis middling. Mai kel closed quio. Sales 288 bales; receipts nc bales; bhi; niants 195 balts. MON rcOMEKY, May 10-Cotton is in lair de marni for the better grades, which art scarce; low niiodliugs I3)?c SELMA, May 10:-There were sales yesterday to the amount ol' 80 bales; low middlings 13??a I3??c; strict good ordinary 12.'.?c. Market quiet, wini but little etieriog. llocslpis by*llaiiroaat. May 13. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 679 bales cition, 55 bales goods, So bbls flour, 14 cara lumber, 1 car stock. io? Railroad Agent, "AitS-Sinun. LD DeSau-sure,Mowry A Son. Tclzer. "Rodgers .t c, Caldwell A Son, AV W Smith, G H Waller A co, ir Fulliii, O A Qraeser, Wiss A co, A B Mulligan, .-loan & t-clgnious. Frost, A Adger, T P Smith. W M Bud A co, U Gobia A- co, L Deliz, Lat.rey A Alexander. K M Butler A Son, Treu holm A- Son, G S Cameron, and Bollmaun Bros. favacliuer1.. Per steamer Pilot Boy, fr m Beaufort and Pa clile Landing-Col II ? Taft, lady and two chil? dren. Mrs E U Bennett. Dr J 01i\er, Dr*Warner, W ll Duuuemjtli, and 3 deck. MAXINE NEU ti. CHARLESTON. S. C.-?..MAY 13, 1871. Lat 32 deg 4G min 33 sec. | Lon 7'i deg 57 min 27 sec. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Falcon, Haynie, Baltimore-\pn 9th instant. Mdse. To Mordecai A co. P 0 Tren holm, S C Railroad Agent, N E Railroad'Agcnt, H Cob a .fe .co, Si edens, Werner A Ducker, E R Ouw perthWiUt, J Thomson .t cd. W B Smith A- co, J C U Ottiusse?, Wageuer A Monies, 0 Litienthul .fe co, M Lulus, w ii Chufee A co, Walker. Evans A i ogawi'D, I. lt Uroadbcrt. Macqueen A Riecke, 0 Chitins. P li Ha lane A co, J ll<'e.-e::)nn .fe Bro, B Feidmanu A co. T J Kerr A co, H Uischod A co, ll Leidlug. J M-Eason, J P Taylor A co, B O'Neill, F L u'Nt.ll. Crtyie, UoyisiQn .fe co, J JJ Aiken ?fe co. Kavent! ?fe Holmes, Klinck, Wickeuberg .v co, J Wietels, and Ma?toue A co. Biitish baik Ranger, Cox, Gloucester, Mass-25 days. Ballast. To B a Rhett ?fe aou. spanish bark Carmen. Battle, St Jago de Cuba -25 days Ballast. To .v P Hall. Commercial Llue sehr Harry C Sheppntd, Crark, New York-IS days. Mdze. To H F Baker ?t co, Railroad Aged., Goodrich, Whitman A co, ? U S l'tux, ?fe Bros, Osttudorir .fe co, R White, K ll Oarduer, Wagener A MoiiSees, ll Klaue A co, E M Grimke, J Huikauip A co. W U Chuleo .fe ce. C w williams A co, Eu t owperthwult. Cameron, Barkley A- co. Whittcmore A Rhodes, O F Witters, j Gorham, Holmes Gauler .fe co. L oiiapin, w jt M. J M Ea-ou A- Uro, J CU A co, and others. Sehr S L Russell, smith. Philadelphia-10 days. Mdse. To H F Baker .fe co. Railroad .Agent, H A Hue, O W Wu.lams A co t unieron, Barkley A co, H Bischoff A e, Dr'll Bacr, Ravcnei. Holmes .fe co, U Sicnken. J N Robson. C D Franke. O F Pank mu, Howie, Moise A Davis, W il Chafen A co. P B l.alane .fe cn, Goldsmith A Son, and O F Wieters. Sehr A F Fabens, lira. g. Providence, lt 1-14 da> s. Ballast. To L T Pot ter. Sehr Lucy 1), Hu??, New Orleans-12 days. Cuni. To T Tupper A Sons, and W H Junes A co. Sehr Aim s Deas, Garbnul. West Point Mili. 20 tierces rice. To Wai C Bee A co. Steamer l'Ilot BOT. sly, Be.itifort and Pacific Lauding, s hilts sea island cotton, ?c. To J D Aiken .fe co. Baveiiei * co. .1 Cfllcock .fe co. Wm M Bird .v co, C 1 il s Taft, and Terry A Noleu. Skien .Nestor, Joe, Satucc. 59J bushels rough rice. To G 11 Iiiuraham A son. Sloop Orteuieur. Nicholas, Mtratee sie btikhtia rough rice, lo \\ 0 Bte i co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. steamship Virginia, Hunter, Philadelphia- W A Ct urieuay. B'ltlsn b .rs Volage, Mav, Liverpool-Hunt Bros A to. Scar David Miller, R gors, Boston-Street Droa A to. SAILED YKSTEKD? V. steams,.;;i Virginia, Hunter, PhiUuleiphia. ^Fiend: b:ig Dauphin, Blanche; tr, Wilmington, Steam lug Emma, Recd, Philadelphia. FROM rms PORT. Steamship sea Gull, Dutton, Baltimore, 11th May. aclu- B N Hawkins, Wyatt, Bostou, May 9. CP FOI! THIS POitT. Sehr Mary A Holt,-, at Boston. May 9. CLEAR Kl) FOR THIS PORT. Steamship Georgia, Crowd!, at New Yoik, May 10. , . MEMORANDA. The sehr Ocean 'traveller, from Charle.-tcn 'or Baltimore, arrived at Fortress Monroe May 10. ? Unction SaU?-'-ifjatnrt Waris. By W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BR?NS, Auctioneers. SALE POSTPONED TO MONDAY, 15TH inst.-Positive Sale ander foreclosne mort? gage. . Will be sold on MONDAY, the 15th day of May, ar. No. 29 Hayue street, running through to No. 62 Market street, at 10 o'clock, and continued from dav to day until the entire stock la disposed of, The larire and well assorted STOCK of Messrs. Wm. 0. Wtutden Sc Co., consisting In part of: Domestic and lmnorted WHITE C RAN1T? C. C. and DIPPED WARE, in whole packages and In email lots from shelves. ALSO. Varied srock of GLASSWARE, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, AC. ?c., and such articles asare usually found in a flrskoiass wholesale Crockery Empo? rium. . Fixtures, Desks, and Iron Safe. Parnc3 oesirine catalogues wiil make applica? tion at No. 29 riayne street. Terms cash. Goods packed at customary rates by experienced packers. mayl2 By VT. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. SOUTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE LOT, east side of Meeting street, at Auction, by or? der of thc board of Directors. will be sold on THUKSDAY, the 23d instant, at the Old Postortlce. Broad street, at ll o'clock, The above*described L^T OF LAND, measuring 80 feet front OD Meeting street by 130 feet In dept h Terms cash. Purchaser to pay us-for papers and stamps. mayl3 Shipping. E"S S ELS*''W A N TE D, To load for NEW YORK,-Philadelphia, Boston, Sound Ports and Cuna. Cargoes_ ready. Apply to Ii. F. BAKER Sc CO., may 13-2 , Central Wharf. F OR LIVERPOOL.. tie un BALL, small capacity, StlnsoD, Master._ having a large portion or her cargo engaged and going on board, will meet with dispatch. For engage nents, apply to W. B. SMITH Sc CO., mayll-ths2 Napier's Range. F OE LIVERPOOL. The Al Iron Clipper Ship REMINGTON, John F. Fowler, Master, wants600 bales cot? ton to compleie cargo. Apply to may3 HENRY CARO. JP O K N E W Y 0 II ff ON TUESDAY, MAY IGTII, AT C O'CLOCK P. M. NEW IRON STEUM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1ST0. Si.ATK-ltOO.irs ALL ON DECK. TrcSpleudid New Iron Side Wheel Steamship GKORGIA, Orowell, Commander, will sail for New York on TCESDAV, May 16th, at six o'clock P. M.. from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves. 'Hie S'Mith, Carolina having hauled off for usual docking and painting, the popular Side Wheel Steamsuip CHARLESTON, t'aprain Berry, will take her pHce, and sall on WKDNKSDAY MORNING, 241 li Instant, at lb o'clock, from Adger's Wharf. Through Bills of Lading given on Cotton to Liverpool, lloston, Provideuce and the New Eug lund Manufacturing Towns, at the lowest mar? ket rates. Insurance by Steamers of this Line a per cent. For freight Engagements or Passage, bavins very line state-room accommodations, apply to WAGNER, HUGER & CO.. No. 2G Broad'street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Onion Wharves. may 13-3 F 0 R_ N E W y 0 ll K. OLD LINK yaW VOIt.M AND CHARLES? TON STEAMSHIPS. ESTABLISHED 184 6. SPACIOUS AND ELEGANT DECK STATE-ROOMS Tho very rast and splendid Side-Wheel Steam? ships or this Line will sall from Adger's south Wharf as follows : JAMES ADGEK, SATCRDAY, May 13th, at 1 o'clock P. M. CUAMPION, SATURDAY, May 20th, at 6 .o'clock P. Wi-1- 1 JAMES ADGER, SATUUDAY.May 27th, at 12 o'clock M. 49-Insurauce ii percent, by this Line. Sa* Through Bills of Lading given on Cotton to Liverpool", Boston. Providence and the Nejv Eng? land manufacturing towns at thc lowest market rares. For Freight or Passage engagements, apply te mayl_ JAMES ADGER A .CU. F OR BALTIMORE. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGH BILLS LADING ISSUED TO .I'lULADELPJIIA, iiosTO.V, AND THE 'CITIES OF THE .NORTHWEST. The ace Stc-umsnlp FALCON, Hayule, Com? mander, will sail for Baili inure ou TUESDAY, loth May, at half-past 4 o'clock P. M. Ao" Phtlaiierptna Freights lorwarded ;o tun: city by railroad from Baltimore without nedi numil insurance, and Consignees are allowed am? ple time.rosample and sell their GoodB from the Railroad Depot 111 Philadelphia. PAUL C. TREN HOLM, Agent, mnyl0-6 ?_No. 3 Union Wharves. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP OOMP?* rnuocoB MKS TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN FAKES GREATLY REDUCED. steamers ol the eb uve Pier Nr-. 42. North ?liver, fool. of Caual2jAlB ?tr^t. Xftw York, ax 12 o'clucK huun, or tue ism ind ;;o:ii of every mon Hi (except when Uie-t .tates lol; on Sunday, then 1 ?te. saturday psevea :ng- ? '.: ... All departures connect at Panama wu: steam* ers for sonili IVcihu and ceuiral American ports. ' l)eparture*of 15th toucnes at Kingston, Jamaica. For Japan nod China, steamers leave San Fran? cisco first of every mouth, except when lt rails on Sunday; then un Hie day preceding. No CalifoiIlia steamers toucji nt Havaua, bu .rn direct from New York tu AspinwalL Gnc iiuudretl pounds baggage free to each adult Medicine and attendance nee. For Passage Tickets or'other iniormaiion arni at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFIc'E, on the wharf fool of Cona! stree;, North River, Ne? V orfc. # F. R. BABY, Agent. julylC-lyr " ^TTEEKLI LINE TO SAVANNAH, THROUGH BY DATLI013T. POE PACIFIC LANDING, BEAUFORT. H1LT0> HEAD. SAVANNAH, DARIEN AND BRUNSWICK, GA. The favorite steamer ELIZA HANCOX, Captain L. W. BURKS, will receive i;re;gi.t at Accommoda- r tion wharf for above points 'every^taSSSSS? TUESDAY, and leave every WEDNESDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock, arriving at Savannah same evening, and leaving for Danen, Ac, on the following muming. Returning, will leave Savannah ror Charleston every MONDAY .MURSIKG, at 7 o'clock. For Freight or pansage, apply"io 1 RAVEN EL. HOLMES ic CO., raay6 No. 17? Ea*: i:av. R BEAUFORT AND PACIFIC LANDING. The steamer PILOT BOY. Captain J. W. Sly. will leave every Tmnts- _ DAY MORNING, at 8 o.'clock, as above, K-.-Iurning, will leave u-aufor: FRIDAY MORNING, at 3 o'clock. marji J. D. AlttEJ?, Agent. pipping. j^?lTlf?1)R1^ ^cT Tte Steamer EMILIE, Captain C. - .^rc*?'w C. White, will leave Chariest on ?SuEfii every WEDNESDAY NIGHT, at 0 O'CIOCK, and Georgetown every FRIDAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock. For engagements apply on board or to N. B.-Freight will be received on days of Ball? ing. SHACKELFORD ls. KFLLY, Agents. mayi3 _No. 1 Boyce's Wharf. JpOR GARDNER'S BLUFF, S. C., AND ALL INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE PEEDEE RIVER. The Steamer "GENERAL MANI GAULT." Captain Wa'ts, is now re-_ cetvlog Freight at Boyce's Whan, and win as above THIS NIGHT, May 13th. For engagements, apply to SHACKELFORD ft'KELLY, Agents. mayl3-l_ No. 1 Boyce's Wharf. ?poR EDisTOf ENTERPRISE AND WAY LANDING?. INLAND ALL THE WAY. The Steamer WATER LILY, Cap- _ -?IC*j^ tain Peter Tcgllo, will receive haSkwS?m Freight at South Atlantic Wharf, on MONDAY? and THURSDAYS, leaving tor the above polntn on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS. Returning, will leave Edisto on WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. For Freight engagements and passage apply on board, or to DOUGLAS NISBET. mayl2_South Atlantic Wharf. JgXCURSION TO ST. AUGUSTINE AND THE ST. JOHN'S RIVER, FLORIDA. The splendid and fast Steamer - . .r,TT"CBi?, DICTATOR, Captain L. M CMxetter,?^g???&S?. will leave Charleston, TUESDAY, May lbtu, ut uaii past 8 P. M., on an Excursion to Florida, arriving at Savannah early on WEDNESDAY, and renam? ing there until afternoon, affording ample tliaeto visit Buenaventura and other points of lntoresf LeaviDg at 3 o'clock P. M., will arrive at SU Au? gustine THURSDAY MORNING, where a most agree? able day may be spent inspecting the ancient Spanish Fortress, the Cathedral, and other "elles of tne tiret seulement on the Continent, In stiling OD the Bay or visiting the Orange Groves cf the neighborhood. Leaving st. Augustine, or Fr IDA Y MORNING, the Dictator will pass up the St. John's to Palatka, by daylight, stopping at all points of interest, thus affording a rare opportunity o ' see? ing, to the best advantage, the most beautiful of Southern Rivers. Returning will leave Jacksonville SATUTDAY, Fernandina the same afternoon, arriving r,t Sa? vannah SUNDAY MORNING, and Charleston SUN? DAY EVENING. Fnre for round trip, $18. No extra charge Tor Meals or Staterooms. mavr-U , ? HAVEN EL A COy; jgWj* F OR F LOR IDA, VIA SAVANNAH. rue steamer DICTATOR, captain r ^jr"f*L L. M. Ooxetter, will leave Southern^E^aagC Wharf every TUJ?SIIA ? HVBKfr?, ht is3u o-i-iock, (until further notice,) for Jacksonville, Fe san dina and Palatka, arriving baa; ai charlton every SATURDAY AFTERNOON. m ay ll_KAVENEL ? CO.. Age: its, ?pOR NORTH EDISTO, BEAUFORT AND . PACIFIC LANDINC. Tlie Steamer PILOT BOY. captain , J. W. sly, wUl leave Central Wa?XtjsBBm for the above poluts every MONDAYMOBMNU, ai * o'clock, and, returning, wiil leave Hcanfort ever? TUESDAY, at 8 o'clock A. M., nnd Edisto at 3 P. M. mani J. 1). AIKEN, Agent. F OR GARDNER'S BLUFF, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE PEE? DEE RIVER, VIA GEORGETOWN. The steamer PLANTER, Captain H. s. Qordes, ls now receivbgc_ Freight ar. Accommodation Wharf, and win eave* on MONDAY.NIGUT, the 16th instaut. For Freight ur'Passage, having stateroom ac? commodations, applv to RAVENEL. HOLMES * CO , raayl2-3 No. 177 East Bay. UJcUcljcs, icujclrn, &t. WHILDEN & CO.'S STOCK W. G AT PRIVATE SALE, AT AND BELOW.COST, ^In order to accommodate Ladles and ochers who have been unable to attend'the auction a field nightly, at the store of W. G. WHILDEN A CO., In Klug si rcet, corner of Beaurain street, the auc dons at this store will be suspended during the week commencing MONDAY. 8th instant. The store will be opea EVERY, DAY DUBING ms wEEft, at usual business hours, when the eatlre remaining stock of Jewelry, China, Glassware and Fancy Goods will be orftred at private sale at and bel iw cost. Ladles are especially luvlted lo call and exam? ine the stock. N. B.-The wholesale Stock of CROCKERY, Ac, of W. G. will LD EN A CO., ut No. 26 Hay ne street, will be offered at auction, commencing TUSSOAY, 9th instant, at 10 A. M. maye B ALL, BLACK ? CO., Nos. 5C? and 507 BROADWAY, N. Y. WILL FURNISH STERLING SILVER FOHKS AND SPOONS In quantity, at tl 75- GOLD PER OUNCE. ' ThCtie Goods are pronounced superior In beauty of nnlsh, and greawr la variety of pattern, to any Table Ware manufactured.' A LA1WE STOCE OF WEDDING SILVER CONSTANTLY ON HAND, j?nl?-lyr N Uaols, Sijucs, Ut. o T i C E lHE "STAR" BOOT AND SHOE STORE OPENS Tn ts DAY, No.-142 KING STREET, EAST'SIDE, BETWEEN HUDSON AND JOHN, (BELOW Du. Least's DRUG STORE.; Cnstomers can depend upon our Goo-is b'jlng Sold (. heap, as they are Bought for Cash, and our mol to is . Quick Sales aiul MU.III Piolits." W. B. BURKE. W. C. CHAPMAN A CO. . may8-6 JDOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS. Receiving ..:is day per Steamships Geo! (fia, from New York, Fall River, irom Philadelphia, assi-rieil invoices ul FINE 13U0I'S AND SHOES, lu addition to thc choice selection ulwayr tn .stock 1 keen lUuseUAJH/i SCREW WIRE WATER PROOF BROGANS. Sohl Cheap at EDWARD DALY'S, mar-22 No. lui Meeline street. N OTICE! NOTICE! By Fail River Steamship from Philadelphia thi day lam receiving a fresa supply or. those Gent's Hand-Sewed Mafric Fitting FRENCH CALF BUUTS. With much time and labor, I have the same fur Buys and Gents. EDWARD DALY'. mnrSS No". 121 Meei im: streut. IJIO TUE EDITOR OF THE NEWS. Plea-e inform the numerous readers of -onr paper lhat Hie AMERICAN GAITER. Patented, or the Shoe ol the Future, is a success. To .sr.] ply the demands uf tue Trade, another invoice to-lay by Fall Uiver, rroui Philadelphia. Sold by EDWARD DALY. marSS No. 121 Meeting sireer. BOOTS & SHOES, THE BEST For Wet Weather, For Dry Weather. For Youths, For Ase, For Gentlemen, For Ladies. y\ FUT i he City, For the Conni ry, ForTHrtiifr,'. For Walkin?. For Fishing, For Hunting. SOLD UY DKALERS CVF.RYWIIEUE. See that every one bears the Patent Stamp, may 11-1 mo (Eloping axis Jtmufiljing <&ooi*. SPRING CLOTH I NS. Ko. 291 KING STREET, CORNER OP WENTWORTH. Ah extensive assortment o? SPRING- AND SUMMER CLOTHING. * made up for the trade of this city, now offered at LOW PRICES. Io the stock will be found the following Styles of snits : SCOTCH CHEVIOT MORNING AND DERBY SUITS French Batiste Morning and Derby Snits SUk Mixed Morning and Derby Snits ; ? ' Diagonal and Crape Coating Morning and Derby Suits ' . Blue and Black Flannel Morning and Derby Suits Light Mixed Cassi mere Morning and Derby Salts. BOYS' AaD MW SUITS. SACKS, DERBY AND MORNING COAT SC1T8,. for ages of from 5 to 17 years. , FURNISHING GOODS. A full supply of all kinds-UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, GLOVES, SCARFS, BOWS, 4c, Ofthe latest styles. THE CELEBRATED STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS I, A- FULL SUPPLY OF ALL QUALITIES. .i TAILORING DEP?RTIH?NT Offers FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SUMMER CLOTHS, COATINGS, BATISTE, CHE? VIOT AND FANCY CASSIMERES, of select pat? terns and shades, whlch'wUi be made to order in the best manner, at MODERATE PRICES. WM. MATTHIESSEN. B. W. McTUREOUS, Superintendent. mayl-mwtb2mos ME MIS. DRESS STJIXtS^ BUSINESS SUITS SHIRTS. C O L L A. K S . NECK WEAE. a- LOVES. CANES AND UMBRELLAS, TRliNif? & TRAVELLING BIGS AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS IN THE LATEST STYLE, AND AT PRICES TO SUE j. H. LAWTON & CO., ACADEMY OF AIUSK BUILD INt?.