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fJOTUMBROIA-I? NSW8. Exports. SBW YORK-Per sehr John .""arris-S4,ooo feet tlmoer. 79,ooo feet lumber. BALTIMORE-Per achr W H Steele-21,440 feet or plank. . . _ Thc Charleston Cotton, Rice and Naval Stores Market. OFFICE CEARLBSTON NEWS. 1 MONDAY EVENING. May 8, 1311.} . COTTON.-Tbe market for this article assumed an active and firmer character with a good and well sustained denund, during which prices har? dened a full KC .? lb- Sales about lioo bales, say 23 at ?, 37 at lix, 51 at ll j*, 23 at 12,1 ai 12>4', 52 at 12,4,15 at 12 X. w at 13, 35 at 13X- 24 at 13K. 6 atiSK. 65 at 13>?, 67 at 13>., 65 at l$X, 203 at 14, 1S7 at UX, 13 at 14K. 125 at 14K. 1 at 15, Vau li eura staple at i5Kc. "We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.11K'$13K Low middling.14 @ Middling.14 ?4? Strict mkldhug.UH9 RICE.-This grain was at steady rates. Sales 80 tierces of clean Carolina at S&c "fl rb. We quote common to (air at 8@8K. good 8K@8Kc 9 ?. NAVAL STORES.-There was some Inquiry, but we learn of no saleB. FREionTS.- To Liverpool, by s;sam direct, nominal on uplands : via New York, Md on uplands ; ld oa sea islands ; by _ sail, yid on uplands, \d on sea Islands. * To Havre nominal. Coastwise-to New Ycik. h. steam, )ic on uplands and \'c on sea }'-ands; il 25'-a tierce on rice;by sail.%cTjL?boi 0 rtton; - fl tierce on rice: icc * barre; on rosin ; $7?s *A M on lumber; $9@K- * M cn timber. Ti Boston, by sali, Kc $ lb tu upland cottes To Providence, by'sail )! f M on boards, .He ^ lb ou cotton; by steam ?l ? bale on New York rares. To Philadelphia, by steam, Kc <a lb on aplauda; by sail, $7 H M on boards; $9 on tinner: $3 $ ton on ciay, asd$3@3 60 enphos pha'.es. To Baltimore, by steam, Kc -a h. by ?aii, $6 so@7 V Mon boards; $?@3 25 "fl ton ci. phC'S-i-haic rock. Vessels are in demand by our merchants to take lumber freights frcm Georgetown, S. C., Datlen and Sati'da River, Ga and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern pons, and $10 @li V M are the ra.93 on lumber and beards. fixcuANQB.-Sterling 60 day bills 2TJ?. DOMBSTIC EXCHANGE. - The banks purchase sight checks a: K on* to par, and sell at K pre? mium. OpLD-10K?lL_ Marketa Tay Telegraph. MONEY MARKET. LONDON, May 8-Noon.-Money 93??'. Bonds 90K Evening.-Consols 93'?. Bonds 90K NEW YORK, .May 8-Noon.-Freights firm. Gov? ernments' doll and steady, stocks quiet and steady. Southerns dull. Money easy at 5 per cent. Gold UK> Sterling, long lOKfshqrt 10"?. Evening.-Money easy at 4a5.' exceptions at ?. Sterling Arm. Gold 11 Kail "-i- Governineuts" closed a trifle firmer, with light business. Ten? nessees very strong and active; otherwise South? erns dull, but Bteady. Tennessees 03; new 68K Virginias 69; new 70K. Louisianas 69; new 62; levees 69; eights 85. Alabamas 102; fives 70. Geor? gias 82; sevens 83. North Carolinas 47; new 25. South Carolinas 71; new 60K- Freiguts Armer. NEW ORLEANS, May 22K- Sight K premium. Gold UK* COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, May 8-Noon.-Cotton opened steady; uplands 7Ka7K; Orleans 7Ka7Ku; sales 10,000 bales. " - Evening.-cotton closed steady and qniet at noon quotations. Sales on ship, named at New Orleans, at 7 7-16 for middlings. NEW YORK, May 8-XOOB.-Cotton opened qnlet but firm; uplands 16K cts.; Orleans liff, sales 1000 bales. Evening.-Cotton quiet and firm; sales 2000 bales at 15KC. BOSTON, May ?. -Cotton strong; middlings l5Kc; net receipts 120 bules; gross 42u; sales GOO; stock 13,000. BALTIMORE, May S.-Cotton qniet and firm; mid? dlings l4Kal42?c; net receipts looo bales, grc?e receipts 117; exports to Great Britain sus, coa-. wise SO; sales 325; stock 3840. NORFOLK, May 8.-Cotton quiet; low middlings 13Kal3Kc; net receipts 987 bales; exports coast? wise 760; sales 50; stock 2414. WILMINGTON. Ma? 8.-Cotton qniet; middlings 14c; net receipts 75 bales; Rtock 2453. SAVANNAH. May 8.-Cotton steady and In fair demand; middlings 14Kc; net receipts 799; ex? porta to the Continent 534C; coastwise 076; sales 1000; Stock 34 320. AUGUSTA, May 8.-CtMon market closed firmer at I3*?c for Liverpool middlings; sales 300 bales; receipts 260. MOBILE, May 8.-Cotton flan; middlings I4)'c; net receipts 778 bales; exports to Great Britain 8444.; to continent 2552; sales 500; stock 29,750. NEW ORLEANS, May 8.-Cotton strong ; middlings 14 Kal'J-ie: net receipts4592 bales; gross 5624;ex? ports to Cork 4299; Bremen 1770; Bordeaux 165; sales 5000; stock 158,177. GALVESTON, May 8.-Cotton firm; good ordinary 12K'c; net receipts 1099 bales; sales 1100; stock ?9108. PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. LONDON, May 8-Noon.-Tallow active at 44s. LIVERPOOL, May S-Evening.-Cumberland cut S9?. * NEW YORK, May 8-Neon.-Flour dull and de? clining. Wheat'quiet and heavy. Corn dull and drooping. Pork dull at Sni2Kal7 25. Lard quiet. Turpentine quiet at 5Ta60. Rosin Arm; strained'' . $2 35. Evening.-Floor-Southern dull and drooping; common to fair extra ?6 Con7 20; good to choice $7 25a9. Whiskey a shade lower at 90,'?"ca$l. Wheat heavy, la2 cent, lower; winter red and amber Western $l 54al 00. Corn heavy and de? cidedly lower at 76aS0c; choice white Southern 91c. Pork steady at $17 50al7 75. Lard heavy; . kettie 11 "ic Naval stores qnlet and firm. Tallow steady. BALTIMORE, May 8.-Flour firmer, with an Im? proved demand. Wheat Him and stock scare; Ohio and Indiana 31 60al 65. Corn, white South e n better at 77a8Cc; yellow Southern dull at 75; mixed Western better at 72a74c. Oais dnll at 66 . Pork quiet at $1850. Bacon steady ; soouMers 8c; rib sides 10c; clear rib LOKC; hams iea?7c. Lard quiet at 12c. Whisk y quiet at 92KC. LOUISVILLE, May 8.-F.our du 1 Corn 68 cents. Provisions quiet and steadv. Pork ?18. Shoul? ders 7J{; clear sides 9??. Whisker S3. CINCINNATI, May 8.-Flour Arm and in fair de? mand; family $020.1 e so. Corn m good demand at fnll prices. Pork weak, $17 50 asked. Lard, lie asked. Bacon, demand light and holders Arm; sides 9a9K; shoulders 7. Whiskey Arm at 88. 1 NEW ORLEANS, May 8.-Flour firm; superfine $8" 12K, dom le $6 62Ka6 76, treble $t> S5a7. Corn , quiet; mixed 70a71c, yellow 72c, white 72a74c Oats-rderaand 'air at 63a64c Bran quiet at il so. Hay duh; prime $2", choice $25. Purker Aimer; meas $19. Bacon quiet at- 7Ka9?,alOKc, hams 14KC. Lard dull: tierce llKc. keg 13X8122(0. Sugar-prime 10\?C. Molasses Arm; good to prune fermenting 35aii.c "-Wbt-key Arm; Western recti? fied ?7Ka07Kc. Codee quiet at i4ai5Kc. Stw York KiceaMarlcet. From thc Hally Bulletin, May 6 : There is a j good demand for domestic iroin the trade, aud 'the market p'ices very firm, as the ?uppllesfall off on the current outlet, and not m-iuy arrivals are expected. Sa es of 40 tierces, in lots, nt 8*?a 9%c Tor ordinary to prime. Foreign is moving very fairly at fomer figure*, bu; with a general furn ion?; to the market. Sales o? 400 hags Ran? goon at 7a7'?f. and 100 bags Patna at "J,'e. From the Journal ot Commerce: There is a good business doing in foreign ai d domestic at lull rates. Holders are carrying very little stock and are indifferent about operating. Miles have been made 0: HO bugs Pulu 1 ai 7K. 41 0 bag- Run goon at 7a7>4. ami 40 tierces Carolina at 8?j,a9#c. Sew Yorlc Naval Store* Market. From the Jonr::al of Commerce; May t: The market for spin:s of lurpentime remains in a very t>ns< ttisd coiJiiltion. For prompt delivery bu.veTs have t? pay almost any pm c asked. Sales were made to-day ?,t au advance 04 ic per gallon. There ls na import out addition expected 10; he stock much belora Tuesday or wc tuesday or next week, sales embrace 100 bids in merchantable Uder a: tic. and Sob isa- 57c, closing with 58a oocaskv'd. Rosins-Thc marke! for strained re? mains firm. There ls a better inquirv from ship peis. ami ?2 32K te. bid; $2 35 at thc close would probiib y boy mil parcels. Sales are 1000 bois trained at $2S2K; ?uO0t>bls do at $21-5;.l>0bblsat $2 40; SOO bide at SJ 40: rm b'ls.u $210: lcjbb.s 8t $-2 40: iou bois No. 2 a-- $2$:,; c.t b.' N do at $2 7o. Kine grades meet with a ?teadr. falr lu quiry, inc business to meet wants ol the home truda; 1-rtoea shew no lurther change. Sales embrace 3-50 OMS extra paie nt $e 00. We quote >o. lat $SIAOUI 65; No. i $3a4; pale S4 25a5 50; t.\u.i paie ?(.:>.. c. Tur is qniet ai $2 eu lor wu intneton, selected :n small io:s. and sa 4u tor Washicgtoa. Kew York Sngar Market. From the New York J urnal of Cummer c. May C: lhe market for ta-^i- ac?veawl prices arc finner. There la considerable si. cnlaiive f. eltng ia the market Siia?dtti .?i u? a tri?"? demand from renners for .^? for present cousnmpii n- these ?with aii vic s 0; a vciy strong market lu Cuba in' filien e hoi.lei s to oiler Btocsoparing)v, at .1 to in? sist on v.-ry loll ratrs. Tne btilTs ol tue business reported o day was on thc basis ol 9.yn9Kc r. r fair lo good leiinine. and 10c lor'Ko 1.', boxes; tout come sales, especially pi centrifngal goods were at. an advance ci 1-lCc :o "1: nu tiic-e ratea At the close tue market .''as a strong upward ten? dency. Thc sal's ate 2200 linds ai 9Ha95 &6-iouc for Cuba muscovado lOJiu fi r centrifugal, lOKa 30^ for Pono Rico, ij.\'aiiKc ior Demaiara. and 361 boxes centrirngal ai K'JiaiOKc. For reflned the demand continues to lie active, and prices are KaKc higher. Tnroughout the country the stock New Torie Hay Market. . From tlie Dally Bulletin, May 6: Receipts to day 2000 bales. The market, is weak and the feeling ls heavy. A fair business has been done. The sales are 60 balea for Portsmouth, at fl 05; 40 bales for Goldsboro', N. C., at $1 io; 150 bales tor Havana, per steamer, at $110; 57 bales for Wilmington, at $1 05; so bales for Charleston, at SI 10; and 75 bales for Matanzas or a market, at $1 io. At the close cash buyers can buy without difficulty a: $1 05. Retail is without particular change in price, the best kinds are firm, but the poorer goods drag. Straw i3 very scarce anti Arm at $160 for long rye. Easton & Co.'s Cotton Kcport, ibr the Week Ending Kay 5. 1871. NEW YORK, May 0.-THE MARKET.-In our last report the market closed steady, at isiic for mid? dlings. Saturday the market was doll and prices were reduced "Hie; snlC3 ???.13, middlings 14J.C. Mon "ay the market was dull and unchanged; sales 2509. Tuesday the market was quiet and Arm; the offerings were fair and steadily he!U; sales 2073, middlings u7/,c. Wednesday prices were maintained by demand to fill May contracts quotations unchanged; sales 3917. Thursday, with favorable foreign advices, the market was ac? tive-and prices were %c higher; the demand was largely for. export; sales 6131, middling* 15.','c. Yesterday there was. a : ai- business transacted at steady prices; sales 4187, .riddling l?.'ic. Jplaurt New and Floridas. Mobile. Orleans. Texas. if in-, ll ll. Good ordinary..13>? M.-.-. 13J,' 13K Low middling...14J? UK 14? 14Ji Middling...,....16? l='.i . 15?,' 15J? Sales of the week 21.330 bales-including 4598 to spinners. 1962 to speculators, and 14,770 to export? ers. Grots receipt* at this port for the week 14.881 bales. Since 1st September, 930,582 bales, against Oil,GOO last year. ST?nsTiCAL POSITION- * 1871. 18.0. Stock in Liverpool.bales. 994,000 539.990 Afloat from india. 100,000 94,000 Afloat from America. 230.000 18O.000 Stock in London. 85,400 40,050 Afloat for London. 7o,ooo 32,000 Stock in Havre. 30,200 74,150 Afloat for Havre. 17,540 66.766 Stock m Bremen. 28,505 14.307 Afloat for Bremen. 71.066 12,201 Stock in United States ports.. 453.982 334,165 Stock in inland towns. 08,621 69,594 Total. 2,139,704 1,457,7 Excess la visible supply , com? pared with 1870.;. 651,931 Stock or cotton held by Man? chester spinners at the mills 80,000 40.000 Price of mid Orleans tn Liver? pool. 7 9-10d. 113-lGd. Price of mid Orleans in New . York. 15.*?'c. 23,','c. Price o' gold..-. HA* U?. BOMBAY.-The exports from 1st January to 30th April are: To Great Britain 209,000 bales, against 237.430 bales la*t year, and tn the continent 137, 000 bales, against 100,027 bales in 1870. This shows an excess of 21,070 bales to Great Britain, atul 36.372 bales to tne continent. We now have to compare with 226,196 bales and 29,296 to Great Britain and the continent respectively, in May, 1870. After that month thc shipments decreased rapidly-176,857 in June, 72,704 in July, 61,504 ip Augusto is t??i in September, lt is difficult to maktany calculation on thc course of the Bom? bay shipments, but as the stuck ol oid cotton In the country was larger than the previous year, and me crop was about the same, we should think that the shipments would beat least - equal to last year's for the balance of-the year. Boston Market. BOSTON. May 3.-COFFEI:.-The market for this article contluues quiet, but prices are steady and firm. We quote sates o; Java at I9,'ia-.'3c, gold; Rio at 14?ial5?c, gold, and St. Domingo is scarce, and prices are nominally Plaice per lb. gold, in bond. COTTON.-There is firmer foeling for cotton, with mote favorable advices from abroad, and moderate receipts at >ut.t,crn ports, but. manu? facturers are uot disposed to purchase beyond immediate wants. Sates 0! stained and ordinary at9allc; good ordinary at u.'j'aia^c: low mid? dling at I3??ai4xc, and middling at U&ilfi" per lb,including uplands and Gulf. There isa Arm feeling at these prices, bat the market elated comparatively quiet. DOMESTICS.-There has been considerable ac tivitv in cotton and woollen goods, and the sales have been large, at prices Indicating no impor? tant chance. The supply of spiln* woollens ts sold up close, and the demand for heavy gocds ls i more active. The prospects'o! the trade lu wool? lens is more encouraaing tba': for some j;ears past, and, notwithstanding the increased custof producion, prices are likely to be remunerative. G CN NV BAGS.-The market ls quite dull for gun? ny bags, au? prices arj nominally 14>?al&c cur? rency. GUNNv CLOTH.-There has been considerable doing in domestic cloth, nu; th" particulars we did not learn, and we nave only to notice sales of loo rolls at 20c currency. Calcutta cloth is held at 18alS"s,'c currency, and UKalSc gold. In bond. NAVAL STORES.-lu spirits of tarpeuiluc a con? siderable decline has taken p'ace.and the price I now nominally fie p-r-jrallon. .Tar is didi, with abundant receipts, and -ale- at $3 per bbl. Kosiu is scarce, and pale is held for t x; renie prices, lu pitch the sales have been at $3 50 per bi 1 RICE.-The market is firm for Carolina, with further sales at 9a9>?c per lb. Montgomery- Cotton Statement. MONTGOMERY, May 5. Stock on hand September 1, IS70.1,575 Received 1 ast week. 421 Received, previously.,.94,587-94,988 Total.96,563 Shipped past week. 1,311 Shipped previously.90,038-91,349 I Stock on hand May 4. 1671.5,214 Interior Cotton Markets. ' MONTGOMERY. <May e.-Cotton is Jji good de ? maniflrt our market at full prices; low middlings 13al3,l4c SELMA, May 6.-There wcte sales yesterday to the amount of 20 bales; middling 14; low mid? dlings I3?<; strict good ordinary ISM; nothing offering. COTTON SATEMENT, Stock on hand September 1, 1870.... 1,272 . Received this week. 473 Received previously. 82,915-83,388 Total. 64,060 Shipped this week. 478 Shipped previously. 81,798-82.27? Stock ot hand.Tridoy, Mays, 1S71.2,384 Havana Market. HAVANA, April 29.-The sugar markets herc and at our most convenient ouiports show very nearly the same condition os the previous week, but rather mere quiet, as prices seem tlrmly de? termined by mutual action 01 sellers and buyers of lines Nos. ll and 12 at 10# to 12.?? reals per arrobe, although sales have been made"for port? of the south of Europe of choice goods at ie?? ?reals for No. 12, ana grades through at equal ratio. The quotations, affirmed by the author? ized board 01 brokers, are firm for whites, through, at $6?a7?i per 100 lbs.; yellow, do.. Nos. 13 to20 do. at ?5>s to 6>i do.; browns, do.. Nos. ll and 12 at lo.'i to Wi reals per arrobe (or to $5.'.,' per 100 los.:) Cucuruchos, do.. N?s. 7 tu IO $4?; to S4?< du. Ma?covadues-sales have realized for lair to Ki.ou relia;ng $5 per leo lbs., at whicii the market closes strong for this mark, and the lower grades at the u-ual fraction less. Por cent nf u gals, ti rm aj; $5,'i to S&K tor Nos. ??i to 13, but not with very achvet. demnod. .Melass sugars good demar.ct for all tr at are fonhd rn the market ; rates ranging through the day from $4ia'to 4^ per 100 lbs. Sal. s of tr.e week here and at Matanzas and Cardenas will cover near 30.000 boxtsand ?ooo hlids. and Including other nearest ports. Tue shipments hence ann from Matanzas in thc past week eigbrace 23,594 boxes and 37C? fends, of whtWi ? J the United states- 11,964 boxes and t!4?4 hims, leaving stock on band at the two pori 1s equai to 441,i12 boxes aud -J6.209 against for same period of is70 ot 5t'.;'. ?s boxes and 32.066 linds. Tue only variation now m opinion - hol tness of inc crop goes from 25 per cent tu 30 per cent.. less than last yen's for lae islam!. Neagy nit the mills of the be-t estates are tlu;ed -lins out. !t?vtipts by Railroad. May 8. serra CAROLIN.* RAILROAD. bales cotton. i;c l?alos domestics, blears lumber, wood, stock, ac. T-> Railroad Ag-nt, Geo ll walter A co, w c Courtney k co, Geo W Wine, ES.Mus, L I) DeSaussnre. T ll A- W De wees, Helier, Rodgers ? CO, >V B Williams A Son, Kinsman k Howell, j Wi cv A- co, Utscv A Ken? yon, Smith A chateau, IV W Smith, Caldwell k Son, Frost &- Ally1-r. ? iv Williams A-ou. W ? Small k co; Trenbolm k Son. Sloan k ;eir:n;ous, A B Mulligan. Wm O Bc 1 .v c.?. A J Salmas. P c Treuhol n. T P Smith, J ll i r??ele sen. Watson je Ihn, Wagener i Mouse- s, X;i< queen A Riccke. NORTHEASTERN xtAtt.i-.wAK 73 baits upland cotton. Sis buis naval stores, cars wend and .umber, rough rice, peas, uoili mdse. .vc. To (.' W Williams A co. J M Caldwell .<.n. Frost A Adner, A J Su iu.;s. w u Courtney A co, Kinsman k Howell, b" ;,\M Barden A Par? ker, s i> si liney, P?lser, R >di? r i k rn, a Wash? ington^! Wtcters. Treuil Ita A Min, W K Ryan, .Mowry ,v Son, G W Wi le, W ii '.' Piaca 1, 0 Mc? Pherson, J A cuackeiibuslt, E U Andrew* Ben? nett-? Mill, Dukes A co, J C MeliWiee, ii Welling, anti Railroad Ageur. I'OJtT VA ? BJfOJUt. KOOK'S ?HA5BS. Full Moon, 4th, 5 hour?, 40 minutes, evening. Last Quarter, nth, 9 nowa, 3 rajustes, morning. New Miiuu. lltth. & h?nr, 25 minutes, morning. First Quarter, '?7th. 7 hours. 42 minnies, morning. i4<Suriday...~.! Paaienstr*. I Per steamer-Eliza Hancox, from sa va tin an, via Beaufort, Ac-Mrs C A Godfrey and daughter, R C Clapp, w J Miles, E Ensign. Mrs Small, Miss Lynch, Mrs Abbott, E J Holmes, and 13 deck. MARINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, S. C.MAY 9, 1871. Lat 3D deg 46 min 33 sec. | Lon 79 deg 57 min 27 sec. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Virginia, Hunter, Philadelphia-left 4th Inst. Mdse. To W A Courtney, P Walsh, Jno Hurkamp A co, Railroad Agent, Dr H Baer, J M Eason A Bro, Steffens. Werner A Ducker. H'-.uies's Book House, Fogartle's Book House. E E Bedford. 0 Olaclns, E Dalv, W Brookbranks, M H Nathan, H Bischoff A co, F C Borner, C D Frauke.W Lebby. T M B-istoil A co, J C Ogermann, A L Tyler, C F Pankntn, cameron, Barkley & co, Tietjen ?/Lu? den'Knete A Chapman, MantSue A co, H Klatte A co, O F Wleters.'H Gerdts A co. A R Stillman, T J Kerr A co. Waiker, Evan3 A Cogswell, P B La lane A co, C O Witte, W M Bird A co. J R Johnson, Macqueen A Riecke, G W Williams A co, T Camp nell, G W Aimar. atoll, Webb A co, C Sanders, T F Ch?pelo, B Boyd, Wagener A"MonseeB,*A Snow? den, C L Kornahrens, r.orlda . Steamers, E Bates A co, P F Murray. W Shepherd A co, W L Webb, R H McDowel;, C Gravely, Dowie, Moise A Davis, Gas co, and others. Experienced strong head winds-all the passage. - Sehr Hannan G Hand, Hand, Baltimore-8 days. Coal. To Gas company. Vessel to H F Baker A co. Steamer Eliza Hancox, Burns, Savannah, via Beaufort, Ac Mdse and snudries. To Ravene), Holmes A co, J Apple, Terry A Nolcn, Southern Express co, E E Holmes. Received from Chlsolm's Mill. 32 tes rice. To THAW Dewei s. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Sehr Wm H Steele, Buck; Baltimore-AsHer D Cohen. Sehr John Ferris, St John, New York-Street Bros A co. CLEARED FOR THIS POJJT.* Steamship Jas Adger, Lockwood, at New York, May 6. Spanish brig Carmen,-, from St Jago-de Cana, April 17. . MEMORANDA. NEW YOKE, May 6.-Arrived, the Cortes, Prin? cess and Alice, and steamship H Livingston, from Savannah. x SAVANNAH, May 8.-rArrived, ships ironsides and Leamington, from Liverpool. Cleared, brig W?t?h, Antwerp; sehr A Bartow, St John's, N B. . LIST OF VESSELS rr. CLEARED A.'ta SAILED vor. THIS PORT. *0 il E I G N . LIVERPOOL. Br ship Island Home, Mci,ellan, cp.April C Br bark Vinco, jobson, np.April 15 CARDIFF. Norwegian bark Lugent, Neiisen, sailed_Jan 26 HAVANA. Brig G S Berry, Bradley, cleared.April 15 ST. JAGS DE CCBA. Span brig Carmen, -, cleared.April 17 DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Sh lp Western Star,'.? rowell, cleared....... April 5 SchrConservattTe, Sterling, cleared-'..April 24 KEW YOEE. Sehr H C Sheppard, Clark, cleared.AprlMS sehr Lilly, Uuirhes. cleared.April 27 Sehr L Well', Wells, up.April 20 Sehr Ella Frances, liolgcr, up.April 29 PHILADELPHIA. Steamship Virginia, Hunter, cleared.Moy 4 sehr W G Dearborn, Scull, np.April o Sehr Annie Magee. Young, cleared.April 7 sehr S L Russell. Smith, cleared.April 20 Sehr Ida Richardson, Eedell, up.April 27 Sehr A S Gaskill," Gaskin, up.April 29 BALTIMORE. Sehr PL Smith.-. up.April 15 Itrig Ellen Maria, Roxie, cleared.April 19 Sehr E M Pennell. Mitchell, cleared.May 1 Sehr J U Stickney, Fooks, up.May c NEW ORLEANS. Sehr Lucy D-, Hull, cleared.April 23 Shipping. OR IJVEBPOOL, Vulj?E^STOlVtt F CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAILS. THE LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN STEAM COMPANY Will dispatch one of their first-class, Tull power Iron Screw Steamships Hom PIER No. 46 N. R., EVERY WEDNESDAY, A3 FOLLOWS: MANHATTAN, Capt.FORSYTH....May c,at 3PM COLORADO, Capt.T.W.FREKMAN.May io, at io AM WISCONSIN, Capt. WILLIAMS....May 17, at 3 PM NEVADA, Capt. GREEN.May 24,at 9AM NEBRASKA, Capt. GUA KD.May 27, a*, ll AM Cabin Passage $S0, gold. Steerage Passage (Office No. 2'J Broadway) $30, currency. For Freight or Cabin Passage, npply to WILLIAMS A GUION, No. C5 Wan Btrcet, N. Y. . N. B. The Steamships plying between Charles? ton and New York, of the Llues represented re? spectively by Messrs. JAMES ADGER A CO., Agents, and by Messrs. WAGNER, HUGER A. CO. and W. A. COURTENAY, Agents, make close connections with the Steamships or the WIL? LIAMS A GUION Line, mayo JP OR BALTIM ORE. . FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGH BILLS LADING ?SUED TO PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, AND THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST. The One Steamship "SEA GULL."' Dation, Commander, will sail for Baltimore on TUESDAY, 9th May, at io o'clock A. M. 43" Philadelphia Ereignis forwarded to that city by railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional insurance, and Consignees are allowed am? ple time to sample and sell their Goods from Ute Railroad Depot, in'.-hin. PAUL C. THENHOLM, Agent,. may2-7 No. 2 L'uior. Wharves. JpAClFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMFY* riiKOCua LINE TO CALIFORNIA, CH.INA AND JAPAN FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers cd the above lineleave Wer^fif?fc No. 42. Noith River, fool o: niffi/wiT .street, N?w york, ni 12 o'clock neon, oj mu 15th ?md 3-Jlh of every month (except when Ibex .lutes fallon Sunda v, i lieu Hie saturday precci mg. All departures connect a* Patianu; with nte.m: I?? for south l'acide and Central American pori*. Iieparturc or l-'.th touches nt Kingston. Jamaica. For Japan and China, steamers leave ?san Fran? cisco erst of every mon-h. except when it fan* on sunday; then on the day preceding. No California steamers tonca a; Havana, bu .rn direct from New York to Aspiawa'.l. one iiundnd pcunds baggage (recto ene? idu? Medicine and attendance ire*. For Passage Tickets or oilier information app ,it the COMPANY'S TICKET OKI IV:-;, on'tn .?.ii-rf foo", cf Canal ?iret'. North River, Nev Vork. K. R. BABY, .it eat. ?uivi'Mvr BEAUFORT AND PACIFIC LANDING. The steamer PILOT BOY. Captain #, .rIT",Kr'*. J. W. Sly, will leave - very Tlll'K8-??Bffi?feSC. PAY MORNINO. at S o'clock, as above, iteiuriiiug, will ???ve Beanfor; FRIDAY MOKNING, ai 3 o'clock. iuur23 J. li, AIKEN, Ayeut. j^OR NORTH EDTSTO, JAEIUFOST AND PACIFIC LANDING. The Si earner Tl LOT LOY. Captain ... HK^-'V J. w. sly, will lea VJ Central Wh:ir??s2?3S.. for the above points every MONDAY UOKNINU, a. . o'clock, and. returning, will jetive Heaufortt'verv TUESDAY, at ? O'Clock A. M.. ?Hld t'dlstu u; :} I'. M. marji J. I>. AIKEN*. Aecnr. fe L O il X l) .VICE A t'.'KEK. Kell SAVANNAH. FERNANDINA, JACKSON Y;:.L:.. PILATE A AND ALL POINTS UN TUE ST. JOHN'S RIVER. The Steamer DICTATOR, Capiatn ? -ir"*"7**, L. M. COXETTEK, v?iii s::ii Inn?^^?SSSSim Southern Wharf for above points every 'U'ESDAI 8.30o'ciock, arriving back at Charles ton every SATCRDAY AFTERNOON, at 5 o'clock. The Steamer CITY POINT, Captain D. B. Vincent. will sall from Southern Wharf for above points every FRIDAY EVENING, at y.30o'clock, arriving back at, charleston WxdNESDAY AFTERNOON, at t> o'cJeck. RA VEN EL A CO., Agent?, octio Southern wharf. F Shipping. OB TTVE SPOOL The ?l Iron dipper Ship REMINGTON, John F. Fowler, Master, wants ooo bales cot? ton to complete cargo, Apply to mayy HENRY CARD, P OK N E W I O R E. ON TUESDAY, MAY 9TH, AT 6 O'CLOCK P. M. NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1ST0. STATE-ROOMS ALL ON DECK, The Splendid New Iron Side Wheel Steamship SOOTH CAROLINA, Beckett, Commander, will san for Sew York on TCSSOAY. May 9th, at six o'clock P. M.; from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves. The fine new lion Steamship GEORGIA will follow on TUESDAY, Wa May. ? . Through Bills of Lading given on Cotton tc Liverpool, Boston, Providence and the New Eng? land Manufacturing Towns, at the lowest mar? ket rates. Insurance by steamers of this Line % per cent. For Freight Engagements or Passage, having very One state-room accommodations, apply to WAGNER, HUGER A CO.. No. 26 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharves. maye-C F O It X E VY Y O Ii K OLD LINK MEW YORK AND CHARLES* TON STEAMSHIPS. ESTABLISHED 1S?5. SPACIOUS AND ELEGANT DECK STATE-ROOM; The very fast and splendid Side-Wheel Steam? ships of this Line wm sall from Alger's South Wharf as follows : JAMES ADGEK, SATURDAY, May 13th, at 2 o'clock P. M. CHAMPION, SATURDAY, May 20th, at 6 o'clock P. M. JAM ES ADGER, SATURDAY, May 27th, at 12 o'clock M. as-lnsurance a percent, by this Line. 9JT Through Bilis of Lading elven on Cotton tr Liverpool, Boston. Pr-vidente ?ind the. New Eng laud manufacturing towus at the -lowest marke; rates. For Freight or Passage encasements, apply tc . mayl JAMES ADOER A Cu. ^TT-??KLY LINE TO SAVANNAH. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. . r"OK PACIFIC LANDING, BEAUFORT. H1LTO H EA D, SAVANNAH. DAMIEN AND BRUNSWICK, GA. The favorite Steamer ELIZA HAN C O Xi Captain L. W. BDKNS, will receive Freight at Accommoda- r . ?-T**"?. ?ion wharf for above prams every?^2??ESC TUESDAY, and leave every WEDNESDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock, arriving at savannah same evening, and leaving for Darien, ic, on the following morning. Returning, will leave Savannah for Charleston every MONDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock. For Freight or passage, app'.y to RAVKNEL. HOLMES A CO., mavo No. 1?7 East Ba-. TgXC?KSION TO THE PHOSPHATE WORKS ON THE ASHLEY RIVER. The elegant Steamer ELIZA HAN? COX, Captain L. W. Burns, will,_ leave Accommodation Wharf on TUESDAY MORN INO, May 9ih, at io o'clock, nnd return to the city at o V. IL Refreshments on board. Fare $1. A good opportunity will be atlorded to visit'the various points of Interest on the River. mayc-3 XJXCTJRSION TO ST. AUGUSTINE AND TUE ST. JOHN'S RIVER, FLORIDA. The splendid and fas: S'eamer DICTATOR, Captain L. M Coxelter.,_ will leave Charleston, TUESDAY. May iota, at naii poet 6 P. M., on an Excursion to Florida, arriving ut Savannah ear.y on WEDNESDAY, and remain lng there mull afternoon, arfurdlng ample t?mete visit Buenaventura and ether points of interest. Leavlug at 3 o'efock P. M., will arrive at St. Au? gustine TuunsDAY MORNING, where a most agree? able day may be spelit Inspecting thc ancient Spanish Fortress, the Cathedral, and other relics of the first settlement on the Continent, in sailing on the Bay oj visiting thc Orange Groves of the neighborhood. Leaving St. Augustine, on FRIDAY MORNING, the Dictator will pass up the St. John's to Pniarka, by daylight, stepping at all points ol Interest, thus affording a-rare opportunity of see. lng, to the best advantage, Hie mos: beautiful ol Southern Rivers. Returning win leave Jacksonville SATURDAY, Fernandina the same afterncun. arriving at Sa? vannah SUNDAY MONKING, and charleston SUN DAV EVENING. Fare for round trip, ?IS. No extra charge for Meals <.r Staterooms. mayi-14 KAVCXCL A CO., Agents. Premium Carib Salt. $100,000_ ?100,000 AIKEN PREMIUM LAND SALE. f loo.f co tu bc- Distributed :b Siiareuoliterp. FIVE DOLLARS will purchase a Share. Intruding a Woik of Ar; worth Five DOLLARS. Thc Derby Farm Property to be distributed em braces Hie Largess Vineyard and Orchard lu thc soath. . .. , - . UNEQUALLED CLIMATE ! PKACHABLE COUN? TRY ! GENEROUS SOIL ! The salubrious and health-giving climnte o! Aiken has given it the name of "T..e Saratoga ol the South."; ?95.000 in Premiums pt went id to Shareholders. $1011.000 m Iteal Estate aud Greenback Prizes to be distributed to Shareholder.?. 9-1 Kcal Estate Prizes, worth from$300 to $25,090. : Greenback Prizes, fr>m-$&tu Jiouo. UN.'.Y 19,009 MIARES WILL BB ISSUED. ONE SHARE IN EVERY THIRTY-ONE WILL DRAW A PRIZE, i Th's Real Estate Property, couveyctl by need or Trust?? tiiccommittee who are to conduct ii:e DRAWING, is to be irausfcrred by them to the FORTUNATE MIA KSIIOLDRR? a? soon a.i ?he re? maining Shares aie Sehl. The tuairiiig will take p ace .'.. cord ug to thc published pmara.nate. THE DAY ?FTRE D3?WISG will bc on-ioacced by Telegram to Hie Associated Press. A sm il Sum invested DOW may secure a F^r tcne. Every Shareholder may res: .--stirred of equal j justice, ami that mis Sciieme, nabco many osiers, IS "FAIR; SQUARE AND HONEST." Money received alter tlie Books are closed will be promptly returned. For full particular*, as embraced to revised pamphlet, addi ess J. C. DERBY, Gener..! Manager, mays Key i!ox No. :?>. Augusta; Ca. Tjj A C ? L " S 1 0 R HAIR TON,! C , No DYK! ins'iits Healthy ai.d Yisi-arons Growth. War ruutcl un; to contain LL.u>. ssipkur, or ?my ether injurious Drug. The Kxcelsior Hair Tonic will koop the head clear of Dandruff, prevent the falting uui of the Hair, and giv? ir a soit and beautiful gloss. lt ia not injurious to Use health ol the user, nor is it greasy and flhhy like many of Hie prepara? tions at present, offered as Hair Renewer*. Manufactured by DR. ii. CAER, Wholesale and Betali Druggist. . No. 131 Meeting street, Charleston. Price per bottle 50 cents. N. B.-All the preparations manufactured by DR. H. BARR are In accordance with formulas given by distinguished Physicians, and have-been subjected to lougand careful-triu!. -They are no secret remedies, and he is at all times prepared to submit these formulas to members of-tue profes? sion, or others desiring such information. flrortamatum. .j^ATORALr^^ THE ATTENTION of Natural-born.subjects of Her Britannic Majesty is called to the 4th and 6th clauses of the "Naturalization Act, 1870," viz : 4. Auy person wno by reason of bis having oeen born within the dominions of lier Majesty ls a natural born subject, hut who also at the time or his birth became under the law of any foreign State a subject of such State, and is still such subject, may, if of milage and hot under any dis? ability, make a declaration of alienage In manner aforesaid, and from and after the making of such declaration of alienage, such person shall cease to be a British subject. Any person who ls boru out of Her Majesty 's dominions of a father being a British subject may, if of fall ace, and not under any disability, make a declaration of alienage in manner aforesaid, and from and after the making of such declaration, shall teas; to bea British subject. EXPATRIATION. 6. Any British subject who hau at any time be? fore, or may at any time after, the passing of this act, when in any foreign State, e>nd not under any disability, voluntarily become naturalized in such State, shall, from and after the time of his so hav? ing become naturalized In such foreign State, he deemed to have ceased to be a British subject, and be regarded as an alien: Provided, ft) That where any Brltis'K subject has, before the passing of this act, voluntarily become naturalized tn a foreign State and yet is desirous of remaining a British subject, he may, at any time within two years after the passing of this acr. make a declaration that he ls desirous of remaining aBrltish sub? ject, and upon such declaration, hereinafter referred toas a declaration of British nation? ality, teing made, and upon his taking the oath of allegiance, the declarant shall be deemed to be, and to have been continually, a British subject; with this qualification, that he shall not, when within the limits of the foreign State in which he has been natural? ized, be deemed to be a Brltish?subject, unless he has ceased to bc a subject of that State In pursuance of the laws thereof, or In pursu? ance of a treaty to that effect. (2.) A declaration of British nationality may be made, and the oatt* of allegiance be taken, as follows, that is to say: If the declarant be in the United Kingdom, In the presence of a jus? tice of the p.ace; If elsewhere In Her Majes? ty's dominions, In the presence of any Judge of any court of civil or criminal Jurisdiction, of auy justice of the peace, or of any other olllcer for the time being authorized by law In the place In which the declarant ls to admin? ister au oath fur any judicial or other legal purpose: if out of Her Majesty's dominions. In the presence of any olllcer In the diplomatic or consular service of Uer Majesty. ALSO, to the following extract from the "Con? vention ' between Her Majesky and the United States of America relative to Naturalization." (Ratifications exchanged at London, August 10, 1870.) ARTICLE H. * British subjects * * who have become and are naturalized as d'./.cns within the United States, shall be at liber . ru re? nounce their naturalization and to resume their British nationality, provided tl wt such renuncia? tion be publicly declared within two yean after the 12th day of May. 1S70. . FURTHER information may be had on applica? tion to H. P. WALKER, H. B. M. Consul at Charleston. fet>I4,2S,marl4.28, iJnsinxss Car?s. 1865 ^J'?iiENBY & co'' ]$71 PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 76 BARCLAY AND No. 222 GREENWICH STREETS. N E W YORK. Reueivers of Green end Dried FRUITS, Truck and ail kinds of Farm and Garden Produce. Our location and facilities for celling Fruits and Vegetables are unsurpassed in New York. Circulars and Marking Plates sent free to Ship pers. All correspocdeuts and questions cheer? fully answered. REFERENCE.-C. H. Llllenthal, 'Tobacconist. New York. anrlJ JJEEVES, DROWN & VAN WICKLE, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IN ALL, KINDS OP . DOMESTIC FRUIT AND VEGETABLES in their season. Nos. 162 and 103 CENTRE ROW, WEST WASHINGTON .MARKET, NEW YORK. REFERENCES.-s. A. Lambert, with Adolph Nimitz, Commission und forwarding Merchant, No. 20'J Eust Hay, Charleston, s. C. apri3-3inos M l?iscelhuKcms. ANIFOLD AND "'CARB?N PAPERS. To Telegraph and Railway Companies, Brokers, Reporters and Exchange Offices, TRY COWAN'S PATENT IMPROVED MANI? FOLD AND CAH30N PAPERS. Send for price and particulars to COWAN & CO., Stationers* No. 30 Pine street, New York. P. O. Box 474S. For sale by all Stationers. mar2-thtu?3mo9 floptical. jjyjONEY CANNOT SOY IT! FOR SIGHT IS PR1CELESSII TheDlAMOND GLASS KS, manufactured by J. E. SPENCER A CO., New York, which are now oflereu to the public, are pronounced by all the celebrated Opticians of thc world to be the most Perfect, Na i ural AMiUdal help to thc human eye ever known. They are ground antler their own supervision from minute Crystal Pebbles, melted together, and'derive their name. "Diamond," on account of th?ir hardness and briUiancy. Thc scientinc principle on which they are con? structed brings Hit- core or centre of the ?ens di? rectly in Iront of the eye, producing a clear and distinct vision, as in the natural, healthy sight, and-preven ung all unpleasant sensations, such at elluinitirmjr and wavering of sight, dizziness, Ac., peculiar to all ethers in usc. They are mounted in the finest manner, in frames of thc best quality, of ail materials used for tnat purp se. Tneir finish and durability can? not besurpus?ed. CAUTION.-None geuurae-nnless nearing tnei! rade mark stamped nu every frame. JAMES A I. LAN, Dealer m Watches, jewelry, Sterling Silverware uad Optical Uoods, So. P.07 King street, t tl-turn vr Charleston .S. C. ?rngs ono Blcbirmcs. HERMAN SOOTHING CORDIAL! br AN INVALUABLE UK MU DY VOR INFANTS This is the best Medicine for young children suffering wit li Celie, Diarrhoea, or aDy other com plaint, ni idem to Teething, lt may be give.' with safety, us it contains no opium, or other in jurions anodyne. Price. 23 cenn a nonie. Manufacture i an i foi sale bv r?i!. n. BA ER. Also uy the following Druggists: A. W. ECKEL A CO.. Dr. A. RAOUL, Dr. W. A. SK RINK, A. U. RARBOT, W. T. LIT ILE A CO., J. BLACKMAN, P. M. COI!KN. Hr. E. lt. KELLERS. K. S. BURNHAM. Ci RAMAN .t . CH VYA EE, G. W. AI.M.Ut, J. LOCKWOOD, G. J. LUUN, W. T. LINN, W. A. GIBSON. And by Druggis ts tteiiemily. jfit.2 D Il. 15 A E IMPROVE.") VEGETABLE CATHARTIC PILLS wm remedy BILIOUS DISORDERS and LIVER COMPLAINT-Will cure Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Costiveness, Loss ol Appetite, and have proved of great uso in Neu? ralgia, Dropsy, Dysentery, Piles, Pains in tneside, Back and Lnnb?. They will cure Sick Headache and all Derangements of the stomach. These Pills contain no Mercury, and may be taken with perfect safety by any persons, aud in all Blina MOILS Of Ufe. No family should be without them. Manufactured by DR. H. BAER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, Charleston, S. C. . Price per box ?6 cents. Usual discount to tte trade. I fin* ?roxerie?, Ut. AND rri?JL WAREHOUSE HEADQUARTERS FOB SELECTED DAIRY BUTTER PURE LEAP LARD PRIME FACTORY AND ENGLISH CHEESES ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CB4CKEB9, '*D-i BISCUITS, 4c., <fcc. . N. B.-l CLAIM TO KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK AND MOST EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT CF FAMIL7 GROCERIES 1? THIS CITT. , E. E. BEDFORD, VERT PURE EUCCSSSOB TO CHOICE J. _ IEKANDIES, WINES WILLIAM S. CORWIN A CO., FAMILY AND VERY OLD No. 275 KING STREET, FLOUR. WHISKIES. OPPOSITE HASEL. , WHOLESAX?B AND RETAIL DEALER Fine Teas. Coffees. Sugars Provisions, Spices, &c* nEICMETICAXLY SBA LED FRUITS. VEGETABLES, MEATS, SOUPS, ?fcc. Ail articles sold from this establishment are of the VERY BEST QUALITY and WARRANTED Goods ielrrercd to ali parts of the. City, Railroad Depots, Steamboats, free of expense. EVER i" E. K EDI ORD. ) "?EO. H. GRUBER. ( SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. (JAS. S. MARTIN. I WM. G. MOOD, JB, Suming ?Hartones. fJlHE GOLD MEDAL SEWING MACHINE. DOUBLE LOCK ELASTIC STITCII. This is the mun simple and reliable Two Thread Sewing .Machine In Hie world, lt seVs direct from ;wo (breads, anil is $15 less than any other flrst-els ss ?ewin}; Machine; ~ Samples can' te seen Hand Machine. $ for Home .Shuttle npr-i-tuihs-hnos j? e a tu s cn "s preparations. SITR? POP ! D.G?TH TO RATS, . ROACHES, BEDBUGS, &c. NEVER FAILING. I30XES DOUBLE THE SIZE AS OTHERS. HERMETICALLY SEALED AND ALWAYS FRESH. Sold af- Wholesale by DO WIE. MOISE & DAVIS, And at retail by all Druggists. leb:-ceo i?lnrliiru'rp, (Eastings, Ut. STABLISH ED 18 4 4. P H .ON I i' IRON WORKS. / JOHN F. TAYLOR & CO.. iSuccesiors :o Cameron A Co.,) ENGINEERS, BOILERMAKERS, Ac, &C. Corner Hast Kay and Pritchard streets, near the Dry Dock, CHARLESTON, S. C. ii A X V F A C T lt It E It S OF STEAM EN GI NBS AND BOILERS. Murine, S?atlouary and Portable. RICE THRESHERS AND MILLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. C0TT0N PRESSES. Shafting. Pulley* and Gearing . Iron Fronts for Bmldiogs Castings of every hind iu lion cr Brass Forgings ol every description. ?9? Guarantee to fcratsii Engines and Coilers Of os good quality und power, and at a* low rates ?:s can be iud tn New York, Baltimore or Phil adelph:!". AGENTS FOR J Wist; S'S tKLKiJCATED COVEItNOR AND STOP VALV .-. wLji'S arc pst on :<n Eojloes made ai lt? pai c ?>r mp: ly jil tendal to. n a1 la-m.wfiiin?"?-!?*? I?? QHARLESTO?? ?O?;.'/ :? >?w Ige- "<?\ws>; J.M:IASJOM&BRO. mart?mwfdmos ^ ABNER'S IODOFOR AND IRON PILLS. For sale by im. H. KAER, janis No. lol Meeting street. s ?o?roaos. - ^jg^ O?TH GAKOL?NA KX?LRO AL\ VICE-PRESIDENT'S OFFICE, > 1 CHARLESTON, S. 0., January 18.1871. J On and after SUNDAY, January 22, the Passen* ger Trains on Mic Sfutn T^rjuna Railroad will tut as follows: 50E AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston..^.......12.60 P. M. Arrive af Augusta. 8.15 P. M. FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Onarleston. 8.20 A.M. Arrive at Columbia.3.40 P. M. FOB CHARLESTON. . . Lea7o Augusta. 7.40 A. U. Arrivent Charleston....'.3.20P. li. Leave Columbia.12.15 P.M. Am ive at Charleston.;. 7.50 P. M. AUGUSTA NIGHT EEPP.?S3. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.8.80 P. V. Arrive ar-Augusta.7.05 ? ?L. Leave Augusta.5.50 p. M. Arrive at M. COLUMBIA HIGHT EXPRESS. {Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.10 P.M. Arrive at Columbia. a.oo A. M. Leave Columbia.7.60 P. M. Arrive at Charleston. 0.46 A. M. SUMMERVILLB TE A3 St. Leave Charleston.."..4.30 P. M. Arrive at Summerville.8.00 P.'M. Leave Summerville.7.00 A. M. Arrive at charleston.8.15 A. M. CAMDEN BRANCH. Leave Camden.i.6.00 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.10.40 A. M. Leave Columbia.1.25 P.M. Arrive at Camden.6.00 P. H. Day and Night Trains male elua connections at Augusta with Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad. Night Train connects with Macon and Augusta Railroad. Columbia Night Train connects with Greens lite aDd Columbia Railroad. . Camden Train connects daily with Day Passen? ger Trains; janio_A. L. TYLER. vice-President. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COM? PANY. CHARLESTON, S. C., February 11,1871. Trains '?eave Charleston Daily at in M. and P. M. Arrive at Charleston 7:30 A. M. (Mondays ex? cepted) and 8:30 P. M. Train does not leave Charleston 6:30 P. M., SUN DATS. Train leaving at 12 M. makes through connec? tion -to New York, via Richmond and Acquia Creel: only, going through in 42 hours, WITHOUT DETENTION ON SUNDAYS. Passengers leaving by 6:39 P. M. Train have choice of route, via Klchmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Rainmore. Those leaving FRIDAY oy this Train-lay over on SUNDAY In Bal? timore. Those leavjflgjun SATURDAY remain SUN? DAY in Wilmington JOj. Tills ls the cheapcs?roickest and mon pleasant route to cincinnati,- chicago and other points West and Northwest,-both Trams making close connections at Washington with Western trains of Baltimore and o alo Railroad. S. S. SOLOMONS, Engineer and Superintendent. P. L. CLSAPOR, General Ticket Agent. febil-iamos. _, ? SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAIL? ROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS on this Road ran dally as fullows: Leave Charleston.8.30 A. M. Arrive at p. M. Leave Savannah.11.15 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.5.20 P. M. Connects at Savannah with the Atlantic Sc Gu..* Railroad for Jacksonville, St. Augustine, a did all points in Florida. With Central Railroad for Macon, Atlanta, Mo? bile. New Orleans and the West. With Steamboats for points on the Savannah Hiver. At Charleston with the Northeastern and South Carolina Railroads, and Steamships for all powiB' North and West. Through Tickets over this hne on sale at Hotels in Charleston; Screven House. Savannah; and all principal Ticket ?nices North and South. Freights forwarded dally to and from Savan? nah and all points beyond. Through Buds of Lading issued to Jacksonville, Tarli! as low as by any other line. C. S. GADSDEN. oct.5_Engineer ami Supcricteadent. SJrngs, ?l)emrcals, Ut. ROSAD AUS is the best Blood Purifier. R0SADALIS, a sure cure for Scrofula. .ROSADALIS, endorsed by Physicians. ROSAD ALIS, a potent remedy for Rheumatipm. ROSADALIS, a Remedy tried and true. ROSADALIS, the best Altera? tive extant. ROSADALIS endorsed by the following : Dr. H. WILSON CARP, of Rainmore. Dr. T. C. PUGH, of Ballimore. Ur. THUS. J. BOYK.1N, o? Banimoic. l>r. A. DCRGAN. of Tar boro'. N. C. Dr. J. s. SPARKS, of NIcholasvile, Ky. Or. A. F. WHEELER, of Lima. Ohio. Dr. W. UOLLOWAY, of Philadelphia. Dr. J. L. ."IccARTUA, of South Carolina, and many otners. See ROSADALIS ALMANAC ROSADALIS, endors.d by Rev. DABNEY BALL, now of Mary? land Conference, formerly Chaplain in rnc Con? federate AI my uf Northern Virginia. ROWAT3AIL.IS is Alterative, Tonic and Diuretic, azd ?c:s a; one ami the same time upon t:?e BLCOD, Ll\ ER, KIDNEYS and all the SECRETORY ORGANS, ex? pelling all Imnure ma:ter ami building op the system to a healthy, vigorous condition. ROSADAL.IS IS SOLD BY ALL D.ICGGISTS. DOWiE, MOISE A DAVIS, ) Wholesale GOODRICH. WI NEMAN A CO.. Agents In Dr. H. BAER, J Charleston. raar6-ly_? _ jgAGE'? CATARRH REMEDY, PIERCE'S GOLDEN DISCOVERY, DEBING'S PILE REMEDY, and all other new Preparations. For sale by DR. H. BAER, mario No. 181 Meeting street.