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IA the H*mdi Ot the SftOl-CttllottM. Tain wa wo aid tura onr ajee; spare ea/y bl?me; Nor take ner.pUgo* Xor text vise sawa to spin. Baa ene passed tn rough the iamlne and the came, By ber endurance bair redeemed ber na' j , From Its foul taint pf wantonness and sin, To sink to this extremity of shame ? If willing captive of this rufflan-swarm, How fallen-fair, frail Parts-from the pride With which the harlot-hourt plied her ?harm Or beauty, weird ard witch-like, an*thebarm Of those Olrcean upells tbat none deaed, But her sweet smile waa potent to disarm. Or if unwilling victim, blacker still Her infam T, and deeper jet her fall. Whose ne'velesa arm and palsy-Btricken will, For fear of leBS enduring greater ill, , Leave hT of shameful fear the shameleMt hrail, And, changeful In ail else, a coward still. Beneath the canopy of lurid smoke, * \ Brooding above the blood thatstains.bergteoes, Pale phantoms of old terror, new awoke, The Furies of red Ninety-three invoke, AU but the fiery hearts and tremper tones Of the wUd zealots that the inyader brose. Out of the gathering woeB-wherewith close bound. Like the scathed scorpion in Its rlngof Ure, Had* tau on helpless head writhe's rancorous round, - Slaying and slain with suicidai wound, Comes " viv&la Mpub?que f from twee whose ire * Lays the RepabUc death struck on the ground. Till none can say if. other hope remain. Than to aeek shameful safety from the foe ! So dyeing deeper her disgrace's stain And turning all men's pity to disdain. 1 Making us own her due in her worst woe, And bidding those that smote ber smite again. . [Lonaon Anten. GOMMZMGIJLL SEWS. > F.ilK>rta. FILL RIVES, MASS-Per sehr Mearlll'CHart 152,000 feet pitch pine plank. ' Che Charleston Cotton, Rice ?nd .?????! Stc.res Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON NSW*. \ FRIDAY EVEKING, Apr? 21, 1871.1 COTTON.-The marte: generally presented quiet features, but a moderate Inquiry prevailed at rates which showed no Important change from those previously prevailing. Sales about- ooo hales, say 12 at io, ; at litt, 4 at ii *, ll at li*, h 26 at 12,7 at 12;-;, IB at 12*, 1 at 12*, ?2 at w, 16 at 13*, 74 at 13*, 9 at 13*, 49 at !?*? *r*t 13*, . no at 13*, 3 at 13? ;, 40 at 14, 8 at 14*, ie at u*, ar d 6 extra staple at iee fi ft. We quote: - LIVERPOOL CLiSSlFlCanOK. Ordinary to good ordinary.11*31? LoW middling.: .,..13**13* Middllng.'......'.14 @ Strict mlddUug.:14*?I4* Ric^-This exiblted firmness. Sales about 200 '.tierces ot otean Carohiia, ?j M tierces at ?*c, ? at 8, co at a'*, iso. at 8*a ? ft. .Wa ?note j eommon to fair at 7*@7*' good ?@8*,c B ?. NAVAL STOKES.-me stock ts hgbt, and there ] were no transactions of note. FRSiajrra-To Liverpool, by steam direct, nominal on uplands ; via New York, *d on uplands; H on see' Islands; "by ear 7-16d on apianas, *d oe sea Islands.? To .* Havre nominal. Coastwise-to Kew 4erk. hy steam, *c on uplands aiid *c on s.i Islands ; $126 V tierce on rice; by sar). *c ta ft o. cotton -. - B tierce OL rice: 40c ft barrel cn rosin, $7@s B M on lumber; $9@io B M on timber. 1 ? Boston, by sall, *o ft ft OB upland eottcn. ' To Providence, by saU $8 B M on boartrs, he B ft on ootton; by steam $1 B hale on New York rates. To Phliadelphiai by-eteamvKc * ft on uplands; by 'sail, ?7 B M on boards; \% on timber: $3 B ton on clay, and $3^8 50 on ph o s . Shates. To Baltimore, by steam, *c B 1? by ?ail, JG 50?7 B M on boards; $3@3 25 B ton phosphate rock. - Tesaela are-in demsnrt* by onr merchants to take lumber freights frtm Georgetown, S. C., Danen and SatUla River, Qa and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern parle, and $io .12 BM are the rat?s on lamber anti hoards. ; ??"w?gt *srihs& DomsW ?EOWA?O?.i?? \mm Wau parchare Bight checks at * off to par, and sell ar * pre? mium. qotp-lo*gii*. ; ? Q ?>0 H Katftjl by Telegraph. HONKY XABXBTS. ? LONDON, April Tl-.Noon.^C?cso?k.-s?*: ' Bet d s BO*. Nsw YOBS, April ?1-Noon.-Freights firm. I Governments dull and steady. Stocks active; not qslte so strong. Southerns doll ?seapfTen? nessees and South carolinas, which ere wang and active. Mosey steady at 6 per cent. Gold weak a cn. Sterling, - tong 10; short 10*. Evening.-Freights steady. Money, market {Jutted at 6a& Sterling a toacWoe ifeaken Gold i*?n*; Governments a rnroy. ?FgagesBew es* ; sew 68*. "V lr gi nias 71; new ?ztt. Louisianas 07; sew 63; tovees 74*; eights 85. Alabsmasleo; fives ' 70. Georgias 84*r semens 89* North Carolinas , 48*; new26. ^ontb Ca rolln&ti 72; new GO*. . Nsw 0EWANS, April 23f.^Ster)lot'bani 2JI Sight *prem. Gold ll*& , - OOTnU*r |UBUT8. LIVE KPOOL, April 21-Noon.-Cotton dull and tending down; npiam A7*0> Origan? Jft?t ?alea .10,000 bales; sales -ot the-wr?k-^?^;-e>?BWts 12,000; speculation 40CO; stack 9j3,ooo; American , 570,ooo; receipts of the,wee-: 177,000; American 135,000; actual expon 13,000. Evening.-Cotton dull and depressed; ODiacd? 1*d,crif ans T*d; sales lO.fflOhaftAf ?sfowand specnlation 2OC0; afloat 437,000. NEW TOBE, -April H-Noon.-Cotton quiet and nn chan ged; uplands 14*c; Orleans 15*c; sales 1000 bales. Evening.-Cotton quiet; sales 3715 bales at 14*. BOSTON, April 21.-Cotton doll; middlings 16c; gross receipts 636 balee; sales 860; atock 14.W0: set receipts of the week ?74; grots 658; sales of the week 200. BALTIIIORK, April 21.-Conon firm; middling 14*c; net receipts, 185 bales; gross receipts, 274; exporte, coastwise, 245; sales, 716; suck, ie,086; Bet receipts Xor the week, 670; gross receipts, 976. Exports to Great Br.raih, USS; to the ConUnent. - 1; coastwise, 696. Sales for the week, 816*. NORFOLK, April 21.-Coitoo q iet;tukkUlDgsl3c; net receipts 605hales: exporte coastwise ac?sales 100; steck 3212; net receipts, of Ahe week 436; ex? ports cuastwise E397; sales of tlie' week 675. PBomXNCE, April 21.-Net receipts of the week eooo bales; stock 35,000 balee. . CWT POINT, Atril 21.-Net rc* of the week MO bales. WILMINGTON, April 21.-Cotton quiet; middling 14c; net receipts 65 bales: exports coastwise its: sales 41; stock 1TJ0; net receipts for the week 482; exports for the week coat twite U9; eales for the week 260. SAVANNAH, April21_Cotton active; midd,ines 13*al4c; net receipts 829 bales; exports ooaatwlt-e 529; sales 1600; stock 62.963; net receipts of the week 7172; exports to Great Britain 2473; coast? wise S237; Eales of the week ssoo bales. AUGUSTA, AprU 2k-Colton is fair demand and prices a shade firmer at 18*c f .r'Liverpool mid? dling; sales 67 0 bales; re telp is co. _ . MOBILE, AprU 21.-Cotton quiet; mfr dung 14|ic;i net receipts, ess; gross receipts, 1(95; exferta, coastwise. 878; sales, SOO; Burk, 41,676; net re? ceipts for the week, 6089-;gross receipts, 7664. Ex? ports to Great britain, 4577; ciaBtwl&c, 2278. Sales for the week, 6600 balea. NEW ORLEANS, April 21.-Cotton quiet and firm middlings l4Xal4*c; net receipts 4651 bales grots 63S7; experts to liverpool 2547; to Fal-' mouth not: to Havre 321S; tu Vera Cruz 650; sales 8000; stock 204,993; net receipts of the week 24 li 0 gross 27,22.'; exports to Liverpool 23,759; to Fal mooihlS04; to ilaire 4281; io Crunstadt ist-.':, to Antwerp 1404; to Hamburg 2143; io Amsterdam 3414; to Barcelona lo78; 10 Vera Cruz.65i; coas wise 3110; tales of iheweck -ll,coo. 1 GALVIBTON, ApiU 21.-Colton quiet; gcodordi nary 12ai2*c; net receipts 1C03 bales; exports to Great Britain 2194; eales 1400; stock ?v,?22; net reoelpta for the week 6858; ex r. or ts to-Great Brit sin 12.122, coastwise IGST ; sales for Hie wee* 6100, PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE M At?iT?. LIVERPOOL, April 21-Noon. -Brca'dstuffa easier, New corn 82s 6U. Weal ein Oour 27s Cd. Red win ter wheat 11s lld. Evening-Cumberland cut 42a. Tallow 42s Sd. NEW YORE, April 21-Noon_Fleur cull and ic lower. Wheat. duU and uominaliy lower. Corn dull and declining. Pork quiet at $19 75al9 87* Lard dun. Turpentine qsa68*c. Hobin-strained $2 55. Evening.-Flour-Souiherp doll and drooping; common to fair extra $6 sea* 40; good to choice $7 46c9. Whiskey a Shade fabler, 91a92. Wheat heavy, and lally 2c lewnr; winter red and amber WeBiein 60a62c. Cnn httvy. and la2c lowtr. 74a 76KC l ice firm at 8*a9c. lYrk active at al8Ji. Beef du)L Lardreavv. Navals qnlct. , CINCINNATI, April EL-Flour weat ; family $6 25 . B6 60. Cern quiet and uni hanged. Mess pork, hokiei s anxious at $18 SCalS 75. Lard tl roofing at Ile. Bacon, Jobbing, bhoulders ?* ; clearA?cS 10. Whit-key higher at 88. IOUISVILLE, Atril a.-Flour dull. Provisions firm and unchanged. Whiskey fcSc. Cern Heady. ST. 1 ons, April 21.-Pork SIS 75ul9; shoulden. -7a7tfc; clear sides loam*. Lard, in kegs, 12*. Nsw OKLEA ss, April 21.-Floor dull ?ntl dior p lng;supeifine $5 75; double ?6 50: ireble $6 75a J87. Oata, st. Louis, 60; Galena 66. Corn 64a66 Bran $130'-Hay, prime, $24; choice $25H'?6. Pork dull; mess $19 75. Bacon 7*. 10*al0*c Sugar-cured hsma isais*. Lard dud;?. iceii*a 12: keg I3at3*. sugar fair; prime loa hoV??i .>M,?'a48f.R 'n ko?! demand; plantation re Sffi? 2J?*?- fc CoS*e ln?cti. e and nominal at 14? ?Xe. -Whiskey firmer; Weatern rectified 90a9?. S?LMA, Apta ia _there were aalea vesterdav ??line 13XC, atrlci good ordinary 12Kai2?.' If?rtai ?Blet and unchanged. . 1 atarket Interior GoU?* ttarkets. COLOMBIA, April 20.-Saies of cotton yester? day 80 bales; middling tte. SUMTER, April 18.-Cotton still continues dali, wit n a further decline. Sales past week have ruled 9 to 12Xc, according to grade. Sales ec bales, market closes dull. Y ORE. VILLE, April ie.-from s to HMO. CHARLOTTE, April 19.-Sale3 to-day 26 bales at Handing. Market quiet. COLUMBUS; April 19.-There is a good demand for better grades, which, befog scarcer; are raia* tive?y higher -than the tower ones; middlings I lSjtfc;sales 147 bales. Receipts 132bales. Ship-] merna 348 balea MONTGOMERY, April 10.-Market closed easier; low middlings 12%ai3c i?ewYork Rice .Harket. Prom the Daily Bulletin, April 19 : There is a very good jobbing trade demand for Carolina s took, and, with advices from the South Indicat? ing a concentration of remaining supplies aqd higher cost, our holders at this point show much firmness and are indifferent operators. Sales of 35 tes at 8>ia8'?c for ordinary to choice. Foreign, by its relativo cheapness, .continues in demand j for consumption, with a little more firmness of j late, as the offerings are not large. Sales of 3-;o 1 bags Rangoon at 7a7J*c for ordinary to choice. From the Journal of Commerce: There is no change to note. The demand for foreign for deal? ers1 use ls fair, and'with moderate supplies steady prices are current. Domestlo would sell fairly were there any here. We notice eales or Soo bags Rangoon at ? : H a; j; c, currency, and 30 tierces Carolina at 8;,iaSMc. From the World: There was a veiy good demand and prices very arra-; sates Include 40 casks Caro? lina. 8,l4a9c, the latter for ch ??oe; 300 bags Ran? goon, 7a7.Vc; and 250 bags Patna, for consump? tion, on private terms. Sew York Naval Stores Murki t. Prem the Journal of Commerce, April 19: Spirits Turpentine-In this market to-day lt is Imposslole to give a fair quotation. The stock ls so small that holders are enabled to pnt the price pretty much where they please. An advance of fully 7c per gallon ls conceded, sales havine been made at CLKC and at the close lt is difficult to pick up other than small parcels at this price; most hold? ers refuse to sell fdr less titan 66c. The next stea? mer brings about 300 bbis., but these have been nearly all placed. 02c ls bid for parcels to arrive, i short dellverv, without Inducing business. Sales I embrace 200 bois In merchantable order at 58c op to 62xe for spot lots, and 52 barrels to arrive at j Gie. Rosins-the market has a dull tone. There are but few orders here. The stock ls small, and ls receiving only light additions, which tends to keep prices on a steady basis: 250 barrels strained T common at $2 57>?. We qa to m ramed at *2 ?i: No. 2, $3 60a3 25; No. 1, $3 oo.u 50: pale and extra pale, {oas. Tarisd?Uate*GT>$a2 50rorNercbern. aad $2 60 for Washington and Wilmington; 50 j barrels Washington sold at f: GO. I .Vcw York Hay .Harket. From the Daiij Bulletin, April 19: Receipts to? day 1700 balea Trade is duli for shipping, only small odd lots are taken fur Southern ports. The market is freak, but not actually lowi r. Retail is firm, and selle fairly.' Straw continues ta goori* demand and In small supply. Prices arc tending upward. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, April CO.-TvnrE.VTTNE.-In this article we have no change to report in price dur? ing the week inst closed. Tnere nas been a brisk inquiry, and the market har ruled arm at $5 for new virgin, S3 55 for yellow Mp. natl (?2 25 far hard, lr 28? lbs. To-day rThursday) an ad van oe of 5 cents has been obtained. Receipts are meapre. rtacliluc only 670 bbl?. SriBiTS TCRPKNTINK.-During the week .inst ended. ? he market for this article lias beeu in somewhat an unsettled condition. -The favorable advices from ?broad have bsd .J heeded, to ma? terially advance former figures, and each'day the price.has.steadily gone un-dp-Jug excited on Tuesday at 56 cents on tile spot, and ?6 cents flee on board. Since thtn the market has ruled quiet and inactive, .buyers unwilling to operate nt present figures, while the imail quantity In factors' bauds is held above the vi-ws of buyers, and the*i tibie i by meage? beenire sales. ROSIN.-In the market for this article we have no chaDftc or Importance to report In prices of the finer quality, sew crop is begining to cometa more freely, and former rates have been nilly maintained-paresis when offered generally Und? ing sale, though we have no special ac i v. ty to report. For ?he lower grades-strained Hud No 2- there has been less inquiry and the market ls not so firm, prices havmg declined 6al0 cents on those<uv?u ?aour last.. There hujseyer, very J?*.l eft o aj of & y wi - <: r : pt? onto, Illu fetj a? J fac? tors (To uot press sales. Itscslpu by April ?21. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 652 bales cotton, 96 bales domestic*, 45 bblB naval stores, 2 can stock. 104 casks clay. To ^att"!^!^^ N?C ?y ^?lT?^^??T^?^B l" ligan, Wlss A co, L D Mowry A Son, A J salinas. Sloan A seignious. W Gurnev, Caldwell A Son, ? Fourgeaud, Geo W Williams A co, L Dtltz. Wag en er * Si o us?es, U S Quartermaster, P 0 Tien> holm. Jas Dunning, J Cosgrove. JA Quackenbush, J Colclough. J Hutclierscu, Slcox A co, FL Mey? er, W b >m:rh A co, E Soon. Miles, G H Smith. UtsgrA Hesyon. w B SmnO. F Hesrhteln A co, F ilaSSf, KJUapaojr A HuXal-'J MiGoldSmilh i Son, and H Bischoff A co. NORTUS ASTE KN 2AILROAD. 37 bales cotton, 374 bbls naval stores, cars lum? ber, tobacco, mdse. Ac. To Geo W Williams .V co, Frost lc Adger, A J Salinas. Walter A co. Graeser A Smith, Nachmaa A co, T P Smith, J .Marshall, Jtvc Lelghenrood, w c Uturtnas A co. Kinsman J^weH,fcFoJ?n? J^E&AdgeZj; ca. I Wellig, Malloate 4 Keitt'.-WR Piuceei. PaiMengi-i-ii. Per steamer? Emilie, rrom Georgetown, S C Miss J Arnheiter; Bentley Weston, J lsear, R J Middleton, Jr, Miss J Miackeiro- d Mrs J J Pringle, deck^T ^ ^t?fy*?* ? o? Per steamer Pilot Boy. from Beaufort. Pacific Landing and ChtsolnTs Laudluir, Ac- 0 Bee, A Bryan, Captain C 0 Bauteile, Mrs Steele, Rev Mr Cornish, u Balne, Mrs Sirtmjr, G J Thompson. Mrs Pierson and daughter, Mrs Kendall, J Minoru, w J Whipper, P Whipper, J Roberts, G P Tiflaney and lady, Mrs Pope, Miss Pope, E J Hohnes, Capt NV^Chlaojy, Dr^jArjer, J^entelUyd Sonjleck. . MA.RXNE NEWS. CHARLESTON, S. C...APRIL 21, 1871. Lat 36-deg 46 min 3S sec. 1 Lon 79 deg 67 min 27 sec spatgsVpti?aew Mxna&0to<m, vwijjf' Matanzas 6 days. Balla-t, To W P Hall. Sehr Ann ?S DeaB, Garbattl. West Totnt Mill. 12 tierces ree. To J L Sheppard. . .Sehr Sallie Blssell, 'M-igiath, Combahcc. 800 bushels rough rice. To W C Bee A co. Steamer Emilie. White, Georgetown, S C. 210 D'il? rosin, ?3 tierces rice, mdse andjupdries. To W C Bee A co, J R Pringle & Son, Holmes A Mac? beth, Captain R T Bonshaw, nod others. Steamer Pilot Boy, Sly, Bean lort and Pacific. Landing. Sundries. To J D Aiken, W Matthews, Boothera Express Company, s Wiley A co, Mrs Pieisou, H Oedts 4 co, Holme1. Caluer A co, Levy IN THE OFFING. Bark Sterling, Harding, Phoenix Islands via Sa vaanah, - days. Guano. To Wilcox, Gibbes Jc co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Sehr Merrill U Hart, Hawlev, Fall River, Muss J A En slow A co. SAILED YESTERDAY. S<e,-ins!i!pFall River, Hinckley, Philadelphia. Sehr-Gyms Fossett, Harding, B icksviile S c. Steamer City Point, Vincent, Palatka, waJac!; soMil?lr>'c|CRknrrata 101 Savflftnato .V N" i ?? AKfcl) Wit TlftiT' PORT. * ' Brig Ellen Maria, Ho.sie, at Baltimore, April 10. MEMORANDA. NEW YORX, April 21.-Arrived, Missouri; arrived out. Nova Scotia. . KEY WEST, Aoril 21-The sehr Sarah from Mo? bile lor Havana, with lumuer, sank in TortugiB hart or. SAVANKAB. Aorll 21.-Arrived, sehr Rhodela BI?w. Get rgeioivn; cleared, sehr Burdett Hort, Ntw York. LI6T OP' VESSELS rr. CLSAREO AND 3AILK1) KOP. Tilt; J'CR FOREIGN. UVKBHMU. Br ?hip Island Horne. McLellan, up.April 6 Br batk Vinco, RoU;on. up..April lb CARD] rr. H?*lrlglaavbr.?fcLreebr,OMIsailed.lao 2C % J?n.^v:aii, B*vftr,>all?M?fy .Ja?a DOMBbTIC, EOST. N. Ship Western itar. Crcwcil, cleared.April 6 Brig Waith?rn. Haskell, up..-.March 23 Sehr Vi ale, Mason, up.April 17 SKW VO'.tt. Sehr F Merwin Penree, clea'ed.April 16 Sehr Idii Btrilsall. Johnson, cleated.April 4 Sehr N W Smith. Tooker, cleared.April 17 Sehr Lilly,Hughes, up.Af vii 17 Sehr H C sheppaid. Claik, up.April 17 I<UILA u? Ia. Sehr W G Denrbom, Scull, up.April 7 SclirAnuie Mage?. Young, cleartd.April & Behr S L KuBssd, Smith, ap.April n> . B,LTI.MOKE. Sehr Chas Cnmprr. rinklram, cleared.. ..March 20 >chr Joni ferris. >tJoitu's, cleared.Apt it TO Se;t Queen, Rosebrook, cleared.April 13 Sehr PL Smith.-. up.*..April 16 Brig Ellen Maria, Hoxie, eldred.Apr.l 19 NEW ORLEANS. Sehr David MlU?r, Rcgers, cleat td.April 5 POMS OA?tMXDJLK. J?OON'8 nuera. Full Moon, 5th, 9 noora, 3 minut?e, m om me. Last Quarter, 12th, 0 cours, 31 minutes, morning. Kew Hoon, 19th. 1 hour. 43 minutes, evening. First Quarter, sith. 6 hours, 18 minnies, evening. APRIL. Iflouday. Tuesday. Wednesday.. Thursday.... Friday. saturday - Sunday. 60N. Liare. 6..29 6..28 5..26 5..25 5..24 5..23 6..22 8CT? SETS. 6..30 e..31 6.. 32 6..33 6..33 C. .34 6.. 36 MOON E. * 6. man WATEB 4..fc . sets. C..30 7..26 7..24 9.. 21 10..14 ' ?..24 1.. 1 7..40 6..15 8. .50 9..7? 10.. ? ? " . goofs, Sr)ggg, #tv * JJOOTST SHOES AND TRUNKS. Receiving this day per Steamships Georgia, from-HOT York, Fail River., from Philadelphia, asiiorted Invoices of PINE BOOTS AND SHOES. . In addition 10 the choice ?election always in Stock I seep those 0ABM SCREW WIRE WATER PKOOF BROGANS. Sold cheap at EDWARD DALY'S, isms No. 121 Meeting street. JJ- O T I 0-E?" N OT I C BJ By Fall River Steamship from Philadelphia thia day I am receiving a frtan supply ot those Gent's Harm-Sewed Magic Fitting FRENCH CALF BOOTS. With much time and labor, 1 have the same for Boys and Gents. EDWARD DALY, [ mEr22_ No. Ul Meeting street. prjlO "THE EDITOR OP THE NEWS. Please Inform the numerous -readers of your paper that tho AMERICAN GAITER; patented, or the Shoe of the Future, ls a SUCKS*. TO supply tWfe demands of the Tracrcanother luvol:e td-dny by Fall River, from Philadelphia. Sold hy EDWARD DALY, mar22 No. 121 "Meeting street. CABLE SCREW WIRE, AS A FASTENING F O RHEA YT. BOOTS AND SHOES, Has proved superior to either Thread or Pegs. For all the lighter grades of work lt ls equally ap? plicable, aud the most delicate lad les* slipper or rhe finest pomp-soled boot ia more pliable, more a irable, and preserves its shape better, if fastened with CIBLE SCREW WIRE. These Popular Goods are sold by Deal era cvcrywiion, apTlO-lmo. Nein iJr?)iuaiLon5. jp?GAJRTlE'S' ^BOOK^ DEPOSITORY. . FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES. We have recent^ made large additions to oar stuck of BIBLES. The prtte? are greatly reduced. Wv ere now odeMng an unusual larg? variety ol Bn^llHft and A ib?ricas FartUy . Bibles, Pocket Bibliw and the Episcopal Prayer Book at extreme: lyMow prieta. . JEW CATALOGUE. No. 8. CHAMBERS' ENCYCLOPAEDIA.-This valuable work has ubw reached the completion.or its third volume. Subscribers io the semi monthly parts oan he furnished with their numbera up io No. S4. New subscribers can be suppled with the three voluntes, bound i u-substantial Library Winding, at $.j 5i) per .volume, and commue to receive the uumtcrs or hound volumes, as they prefer. aUttoiWi Dictionary of Authors, a critical Dic? tionary of English Literature and British and American authors, living and deceased, from the earliest accounts 10 the latter half of the Nine? teenth Century, by.S. Aueuu AlU??one, now com? plete in 3 vols., Library blieop $25 50. . ?oba di Roma, by Wm. W. Story, sixth edition, with additions, $4; Thc Pilgrims and th a Shrine, or Passages Ircm Hie Hie and Correspondence of Herbert amalie, U.A., Si 75; cunx's Baby (aSatire.) He birth and other rnie'ortuwea, $1 26; A Book of Memories of Great .Men and women of the Age, from person ul acquaintance, by S. C. Hall, F. L. A. , AC, profusely illustrated with portraits, fae aimiles and- ?ether highly finished engravings, S10 50; John Esten Cooke's Life of General Robert B, illustrai lons, portraits and maps, |6; Euxle>'el.ay Sermons, addresses and reviews, Si ?6; The Recovery of Jerusalem, by Captains wilson and Warren, with an introductory by Dean S Lanier, $3 60; Professor Darwin's New Bunk: The Descent, of Man. and Selection In re? lation to Sex, by Charles Darwin with illustra? tions vol. li. hist received, $2; Third Volume of Max Muller's chipa, from a German workshop, containing essays on literature, biography ac antiquities, $2 60; The History of Crece, by Pro? fessor Dr. Ernest Curtlus, translated by A. W. Ward. M. A.. vol. 1, $2 50; A Handbook of Legen? dary and Art, oy Clara Erskine Cle? ment, with descriptive illustrations, {8 50; Life aud Nature under 1 lieTroplcB, Sketches of Travels among the Andes and of the Orinoco, Rio Negro, and Amazons, by H. M. and P. V. N. Myers, $2; Tue Ame, lean Sportsman, con taming hims to Sportsmen, notes on Shooting, and the habits of thc Game Birts and Wild Fowl of America, by Lewis, with illustrations, f2 ??: A New Book, by the author of "Ecce Humo," Roman Imperialism sud other Lectures and Essay?, by J. R. See,ey, M. A. (150; Lady's Historical Library: Memoirs of the Quetas of Franca, by Mrs. Forbes Bush; His? torical and Secret Memoirs of the Empress Jose? phine, by M'llo Le Normand; Memoirs of Aune Boleyn, by Mifs Benger; The Court of Mai ie An? toinette, by adm. Campan ami Lamartine; Mary Sueen of Sects, with Ant-adates of the Court of enry ll. by Miss Benger. $160 each ; The' Won OerB or Engraving by Georges Dur-leasts, 34 wood engravings. $160; Gntenberg, and the Art of Print? ing, by Emily C. Pearson, with numerous Musir? tiona, $2; Minnesota, as a Home for Invalids, by Brewer Mattocks, M. D., $1 25. JiEW SUPPLIES OF THE FOLLOWING VALUA? BLE AND POPULAR BOOKS : YESTERDAY,. TO-DAY AND FOREVER, by Blckerstitb, $2; Changed Cross, $1 60; Shadow on the Rock, $1 50; Stepping Heavenward, by Miis Prentiss, $1 75; Broadna on the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons. $2; Hanna's Life or Christ, complete in 3 vols,. ?4 60; 'MicouiTs Memories of Palma*. $2: The victory of the Vanquished, by the author of Schon berg-cot ta Fa nilly, $175; Lid don's Bampton Lectures: The Divinity or our Lord aud Savdmir Josue Christ, $*J 50; Shiloh, or Without and Wit em, $2; Bv the Sea, fi 75. ff Persons residing m the oountry will pleas? bear fn mind that by sending their orders to us tor any booka published in America, they will be charged only the price o? the book. We pay for the postage or expresa. Bar Adores* FOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, N'o. 2co King street, (in the Bend.) Charleston, S. c. apM-thstu 1845 Jnsnrante. PURELY MUTUAL. 184* NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 18*8.Orgaaiata.1843 THOMAS FROST, General Agent, No. 54 Broad street. mnr2-thfrt.n3mos ?li?ciilaacous. ?IR JAMBS CLARKB'6 FEMALE PILLS These TILLS have long been used both In Great Britain and this country, a?d are Hie best of their kiud in tue maiket. For sale by Da. H. DAER, ap'i'22_ Ko. 131 Meei ins street QJBRMAN SOOTHING COBDIAL ! AN INVALUABLE REMEDY- FOR INFANTS I This is the best Medicine ?for yoong children suffering with Colic, Diarrhoea, er any other com-? plaint, .iu'iuent to Teething, lt mar be given with safety, as it contains no opium, ur other in? jurious anodyne. Pri?e, 25 tents a bottle. Manufacture 1 and form?e by Du. H. BAER. . Also by thcfodo.viug Dmggiats: A. W. EOKEL A CO., Dr, A. KAOUL. Dr. W. A. SKR1NE, A. O. BA K Cul', W. T. LITTLE kt CU., J. BLACKMAN, P. M.. COHEN,' Dr. E. H. Kk'LLERS, E. S. BURNHAM, . ' GRAMAN Jfc ,-,CHWAKE, 6. W. AI.M AK, J LOCKWOOD, G. J. L?UN, W. T. LINN, ' W. A. GIBSON. And by Drutrnisrs wcnerallv. ian2 D lt BAER * 8 IMPROVED VEGETABLE CATHARTIC PILLS will remedy BILIOUS DISORDERS* and LIVER CUM I'LAI NT-will cure Dyspepsia- or Indigestion, Headache, Costiveness Loss of Appetite, and have proved of great usc in Neu? ralgia, Dropsy, Dysentery, i'iies, Puius in tne Side, Euck and Linios. They will cure Sick Headache and all DeraugementB of the. stomach. These Pills contain no Mercury, and may be taken with perfect safety by any persons, and in all situa? tions of life. No family should be without them. Muuufaoiured l>y Dji. H. BAER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, . .Charleston, S C. Price per box IS, sente- Usual discount tc tte -g Q R S E vT Y ?BB. ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26TH, AT SIX O'CLOCK P. M. NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870. ?TATB-KOOWi ALL ON DECK. T?ie Splendid New Iron Side meei Steamship SOUTH CAROLINA, Becketf, commander, will ea? tor New Tort on WKDN?SBAT, April 2e; at 6 o'clock P. M., from Pier No. 2. Union Wharves. . The line new Iron Steamabip GEORGIA, win follow on TVSSO?Y, 2d May. Through BRI? of Lading given on Cot-on to Liverpool, ?eaton. Providence and thc New Eng? land ManufaorariDg-Towns, at the loweaynar-. kel rate?. ? ? . Insurance by steamers of .thia Line #.pencent. For Freight Engagements or Passage, having very fine state-room accommodations, apply to WAGNER, HUGER ? eo., No. 28 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. l Union Wharves. apr22-4 _L_ 5ij'ij?piiig. , jp O R N E W ' ? 0 B K. OLD LINK KEW YORK AND CHARLES? TON S TE AMSHfFS. ESTABLISHED 1 84 6. - SPACIOUS AND ELKGANTDECK STATE-ROOMS. Thc very fast and splendid Side-Wheel Steam ships of this Line will sail from AUger's South Wharf as foDOws : > CHAMPION, SATURDAY, April 22d, at 6 o'clock P.M. - . F ,, , CHARLESTON, SATURDAY, April 29th, at 1 o'clock P. H. * ? ?-in? ar an ca ?.perdent, by this Line. - t&- Through BlLs of Ladies given on Cotton to Liverpool, Borton, Providence and thc New Eng? land manufactnring towna ut the" lowest market rates. For Freight or Passage apjtagernents, apply to apre _ JAMES ADQER A CO. pACIFIC MALL STEAMSHIP COMPY'b niBUCGH UNE TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AN"D JAPAN FARES GREATLY KKDUCE?. Steamers ot rho above une iepve Pier tfJFjf?x. No. 4A North River. loot ol i'*eftlrv sircar. N<tw lorK, ut 12o'clock neon, ol tut 15th mid s"*i? of avery niontii (except whra tbest .iates ;?uif>u tanda/, ?lien tJie saturday prercu mg. AH departan s connect at Panania wur ora for south ):?ieiU<; and Centrai American to its, Departure of lim touches at Kiug^ton. Jamaica. For Japan and ellina. S'camers leave Sun Fran? cisco Brat or every mon-h, except when it fails on sunday; then ou the day preceding. No Ca ifomia steamers toura us Havana, but ?o direct from New York to AspiBwalL uno iiuudrcd peun?s haggage ircc to each adult Medicine and attendance free. For Pasante Tickets or other Information app'o at tile COMPANYS TICKET OFFWBi ou ^he Wharf foot of Canal street, North River, Now Vork. F. R. BABY, Agent. juiyio-iyr E XGURSION. TC TUE PHOSPHATE WORKS. ON THE ASHLEY RIVER. The elegant Steamer. ELI?.a HAN? COX, Captain.L. W. Bdrns, will,_ leave Accomm dation Wharf on TUESDAY MUKK TNO, April 25ih, at io o'clock, and return to the city at 0 P. M. Refreshments on board. Fare $l. A good opportunity will be afforded to visit the varions points of interest on the River. april-4 ._ ?gXCURSION TO THE PHOSPHATE WORKS ON ASHLEY RIVER. Tho Steamet PILOT BOY-will leave r *|TH**w Centrai Wharf oh SATUBPAV MOKN- mhiiiliiiSS INO, 22 ! instant, at io o'clock, as aoove, auu will return same AJT?KNOON. Fare $J. Childreu hali price. Tully will be prepared with refreshments on board. apr2l JJXCU R S10 N TRIP. co and after THURSDAY, April ctn, , Jr?v th es te* m er ST. HELENA,Captain ?-aal??dSBb Sinfalr, Jr., will leave as above,-every ariefBdon, at half-past ft o'clock, from Market Wharf, leaving sui ivan's Island, on return, at a quarter-past a o'chefc. Fare for round trip, 28 cents. mai30 J. H. MURRAY, Agent. TT EOR?ETuWiN STEAMERS. Until further notice theSieamer _ ^??r^?iw EMILIE, Captain C. C. White, will aSSaBC ?<-avo Charleston every WKDSESDAY MORT, at 9 o'clock, and Georgetown tveiy FRIDAY MORXINO, at 8 o'clock. For engnge'f eats apply on hoard, at Commer? cial Whan, ur TO SHAC?ELl'ORD A K LLY. Agents, apri'- tu'hH .. No. i Boyce's Wharf. WrfiK?LY LLNE TO SAVANNAH. TU HOUGH LT' DAYLIGHT. FOR PACIFIC LANDING, BEAUFORT, HILTON AIKAD. SAVANNAH, DAKIE5 AND BRUNSWICK. GA. . The favorite Steamer ELIZA HANCOX, Captain L. W. BI-RNS, will Kcelve Freiohv at Accommoda- . ?3^W lion wharf for above points every HJEJU/AV. uuxi leave OJ every ?VKDNIMIMY AIUKJ? UiM, at 7 o'clock, arriving at Savannah the nanir cveuAKg, and ieaviiig for Danen, Ac. the folio? lug saoriiiug. Returmug, will leave havannah lo-. t.'hartesion every MONDAY MORMKC, ut 7 o'olocit. Sw Freight or pweage, appiv to RAVEN EL. HOLMES A CO., aepio_ _yo. 177 RMS-. L:IV. Jp OR NORTH EDISTO, UEAUF0R.T AND The Steamer PILOT BOY, Captain . . ^JT^h. J... >\r ?tj-, w:ll leave (Jen t ral "1 Tl?fiBF rov the a"hi v* poftts?v?rymm.-DAT MimKiNu; at i o'clock, and, returuine, will leave Beaufort every IDESDAY, ut s o'clock A. M., und Edlsto at 3 P. M. marji_j. p. AIKEN. Agent. jP O R . JJ?ADFOiRT AND PACIFIC LANDING. *. Thoeteatner PILOT BOY. Captain. "< sly, will leavu every Tnt'KS- jg????k^2 ruY MORXINO. at 8 o'clock, as above. Returning,, witt leave arau/ort FttrOATMORf oro, at 8 o'clock. .E?rrl_J. D. AIKEN, Agent. ?. ??IANGE OF SCHEDULE. ' Mutii-rPLBASANT ASD SULLIVAN'S ISLAND FERRY f,?li"iinL%r 'TBORSDAY, Aprd _ ...rjr-w observedot>.??S?Bm? Leave Cltyn? K?o aud lo A'. M., 3 and 9.80 P. M. C ?tl NCAAIH>U* 8 A. jLjkt?L, 4.16 and andeeVr ||,^Bn'< lshmd at 7.30 and ll A. M., 4 sf?'-!?!?i?i''la?rjU81 ,ie ptepai'l? in*1 none-rceelved ?Oerihal?pasi 2 o'tljc?. 7J. H. M?KRAY, m-drvO Agent. JP 0 ? F L y RID A, C ' i TWI0E ?*WEE?. l? ^^r.'^y/^^ FERNANDINA, JACS.SON VILLE. PJLATlt? AND ALL Pt il.VI'S ON THE ST. JbHN'j. KlVEit. , Thc Steamer DICTATuit, Captain ? ?JE?b L. M. CottiTE?, ?nu san riom^^aBJ southern Whart for above points every 1035S ! f.BOo'clot'l:, arriving back at Charlea toa every SATI RDAY AFTBKKOOK, at 6 o'clock. . The Sceanier CITY POINT. Captain D. B. Vincent, will sail /rom Southern Wharf for above point* c'.-try ?RIDAT EvKNitto, at ?JO o'clock, arriving back at Charleston WsdNnsDAY A?TKRKOOK, at s o'clock. RAYfeNEL * CO., Agents, octio Southern wharf. p OR II VER PO OL i Tte Iron Clipper Ship REMINGTON) Al, J no. F. Fowler, Master, saving one-haU..her cargo enstagM and going on board, win Have" patch. For engagements of Freight apply to ?prl5_" ? HENRY CARD. j p?R FORT SUMTER, BATTERY WAG? NER, FORT MOULTRIE, AND ALL OTHER INTERESTING POINTS AROUND THE HARBOR. The Yacht ELEANOR wULleave Southern, Wharf every day at^D o'clock, Morning/ and hair-paHt 3 o'clock every Afternoon* For arrangements, apply to Captain THOMAS YOUNO, op board._ . aprl3 Jf? O B SAVANNAH. ELEGANT STATE ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. TheSplendld Steamer DICTATOR, .Captain L. M. Coxetter, will IPRJQ^ M Southern Wharf on TUESDAY EVENING, Apr 11871, at 8.30e'cloek. rev the above place. Tnt Splendid StesmefrOlXY POINT, Captain D. .B. Vincent, will leave Southern Wharf for the aboveplace, on FRIDAY EVENING. April 28, lin. lt 8.80 o'clock. RAVENEL A COi. apr22 _: ,. Agents. ERMAN WAR STEAMER. EXCURSION TRIP TO THE BAR. Gr The Sleamer ST. HELENA, Cap- _ _ ^.ff .tain Dani Sinclair^ Jr., WU leave ????lBSE Market Wharf, foot of Market street, TO-MOKROW {Sunday) MORNING, at half-past 8 o'elock on an Excursion to the Bar, accompanying the Oer I -man War steamer on her way down the Harbor to Sea, thereby affording a good view. . Fare st cents. ' J. H. MURRAY. aprt2-?_ . Agent. S fiaihrfla?s. O?TH CAROLINA RA1LR.QAT. VIGE-PRE??DENT-S OFK1CE, I CHARLESTON, S. C., January 18,1871. J On and after SUKDAY, January 22, the Passen? ger Trains on MU'-S'.M?:.: TJ.IU? I'.aiiroad wu tu- 09follows: TOR At/OCSTA. Leave darl*rston. I? M. Arrive at August.*....L..'. 8.1a P. AL . FOR COLCilBlA. Leave Cnar'.eston. S.20 A. M. Arrive at CV.ambia . 3.-iu p. JJ. FOR CHAKI.K8T0?. I Leave Augusta.?. 7.4QA. M. Arrive at Charleston.:. :.2b I'. M. Leave Columbia.:.12.1S P. ftc Arrrlvc at Charleston./. 7.30 P. .M. AUGL'STA NWbT KXrKKSa. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston. 8.80 P. M. Arrive at Augusta.7.? , Al. Leave Augusta.*. 5.50 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.3. lu A. M. COLOMBIA Nionr Rxntsss, (Sunday* excepted.) - Leave Ch aries; F. M. Arrive at Columbia. 8.00 A. M. Leave Columbian.7.OOP.M. Arrive at Charleston.i. &4? A..M. VILLE TRAIN. Leave Charleston. 4.30 P. M. Arrive at Summerville.....^.-. coo P. M. Leave summerville...-. 7.00 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.'.. 8.16 A. M.' CAM HEN ?RANC1T. Leave Camden.-.. 8.00A.M. i Arrive at Colombia.10.49 A. M. .Leave columbia.:.,. 1.20 P.M. Arrive at Osmdon. O.ooT. M. Day ami Night Trains make close connections at Augusta with Georgia Railroad and Central Railroad. Night Train connects with Macon and Augusta Railroad. Columbia Night Train eonoects with Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Camden Train connects daily with Day -Passen ger Trains. jan? . A, 1? TYLER. Vice-president. SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAE~ ROAD. - .. PASSENGER TRAINS un this Road run daily ar follows: Leave Charleston.8.80 A. M Arrive at Savannah.xoo.P. M. Leave Savannah.11.16 A. Al. Arrive at charleston..'.5.20 P. M. Connects nt-Savannah with the Atlantic ?-Gen Railroad for Jacksonville, st. Augustine, and ai: poluta lu Florida. .Wita Central Railroad for Macon, Atlanta, Mo? bile. New Orleansau? the West A . With steaiuboai* ?orpoiuu on the ? River. . At Charleston with the Northeastern auCI-Sontt; Carolina Railroads, and Steamships lor<all poinu North and West. Through Tickets over this line on sale at Ilote: lu Charleston; Scrcven House, Savannah; and al. principal TickH ornees North and South. - Freigut? forwarded daily to an.: from Sa van nah and all poluts beyond. Through Killi? of LadingTssucd to Jacksonville Palatku, Af. ? \ Tariff as low as by any other Une. C. S. GADSDEN, , octa Engineer abd Superintendent. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD CO.M. PANY. . CHARLESTON, S. C.. February ll, 1871. Traine leave Charleston Dally at 12 M. aud P.M. Arrive at Charleston 7:30 A. M. (Mondays ex? cepted) and BiSOP. M. . Tram does net leave Charlestoni6:30 P. M., SUN CAYS. i Train leaving at 12 M. make? through connec? tion io New York, via Mchffioutf and Actinia Creen going through ai 42 houri', wmiocr DOTKNT1UN UN ?- b'.\?A VS. Passengers leaving by 6:30 P. M. Train have choice or ronie. via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those leaving nu DAY uv tkijj Train iay over un SUNDAY m Bal tiuioiv. T'iosc icavmg on SATURDAY remain SUN? DAY lu Wilmington, N. C. Tins u the cheapest; quickest and most pleasant route LO Cincinnati, Chicago and other points West nod Northwest, both Trains making Close connecTioDs at Washington willi' Western trains of Baltimore and O Mo Railroad. S. S. SOLOMONS,. Engineer and Superinreudent, P. L. CLEAPOR, General Ticket Agent.' lebll-12inos i?lt?crjincrp, (EasiirtQS, SZz. ST ?BLI ? H B D 1844. E P H CE N I X. IRON W O ll KS. JOHN F. TAYLOR it CO., (Successors to cameron A Cb.,) ENGINEERS, fiCLLEB^MAKBRS. Ac, ?c. Corner East pay and Pritchard street's, near the r Dry Dock, CHARLESTON. S. C. MANUFACTURERS OP TEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Minne. Stationary and Portable. RICE THRESHERS AND MILLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. COTTON . P-RESSES. Shafting, Pulleys anCTGeartng Iron Fronts for Buildings Casi lugs or every kind in Iron or Brass Forgings or every'descnptiou. 49" Guarantee to.furnish Engines ami Bullers of se good quality and power, and at as low rates asean be had in New-YorK, Baltimore or Phil? adelphia. . _' AGENTS FOR JUDSON'S CELEBRATED GOVERNOR AND STOP VALVES, which are pat on all Engines made at these Works, ay Repairs promptly attended to. . . marlO-imwfGmosBAC J^ANIFOLD AND GARBON PAPERS. To Telegraph and Railway Companies, Brokers, Reporters and Exchange ornees, TRY COWAN'S PATENT IMPROVED MANI? FOLD AND CARBON PAPERS. Send for price and particulars to COWAN A- CO., Stationers, Na 35 Pine street, New Tort. P. O. Box 4748. For sale by al! Stationer?. mar2-thtos3moB fine <5ro c eries, BEDFOHB'S (LATE CORWH?'S) ?HOCERY, TEA WAREfiOUSE. VERY CHOICE fA MIL V FL?TTR. PORE' BRANDIES, ff?SK? AS D VERY OU) i '"WHISKIES. -,:o;. HM. '( ? . ./ . . . . ??*.>.?] ' tSsSSa * HEA'DODARTERS FOR SELECTED DAISY BUTTER ... ' P?BE LEAF LARD PRIME FACTORY AND ENGLISH CHEESES ENGLISH A?rrr A MERIGAN* CTR ACKERS, ?n<3 3I8CDTT8, Ac. Ac. . *< sr ' . ' * -~--?* - . - N. ?.-I CLAIM TO-EJ3EP THE LARGEST STUCK. AND MOST EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OP FAMILT OROCGRIBS IN" THIS CITT. . ' { EL Xl BEDFORD) ! SUCCESSOR TO WILLIAM S. CORWIN A CO., No. 375 KINO STiREETJ . OPPOSITE HASEL." ~ ' *\ WHOTjTTtfg\T?& A.TX 13 RETAIL. l)F.ALi:il ??.Xi: -T? :? i r-.-i-l ? f.k '? TS . . .r .. - . , a -.;iSl ... Fine Teas?, Coffees, Sugars Proy^ons, Spie?s,?&,??"* HERMETICALLY SEALED FRUITS. . V EG ET ABLES, MEATS,- 3 OU PS, 4c. 5 All articles soM Irani L&IS establishment are of the VERY 43ESV QCAL1T? aa? WARRANTE j) . Goods lelive/cd to or 'toe City, Ballroad-?epots, Steamboats, free of expense. . J ?? ? EVERJ." E. BEDFORD. ? SEND . FOB A. ' ? JAS. S. MARTIN. ?EO. H. GR?BER. ( , CATALOGUE. 1 WM. G.'MOOD, 3^. * fertilisers. ? ~ ATUrtTIC MOSPHATE 60W?HY, [OF CHARLESTON, S. ?v * F. J. POECHEE, President P. J. PELZEE, Treasurer. DIRECTORS. W. LEBBY....W. P. HALL...-.L. D..DKSAUSS?EE.,..B. G. P:b?CKNET THE ATLANTIC PHOSPHATES ARE NOW BEING MANUFACTURED AT THEIR WORKS'ON ASHLEY RIVEK, nnfler the directton of an experienced and Practical. Chemist. The Company in? tend this to bc a drst cUss Fertilizer, sad one which can oe recommended to Planters. STANDARD GUARANTEED. THE COMPANY ABE ALSO PBEPABED TO MANUFACTURE ?? . A-CIID: PHOSEIC?TE' POR COMPOSTING "WITH COTTOV1 SI?ED. * This preparation ie highly recommended by Chemists, as Planters are enabled to maie thelr own Fertilizers. ... , . . ... The ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE is sold at $55 per ton cash, or -?. on time, with ibierest at thejate of one per cent? per month. < . . The A01D PHOSPHATE ls eok) at $55 per ton cash, or - on time.^lth interest at the rate ol one per cent, per month. ? . w. PELZER, RODGERS & CO, 'General Agents, . dCC31-4mos BROWPI'S WHARF, CHARLESTON. S. C. WHOLESALE AORNTSFOR THE* OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. H. BISCHOFF A CO., H. KLATTE &' CO., 30U?UNS BROTHERS, J. A. QUACKENB?SH, WAGENER A MONSEE6, MANTO DE & CO. rjt ?" S T I AI O N I A ITT! Read .1 few or the Testimonials in renard to the EFFICACY of that STE K Ll NC MEDICINE, OLD CAROLINA BITTERS., j A few Cenl?catea from the many in oar posses! sion from persons wbo haye tested the OLD CAROLINA BTTTERS: FROM THE POSTMASTER AT . TUMBLING KU'1 ALS, S. C. . Ten i LI Ku SHOALS, ?. C.. April 9. 1670. Messrs. GOODRICH, WISEMAN & co., Chaiieston. S. C,: . - , Gentlemen-This is to Inform yon that about a year ago 1 was in delicate health, vorn out wit h old age aqd hurd work, weighing one hundred and twenty-five pounds; upon reqotsat I com? menced using thc OLD CAROLINA BITTERS- Af? ter using nine bottle** 1 felt as wen and vigorous as thirty ycar.s ago-went to work and made money. 1 weighed, after uMng' the above, one hundred and seventy-two pounds. I have ainee been strong and hale. Accept, gentlemen, m; thanks, and success eay 1 to the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. (Signed) Rtvf OM VI ILL:PS, P. M.. Tumbling Shoals, s. C. j FROM ANDREW CHAMBERS. IRWINTON, GA. I- i HW:.N nos, GA., September 25. iso*, i Messrs. GOODRICH, WURMAN A CO.: I Gentlemen-Wii?u In your city, two weeks ago. I voor Dr. Service gave* me a bottle of your cele? brated CAROLINA BlTTEt:*, which I brought home for my father, wbOsehenRh was very fce-.ilc. Alter usmc it he waa so well prensei with lt eaeets 'hat he coocule:s them almost indispensa? ble. Please Hud enclosed sixteen, (?10.) thc price of two cases: direct them W. J. Chambers & Son. No. 10, 0. R, K. . Yours, very respectfully, (Signed) ANDREW CHAMBERS. ANOTHER VOICE F HOM GEORGIA. Four YALLET, 9A. september lo, ise?. Messrs. Goooiucu, WISEMAN A CO-. Charleston: Gentlemen-1 take greet pleasure in. informlas you i bat my wife has experienced great be ti cfit i ifom the hs* of the OLD CAROLINA Bl TTE HS. > lt ts certainly a goori medicine,. and I wouldi . pleased il j ou would scud me ano'her dozen un mediately. Respectfully. *c., (Signed! JNO. Ai nOTJSBTL So?i by all Druggists m Charleston. The ir??> supplied by GOODRICH. WINEMAN 4 CC./ rrindrial Depot, No. 0 Bay De street. OLN CAROLINA BITTERS. ron SAiJt Br E. E. REDFORD. Kin;: stree:, C. D. AH RENS A CO., King tXtikt, B, FELDMANN &? CO., Kinjr street, C. M0ME1ER, And by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Se?at?tn's ftvevai allons. BXTK/JS POP 1 DEATH TO HATS, ROACHES, BEDBUGS, &c. NEVER FAILING. BOXES DOUBLE THE SIZE AS OTHERS HERMETICALLY SEALED AND ALWAYS FRESH. Sold-at. Wholesale by DO WIE,: MOISE & DAVIS, And at retal by au Druggists. - febl-ca: J jyjONEY CAt?NOT'tBUY TT. : FOR ?I P HT IS PRjICELESSII ^^^^^^^^^^ ? TTicWA^ND?LA9SES,mBnufactm^byJ.E. SJ'KNCEl. A-CO., Mew York, which are nowoflered to thc public, ate all the celebrated. Opticians of the world to he the most Perfect, Ma? terai AiTtBviai help to the human ere ever koomi. T?iey aie ground under their own supervision, from nunnie Crystal Pebbles, melted together, and dente their name, "Blamoud,'von account of their hardness and bri'.liane v. Tlicacleniulc principle on which they are con? structed brings the core or centre of the lens tft. rcctly m front of the eye, prodnclng a clear and distinct vision, as m rte natural, healthy sight, ami proven yin; n^unp.easant seusottous, such a? allmmcrru-j and wavering of sight, dizziness. Ac., peculiar to ail others in me. They are mounted in the Been manner, in ironies pi.tlc bt?t quftrltv, of,,ali materials use?: fur-that purp> se. Tr.str nuish.and durability can net b* surpassed. .' '-. CAPTION.- >or.e geuaine unless bearlag :be,r trade mark swmned on every frame. JAMES AI.LAN, Dehler In Wardle?. Jewelry. Sterling sn verware ami optical Goods, . ' No, so; King street. ; t31-rrothTfr Charleston .S. C. Li?; rum g Al acames. fjlllt: GOLD MEDAL SEWING MACHINE DOUBLE LOCK ELASTIC STITCH. TliH ls nie most simple and reliable Two Threap Sewing Machine lu the world, lc sews direct from two ilir?ads,'and is SIS less tuan atty .othei nrat-cl rss Newing Machine. Samples can be seen ar. No. m KURTING hTREBT, opposite Cnnries ton UoieL solo Ac.?jntior the State. Sub-ageate wuntc'l through theStAte. Address W. S. BIS? SEL!.. Charleston. Also agen-s fbr Home Shuttle Hand Machine. $??. apN-tnths?mo?' AKU TUB .WEED" FAMILY FAYOR'TE LOC?ST?ieB MACHINE. are the best in nae. "tor sale on tue Lease Plan, wt tn rn tm ti, ly pay .uenta. on easy terms, or foi cash. Ali ands ot Uni-hine' attachments, Needles, Cotton, (mane nl?tk and coiured.) SllhJBil, Ss??, 4c., A?. Keparrmgas usual. Circular? ara of .rent wmt*6n application. D. B. HASELTON*. . .. G->nfv.'' ' es'er :u F:r.-.t. Class Sewing as phluea H-.,n Warertal. >'?- 307 Xing street, fflatliinern, Costings, &z. s tcartt iSiwfatba