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Tnc Society Upon the Stanislaus. XT BRET HARTE. I reside at Table Mo an tain, and my mme 1B T/uth fol James ; ?a I am not op to smal!sjk>elt, or any sinful games; And lui tell In simple' language what 1 know abont the row That broke up our society upon the Stalnslow. Bnt first 1 would remark, that lt ls not a proper plan Ter a scientific gent to whale bis fellow man, And ir a member don't agree with his peculiar whim, To lay ror that same member for to "put a head on him." Kow nothing could be fairer or more beautiful to tee Than the first six months' proceedings-of that same society, " Till Brown, of Calaveras, brought a lot of fossil bones, That he round within a tunnel near the tenement . of Jones. * Then Brown heTead a paper, and he reconstruct? ed there, From those same bones an animal that waB ex? tremely rare; And Jones then ashed the chair for a suspension Of the rules, " * ?? '> '] Till he conld prove that those same bones was one . of his lost mules. Then Brown smiled a bitter smile, and saw he . .was at fault. . lt seemed he had been trespassing on Jones's family vault: Be waa a mest sarcastic man, this quiet Mr. Brown, ..." And OB several occasions he bad cleaned ont the ' .town. How I hold lt 1B not decent for *a scientific gent To say another ls an ass-at leaBt to all intent; Bor should the individual who happens tobe meant Reply by heaving rocks at him to any great ex? tent. Then Abner Dean of Angel's raised a point, of or . der-when A chunk of old red sand Btone took him on tbe abdomen, And he smiled a kind of sickly jsmile, and curled up on tne floor. And the subsequent proceedings Interested Mm -no-more. For, In less time than I write lt, every member did engage m a warfare with the remnants of a palceozole age: And tue way they -heaved those fo-s 11s In their - anger wa*a sin, Till tbe s ko li or an old manamoth. caved the' head of Thompson in. And thia is all I have to ?ay of these improper games, For 1 live at Table Mountain, and my name ls Truthful James; And I've told in ?imple language what I know. about the row That broke up our society npon tbe Stanlslow. c OM JIJES y JE ws. Exports*. 1 Msw TOBI-Per Steamship James Aflger-ar tes rice, 474 bales upland eaton, 186 bales' cotton ; Waste, 60 bales yarn, 9 hhds sugar, 27 bois rosin, 1081 kg* sundries, 1167 ?.k^a vegetables. PHIL - DELPHI A-Per Behr L A Danuenhower 160,000 feet lumber and sundries. - Tbc Charleston Cotton, Rice and Vavai Stores Harket* t'I-KICK CHARLESTON NS WS, 1 TUESDAY EVENING, April 4, 1371. j COTTON.-The demand was only in a limited way, bnt prices, while showing weakness, re fained qnotably unaltered. -Sales 306 bales, say 10 at 7*. S at 10X. 1 at io?. 2 at n, 8 at rix,*? at 11 X, SI at 11^, 8 at 12, ?at 12X, 20 at 13?, 18 at is, 16 at 13%, i at isxvJt at lax, "-at 18%, 16 at 13?c. We quote somewhat'nominally : ' ' LIVERPOOL .CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary. ...\.llx@l2X Low raid Jung......,.l3X:a Middling.ISM'* Strict middling.i4x@-: RICK.-This grain was in fair "request at un? changed figures. Sales about 200 Heroes of dean . jpajolina, say 73 tierces at 7Xc, 60 at Ifi. wjx 7X. 4 25 at VA, 1 at 8X- v7e quote common to fair at TX@T-X. good 7X?8XC .> NAVAL STOBRS.-The bu si nc ss'waa ltghr. Sales &z boil pf spirits turpentine at 46c 9 gallon, FBBiaHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam utrect nomi? nal on uplands; via New York, Xd on up lands', ld@ixd on sea islands; by sa; 7-lfid on uplands,. Xd oa sea island's. To Havre' nominal. Coastwise-to New : Fork try steam, Xe Qn uplauds and- xe on se.? Islands; fl 26 fi.tierce on rice; by sail, %o ?b o:, cotton; - 9 tierce on rice:40c f? barrel on-ros.n B7?3 a if oa lumber; $0@10 fi M ou timber. 1 - i Boston, by sall, .sc ? lb on upland cotton ' TQ Providence, by sail $8 fi M on boards, Xe ? rt. on cotton; by steam $1 ft bal? on -N. w ?'York rates. To Ph?adelphla?>y steam, xe-fi lb . - on uplands; by sail, j: v M on boards; *$9 on ..limber; $8 fl ton bu clay, aad$3@S50 cn paos phares. To Baltimore, by steam, Xo ft h> by ^ . ?ai?, 96 6Q?7 ? M On boards; $8@i3afFfi ron 0:;. phosphate rock. Vessels an j? demand by oar march vu ts to take lumber freights trim Georg? to wu.'S. -C., Danen and Sarilla River, Ga and Jacksonville, Fla,, to Northern ports, an?i.$lc ?12 ? M are on lumber and boards. BzosAMBi.-Sterling 60 day odis 20X.@20X.' .DoBXjTiu EXCHANGE,- The banks purchase tight .beets at X orr to par, and sell at x pre Jfl?UJJla * GOW- 10S?1. ' Markets by Te lepra pl 1. -MONET MAKKKTS. LONDON, April 4-Noon.-Consol? 92X. Bond3 wx.. " Rvenlnsr.-Consuls 92?. Bonds 92X. NEW KORK, ^pril 4-Noon -Freights steady. Governmints r tt ?iiy and dull Blocks better and pretty acm e. Slate bonds Unit Honey activa at 7. Gad Steady at lox. ' ?sterling, long, 10; 6hort, 10X. ." - # Evening -Freights firmer; hy sell on colton XS616. Wi.eav*6x. Money i-lused tat 6a7. ?ter Ung quiet at ax a io. Gild loxalOX- Govern, men ts ndvance. 1 s a?; amy TWOS12X- Southerns dullr Virginias on*l lui- TeL-nes^ecs steady; ol?! 66; newtex. Vircini s 70>? : new same Louts ' lanas 68; new 62;jeveeB72H; eights?6t Alabamas 1012; flv< a ss. Georgias 81: sevens 89. >ortn c?i - dllnas 46X; new-24. Suuta Carolinas 72; new 4KX- . / NEW OHLE ANS April 4.-Cold 10X. Steril?g .21?. SlghtXaX premium. COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL. April 4-Noun.-Cotton cinll and unchanged : oplitiids 7XarXd, orleans TXaTXA; tales 10,000 bales. - Ev.mug.-Cutten doll atidunchavgedj-oplands 9X?7X'>; OrJeai? 7X TXd; 10,010-bul s: fur specula-.iou and expoit .ooo. Tams and rubrics \ quiet. NEW IroiiK, Arri 4-Noon.-Cotton quiet, but aot decuntug; uplauds 15 -ic 0? leans 15X0. . J Evening-Cotton quiet and we>ak; tales 34S? ba'cs ai loge BOSTON, april 4,-Cotton quiet; middlings l6Xc; net rec? ipts 58 bales; gross 1107; hales 4001 stuck 12.000. BALTIMORE, April4.-Cotton steady-middlings 14Xal4Xc; gro-s irOeij.ts 690 bales; expoi la Great Britain 1440, rca' 126 bales; sales 6?5 bales: stock 9vi6 bales. NOEKOLK, April 4.-Cotton quiet; low middlings Iftefnt receipts 745 bale-; exports to Great Bri? tain 890; sales 50; stuck 4567. ' WILMINGTON Apiil 4.-Cotton weat-middl?ups 14c: net receipt- 74 bales; exports-casi wise 530 bans; Bales 61 hares: stuck '.'324 bales. baVANNAH. Apt il 4.- Ol lon quiets middlings 13Xal4- ; iierri-ceipts 1413 bules; export?-ureat Britain -.345, coaaiwibc 6 bales; sales 600.bales; BtOCk 47 *&1 bx f B'"~~ At oc.-TA, April 4.-' otrnn market rnled dull at ; 13Xc tor middi:i g-; sates 400 baie?; receipt^ '?io. MoBiLB, -p IU.-CUUUD quiet-middlings^ X'c; net receipts 278 bale-: exports- coostwiBe 217, bales;'eOO bal.-s -toelr?S 186 bales Haw ORLEANS. April 4.- ottun active, with foil price*; un<:dli:is::i4X:il4Xc; net receipts 3663 I bales; t?8 ;678; ?j|?nb tu Barcelona 634; to ' Am?<erdHi? 091;.sui s 8OO0;stock286.750. OALVESTON, ?i'ilM- Colton steady-good ordi? nary i2?12Xc: net. rem? ta 1643 bales; exports Or'-ii Br??in 1500 i ale>; 2500 bales; stock ?0,584 bales. PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. LIVER POOL, p ii 4-Noon.-Corn, new, 44s 6d Bee 112s. NEW >ORK. April 4 - Noon.-Flour steady "Wneat quiet amt finner. Corn lc better. Pork $21. Litni dun. Tu.?peBi.l|ie dull at 51XC* Rosin quiet; au an en $: GiXa/fiT Evening -e|?-ur.vN.iihe?i qu'et and firm; com? mon to r?lr vX'n? nj,Sv?7i50: K"od to choice $T 60 " af9. Wiu-k y <ud.' ul ffXhte% vihest cio-e-i heavy: wiu?er iel um) into*i Western $162al 60. Corn cl'isf'. qmm au Bix-.'S-'X QroctirteH dull. Pink at ?2^X- .B? ?-f quiet, laid a shad Armer; Re.tV i-_*x.-. Navjti stores quiet. T.iiiow ni cha- L'- d. N' w OKI.EINS. Ann] 4.-Flour quiet; superflue 56 12X; double $6 62?; treble $7. Corn 70a7lc. Oat?, -i. i ..-ut-. Ri 64?- Bran $117Xal 20. B.c-.n ?un at sx. lOXallXo. >ugar-cured ia ?s 16 xa j 16o. Li--.' su?.tr. uH/ii-s---, whiakeW and coffee tmohangi-d. OINOINN?T(. April 4.-Floor in good demand at Tull prices. . r?? PI ea? iv at 57a Mess pork lower MI $:o. Lar?i ower a' llXaUXo. Bacon A?ulet and uucnaugeii. Whiskey steady at 87c. . Interior Cotton Marketa. ATLANTA, April 3.-Light offerings, and lit? tle euaEge in prices: market quiet; middlings 13S? ; low middlings lix? good' ordinary li K ; or? dinary 10>4 ; inferior 7a9. COLUMBUS, April L-Our market very dull, and confined to better grades; middlings 13c; Liverpool closed duli and lower, and New Tork dull and heavy; sales 63 bales; receipts 73; ship? ments 153. ? Wilmington Market* WILMINGTON, April 3-SPIRITS TURPENTINE. Sales 0123 casks at 47 .and so st 48o per gallon for bout bern packages. '', >. ? Boen?.-Sales of 935 bbls'at V20 pef bbl for Btralnrd and $6 26 for now orop?lales OBUM T?KPEKTINB.-Sales of 210 bbla at $5 for "new virgin, ?aS6 for yellow" dlp*and $210 for hard. TAR.-Sales of 116 bbls at $1 SM) and 305 bbls at $1 75 per bbl, a decline or 30c on last quotations. Ctw^.-Saleaot-IssbaSesTaa roiiows? 7 at 10,.; 11 at 10tf, 10 at lOJi, T6 at ll. 23 at 12, 1 at H#, 12 at.U?, in. at 12#, 13 at 13, ll at 13*, and 17 at l3J?C-per pound/ New York Hay. Market.'^ From'the Daily Bulletin. ?iprtl 8: Receipts to? day 1 &00nales. ' The market ;t& quiet and a trifle easier, but not qnotably lower for shipping. Sales are 125 bales for Savannah. 50 for Petersburg. 65 for Portsmouth, and 21 for NorfoLk at $116; 100 .-bates compressed Jor Jackson vllls-sud?s bales for *esrafttrrat*l asi- Phmf -retaH-^nrm, but the I lower grades are a little easier. ? Straw Ls Arm and pearce. Wheatatraw.-sella-at 70a:J5per lo?lba. nr. New TOXJk Hflte Market. Fr?mUhe Dally Bnlletmr AprtTC: ^me market for domestic dull but steady, with jobbing sales f!it SXaiStfc. Foreign meeting with a" very" good demand irom the trade at former rates, but ex? porters doing nothing at trie moment. Sales of 300 bags Rangoon at va; c. ?. New Tork Naval Store? Market. | From the Dallv Bulletin, April 3: Receipts to? day, 88 bbLs spirits turpentine; 314 dq roslnr220 do tar. The market for spirits turpentine ia quiet, at about iormer prices. Sales are only In small lots at 5la52c. Rosins have been fairly active bul; ? lower. Sales are 7000 bbls strained af. X2 67J?, closing at $2 C0a2 65; is JO bbls No 2 at $2 85, and, 500 bbis do at $2 90. Tar te without further busi? ness reported ltacaipta oy Railroad, April 4. SOUTH CAROLINA P.A1MTOAD. 559 bales cotton, 37 bales goods, 28bbls naval Stores. To Railroad Agent, Dowling A co, Bar? den A Parker, L DDeSaussure, w c courtney & co, G W Williams & co, W c Bec A co. A J Salinas. G ll Waiter a co, Peizer, Rodgers A co, Kinsman A Howell, Pringle dc Son. Wilcox, Gibbes & co, W B williams ?. Son, E WissA co, -loan & Soignions. A B Mulligan, Frost dc Adger, WKRyan\* Watson St Hill. NORTH K.l.--I KK N RAILROAD. 106 b?les upland cotron, 140 bbls naval stores, cars phosphate, lumber and woo'i, mdse, Ac Ta Fros: & Adger, G W Witte. W C Bee A co, Pringle S: Son, Claghorn, Herring A co. W 0 Dukes A co. Kinsman & Howell. Johnston, Crews & co, W H . u't.a, Heeder A lie- a as i pre, s JJ atooey., LCoben *-co,.F-wvpiener,. Brodie .Rob; GaWweli;> Son, Wagen er dr Mon sees. Peizer, lt odgers A co. Shack - . ello'd A Kells, li DueICTUI?; D C Eoaugh, Mowry Sc. Son, W u Courtney * co. J C Malionee, F Klint-., worth, and Railroad Agent. _* 5 SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. )?on..-i?seao?B guaoorioaa^rlojs.-md?e, cVc. To-J adraban,. SR)tiev i-'LOwiKies; *t.o Cole : A co. J R Pi Ingle A Son, Dr 0 S Peizer. H Blsclion" Sc . co, BB Sea bruni;, 1? vernon, J il rubb^P Darcy.' Per- steamship James Ad??fi for New York - CK? Parsons, Mrs*! narlo* A -Mk? L 1* Harlow, D Mccann. N S Scott,, w u .B.-adsuajy. wife and cn lld, W Klmpton, G Sellers; J Clunu, MT Murphy, Misa fieatse, airs Goodwin, UUaUsgar, G-butlel? and wife. Ro!?t Colgate' and servant. MJs-s a Col? gate. J^ueGettlbger, H M Tarra, Miss Connell, M M Mutant uh. J Terrard. M Carter and wife,'Capt Beaweaad wife, W Morrison, F Carroll, P Cuban and J Mithoue. Ber steamer Pilot Boy, from Beaufort anti Pacific Lauding-Mis? Cochran. Miss Mary Gahowuy, B B sams. F Talblrd, C w Chaplain, L A Wakeman, EFJ Dupont, FSchep-r, J E McQiegor, W J Fer? dies M H McBride. C S McNeil v, W H Robinson. J Bond. J w Matthews. D Thomas, W C ?uyers. !P E ? -Ezbklei H Robinson, U s Gam v. ? M Pm cs ney-, [and 15 on deck. ". .? |"" POUT C'Mi?'M>Afi. -. ? HOOK'S /ll AS rio. FuDMoon, 6th, 9 hours, 8 maintes, morning. } Last Quarter. 12th, 0 hui-ta 31 minutes, morning. New Moon, Wt h 1 hour. 43 inmute?, evening. FirsL quarter. ?7th. 6 hours. 13 mUinte?. eveuing. noon [Si * 9 mi Liior... WAT KR 5.. 58 H. .41 T..29 8..16 ?..56 /9..41 10..36 M. AKUTE SJCtVS. CHARLESTON. 8. G.APRIL 5, 1S71. Ls^M flMtfg B?a33 sec. {Lc ri g It tltiit alcuin 22 sec. Br bark Volagc.May, New York-4dayB. Ballast. To Hunt firotners & c?>. Merchants'-Line bohr Flo se nee Rogers. Shop laid, New York-0 days. Muse. To W Roach * co, G W Aimar, Adams, Damon A co, J E Adger A r-?ster, C D Franke, Goodrich, Wineman di co, J H Gravar St co. c G ra r< ley, Ja* Goihan. Guy Sc Kin? loch, Unit .V cn, Holmes. < .aider A co, J W Harris? son, J D C Haskins, J Uurkamp A co, Klmck, Wi. keubeig Sz c<>, KnoUlo li A minali, U i.uhrs, Gil JLLuhu, s Jt Mm s h. ul. J Marshall, Jr, B O'Neil, (fetandoilTVA co. South' Cann ina Railroad- Agent, TV L Shepard Sc. co. Wa ter Steele, A'Sekefitlortf, I) E Mlcox, L Schnell & co. KB Stoddard Sc co, P P Tonie, R Thompson St co. J F Ta? lor ico. WL? Webb, O F Weiters, B G wilkins dc co, P Walsh, R White, L Welskopf, Capt Br dicy, Tiedeman, Cal der A co, G W Wilik.irts'A co, A' Tobias' Sous, and Stedens, emer St Decker. Sehr William <f Junn. Leonard. Brook G cen MRI. Iron, A-. To ShHCkelforii .* Kelly. Steamer Pilot Hoy, Si v. Beaufort and Pacific Landliw. Sundries. To JD Aiken, DMePh'ersoL. ll Scheper, J Dupont, cameron, Barkley A co, H ? Geiclts A CO, and K O Barnwell. Steamer General Manigault, conies, Peedee, via Georgetown, S C. 31,000 Bhlngles and mdse. To Shackerford Si Killy. Boat from Hahenfcht's MID, James Island, lag sea Island cot tonearm ft bales upland cotton. To LD peSanssnre ana w c Bee * co. IN THE OFFING. A topsail schooner, unknown. ULKAKBD YKSTEI?DAT. ^-sreamship'Jsmes Adger, Lockwood. Kew, York -James Adger A co. scar Ulara..Malford, Providence via Jackson? ville-H I" Ba kci- Si co. sour L A Ddiintnliovrer, Crace, Philadelphia-H P Bu ki- r St co. Sciir Samuel .Fish, .Tuel, Darleo, to load for a Northern Port-J A Kn;low A co. SebeMaj Day, Ad.ims, ie, s c, to load lor a Non hem Port-J A Ens ow A co. Sehr Al by E Williaid. Gulliver. Georgetown. SC, to load fur onmanscotta, Me-J A Ensloiv & co. >chr Willie Mania, Noyes.- a porura the north -aide Cuba-J A En el ow A- co.. SAILED SUNDAY. Sehr Ringleader, snare, Beaufort, SO. . , SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship James "Adger. Lockwood. New York, spanish brig Lloret, Al.siua, Barcelona Spanish bug O .?nun. Muled, Barcelona. Sehr Sahinei Fish, Tee), Danen, Ga. PRU M THIS'.': Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull New. York, April*. ?-clir Neille Doe, Richardson, Wilmington, N C. April 3 SAILED FOR THIS PORT. Norwegian hark Logent, Neusen, Cardin via j Bermuda, January 20. MEMORANDA. S*VAX?An, April 4.-Cleared steamship Virgo, New York ; bark Wm PaUerson,.Llvfcipool; brig Lewis Clarke, Baltimore. NORF LK. April 4.->-Thp EnglMi brig Wm Muir, of Nova ?eutia, Irom Porto Rico Tor Ba. ti in re, witliH cargo or, went ashore near Currl tuokluieu The vessel ano cargo wDi be a total loas. Captain and crew here. LIST OF VESSELS OT, CLEARED ANO ?JR THU PORT F O R ETI G N . ' ^* LIVKKPOt?L. Bark Ann'e KlmbalK-S'.inson, e etred.Jan 20 MiDDjJBBimo', sss;"-* The Oscar,,Peterson,-ailed .".....",.Feb ^ GIKOENTl. SlClLV. Br brig Sir Robt AlcCiure,..GrjiUt.lis, sid.Feb CARDIFF. Norwegian4>srk Lugeat, Neilsen, sailed....Jan 26 The JeanTiViau, Brewer, salRd.Jan m? DOM E S.T I C ... - . *^ j r, BOftTOKi* Steamship L?opard. Hughes; up...~...iMarcji 26 Br shin Remington, Fowler, cleared.March 21 Brig WaU?ain, UaskelL-up.....^.March 2? Brig Buick-Sw an,- Podger, cleared...March 28 sehr M?iylaud, Greeu, cleared.March 30 . KW ....u Br bar!; 31rlan Star, Corning, cleared_March 81 Sehr A c urace, Gilchrist, cleared.March 31 Scbr U> ru- Fosse t, H?rtling. up.March 27 Sehr F Merwin Pearce, up.March 31 Sehr A H Cain, S mpson. cleared.March 26 Behr Auuie Magee. Young, np.March 28 " . " CM.TIMdKE. Sehr Chas Com?-ry, Pincham, cleared....March 20 8.1ir .icertn Traveller. Adams, cleated...March 24 Behr J 8 DetwUer Grace, cleared.March 29 sehr John Ferris, st John's, up.!TAprll l pipping._* S"TEAM DIRECT TO BOSTON. Tho Resalar'Lice steamship PA^-^fflffL TUER, Mills, Master, having all bcr^yEfiK heavy freight engaged, wanta cotton and iigut freight to nil np. apr4-2_WILLIAM ROACH k CO. ?J10B NEWTORK. ON THUBSDAY, APRIL 6TH, AT FOUR *; \ f fotCLOCaC Pi M. NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870. STATK-ROOAIS ALL ON DECK. The Splendid New Iron Side Wheel Steamship GEORGIA, Crowell, Commander, will sall for New Yorfc-on TH?RSDAX, AprlL6, at 4 o'clock E. MCTronVOer Nut 2. Untan Wharves) ' The fine new Iron Steamship SOUTH CARO? LINA will follow on THORSDAT, April 13.' Through Bills of Lading given on Cotton to Liverpool, Boston, Providence and the New Eng? land Manufacturing Towns, at tho lowest mar insurance by Steamers gi this Line % per cent. For Rrelght Urngagenients or Passage, having very fine sta%-room accommodations, apply to WAGNER, H?GER k CO., No. 26 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharves. apr3-4_ SEW YORK. QED LI?JC N BW YORK AND CHARITES-. TON STEAMSHIPS. ESTABLISHED 1 8 4 6. SPACIOUS AND ELEGANT DECK STATE ROOMS. The very fast and splendid Side-Wheel Steam? ships of this Line will leave Adger'B Wharf as follows : JAMES ADGER, TcBSDAY, April 4th, at 5 o'clock1 ?H?lB^?biS, SATPBDAT, '.April 8th, af a o'clock awlnsurance**^ percent, by this Line. aa- Through mus of Ladinjr given on Cotton to Liverpool, Boston. Providence and the New Eng? land manufacturing towns at the lowest marke: rares. For Freight or rassage engagements, apply to ! mar? JAM Ks ADOKR k cu. JP O K P~H ItADELPHIA , WEEKLY STEAM LiNE-THURSDAYS-CO N NEC31i.Tr WITH FI rt?TCLASS S'fBAU LIN l s 'Ut^ram?Drt.PB?A FOR'BOSTOK *!vND PROVIDENCE. The Fast Iron Screw Steamship F A ?Li RIVER, HINCKLEY, Commander, Will be dispatched, for Ri .j lade: phi a .on ^M??L Tacas! AV* Gth April, at 5 o'clock p.^yUkaS M., from Brown's North Wharf. SVTlirontrli Bills Lading issued for Cotton, Rice and Rosin, Ac., t i the New.England cities, and Spirit-Turpentine, as agreed. a?-The Steamers'of this ?nt? win take Lumber to Philadelphia on accommodating terms. For Freight eugageraents apply to WM. A. UOURTENAT. opr3-mwth3_No. 1 Union Wharf. PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPY'r CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN FARES QREATLY REDUCED. Steamer? of the above' Uncleave Pier No. 42, Novih River, foot or Canal?_ street, New Yorjc^?iu a'cl?ijk noon, of the 16th and 3)th of e'very- month'' "jexeept when thea ?lates fall on Sunday, then the saturday preceo" ? Alt departures con ne ct at Paairn a'-WK r.-Pteam - ara for South Pacitlc and central Amerionn ports. Departure of l&tli touches at Kingston. Jamaica. For Japan and Chin::; steamers leave san Fran? cisco Orst or everv mnnib, exc?pt'when it falls on sunday; then on the day preceding. No (jaltfornia steamers roden at Havana, bu t;o direct from New Yi>rk to Aspinwall.. - ?ueftun?rcit pcrrndebaggagelrcatoeach adm li Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other Information appl tit the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFI.JE, ou tilt wharf foot of Canal street, North River, Nev ?ork. F. R. BABY; Agent. ;ulyl6-lyr j? X C U R S I O N TRIP. un and after Tn t'RSPAY, April 6th, _ ^fT^^ th,e.?te)imej?sr. HELENA. Captain u. j^UBE Sinclair, Jr.,,will leave as above, every uittrnoun, at half-past 6 o'clock, from Market Wharf, leaving i-ul ivan's Island, on return, at a quarter-past 6 o~*elocfc Fare for round trip, 2i cents- .". ;maflo- . . > J.-B. MURRAY, Agent. ?\ HANGE OF SCHEDULE. MOUNT PLEASANT" ?ND S?ELIPAlS'S .ISLAND FfcRRY On and 'after THURRDA'Y, AprU ? .jflT^w 0th, tho To!,owing schedule will bedafiOEBC observed: Leave City at 6.S0 and 10 A. M., 3 and 5.30 P. M. Leave Mount Pleasant at 8 A. M., UM., 4.15 and 0.30 P. M. Leave sullivan's Island at 7.30 and ll A. M., 4 and 6.1& P. M. All Frel?bt>must be prepaid, and nose received arter half-past 2 o'clock. J. H. MURRAY. mar30 _Agent. Jp OR BEAUFORT AND PACIFIC LANDING. . The steamer PILOT BOY. Captain J. W: sly, wMl leave every Tiru KS-. _ _ 'DAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock, as nbove. Keturuiug, will leave Beaufort FRIDAY ti?RN?NS, at So'clOcK. mar21_J. l>. AIKEN, Agent. ?y^7*EtKL? LINE TO SAVANNAH. THROUGH BY DAYLIOHT. . FOR PACIFIC LANDING. BEAUFORT, il'iLTL? HEAD, SAVANNAH, MA ?HEN AND BRUNSWICK, GA. . . j The favorite steamer . "ELIZA HA TV COX, Captain L. W. BURNS, ? wiii-receive Freurnt at Accommoda- " lon wliarf for above points everyJs?iaaU&S?. i wisp Ar. and leave on' every WKDNKBDAY MORN INO, at 7 o'clock, arriving ut Sa van tub the samt .evening, and leaving for Danen, Ac, the follow mg morning. Returning, will leave Savannah fo .Oaarlestou every MONDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock For Freight or pasxafre. apply to RAVEN EL. HOLMES A CO., t .l<t0_NO. 177 Bast. Bay. . JpOR NORTH ED?STO, BEAUFORT AND PACIFIC LANDING. The Steamer PILOT BOY, Captain J. W. Sly, will leave Central Wharf^^.-.^ for the above polnra-every MONDAY MURKINM. at. * o'clock, and, returning, will leave Beaufort every TCR9DAT, at 8 o'clock A. M., and Edisto at 3 P. M, mar21_J. 0. AIKKN. Agent. jp OR SAVANNAH. ELEGANT STATE ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. Trie Splendid Steamer CITY _ r-r- w POINT, Caotain V. B. Vincent, will EafiBSBC leave Southern Wharf rex Mi? nbove iHaceToi^Hi DAY EVENING, April T;"1S71, at 8.S0 o'clock. Tlr?. Steamer DICTATOR, captain L. M. Cox etter, wm . leave Som horn Wharf on TUESDAY CT?irNO,: April ll, Mil; at 8130 o'clock, foi the above place. apTC_ .RATENEs> k CO.. Afeents. po ? F LORI D A , TWICE A WEEK. FOR SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE. P1LATKA AND ALL POINTS ON THE ST. JOHN'S RIVER. The' Steamer DICTATOR, Captain L. M. COXKTTKB, will sali fromu__ Southern Wharf for above points every TUBBB* ? S.30 o'clock, arriving back at charles ton every SUNDAY AFTBRNOON, at 5 o'clock. The Steamer CITY POINT, Captain D. B. Vincent, w?l sall from Southern Wharf for above poini i> every FRIDAY EVENING, at 8.80 o'clock, arriving back at Charleston WxdNSSDAY AFTERNOON, at 5 o'clock. RAVENEL ?ts CO., Agents, octio Southern wharf. _ gripping._ FOU JOHN'S ISLAND, CHURCH FLATsT WADMALAW ISLAND, TOOQOODOO AND EDISTO ISLAND-. TWICE A WEEK, The Sloops LOUISA AND HATTIE and fli JACK. Apply to . SLm THOMAS H. SNOWDEN, At Stoney A Lowndes, flpre-ws . ? Vandcrhorat Wharf. jp OE GARDNER'S- BLUFF*, *AND ALL INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON-THE PEEDEE RIVER. The Steamer "GENERAL MANI-. - . ?ilP^a, GAULT.'' Captain H. S. Cordep '" ihiffiBE now receiving Freight at Boyne A.G?.'s Wharf, and will leave aa above, on FKIDAY MOSNINQ, April Tth. SH ACS E LEO EU) A KELLY, Agents, apr5-2_ No. I. Boyce's Wharf. JP O R GrARDINER'S BLU-PF 'AND LNTERMEblATE> LANDINGS ON THE J. '- PEEDEE RI VSR, TIA GEOROETOWli. TrreSteamerPLANTRRrCapt J.-T. ? ?ff^a. Poster, 18 now receiving freight "r jSmSSBm Accommodation wharf, and will *eave on TH?KS DAY Nroa?,~tlre eth inst .' - !. Freight and wharfage prepaid* * ? For Freight or Passage, having Btatoroom ac? commodations, applv-to ? RAVEN EL, HOL>fESIA CO., apr5-2 No. in East Bay. .Cambar,'?sel, Ut. g'^-rx'-T^B-'B ^'s-; 'ITE P O ^ ! NO. M CHURCH STREET, ' THRBB DOORS NOBTH OP BROAD, . CHARLESTON, S. C. LIME SLATES LATHS PLASTER TIN HAIR CEMENT TILE GRAVEL OHIMNETTOPS SEWER P?PB .GARDEN VASES Ac. Ac. Ac. Now landing, a cargo of very superior LIME, for sale low. Country orders carefally and promptly filled.' P. 0. Box 374 . ?. M. GRIM KE. mars jgHINGLES! SHIN G L E S I Prime CYPRESS SHINGLES. In bnnches, dellv vered either at the city or at Sniuvan's Island, (?'qr sale by SHAOKELFORD & KELLY, mario-lmo No. 1 Boyce's Wharf. OLD CA lt OWN A ?ITTERS, rOHSALS-BV E. E. BEDFORD; King street'. C. D. AHRENS .fc TO., 5tog*street. B. FELDMAN?? & CO., Kins sireet, C. MOMEIER, ' '. And by Druggists and Grocers everywhere: Cognac. Bitters, FIRST PBIZE Paris ExMbitionl867. Purify the blood and strengthen th e system, eradicating the effect of dissipation, maintain the human frame In condition of healthful n ass, dispel the Blues and all mental dis? tempers, and relieve those whose sedentary habits lay them open to depression. They prevent and ouro &x<~ ous and viher Fevers, jFeverand jiff tie. Chills, diarrhoea, l)yse Ji? ttery, dyspepsia, Sea - Sickness, Colic, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, and every complaint Inci? dental to diet or atmos? phere. Ladies will find them a sovereign boon? as they eradicate all trajees of Debility,- Nervousness, Inertness, and ' Diseases peculiar to tho sex. sr Thousands of Testimo? nials can be seen at the office of M. JACOBSON, Sole Proprietor, 64 & 6(1 Water Street, N. Y. niARLE>TO\. 0<nieral.Agent6for the Stale of SO. Carolina. fenT-iyrnkC .-WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR THE otD CAROLINA tfiTT?r?s. ?i H.'BI8?H0FF ?t CO., H. KLATTE ic OIL, , M .BOLLW?NN ^BROTHERS; ?? J. A. QUAG KEN il USU. .WAftfiNRRjc M ON S EES, MAXTllUB&.CO. Sewing illa finites. 'WEED*' FAMILY FAVO KITE LOCK-STITOfc rtV 2. , MACI?INE. are tne best In use. ' For s.??e_on the Lease Plan, with monthly pay meats, on easy terms, or for cash. All Kind* ol Mac urie attacnmettts.-. Needles, Cotton, (white Mack arjd colored.) Silk, Oil; Soap, Ac, Jab. Repairing as usual, circulars and sin pies o> wont sent on application D. E. HASELTON, General Dealer in First Class Sewing aa chines and Material, so. 307 King stree;, a?gn Charleston, s. C. Sine <&xoterie8, &z? BEDFORD'S (LATE C OR WIN'S ) * GROCERY . .->?? ? . . AUB . '? ,<' .'."'*"' T.E.A. WAREHOUSER HEADQUARTERS FOR SELECTED DAIRY BOTTER PTJRE LE/iF LARD *?< PRIME FACTORY AND ENGLISH CHEESES f . . " ' ENGLISH AMLAJdERJC?^ CEACltPB?," "?ar. M80UTTS, 40., ?O. N. B.-I CLAIM TO KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK A Nif MOST EXTENSIVE ASBORJKRSS. OF F?MTLT GROCERIES IN THIS CITY. - ^* ? ? r ? - , * vf? ?Sf. E. E, BEDFORD, " 4 *ERY . - PURE BE?CK880R TO 'CHOICE ' "' BRJWD1ES, WINEfS WILLIAM S CORWIN k 00.,-. FAMILY. w,, , AND VERY OLD --' '--'MM KING- STREUT, ' : - FL??R. WHISKIES. > t - OPPOSITE HASEL. - " * ' ' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEADER ? *v' * " Bl * '. - "... ' . ' vf . Fine Teae, Oo?ees, Sugars Proyistons; Spices, ?&C* ' HERJIEIIC.VLLT SEALEB F?lrn>'" VEGETAB.L ES, MEATS, SOUPS, - #c. AU articles sold from thia esgaMlshmcot-are or the VERY BEST QUALITY aa J WARRANTED Goods lellveredto all parts' or ti.e city, Railroad Depots, Steamboats, fsae of expensa. ' % EVERT E. BEDFORD.) SF.5D FOR A I JA*. S.-MARTIN. . SEO. BL G ECU ER.. ( . CATALOGUE. - - : .{ WM*. CL MOOD, if. ifertilijers. EIGHTEEN YEA^ > OPl?R?^^ INTRODUCED -IN 1662...PATENTED ? DS6F. M BE R 20, MS?. Oldest Superphosphate Manii%cttiredinthffi Cotintrv UPES' MIM?HZB mmmmim OF LIE COMPOSED OFj . fi Bones, Phosphatic Gnano, Caneen teated Ammoniacal Animal Matter and Sulphuric- Acid. / NO SALT.^LASTER', SALT, CAKE, NITRE 0AKE,NOR ANf *AD%TERANT OF ANT KIND USED --.-o THE jrMMONTACAL ANIMAL MATTER USED IN MAPBS? NIT?0GE?1ZED SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME ct> r H tat-* of tito Flesh, (containiug 10 per cent, of Ammonia,) and the Blood, (containm-* Is per cent. Ammonia,) of nor?es, huevea, Ssh and other' arum al?, arter exp?e ?km. of. the-iat ana oil by steam, rend for a Parriphlet. . - ; .. Ammonia Yielded by the Organic Matter.2.64 9 cent. cr.GG fi ct. Insoluble Phosphoric Acid...Bono rho phate of- Lime.18.78 lucent. .-.38 ~4t ct. >olubte Phosphoric Add.Soluble PliospliatebfLlme.6.48 *B cent. 3 S3 9 ?t. Si Juble Phosphoric Acid.Bone Rhospbato'or Lime (dissolved)... 738 ^ cent. i.20" Vet. Sulphuric Acid.Snlpboteor Unie.16.48 * cent. .*An*exce4lcnt Fertiliser." Respectfully Su'oratttied, (feigned.) CHAULES ?J. SHEPARD, Jib,M. D.. - ^ Inspector of Fastlllzera i or-south Carolina ... J^RIOE, sso~ cttttC; 'v ,"" ' KINSMAN & HOWELL^<3teneral Agents; febs-wrmamosDic . No. 123 EAST IIAY.-OIIARLESTON, &. 0? . TO FACTORS ANO RANTERS I The nndenrfgheil begs to Inform his customers and the pnbllattoat, In addition to-h?s Wor?s at Savannah, he has established extensive Superphosphate Works at the J?AFPUO MILLS, opposite-this I oily, which are now in active operation, manuiar.nnnx his weil * .own fertilizers,- (tie PHOS P H O- if E R U V t A N .'."'.' '** ' "AND . **i*>* ' '.'^ ?MMON?ATED ^OE??DE PACIFIC GUANOS, AND WHERE -RE WILL ALSO KEEP ON" KAN I) ITO. 1 P E ?D V I A N O ? A N O, SOUTH CA???NA PHOSPHATE, -l?T? SS . , ... ? _ ,.?*>''-...-. ., R4S S**? -'.' of the Miriest(rrade from lils Ashepoo Mines, (crude and ground,) analyzing over slaty per cent/ ol Bone Phosphate or Limepend- - : , L?NB PliAST.EE:. " J ^ 'These Works have been opened under the, inspection of Dr. CU. SHEPARD,-??, Inapectorof ?PcrHlizers for SouttrCan)Una.and evfery.packapre will bear bis brand certifying to-its Inspection. Uulfomuty-of QoalKy quarantexd and prices retlaccd . . >? . * Mes3rsT G."A. TRENHOLM & S0#, General Agents," Messrs. GRAESER A SMITH, Agents* > CHARLfiSTOH, 6. C. ianI3 ?- i. J. TZ. PARDY ->1 ; WRWffrt RAsTttAY AVD BROAD STREET, CHARiESTON.% C. *' ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE COMPANY, - OF CHAHLE?JW*, S.-C. ?. ,1 rifc P; J; POBCHER, President. f. J. PELZER, Treasurer. ^- 'UUECTO??. . " W. LEBBY.M. P.lHALL.L. D. BBSAUSSUEE.B. G. PINCKNEY THE ATLANTIC PHOSPHATES ARE NOW BEING'MANUFACTURED AT TlfEIR WORKSDN A9HLEY-RIVEK, mid or the direction of an experienced. and Practical Chemist. The ?ompanyra .temi this tirbe a ll rat class Fertilizer, and one which can be rocommended to Planters. .. ST^IV?^?:D GUARANTEED. ' - THE COMPANY ARE AISO PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE A, QI ID PHOSPHATE FOR COMPOSTING WIT II COTTON SEIKO. This pr?paration ls highly recommended by Chemists, as with lt Planters are enaoled-tomake -thelr own Femiieersii- .v ' .* The ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE ls sold al $U.perton cash, or-on Mme, with Utterest- at the'rate , of one per cent, ner niontb. .. . . . - -. The ACID PBOSP?TATE is sold at $35 per ton cash, or-; on tim5, wlth lntc'rcst at the rate of onoTper cent, per month. . 1 > - "" v.T - PELZER, RO?TG?RS & CO? G??Xei?a? Agents, decSl-imos BUIOWN'S WHAKF..CII A RLESTO\, S. c. ' "ETIWAN GUANOS, SOLUBLE MANURES AND SULPHURIC AOLD MA^?PACTURED AT THE * . . ' v . .CHARLESTON, S. C., : ? BY THE " . " - . ' StLPIILRIC Kill kB SIPE8P?I?.)TE 111. , THE NOW WELL KNOWN ETI WAN GUANO IS MANUFACTURED FHOM THE WJ?TIVB BONE Pnosj'ilATr.S or South CaruUua. These PHuspilATi-.b lu tlielr U HAM ral ?tato art- Jnsolubl?. and ri quiip to IKS ground to powder, and raadi? Soluble by Syjphurlc Add. Tula .Company have now ln:ope-? ra>inn the largest sn piturie Acid Ctiainbcrs at the South, at.d are. tnereiure, abie to ;M thelowo i raies, th-highest grade o? E. Ki'?; it bemg-c-cur that.thc greater the proportion i-f Soinlile Pliwtptta'e which any Fertilizer co?ialus the less ihe quantity requireii.per aerb? In ortie, n ma?c the" l'?rtlllziT compleTe. Amn?onfa and Poiashit? sutllcient quaoUttes are addedi With tasse: views thc t'ocxpany manufacture aud orfer for Bale ETI WAN GUAN O S, j WARRANTED TO CONTAIN FROM 1?.TO 20-PER CERT. OF DISSOLVEO BON? PHOSPHATE Ol L MK. and s to '?X per cent, or AMMONIA, with a *nfficlent addfriun i?f PBMUVfAN GFANO tee POTASH, tu adapt lt to all crops. Price $55 per ton, cash; on time, $60 per ton,"and Interest 7 per cent, per annum. ^ ? . . DISSOLVED BONE, OF HIGH GRADE. SUITABLE FOR MANOFAOTURERS-.OR FOR PLANTERS. BEING ? ITSBLF^I? ?excellent FERTILIZER, sud specially adapt?-d for Coin post. As lanie quantity- of. Sulphuric Acm are used tfulissolve i be Phosphate, UUBWRI befounu acheaaand convenient wav^) transport that ma -terial The gj adefurnislietl will be from.lStp 20 percent. Dissolved Btme Pho'sphatc. Pirfce $fo-pet ton, cash: ou time. $45, with im?r?st at 7 per cent, per aunum. StUi lilgber grades will be rurnlsheu to order atan addulouaiprice aercentage. _- - COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE,.. SPECIALLY PREPARED Fi'R COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED ANI> OTHER PLANTATION MANURES. .Brice ?35 per ton, casu; on time, $40, with interest at T per cent, per annum, GROUND BONE, AT MUCH LOWER RATES,'CONSISTING SIMPLY OF THE NAT?V? BONE .PHOSPHATES GROUND to powder. Price $'JU per ton, cash ; oh trfne, snd.?itereBt at 7 p|er,ceht'per*nnn?v' AGENT i. No. 14 AflOBR'S WHARF,'CH ARLESTOB4 C.? - N. B-THE PERCENTAGE OF DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME AND AMMONIA IX ALL TUE ETIWANS^is ascertained at the Works, by theib Chemnttrbefor?'deUTflry. S ould any pur? chaser bc (lis-atistled. he may return average samples of any ?parchase, within ihtrty (30) day^aftet delivery, nrid they will be analyzed anew, and- any deacienoy In the peroantage guaranteerv will be made good to him by the company. janSS-mwf B. CARPENTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 72 BROAD STRKET, Charleston, S. C., ? Wiri Prectlce in the State and Federal Courts, reba Q R.'L E V Y, " *TRIAL JUSTICE, No. 86 BROAD STREET, Office recently occupied by S. L. Bennett. .All Bnsiress entrusted to mc will be promote attended to. m am-amor Some CABQLUTA RAILROAD.--CAM MTS TRAIN. CAMDEN TRAIN-C8ANUE OF SCHRDoffi. On SATURDAY, April'1, the following change w lil g oin to euee; in tho s ched ale of the Camden (iO. if mp t Y8, WKDKK8DAY3 and SATTJBDA?8 the Can?SiKfratn will run through to Columbia. Leavtfjpfaraden.,... .?O0 o'clock A. M. Arriving at Colombia...1. .10/40 o?cioe? A. M. Leaving columbia...... 1.26 o'clock P. M. Arriving at Camden.6-OQQJ clock P. M. Making 'Oonnection with the WQ&lngton ana Manchester Trains each way. J- On T?BSDATS, THCBSDAYB au a\ .FRIDAYS the .Cftmden Trf.ln will continae the Schedule hereto 1 fore eitstkig In running from -Camden to JHno \viue, and making oonnection with the Through I Hall Trains. . , A. L. TYLER, Vice-President. - a B. Pickniis, General Ticket Agent -r mar29-4mw3 .. ..? 2&&>? NORTHEAST?RN*- RAILROAD G(M~. PINY. ? -C:i?Bi58To^, S, C.; February li, 1871. Trams leave Charleston Dally at 12 Jfc.an06.-3 P.M. - ^ .Arrive at Charleston 7:30 A. M. (Mondays ex mne8)?tid adrare , f . Train-doa! not leave Charleston 6:30 P. M., SUN DATS. , ....... ..? ;. ?i?\'-s??r*?f? Train leaving at 13 M. makes through connec? tion to Ni w Tort,- via- RlcHtaond and Acaula Creek only, going through In 42 hours, WITH OCT |,DF^8S^g%re1ieavEgnby" 'eui'^'st'TWa haye ch?lce% roete, ?aRreTttrrotid and Washington, or vla*errsmouth 8*4 BeHtaoro. These leaving F&iDAY hy tnis Traiaiay ?yee on SONDAY-IU Bal? timore. Those leaving on StTfmDAY remain iitm DAY in Wilmington, N. 0. " ?..":! This is the cheapest,-onicaest and most pleasant L rou te te CLncianat}, O&lc&go. and other-? pel nts of-Baltlmore a?d-O?io Railroad. - a. S.J5?LOMONS, .. . . Engineer and BjWrmtendent. P. LTCLXATOH, General Ticket Agent.- ir febll-i2mos .. ' .. ?-? a)*' ' a^VAIJjSAaAJSFP CiBuftJ?ttBfi?O?I ?AIL PASSENGER TRAINS on this Road ran* delly" ?a follows: ' CU j ? t* . : .-,. Leave Charleston.../.8.3?JtrM. . Arrive at Savannah,.3.00 P.- M. Leave Savannah.ILI6 A. M. Arrive it Charleston.........."?.'?0 P.Mi Connects a? ?-??""f,* wi th" thc At&ntle-* Ont/ Railroad for Jacksonville, St..Augustine, and all fy??t?rm Tl?fUIat '" . >? ' y. - Wl?n Oentnt? Railroad tor Ma?ont Atlant*, Mo? tile. New Orleans and the West. ' . .- . ? J. with Steamboats for points on the savannah River. v,> ;.v rt At Charleston with the Northeastern and South .Carolina bUiiwj&dav and Sieaiaship* fcy all peints North and West. ^Tnro?'gTv Tfckew oVer this line On Sale at'HoWa 4n Charleston: S^Teven-House,.Savannah^a?4-au .prmclpaLTicker anises North and South. ? . - Freights forwarded dallyTb .and from Sar?n nab amf all-points beyond. .;*?.' Pf r Thwugh>BBis of Lading issued tojaoksonrtne, Palatka, Ac - i . .>? Tariff as low as by any other line. . . ^ "07 S. GADSDEN, Tacts * g " ' Engfae?r and SupeitikeneTen*. gO?TH CAROLiWA RAILROAD. V 1^-f Rfe?DENT'S OFFICE,v' L CW-BiiK?Rnr, 8. ?r.jlanotrry* 18; ?mirf1 a 0 B an d>a.ter SUNDAY, January .22, ; the Passen - ger Trains od ^?amy?./i>xj?un Faiiroad wai TUB as follows: ' -"Lr- . TOBTCOtTSTA. J*eave Chasleaton.. <?..... IE. 50.P. M. ,ArriWu^ta_fe^..^15 P.M. .".LeaveCrtmteeton....V....i..?......<-... S.2?A.M. .krti#e ax .Columbia. . .,. iff.... 3.40 Pt at. "?eave M??^SSB?SSSS?^ . ?Ji?t Arrive a? SHanest?ff;.;. J..v. 13.20 F.?. Leave Ca?uxubia.".lila ?*?. (Snnd^r/B" excepted.) Beave'CBarlewofrw.?...?-..WOT. M. .AKlVC 1'- AUgUKO. ................... ^, if. Leave Augusta....E.60 p.. M. Arrive ittTliarlegton.-...;. ;. ..?. .?".... .^40'A M. il COLUMBIA NIGHT ESPKEBS. ;? ... . (Jjundaya cjccepted.) Leave Charleston.?.7.10 P. H. \rriv? at Cbiumbii........ ? ;.. 6.00 A.^M. Leave -Columbia...K.?.7.60 P. M. Arrive at. Charleston-,... v.6.45 Ju M. SCMMKRVILLE TBAIK. ' Leave Charleston.....l..........;l''4.30 P: M. Arrive at Summervilles-..0.00 P. M. Leave Barn ?nerviUe.?. X.. ?.7.00- A. M. Arrive as.Uliarleston.-.8.15 A. M. . ' CAMDEN BRAKCH. Leave Cnnrden........_?.00 AWL. Arrive at-Ceiumbl*...*..~..?..;o.4aA^M. Lcive CcLumbla.'.1.28 P.M. Arrive a' ?'ntnHwf. .1. 6.00 P. 3a. ' Day and Night Trains make close connections a.t Aticiista with -Ge.Tgla Railroad and Central "'^igiu-Train connects with Macon and Augnsfa Rwtlroad. t?. A' Calw iola Night Train eoanedta with ?Greenville anil Cul um lija Rall roa d. Oarh'den Train connects daily with Day Passen? ger mine: r* ' janio ' A. L. TYLER, Vlce Presldenti. ?ilacrjinsMtTJi -(B?tisrinsa; Ut. marii-mwfemos Jsaacaen's IJrepcrotionftr DEATH TO B?TSL,* i# ROACHES, > , NEy?R;FAlLlN<i. ' BOi?S,DO??LE",|'?E St?R AS^ OTR?lp. HEBHEIICALLY SEALED AND . .- ; ALWAYS FRESH. ? , - - sjild ar ^Vholes?le by iftO^VlE, MOISE & DAVIS, And at retal 6y all Druggists. SgLSES I S <J WILLIAM. \^ i . Juat-recelved at?IN0 WILLIAM'S C1CAR-FAC TOR.vAJio. 3l0Jting su-eet, near Society streefc;a large and complete assortment ol .Lear, Chewmg and Sm?klng TOBACCO; Cigarettes" Slyer", Ptfi?S. Ac Havana sud Domestic Curara 1 m port ad-aa d tiianofaccured by. WM. scHRUDEB. .whoresnect :nily invites Jlie attention of chewers and smokem. and traders, wholesale and retail, to a stock fully comprising every variety of quality and prices, i marthe cheapest to the highest grade, which 1? ! ottered at the lowest cash rates. Air orders' from" the country will receive prompt attention an* shipped c. O.D., or at thirty days' city accept? ance decis-emos >