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OOMTMMBOZAIi NBWB. Export?. - PHILADELPHIA-Per steamship Virginia-173 bales cotton, 61 tierces rice, 173" bales yarn, 26 Dales domestics, 67 6mpty bois, 28 crates green peas, 8 bbds iron, 67 pkgs sundries. Tfce Charl e g ton Cotton, Rice and Naval Stores Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON NEWS, \ FRIDAY i: VEN INO, March 31, 1871.1 COTTON. -Tte Inquiry for this staple waa in a moderate way, with a depressed market, piioes being easier and generally about x?xe 9 re' lower. Sales 600*bales, say 6 at 7, 9 at io>3% 31 at lox, 2 at u, 2S at lix, 69 at lix, 19 at 12, io at 13,9 at ISM, 3 at 13X. 193 at 13\', 48 at 14,19 at 14}?, io-at 14.^, 16 at u:c arri 4 on private terms. .VTe quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordin?ay.11X@123? E Low middling.13X@ ," .Miadling.J3x?i4 . Strict Huddling.......1*M@ Bjcn.-This grain was quiet bnt Arm. Ko sales ol note taking place. - MAYAL STORKS.-There were no sales of impor? tance. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam direct nomi? nal on uplands; via New York, Xd on up? lands, ld@ixd on sea islands ; by sall, 7-i6d on uplands, \d on Bea islands. To Havre nommai. Coastwise-to New ?erk. by steam, Xo -on uplands and Mc on sea .islands ; ii 25 n tierce on rice; ny sail, Xe * tt oi. cutten ;-y tierce on rice; 40c V barret?n rosin; ?Tigs-? Mon lumber; $?@IO V M on timber. Ti os ton, by sall, xe V ? on upland cotton. To Providence, by sall $8 ?jt M on boards, xe .V rb on cotton; by steam $1 V bale on New York rates, To Philadelphia, by steam, Xe V lb on npiands; by sail, $v ft M on boards; $9 on timber; $3 * ton on clay, and$8@8 50 cn phos? phates, TO Baltimore, by steam, xe V h> by ?ail, $6 so?7 V M on boards; $3@3 26 fl ton OL phosphate, rock. Teasels. are .In. demand by our merchants to take lumber freights from Georgetown s. G., ranen and SatlUa River, Ga. and Jackson v-iire, Fin., to Northern ports, and fio | ?12 ft M are the rates on lumber and boards. ' JEXOHANHX.-Sterling 60 day bills 19X@19X DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. - The tanks purobase j?,'?ht checks at x off to par, and seU at x pre? mium. i - 'Gow-10?ll* Marketa by Telegraph. MONEY HABXXT8. i, LONDON, March 31-Noon.-Consols 93X. Bonds r.^Consols 93. Fives 92X. il*? /ofiK, March 31-Noon.-Governments abd stocks strong. State steady. Money 4. Gold JltiXn' Sterling, long 9X ; short 10X 'Kvenlnsr.-Money very easy. Exchange 9Xa9x. Gold' i ox ai ox-' Governments advanced ,'?ax cent, all around. Southerns opened dud; sharp advance on vir, Ullas and TennesBees. NEW ORLEANS, March 31.-Sterling nominal at 2ix. Sight X premium. Gold 10X premium. COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, March 31-Noon.-Cotton dall; up? lands 7Xd; Orleans 7Xd; sales 10,000 bales; sales of the week fil,ooo; exports 15,000; speculation .OOO; stock 760,000; American 415,000; receipts 50,{ OOO: american 17,000; actual exports 23,000. . Evening.-cotton dull; npiands 7Xd; Orleans TMd; sales 10,000 bales, including 200O ior export end speculation. Stock of cotton afloat, 652,000; American, 866,000. -NEW YORK, Marchai-Noon.-Cotton weak; np? -Balls 15c; Orleans KXO. ' ' Evening.-cotton, dull .and heavy ; sales 2391 nales; upland"s lsxc BOSTON, Steel ai_Cotton steady; mido; l?Xai?x; net receipts 5 bales; gross 1051; 1 409; Btoct 12,00a;-nee recoipts of um week430; oss 6405; sales of the week 2200. li?es 874; exports coastwise 200; sales 220; stock 10,450;. net receipts of the week USO; gross 2667; exports to the continent i860; cost wise 1250; sales of the week 2765. > PBOVXDHNCE, March 8L-Net receipts of the J .weet 33 bales. CrrV' Ponrr, March 31.-Net receipts of the week 68 bales. Nos?oui, March SL-Cotton dull; low mid? dlings lac; net receipts 780; exports coaatwlae'821; fies 100; stock 624?; net receipts of the week 6619; exports coastwise &S94 ; sales of the week 555. WILMINGTON March" 21-Cotton quiet and. sales of the week lae. SAVANNAH, March 31.-Cotton steady, with a fair demand; middlings 14c; net receipts, 1267 bales. Exports to Great Bi nain, 1310. Stock, true, 2396. Sales for the week, 710O; Bales to-day; ^ AtorBTA, March 31.-Cotton market closed quiet, . and -easy at lane for middling; sales 125 bales; receipts .loo. . ? . ..MOBILE, March SI.-Cotton quiet; middlings ?'T4Xc; net receipts 7S4 baies; gross r.-clpta 162s; exports to Great Britain 1700; eou*twise 1397; Sales 1000; stock 58,360; net receipts for the week r6470; 'grcBs 6364; exporta to Great P.ritaln 4714; -continent 3839; coadtwise 1784; sales for the week 6400. Nxw ORLEANS, March Si.-Cotton quiet; mid idlings 14Xc; net receipt? 6733 bale-; gross 6845; exports to Liverpool 42t>2; Bremen 3211; Antwerp 1442; Boston 1666; sales 7000; stock 253,494; net receipts of the week 35,995; gross 30,615; export s -to Liverpool 28 602; Havre 6607; Bremen 3211; Amsterdam 1160; tronstad! 1601; Antwerp 1404; Yera Orna 133S; coastwise 8257; sales of the week ?45,3*0 baie?. GALVESTON. March 81.-Cotton quiet; good or? dinary. i*ai2Xc; net receipts 825 bales; sales looo; Stock 6?,540; net receipts of the week 656S; ex? porta io Great Britain893; to Continent ooo; sales .?fine week 6460. . J PROVISION AMD PRODCCE MARKETS. ' YORK, Max ch 31-Noon.-Bxeanatufla quiet, quiet,. Lard dull. Naval stores dnlL . Rteulng.-sout hei n flour drooping at $6 90a I T 50 for'common to lair extra. Wnlskcy 92a92xc. -Wheat la2c better on spring. Corn active at ssa *83Xo rormew Western. New mess pork $2125. Lani heavy ; ketti? ?2XC Turpentine iixc. _ ^CINCINNATI, March 31.-Mess pork m light de? mand, and holders firm at ' $20 50; asking $21. Clear rib and clear aides held at loxallc. Nsw ORLEANS, March 31_Flour scarce and Arm; superfine le 25, double $6 87X, treble $7 ..12Xa7iS5. Corn 'easier'Jtt 7ic. Oats-St, Louis ' 65c, Galena 68. BrAit "easier at $120. Hay easier, ^rttne $23a24, chatte $25a26. tPurk dull, mess $21 -60. Bacon 8X, lOXaiJc Sugar cured nama l&x alec. Lard, tierce I2al3c, keg l3}?ai3Xc. Sugar sflrmer, -fair 7Xa8Xc, prime loaloxc Molasses, .prime fermenting- SOiSjo. plantation re bi lied 32Xa50c. Whiskey, Western rectified 85a95c. cof? fee steady at 14al5Xc . . . Mew York Bice Alarket. From the Dally Bulletin, March 29: Domestic in lair demand, the stock sinad, and pretty ranch under control, and holders firm at lull former fleures. Sales of 40 tierces at 8Xa8Xc. Foreign -doing very well as to sales, and prices sustained, though there is no buoyancy and hardly so much strength as heretolore. Sales of 200 bags Ran? goon at7Xa7Xc, eurrency, duty paid. From'tbe World: Domestic continues to move ?merely In jobbiug lots as wanted by the regular tradeafXormer rates, say sua8Xe Rr common _tojprlme Carolina. Foreign tn fair request and "-steady, but with enongh stock available for the present outlet. Sales of about 200 bags, in lots, at 7Xa7Xc From the. Journal of Commerce: There ls no - new feature to note. The demand ls limited, but there is not much stock herc, and holders insist on foll prices. We quote carolina at 8a8Xc, and Rangoon, duty paid, at 7a7Xc, curren, y. New York Naval store? Market. From the Journal of Commerce, March 29: The market ior spirits turpentine continues to have a very" ?tron? tone at a luther slight advance In prices:' TheanlpmentB from wilmington and the increased strength of ide market there is; the ?rincipaU?ature working in raver of the market, he sales are small and confided to parcels for trade use. We quote at 51a62c-i*f merchantable and shipping order. Sa e> embrace 75 bbls at Ma 61XC Rosins-The market isla the sellers' iavor Tne supply is ODly moderate and continues well controlled; sales embrace a cargo.2000 bbls, strain? ed-at about $2 07 x. ami loo bbls tine at $5. We Soot* 'strained at t2 67Xa2 70; No. 2 $2 ooa3 60 0.1 ts. Wa4 50; pale and extra pale S5a7 50. Tar ' la firmer, held at $2 70 for wilmington. XStowoi ''?isterlorCdM?ii Markets. .-iir.'TdRKT?LLE, March 29.-Cotton ls ouoted at from lox io nxc .no cHES'lER, March 28-Th'Tois bnt little doing ?In-.cotton, and we quote s to 12??c " the net ter grades bein* most in demand. .ROCK BILI , Mardi 28.-Cotton lias fluctuated in price during the week, and. middling sold as ..hi-jhas 13 eta The market LS now weaker at 12X to 12X.c. Receipts continue light, oj CHARLOTTE, Marca 29.-Sales to-day or los bal a, at prices ranging from 12X to 13 cts. Mar rketdnu. 1 ATLANTA, March 30.-Light offerings, and lit? tle change in prices. Market firmer. Middlings 18X, low middlings 12X, good ordinary lix, or? dinary lox, inferior 789. COLUMBUS, March 29.-Our market quiet. De? mand confided to the best grades. Middlings 13c. New York and Liverpool closed quiet. Sales 212 -.dbatea..- Rtoelpts ise bales. Shipments 290 bales. . -MONTGOMERY, March 29.-OUT cotton nfajket ls quiet at 13c for low middlings. ?. s ^mS^?s.March 2?-There were sales yesterday tothe amount or 60 bales. Low middling 13, strict E2?2S?SfS nH* Demand only for good cot? tons, which are scarce. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, March 80.-TUBBBNTIKX.-Since the close of oct renew on, Th ors day last there has been a good demand for tb* article, and the price ls Sc better for soft. Receipts a rivery light, nearly all of the old: crop having been brought to market, and for some weeks will in consequence be meagre, until the new crop begins to arrive. One small lot new virgin, received on Thursday, and sold at $5. We have sales to report of only 1708 bbls. SPIRITS TUSPENTINE.-Chder more favorable re? ports from abroad the market for tbe week bas rotecrarm.and prices hare advanced folly 8*c on former-quotations. A steady demand Hasexlsted each day, and all that could be reached bas been taken; owing, however, to the meagre receipts and light stock offering, the sales have been lim? ited. The market closes f rm at 48c, with factors generally holding higher. ROSIN.-We have no change or importance to report i i this article aluce our last. Receipts have been nr nsnally light for ?orne weeks, apfcthere^s no store worthy ot report offering otf market; m consequence of which very few sales have taken place. For strained and the liner grades of No. 1 and pale there has existed a good Inquiry, and the market has ruled llrm at former figures. For No. 2 and the medium grades there has been less flrmnes.8 still .parcels, have found sale_when offer? ed. Anbeutloobls, bf new crop haye been raoaved android at $T50. ' - -- -v TAR-Hi s been in better request since our last from shippers, and the price has improved ru hy 60c-the market closing at $2 10. Receipts are moderate, ano for the week reaeh 891 bbls, with sales as follows: 310 bbls at $165; 280 do at $2, 220 do at $2 05, and 72 do at $2 io per bbl. ag " -'. j' " i r ?> Itecelpta by Railroad. Mareil 31. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 785 bales cotton, 83-bales goods, 180 bbls flour, 810 bushels grain, 77 bbls naval stores, and 3 cars stock. To Railroad Agent, Pelzer, Rodgers A co,. G W Witte, Kinsman A Howell, G H Walter A co, W C Courtney 4 co, w c Ree A co, Murdangh A Mathews, W W Smith, Smith: A Chape ?a, Wiss A co, G W Williams A co, Frost A Adger, A B Mul? ligan, A J Saunas, J N Robson, Geo A Trenholm fe Son, Claghorn, Herring A co, W A Courtney, Wagner A Monsees. T Passengers. * Per steamship James Adger. from New York Miss C H Bosworth, B M Stilwell, A F Proctor, Mrs O E Smith, Mrs Spencer, Mrs Beck, Mrs E L. McDowell, Mrs Smith? J-T H Walle, J P Weather bee, J H Bewley, B F Hill, J R Hawkins, A N Beck? worth, W H Boyce, E Gaudeiet and wire, Mrs S O Derby, T J Blackwell, S T winiam, and 2 In the steerage??. ?? v .- jl?? Per steamship .Marvtand^'froin" Baltimore E P Pope, J-R Morrav, EC Wyman. ' Per steamer Pilot Boy. from Beaufort. Pacific Landing and Chisolm's Landing, Ac-Mrs Mar rant, B S Barnwell and lady, Miss J Whitwell, J J McCarter, Capt Buckley, Oui P Hamilton, C C Coe, and 7 deck. CHARLESTON, 8. C.APRIL 1, 1871. Lat 32 deg 46 min 33 sec. ' Long 79 deg 67 mm 27 sec. ARRIVED- YESTERDAT. , . Steamship James ' Adger, Lo ci: woo fe, Rei York -?elC-Tueeaay-, P M. Muse. To James AdgerA co, C D Ahrens A co, DA Amme, J Apple, Dr li Baerr J M Alexander, E B?tes A co, T M Bristoll A co, J H Bronson A co, J II Br?ning A co, H Bis chuff A co, B Hoyle, ET Brown, ll F W Brewer, W H Cbafee A co, L Cohen A co, U Cobia co, Crane, Boylston A co, McD Cohen, T M cater, John Com? mins. J Cosgrove. P Cullinane, H Daly. J W Daw? son, Dowie, Moise A Davis, H A Due, J B Duval A Son, E Esdra, Douglas A Jackson, J S Fairly A co, M J Ferrell, D F Fleming Jt co, P F Forreston, J H S Fuller, Foreythe, Mccomb A co, Furchgott, Ben VFogartle'j Book Store, c . rCoidstein; JoaGogftm, H ."Wineman A coTMarV? co, P L GulUemln. A H Hayden, J H Hillen, J Heins, J S liver, T M Horsey A Bro, M K Hanneken, Jager Bros, 0 E A A S Johnson, C H Johnson, Johnston, Crews: A co, C Kerrison. Klinck.?vickeu0erg & co. A R Le with, J U Lopez, c A Len g nick, M ai arks, N Mernangb, Melcbers A Muller, L Mehrten, John Q Mllnor A co, E 0 Metz, Marshall A Burge, McLoy A Bice, A Nimitz, W A Mertens, W Marscher. JV F ?aMon^PPopp?belm^D..p?ulA?o, B Q'Sellf Son. Jliussen, BaveneCHolmes A co, J Shaw, Sell A Foster, W Shepherd A co, w c Sibley, A K Stillman, E B Stoddard A co, J S Sheppard, Mrs E Stacklev, T. street, L Schnell, H Slender, Steffens, Werner A Ducker, D Soltlere, Stoll, Webb A co, A 0 Stone, Taylor A co, R Torulluson A co, A Tobias' Sons, M Triest, S Thomnson, Tiedeman, Calder A co, w vince, J H Vollers-W ?fferhardt. Walker, Evans A Cogswell Julra'winberg, W H Weich, C F Wetmore, J Wlrth, s H Wilson. G W Williams ? co, Florida Steamers, S C Railroad co, Southern S^amsChto Maf^uf Johnson, Baitiraore-ief; ???tn; inst. . To M * defeat A'co; P C. Tren holm. Mrs S Watte, J D Aiken, Laurey A Alexander, WC Bee A co, Steffens, Werner A Ducker. G Koester, Barden A Parker, J P Brown, Jeffords A co, Boll mann Bros, Ellas Bros, Dr McPherson, R G rse, J H L S?chart, B Feldmann A co, A R Lewith, J E Adger A co, Goodrich Wineman A co, W H Welch, H LtidiDg, P B Lalane A co, D O'Neill A Sons. 0 D Brahe A co, Amidon A o ', L Cohen A co, J H V?l? lers, T Kiernan. Calder A tili H Graver A co, Jno. Heins, H Cobia *a>. W C. ?)?lcr.s A co, P Walsh, J Hatkamp A co, C Llllenthal A co, S 0 Railroad co, N E Ul:road co, E C Metis, L schxcil, J Stelling, audeahetu ^ V '? . .* ' *~; Sehr D V Streaker, Van Gilder. Philadelphia-0 days. Assorted cargo. To Master, Pelzer, Rod? gers A co, C W-.WDliaeis A. co. Cameron, Barkley A co, Dr Baer.'A'W Eck?t* co, Wagoner A Mon? sees, Heath A Rice, Shackelford A Kelly, Morde? cai ?t co, H L ciit-oi:.'. Kinsman A Howell, James Cosgrove, J. M Eason A Bru, U Dt-chotr A co, J A Onackeabaabt Dowies-ficdseA Davis. S uSwrT?Q C"Wl'jhan,'>fa80h,-Baltimore^-7 days. Corn, fiour, Ac To Master, K M Butler A Son, J P Brown, Pau',.Welch A Brandes, r Campbell, PC Trenholm, Holmes, Cal-er A co, c P Poppenheliu, Wagener A Monsees, and Railroad Ait en*. behr May Day, Adams, Rockport, Me-12 days. Lime, Ac To the Master und E M Grlmke. Sehr Samuel Fish, Tte), Belfast, Me-12 days. Hay, bricks, potatoes, A c To the Master and J A EliBlUW A co. . , . ? .scar Charles 8- 211)Uer, MJtcoeil, Hew YorlrV? days. Acids, a Ut cake, Ac. To the Master, w c Dukes A -co and Order. ?Sehr BeoJ Reed, Gregory, Norfolk, Va-? days. ?^hr';$oun^c^ daya. Ice. To A Gage A-co. ^^t^uner Marton, TWaJr, Saatee R1ver^4l^ajes Sou, Peteer, Rodgers i co, G^ Walter A co, O H Ingrah am A Sou, J Marshall, Jr, S D stoney. Bar Aaa,A Parker, * -vtatter-, J. H Gravur Acn-KeVler A Davis, F LT??y?rr G W Al?riaf, W SlnaTer, T A Smythe, 0 P Poppenhelm, Jack Green, R K Brigg?, and others. Steamer Pilot Boy, Sly, Beaufort, Chisolm's Lauding and- Pacific Landing. Mdse and sun? dries. To J D Aiken, R A lger, J Cohen, and Wm Barney. ! IN THE OFFING. Br bark Volage, May. New York. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Vlrgloin, Hunter, Philadelphia-W ( A Courtenay. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Virginia, Hunter, Philadelphia. FROM THIS. PORT. Sehr D B Everett, Hooper, at New Orleans, 27th March. CLEARED FOR THUS PORT. Brig Black Swan, Podger, at Bo&tou, March 28. . Sehr J S Detluler, Grace, at Baltimore, sa; h March.. MEMORANDA. The sehr "Mary E Simons, for Brunswick. Ga, passed the bar at 4 o'clock, and another sehr un? known. SAVANNAH, March 31.-Arrived, barks Colora* do, Boston, Guuhlida, New York. Alamo, Liver, pool; schrs M B BramhalL New York, Lucy M Col? lins, Boston. ..eared, ship Constitution, Liver? pool. LIST OF VESSELS CP, CLEARED AND SAILSO KOP. TU IS TORI. FOREIGN. LrvKRrqoL. Bark Annie Kimball, Stinson, cleared'.Jan 20 NEWPORT, EKG. The G H Bevan, Bevan, sailed.Jan 9 MIDDLE DORO1, EKG. The Oscar, Peterson, failed.Feb 6 GIKQKNTI, SICILY. Br bark Maggie, Holman, sailed.Feb l Br brig Sir Robt McClure, Crumbs, sid.Feb 7 CARD1FP. Thc Jean Vivian, Brewer, sailed.Jan 26 CALLAO. Fr bark intimes, Geffiot, sailed.Oct iii DOM s's T I C .. BOSTON. Steamship Leopard, Hughes, up....March 26 fr ship Remington, Fowler, cleared.March '?4 hip Cltv of Boston. Wyman, cleared.Feb'19 Brig Waltham, Haskell, up.......March 23 Brig Black Swan, Podger, cleared.March 28 Sehr S ? TWer, barrett, up.:.J.Feb i? Sehr Maryland, Green, up.March M Kaw ?0BE. Sehr Walt on. Boyd, cleared.March 0 Sehr Florence Rogers, sheppard, cid_March 27 Sehr A C Grace, Gilchrist, up.March 20 Sehr Cyrus Foasetr, Harding, up.March 27 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr E A Hoope r, Hooper, up.... i.Feb 1 Sehr A E Glover. Tcrrv, up. eb 7 Sehr A H Cain, Simpson, cleared.March 26 Behr Annie Magee, Young, up.March 28 BALTIMORE. Bark Caroline Lamont, Marriott, cl'd.... March 16 Sehr Chas Comery, Plnkham. -leared....March 20 Sehr J E Darby, Wall, cl. ared.?.Mareil SI Sehr Ocean Traveller, Adams, cleared...MaiC1K24 Sehr J S Detlnler, Grace, clear, d.March 29 BELFAST, ME. Brig Chas Wesley, Griffin, saned. ...Feb 17 . ,, NEW ORLEANS. Sehr Edwin, Dayton, cleared.March 25 JOR NE W_ YOR?. OLD LINE S EW YORK AND CHARLES? TON STEAMSHIPS. ESTABLISH ED 1 84 6. SPACIOUS AND ELEGANT DECK STATEROOMS. " The very fast and splendid side-Wheel Steam? ships or this Line will leave Auger's Wharf os follows : MANHATTAN, SATURDAY, Aptll 1st, at 3 O'clock. P. M. JAMES ADGER, Tr/BSDAV, April 4th, at ? o'clock P. M. CHAMPION, SATURDAY, April 8th, St 6 O'Clock P. M. - - Insurance % percent, by this Line. tsr Through Bills Or Lading given on Cotton to Liverpool, Boston, Providence and the New Eng? land manufacturing towns st the lowest market rates. For Freight or Passage engagements, apply to marcy JAMES ADO ER 4 CO. fJHROUGH BILLS LADING TO AND FROM BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA BOSTON, BREMEN. AND THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST. The One Steamship MARYLAND. '??f_M_m\ Johnso'i, Commander, will sall for Bal afttfMS elmore OB SATURDAY, 1st April, at 5 o'clock P. M. MW Philadelphia Freights forwarded io tba ?city by "railroad from Baltimore without addi Monal insurance, and Consignees are allowed ara pie time to sample and sell their-Goods from iihe Railroad Depot.ln Phihtdeiahla.,^ >: PAUL C. TRENHOLM. Agent, mar81-2_No. 3 UDion Wnarvcs JpACLFlO MALL STEAMSHIP COMP Y'r TBROUOB LING TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN FARES GREATLY REDUCED. steamers of the above Une leave Pier ^?fjfg?Sk No. 42. North River, foot of CapaljttMK street. New York, at 12 o'clock noon, ol the lath and 30th of every mob th (except-when these dates fall on Sunday, then the Satnrday pieced mg. All d manure s connect at Panama with steam? ers for South Paclhc and Central Americnn ports. Departure of 16th touches at Kingston. Jamaica. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran? cisco first of every month; except when it falls on sunday; then on the day preceding. No california steamers tonca at Havana, bu: KO direct from New York to Aspin wall. " One hundred pounds baggage (ree to each adnu Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other information applj at ^?ic.C?M^'A^Y'S^TICKET OFFICE, on t?e witarr".root: of j>?ane& street. Nctttnnjhn?N?* A ott M Vi ^3 v BABY, Agent." Slfippmij. The first-class. Schooner YR A IE, Mason. J?? Master, ""havln?r three-four; bs cargo en-fi2fc gaged and going on board, wiil be promptly dis? patched. \ SJE -WILLIAMBROACH k CO. mar27 J ?? g J j j j _ The First oTass BriEisff Baric FLORENCE J?? " CHIPMAN, Robt. Jones, Master, is nowSglf ready to receive cargo, and having portion of same euc aged, will have dispatch. f?r^e^me^??^ARD. margi_Accommodation Wharf. p?o* .AYRtGHJ.'.-a AND INTERMEDIATE - LANDINGS- ON" THE A g g SA NT KR RIVER. Thc steamer MARION, Captain W. _ ?TT^w F. Adair, is now receiving Freight j???fc?a??iC ai Accommodation Wharf, and win leave un MON? DAY ?DOHT. tie 3d* instant. - . . ?. J ! For Freight engagements, apply to RAVEN EL. HOLMES k CO., apcl-2 . " ' . _No. 177 East Bay. F OE .Si VAN. N"A S '. ELEGANT STATE ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. The Splendid Steamer DICTA? TOR,-Captain L. M. Coxetier, will._ leave Southern Wharf on TUESTA Y raffS?fSprS 4, 1871, at 8.30 o'clock, for the above place. Tue. splendid Sientan CITY POINT,. Captain D. B. Vincent, will leave southern Wnarfror thc above jtiace, ou t KIDAY EVENINO, April 7, iB7l, at 8.30 o'clock. ' RAVEBEL4? CO., aprl _ Agents. jpiOR GEORGETOWN, S. C. The Steamer EMILIE. Captain C. _ ^ff*"*]*, C. White, will ran as fbi low a from jg^ji^ar Commercial Wharf during April : Leave Charleston at 0 o'clock P. M.. WEDNES? DAY Stn; SUNDAY 9th, FRIDAY 14th April. Leave Georgetowns?18 o'clock A M., MONDAY 3d, FRIDAY 7th, TUESDAY uti?,~ MONDAY nih April. ? .-. J v f S M ?*\? ff Atter which she. will make one trip a week. leavlujLObarleston every WEDNESDAY NIGHT at o o'c?oef; arid Georgetown: every FBLDAY Mowina at 8 o'clock. All Freight must }>e-prepaid". No Freight will be reteived after sunset. For engagements.apply on beard, or to I Ol 3x2] J F HHACK EL>'OR4>A 4i?LLY, aprl-tuths - . Boyce's Wharf. TJ< X C y nv? I O N TE I P. * On and after THUBSDA* , April (nhi"^T*}?cl*k the S tea mer ST. HELENA. Cap 'al u 1>. ???2ak Sinclair, Jr., wflMeavaas above, every aitcrnoou, at ha j-pait ?Ui'clock, from Market wharf, leaving bBltrron'a -Island,-00 -retorA, -a* a^tiart?r-paet 0 o'clock. Fare for round trip, 25 cents. . mat-30 - 1. II. MURRAY, Agent. Q HA NO E . QT < S .?f'HE'IT?f L ? .jj MOUNT PLEASANT AiTD .SULLIVAN'S ISLAND FERRY -, , On and arter THCBSDAY, April I L^P^jL eth, the ipllowtng schedule will he?i3aaC observed: . i Leave city-ai cao, and LO 4. M.. 3and 6.30.-P.<M. Leave Mouirr PreaSamtat 8 A. lu.;'?2M?, 4.?5 ami 3.30P. M.. .... . rr ~ Leave sullivan's island^ at 7.30 aad 11 A. M.. 4' and 6.1& P. M. All Fi ela ht must be prepaid, and none received arter half-past 2 o'clock. J. H. MURRAY, inur30_ Agent, ?pOR NORTH EDISTO, BEAUFORT AND PACIFIC LANDING. V The Steamer PILOT BOY, Captain _ ^iT^k. J. W. Sly, will leave Central wpmi^figgggg for the above points every MOND?T MUKMNG, a.. al o'clock, and, returning, will leave Keaufoitevery TUESDAY, at 8 o'clock A. M., and Ed isto at 3 P. M. mu ri l_J; D. AIKEN. Agent. jp OR BEAUFORT AND PACIFIC LANDING. The steamer PILOT BOY. Captain. J. W. Sly, will leave every Teints-_ DAY Mo KN i KO, at 8 o'clock, as above, ueiuimug, will leave Beaufort FRIDAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock. mar21_ J. D. AIKEN, Agent. l^TEEELx LINE TO SAVANNAH. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. FOR PACIFIC LANDING, BEAUFORT, HILTO HEAD, SAVANNAH, DAR1EN AND BRUNSWICK, GA. TUe favorite Steamer ELIZA HANCOX, ' Captain L. W. -BURNS,-- i?. will receive Freiglu- at Accommoda- " lion wharf for above "pouits eveyy'??Sm?iS?n TUESDAY, and leave on every WEDNESDAY ?ion* INO, at 7: o-'ciock, arriving ax, Savannah the samt evening, and leaving for. Danen, kc, the fellow mg morning. Returning, will leave Savanuali foi Charleston every MONDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock For Freight or passaae. apply to / '.. RAVEN EL. UOLMF.S ? COi, I scpio -. No, 177 Bast Kat. F OK F LORiDA, TWICE A WEEK. FOR SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE, PILATKA AND ALL POINTS UN THE ST. JteHN'S RIVER. The Steamer DICTATOR, Captain _ ^?77*??? L. M. COXETTEK, will; san hvaifggSmiS^Z Sontl ern Wharf lor above poluts every Tum?' EVENING,at S.30 o'clock, arriving back at Charles ton every SUNDAY AFTERNOON, at ? o'clock. TUf Steamer CITY POINT, Captain D. B.Vincent, will sall from Southern Wharf ior above point? every FRIDAY EVENING, at !?.30 o'clock, arriving back at Charleston' WxdNBSDAY AFTERNOON, at i o'clock. RAVEN EL k CO., Agents, octlO Soutlicru wharf. fvnt ?rorer?s, #c. BEDFORD'S (LATE COR WIN'S) GROCERY AND TEA WAREHOUSE. HEADQUARTERS FOR SELECTED DAIRY BUTTER PURE LEAP LARD . ^ PRIME FACTORY AND ENGLISH CHEESES ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CRACKERS, ann BISCUITS, AC, Ac. N\ B.-I CLAIM TO KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK. AND MOST EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY GROCERIES JN THIS CITY. , , E. E. BEDFORD, VERY : PURE . . ' SUCCESSOR TO . ?*" OHOTCE I . BRANDIES, WINEfS WILLIAM S. CORWIN A CO., FAMILY AND VERY OLD -r?ra No. 275 KING STREET, FLOUR. . - WHISKIES. I OPPOSITE HASEL. J WHOLESALE AJYI> BEXALIX. DEAUSR IS ,; - *. . Fine Teas, Coffees, Sugars Provisions, Spices, }&e* HERMETICLY SEALED FRUITS. VEGETABLES, MEAT8, SOUPS, &C AU articles sola from this establishment are Of the VERY BEST QUALITY ana WARRANTEil. Goods ielivered to all parts of the City, Railroad Depots, Steamboats, free of expense. EVER? E. BEDFORD. ) . SEND, FOR A (JAS. S. MARTIN. SEO. B. ORUBSB. ( CATALOGUE. j WM. G. MOOD, it. ifertUivts. IMPORTANT TO COTTON PLANTERS ! THE MARYLAND FERTILIZING IP MAMFMT?RIM COMPANY HAVE PREPARED A SPECIAL FERTILIZER ADAPTED TO THE COTTON PLANT, UNDER THE NAME OF COTTON FOOD! '. WHICH THEY CLAIM TO BE OF THE HIGHEST GRADE OF FERTILIZERS SOLD IN THE SOUTH, EQUAL IN ITS RESULTS TO PERUVIAN GUANO, AND OF MQRE PERMANENT BENEFIT TO THE SOIL. It has been used by SEVERAL HUNDRED PLANTERS In North and South Carolina and Gearetla, for two St anon?, with the following results < IT INCREASES TBE CROP FROM 100 TO 200 PER CENT. It resists droughtln all cases. The orop is-bot affected by mst ' lt matares the crop three to four weeks lp advance, thus Insuring tba crop agnlost early frosts, or In the event of a backward season for planting enables the planter to put m ins crop three or four weeks later, even as late as the 1st of Jane, wita a certainty of success. It produces a better quality of Cotton. . "'" ' ; ' Looking at the low prioe or Cotton, rflefntelllgsnt planter will readily comprehend the necessity of using nothing hut the highest grade of FertJlzers. and of strictly avoldWg thone whos? value has been reduced by adulteration or Ute use of cheap materials under pretence of meeting the low price of Cotton. If bis crop ls only doubled oy the use of " COTTON FOOD " lt will give him rrom one to two hun? dred per cent, p-oot on his outlay, with Cotton at ux cents per pound, and lt will enable him ter I p ant fewer acres with a corresponding reduction of labor and expense wita-better results. mw 960 PER TON, IN SACKS, IS? TO THE TON. LAWREN CE SANGSTON. President, 58 EXCHANGE'PLACE, BALTIMORE. J. R. PRINGLE & SON, Agents, Charleston, S. C. feb?rthstu D*C .< -\ TO FACTORS AND PLANTERS! The undersigned!begs to Inform his costumers and the public that, tn addition to his Works ai Savannah, be has established extensive Superphosphate Works at the WAPPOO MILLS, opposite this city, which are now In active operation, manufacturing his well k : own fertilizers, the P HOS P H O-P ? R U V I ? N. AND AMM0NIATED SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANOS, " AND WHERE HE WILL ALSO KEEP ON HAND No. i I?E?TJVIAL3V ?rr .A. NO, SOUTH CAROLINA PHOSPHATE, of the highest ?rade from his Ashepoo Mines, (erode and granad,) analyzing over sixty per cent, ot Bone Phosphate of Lime;and LAND PLASTER. These Werks have been ooened ander the-inspe?cion or Dr. O.B. SHEPARD, Jr., Inspector o ; Fertilizers for South Carolina, and every package wai bear his brand. certliylng to its Inspection. Uniformity of quality quaranteed and prices reduced Messrs. G. A. TRENHOLM A 80N, General Agents, I PH . HT s-c-rriv q r Messre. GRAESER ft SMITH, Agents, \ CHARLESTON, S. C. jania J. E. S A R D Y CORNER EAST RAY AND BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON. S. 0. ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE COMPANY, OF CHARLESTON, S. C. F. J. PGBCHER, President F. J. PELZEB, Treasurer. DIRECTORS. W. LEBBY.W. P. HALL.L. D. DESAUSSURE.B. G. PLNCKNEY THE ATLANTIC PHOSPHATES ARE NOW BEING MANUFACTURED AT TilEJR WORKS ON ASHLEY RIVER, under the direction o?an experienced and Practical Chemist, The Company In lend this to bc a flrst class Fertilizer, and one which can be rocoramenrtcd toTlanters. ST^LTVI>^IM> &tJ^R-AJVTE:EI>. THE COMPANY ABE ALSO PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE ACID PHOSPHATE FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. This preparation ls highly recommended by Chemists, os with lt Planters are enabled to make their own Fertilizers. . t The ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE ls sold at *u per ton cash, or -I- on Mme, with Interest at the rate of one pei cent, per month. ' . The ACID PHOSPHATE ia sold at $36 per ton cash, or - on tine, with interest at the rate of oneper cent, per month. PELZER, RODGERS & CO., General Agents, deo31-4mOB * BROWN'S WHARP, CHARLESTON, S. C. DICKSON FERTILIZER COMPANY, AUGUSTA, GA fi ^^^^^^^^ * WARRANTED FREE FROM ADULTERATION. DICKSON'S COMPOOND-Cash. ?60 Time (City acceptance)..'. DICKSON'S COMPOUND-Cash VT^V. 6? Tune (City acceptance). \ryf .:... *B Drayage to Railroad or Boat, 5acl:s20O pounds each.$1 per ton Weu?e no inferior or adulterating material lu our manufactures. Planters are Invited to visit our Works. Seud lor Circulars. JADIES T. GARDINER, President, Augnsta, Ga. GEO. W. WITTE. Agent, Charleston, S. C. jan26-thstu2mo3 J? I N G WILLIAM. Just received at KING WILLIAM'S CIGAR FAC? TORY. No. 310 King street, near Society street, a large and complete assortment of Leaf. Ohewlnp auu Smoking TOBACCO, cigarettes, snuff, Pipes. Ac. Havana aud Domestic Cigars.imported and manufactured by WM. SCHRODER, who respect lally Invites the attention of cheweraand smokers, and traders-, wholesale and retail, to a stock fully comprising .every variety okuuallty:?. ami prices, (rom t?e cheapest to the "lilgnesf grade, which ic offered at the lawest cash rates'.' Ail orders from the countrv will receive prompt attention and mapped CO. D., or at thirty days' etty accept? ance. . ;decl3-flmoa QH, YES I OH, YES ! OH, YES 1 lt becomes my pleasant duty to Inform my friends and p.itrons, that the time has again arrived for them to commence cleaning and repairing their Household Furniture, Mattresses and Bedsteads. Try a remedy that never falls; send for the Doctor who keeps the Furniture lnilrmary at No.' 31* Queen street. Having greatly enlarged my Invalid Furniture Hospital, I am now ?-spared to treat patients in that line more sacco-.'lolly and satisfactorily than ever. "Come one, come all." ' JOHN L. LUNSFORD. No. 81 Queen st., Opposite Harrisson's Patut ana Oil Store. marl (?ae Jfirr tiri s. JJATLTISIT?^^ Will sett their Stock of BRONZE AND IMITATION "BRONZE GAS FIXTURES At ' . MUCH LESS THAN TEE ACTUAL C0B1 OF MANUFACTURE: These goods are of the newest patterns, and In finish superior to any in the market. To those tarnishing houses, this is an opportunity, to pro? cure the BEST CHANDELIERS, BRACKETS. ?0.* at n less price than they would pay for inferior fixtures. His our intention to give up entirely this branch of our business, which causes so great a reduc? tion In price. BALL, BLACK & CO . , Nos. 565 and 567 BROADWAY, N. Y. junl8-lyr_%__ GAS 4*S?T PORCELAIN Fixtures, T e^ss $ SHADES, ARC AND s??& CLOSES, BUKNEES I GAS FITTING? PLUMBING AND TIN HOOFING. I?. JLu OUILI.EMIN, . mars-tothslmo No. 140 CHURCH STREET. Silters. OLD CAROLINA BITTERS, "YOB SALE BT E. E. BEDFORD, Sing street, C. D. A HR ENS- & CO., King street, B. FELDMANN & CO., King street, C. MOMEIEB, . And by Druggists and o rocera everywhere. li td ? FIEST PRIZE Paris Exhibition 1867. Purify the blood arni strengthen the system, eradicating the effect of dissipation, maintain the human frame In condition of healthfulness, dispel the Blues and all mental dis? tempers, and relieve those whose sedentary habits lay them open to depression. They prevent and cure sui ons and other Fevers, Fever and and every complaint inci? dental to diet or atmos? phere. Ladles wW find them a sovereign boon, as they eradicate all traces of Deb ?J ?ty, Nervousness, Inertness, and Diseases peculiar to the sex. dr Thousands of Testimo? n?ala oan be seen at the office of M. JACOBSON, Sole Proprietor, 64 ? 60 Water Street, ?. T. CTi?CTOS & WITTE, CHARLESTON, General'Agen ls for the State of So. Carolina, rebli-iyro&c WHOLESALE AGENTS FOB THE 0 LD CAROLINA BITTERS. H. BISCHOFF & CO., . H. KLATTE & CO., BOLLMANN BROTHERS, J. A. yUACKENBU8H, WAGENER A MONSEE8, MANTOUbi 4 CO. a a cseu's preparations. . D?ATH TO?ATS, KO ACHES/ BEDBUGS, &c. NEVER FAILING. BOXES DOUBLE THE SIZE AS OTHER9. BEBMETTCALLY SEALED AND . ALWAYS FRESH. Sold at Wholesale by DOWIE, MOISE. & DAVIS, And at retal, by all Druggists. febl-emo gg?rdofr. gO?TH CA^O^J^LJMQAD.-CAM. CAMDEN TRAIN-~C HANGE OF SCHEDULE. On BArnjftDAT, AprLL 1, the following change wm go Into effect In the Schedule of the Camden Train: On IfOKDinrWDWHMTg and SATURDAYS the camden .Trula will run through to Columbia. 3 Leaving Calden....."..doo o'clock A. M. Arriving at Columbia.10.40 o'clock A. M. Leaving Colombia. 1.25 o'clock P. H Arriving ar Camden.......0.00 O'Clock P. M. Making connect lou with the Wilmington and Manchester Trains each way. Ott - TrKbATB, THITRSDATS and FHIDATS the Camden Train will continue the Schedule hereto? fore exist!cg In running from Camden to King vtOe, and making connection with the Through Mall Trains. p * A. L. TYLER, Vice-President. 8. B. PIC2KN8, General Ticket Agent. . mar29-4mwa. ,. . r ? NORTHEASTERN BAJLBOAD * - (W SO .; PANT. . <301f on Aaujsrow, S^C, 'Pe oruaiy il, 1871.* ^ Tra?na 1?ave Ch.arteeton Dally at 13 M. and G:30 'Arrive at Charleston.i^o A. M. (Mondays exf cerned) and fc? P. M. .. . Train dosa not leave Charleston eu?o P. M., Su"N BaYST- . -? .'..'.*.' .. ?.".. . ? -J Train les.vlng at .12 M.- makes, through connec? tion to New York, via Richmond and AcqnlA Creek dhly, gblngthrougutn 43 hours, WTTHO?T MTOTIOM OJC StWDAYU - Passengers leaving by fl io P. lt. Train have choice of route, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth ana Ballimore. Those leaving FRIDAY by this Train lay over on SUNDAY In Ba? timora. Those I eat ina an s ATOHDAY remain SUN? DAY in Wilmington, N. 0. This ls the cheapest, quickest and most pleasant route td cincinnati, Chicago and Other feints West and Northwest, both TroWe making close connections at Wasalagt',n with Western trains Of Baltimore and o hlo Railroad. ! S. S. SOLOMONS, -Engineer and Superintendent. P. L CL1APOB, General Ticket Agent. febll-l2moa SAVANNAH AJ?r>OH AKLESTON WSBS> zap i ... ROAD. Wwi . i on this Road run daily at PAi folio wei ? Leave Charleston...........3.30 A. M. Arrive ai Savannah..3.00 P.M. Leave Savannah.1L16 A.M. " Arrive at eharteston........5.? P. SL ??? Connects at Savannah-wit h the Atlantic A Galt Railroad for Jacksonville, st. Augustine, and all points in Florida: With Central Railroad -for Macon, Atlanta, Mo? bile, New Orleans and the West. * . With Steamboats fer points on the Savannah River. , ? , . x; At Charleston with the Northeastern and Som?4 carolina - Fallroads, and Steamships for all point? North aire West. n Through Ticket? over this line on sale at Balala lu Charleston; Sere ven House. Savannah; aad ail principal-Ticket ornees Non h ah d So nth. * Freights forwarded daily to and' from Savan? nah and all pointe beyoad. . ? . Through Bill* of Lading issued to Jackson ville, Palatka, Ac. ? .'? Tarin" as low aa by any other line. it , C. s. GABSDEH, . oct5 ..Engineer and Superintendent. . (gt)?fH O? R OL INA RAILROAP, lENTS OPnOE, - I ' Ca\R?JBTO??,"S. C., January 18, 1871. } On tua after 8OKDAT, January 22, the Passen? ger. iTilun on -ut;. :>oa;:: ..roana Railroad ?U1 rut as^o?wri d ? ~-. FOB A?QUHTA. 1 t?ave Charles ton.......................12.50 P. M. Arrive at Augusta........-.; 8J6 P. iL " ' FOB COL?KB1A. . Leave Charleston..... 8.S? A Si. Arma at Columbia ................ 3.40 P. M. . ..n-J i'- . -,,?OB/0BABLWrOH. . y\ LeaveAugnata.... 7.40 A. M. ArtTve-at. Charleston Iv....3.20 P. M. Leave.OolamWa.uu?Vtc..12.15 P. M. Arrrlve at charleston.. ".7.50 P. M.. Ajionsxf WOHX ?PBESS. -(Sundays excepted.) Leave Cherteetou...:;.. 8.8OP. M. Arrive at Augusta. 7.ot v 4L. Leave Augusta..6.60 P. M. Arrtve-at Charleston...'..:. 6.40 A.M.. coLTTMBrA mawr BI PRESS. (Sundaya excepted.) Leave Charleston.;.7.10 P, M. Arrive at Columbia.t. 6.0b A; M. Leave Colombia............-...- 7.60P.M. A?lv?,at charleston..6.46 A. M? amBsmtTTXU Ta AII?? LeaveCharieston. 4.30P.M.. Anta? at Summerville......ti.00 p. M. Leave Summerville.....'r.7.00 A. M. Arriva a: Charleston.8.15 A. M, '" CAMM)?"BRANCH. Leave Camden.e. oe A. M. Arrive at Columbia.... _.,.10.40 A. M. Laare Columbia-..... 1.25 P.M. ArrlTe a: Camden...................... 6.00 P. M. Day anfl?NtRht Trains make close connections at Angosta with Georgia Railroad aad Central Railroad. Bight Train connects with Macon and Augusta Railrcad. - Columbia Night Train connects with Greenville and Colombia Railroad. Camden Train connects dally with Day Pas Ben? ger Trains. Jan:i9 : - AL. TYLER, Tloe-President. t parfnarerrj. ' A- NEW DISCOVERY M PH?LOIVS Salvation for thc Hair. .EAR ABATER! WITHOT^SEDIMENTI 1 OPEI^?LTHE LIGHT ! ! f For Restoring to Gra^JIair its Original CohrY PHALON'S "ViTALT^WirTers ut? terly from aUtfjafliair coloring fireparatioMf'ieretoforc used, t is 1 ?a^ud, sweet smelling, precumates no muddy or slimy no shaking, iin parfc no stain to tine skin. 1 Hold 'it;?ffe?;l?^.%d it is clear arid i cl ouJJess. ?tleaves no mark on i-l;t^e Sriajto;' Jet "it reproduces in : gray haiHai^naturalcolor that time or sidCTMi^Triay have bleached out of it^^a^ ? I^Phalon'sVitaM^l is for one sole purpose .aft at of reproducing, wi th absaiCte cer? ta inty, the haturaLp^r of the hair, lt is no^ffitehded as a.. daily dressio^jnorforremoving scurf ox-J&i?s?S; nor for cu rTiig baJ?nes?; nor for st i mu la ting 9fe> p?^l?MTOfl^^: Thesf^?lojet?ts may be accom-* 'iJvsfiiH'^er the ?blorh?is^^been. feted ipkdbtf Vitalia, by Pha lph'ij ,'??!tefn?l?ar, ' Hair. Invigo orator, i?lfl^i/ ? THE Yiij^fsy^ harrrjless and unequaled prep^ation for the repi^iietion of fie prigi nal 'hue of gray tair,ald noth? ing else. This is accdnplished in from two to ten aspliea?ions, according to the^pth of shade required. SijliWyall druggist. Sold at yhplaaate oj * . DOWO, ?OIBE A DAVIS, . Wholesale Druggfats, Meeting corner Hasel st ree t. sep24-?tuthBmoa v