University of South Carolina Libraries
"CITY AFFAIRS. Mee tl ii g? Thia Day. Homes toad Building and.'' Loan Association, at 8 P. M. Medical Society ol South carolina, at S P. M. Bnarliston Typographical Society, at hair past tP.M. CRUMBS.-The call of the process docket will ne continued to-day In the Court of Common Pleas. PALM SrNDAT.-There will be the following services to-morrow at St Peter's (Colored) Catho? lic Church: At 6.30 A. M. there wHl be mass and the blessing of the palms. In the afternoon, at 4.30, there will be Confirmation by Bishop Lynch and the renewal of baptismal TOWS. G ?KM AX Tumos.-Mr. Edward C. Stiel, a native of Prussia and a graduate of thc r diversi? ty of Breslau In Silesia, proposes to teach oer man,in classes, in this city. Mr. stiel is strongly recommended as a capable-teach ar, ana Ms terms will be found to be exceedingly moderate. His present address la the Mansion -House, m Broad atreet, _ THE THEFT OF SEA ISLAND Ckmm-It is claimed by Constable Yanderhorst that he can bring overwhelming proof to Bhow that neither Sergeant Reid nor any other officer had any thing to do with the seizure oi the two pockets of sea Island cotton, or with the arrest of the supposed thief, as reported in the public prints of yester-' day. ' THE UNITED STATES COURT.-The District Court-ivas opened at ll o'clock yesterday morn? ing, His Honor Judge Bryan presiding. An appeal was taken ?the circuit Court from the decree of the District Court allowing rent as allen upon the estate'of Joseph Purcell,bank? rupt, on the petition of 1'. D. Wagner. The seven lots of tobacco, 747 pounds, seized at Darlington, were'condemned, and ordered to be I sold on or before the first Monday In May next." KKTTSD STATES CoMjas?ONM.-*The_ mate Of the hhip Missouri, after navlng been examined already in two cases for the lame offence upon two dur?rent seamen, was brought before Com? missioner Porte?os yesterday morning and ex? amined on a charge of maltreatment, made against him by a third seaman. Tha offence was not only not established, but the alleged beating was disproved, and the prisoner waa forthwith released. ' ^ WM. P. PATTERSON.-This well-known citi? zen'of Charleston, for many years a master me? chanic, died suddenly at L's residence yesterday mommg, arter a few hours* Illness. Mr. Patter? son was one of the founders of the Hope Fire En? tine Company, and for several years past has been an honorary member of that organisation. Aa a mechanic, he was always held ip high esteem among the workingmen of the city, to whom an Intimate association for a long number of years has made known the sterling traits of his char? acter. His loss will be deeply felt In the present condition of affaira. STOTTIWALL. JACK.80N.-Mr. 'James Bradley, the agent for Bostick^4 Wloter, the Cincinnati publishers for the Art On loh, is no? in this city for the purpose or selling (by subscription only) a ap&did steel engraving of General Stonewall Jackson, of a style and size to match hat or Gene? ral Lee, Issued by the same publishers, and of which many copies found a ready sale ta Charles? ton. The portrait of General Jackson Is Ufe-alae, and the fidelity of ihe likeness ts vouched for by General R. H. Anderson and other well known officers who were intimately associated with General Jackson in the Confederate service. IN COURT.-Between ll and 12. o'clock on Thursday night a fight occurred between several nen who were spending the evening at a bouse In Cumberland street kept by a woman rejoicing In the soubriquet of Queen Elizabeth. In the melee one of the party struck another over the head with a smug shot, giving him a severe cut. The parties were arrested by Officer Daly, and he of the broken bead having taken ont a warrant, brought the hero of the slang Bhot before Trial Justice Mackey on the charge of assault and bat? tery. The case was clearly proven, and the pri? soner was sentenced to pay. a fine of ts and costs, or go to Jail for twenty days. He paid ap. THE MUD-HOLE SWA?, OTHERWISE HUT LEDGE AVENUE.-It ls reported that the munici? pal authorities will at once cease work apon the proposed park at the corner of Calhoun anil;Rut ledge avenue, and will commence operations for reclaiming the - Mad-hole Swamp, commonly called Rutledge avenue. This swamp aboa dB ta deep holes, where horses sink ap to the body, and stray pedestrians are altogether lost to Bight, The rails of the City Railroad Company hold good so so far, bat may be -expected to sink at an early day into the middle of next week. It would take h al: pi dozen fire engines to pomp oat-the maddy water lying bet when Yanderhorst and Calhoun, and ali the flats on the river might obtain a foll' load of semi-Hq aid mad.. . i Why ls this th os ? There ls money in the treas- j try to spend on pabilo parks. Cannot a Mule be ' spared for the Rutledge avenue, swamp ? r' CLUBS AND STABS.-Jame?.Gallagher, ar-, rested for being drank-aad unabieTtp take care of! himself, in Beaufaln street: was se ufe need to pay I a fine of $5, or spend five days m toe House of ! Correction. '-'j?* Edward Hunter, one ?f t ne-partners tn the late cotton robbery, has turned State's evidence, and confirms the statement-of.the theft and modus operandi pubijabed yesterday. The two packets of sea Island cotton recovered, from thieves are yet at the Guardhouse and have not been claimed. The two seem to have formed originally one bag, which waa cut In two by the robbers. Two large carving knives, a carving fork and one dozen table forks and knives were recovered yesterday morning at io o'clock, by Lieutenant Phinppy, and are at the Detective office awaiting - Identification. . THE STATE CIRCUIT COURT.-The Court ol Common Pleas was opened yesterday morning, at 10 o'clock, his Honor Judge Graham presiding. The city process docket was called and heard aa far as practicable, out in many cases the wit? nesses li a vin g been summoned for to-day, his Honor deferred the further call af the docket un? til this morning. The case of Wlecktaf. vs.-zanoga was referred to as pedal referee tb ascertain the issues of law andrfact involved. The appeal in the case of Brown vs. Arnold was dismissed, and the decree of the trial justice AfBrmeA lt waa'also decided, on au appeal from atrial justice that either plaintiff or defendant could demand a jury tn al in civil snits, but, tn such case, the party^mandtag the jury was ob Iged to pay beforehand the sum of twenty-dye cents to each" juror. ' '"""V The court then adjourned, un tu 10 o'clock this morning. i . .'. FREAKS OF THE FKOUCSOMB.-Between 2 and 3 o'clock yesterday morning a party ol young men, wno have managed to escape detection, wound np a frolic by walking down Meeting atreet and pulling op every one of tua trees which were planted of late by the dry authorities on the right hand aide or Meeting street goto? down. The procesa seems to have been moat amusing, for arriving at the Battery they turned down Sooth Battery and continued raen* work of destruction as far as Ktag street.. xae trees were all carefully placed transversely' across the street so as to be In the wa; of any bone or veniele-gotng by before morning. This old-rash icned blt of facetiousness baa long become a traditio? of the past, and If they had been caught a reasonable term in the House" dr- Correction., weald teach tb ese gay and festive spirits the serious nature of their trespass. The rree8 Bave,"iriiha rew exceptions, been re placed ta au upright position, bat lt is feared that most of them will n^iake root a second time. It ls rumored that thia shadowy Joke waa perpe? trated by several young men .from a neighboring State, who are by this time safe ta a mater city and laughing at the freak. APRIL WOOL* S. BAY. The Time of Jest and Joke. The world, by common consent, devotes one day of the year co tricks, practical jokes, and other trifling devices, whereby the first of April ls fooled away. What ls the reason that this day has thus been set apart from time immemorial no? body knows, aud therefore all learned scholars, particularly those of antiquarian tastes, specu? late largely on the point. It ls but Just, however, that the Tools, who out? number the saints In a degree which baffles arith? metic, should have one day set apart and conse? crated by tradition and old usage to the grotesque pursuits or folly. The saints have an Immense number of days, and the fools but one. It ls rea s >nable, therefore, that they should enjoy lt with energy, and enact as much folly between the rising of Its sun and the going down thereof as possible. Not that th^y wholly intermit folly on other days-^lf they were brayed In a mortar they would not do that-but on thts anniversary they claim entire absolution therefor. As a matter of consistency, lt ought, perhaps, to be settled as a principle that laws passed, or bargains made, or declarations of love uttered to? day, should be of no blndinj; force or validity. Thelman who cut his father's throat on the first or april, and-pleaded in -Justification thereof that he only did lt to fool the old gentleman, exhibited a lioeral sense of the privileges of the day; and, although they hung him, the principle which he sought to establish is one which would materially widen the scope and multiply the opportunities which belong to the anniversary. The day ls one of delusions. On this day we may look for a plen tl ul crop or .radical promises, made only to be broken, city iConncil will pro? pose to - mend the streetB,' anti- -their own way s. The unpaid teachers lu- the public' schools will dream of checks and greenbacks. All South Caro? lina will hearken to the chorus-for this day only- oramendmen t and reformation. And when we t^ake to-morrow-fooled twice more, it may be-we shall have given one'other day tc jest and mirth, and. if- not wiser, shall be no sadder than we were on the gloomy yester eve. The worst of lt ls that news of .an exceptional character, even if lt should happen to be true, ls apt to be discredited; so that whatever pretty things we hear to day, the world will regard with as much incredulity as Dr. Johnson regarded the news of the earth qa a;- e at Lisbon.. TH8 ;?H00TIN?^A9JtAY Off THJ? RACE CocRsk-It was stated lu .TUE..MEWS, yesterday, that Mason, the chfdreVl joan" held for ' shooting Mr. Finley at the .Race Course, was balled out af ter? onsultat lon witherie solicitor and attendant physician. We are. authorized by Dr; Da veg a to srate that "Wa opinion given ut the time referred to, waa -to this effect, namely, that tire, wounded man wajr'crlticany-iii,aod tt-waa-iinpossibie for him to say at the moment hov? the injury would, result. This explanation is made to exonerate the doctoi from any blame which may attach to the release of a prisoner before lt ls definitely known whether his victim win survive or die. UNTIMSLT JOSTLING.-A t tbe early bour of j 2 o'clock, yesterday morning, as an esteemed member of the typographical fraternity was wending his way homeward, through the Market, from his labors ott East Bay, he was met at the corner of Meetm^fetreet by three men, who Jostled him withsbme violence. Seeing that the men were drank, he pursued his way, bat was overtaken by ttejiarty tn Market street and again Jostled more violently than before. Thinking the three wanted to rob him. he called -fe - tbe police, and atibe soundSrje trio gave leg ball, down the street../-A hot pursuit- Waa -Instituted, - and" they wera.ayertaken^.1 a-Archdale street.' The:police here inoceed ed.- ia arrea Hug the; guilty parties, who wert brough befcro the Mayor and sentenced'pay ame of as, or spend tea ' day s In the uou?ot Correction, A warrant has- also been issued for then* arrest on the charge of assault and battery, by a trial Justice. THE DARRELL EXCITEMENT."-AS our readers bare already been lofuraiSJ, the"amount of bail in thAQBSp ofiFcaakMason and-Wau Darrell, the parerg? uapacated ta the shooting ot Mr. Thomas Finley, at fte?l?c? Course, was 'flied at.$50OO lu each case, and Thursday afternoon Mason was released annis producing sufficient sure;les. Dar? rell not,b?uxso sutt?sjjru!, was again committed to ja?. ,A report was circulated yesterday that Ti'lal^usiice'McKinlay Iud refused to take the bali in thc case or the last mentioned prisoner, ana between Wand I o'clock a large and excited c rowd o f colored men assembled | la front of Trial J un vice McKinlay ;.s office, in the rear of the Court? house., the report originated in tbe fact that the trial Justice bad ref a se J a man. whom fie did not d??hi sumeiernsarety ?alone on a ?on4 of $6000. Colonel Seymour cams oar and. explain ed the circumstance?, of the case., and at. length the crowd quietly dispersed... Baujell has not y et been balled. Mr. Thomas F. uj.ey", the only victim of the Race Course row-Zlssttfl aang^roasiy m at his res (dence, Bo. 67 King-street, but-bis . condition ls slowly Improving. 'A HANDSOME MACHIXE.-Tue' new" steamer of the Vigilant-F^e, Rug? ne Onmpsny arrived early yesterday morn i ag frbia flew York on, the steamship Jame? ? tiger, and was takea up to the engine hu use, in State st ree:. The engine, is made by"therSUsb/*Manufa?taring Cbhroairy.of Seneca F?llst Kcw York,' and ls of . the same noua aa the Yoong " America, though consld erabrr' s rn aller, bt?ta? .a; small Ctol ird. class engine. She weigbs four thousand pounds.whan ail rigged, for busi? ness, .ware i ue.Iii ung America weighs ?tz' thou? sand tjiree hundred pounds.1 The ..Little Giant," which Ls fat pet namc or the Yi2llants, baa a ro? tary pump and engine, and runa on light Iron wheels? which seem to oe the perfection of [ strength and neatnesa. The workmanship ls pe? culiarly fine, aud saccessfuliy'comblnes the ad? vantages of strength aud durability with, aa Uttle weight as possible. Tbe company la one of the oldest and most popular in our volunteer Fire De? partment, and its records show numerous tri? umphs In contests of rapidity and .Bktu in the bandung of their old machine. The beautiful one they now possess ls aa acquisition to our city, aud cannot be in better bauds. The eompany invite their friends and the mem? bers or the Fire Department to Inspect the "Little Gian t " sm she stands Lu the engine house. Hot.1 Arrlvala-.ilarcli 31. >Sj ''r CHARLESTON HOTEL. J.JJ.'rie^bj", Aiken;. J. P. Weathersbee, Au? gusta; Benj. M. Stuiweii, 1 New York; George B. King. ????mbia; Edward Grandelet and wife, New York; wiiT "Msr^nr^rg?nl?; Mrs. J. C. Derby, Aiken; H. A. Boyce, Boston; James A. Potier and wife, Rhode Island; Charles C. Leary, Kew York; James 0. Johnson, Baltimore; E. A. Cue ka, Boston; H. W. Woolie, Loudon; Charles Bumiin, Claclanati; Wm. H. Parker and wife, Montreal; Maurice E. Fagan, Philadelphia; M. Boag, J. U. Wagstaff, Sew York; George C. Tait maa aud wife, Brooklyn; J. B. Mowin, Pillsbury; G. Hunter, New York; D. Callahan, Savannah; Hallet Qeibourne, wife and two daughters, Mrs. Jordan, Dr. D. S. Evans, Washington; J. B. EzeR, Columbia. PAVILION HOTEL. Pani Cashman and wife, Albany; J. R. Hawkins, H. 0. Pike. New York; J. Carroll, Fort Motte; C. P. Pope, Sooth Carolina; R. J. Cashman, 0. J. Cush? man. T. H. Cushman, Albany. . MILLS nocas. A. M. Kee kr Uh, Eh ode Lland; Jas. H. Kenley, Anderson; CG T. wwi ams, T. J. Blackwell, Elber ton, Ga; Jno. R. Marrar,- Halirax, N. S.; J. E. Seaward, Columbia; Miss Archibald, New York; Geo. W. Getty. 0. s. A.; S. R. G Beck, Aubrey H. Smith, Philadelphia; *R. Audley, wife, son and two daughters, G. W. Swirt, Andover, Mass.; Milo Piatt, Chattanooga; S. E. Carey, New Orleans; R Moffatt, Brooklyn; F. J. silsby, New York; Thoa. H. White, wife and chi.d, Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. Jua Clapp Mississippi; Sarah E. sayre, New York; E. Spinner, Miss Spinner, Miss Wording, Phila? delphia; Colonel A. J. Keeler, si cretary Commer clal Travelers' National Association; W. R. Clark? son, New York. So GREAT ls the reputation of the Old Caro? lina Bitters that they are to be found everywhere. A TERRIBLE TASK_The Columbia Phoenix of yesterday says : "The investigating committee mw. y eaterdayt pursuant :? resolution adopted> both brafiettek ortho tfcneral Assembly,'to make"?] complete and thorough examination of all the ac? counts of the State treasurer, comptroller-gene? ral and flninctel agent since their induction into office, with power to send Tor persons and papers. They commence investigations to-day or the State, treasurer's books. The examination of these ac? counts will probably keep the committee In ses sion between three and four months." BUSINESS NO XI O ES. UNKNOWN are the ways of Providence. The Dollar Store, which has become quite popular In oar midst, ls. about to close, and to day and Mon? day will be the last two days. Ko doubt every? body will be eager to obtain as many articles as dollars can be raised, and many soft voices will persuade the dear pa or dear husband to bring forth the almighty dollar to make a profitable In? vestment. . _ aprl-1 THE SPECIAL ATTENTION OF THE LADIES ls Invited to a lot or entirely new and exceedingly beautiful patterns, Jnst received und opened for sale, at reasonable prices, by Mme. Lazier, Paris? ian dressmaker, King street, one door above Wentworth street. Call early as the supply ls limited. ' _ DOLLAR STEAM ENGINES.-Having taken the agency for this little wonder, we 'are prepared to furnish them singly or to the trade. Single en? gines mailed to any address on receipt of $1 30. BOI.VBST & MASTIN, Nos. 529 King and 22 Broad street. *mar31-fstu3 MABK YOUR CLOTHING !-Order your Stenoll Plates at the Hasel street Bazaar. octu-fs ALL that are suffering from bodily aliments incident to oar Southern climate, should avail themselves of the beneficial effects of the Old Car? olina Bitters. 1 AT COST ! AT COST ?-Large size Chromos. HASEL STREET BAZAAR. . CROQUET 1 CROQUET 11 CROQUET ! 1 .'-Im? mense redaction in price I The largest Eield; Croquet at $4. HASKL .-STREET BAZAAR AND4?O. 161 KING ST. mar22 ? No'SALT, SAHT CAKE, PLASTER, NITRE CAKE, nor any adulterant of any kind used in Mapee' Superphosphate. Kinsman & Howell are the agents. . _ _ s PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS CHEAPER THAN EYER ! In.Velvet and Leather bindings, 75 cents; old price 90 cents. In Velvet and Leather bindings, 65 cents; old price $1. In Velvet and Leather bindings, $l; old price $125. In Velvet and Lea? ther bindings, $120; old price $160. HASKL sr. BAZAAR, AND NO. 161 KINO sr. AN invalid must Indeed be proud ot his ills, ir he does not avail himself of the greatest cura? tive agent Known-0.0. B.* ATTENTION, TOURISTS_Stereoscopic views of Charleston and vicinity, at No. 161 King street, or at the Hana! street Bazaar. novl2 BEX HEADS printed on fine paper at S3, $4, $5, ? 3 50 and $8 60 per thousand, according to size, at THE NEWS Job Office. BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Office ls now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with business cards printed thereon, at-$4 per thous? and. Send your orders. Every merchant and ouslnesa man should nave .hu card printed on his envelopes. Q_^i__??j . .:. ~L ajrv^l PAPER DOLLS ! PAPER DOLLS ?-Sold at 3, 6, 9 and 12 cents each ; former prices, 6, io, 15 and 20 cents.. No. 161 KINO ST., AND HABEL ST. BAZAAR. (Tailoring, ?tsrnisljing ?coes, tez. S PEING OPENING MENKE & MULLE B, No. 325 KING STREBT, Have Just opened an entire New Stock or CLOTHS, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Ac, for Spring and summer. Oar Clothing ls a very large and fine selected J stock for Men, Youths and Boys, from $5 to $60 Fer suit. The largest portion is of Imported goods and manufactured by ourselves; we can, therefore, recommend them as regard fit, wear and workmanship. OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT bi supplied with the finest selection or FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CLOTHS, DOESKINS, DIAGO? NALS, TRIQOTS, MELTONS, OHEVIuTS, CASSI MERES, Ac.,' anda very larga s : oak of the mast: fashionable Pant and Vest Patterns, which we will make up tb order by measure In the latest styles. The foreman In, tula department of our business has no equal in the artistic world for cat? ting and.producing an elegant flt. FURNISHING GOODS. This department ls supplied with the celebrated STAR SHIRTS, Foreign and Domestic Under? shirts and Drawers, Silk and Thread Gloves, Linen and'Paper Collars. Neckties, Bo wa, Searls, PoCKet Uaudkerchlers, Socks, Umbrellas, Ac. Our stock has been selected with great care, and prices marked very low In plain figures. Bayers in our line will find lt to their advantage to give us a cali before purchasing elsewhere. mar22-3moa_ JOHN EUGHEIMEE, No. 141 KING STREET, WEST 3LDE, A FEW DOORS NORTH OF QUEEN STREET, Would respectfully Inform his friends that ne hos just returned from New York with a large and well selected stock of the latest styles or , SPRING- AND SUMMER GOODS. Also, a' mil assortment or GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Including the Celebrated STAR SHIRTS, maris jBoots, Stjoes, #c. JgOOTS, SHOES AND TEUNKS. Receiving thia "day per Steamships Georgia, from New York, Kail River, (rom Philadelphia, assorted invoices of FINE BOOTS AND SHOES. In addition to tbe choice seiectiou always In Stock 1 keep those CABLE SCREW WIRE WATER PROOF BROGANS. Sold cheap at EDWARD DALY'S, mara_No. 121 Meeting street. ?J^-OT IC El NOTICEl<v By Fall River Steamship from Philadelphia this day 1 am receiving airean supply 01 those Gent's (land-Sewed Magic Fitting FRENCH C ALF BOOTS. With much time and labor, I have the same lor Boys and Gents. El)WARU DALY, m8.r22 No. 121 Meeting street. rpo THE EDITOR OF THE NEWS. Please inform the humerons readers of yonr paper that the AMERICAN GAITKR, Patented, or the Shoe ol the Future, la a sucoess. To supply the demands of the Trade another invoice to-day by Fall River, from Philadelphia. Sold by KU WARD DALY, mar22 No. 12l Meeting street. gOi??THERN TTYITII^U s\T. A new FRENCH DYE HOUSE has been opened at No. 369 King street, where DYEING in all col? ors, and Cleaning or all kinds is done at the ?bortest notice and in the best style. I. BILLER, French Dyer, No. 369 King street, near corner George street. sepis-lyr_ gHAMPOOiNG AND HAIE CUTTING r.Anira AND CHILDREN Attended at their residences promptly and ai reasonable ratea. Send orders to W. E. MA Rap AM., Barbar, Broad street, next dooroo Telegraph office, mc.ytt OFFICIAL. lt ?ntrfe3trjh^or the imrtsm^*m/mia. 1871, and printed officially In THB DAILY NSWS, as the newspaper having the largest circulation il the etty dfJCJarlesto^B. > . "?-Persons calling for Letters Advertised, should state that they are "Advertised." ?3- Office hours from 8 A. M. to 8>? P. M. On Sundays, from h% to ?>i P. M. STANLEY G. TROTT, Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. Addlson.Mrs JR Gardner, Miss ViOsborn.Mrs Geo Adams, Louisa Garrett, Mrs Jno E Adams, 'Char- Gaynon, Wine- Osborn, Misa M lotte ired Passallague, Almar, Marj Goivuinea Liz- Mrs M E Aden, Saima ale Palmer, Mrs A Alexander, Ann Gibb?, Maria A p Ella Pearse, Lavina Alston, Patsy Gill, Miss Rosa Powell, Mrs M A Anson, Minnie Glttmann, Cfcuigley, Mrs' Artson, Mrs R Louise Jane M Ashley, Mary Glover. ET Rulsell, Mrs Bairde, Caroline Gonrdlne, SH- James Baker.Jane Ann vey Rattail, Mary A Ball, Martha Godtn, Annie Reid, Eliza Ann Benton, Martha Gregg, Mrs Ma- Reed, Margret Bealrd,MrsH E rlanna Rent, Rebecca Beaudrox, Fan- Hands, Miss Rlchwood, Ester nie Jane A Roesler, Lena Berry, Martha Haynes, Susan Roberson. Julia Berry, Mary. . Happoldt, Sallie A Besnan, Ellen Happoldt, Miss Robertson.Cath Brown, Harriett MC erlne L Hamilton, So- Rosie. Marla Brown, Cathe- phla Russell, Mrs D Hoe - Harsell, Mrs B L Russell, Kate Brown, Miss E Harleston, Man- Ryan, Mary Brown, Polley ni? Sanders, Cau Buckley, Mary Harper, Jane dea Bulwlnkle, An- Haynes, Eliza Scarpa.Margret na Haynes, Adeline ta ? calder, Virginia Hills, Nellie Ann Seabrook, Sarah Carpenter, Phil- Howard, Ra- Seabrook, Miss Us chael s S Carpenter, Mrs Hudson, Mrs J R Seymour. JJly B Joan C Hudson, Miss Shoots, Miss Calvitt. Belle Anna Marten Cambridge, Sis- Jenkins, Louisa Simmons, Marla ay Jenkins, Hattie Simmons, Mrs Oanilton, Marla S m M E Carroll, Mrs " Jones, Salina . Simmons, Dlan "James 1 * Johnson; Pa- na . Chlon, Mrs S A tlence Simmons, Mary Chichester, Sa- Keegan, Mary A A rah Kennedy, Mary Smith, Eliza Churshar, Caro- Kruse, Mrs L OlSmitli, Dilsy line " Kock, Adelhelt Smith, Margret Clarie, Mary N Larrasonare, ,Taylor, Miss O OolIXQB. Mrs WU- MES. Li : M ,. : - . liam ? Lev/.Mlse Metry Tomsum, Della Cocoa, Della Little, Mrs W T Front, Emily Costello. Mary E Livingston, Ma- Wade. Silvey Combinan, Har- ria Waldo, Mrs Ho rlett Lovell, Mollie race Crofford, Sarah Luye, Christina Wacker. Teresee E - 1 Magill, Amelia Walsh, Miss E Dannef, Agnes Magee, Jane - R Davis, Mary Main, Laura Wortwork, Davis, Emma Marzyck, Ara Oharlott Dennis, Miss LN bella Washington, Horsey, Eliza Mayor, Nana Jane Eaton. Mrs Muson, Mrs Jno Webb, Miss Car James Meyer, Anna ollne Ewdwerds, Em-Mime, Mrs EC Webb, Mary mer . Morands, Maria Ann Eddlogs, Susan Morton, Nellie Webster, Miss E Egane, Alice - Monson, Fannie J Ellis, Susan Monz?n, Marg- Webster. Miss S Elliott, Matilda ret A Whetsell. Emma Ferguson, Mrs Murphy, Jane Whilly, Dido C A Murphy, Sallie Wildey, Mrs E L Fenwick, Mary Murray, Ann - Williams, Ama A Myers. Emma rlntlia Flemming, Ro McClain, Han- Williams, Jans Berta* nah Wilhams, Mrs B Flowelleo, Bina McEmoyl, Eliza H Forrest, Martha McH ugh, Mrs F Q WUllamB, Isabel-. Fogartle, Annie McFarland, Mrs la Frazer,Luclader Phillp willis. Kate P McFersend, Mrs wu,on, Mrs Jno Frohne, Hulda Philip winson, Mary Ferguson, Har- McKinley, Miss E rlett Janie Withlngton, Gay, Mrs WU- Nash, Elsey Mary Hard Nesbit. Mrs E Winson, Kate Gaines, Julia E Nichols, Mattie woods. Betsey Gardner, Mary J.Wolf, Mrs E MEN'S LIST. Aiken, Frank Grant, R G Odom, Samuel Allman, Riobard [col'd) (col'd) . Ashmore,!! pf Gravea, J am ea owens, Brown Barry, RP . . BK' ; J ? Co. Baughman, Jnrr Goefrerq, Carlos Palmer, Peter Bee, Jno Hallls, J H Parker, William Bell, Jacob Hiller, Mike Patterson, Je Eeli, Neptune Betrts, J H seph Berry. Wm Helmon, Pres- Percival, Eddie Bes ll ck, Fr aug ton W Berry, HM Helssenbnttel, Pinckney.Thom Bornemann, HW as F Hetlinger, Jo- Pearson, R J Bonnetheau, H seph Playter, Henry B Hopson, WAA Port, G Boyle, A Daniel Cc, Power, Michael Boone, Jas E Holden, Thos R Power, Patrick Brown, RV B Pressley, John Brown, John S Holmes, A J Purvis, H W Brown, C S Holland, E D CL-uash, Jas M Brant. J V Hessler, John Uaysor, Geo W Brandt, H F Hanter, John {Reuter, Johann Brandt, Jas Hume. John A Reed, Col J P Brooks, Censer Hutchinson, Ed- Rhett, John T (col'd) win Richardson, Back, Henry Hutchinson, W Capt Jno S B?ck, WH- E Roach, Henry Bunch, J E Hudson, RS Robinson, Jo-' Butler, Beifort Hugeoars, Geo seph Butler, T N Hughes, u E Robinson, Sam Burke, Geo Hacker,'Geo uel Burns, Adam Jackson, Wm H Robinson, Phil Burrtdge, Wll- Jackson, Geo Up liam Jackson, Henry RoUens, Samuel Caldwell, Wm Jones, Daniel AiRosebrook, H ' Campbell A Johnson, Mack-Rose, Joseph Joues neal Salaman, Cane, Pat Johnson, PP Jr, Hersohmann Carney, John Johnson, Don- Sams, F F Carney, Peter -. uel f , Salmon, W Carter^Ked Johnson, WU- Soraken, J E 'Carteiy W -W A 'Uara (col'd):. Stanltt. Wm son Keep, John Shaper, Fred Carr, Rev w Kennerty, John Shuck, John S Carter, Robt Ketter. Geo B simmons, Ed Chaptoan, Chas Kendall, J D ward Cbtbolm, Jahn. Keep, James Simmonds, T E Kinsman,Thom- Sires. J F Ohlsolm, Ben as Ski ney, Michael Clark, J M A.Co, King. Walton Smith, Jeffrey Cohn, Morita Ruck Gevert Sumer, A Costa, samuel D Lawrence, Dr J Smith, W L Collins, D J Smith, L Collins, Wm Lawrence, Geo sud man, Sam Carney, Mr (St M elP -J'hilipst.) . LaRoche, Jamas stone, A - eruezeir. P* - 8 - - J ' Stokes, Ord Wm Davidson, L Lampe, F Snhrittlett. O H Darr, Master Lyintan, J L Symonds, Moses Joshua - M abm, w . F D?y, Wm H Magill, Robt Taylor, Isaac Delaporte, A Mathews. Sim Taylor,-Milton Oevme, J L Martin, WE Tarbor, Thomas Dow, S B Martin, M G Doun, P Martin, Edward Theme, J H . Duffy, Andrew M nnlng, James Thorne, James Evere, J P C F, H Everett, Rev Mashaw, Henry Thompson,Robt John Mashshow, Geo A Finck, John W Toi bart. Wm Fleming, J - Macbeth, James TogUo, P Flood. Edward Maxwell. Mr Unnau A Gaz Ford, Louis* (merchant,) zan. Ford, Ben Marshall & Polk, Vbrta, Matias Ford, John O Merry, Wm F, Von Lehe, John fraser, Joseph Meynardle. BP; HF r Fraser, Joh Mendel. W . - Volmer, O g . Frasef, Jno Miller,' Zadocfc Waring, Dr Frey, JR A Thos S Frlsmlth, Beno- Mllleton, John Waterbury, An? ni (col'd) brev D Goginer, A Mills, Louis M Washington, Gadsden, Rev Mongin. Ned Guy Mr Moure, Walter S Walsh. A R Gee, Reuben Moouey, John Willard, Mr Geary, John Moulson, Geo Walsh, R Gardner, Hick- Muhl, Capt B C Wallen, James JJ - ter Muid row. M A Wabace, E W Genther, Nicho- Murry, A L Ward, B H las Murphy, J J Whlteiock, Hen Gent, Samuel. McBride, Barn- ry Gillen, Tho ard White, Harrison Glaser, Symund McCoob. Wm White. Edwin Gosprey, James McDonald, Ben- wilson, John Goar, c H ny Wilson, Moses Goula, A H McFrier, David Wilkerson, Pad Gatzen, T .;, .McNeill, John (Coming st,) Covens, James Sasli. J C Wilkerson, Rob Goodman, J Newton, Issac A ert Goldsmith, J M Newuerger. A Wllea, H C G racen, A B Nielson, Chris- Wilder, C L Green, LL Han E Wilkins, Mastei Green, L A Mason, J P Gnovey Green. Jesse Narden, Gurlof williams, S O Garland, P A Nowell, Joba Williams, Isaai Greeu, Martin Louis T "i..O'urine, JT ., ea~ Persons depositing letters in the Postofflci WU1 please place the stamp near the upper rtgh hand corner of the envelope, and they will als? please to remember that without the stamp a let ter cannot be mailed, but will be sent to the Deft' Letter Office. P^TNE S. I. COTTON ~SEED FOE SALE 75 bushels "PREMIUM," (Crop or 1870, sold a $125 per pound.) - bushels "Albion," (Crop of 1870, sold at $1 pe: pound.) - bushels "Champion" Crop, and select. Apply to GAILLARD A MINOTT, eb9-ttistu Vanderhorst's Wharf. Insurant*. 1845 PUKELY MUTUAL. 184? NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 18 4 5.Orgsnlied..18 4; THOMAS FROST, General Agent, No. 64 Broad street. mar2-thstu3mos Cano ?gcntixs. THE SOUTH CAROLINA LAND, AND IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATION. The undersigned tare catered lato ah associa? tion for the purpose of Introducing IMMIGRANTS INTO SOUTH CAROLINA, and producing homes for the same. They propose to establish Agencies In the prin? cipal cities or Europe, and in the North and the Northwest, and assist Immigrants In coming to our state where they have ?ames provided, and aid them la becoming* permanent settlers apon the soil. They request their friends throughout the State to place Buoh of their Lands ana Bsa! Estate at their disposal aa will make suitable homes for Im? migrants ar the lowest credit prices, say for a pe? riod of five years, which the a riders'geed will n'n tertake to advertise and sell, charging the own? ers a reasonable commission for the sale. Circulara will be prepared.and distributed ex? plaining more in detail oar plans. CENTRAL OFFICE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Corner King and Harket streets,. CHARLESTON, SO. CA. ? . BUTLER, CHADWICK, CART A CO. B1FKBEN0SS: Gen. Wade Hampton, Bon. James Chesnut, ' Hon. J, P. Carroll, Gen. Jno. S. Preston, Hon. B. F. Perry, Gov. A. G. Magrath, Gov. M. L. Bonham, Hon. W. D. Brm paon, Gen. Johnson Hagood, Andrew Slmonds, Esq.., Hon. Arm late ad Burt, Hon. Geo. A. Trenholm, Hon. J. B. Campbell, Gov. Jno. L. Manning. maiM imo Drg ?coos, &z. S I* Ht I "V G ' DRESS GOODS AND SILKS! LOTUS COHEN & CO., No. 248 King Street, Eeg leave to announce that they have jost re? ceived fall Unes of Choice and reasonable DRESS GOODS. BLACK. SILKS. FANCY SILKS, JAPANESE SILKS, SATINS, POPLINS, MOHAIRS, PLAID FOR CHILDREN. . PRINTS, LONGOLOTH?, SHEETINGS, HOSIERY, AO., AC, AC. WE BEG TO DRAW PARTICULAR ATTEN? TION to oar fall lines of DRESS PIQUES, and OU AR ANTE ? PRICES, of everything In oar line. FULLY IN CONFORMITY WITH THE 8PIRIT OF THE TIMES. 0- A CALL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. LOUIS COHEN & CO., No. 94,8 KING STREET, Immediately Sou tb. of the "Big Boot." mar4-etnthlmo ?rjir?o enc furnishing ??oo?s. NOYELTIESi. ?fe _ SCARFS AND TIES. THE MATELOT THE MAR0UI8 OF LORNE THE MONARCH THE!RUGBY CRAVAT BOW. COLL ABS AUD GUFFS. DERBY KENSINGTON FLORENCE BRIQN?LI " LO! THERE DISRAELI - CLUB HOU8EJ CLUB HOU8E AND A Fresh Stock of Fine Fur? nishing Goods of all kinds, at 8 C O T T'S STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM, MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET. Ornge, (Remir?is, &t. ROSAD ALIS is the best Blood Purifier. ROSAD ALIS, a sure cure for Scrofula. ROSADALIS, endorsed by Physicians' ROSAU ALIS, a potent remedy for Rheumatism. ROSADALIS, a Remedy tried and tr?e. ROSADALIS, the best Altera? tive extant. ROSADALIS endorsed by the following : Dr. R. WILSON CARR, of Baltimore. Dr. T. C. PUGH, ol Baltimore. Dr. THOS. J. BOYEIN, of Baltimore. Dr. A. DURGAN. of Tarboro1, N. C. Dr. J. S. SPARKS, of Nlcholasvile, Ky. Dr. A. F. WHEELER, of Lima, Ohio. Dr. W. HOLLOWAY, of Philadelphia. Dr. J. L. McCARTHA, of South Carolina, and many otners. See ROSADALIS ALMANAC KOSADAJLIH, endorsed by Rev. DABNEY BALL, now 'of Mary land Conference, formerly Chaplain In the Con federate Army of Northern Virginia, ROSADALIS ls Alterative, Tonic and Diuretic, and acts a one and the same time upon tue BLOOD, LIVER KIDNEYS and all the SECRETORY OF.GANS, ex pelling all Impure matter and building up thi system to a healthy, vigorous condition. R08ADALI8 IS . SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DO WIE, MOISE A DAVIS, ) Wholesale GOODRICH, WTNEMAN A CO., \ Agents In Dr. H. BAER, ) Charleston. marSly_ Unsmess Velaros. MCCONKEY, PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER No. 102 BROAD STREET, (Davison's Old Stand.) MW Orders 'Intended for me should be left ai above between KIN ti AND MEETING STREETS. mari4-lT*_ Q R . L E V x", *TBIAL JUSTICE, No. 86. BROAD STREET, Office recently occupied by S. L. Bennett. All Business entrusted to me will be prompts at ten den to._maru-amor B. CARPENTER, IK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 72 BBOAD STEEET, Charleston, S. C., Will Practice In the State and Federal Coarta, febai Clothing ona-, ?nnusi}in? ?ooosv 'i'K DRESS SUIT'S. BUSINESS SUITS SHIRTS COLLA Xl S . NECK WEAH. Q- L ' O "V IQ S UNDER WEAR. CANE8 AND UMBRELLAS. TRL\KS&THAVELLL\G BIGS AN ENTIBE NEW STOCK OF THF?BOVE GOODS IN THE LATEST STYLE, AND AT PRICES TO SUIT. J. H. LAWTON ft CO., ACADEMY OF MUSIC BUILDING. Qc\)iebam Sci)napm. READT CAREFULLY. Ague and Fever. Toe only preventive brown for Clillls and Fevei ls the ase of Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnappt; _Is good for Dyspepsia._ Wotfe's Schiedam Schnapps Is a preventive of Chills and Fever. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps Is good for all Eidney and Bladder Complaints Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps Is used all over the World by Physicians in tneli _practice._ Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps _Is good for Gout._ Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps Is good for all Urinary complaints. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps . Is recommended by all the Medical. Facmty. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. Is good for Colic and pain In the stomach. Wolfe's Schiedam Schnapps. Is Imitated and counterfeited, and purchasers wil have to use caution in purchasing._ I beg leave to call the attention of the reader t< testimonials in iavor of the Schnapps: I feel bonnd to say that I regard your SCHNAPP as being in every respect pre-emlnentlg pare, am deserving or medical patronage. At all events i lb the purest possible article or Holland gin, here tofore unobtainable, and as such may be safel; prescribed by physicians. DAVID L. MOTT. M. D., Pharmaceutical Chemist, New York. LOUISVILLE, Ky.. September 1. I feel that we have now an article of gin suit able for such cases aa that remedy ls adapted to DB. J. W. BRIGHT. "Schnapps" ls a remedy In chronic catarrha complaints, Ac. I taKe great pleasure In bearing highly credit able testimony to Its efficacy as a remedial agen , tn the diseases for which you recommend ll Having a natural tendency to the mucous sm faces, with a slight degree of stimulation. I rc gard lt as one ol the most important remedies ti chronic catarrhal affections, particularly those c the genlto-uriuary apparatus. With much rt spect, your obedient servant, CHAS. A. LEAS, M. D., New York. No. 26 PINE STREET, N. Y.. NOV. 21,1867. UDOLFHO WOLFS. ESQ.. Present: DBAB Sin i bave maue a chemical examination of a samp! of your "Schiedam Schnapps," with tbe Intent < determining if any foreign or injurious subsume hail been added to the s.mple instilled spirits. The examination bas resulted in the concluslo that the sample contained no poisonous or bara ful admixtures, I have been unable to dlscove any trace of the deleterious substances whic are sometimes employedrln the aouiteratlonc i liquors. I would not hesitate to use mvself. nc to recommend to others, for medicinal pnrposei the ?.Sehl.dam S hnapps" as au excellent an i unobjectionable varlet y of glu. Very respectmu ' yours, (Signed) CHAS. A. SEELY, Chemist. CHEMICAL AND TECHNICAL LABORATORY, ) 18 EXCHANGE PLAOB. N. T., Nov. ?.18?. I UDULPHO WOLFS, Esq. : DEAR SIB-The undei signed have careiully aud thoroughly analyzed sample ot your -Aromatic Schiedam Schapps. selected by ourselves, and have found the sam free from all organic or inorganic substances more or less injurious to heall h. From the reaa of our examination we c. insider the ari ide one < superior quality, healthful as a beverage, an effectual in UH medicinal qualities. Respectfully yours, (Slimed) ALEX. TRIPPEL, Chemist. FRANOIS E. ENGELH ,RO, M. D. For sale by all respectable Grocers and Druj UDOLPEO WOLFE'S EST., mar21-3mos No. 22 REAVER STREET, N. Y. Spool Cotton. J~~~?T P. ~ COATS' SPOOL COTTON. We have in Stock and will always keep an ai sortment of COATS' THREAD for sale at Net York trade prices. .JOHN G. MILNOR A CO.. febH-stutnemos No. 136 Meeting street ~By W. Y. BRUNS. SULPHURIC ACID AND SUPERPHOS? PHATE oomitany Stock (EHWAN) at Mo? tion, -ri : M ; . . ' ii On MONDAT, Sd o? April, at ll o'clock* at toa Old Postolfice, will be 80id at auction, io SHARES or tue aoove Stock, In sams to sait purchasers. Unlimited Stucks or Bonds received. aprl ' ? ,; .'" ".' " By W. Y* LEITCH & B, S. BB?NS, ... Auctioneer!.. KARE OPPORTUNITY FOR PURCHAS? ING: ELEGANT FURNITURE. , ? .. r Will be sold on TUESDAY, nh lest., at tb? cor? ner of Hasel street and Malden lane, at io o'clock, A superb lot of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, consisting in part of studed Reps. Parlor Furni? ture, Clocks, Lounges, Bofas, Etagler, Chairs, Rosewood and Cottage Bureaus, Washstands, Dressing Tables, Extension Table, Bookcase. Packing Tranks, Hair and Moss Matrea.?es, Bod Clothes, Blankets, Pictures, Sideboard, Br?ssel Carpets and Matting. Assort men i; or Oat Glass. White and Coloxod Bordered. French China, (Dinner, Breakfast and. Tea Sets,) English Cutlery. Plated Ware, Geraid ums, Good Samaritan Stove, Gas Stove. . Terms cash. HOUSE TO RENT, and open for Inspection on Monday, 3d just._'_ -aprl' By LOUIS McLAIS, Auctioneer. SALE DELAYED ON ACCOUNT OF THE WEATHER.-VALUABLE L OT t TS TEE NORTHEASTERN PART OF THE CITY AT AUC? TION. " '~ '." On THURSDAY, the 6th April, at u o'clock A. M., I wm offer for sale at public auction, at the Old Postofflce, foot of Broad street, All that LOT OT LAND, situate, lying and being on the west side or Drake street, m the City ax Charleston, lately belonging to 0. A, Trenholm, batting and bounding east on Drake street, norm on Lands formerly of J. Barrett, sooth on Lands of H. W. Til ton, late of G. A Trenholm, and west on lands of Thomas Gadsdea-measnrmg?aa? containing in front, on Drake street, and on tba west une, 60 feet each, and on the north amt sooth lines each 180 feet, be the said dimension? a little more or leas. . Terms-One-half cash; balance In one. year. Purchaser to pay for pape; s and stamps. mar81 ' ?-' .?* ' . *: - A. C. McGIIX IY AR Y, / Auctioneer. TTNDER DEGREE ?N EQUITY. U John Drayton and Thomas H. M. Drayton vs. John Hargrave." . ? .-. ? WU1 be sold ou THURSDAY, the 13th day of April next, in front of the Old Customhouse, at u o'clock A. M., All that LOT OF LAND, with the buildings thereon, situate at the corner of Norman street and Ashton court, in the City of Charleston, known by the number 48, in a plat of B. K. Payne, Surveyor, dated 19th or April, 1862, measuring and containing on front and baot1 ?nea 86 feat? and in depth, from east to weat, 100 feet, more or ' leas; butting and bounding east on Norman, street, south by Ashton court, westby lot No. 47, and north by lot No. 49. la above described plat. - Terms-One half cash; balance'payable In ona year,tobe secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of premises: buildings to be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papera and sumps. E. W. M. MACKEY," mar26-s8thl & ac. Situ tione ere' Initiate SaLcs, #tv By J. FBA^EIT?ATI?EWES, II?al Estate Broker, Mo. 96 Broa* 8treeU AT PRIVATE' SALE, PHOSPHATE LANDS of best quality aM locations. . v Rice and Cotton Plantations In all parts of-tba Bram. , ' , ? . . City Resldoaoea, 3torea, Building Lota and Farms. octii-emo AT ISON ? CLARK'S FORMERLY CROSDALE'8) m TRADE ) W.O. I MARK, The standard of this Fertilizer ls guaranteed. It ls manufaotared from the Sooth Carolina Phos? phate Rock. For sale bj WILLIAM GURNEY, feMl-tuths Sole Agent for Sooth Carolina. THE 8TONO: PHOSPHATE COMPANY OF THIS CTTY, ABE NOW MANUFACTURING THEIR " SOLUBLE GUANO, " Which will be famished at $50 cash, or $56 on ut November next with City acceptance, and their, DISSOLVED PHOSPHATE," for composting with Cotton Seed, at 133 cash, or on 1st November with 10 per cent ad dit lo n aL "PURE GROUND PHOSPHATE" at $15 cash Contracts for the Fertilizers may be made In ex? change for Cotton. ORDERS SENT WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AT? TENTION. J. D. AIKEN, AGEN^ man ?pERTI LIZERS KO tons No. 1 PERUVIAN (Chincha) GUANO, warranted pure. 1500 bbl?. Land Plaster, ground from the beat Nova ?scotia Rook; and warranted paral : 100 tons Pure Dissolved and Ground Bone. I 160 tons wu itel oe k's Vegeta tor. The Vegata?or bas been successfully used, and beare a very nigh reputation. It ls second to no other Fertilizer, except Peruvian Guano, offered In this market. loo tons "Ralston's" Dissolved Bone and Ammo? nia. lOObbis. Eastern Island Fish Guano, at $86per ton of 2000 pounds. For sale by T. J. KERB A 00. feb8 _,_ Sealing jgoihitteg AND TEE 4 WEED" FAMILY FAVORITE LOOK-STITOB MACHINE, are the beat tn use. _ For sale on the Lease Plan, with monthly pay? ments, on easy terms, or for casa. All kmds of Machine attachments, Needles, Cotton, (white, black and colored,) Silk, OU, Soap, Ac., *?. . . Repairing as usual. Circulars and saan pisa ot worksentonapplication. r General Dealer In First (naas Sewing Ma? chines and Material, No. 307 ?ing*re*, an|fi7_Charleston, s. Q. (Optical. FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESSI1 n^MAMONI) GLASSES, manufactured oyl. E. to tne public, are pronounced by all the celebrated Pptlfla?5-or tfle worlcl 10 06 the most PertestNa? tural Artificial help to the human eye ever known. They are ground under their own supervision, from minute Crystal Pebbles, melted together, and derive their name. "Diamond," on account of their hardness and brilliancy. The scientific principle on which they are con? structed brings the core or centre of the lens di? rectly in front of the eye, producing a clear and distinct vision, as ia the naturah healthy sight, and preventing all unpleasant sensations, such aa glimmering and wavering of sight, dizziness, lc, peculiar to all others In ase. They are mounted in the finest manner, in frames of the best quality, of all materials used for that parp?se. Tneir finish and durability can? not be surpassed. CAUTION.-None genome unless bearing their trade mark stamped on every frame. JAMES ALLAN, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Sterling Silverware and Optical Goods, No. 307 Rina street. t3I-"tatliivr_OharipstorT.s. 0. jgLhCliiO MAGNETIC B ATT fi KlTS~^" MEDICINE CHESTS, PHYSICIANS' SADDLE BAGS, Ac. For sale bj DE. H. BABB, ? mario No. 131 Meeting street.