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C O SI MU fi G JA L SJSWH. Imports. LIVERPOOL-Per ship Arracan-88 orates earth? enware, to W L Webb; 798 bars Iron, to JI O DUB, loo bblB bottled beer, to Ravened A co: 2 bbls bran? dy, -6 bblB brandy In cases, to A Tobias' Hw 12 hhds ale, tb R T Walker; l case disintegrators. 25 cases bottled beer 2C bbls beer, io Order; 870 Ovens, 500 ovens. spider*, 30 skillets, 2870 cov ers, to Bart A co; 364 pots, 255 ovens, 395 covers, 170 spiders, to A Field A co; 4758 sacks salteo Order. _ Export?. NEW YORK-Per steamship Charleston-17 bags sea Island and 602 bales upland cotton, 52 bales domestics and yarns, 32 pkgs. The Cliarl??t?n Cotton , Ute* ?ii tl V*val Store? JlarUK. Omca cu AHLESTON Saws, TUESDAY Errante, February 2B, 1871. COTTON.-The demand was only to a moderate ?xron t, with a weaker tendency in rate?, which, with unfavorable telegrams, enabled buy era generally to operate at a decline ci.about Uc ? lb. Sales les, say : 4 at ?, 10 at 11\, 16 at 12, 98 at 12?, 6 at 13?, 212 Rt 13?. 15 at 14X, 79 j at 14?, 8 at 14?, 100 at 14?, io at 14?,103 at 14?, 77 at 14?, ll at 15c. We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. . Ordinary to good ordinary.12 ?13? Low middling.14 ta. 14 s Middling.."..14?* Strict middling.14??14? ? RICE.-The market ior this grain was Bteady and unchanged. Sales about iso tierces or clean Carolina, say: 13 tierces at 7?, 15 at 7?, io at 7?, 43 at 7 15-iec, 17 on private terms. We quote common to fair at 7?@7?, good 7?@9c NAVAL STORKS.-The rollowing transaction? in rosin took place, say, 1 bbl pale at $5, 2 extra j No. 1 at $4, 6 No. 1 at $3,18 low*No. 1 at $2 50,75 j extra No. 2 at $2 25,353 No. 2 at *210, 381 Ko. 3 at $2 05,44 black at $2 ? bbl.' s RB iorne.-To Liverpool, by steam direct nomi? nal on uplands; via New York, '?d on up? lands, ic@i?d on sea islands ; by eau 7-1G on uplands, ?d on sea islands. To Havre nominal. Coastwise-to Nsw Yo$, By steam, ?c ou uplands and H*J on sea islands; $1 75 f* tierce on rice; by sail, c ?* rb o L cotton;-ft tierce on rice;40c ft barrel on rosin; $7? 3 lt M on lamber; $6@10 * M on timber. Ti Boston, by sail, Ko ft ft on upland cotton. To Providence, by saU $8 ft M on boards, He f Hi on cotton; by steam $1 ft bale on New York rates. To Philadelphia, by steam, Xe f. 16 on uplands; by Ball, $7 fl M on boards; $9 da timber; $3 ft ton on clay, and $3@8 50 cn phos? phates. To Baltimore, by steam, >;c ? i? bj sail, $6 50@7 fl M on boards', $3@3 25 * ton OL phosphate rock. Vessels are in demand by our merchants to take lumber freights from Georgetown, S. c., Harlen and Satina River, Ga. and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, and sio @12 ft M are the rates on ltfmbef and boards. *. EXCHANGE.-Sterling eo day buls 19?@19?. DOMESTIO EXCHANGE. - The banks parcha-c Sight cheefcs at ?@? orr, and sell at par. GOLD-10??12. i ? -.* > Marketa by Telegraph. . ?ONHT MARKETS. ? . LONDON, February 28.-Noon.-Consols o'l?. Bonds 91?. . .Evening.-Consols 91?. Bonds 91?. FRANKFORT, February 28.-Bonds 96. NEW YOBX, February JS-Noon.-stocka steady. State bonds Bteady. Gold ll. Money easy at 3 a4. Exchange, long 9?; fx Evening.-Money easy at 4a5. Rxcbange 9%. Gold l0?ali. Governments closed very arm; sixty-twos 12. Sontherns opened higher in South Carolinas ; others closed steady. TeQarssees .weak; others Arm. The chief reatare was m new South carolinas, which advanced to 60 for Jan nary and July Issues. Tennessees C3?; new-63 V Virginias 66?; new 60?. Louisianas 6?; new BL Levees'72: eights 82. Alabamas 99?; Oves ti7. Georgias 82; sevens 91. North Carolinas 4B? new27?. South Carolinas 70?; .new'59%. NEW ORLEANS, February 28.-Sterling 21. Sight exchange ? discount. Gold io?. COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL,. February iS.-Kwt.-Cotton dull and tending down; uplands 7?a7?d;.Orleans 7? AT?d; Bales ??.tHjroales. Evening.-Cotton closed eas! r; uplands 7?a 7?d; Orleans, 7?a7?d; saleB lO.OUO; ior specula? tion and export loco bales, ?rales shipped at New Orl?ans. February or March, 7?d for middlings. NEW TOBE, February 28.-Noon.-Cotton dull and in buyer's favor; uplands 16?c. Evemng.-Cottou Irregular; sales 3000 bales; -held at I5iic, closing dub. BOSTON. Ftbruary 28.-Cctron dull and nomi? nal; middling? I5?c; net receipts202 bales; gross 700; sales 200; stock 9000. BALTIMORE. February 28*-Cotton Jess active, and lower.; middling? 14?c; net receipts, 20bsfle#; gross receipts. 3o5. Exports to Great Pritaio, 1224. Sales, ?85. Stock, 14,415. >. NoBPotk, Febmary 28.-Cotton dull; low mid? dlings-I3?c; net receipts, 102e bales; exports, coastwise, 629; eales, loo; stock, ?902. WILMINGTON, February 28.-Cotton dull; mid diing l3?c;net receipts, 173 bales; expoits, ccait wise, 26; sales, 61 ; stock, swi. i . SATANNAH. February 28.-Cotton dull; rn rd dungs 14?c; net receipts 3571 bales; Balts 1500 bales; stock 84.657 iaies. MOBILE, February 28.-Cotton steady; mid dungs 14c; net receipts 4919 bales; export's tn Great Bril oin eeoc hales; exports coastwjseso bales; sales 1500 bales; stock 83,818 bales. GALVESTON, February 28.-cotton quiet; good ordinary 12?c; net receipts2194; exports to con? tinent 1710;gales 1100; stock ?6,339 bales. Nsw ORLEANS, February 28,-Cotton dull and heavy; middlings 14?aL4?c; net receipts 12,847; grosB 18,893; exportB to Great Britain 7472; A terdam 1548; Tobasco 23;salts 9500; stock2M bales. PROVISIONS ANI< rnoDCCB MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, February 28.-Noon.-Brcadstufls Inn. Corn, new 35s ed. Evening.-Turpentine 37s ed to 38s. LONDON, February 28-Evenlrg.-Turpentine 38s ed io 893. Tallow 44s Sd. ' NETT YOBK, February 28.-Noon -Flour quiet - and umh?ngen. Watat doll and nominally un? changed. Com quint tnd sf. adv. Fork quiet at $2226. Lani unchanged. Turpentine Tjnlet'at 5Sa53?c Rosin unchanged, $2 60a2 65 ror strained. Evening.-Flour, Southern, unchanged; com m on tu good $? 9o.iT 40. Whit-key steso v at 92?. "Wheat duB and lower; winter red and amber Western $1 eial 64. Corn steady at 84a86; yellow Southern &5?a86?. Pork sieady, $22 26. Beef quiet. Lard Bteady; kettle 13?. Turpentine steady. Rosin quiet. TaUow unchanged. Freights quiet. " BALTIMORE, February 28.-Flour qu et Him. Wheat Arm and in good demand. Com ?weak; white Southern *83aS4c; \ellow 79a80c. Provisions unchanged. .Whiskey 9la92c CINCINNATI, February 28.-Flour-demand light; holders are Arm at $c?a6?. corn steady at 6?a56 For mts- poik holders ere Orm; $22 sBked. Lard-lull prices asked; Bacon-de? mand light, und holders are Arm; shoulders D',c aides ll ?all?. Whiskey sec. TH? New York Hive Market. From the Dany Bulletin, February 27: Th? de? mand lor domestic continues moderat? atd mostly of au u; di na ry retail cbaract?r as wanted by the regular trade. Prices about as before, though extremes are seldom reached, except on the very best. Sales or a few tierces Carolin a at Sasse- Foreign in moderate iequest and steady. Sales of 2U0 bags Rangoon at 7a7?c, Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, February 27.-TURPENTINE.-Re? ceipts to-dav are about 550 bbls, wbich sold at $3 25 lor soft, anti 12 10 for hard, per 280 lbs, SPIETS TURPENTINE.-Market firmer, and we quote sales of o50 bbls at 50c per gallon. ROSIN.-Sales of 713 bois at $2 for strained, |S 25a3 50 for No. 1, and ti 25 for pale. TA*--?5-J bbls changed bauds at $1 60 per bbl. COTTON.-No sales reported. PEA8.-275 bushels (mixed) Bold at $160 per bnsheL I PEANUTS.-A lot of 300 bushels Bold at $2 GO per bushel ior fancy. j Interior Cotton Market?. CHARLOTTE, February 25.-Sales light to-day. We continue former quotations, io?ui3?c ex? tremes, latter price for middlings; market un .e^a?Bged^SalesTorth? week 470 bales. ,v lt?c?lpt? by Kailroatl. February ?48. , SOOTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 972 bales cotton. 46 bales goods, IBO bbls naval Blores, 1 car stock. To Railroad Agent, G W Wil? liams A co. needer A Davis, W B Williams * Son, T P smith, G H Watter A co, Mowrv 4 Son A ? Sahuas. Frost A Auger. R Mure A ?o, W IV Smith, Sioau A Selgnlous, W c Courtney A co. A B MuUigau, E J Wl.*s A co, GraeBer * Smith, W K. Ryan, G A Treuholm A son, Watson A HUI, w B Smith A co. NOBTHBASTSRN 2AU,ROAD. 79 bales upland cotton, cars lumber and wood, rough rice, peas, md ?e. Ac. To G W Williams A co. Frost ,t Adger, T c Smith, A J Salinas, G Fol lin, W K Ryan, W C Courtuey A co, Jno Wleters, Pe zer, Kodge-rs A co. J E Atlger A co, J Ander? son A uo. Wilcox. Gibbs A co, F W Pelper. Sloan A Selgulous. M Mazyck, P L?tz. C Beliizer. G W wittf. B. Boyd. Bdrmt'lster A Z, Caldwell A Son, Bt?ney A Lowndes. WT Sanders, H F Baker A co, .Railroad Agent and Order. SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. 30 bales cotton, 200 bushels rough rice, 125 bosh elspe?8. mdse, Ac. TdT P Smith, Fraser A DUI. F Puukhaber, Mrs D S Chanltn. Wagener A Mur M"??'?i)D,' H n^Ue A co. Dowling A co, JH V?llers. M Hodge, W c Bee A co. M M Brown Prinirle A Sou, Reeder A Davis, j colcock A co J A Qoaci>en!>U3h. Pelzer, Rodgers A co deo W Witte, J D Aiken A co. P G UaseiL ? Faesenfers. Per steamship Charleston, for Sew York-G E Fuller, J F Dickerson, Mrs J Campbell; A C Mc? cue, Mrs Green and child, Mrs J C Derby, W H Bradshaw, C Kerrison, SP Ellis, M G Cohen, Jas Egan, A Sloan, F Fitzpatrick, E Moore and J Mason. Per steamer Pilot Bov, rrom Savannah, Bean fort. Pacific Landing. Ac-W Farrow, .' Dupong, J E Webster, H Flsehbeck. Mr Brenne . Mr Earl, Mr EaBtman, W E DeTrevlde, A Fraaer, M Green, F G DeFontaine, Z Plait, W H Crouch, J McFall? and 12 deck. _ _ Per steamer Emilie, from Georgetown. H C E Johnson, Miss D McDonald. J E Collins, Miss N McGillivray, T W Doar. s.L Fraser, ? L King, R J Middleton, Dr M S Hanckel, ? D Doar, and 33 on deck. ? . _.. Ter steamer Eliza Hancox, from Savannah, via Beaufort, Ac-Anthrny C Walsh, 0 W Butts. M B Allen, O McFall, G M Wells, Capt Klnnard, J Eaton, and IS deck. . ._ EORX OA.LENDAR. MOON'S PHA9SB. ' Full Moon. Gth. 10 hours, 19 minutes, morning. Last Quarter, 13th. 6 hours, o minutes, evening.* New Moon, 20th. 10 hours, 40 minutes, evening. First quarter, ?9th. 1 hour's. 24 tat?ate?, morn'g. FEB. ? MAH. 27IUoiidny. 28 Tuesday. Wednesday. : Thursday... ; Friday., saturday.... Sunday. SUN. I 3?N sisas, j SETS. 6...31 ! 5..55 6..30 I 5..55 C..29 j 5..56 C..28 5.. 57 6..20 5..53 6..25 5..59 6..24 I 5..59 fr., a s. 12;.39 1?..4T 1..34 1 1.-.48 2..2S I 2..31 3..19 ] 3..42 4..11 4..44 4..57 6..33 5..37 I 6..26 mon TATER MARINE ERW3. CHARLESTON, S. C.MARCH L gft. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Ship Arracan. Spencer, Liverpool-40 days. Assorted cargo. ' To Geo A 7'renhoim A Son. W L Webb, J C Dial, Ravenei & co, A Tobias' Sons. R T Walker, Order, Hart A CO, A Field A co, and Or *ler. Febrnarj Kth, Wm Porter, seaman, died or measles; February ICth, Wm Lane died of same disease. . . ML sehr N W Smith, Tooker. New York, -days. Mdse. To W Roach A co. Adams, Damon A co, J E Adger A co, C D Ahrens A co, Bollmann Bros, H Bischoff A co. W M Bird A co, E Bates A co, H Bulwinkle A co, T M Bristoll A co, H Clinch, E R I Cowperthwalt. Cameron; Barkley A co McDufT Sohen, JOH Claussen, A F Chevereau, A McCobb, r, Dowte, Moise A Davis, HvDaly, H A Due, Ellas Bros, D F Fleming A co, Goodrich, Wincman A co, [ H Gerdts A- co, R Gannon. J Gorham, C Graveley, Dart A co, I ll Hall. Jos W'Harrisson. I Hyman * co, Heath A Rice, Holmes A Calder, Chas Hickey, King A Gibbon, Kinsman A Howell, H Klaue A co, A Langer, S R Marshall, Mantooe A co,.olney Jt co, W Marscher, B ("'Neill. G Prince, J A Qnack enbush, Paul. Welch A Brandes, S C Railroad co, Steffens. Werner A Ducker, W Shepherd A co, D H Silcox, J Sayas, Tlcdtman, Calder A co, Geo A Trenholm A Son. P PToaie. J Thomson & co. G W Williams A co. A Tobas' 'Son?. R 'White, P Walsh, 0 F wteiers. S H Wilson, i WeNkop?, W L Webb, W J Yates, Orde- aud ethe: s. ' Sehr Mary Farrow. B?cler, New York-7 days. Acids and mdse. To W Roach A co. S C Railroad Agent. J BSardy, Heath & Rice, H Slecllug, .'os Gorham, D H Sdcox, Jeffords A co, B O'Neil', J N Roi sou. II KHtte A co. D?ring the pissagc one 01 the scamt-n had a miraculous escape, having fallen from the malu cross-trees to the deck, and was live minutes after attending to his dattes, un? hurt Steamer Pilot Boy, Slv. Savannah, Beaufort, PaciUc and other Landings. 12 bags and 1 pkt sea Maud cotton, mdse. ic. To J D Aiken A-co. Ravencl * co. HS Robinson, D McPherson. Ella Quinn, F Kressel, Robt Anger, acd coosaw Min? ing co. Steamer Emilie, White. Georgetown. S c. 107 tierces rice, mdse and sundries. To Shtckelford A Kellv. Dr G B Weston. C 'lucmey, J H Holmes, Thurston A Holmes, Pringle A ton, and o: tutsi Steamer Eliza Hancox, ::nrns, savannah, via Beaufort, Ac 59 bags sea island cotton, nuise. Ac. To Ravened, Holm.- A co. W M Bird A co. D McPherson, S Middleton, Mrs Cordmyer, Bollmann Bros, Southern Express co. Received from Chleolm's URL 73 tes rice. To W C Bee A co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Charleston, Berry, New York-James Adger A co. Sehr Jason, Wiley, New York via Georgetown. S C- W Roach A co. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Charleston, Berry. New York. Br bark AndeU, Pietce. a roi t In Ureat Britain. Steamer Dictator, Cuxetter. PalaiJta via Jack? sonville, Savannah. Ac. . FROM THIS PORT. Steamship James Ai'ger, Lockwood, New York, February 25. Steamship Champion. Ljckwood, New York, Fet nary 2*. Sehr Myrover, Brown. New York. February 25. Sehr D V Streaker, Yan Glider, Wilmington. N C, February 27. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Sehr lri?, Noyes, nt Savannah, February 25. SAILED FOR THIS PORT. Br bark Co'^mb-1, Swensa. Martinique via Sa vauuah. irem the lauer February 27. MEMORANDA. ' NEW YORK, February 28.-Arrived, steamships Mimtgcmery and san salvador, from Savannah, Tue brig Mary E Dmi, for Georgetown, S C. cleared at Savannah Febwicry 25.? Thc sehr Har moe a Burees*, from Georgetown, S O, arrived at New Yoi k February 25. LIST OF VESSELS' UP, CLEARED Ai'b SAILS If ?OK THIS TOBT FOREIGN. . UBERMOU Ship Tranvuebar. Durward, sailed.Janell Sr.lp Canova. Le?ack, sidled.FebTs (.Bark Annie Kimball. S ilicon, cleared.Jan<90 Bark Florence Chipman, Jones.Jan 25 KEWTOKT, Eb G. The G H Bevan, Bevan, sailed.Jan 9 j, J11DDLESOKO', XNG. Thc. Oscar, Peterson, sailed.Feb 5 CARDIFF The Jean Vivian, Brcwrr. sailed.Jan 26 CALLAO. Fr bark Intimes, Gem?t, sailed.Oct 16 DOM s's TIC. BOSTOK. .Ship Citj ol Boston, Wyman, cleared.Feb 19 Jichr S CTyler, Barrett, up.Feb 13 Behr B N Hawkins, Wyatt, up.Feb 22 VKW VORtt. Sehr Lilly, Hughea, cleated.Fe1* 24 Sehr Vruie. Mason, UD.Feb 24 Bohf Walton, Boyd, n';>. .Peb io FUlLADBLFBlA. Steamship Virginia,Hunter. Failed.Feb 24 Sehr E A Hooper, Hooper, np.Feb 18 Sehr E B Evexmau. Conon, cleared.Feb 3 Sehr A E Glover, Terry, np.:... I eb 7 Sehr Jessies Clark, Clark, np.Feb 21 Sehr Dauenhower, Grace, cleared......Feb 20 BALrUMKK. Br bark Lord Baltimore. Brown, up.Feb 18 Brig M E Rowland, Rowland, cleared.Feb li Sehr Arctic. Woodemau. np.Feb IS Sehr C S Edwards, Colson, cleared.Feb 21 Sehr Elias Moore. D?firent, up.Feb 20 Sehr Sea Queeu, Rosebrook, cleared.Feb 24 ROCKPORT, MS. . ?chr Freux A Emily, McCobb, cleared.Feb 3 I^OICIS. ' ? L ? il B I A H Q T B L , COLUMBIA, S. C., WM. GORMAN, PROPRIETOR. C Tho Proprietor or tins pleasantly located ano elegautly furnished HstaWtshmeaii at the State Capital, desires to inform tue travelling public anc others seeking accommodations, tha*. the "CO LCMB1A*' ls- in every respect a ?rst-ciass Hotel, unsurpassed by any ic the State or the Uurtec States. Situated in the onsiuess centre of th; city, with une large airy rooms, and a table sup ' plied with every delicacy of the season, both fror, New lurk and Charleston markets, the Ptoprie tor pledges that no efforts will ot spared to give perfect satisfaction in every respect. A tl rut-class Livery M?de is attached to thc HoteL where vehicles of every description can be had at tue shortest notice. Omnibuses attend the arrival and departure o; every Tralp. WM. GORMAN. Proprietor and Supermtondent. J. D. BUDDS, Cashier. aprlf wfm Dm as, (?l)cimcal3, &t. DEATH TO RATS, ROACHES, BEDBUGS, &c, NEVER FAILING. BOXES DOUBLE THE SIZE AS OTHERS. HERMETICALLY SEALED AND ALWAYS FRESH. Sold at Wholesale by DO WIE, MOISE & DAVIS. And at retal by all Druggists. febl-6mo J*om Ii3:g?B.;R P O 0^?7 gp The Al BritlBh Bark BELTISTE. Nielsen, Master, having a portion ot her careo en-SB? gaped and being of small capacity, will meet wtiti dispatch for tb? above port. Fotfrelgbt.engage? ments apply to ' ROBERT HURE A co., . feb21 . Central Wharf. F OR NEW Y 0 B -M . ON THURSDAY, MARCH 2D, AT FOUR O'CLOCJt P. M. NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870 STATPE?-KOOMS ALL ON DECK. The Splendid New Iron Side Wheel Steamship SOUTH CAROLINA.Beckett, .Commander, will sail for New York on W?HSTOT. March' 2?, av 4 o'clock. P. M.. from Pier No. 2. Union Wharves. The elegant Side Wheel Steamship GEORGIA will follow on 9th March. . Insurance by Steamers of tiiis Line % par cent. For Freight Engagements or passage, having very One state-room accommodations, apply to WAGNER, HUGER A CO., No. 28 Broad street, oi\| to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharves. feb2"-4_. jp 0 B NEW YORK. OLD LINK N?W YORK AND CHARLES? TON STEAMSHIPS. ESTABLISHED 184 5. SPACIOUS AND ELEGANT DECK STATE ROOMS. The verv fast and splendid Side-Wheel Steam? ships of this Line will sall from Adger's South Wharf as follows during the month or March: MANHATTAN, SATURDAY, 4th. at 4 o'clcck P. M. JAMES ADGER. TUEiDAT, 7th, at 5 P. M. CHAMPION, SATURDAY, nth, at 7 P. M. CHARLESTON, TUESDAY. 14lll, nt 12'* P. M. MANHATTAN. SATOHDAY, 18th, at 4? P. M. JAMES ADGER. TUESDAY, 21st, at C P. M. CHAMPION, S ATURDA v, 25th, at 7-P. M. CHARLESTON, TUESDAY, 28lh, at ll A M. Ci- Through Bills or Lading given on Cotton to Liverpool, Boston. Providence and the New Eng? land manufacturing towusatthe lowest market rates. Freights on upland cotton thromrh to Liverpool n'ne-slxteenths of a penny; sea Island one penny. Upland cotton to New 'York \ cent, sea islaud Vc " . For Freight- or Passago aagagemerus, apply to raan4mofT ' i - i?AME? ADOBE A CO. ^JIHROUl^ BlXLS LADING TO AND-j FKOM It ALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA. BOSTON, BREITEN, AND THE .CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST. The One Steamship FAECON; Hay nile, ' Commander, will sail for Baltimore on, WEDNESDAY. 1st March, at 1 o'clock, P. tr thiliderphia Freig?ts To/Kartieo. to that city 6y railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional Insurance, and Consignees are allowed au ? rie time to sample and sell their Goods .'rom P'ACIPTO .MAIL' .STEAMSHIP* OBSPY? 7HKOLGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers 6T the Shove line fea re Pier No. 42, North River, foot of >'??> y ^fwinin' street, Now York, at 12 o'clock noon, of Hie it. and 20th of every month (except when them dates fall on Sunday, then the Sat urday prec?d in?. Departure of the 20th connect at Panama witt, steamers for Sooth Pacific and central Amen cat ports. Those of 4th touch at Manzanillo. Steamship GREAT REPUBLIC ?caves San Fran? cisco for Japan and China March l, 187L No California steamers tonen ai Havana, bn go-dtrect from New York to Alpin walt One hundred pounds baggage free to each mlnlt Mediciae and attendance Iree. For Passage Tickets or other information Bpph at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFF13E. on 'he wharf root of Canal street, North River, Ne? Fork; ; F. R. BABY, Agent. pjylMyr_ .^EEKLX'LD?E TO SAVANNAH. . THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. FOB PACIFIC LANDING. BEAUFORT. HILTON HEAD, SAVANNAH. DA RI EN AND BRUNSWICK, GA. The favorite Steamer ELIZA HANCOX, Captain L. W. BURNS, will receive Freight at Accommoda? tion wharf for above points every,_ TUESDAY, and leave on every WEDNESDAY Bi rsa. at 7 o'clock, arriving at Savannah the sari; evening, and leaving for Darlen, Ac, thc follow tug morning. Returning, will leave Savannah lo: Charleston every MONDAY MOKNINO, at 7 o'clock For Freight or passage, apply to RAVKNEL. HOLMES A CO., sepIO No. 177 E?Bt Bav. P OR F L O R I D A, TWICE A WEEK. FOR SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA. JACKSON VILLE. PIL?TKA AND ALL POINTS ON THE ST. "JOHN'S RIVER, The STeamer DICTATOR,'Captain P . T?CIirh L. M. COXETTEJ", will sall iwm????-??i**^ Southern Wharf for above points.ovary IXM*I?AI Er KN INO, at 8.30 o'clock, arriving back ul Charlen ton every SUNDAY AFTERNOON, HI 5 o'clock. The Steamer CITY POINT, Captain D. B. Vincent, will sail from Southern Wharf for above puuit every FRIDAY EVEKING, at ?.80 o'clock, arriving back at Charleston WSXIKSSDAT AFTERNOON, at 6 o'clock. RATES EL * CO.. Agents, octIO_Southern wharf. .jp OR SAYAN NA H ; ' ELEGANT STATE "ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. The Splendid Steamer DICTATOR, Captain L. M. Coxetter, will leave_ Sow hern Wharf pa TuxsniY EVEM.NO, l cbi u.irv 2?, 1871, at?8.30 ofclack. fer thqrabovejl*:.?. J* ! The Bulentlid Steamer'CTTY POINT.'Caprnth D. B. vincent, will leave Southern Whurr for tue above place on IFBIDAY EVENING, March 3,1871, at >uo o'clock. RAVEN EL A CO., Agents. .rebsa ?pOR SAVANNAH VTA BEAUFORT AND PACIFIC LANDING. The Steamer PILOT BOY. Captain J. W. Sly, will leave Central Wharf,_ for above polntB every MONDAY MoKKlNtf. ai fl o'clock, and for. Beaufort and Pacific Landing every THURSDAY, leaving here at 8 o'clock A. M. For Freight or Passage, apply to J. D. AIKEN, Agent, febl No. 5 Central Wharf. JfetDBpapit?, iUagajitus, #c. A SK FOR THE MARCH NUMBER OF THE RURAL CAROLINIAN, and read the following articles: Dofs Farming Paj in the South ? D. Wyatt Aiken; Commercial Manures with Experiments, Edward McIntosh; Can lina Rice In Italy. F. Pe.vre Porcher; Espai to Grass, Eugene W. lingard; The F.g, a Neglected Resource, P. J. Berckmaus; ExuvrUnenis with Tomatoes, R. Chlsolm; Irl-h Poi aloe? for Winter Use, H. W Raveuel; Is the south a stock Coun? try ? D. Wyatt Alkea; dec Hives and Bee Charm? ing, P. J. Qaatriebaum; History of Charleston Phosphates, L. M. Hatch. Also many other art cle?, varied correspond? ence and much editorial matter in this the LEAD? ING SOUTHERN' AGRICULTURAL MAGAZINE. Subscription, $2 per annum. Address RURAL CAROLINIAN, fl!*?7 Chatle?toii, S. C. MARKED DOWN, TO BEDUCE STOCK, WE OFFER THE BALANCE OF OUR WINTER GOODS. 1 AT L# GREATLY REDUCED PRICES NAMELY : .BEAVER OTER SACKS, $38 and Sid, to $35 BEAVER OVER SACKS, $35, to $28 j BEAVER OVER SACKS, $30 and $32, to $25 1 BEAVER AND MELTON OVER SACKS, $25 and j $28, to $20 BEAVERAND MELTON OVER SA0K8, $18 and $22,' to $15 BEAVER AND MELTON ^VIBVSACKB, Jli and . ", . '? Z? Wt 97 j t ,i $15, to $11* " * ' UNION REAVER OVER SACKS, $10, to $1 UNION BEAVER OVER SACKS, $T, to $5 BEAVER, KING WILLIAM, $28, to $20 BEAVER. KJNG WILLIAM, $20, to $15 OHINCH1LLA D. B. SACKS, $25, to $20 CHINCHILLA D. B. SACKS, $16, to $12 CHINCHILLA D. B. SACKS, $12, to $10 m Of INC il ILL AD. B. SACKS, $10,10 $8. . WE HAVE IN STOCK, A FULL LINE OF GOODS, SUITABLE FOI MENS' WEAR. J. H. LAWTON & CO., ACADEMY OF MUSIC RUILDLm !_ttailrooos. _ ORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COif PANY. CHARLESTON, S. C., February ll, 1871. Traies learc Charleston Dally at 12 M. and 0:30 P.M. Arrive at Charleston 7:30 A. M. (Mondays ex? cepted) and 3:30 P. M. Trniu does not leave Charleston 6:30F. M., SUN DAW." Train leaving at 12 M. makes through connec? tion to New York, via Richmond and Acaula Creek only, going through in 42 hours, WITHOUT DETECTION OX SUNDAYS, Passengers leaving hy 6:30 P. M.* Train have choice of rome, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Ballimore. Those leaving FRIDAY by this Train lay -over on SUNDAY in Bal? timore. Those leaving on SATUKDAY remain SUN? DAY IQ Wilmington, N. C. Thia is the cheapest, quickest and most pleasant route to cincinnati, Chicago and other points West and Northwest, both Trains making close connections at Washington with Western trains ol Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. S. S. SOLOMONS, Engineer and Superintendent. P. L. CLEAroR, General Ticker Agent. febll-l2mos_ SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAJLL BOAD. PASSENGER TRAINS uti this Road run daiiy-Rs fuilows: Lui ve Charleston.5.30 A. M. Arrive at Savannah.3.00 P. M. Leave Savannah.11.15 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.,. .5.20 P. M. Conuecis at Savannah with the Atlantic A Qui: Hollioad fur Jacksonville, St. Augustine, and al. points in Florida. Wit? Central Railroad.for Macon, Atlanta, Mp bile. New Orleans and thc West. With Steamboats forpoiuis on the Savanna:. River. At Charleston with the Northeastern and Sout h Carolina Railroads, and Steamships for all punw North and West. Through Tickets over this Une on sale at l?ote!; ln Charleston; Screven House, Savannah; aad ali principal Ticket offices North and South. Freights forwarded daily to and from Savan? nah and all points beyond. Through Ullis of Lading issued to Jacksonville. Palatka, Ac. , . Tarin* as low as by any other line. C. S. GADSDEN, oct.' Engineer and Superintendent. S OUTH CAROLINA KAILROA1 VICE-PRESIDENT'S OFFICE, 1 CHARLESTON, S. C., January 18,187L J On and after SUNDAY, January 22; the Passen? ger tiumson \iic i?.::.: r ?ma Rauroad w?i nit oe rcL'ows: 5?S AUGUSTA. Leave Oh.iriestoii.12.58 P. M. Arrive at Augusta. 8.151'. M. FOB COLUMBIA. Leave -Jmirlesum. ^-20 A. M. Arrive at colombia.P. M. ?OK CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta. 7-40 A. M. Arrive at Charlestcn. 3.20 P. M. Leave Columbia.12.16 P. M. Arrrlve at Charleston. 7.50 P. M. AUGUSTA NIGHT BXFRE88. (Sundays excepted.) . Leave charleston.8.30 P. M Arrive ar. Augusta. 7.05 A. Mi Leave Augustt. 5.50 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.5.4?A. M. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) ?.eave Charleston. 7.10 P. M. Arrive at Columbia. 0.00 A. M. Lsave Columbia:. 7.60 P. M. Arrive at Charleston. 8-40 A. M. SUMMERVILLE TRAIN. Leave Ohcrifrstoa.4.30 P. M. Arrive at Summerville.6-00 P. M. Leave Sum:-nerville.700 ^-jM. Arrive at Charleston. 8.15 AJM. CAMDEN BRANCH. Leave Camden.9.50 A. M. Arrive nt Ringville...VM P. M. Leave Ringville. 2.3U P. M. Arrive at onm'i?n.6.00 P. M. Day and Night Trains make close connections at Augusta willi Ge.rgla Railroad aud Central Railroad. Night Train connects wit h Macon and Augusta Railroad, Columbia Night Train connects with Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Camden Train connects daily with Day Passen? ger Tra?as. jai;19 A. L. TYLER, vice-President. rjlRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, 4 c. t Jost received, a large assortment, and for sale at ?B. H. HAER'S nil Drugstore, t ierliii-ers. ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE COMPANY, OP CHARLESTON, S. C. F. J. PORCHER. President. F. J. PELZER, Trefumrer. W. LEBB?.. DIRECTORS. .. .W. P. HALL. .L. D. DESAUSSURE.BY G. P?NCK?EY THE ATLANTIC PHOSPHATES ARE NOW BEING MANUFACTURED AT THEIR WORKS ON ASBLET RIVER, under the direction of ai experienced and* Practical Chemist. The Company in? tend this to be a first class Fertilizer, and one winch ctn be recommended to Planters. &rTJ*J>nC>JkOLI> eiJARANTEED. THE COUPANT ARE ALSO PREPARED TO MANUFACTURE ACT. ID PHOSPHATE FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. This preparation iibighly recommended by Chemists, as with-it Planters are enabled to make their own Fertilizer*. * - The ATLANTICPHOSPHATE is sold at $55 per ton cash, or f 00 on time, with inU it at the rate of-one per cent, per month. ' "'' ' The ACID PHOSPB ATE is sold at $35 per ton cash, or $40 on time, with Interest at the rate of one per cern, per month. . .* PELZER, RODGERS & CO., General Agents, dec31-4m?S BROWN'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. EIGHTEEN-TEAKS OF PRACTICAL SUCCESS ! INTRODUCED IN 1852...PATENTED DECEMBER 20,1859. * ' Oldest Superphosphate Manufactured in this CoiAixtrv COMPOSED OF Bones, Phosphatic Guano, Concentratect Arhmoniaca Animal Matter and Sulphuric Acid. NO SALT. PLASTER, SALT CAKE, NITRE CAKE, NOR ANY ADULTERANT OF ANT KIND USED. o THE AMMONIACAL ANIMAL MATTER U?ED IN MAPES' NITROGENIZED SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME coi.'sist- of ti e Flesh, (coutalnlnp lo per cenr. of Ammonia,) and the Blood, (containing 16 per cent. Ammonia,) of horses, beever, {?sh und other anymals, after expression of the fat and oU by steam. r*end for a Pamphlet. * . ? Ammonia Yielded by the Organic Matter.;.2.5-1 ?. cent. 9.06 "? cr.Insoluble Phosphoric Acid.Bone Pho phate of Lime.......'..19.78 fl cent. 3.38 "P ct. Soluble Phosphoric Acid.Soluble Phosphate of Einte.5.48 "fl deur. 3.3? "put. Si iiibie Phosphoric Acid.Bone Phosphate of Llmenldlesolved).. 7 38 "p cent. 7.20 li ct. Sulphuric Ai id...Sulphate of Lime.15.48 "fl cent. .?An excellent Fertiliser.'* Respectfully submitted, . (si.'Ucd.) CHARLES U. SHBPARD, JP... M. D.. Inspector of Fertilizers for Souih Carolina ri ?icu:, SOO CA^H. KINSMAN & HOWELL, General Agents, rebs-wrii-.uinofr>?c No. 128. EAST DAY, CHARLESTON. 8v C. THE f'REAT FERTILIZER FOR COTTON AND ALL CROPS. THE UNPARALLELED SUCCESS OF THIS g*e:t FERTILIZER oh ALL CROPS proves it to be the BEST and CHEAPEST Manure now. offei ed in t he mai ker. - lt has been used by many of The nrost emi? nent Planters In the South, and " ' IN EVERT SINGLE INSTANCE IT BAS ?TEN ENTIRE SATISFACTION. On COTTON its effects have been particularly markea. lt is no raie thing for WHANN'S PHOS? PHATE to increase the yield from ONE HUN? DRED to TWO H UNBRED PER CENT., or wen more. Mr. George C. Dixon, au eminent planter of Cameron, Ga, says ina letter to the Banner of the Sonth, November 28, that In an experiment with seven leading Superphosphates and GUABOS, the WBANN'S proved Itself the best of all those tried, paying a NET PlrOFlT (even at the pres? ent low price of Cotton,) of $20 90 ptr acre of Cotton. A copy of Kr. Dixon's letter, giving ("etaus.*fwill be furnished on application. RAWBGNE ummmk STANDARD GUARANTEED Sit 1%$e MANUFACTURED BY WALTON,WHANN&l WILMINGTON, DEL. FOR SALE BY M??OH FACTORS/ ILCHARLE! FOR SALE BY MM, HEM UL CHARLESTON, S. C., AND AUGUSTA, GA. rtecca-wstuSmos ETIWAN GUANOS, SOLUBLE MANURES AND SULPHURIC ACID, MANUFACTURED AT THE ETIWAN WORKS, . CHARLESTON, S. C., EY THE mmm ACID II nni WM. THE N<;W WELL KNOWN ETIWAN GUANO IS "MANUFACTURED FROM THE NATIVE BONE TnOSI'HATKS or Sonth C.irolina. These l'HO*>PHATKS lu their natural state are Insoluble, and re? mine to be ?remad to powder, and mode Soluble by Sulphuric Acid. This Company have now In ope mtMi the largest .?-nlpi/unc Acid Chambers ar the south, and are, therefore, able to manafactureat the lowe-i rutea. Ins highest grnde of F. RTILIZBE; ll being clear that the greater the proportion of Soluble Phosphate wbiiii sty Fertilizer contains the less inc quantity required per acre. In order to nir.l.cthc Fertilizer complete. Ammonia and Potash in sufllclent Quantities are added. With tnese views Hit Coiypauy manulacture and oiler for tale ETIWAN GUANOS, WARRANTED TO CONTAIN FROM 15 TO 20 PER CERT. OF.DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE Oh L ME. sad from 2 lo 2j?cer cent, o? AMMONIA, with a 8Utflcient.addli.iou of PERUVIAN GUANO*an?i 1'oTASU, to adupt it 10 all crops. Pnce i55per ton, cash; oh time, $00 per ton, and Interest 7 per cent, per annum. DISSOLVED BONE, OF HIGH GRADE. SUITAULE FOR MANUFACTURERS OR FOR PLANTERS. BEING IN ITSELF AN excellent FERTILIZER, ?ntl specially adspli-d for Compost. Aa large quantities or Sulphuric Acid* are used 10 dissolve lite Phosphate, this will be run nd a cheap and convenient way to transport that ma teijal. TUe grade furnished ?ill be from 18 to 20 per cent. Dissolved Bone Phosphate. Price $40 per ton. canil : on 1 line. $46. with ?nierest ax 7 per tient, per annum. Still higher grades will be iurfiished loonier atan additional price percentage, i COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, SPECIALLY PREPARED F< R COMPOSTING WITH. COTTON Sf. ED A NJ) OTHER PLANTATION MANURES. Price *S3S pw ion, i-ata; on time, $-10, williinu-rest at 7 per cent, pw auauui. GROUND HONE, AT MUCH LOWER RATES, CONSISTING SIMPLY OF TOE NATIVE BONE PHOSPHATES GROUND to pewdrr. Price $20 per ?on, cash; ou tuti.e, ?22, sud interest at Tper cent, per ?nn'nm. . Wy C. BEE & .00., A?iENTV?. No. IA . A DOER'S WHARF, CHA RLE*TON. S. C. N. B -THE PERCENTAGE OF DISSOLVE" BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME AND AMMONIA IN ALL THC-ETI WANs ls seeer'ained at the Wi rks, bythetr Chemist, berore deUvery. S ould any pur. chaser bc dissatisfied, he may return average samples of atiy purchase, within thirty (30) days after delivery, und they will be analyzed ane.v.'and any deficiency in the percentage guaranteed will be made good io him by the company. , jan23-mwi2moa TO FACTORS AND PLANTERS ! The urderUgped begs to inform his customers and the public that, in addition to his Work9 at Savannah, he has established extensive superphosphate Works at-the WAPPOO MILLS, opposite this city, which are now In acive operation, manufacturing his well Known fertilizers, the PHOSP H O- PERUVIAN AND AMMONLVTED' SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANQS, AND WHERE HE WILL ALSO KEEP ON HAND IV o . 1 PERUVIAN O TJ A. TV O, SOUTH CAROLINA PHOSPHATE, of the highest from his At-htpoo Mines, (crude and ground,) analyzing over sixty per cent, ol Bone Phosphate 0; Iau.e; and LAND PLASTER. Ti) ese Works hr, ve keen opened under the Inspection of Dr. CU. SHEPARD, Jr.*. rnspeelol" of Feriilizers for souin Can lina, ann every package will bear his brand certifying to Its inspection. CnUormltyoI quality quarante*.d and pnces reduced Messrs. G. A. TREN HOLM Sc SON, General Agents, Messrs. GRAESEK ?t SMITH, Agenis, .'. CHARLESTON, S. C. janis J. B. BARDY,. CORNER EAST RAY AND BROAD STREETS, CHARLESTON, S. C. A GOOD ADVERTISING MEDIUM. THE" MOUNTAINEER, GREENVILLE, S. C., Has tne largest real circulation of any paper in that section. Subscription price $1 a year. G. E. ELFORD, Editor on I Proprietor. G. G. WELLS, Associate Editor. - decl3 gBAMPOQJNG AND HAIR OTJTTD?6. LADIES AND CHILDREN Attended at their residences promptly and ai reasonable rates. Send ordere to --* .? . , . w. ?. Mut"*""', Barber, "Broad sf reet. next door to Telegraph offlc-i. mayas . "* PRICES REDUCED! For sale fe? WILCOX, GIBBK8 4 co., Importers and Dealers in GUANO, No. 14-> Bay street, savan? nah. Ga.; N<>. 241 Broad stree*. Augusta, Ga.; No. 161 BAST BAY. Charleston, S. C. F"or farther in? formation, address as above, for Southern Agri? culturist Almanac febl-lmo BOt-cva. OLD CAROLINA BITTERS, TOB SALE BY E. E. BEDFORD, Kin--'street, C. D. AHRENS ? CO., King; street, B. FELDMAN? ? CO., King street, C. MOMEIEB, And by Drngfis^s and.Grocers everywpere. Jr FBSITOS Cognac Bitters, w F?.ST PRIZE Paris Exhibition 1867: Purity the blood and strengthen the system, eradicating the effect of dissipation, maintain -the human frame in^ondttion of healthfulness, dispel the Blues and all. mental dis? tempers, and relieve those whose Sedentary habits lay thom open to depression. They prevent and cure* ou* and other IfyPtrs, Fever and Ague. Chilis, Diarrhoea, Dysen? tery, Dyspepsia, Sea - Sickness? Celie, Chol?ra, Cholera Morbus, and every complaint inci? dental to diet or atmos? phere. Ladies will find them a sovereign boon, ss they eradicate all traces of Debility, Nervousness, Inertness, and Diseases peculiar to the sex. .^ Thousands of Testimo? nials oan be seen at the office of Ht JACOBSON, Sole Proprietor, a&Qa Wator Street* IT. T. CLACIUS ? WITTE, CHA RL?STON, General Arunta for the State of So. Carolina. febll-tyrMC . WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR THE I OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. H. BISCHOFF A- CO., H. KLATTE & CO., BOLLMANN BROTHERS, J, A. QUACI?ENEUSH, WAGRNEB <k M0NSKE8, MANTOTJS &. CO. Sewing ?Hunuius. aNB TBE s ?WEED? FAMILY KAVOR1TE LOCK-ST1TOB MACHINE. are the beat In use. For hale on the Lease Flan, with monthly pay? ments, -on easy terms, or for xaah. Ah tandi of Machine attachments. Needles. Cotton, (waite, blade and colored,) SU*, OU, Soap, Ac, AC. Kepairing aa usual. Circulars and sample|rof work sent?n apptteatiote. ^ D. B. HASELTON, General Deal? lo First-class Sewing Ma chines scqd Material, No. 307 Kmg street, srogW . ? > Charleston, S. 0.