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COXXBSCUb? -VJ; WS. Exports. LIVERPOOL-Per oars Walter-175 bags sea Isl? and and 736 bales upland cotton, 350 tons phos? phate rook. Saw YORK-Per steamship Champion-131 bags sea Island and 1230 bales upland cotton, 27 bales domestics, 170 tierces rice, 290 sacks cotton seed, 103 empty bbls, 228 ompty carboys, and 70 pkgs Bund rles. B ALT IM OHS- Per sehr Jno S Lee-200 tons phos? phate rock, 60,000 reet flooring boaTds. Vite Charleston Cotton, Ute? and Naval Stores Market. ornci CHARLESTON NEWS. SATCRDAT EVENING, February ll, 1871. COTTON.-The market opened quiet, -with rather weaker prices, which, with a light demand'and depressing telegrama, caused the article to recede in some cases tow?rds the close a full Kc. f* rh. Sales about 800 bales, say 1 at 12,10 at 12K, 162 at 13,30 at 13& 17 at 13K. io at 13ft 41 at 13X, <3at j 14, 39at 14K, 113 at 14>4, 18 at 14K, 158 at 14K. 9 at 14K, 17 at 14*, l at 15, and S extra staple at 17c fl lb. We quote ; LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.12???13>? Low middling.14 & Middling.14K?14K Strict middling..-.14X@UX: _ Rios.-This grain maintained a firm character. Sales about 200 tierces of clean Carolina, say 14 tierces at 7 9-iec, 186 at 7Kc T? rb. we quote common to fair at 8K@7Kc, good 7K@7Kc f* lb. NAVAL STORES.-There were no sales of note. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam dlreot nomi? nal on uplands ; via New York.,vi on uplands, l>?d on sea islands; by sall 7-lGd on uplands, \? on sea islands. To Havre nominal. Coastwise-to New Torie,by steam, Vc on uplands andie on sea islands;''$2 fl tierce on rice; by sall, Xe ft * on cotton;-fl tierce on rice: -toe ft barrel on rosiu; $798 fl M on lumber; $9@io ft M on timber. To Boston, by sail, Kc V tb on upland cotton. Tor Providence, by sall $8 ft M on boards, He V lb on cotton; by steam $1 ll bale on New Tork rates. To Philadelphia, by steam, Kc ft ft on'uplands; by sail, $l f ll on boards; $0 on timber ; $3 fi ton on clay, aad $3@s 50 on phos? phates. To Baltimore, by steam, Kc ft 1? by Ball, $6 6097 lt M on boards; $8@3 36 fl ton OD phasphate rock. Vessels are in demand by our merchants to tako lumber freights from Georgetown,- S. G., Barten and Sat in a River, Ga. and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, and $10 j @ta ft M are the rates on lumber and boards, KxcHANflK.-Sterllug 60 day bills 20K@20Jk\ DOMESTIC EXCHANQI. - The banks purchase Bight checks at ?>?' off, and sell at par. GOLD-IQKSI-- _ Marketa byTelegraph. MON ST MARKETS. LONDON, February ll-No on.-^Consols 92;;. Bon dB so y,. Kaw YQRE, February IL-Noon.-Stocks stead v and active. Governments strong bot dull. State hoads dull but steady.- Gold steady at ii??. Money-easy at 4 ai. Exchange, long, ty,; BOO rt 10K. ? Governments l?K- . : Afternoon.-Money 3a4^ Sterling quiet at ty,. Gold liKaii K. Governments very strong; sixty ?woa 12K. Southerns steady and nominal prices. Evening.-Loans increase nearly a'hair million. SpecledecTeaae over hair a million. Deposits de? crease nearly a million and a half. Legal ten? ders Increase over a million and a half. The Week .-closes with great ease. Discounts 6a7. sterllDg steady. Gold rather weak. Sixes 14K;sixty-twos laKj^fonra UK; Aves UK; new io\ ; sevens da; NBW ORLEANS, February ll.-Sterling 21K- New York sight K discount. Gold ll K. , COTTOK MARKETS LIVERPOOL, February 10-Evening.-Cotton flat and irregular;, uplsntls 7Kd; Orleans 7%u; sales 8000 balsa, of which exporters and speculators took 1000; stock afloat 513,000; American 398.100; ?alee named oe ship at orleans, in February, 7?*d Tor middling Orleans. Manchester advices are ?ess favorable; causing. dullness. February ll-Noon.-Cotton opened pteady ; up? lands 7Kd; Orleans 7Jitl; sales 10.000 bales. . Afternoon.-Cotton steady; sales 10.000 bales, which speculators and exporters took looo. Salea'named on ship. February and March, Sa? vannah or Ch ar les ton 7 % for uplands; from New Orleans 7 *d for middlings. > Kaw YORK, February ll-Noon.-Cotton quiet ?nd unchanged; sales 1500 bales; uplands 15KC. Evening.-Cotton quiet and stronger; sales 200 bales at i6Kc BOSTON, Feornary lt.-Cotton quiet; middlings UKO; net receipts 455 bales; gross receipts ?196; ?ates 300; stock 650?. BALTIMORE, February TL-Cotton steady; mid dllngs I4%c; nct receipts- 12? balea; gros? 630; ex? porta coastwise loo; sales 426; stock 14.089. WILMINGTON, February ll_Cotton quiet; mid? dlings 13Xc; net receipts 128 balea; balee 287; stook 2664. NORFOLK, February 11.-Cotton dull; low mid? dlings i3Kai3Kc: sec receipts 3275 bale*; exports coastwise 1841 ; salea iso ; stock 9881. AUGUSTA, February lj.-During the morning <&d: until 8 P. M.. cotton was very dull, au a sonic sales were made at Kc decline from yester? day's prices, but late dispatches from New York and Liverpool siifleaed the market; we quot-.' New York mi. dllngs at ll, and Liverpool at .lo Vc; allies 794 bales: receipts 651. . SAVANNAH, February ll.-Cotton quiet; mld dllngs.l4Kc; net receipts 3845 bales; sales 1100; stock M0.5T2. 1 M MOBILE, February ll.-Cotton quiet; middlings liKOi-oet receipts 6113 bales; exports coastwise 18S9 ; sales l SOO ; Stock 84,474. GALVESTON, February ll.-Cotton weak; good ordinary 12Kc; net receipts 2426bales; exports to Great Britain 2932; sales IOHO; stock 61,238. NBW ORLEANS, February lt.-Cotton steadv and In fair demand; middlings UKaujgc; net re? ceipts 3120 bales: gross receipts 3297; exports to Great Britain 5894; to Bremen 1717; coastwise 1320; sales 10.500; stock 263.869. PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, February io-Evening.'-Breadstuff's ?ptet. Bacon, Cumberland cut, ?ls; short ribbed -Biddles, 52-1 ai. . \ February ll-Noon.-Corn, new, 35s 9d. 2 Saw Yong, February ll-Noon.-Flour 6ai0c Joetter. wheat firmer bnt quiet. Corn a shade firmer. Pork quiet $22 75a23. Lard unchanged. Turpentine steady at 5la52c. Rosin firmer at $2 60 for strained. Freights steady. ' F ven in z -Flour ?alOc better; superflue State and Western $6 2?a6 40; common to choice extra State and western $6 85aS 35. Wheat unsettled, and closing pretty strong; winter red and amber Western 4i Wai 61. Corn finn at 84aS6Kc. Pork quiet and.steady. Beer steady. Lard dull and heavy. Groceries kt moderase request. Navals steady. Freights, little firmer. LOUISVILLE, February H.-Bagging, nothing doing. Flour quiet; extra family $9 75.; Corn firm. Provisions quiet Pork $22 50. Lard 12J?c. Bacon-Shoulders 9\'c; sides ttarSK. Hams Sugar-cured 16c, plain 15K, aU packed. Whiskey 87 cts. .. ' NEW ORLEANS, February ll.-Corn firmer at 70 a22c. Oats easier at 6la68 eta. Bran $1 lOal l&. Pork firm, mess $24. Bacon easier at io?;. 12K? 13o. Flour, nay, lard, sugar,' molasses, whiskey coffee, are ah unchanged. Xtovr York Itlc/ Market. From the Daily Bulletin, February 9: The de? mand ls. fair and the market pretty Hm,. In sym? pathy with the Southern advices, wittrholders offering their small supplies sparingly and in an Indifferent manner. Sales of 75 tes Carolina-at 7KaSKc for common to choice. Eas t Iud ta quiet From the Journal or Commerce: The market Tor domestic is firm. The advices rrom the South are 'more favorable, and, as there ls but little Blockiere, holders are Arm, but the demand ls for smalt lots for dealers'use. We quute7Ka8c. Sales so tes. . From the World: The late receipts having been pretty well cleared on* the. market, prices arc firmer. Carolina 7Ka7Kc lor invoices, and Sa ?Kc for Jobbing lots4 From the Herald: 'The stock or Carolina ls very llght, concentrated and generally held ror an ad? vance,'under advices rrom the South Indicating higher prices. The sales were co arin ed to 5 tierce lots at from 8K*8Kc. Rangoon was quiet but firm at 3a8Kc per lb, gold,r 1th small sales. From the Dany Bulletin. February 10 : Holders continue Orm aud confident In their views, as the available stock is now pretty well sold up. The demand H not quio* but good, and buyers gene? rally appear to accept the situation. Sales of a lew tierces Carolina at 7Kas?ic for ordluary tu choice. . Mew York Naval Stores Market. From the Journal or Commerce, Friday, Feb? ruary 10: The market for spirits turpentine has a very firm tone, with a fair inquiry; the extreme, Viewsur holders checks trade in full parcels Sales embrace 110 bbls. in merchantable order at aiaolKc, the latter price tut parcela on this slue Botin-?-There is ?till a very limited amount of strained offering, and prices are somewhat irregu? lar; $2 56*2 60 quoted. Saies embrace 2500 bbls. strained and low No. 2 ou private terms, part understood iv be a trifle over $2 00. Tar is dull at $2 45 lor Washington. City pitch sellinirin small lois at $2 6?%. - 3few York Hay Market. From the Duiiy Bulletin of Friday, February 10: Receipts to-day, 23 car loads and 730 by boat Re? ceipts aie liberal, but with a demand fairly active prices ar<- quited steady at $1 20 for shipping grades. Tn<- sales ure 375 bales ror Savannah, iou for Galveston, 40 r?r T o boro', N C, and 60 fur Beaufort ail at $l 20; also 25 bales compressed tur Jackso .ville aud 40 bile- do ror Macon at $1 30 per cwt. Ketail Steady and fairly active. Straw armer and in coud demand, a very small amount coming lurward. Norfolk Market. . NORFOLK, February 10.-CORN.-The reclpts to-day are about, sobo bushels, all er which were !2$&* * hue brought S2c. antf one lot MOO bush? els prime mixed sold at same price. The rulinc Price ior niLxeJ was ?oastc. OATS.-A cargo of 180O bushels was sold at 57c. Savannah. Market. SAVANNAH, February 9.-COTTON.-The mar? ket has shown no decided variation rrom the time our last circular was issued until yesterday, when adverse advices from Europe and New Tork caused factors to yield reluctantly, and we got to 14Ko for middling. To-day, under further pres? sure of accounts from the controlling markets, we have a decline to note of a full1 ;c, but factora are not anxious to display their samples, and the offering stock has not been as good as for the last two weeks. We quote ss a basis: Middling uy,c ; low middling l4c;good ordinary 13KC SKA ISL .ANDS.-The sales of the week are placed at about SOO bales. The demand has been general and well maintained, and prices very much as quoted in our last, say clean mains and carts 2la 23c, common Georglas aud Floridas 24a28. medi? um to good Floridas 3?a-J0. medium One Floridas 43a4?, flue Floridas 4ea?0. Some extra fine have been sold at above 50c, but the precise prices have not transpired. The receipts for the week have been as follows: By the Central Railroad 16,075 bales upland; by the Atlantic A Gulf Railroad 6156 bales npland and 196 bags sea island; by Charleston A Savannah Railroad 140 bales upland; from Augusta and landings 2561 bales upland; from the Ai tam aha 410 bales upland; from Florida 28 bales upland and 197 bags sea island; from Beaufort 40 basts sea Island, and by coasters and wagons 14 bales up land and 34 bags sea inland-making a total of j 25,384 bales upland and 399 bags sea Island, against 11,231 bales upland and 471 bags sea Island corres? ponding week last year. The exporta for the same time were as follows: Foreign-To Liverpool, per steamship Norway, 2057 bales upland and 210bales sea island; per ship Arran 3.41 bales upland: per bark Nuevo Pastora 660 bales upland; per bark Mary Lawton, 2256 bales upland; per bark Evening Star, 696 bales upland. To Bremen, per bark Alexander McNeil, 1991 bales upland. To Barcelona, per bark Esperanza. 550 bales upland. To Sweden, per brig claus, 468 bales upland. Total foreign, 12.142 bales upland aud 201 b iles sea Island. Coastwise-To New York 7105 bales upland and 53 bales sea Island. To Philadelphia, 637 bales upland. To Baltimore, 400 bules upland and 42 bales sea island. ' To Bosron, 149S bales upland and 32 bales sea island. To C har les ton,25 7 bales up? land aud SOD l?ales sea Island. Total export for the week, 27.039 bales upland and 1137 biles sea Island, (in the exports of sea island, coastwise, is Included 796 bales by Charleston and Savannah for the season of February 1) against 2791 bales upland and 154 bales sea island'for thc corres? ponding week last year. RICK.-Receipts have fallen off considerably within the past week, the bulk of the crop having j beeu brought to market. It is now conceded that but very little if over 10,000 bushels remain un? marketed. With this estimate, lr is thought that the. receipts will fall short fully 2C00 casks.. Fac? tors with this knowledge of the crop are confident that prices will recede no more during the season. The market dnring the past week hos been very arm, with a good demand for both export and home consumption. We quote : Fair to good 7a 7Kc per pound. Rough rice-sea. coast $1 50a al 75 per bushel; inland $1 25al 50. Seed rice ls, still scarce and In demand. Interior Cotton Marketa. COLUMBIA, February ll.-Sales of cotton yes? terday loo bales; middling I3i?c. ORANGEBURG, February 10.-Sales during the week 185 bales. We quote : Ordinary UalA low middling 12>?, mlddllug 13,'ic. UNION. February 9.-271 bales sold during the week. Market opened on Monday at vz'i; closed to-day at r_"?c. CHARLOTTE:, February io.-Sales to-dsy 55 bales at io>c to 13 ?ic extremes. Market un? changed. ATLANTA, February 9.-The Liarkct to-day has been quiet and firm, middlings 1314*0; low mid? dling l24V;good ordinary 13*4*5 ordinary IL MACON, February 10.-Receipts 300 bales; ship, meuta 5r>3 bales; sales 437 bales. The market quiet with middlings at 13&C. MONTGOMERY, February io.-The cotton mar? ket ls quiet, but steady; low middlings 23<?c SELMA, February io.-There were sales yester d*y to the amount of 30O bales; middling I4,'?a 14','c; low middling YS%\ strict good ordinary 13& Demand fair for tue better grades. Pour cotton ls relatively lower. 1 Rac ?ip tujb y It a I lr o aft. February ll. '. " ii 80CT&-cAKOLIVa RAILROAD. 927 bales 'jotton, 597 bushels corn, 81 bbls flour, 27 hbds sugar, 2 cars siock. To Railroad Agent. G W Witte, Pelter, Rodgers A co, L D Mowry A Son, Wiss'A co, A J Sn linos. G W Williams A cn. DL DeS-ussure, F C Moy. W K. Ryan, I Tt Pi lng le A Son, G H Walter A co. Frost A Adirer, Sloan A Selgnlous. T P Smith, W W Smith. W BSmiiii A co. Johnston. Crew s A co, Caldwell A Son, Watson A Rill, G A Trennarm A Son,J Campeen A co, ll Bol ?int le A co, W?gener A Mousers, B O'Neill. NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD. - 81 bees upland and 3 bags sea Island cotton, - bbls naval stores, cars lumber und wood, rough rice, peas, mdse, Ac. To G W Williams A co, L D Mowry A SOD. Frost k Adger. T P Smith, H Bischoff A co. Caldwell A Son, PHzcr, Rodgers A co, Reeder A Davis, W KT Ryan. Gaillard A Ml nott, J Marshall, Jr, Kin-man A Howell, WRoach A co, W c Courtney A co. Grueser A smith. J K Adger A co, Chapeau ,t Heffron. J rs Hyat, Gold? smith A. Son. H corjtii & c >, J S Schlnner, T H A W De wee.. S R Marshall, J omiston. Crews k co, J Campscn A co, J Bavin, ? G: >-en, W Lebby, E Wel? ling, Railroad Agent ano Order. SAVANNAH ANO cn A UL S 3 TON RAILROAD. 48 bales cotton. GOObu-die's rough rice. mdse. Sta. To W B Williams St .Son, G W Witte. Stoney A Lowndes, Frss?r k Dill, Reeder A Davis, Wagner, Huger A-co, Pelzcr. Rods? rs Sc co. W P Dowling A co. J R Pringle Sc Son, Slurdaugu A Mathews. W ? Courtney A co. W H Manldiu, Jose Jara. J E Stevenson. A B M?irigau, ll Green. P Patrick, H Wagner, H Bischoff Sc co, C Voigt, E CarroU, T P Smith, and Order. ( Passengers. Per steamship Chamnlon, for New York MHX Ly ou und son, P R?hn. D W Ingersoll, Mrs R H Leonard, S D ;atids, P Cope and wife, A L Ty? ler. T M Horsey, A Nachmann, T Mcsalow, James Hill, Mrs M Webb aud cliild, G W Stone, Jr, P J Breen, G Cope, D M ickey and wife, W Dearborn, J Porter and T Lorrett. Per steamer Dictator, (romPaliitka via Jack? sonville. Fernandina and savannah-Mrs Brown, Mrs P C Potman. M:ss Lia Potman, Mrs Ea-on and child, Mrs Kilpatrick and family, E C Drew, Miss Thompson. A E llott, T Sparling, J MuMrow, Mr winning, Mrs A a.- u, Mr Saxon, and 25 on deck. Per steamer Argo, 'rou. Edlsto. Rockville, En . terprlse and Way Landings-H C Walker, C Ger atty, W Whaley, E Ravenel. N Applet >n and sa? vant, W S Appleton. Mrs M E Seabrook, C Berlin AM Whaley, R E Scab muk. W G Bay n ard, Dr R Johnson, J A Higgins, S Howe, G L Mai steiler, A B Wescott. PORI CALENDAR. MOON'S PHASES. Full Moon, 6th. 8 hours, 44 minutes, morning. Last quarter, 12th, 0 houis. 40 minutes, morning. New Moon, 19th. 8 hours. 29 minutes, morning. First Quarter, 27th. 5 hours. 18 mtuutes, morn'g. FEBRUARY. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday.. Thursday.... Friday. Saturday.... Sunday., u.% BUN. UISBS. 6.. 46 6..45 Q..44 <L'. 41 G..42 0. .41 6. .40 -HCN SETS. 5.. 42 5.. 43 6..44 5..45 5..45 8.. 46 5.. 17 MOON DIOB a a 8. WATER. 1..58 i 3. .33 3.. 37 4..37 5..32 sets. 5.. 39 2..05 3..17 4..28 5.. 32 6..25 7..17 8.. 0 XAR?S? XE H'S. CHARLESTON. FEB RU A?R Y 13. ARRIVED SATURDAY. * steamship Falcon. Uaynie, Baltimore-left 8th instant. Mdse. To Mordecai Sc co. P C Treu holm, S C Railroad Agent, X E Railroad Agent, J Cosgrove. A Duncan A tons, Steffens, Werner Sc Ducker, H F Baker A co. Knobeloch Sc Small, J N Rjtison. H Gerdts A co, T Tupper A Sons, G W Almar, F E Schroder, Wakener A Monsoes. Boli manu Br us, Kllnck, Wickeuiieg A c ., L Schucket, ll Biacholl A co, Jones Sc Joue?, Lilien thal .V co, L Keuake, R J Farrell. J li dav. r Sc co. J D EstilJ, F M Joues. -T W Eason, O S Cox, J M Roach, Klatte A co, w A Carr A co, A s Ball, E Dunkln, C w Ferguson, B O'Neill, Juo Campseu Sc CO, Riveuel, Holmes A co, Heath Sc Rice, J D Aiken Sc oo, and others. Had very Heavy ice and thick weather in Chesapeake Bay. Spau brig Marcelina, Pages, Havana-10 days. Ballast. To w p Hall. Sohr Ella Mathews, McF.lwell. Bal intore-7 days. Corn, oats and mdse. To H F linker Sc co, Mor? decai A co, T J Kerr Sc cn, j N Robson, T Tupper A Sons and W R smith Sc co. Sehr Geo H Squire, Halev, Ballimore-7 days. Com. oats and mdse. To H F Baker A co, R M Butler A Sons, H Bischoff A oo, T .v Cater, T Tup? per A Sous, T J Kerr Si co, Holmes A CO, Chafee A co and Railroad Agent. Sehr Mollie, Plummer, New York-8 days. Gu? ano. To Street Bros A co, Cohen,. H an ck el A co, and Railroad Agent. Sehr Mary J Russell, Smith, Norfolk, Va-5 days. Corn. To Master and T J Kerr k co. Sehr Southeroer, from Georgetown. 1120 bush? els rough rice. To J R Pringle A Son. , Sehr Ann S Deas, Garbutti. West Point Mill. 53 tierces rice. To Ravenel A co. Senr Louisa, from Cooper Uiver. 1140 bushels rough rice, 'io J R Pringle A S?". Sloop Foster, from Saut?e, ooo bushels rough rice. To Thurston A- Holmes. Sloop Greenlea!, from Sa:uce. SCO bushels rough rice. To Thurstan A Holmes. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Sehr Alfred Richards, Ke?n, Boston-10 days. : Ic. To Mast r and A Cafte k co. i Sehr O B Everett, Hooper. New Orleans-io i days. Sugar, mot sses Ac To Street Bi os A- co, i n i..schon A co, F } o Kracke, Order and others. Steamer plctai McMillan, Palatka, via Jack- i souyi ie. Fernandina and savannah. 176 bogs I sea island couoa. ii bbls sugar, 7 bbls syrup 25 pkgs mdse Ac. To Ravenel A co, J D Aiken Sc cc. ( Pinekney Bros, Wm M Lawton A sons, W B VVR. nUw?*.S?n;G Q lQSl'?lliim * Sou, Fraser A Dill, i O w w itte, Laurey A Alexander, Pcizer Rodgers A co, Warilla w A Carew. M c Buxbaum J Morrl- ! son, G W Williams A co. Steamer Argo, Ktssam, Edlsto and Way Lam!- 8 lugs. 23 bags sea island and 7 bales upland cot- \ ton, mdse*. Ac. To Douglas Nisbet. Jno Colcoct A 1 co. W C Courtney ? co, fl T McGee, Wm A Bovie, Gaillard & Minott. Wm Dayton, Stoll, Webb A co, M McGorty, R S Marshall. J S Sheppard, Fraser A DUI and D McPherson. IN THE OFFING. A bark unknown. CLEARED SATURDAY. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, New York James Adper A co. , Bark Walter, Stlnson, Liverpool-B S Rhett A Sons. Sehr John S Lee, Yan Gilder, Baltimore-H F Baker A co. Sehr David Currie, Barrell, Mosquito Inlet, Fla, to load for a Northern port-J A Enslow A oo. SAILED SATURDAY. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, New York. SAILED YESTERDAY. Sehr John S Lee, Van Glider, Baltimore. Sehr J C Nash, Crowell, Georgetown, S C. Sehr J P Frye, Frye, Georgetown, S C. FROM THIS PORT. Steamship Maryland. Johnson, Baltimore, Feb? ruary ll. Bark Aur?Ua, Lothrop. Liverpool, February 8. UP FOR THIS PORT. Sehr Danenhower, Grace, at Philadelphia, Feb? ruary 9. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Bark Annie Kimball, Stinson, at Liverpool, Jan? uary 20. Bark Florence Chipman, Jones, at Liverpool, January 25. SAILED FOR THIS PORT. Ship Tranquebar, Harward, from Liverpool, January 21. MEMORANDA. BUOY ON GEORGETOWN (S 0) BAR.-A first class sea buoy has been placed on the Georgetown Bar withlu the "last week, about five miles from the lighthouse on North'Island, in four fathoms of water, the lighthouse bearing N NW. It ls a great help to the mariner In getting across the bar at night, as it is so placed that ir there ls light enough to see lt, there ls no difficulty m coming in. The community is indebted to -Capt C Carrol White for the suggestion, and to the active and prompt exertions ol the lighthouse Inspector at Charleston, for this additional facility of entering into the port or Georgetown. The brig W H Parks, Coombe*, from George? town, S C, sailed from New London February 6. LIST OF VESSELS UT, CLEARED AND 8AILID FOR THIS FOBT. F 0 R?7 G N . LIVERPOOL. Ship Arracan, Spencer, sailed....Jan 10 Ship Tranquebar, Harward, sailed.Jan 21 Bark A me Kimball. Stlnson, cleared.Jan 20 Bark Florence Chipman, Jone*._Jan 25 NEWPORT, ENG. The G H Bevan, Bevan, sailed.Jan 9 CALLAO. - Fr bark Intimes, Gefflot, sailed.Oct 16 ST. THOMAS. Spanish brig Carraquena, Pages, sailed.Jan 2 CARDENAS. Span brig Paco, Bosh, sailed.Jan 26 TAJARSO, F R. Br bark Minnie, Stewart, up.Jan io NASSAU, N. F. Sehr Wonder, Armstrong, cleared.Jan 7 DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Sehr A Blalsdell, Garfield, cleared.Jan 2fl NBV YORE. Steamship South Carolina. Becket, sl'd.Feb 10 Sehr Mary Farrow, Bacley, up.Feb 8 Sehr Ida Blrdsall. Blrdsall, cleared.Feb 4 Sehr N W Smith, Tooker, up.Feb 2 Sehr Jason, Wiley, up.Feb 2 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr A M Gaskin, Gaskin, up.Jan 16' Sehr Mary E Femerick, Dosey, cleared.Jan 17 Sehr E B Everman. Corson, cleared.Feb 3 I Sehr A E Glover. Terry, np.?eb 7 Sehr Danenhower, Grace, np.Feb 9 BALTIMORE. Sehr H C Sheppard, Clark, up.Jan 4 Sehr Ida Richardson, Bedell, cleared.Jan 17 PORTLAND, ME. Sehr M C Lyons, Smith, cleared.Jan 17 ROCEPORT, ME. sehr W H Thorndike, Hall, to sall.Jan 17 Sehr Frank A Bailly, McCobb, cleared.. .*...Feb 3 pipping. JP 0 B N E_J? YORK ON TH?RSDAT, FEBRUARY 16TH, AT 4 O'CLOCK P. M. NEW IRON STEAM UNE-ESTABLISHED 1870. STATE-ROOMS ALI. OS DECK, *J The Splendid New Iron Side Wheel Stca-i?hlp 5"UTH CAROLINA. J. T. Beckett, Commander, will sail for New York on THURSDAY, February 16th. at 4 o'clock, P. M., from Pier No. 2. Onion Wharves. The Elegant Side-wheel Steamship GEORGIA (till follow on the 23d. Insurance by Steamers or this Line ~i per cent. For Freight Engagements or Passage, having very tine state-room accommodations, apply to WAGNER, HUGER A CO., No. 20 Broad street, or co WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharves. febl3>4 _,_ jp 0 B NE W_YORK. OLD LINK N EW YORK AND CHARLES? TON STEAMSHIPS. ESTABLISHED 1 8 4 6. SPACIOUS AND ELEGANT DECK STATE-ROOMS. ' The very fast and splendid Side-Wheel Steam? ships of this Une wlU Eall from Adger's Sou'h Wharf as follows during the month or February: CHARLESTON, TUESDAY, 14tb, al 2 o'clock P. M. MANHATTAN, SATURDAY, 18th, at half-past 4 o'clock P. M. JAMES ADGER, TUESDAY. 21st, at 7 o'clock, P. M. CHAMPION. SATURDAY; 25th, at 7 o'clo: k P. M. CHARLESTON, TUESDAY, 28th, at 12 o'clockM. 49> Through Blltsof Lading given on Cotton to Liverpool, Boston, Providence and the Newing land manufacturing towns at the lowest market rates. Freights on upland cotton through to Liverpool Ave eight hs of a penny. For Freight or Passage engagements, apply to febl-lmo JAMEb AIRIER A co. rJlHROUGH BILLS LADING TO BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIE A. BOS? TON. BREMEN, AND THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST. The fine steamship FALCON, Hay-^dR?jSf. nie, Commander, will sail for Baltimore2??%??? on TUES DAY, 14 th February, at 1 o'clock P. M. ay Philadelphia Freiguts forwarueu io that city by railroad from baltimore without addi? tional insurance, and Consignees areaHowed ant pie time to sample and sell their Goods from the Railroad Depot In Philadelphia PAUL C. TREN HOLM, Agent, fcb9-5_No. 2 Union. Wharves. pACIFIO MAIL STEAMSHIP COMFY* THROUGH LINS TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above line leave Pier-^fa? No. 42. North River, foot of Cana! SJ??SSg street, Kaw York, at 12 o'clock noon, ot tin? Su! md 201 h of every month {except when thc* '.ates fallon Sunday, theu the Saturday preceu ug. Departure of the 20th connect at Panama witr. learners air Sont h Pacific and Central America.' ions. Those of 4th touch at Manzanillo. Steamship GREAT REPUBLIC leaves San Fran? sisco lor Japan and China March 1,1671. No California steamers touch at Havana, bu' to direct from New York to AspinwaM. One hundred pcunds baggage free to each adult ifedlclue and attendance free. For rassage Tickets or other information app; . it the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on thc vharr foot of Canal street, North River, New rork. F. R. BABY, Agent. jnlyl6-lyr Stoping- _ ?y-ESSELS WANTED. For Coastwise as well as Foreign Charters. L&? Applv to J, A. ENSLOW A CO., SS* teblS-l_Ship Brokers, No. 141 East Bay. JpOR NEW YORK-MERCHANTS' LINE. The first-class Clipper Packet Schooner Jk? FLORENCE ROGERS, Sheppard, Master, SDK having a portion of her cargo engaged, will De dispatched promptly. feb 13 '_ WILLIAM ROACH Ss CO. JpOR NEW ORLEANS. The good Brig M iRGARET.having three foarths of her cargo on board, will receive freight for above port, and sail this week. For engagements, apply to CB T. TUPPER A SONS, febl3-2 Brown's Wharf, JpOR FERNANDINA, JACKSONVILLE, PALATKA AND POINTS ON THE ST. JOHN'S RIVER. The Steamer ELIZA HANCOX,Cap- _ .?IP^a. tain L. W. Burns, will receive Freight ?HSBBM for the above points, at Sooth Atlantic mian. TO-MORROW. iTuesday) the 14th Instant, and leave on WEDNESDAY MORNING, the 15th instant, at 7 o'clock. . Connecting at Savannah with Florida steamers, Passengers and Freight will have dispatch to ah 5ol ms m Florida ajt as low rates aa by any other ne. For engagements, apply to RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., fehl3-2_ No. 177 East Bay. p O R SAVANNAH. ELEGANT STATE ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS. The-Steamer DICTATOR, Captain - ..*ff^h L. M. Ooxetier, will leave on TOSS*dfiaaiBB DAY EVENING, Febroary 14,1871, at 8.30 o'clock. The Splendid Steamer CITY POINT, Captain D. B. Vincent, will leave Central Wharf for the above place, on FRIDAY EVENING, February 17, 1871, a: 8.30 o'clock. J febl3_RAVENEL A CO., Agents. QEORGETOWN STEAM PACKET. I The Steamer EMILIE, Captain C. C. White, wUl receive Freight at? Commercial Wharf, every SATURDAY anti NERD AY, and leave each port as follows : Charleston, on SUNDAY and WEDNESDAY NIGHT at io o'clock. Georgetown, on TUESDAY and FRIDAY MORNING at 6 o'clock. On SATURDAY River Freight will be received for Ketthfleld and Weymouth Mills, and on WEDNES? DAY for Brookgreen Mills. For engagements, apply to SHACK ELFORD A KELLY, Agents, Jan30-mth No. 1 Boyce's Wharf. .po R F LOR IDA, TWICE A WEEK. FOR SATANNAH, FERNANDINA JACKSON VILLE, PI LAT KA AND ALL POINTS ON THE ST. JOHN'S RIVER. The Steamer DICTATOB, Captain _ .^rr-?a? L. M. COXETTER, will sail <rnm ,mtomii*7? Central Wharf for above points every TUXSDAT EVENING, at 8 o'clock, arriving back at Charles? ton every SUNDAY AFTERNOON, at 6 o'clock. The Steamer CITY POINT, Captain D. B. Vin cent, will sall from Central wharf for above points every FRIDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock, arriving back at Charleston WEdNESDAY AFTERNOON, ?t 6 o'clock. . . octlQ_RAVENEL A CO., Agents. TpyEEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. FOR PACIFIC LANDING, BEAUFORT, HILTON HEAD, SAVANNAH, DAR1EN AND BRUNSWICK, GA. The favorite Steamer ELIZA. H -A. TY C O X , Captain L. W. BURKS, will receive Freight at South Atlan- r _ mW^^. tlc wharf for above points every?gaMEBC TUESDAY, and leave on every WEDNESDAY MORN INO, at 7 o'clock, arriving at Savannah the same evening, and leaving for Darlen, Ac, the follow lng morning. Returning, will leave Savannah for Charleston every MONDAY MORNINO, at 7 o'clock. For Freight or passage, apply to RAVENEL. HOLMES A CO., aeplO_No. 177 East Bay. .pOR SAVANNAH VIA BEAUFORT AND PACIFIC LANDING. The Steamer PILOT BOY, Captain J, W. Sly, will leave Central Wharf,_ for above points every MONDAY MORNINU, ai o'clock, and for Beaufort and Pacific Landing every TnCRSDA Y, leaving here at 8 o'clock A. M. For Freight or Passage, apply to J. D. AIKEN, Agent, febl No. 5 Central Wharf. ?pOR FORT SUMTER. The Steamer P0C0S1N, Captain W. _ t ?-flT^ih. II. Gannon, will leave as aboveJj^S3S?h> every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY, at 12 o'clock, from Market Wharf, foot of Market street. Returning at a quarter-past 2 o'clock. Jan25-lmo J. H. MURRAY, Agent. _fi_ai^oai^L__ XTORTHEASTERN RAILROAD COM ?J| PANY. CHARLESTON, S. C., February ll,-1871. Trains leave Charleston Daily at 12 M. and 6:30 P. M. * Arrive at Charleston 7:30 A. M. (Mondays ex? cepted) and 3:30 P. M. . min does not leave Charleston G&OP. M., SUN? DAYS. Trait', leaving at 12 M. makes through connec? tion" to New York, via Richmond and Acquia Creek only, going through in 42 hours, WITHOUT DETENTION ON SUNDAYS. Passengers leaving by 0:30 P. M. Train have choice of route, via Richmond and Washington, or via Portsmouth and Ballimore. " Those leaving FRIDAY by this Train lay over on SUNDAY in Bal? timore. Those leaving on SATURDAY remain SUN? DAY In Wilmington, N. C. This ls the cheapest, quickest and mont pleasant route tn Cincinnati,. Chicago and other points West aud Northwest, both Trains making close connections at Washington with Western trains ot Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. . * ? as. SOLOMONS, . Engineer and Superintendent. P. L. CLSAPOR, Generar Ticket Agent. febiMSmos SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAIL? ROAD. PASSENGER TRAINS on this Road nm daily as follows: ? ^ -w. . .Leave Charleston..8.80 A. M. Arrive'atrsava'nuah....:.3.00P. M. Leave Savannah-.-..11.16 A. M. ,- Arn ve at Charleston:.6.20 P. M. Connects at Savannah with tho Atlantic A Guli Ranroad for JacKsonviile, St. Augustine, and ali points in Florida. . Witn Central Railroad for Macon, Atlanta, Mo? bile. New Orleans and the West. With Steamboats for points on the Savannah River. At Charleston with the Northeastern and South Carolina Railroads, and Steamships for all points North and West. Through Tickets over this line on sale at Hotels in Charleston; Screveu,House, Savannah; and all principal Ticket ornees North and South. Freights forwarded dally to and from Savan? nah and all potnta beyond. Through Bul* of Lading issued to Jacksonville, Palatka, Ac Tarin* as low as by any other line. <? C. S. GADSDEN, OCt5 . Engineer and Superintendent. S OUTH CAROLINA RAIL HO Ai .VICE-PRESIDENT'S OFFICE, 1 CH..R-.ESTON.S. C., January 18,1871. j On and after SUNDAY, January 22, the Passen? ger Trains on ?.ue so.v..: ... r juna Railroad will rut as follows: FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.12.50 P. M. Arrive at Augusta. 8,16 P. M. FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Cnarlestoa.,.8.20 A. M. Arrive at Columbia. 3.40 P. M. FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta. 7.40 A. M. Arrive ar Charleston. 3.20 P. M. Leave ColnmblH.12.16 P. M. Arrrlve at Charleston. 7.50 P. M. AUGUSTA* NIGHT KXPKE38. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston. 8.30 P. M. Arrive a* Auztista.7.05 A. M. Leave Angosta. 6.50 P. M. Arrive a: Charleston. 5.40 A. M. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave-cnarieston. 7.10 P. M. Arrive at Columbia. 6.00 A. M. Leave Columbia. 7.50 P. M. Arrive at Charleston. 0.45 A. M. SI'MJIKRVILLK TRAIN. Leave Charlearon. 4.30 P. M Arrive at Summerville.6.00 P. JL Leave Summerville. 7.00 A. M. Arrive a; Charleston.8.^6 A. M. CAMDEN BRANCH. Leave Camden.9.60 A. M. Arrive at Ringville. .'..1.20 P.M. Leave Ringville....;.2.3UP.M-. Arrive at Camden.6.00 P. M. Janl9 - A, L. TYLER, vice-President. EIG-HTEEN YEARS OF PRACTICAL SUCCESS! INTRODUCED TN 1862..i.PATENTED DECEMBER 20, lbiS. Old?st Superphosphate Manufactured in this Countrv MAPES' MTROGEMZEf? SI PERP1MPII1TE OF LIME COMPOSED OP Bones, Phosphatic Guano, Concentrated Ammoniacal Animal Matter and Sulphuric Acid. NO SALT, PLASTER, SALT CAKE, NITRE CAKE, NOR ANY ADULTERANT QF ANT KIND USED. THE AMMONIACAL ANIMAL MATTER USED IN MAPES' N1TROGENIZED SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME consists of the Flesh, (containing io per cent, of Ammonia,) and the Blood, (oontalrdng 15 per cent. Ammonia,) of horses, beeves, Ash and other animals, after expression of the fat and oil by steam. Send for a Pamphlet. Ammonia Yielded by the Organic Matter.2.64 ft cent. 0.C6 fj ct. Insoluble Phosphoric Acid.Bone Ptio ph?te of Lime.10.78 fi cent. 3.88 "P ct. Soluble Phosphoric Acid.Soluble Phosphate of Lime. 5.48 ? cent. 3.3S f) ct. Soluble Phosphoric Acid.Bone Phosphate of Lime (dissolved).. 7 38 fl cent. 7.20 ft ct. Sulphuric Acid.Sulphate of Lime.16.48 ft sent. ??An excellent Fertilizer." Respectfully -submitted, (Signed.) CHARLES U. SHEPARD, Ja., M. D., Inspector of Fertilizers for South Carolina ? PRICE, $50 CASH. KINSMAN & HOWELL, General Agents, feb8-wfm2moBD*c No. 128 EAST BATT CHARLESTON, S. C. TO FACTORS W PLANTERS I The undersigned begs to Inform his customers and the public that, in addition to his Works at Savannah, he bas established extensive Soperphospliate Works at the WAPPOO MILLS, opposite this ?city, which are now in acive operation, manufacturing his well k own fertilizers, the ?P H O S P H O - P E R ? V T A. N AND AMMONIATED SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANOS, AND WHERE HE WILL ALSO KEEP ON HAND No. 1 -pERTJVIAiV G TJ A IV O, SO?TH CAROLINA PHOSPHATE, of the highest grade from hts Ashcpoo Mines, (crude and groa a J ) analyzing over sixty per cent, of Bone Phosphate of Lime; and LAND PLASTER. These Works have been opened under the inspection of Dr. C. U. SHEPARD. Jr., Inspector of Fertilizers for South Carolina, and every package will bear his brand certifying to Its" inspection. Uniformity of quality quaran teed and prices Ted need. Messrs. -G. A. TRENHOLM A SON, General Agents, I nam wsnvw a r Messrs. GRAESER ?fc SMITH, Agents, f CHARLESTON, e. C. J. Ti. 6 ARD Yi janl3 CORNER EAST BAY AND BROAD STREETS, CHARLESTON, S. 0. ETI WAN GUANOS, SOLUBLE MANURES AND SULPHURIC AOED, MANUFACTURED AT THE ETIWAF "W O BKS, CHARLESTON, S. O, BY THE HRH! ACID ll f PERPMffl COMPANY. THE NOW WELL KNOWN ETIWAN GUANO IS MANUFACTURED PROM THE NATIVE BONE PHOSPHATES of South Carolina. These PHOSPHATES in their natural state are Insoluble, and re? quire to be ground to powder, and made Soluble by Sulphuric Acid. Tais Company have now In ope? ration I he-largest iniphnric Acid Chambers at the sooth, and are, therefore, abre to manufacture at the lowen rates, the highest grade or FERTILIZER; it being clear that the greater the proportion of Soluble Phospha'e which any Fertilizer contains the less the quantity required per acre. In order to make the Fertilizer complete, Ammonia and Potash in sufficient quantities are added. With these views Ibo Company manufacture and oder for t-ale ETIWAN GUANOS, WARRANTED TO CONTAIN FROM 15 TO 20 PER CERT. OF DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE OF L'ME, and from 2 to 23? per cent, of AMMONIA, with a sbm'cient addition of PERUVIAN GUANO and POTASH, to adapt lt to all crops. Price $63 per ton, cash; on time, $70 per ton, and interest 7 per cent, per annnm. DISSOLVED BONE, OF HIGH GRADE. SUITABLE FOR MANUFACTURERS OR FOR PLANTERS. BEING LN rrSELP AN excellent FERTILIZER, and specially adapted for Compost. As largs quantities of Sulphuric Acid arc used to dissolve the Phosphate, this will he found a cheap and convenient way to transport that ma? terial. The grade furnished will be from 18 to 20 per cent. Hiss Dived Bone Phosphate. Price $40 per ton, cash: ou time, $45, with mietest at 7 per cent, per annan. Still hlgh'er grades will be furnished to order ut un additional price perceutage. COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, SPECIALLY PREPARED FDR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED AND OTHER PLANTATION MANURES. Price $35 per ton, cash; ou time, $40, with Interest at 7 per cent per annum. G?OUND BONE, - AT MUCH LOWER RATES, CONSISTING SIMPLY OF THE NATIVE BONE PHOSPHATES GROUND to powder. Price $20 per ton, cash; ou time, $22, and Interest at 7 per cent, per annum. WM. C. BEE & CO., ' AGENTS, No. 14 AUGER'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. N. B -THE PERCENTAGE OF DISSOLVE") BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIMB AND AMM6NIA IN ALL THE ETI WANs 1-? ascertained at the Works, by their Chemist, before delivery, s ouki any pur? chaser be dis-atlsned. he may return average samples or any purchase, within thirty (30) days alter delivery, and they will be analyzed anew, and any deficiency in the percentage guaranteed will be maile good to him by the company. Jan23-mwf2mos .financial. ?J?Y AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA. 100,000 DOLLARS IN UNITED STATES CURRENCY DISTRIBUTEES TO TICKET HOLDERS OF THE AWI MIGRANT ASSOCIATION GIFT CONCERN, FEBRUARY TWENTY-SECOND, 1871. i Gift or.$25,000 20 Gifts of $500 are.$io,ooo 1 Gift ooo loo Girts of $100 are.10,000 2 Gifts of ssooo are..\ 10,000 l&oo Gifts of $10 are.16,000' 5 Gifts of $2000 are.10,000 - , IQ Gifts or $1000 are..:. 10,000 1839 Gifts, amounting to..*..$100,000 j . COMMISSIONERS AND- SUPERVISORS OF THE DRAWING. General JONES M. WITHERS, late Major-Genera! in C. S. A., ex-Mayor ol Mobile, and editor Dally Mobile Tribune. _ - ?I Colonel JCHN A. ELMORE, or Montgomery, Attorney-at-Law. Ceneral WILLIAM W. ALLEN, or Montgomery, Planter and late Br'ga ller-General ia C. S. A. REFERENCES. OFFICE SECRETARY OF STATS, MOXTGOUEKY. ALA., 1 ' November 20, 1S70. J I hereby certify that the "ALABAMA IMMIGRANT ASSOCIATION" is regularly Ihcorporated-un der the laws of this State, with a capital of $00,000, and that the Inc jrporators are gentlemen or means, integrity aud high standing. CHAS. A. MILLER, Secretary ol State. [CHEAT SEAL OF STATE.J . We, the undersigned, cheerfqlly state that we are personally well acquainted with Kessrs. STOKES Si GREENE, Managers of the "Alabama Immigrant Association," and we know them to be gentlemen of high atandiug, integrity and reliability in this City, who will see that the drawings of their "Association," whicu is solvent and responsible, are honestly aud fairly male. Messrs. EL? MORE, WirHBRS and ALLEN, the Commissioners of the "Association." are gentlemen weil known over toe country as of the highest integrity and honor, who would not lend the use or their names to any scheme or project that was not strictly honorable ami aboye suspicion. FARLEY, SMITH ,V CO., Bankers. HENRY E. FABER, Mavor or Montgomery. HOLMES A GOLDTHWAITE, Bankers. JOSEPH W. DIMMICK, Postmaster or the City of E. S. MITCHELL, Agent Southern Express Com- Montgomery. pany. FRANCis WIDMER, Collector of U. S. Internal J. H. PH?NLZY, Agent Ta'Iabasse Manufacturing Revenue. Company. WM. B. HUGHES, Clerk City Council of Mont? gomery. PRICE OF SINGLE TICKETS has been put at ONLY TWO DOLLARS. A discount of ten percent, will be made topurchasers of $50, and a discount or twenty per cent, to purchasers or $100 worth of Tickets. ? Agents wante 1 In every part or the country, to whom liberal Inducements will be offered. Send for C.radars and read the Testlmoulals. ? Parties at a distance desiring to purchase tickets must remit their money as per address below. STOKES & GREENE, MANAGERS, ' Jan261Sn?w MONTGOMERY, ALA. Sjcnci.cs. C HARLES TON ADVERTISING AGENCY, CORNER BROAD STREET AND EAST BAT. AD VE RTISEM RNTS taken at publlstoere' lowest casa rates for ALL PAPERS In the United Stales. WALKER, EVAN'S A COGSWELL. dec5-mwf w ARNE R'S I?DOFORM AND IRON PILLS. For sale by DR. H. BA ER, J ama No. 181 Meeting street. .Orp ?coos, Ut. JOHN S. BROWN, BELFAST, IRELAND. Manufacturer ol only FIRST-CLASS TABLE DAMASK, Superior to any imported imported Into the Uol ted States. These goods are noted for their beauty of design, elegance of fabric, and dura? bility of wear. WHOLESALE ONLY, if?. 213 CHURCH STREET, New York. Janl9-thm3mos Shamrock Leaf. I MARK. Sitters. rasaras- . Cepa^ litters, T FIRST PEIZE y Paris Exhibition 1867. Purify the blood, and strengthen 7th e system, eradicating the etT?ct of dissipation, maintairs the human frarrre in condition of healthfulness, dispel the Blues and all m.en?a? dis? tempers, and relieve those whose sedentary habits lay them open to depression1. They prevent anti cure bili? ous and other ?Fevers, JTey?r af}d sigue, Chilis, diarrhoea, Dysen? tery, 3)yspcpsia, Sea - Sickness, Colic, Cholera, 'Choiera Morbus, and every compte int Inci? de htal to diet or atmos? phere. Ladies -, will fl n d them a sovereign boon, as they, eradicate all traces of Debility, Nervousness, Inertness, and Diseases pi.--.iliar to the sex. BST* c ousands of Testimo? ni?is- can be seen at tho office of M. JACOBSON, Sole Proprietor, 64 ?fe CC Water Street, N. T: CLAC?US &r WITT:?, febll-iyrp&O- . AQWTB-IN CHARLESTON! iJRaoeMAR? OLD CAROLINA' BITTER FOR HAUE BT 1. E. BEWORD, King street, * C. D. AHRBNS A CO., King street, B. FELDMANN & CO., King street, C. MOMEIEB, And by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. :' ?fa:lilii?rs. PRICES REDUCED ! For sale by WILCOX, GIBBES A CO.. Importers I and Dealers In GUANO, No. US Bay .street. Savan? nah, Ga.; No. 2-11 Broad street, Au pur ta. Ga.; No. 151 EAST BAY, Charleston. S. C. For further in? formation, address as above, for Southern Agri? culturist Almanac. febi-Uno SUIRE POP I DEATH TO RATS, KO ACHES, BEDBUGS, S?c.t NEYER FAILING. BOXES DOUBLE THE SIZB AS OTHERS. HERMETICALLY SEALED AND ALWAYS FRESH. Sold at Wholesale by DO WIE, MOISE & DAVIS, And at retal by all Druggists. * febl-timos Einers. WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. H. BISCHOFF & CO., H. KLATTE & CO., BOLLMANN BROTHERS, . J. A. QUACKEXBUSH, W?GENEB A MONSEES, ' Jk MANTOUE A- CO.