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TERMS] OW TSR NUITS. IBM DAILY liewa, by mall oae year $o; six roon tan $8; taree montos SS; one month T6 cen 11. Served in the city at FETTUM Ciom a week, payable io tue carriers, or $6 a year, paid in ad? vance at the office. H"HB Tai-WnaxLYNKwa, published on Tuesdays, IhuradayB and Saturdays, one year 14; six months $2 oo. THB Was JEST KETTS, one year $?. Six copies $ 0. Ten coplea, to one address, SU. strascKirnoNS la all cases payable tn advance, and no paper continued after the expiration of che ame paid for. CASH RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS XS Tax DAILY NEWS.-First Insertion 12cents aline; subsequent insertions 8 cents a line. Special Notices 12 cents a line. Business Notices (by count) 15 cents a line. Marriage and Funeral Notices $1 each. Meet i ngs T6 cents each. Cuts and FJee:rotype Adver? tisements will be inserted on the Fourth Page only. NOTICES or Wants, To Rent, Lo..t and Found, Boarding, Ac, not exceeding 20 words, 25cents each insertion; over 20, and not exceeding 80 words, 40 cents each insertion; over 30, and not exceeding 40 words, SO cents each insertion. . Tb ese rates are NET, and must invariably be paid win advance. CONTRACT ADYRaroBJtESTS. to run two weeks ur longer, for eacb ?Ino of solid nonpareil: 2 weeks eo cents; 1 month fl; 2 months $175; 3 months $2 50; 6 mouths $4; 13 mouths $7. Larger advertisements In exact prop* i rt ion. 'TiVANSIBNT A DVB RTISEMKNT 3 Will be published r in Tea TRI-WEEKLY Nsws at the same rates as in THB DAILY NBWS. ?ontract advertisements a: one-half the rates for THE DAILY NBWS. ADVERTISEMENTS IN THB WB?KLY NBWS, per ? Hoe of solid nonpareil, 1 Insertion 15 cents; 1 . month 60 cents; 3 months $1; a months $175; 12 months 13. RmnTANcra should be made by Post?nico .Money order or by express. II this cannot be - done, protection against losses by mall may be . secured by forwarding a draft on "h?rtest on pay ^able to the order of the proprietois of Tn? FEWS, var by sending the money in a registered letter. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., Na 149 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. She (?r?drlc&ton g&fcg. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1870. HE,TS OF THE DAT. -Gold closed In New York yesterday at IO*. -Cotton was unsettled and lower; uplands 16 . ? cents; sales 2600 babs. -In Liverpool cotton closod Hat; uplands 9,','d; Orleans 9%d; sales 10,000 bales. -A balloonist is to bring out cf Paris some dan sueses for a New York manager, at $200 apiece. -A Californian claims that he can raise cotton on his farm there two cents a pound cheaper than they can do lt from the best lands along the Mis? sissippi. I -England Is beginning to acknowledge New j Terk as the leader or fashions. The London pub? lishers, to* whom a prominent metropolitan mo? diste has furnished steel fashion plates for some ' time psst, advised her reeeu:iy ,by cable to In- 1 crease their original order one-third, in lien of . .Parisian styles, American designs being preferred '4o any other. * -A number of French officers, 'akca prisoner at Sedan, were sitting at a restaurant at Berlin, when some private Prussian soldiers entered, .and, as all other table) were fall,, sat dowa at _ Their table. The arrogant lieutenants took of* , lenee at what they deemed-an insult to their epaulettes. So one of them asked one of the prl- ' vates, who belonged to thc landwehr, in an Insult- ' lng manner for his name. "My nftme ls Prince T-," was the reply, "at present serving my country as a private. Give mi yours, sb*, so that I may know whom to chastise as soon as yon arc permitted to bear arms." -A California miner, who lu?t spring emigrat? ed to the. diamond fields of South Africa, writes ; that on arriving there the Callforoia scones of '49 /were reproduced. "The river was lined with rock? ers, tents and miners of all k.nds, color, sex and size, for a mlle on both sides. At least soo miners were at work, whole families, men, women and ' children. The men were picking, shoveling and ' ? washing the dirt, while the women and children , were titting around tables and sorting thc pebbles . that have been washed for d'amonds " One par? ty fonnd 172 diamoaaa ina triangular space of ' fifty paces each way, and les; than two feet deep, ?150 more had been takec ont near by. They rang, cd from X to 63 karats weis it, and one of 40 ka rats ls valued at ?9500. The gravel ls dag down to the clay bed, the dirt sifted, and thc pebbles care? fully washed In a cradle and then sorted, a hand? ful at a time. The negroes are being taught to sort, and the blacker they are the more honest. Whenever they have a little white blood In them, they will 6tcal. , -Among the improvements of modem war, . methods for providing defeu3lve cover for soldiers . inaction hare a prominent-place. With the sub? stitution or the accurate rifle! for the will-firing - musket as a weapon of offence, comes the Impera- - Uve demand for a shelter for thc skirmisher, to < be easily improvised wherever needed -a demand '? which our own soldiers recognized when they I spilt their t n canteens inte serviceable shovel.?, 1 . and by their aid threw up Uttle mounds of earth < behind which they could Ile In comparative pa ret y. , Au officer of the English engineers has Invented a , combination of the pick and alto - el, attached to , .one handle, strong enough to work In surface soil, but so light as to be readily carried by every soldier. To this he would aid a "collapsible loop ho3e," a circle to be put la the blouse pocket, but ' capable of being drawn out like a telescope, or : rather like a French opera-hat, to a cylinder twen- 1 ty-one inches long and fix Inches In diameter, ; -about which the earth may be piled so that the man ls effectual ly shielded from an cu ?my at whom he may nevertheless take aim. -The Cincinnati Commercial, following in the wake of the New York Post, administers a telling I blow to the President, wha seems nearly as an- 1 pop alar with his own party as with theopposi- ( tlon. It declares that th? S-nate will make its un? friendliness felt at the next session In op position to some of Grant's pst theories and schemes, and in refusal to confirm his appointees. 1 Fenton still reels the wound of the Collector j Murphy contest. Howard ls sore cn account of , his overthrow for minister resilient at Guatemala, which was g.ven to Mr. Hudson, a relative or the President. Sumner ls unfriendly, partly 1 on account of 'San Domingo, bat more on '. account or Motley's recall; and for the latter . reason ls Senator Wilsen unfriendly. Others c'aim that he lu9 done nothing to aid their re-election. A powerful opponeut or the Presl- 1 dont ls Carl Schnrz, and the breach between them is very wide. appointment of Grant's brother-in-law, Kramer, as minister to Denmark; 1 of John Dent, another brcthor-in-law, and a Dem- i ocrat, appraiser at San Francisco; of Admiral < Porter to succeed Farragut, and of Admiral Row- I an vice Porter, will be sturdily opposed. Many 1 senators do not relish Secretary Cox's remora!, t and will make thc President andersfand it. ' As j for Mr. Sumner, personally, he win accept the t . guage 0" ba-tie ihrjwa down to him, and will take open ground that the Executive, tn attempt- T lng to punish senators for exercising their piivi- 1 lege in voting against treaties and appropriation?, ? is assuming thc same attitude toward Congress 1 that presumed on by Andrew Johnson." -The dismal scenes during the siege of Stras? bourg, already described, would fill volumes; but fre3tt horrors are depicted lu eich mall's advices. A wealthy merchint, on the approach or he 1 enemy, seat &way his ra ally, but remained him- 1 seir to care for his larg* property. The most c btilky articles he secured as well a? he was able, 8 and, taking als plate and Jewels to the cellar or I on? of hi? houses, he prepai?d that place as hi? * ?stronghold. ?Ie laid in provisions, and, with one 1 ' or two trusty servants, shut himself la. For s - elghtdays all weat weU; on the ninth a shell Mi ( befare the house, and rhey retrejted to the 1 ? cel'ar. After a few days, and while the mer? chant was dining, a horrible crash overhead and the tumbling In of the wails apprised ? .ham that, a hage shell had blown the, house I to atom?. Every avenue of escape waa choked by debris, and be was bari d alive. Light log- a lamp, which he fortunately found unbroken, he looked about him. Two of his attendants were missing, the other fonnd crushed to death. After a period of despair the prisoner set to work, with the energy of desperation, to dig out; but the walls crumble 1 continually, and each brick he took away made others- fall. His lamp burned out, but he toiled in darkness. After working two days, the celling fell in, stunning him. Re? covering consciousness at length, he saw above him the stars. It was night, but he was alive and nearly free. Next morning he made his es? cape, and'crouching by his ruined' house, wept for more than two hours. Ia his week's entomb? ment, his hair had grown white, and he had aged more than lu twenty years. Til - State Fuir at Columbia. The energetic officers of the State Agricul? tural Society, with the active co-operation of tho citizens of Colombia, are working very bard to make the State Fair, which open? ;o-morrow, a. handsome exposition of the manufactures and the agricultural and in? dustrial enterprise of the whole State. A large sum of money has been spent in im? proving the Fair Grounds, and Columbia ?eems determined to show all South Caro? lina that the capital, oppressed ns it ia by thc presence of the head-centres of Eadical rascality, has life enough and energy enough :o gather the people together in the good ?use of industrial progress, and is able, be? sides, to take good care of the throng of vi3itor3 who are already filling the hotels from basement to roof. A number of private families have sent in their names to the com? mittees as ready to receive visitors, and nothing will be left undone to secure the comfort of the thousands who will be at? tracted to Colombia by the meeting of the Survivors' Association (when General Pres? ton will deliver an oration) and by the ball of the South Carolina Club, as well as by the Great Fair itself. We trust that every county in South Caro? lina will be represented in the Fair. It was hoped that an arrangement might have been made for holding the fairs in alternate years in Charleston and Columbia. ? But if this cannot be, we of the seaboard must stand by Columbia, as Columbia, we are sure, when the time comes, will stand by us. Kew Publications. UARGABST: A Tale of the Real and the Ideal, Blight and Bloom. By Sylvester Judd. Bos? ton: Roberts Brothers. We hope we shall not bethought unchari? table when we say that the author of this book appears to us to be crazy. It is the only hypothesis by which we can account for the mass of incoherent jargon which comes to us with the magniloquent title above quoted. It is impossible to disentan? gle the slender thread of story from the heterogeneous collection of sesquipedalian words "which stagger under their own "weight" through the four hundred closely printed pages. We shall not, therefore, at? tempt the hopeless task, but will content ourselves with indicating a few of the lead? ing features ot this wonderful production. "Margaret," the heroine, ia first introduced to us "phantasmagorically," as the author puts it. an Infant, playing in the grass near its parents' cottage, in New England ; and, in the first chapter, we have one or two sug? gestions of what is really the only merit we have been able to discover in Mr. Judd's writing-a certain sympathy with outward nature which shows itself, every now and then, in bits of fresh and vivid description The rest of the book is comprised under the ostensible divisions of Margaret's youth and womanhood, and, except that it grows more nnintelllgible, as "the Real and the Ideal, "Blight and Bloom" alternately predominate in the heroine's development, does not differ much from ita opening promise. Here is a specimen, taken at random, of the ordinary conversation of one of Margaret's- friends, Master Eliiman: "Those super-auricular capillary appendages, hardened with pomatum, to what shall we liken them, or with what similitude shall we set them forth ? They are like the eaves of a Chinese temple, or, in the vernacular of your arother, Nimrod, they are like a sheep's tail; rea, eerily. But by a paradox, id est, by iigresslngand returning, we will keep in the straight track. The deacon, the parson and the master, a megalosplancbnoilcal triad, have recommended Hale's Spelling Book. Enoch was a pupil ot mine, and, though grown sanc tJloqueat of late, he always knew how to say tho right thing, as his book abundantly teaches. Webster, moreover, advertises us that & ls no letter; the goal of every breath? less, whlp-fearlng, abed-arlan valorous strife, the high-sounding Amperyand no letter ! Mehercule ! You apocopate that from the alphabet, and Deacon Hadlock will apocopate you from the school; yea, verily." The author iuforms ns, in the preface, that "Master Elliniau has been called a sort "of diluted imitation of Dominie Sampson!" Shade of the Wizard of the North, turn not back Trom the spirit land to avenge the dese? cration ! No one but Mr. Judd would ever liave dreamed of the comparison. When Margaret first meets her future lover, (which she does in a chapter headed, in strict conformity with the heterogeneous? ness of the whole book, " Margaret-Mr. "Evelyn-Christ /") they thus discourse with each other: Margart!. "Am I not an automatic vege? table-a witch-hazei In moccasins > The mas? ter says I am of lb? order Bipeds, and in species Suntilacren?; distinguished by thirty two teeth, and having the superior extremities terminated by a hand, which ls susceptible of i greater variety of motions than t hat of any 3:her animal, and is remarkably prehensile, tc, &c. * * * Far my own part, I incline :o the sylvan analogy, only my clothes are not mir so durable U3 this bark, nor my hair so >ecoin!ng as the leaves, and I must undress nyself at uiglit, and take to my bed, while the rees sleep standing and unliooded. Then, vhat a pother we make about eating, while lie tree lives on Ita own breath.and, easier than i duck, muddles lor nourishment with its .oots." Whereto the lover profoundly responds: "You vi ill not overlook the mind, the spirit? he fabled Psyche, tbe inner voluntary life, the llverelller of action, the possibility ol achieve nent, the ajubernator of matter, the annotator if the unit erse, the thinking, willing, loving isplration and submission, retrospection and irospectlon, smiling and weeping, speech and lilence, right aud wrong, art, poetry, music, lerolsm and seif-renunciatiou, the se!f-con iclousnesaol inUnite Inanities-all, all demon itrate the separateness and superiority ol nan." After a due amount of thi3 6ort of talk, Margaret and Mr. Evelyn marry, and sha jecoraes, if possible, even inore wonderful than before. We are irrfbrajed by her hua baod, about this time, that "I never could "have imagined soperfect an incarnation of "Christ as she is !" and, a little further on, "She bas perhaps more philosophy than a "philosopher; and if, aa has been observed, "history be philosophy teaching by example, "Nature is Margaret, teaching by practice. "She also possesses much of the Universal "Heart." In this remarkable condition we gladly leave her. She is evidently quite be? yond the reach of criticism, and has "out "soared the shadow of our night" to an ex? tent which makes it quite impossible for U3 to follow her. In one of the critical notices which the publishers have kindly affixed to the book as a guide to our judgment, we are told that "Margaret will be one of the antiquary's "text-books." It may be so, and, until that time shall come, we deposit it in undistarbed re3t upon our highest shelf. For sale at Holmes's Book House. fUttfJTOS. FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD WILL BE paid, and no questions asked, for tbe re? covery Of the GOLD Do CBL E -C ASED WATCH, with Chain aud Seal, taken lu the car No. 5 on Thursday afternoon, at 6 P. M. The Watch ls marked with the crest and Initial, and the Seal engraved with a coat of arms. The reward will be paid on delivery of the Watch, Chain and Seal, at this office. nov8-3? Copartnereljiji Noticie. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. - THE undersigned have thia day formed a Copart? nership for carrying on the Fish Business, under the old name or LOPEZ * LESLIE, at the old st md. C. C. LESLIE, novl-tuc PHILLIS LOPEZ. | ?oet ano ? annis. LOST, EITHER IN ARCHDALE, 'Beaufsin, or PCt streets, on Sunday morn? ing. November eth, a larga UOLD PIN. The finder will be rewarded by leaving lt at No. 37 Pitt street, bear Calhoun._nov8-l? PICKED UP ADRIFT IN ST. HELENA Sound, one Raft of about 10,000 feet Boards, which the owner can recover by proving proper? ty and paying expenses. Apply at office Oak Point Mines, N". 12 Broad street._novl-tu3 RECEIPT BOOK LOST.-LOST IN Horlbeck's alley or Cumberland street, a Re? ceipt Book. The Qnder will please leave the same at T. M. BRISTOLL ? CO.'S store, Meeting street, opposite Hayne street. nov5 Boarding. PRIVATE BOARDING.-GOOD BOABD at No. 68 Broad street. Terms moderate. Table Board #5 per week._nov8-tuths3* PRIVATE BOARD CAN BE OBTAINED at No. 72 Hasel street. Terms moderate. nov7-3 (Ebnratumal. MRS. PINCKNEY'S BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL Tor young ladles, No. 58 Hasel street._nov7-6 ANIGHT SCHOOL FOR COLORED Citizens has been opened in st. peter's ?-chool House, Wentworth street. No distinction of creed. Terms, so cents every other Monday, in advance. Lessons every night from half-past 7 o'clock. Saturdays and Sundays excepted. octl8 ENGLISH AND GERMAN SCHOOL, No. 82 WENTWORTH STREET.-The exercises of i nu institution embrace all the branches necessary for a good English and Commercial education. The hours from 3 to 8 o'clock P. M. are devoted to German lessons, viz: Grammar, Speaking. Writing and Reading. Lessons lu Drawing aud Moulding every Saturday morning. The Night School from 7 to 9 o'clock, for exercises of Arith? metic, Reading, Spelling and Writing, and Orna? mental and Mechanical Drawing for adults. The Academy is under my special superinten? dence, with the assistance of Mr. J. MCDONALD, Miss J. H. ANGEL, Miss LEONHARDT, Miss J. MILLER. Vocal Music by Professor F. BERCKHAN. C. H. BERGMANN, ange Principal. So fi tnt. TWO FINE BOOMS TO RENT, WITH laree piazza. Also, a Stable to rent. Apply at No. 62 nt. Phillp street, below Calhoun street. nov8-i?_ TO RENT, THAT VERY COMFORT? ABLE Dwelling House on the north side of Ball street, one door west of Smith street. Pos? session al ven Immediately. Apply to CHARLES P. FRAZER, Commission Agent, No. 98 Broad street._no>8-2? TO RENT, THE HALL, SECOND STORY, of Odd Fellows'Building, corner King and Liberty streets. Possession given on the 6th of November. Fi r terms, apply at No. 867 King street._novl-tuthst PLANTERS'HOTEL TO REL T.-THIS desirably located and extensively arranged establishment, known for so many years to thc travelling public, is t nv to rent. For further in? formation, apply to E. W. MACBEfH, Agent, southwest corner East Bay and Broad streets. aug8-ml tu_ _ TO RENT, STORE No. 310 KING STREET, a fine business stand. In central part of the city. Apply to S. R. MARSHALL, corner Society and King streets._sep28 FOR RENT OR SALE, A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE in Orangebnrg District, situated ou Lyons Creek, three and a half miles from the South Carolina Railroad. The tract contains -?600 acres, soil rich red clay, adapted to cotton, corn, wheat, root crops and clover. A splendid range for cattle; sunny hillsides for vineyards, and low lands for meadows. Lyons Creek, a large, never-falling stream runs through the estate, and furnishes one of the tinest water powers in the state. A most valuable iron ore has been discovered recently on the place. The estate has on lt all the necessary farm buildings, negro houses, barns, stables, gin houses sod small dwelling. It has been tn con stant cultivation since the war, and the splendid growing crop would give entire satisfaction. It is offered for rent or sale, on reasonable terms. . Address Mrs. L M. KEITT, Society HUI, Darlingtou District, S. C. Or R. M. MARSHALL A BRO., No. 33 Broad street._ aug4 S .Qarotoare, (?ntlcrrj, &z. T O V E S, & c A PIXS ASSORTMENT OP PARLOR, OFFICE AND COOKING STOVES, Among which arc : STEWART'S PARLOF. BASS BANNER, ttu Southern (Jem and the Cottage Cook, both flr-ii rate Cooking St-avec with ga.vanized tanks, warming closets, and other modern Improve? ments. A variety of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, con? sisting of : TEA TRAYS, or various patterns. Ti'llet Pulls, Slop .lars nnd i-'oot Tubs. Dish Covers. ChaOfg Dishes, Urns. Table ami Pocket Cutlery. Razors. Brooms, Biushe-", Feather Da*ters. Woollen Bowls, Buckets, Wash Tubs. Ac. Together with TIN-WARE of our own manufac? ture. We are Kde Agents in this citv for the c?l?br?t, ed UNION KEROSENE STOVES, and DUVAL'S PATENT BAKER. J. B. DUVAL A SON, No. 33: King i-treet. nova One door nor.b of Libert v street. ??rtili;ers. N 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, AND WHITE LOCK'S VEGETATOR 50 tons No. 1 PURE PERUVIAN GUANO, from thc Guincha Islands. 00 tons Whltelock's Vegetator. SS tens Dissolved Bone. * For sale by T. J. KERU ? CO. nov? AGENCY FOR THE PERUVIAN GUANO. The subscribers having been appointed Local Ageuts for the sale of PERUVIAN GUANO, would respectfully Informed manufacturers and dealers that they aili deliver from warenouses, as well as irora ships direct on arrival from the Peruvian Islands, PURE PERUVIAN GUANO, at the Gene? ral Agent's price in New York, to wit: Sixty dollars, sold, on delivery. Every cargo will be inspect d and analyzed by Professor SHEPARD, and Batt factory guarantees of its quality and purity will always be furnished when desired. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO.. <*P23 Factors. crjtmta. WANTED, A SITUATION A3 WET KURSE. Apply ai No. 6 Coming' street. DOV8-1?_._ WANTED, A WHITE YOUNG MAN TO FEED A POWER PRES ? on a dally morn? ing newspaper. Good wages and a permanent situation. None need apply who have not had seme experience. Apply at TUE NEWS office. nov8 _ WANTED BY A GENTLEMAN, A SIT UATION as Salesman or Clerk In a whole? sale store. Grocery or provision preferred. Good recom mendatlons. Address Box No. 185. Charles ton PostofBce. novs WANTED, A WELL KFCOMMENDED walter. Apply at No. 18 Meeting atreet. nov8-tuth2?_ WANTED, BY A RESPECTABLE PER SON, a situation as seamstress or to at? tend to chambers. Apply at thia office. Good reiercnces caa be hsd._novs-l* CARPENTERS WANTED. -SOME GOOD steady hench hands and appn-ntice boy.?, at P- P. TOALE'S frash, Blind and Door Factory. Horlbeck's Wharf, near Northeastern Railroad depot. novs-3* WANTED, A COOK AND WASHER for a f-maU family. Also, a nurse. Must eome recommended. Apply at No. 2T Hasel street. nov8-l* WANTED BOARD, BY A YOUNG GEN tleman and wife in a private family. Terms must be moderate. Cash paid In advance. Address, immediately, (stating lowest terms, loca? tion, Ac.) A. B. M., Charleston Postofflce. nov7-2? WANTED.-EIGHT CIGAR MAKERS can obtain employment at J. MADSEN'S CIGAR FACTORY, No. 163 Meeting street, opro site the Charleston Hotel._nov7-3? WANTED, A CAPABLE COLORED man as House Servant, and to take care of a garden. He must come well recommended. Apply to W. C. COURTNEY A CO., No. 3 Central Wharf._nov7 WANTED, TWO SMART ACTIVE white bes, who are ready to earn three dol?ais a week by working from 5 o'clock to 8 o'clock In the morning. Apply, with written recommendations, at Tas NEWS office. nov7-2. WANTED, A WHITE GIRL, TO MIND children and make herself generally, use? ful. None need apply unless they come w?jl re;1 commended. Apply at this office. nov772? AGENTLEMAN WHO HAS HAD SEVE RAL years experience as clerk and travel? ling salesman, desires a situation. Recommen? dations, Address Box No. 1S-5, Charleston, S C. no vs WANTED, A VESSEL TO BRING Rough Bice from the Sonth lo this mar ket. Apply at this office._oct29 COMPANION OR HOUSEKEEPER. A lady of cheerful disposition, to whom salary would be no object, desires to obtain em* ploy fient as a governess, lady's companion or nou J? keeper, either in the city or country. An Interview or any farther information may be hal by ad? res sing P, DAILY NEWS office._oct2eV WANTED TO RENT IMMEDIATELY, a small HOUSE, Address Z. A., at this office._oct28 WANTED TO RENT OR PURCHASE, a small BOUSE. Address S. E., KEW3 office._oct28 IP YOU WANT A GOOD SEWING Machine, and a cheap one, go to LUNS FORD'S, m Qaeen street, and you will find it. OCt22_ AGENTS WANTED-(S225 A MONTH) by the AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE CO.. Boston, Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. octia imo WANTED-AGENTS, (S20 PER DAY) to sell the celebrated HOME SHUTTLE SEWINO MACHINE. Has the "under-feed," makes the "lock Btlch" (alike on both sides) and ls fully licensed. The best and cheapest Family Sewing Machine in the market. Address JOHN? SON, CLARK A CO., Boston, Mass., Pittsburg, Pa., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis. Mo. octu imo WANTED TO PURCHASE FOR CASH, a small House. Address "House,'' NEWS Office. 8ep24 -fer Bale. FOR SALE, A PLAT OF GROUND, finely situated on Norman street; will be di videdtosult purchasers. Terms liberal. Apply to R. EVANS, No. 18 Jasper Court. nov3-tuths3* TO TURPENTINE MEN.-I OFFER FOR sale, on reasonable terms, the STILL FIX? TURES and good will or my Turpentine business near Sandy Biuff, on Little Peedee, in B?rry Coun? ty. The location ls seven miles from Mnllln's Depot, on W. 0. A A. K. R., with good roads, or the staff can be shipped down Little Peedee. Parties wanting a good situation in almost a new turpentine section will do well to olva me a call. There can be cut within easy distance of Still ten or twelve crops of new boxes. To a good busi? ness man with a small capitol, this Is a rare chance, as thia ls a good stand for a country store, and more turpentine can be bought here than one still can run. Sold for no other reason but that my business In Marion requires my at? tention all the time. Address D. W. KETCH DM, Mullen's Depot. S. C. Georgetown Times copy and send bill as above. novl-tu<_ FOB SALE, A DESIRABLE FARM situated lu Darlington County, three and a hair miles from Dove's Depot, Cheraw and Dar? lington Railroad, and midway between Darling? ton Courthouse and Society Bill. The farm con? sists of sixty-three (83) acres arable land, and one hundred (iou* acres wood land, all of good qual? ity. Fences in cood repair, and In perfect order for planting. The dwelling Is a commodious and comfortable two story house, containing six rooms, dressing room and pantry, plastered throughout; with all necessary servants' apart? ments, stable, carriage house, barn and smoke? house. For further particulars, terras. Ac. ad? dress J. W. FERGUSON, Dove's Depot, S. C. D0v5-3tnth3?_ FOR SALE, HOUSE AND LOT No. 32 Rntlcdge street, oppose Bec street. Apply to No. 68 St. Phillp street._oct22-stur.h8* Qi A Kfifi ."FOR SALE, A LONG iDrrtiiV/ly. ESTABLISHED BUSI? NESS, (Retail) paying a net profit or $2500 per an? num. Ampie time given a purchaser to learn the nosiness. This ls a rare chance for an active man to secare a permanent income. Business done wholly for cash. Persons having the "stamps'1 and meaning business may. address "$2500 In? come,'' Box v, DAILY NSWB Office, giving real name._Ju ly 2? FOR SALE.-I HAVE ON HAND AND for sale another supply of second-hand Sewing Machines, or various makers, which I wm dispose of very cheap. Call and examine at No. 27 Queen street. J. LCNSFORD. Jnn21_ FOR SALE, THREE FARMS, TWO miles from the Port Royal Railroad, In the Whippy Swamp neighborhood. One Farm contains 375 acres, one 335 acres, and one 160 acres. Each Farm contains one hundred acres good planting land, with two or three comfort? able cabins on each: also well timbered, good range for cattle and boga; and perfectly healthy ali the seasons. For particulars apply to K. D. H., Barnwell Village. mario R ?Kras?Jnpcrs, fllngannc?, Src. URAL CAROLINIAN NOVEMBER. HANDSOME E N C; R A V I s u s. Maintenance of thc Fertility or Soils-by Pro? fessor Hllgard, of the University of Mississippi The South and her Resources-by Hon. Alfred nager. Plantation Economy-ny Colonel D. Wyatt Aiken. Texas Grasses-by Professor Bartley. Southern Fruits-by r. J. Hcrckmand. Hints tin Town Gardening-by II. W. R.ivenel. And numerous other valuable and interesting articles. Subscription, $2 per annum. Address WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, nov2 Charleston, S. C. fjctcla. IQ*J HENRY'S RETREAT, JQJ No. 107 EA3T BAY, ONE DOOR BELOW SKOAL* STREET. L Restaurant. s. Oysters always fresh on hand. 3. FREE LCNC1I from half-past 10 o'clock i-vcrv tl ay. 4. Meals at all hours. Dinner served from 12 to 4 P. M. 5. Meals served on Sundav until 2 P. M. 6. The best IMPORTED WiNES, Liquors and Havana Cigars. 7. Only place in town for good genuine Hot Tom an-I Jerry. Give me a call. A. HAM.UERSCHMIDT, Formerly Barkeeper at the Milla Houzi. sep26-^mo8 PAT.MT.TTO BASE BALL CLUB.-YOlT ar? hereby summoned to meet at No. 304 King street, TO-DAY, stl P. M. By order. J. E. CORBETT, Secre tn rv. nova_ SCHACHTE BASE BALL CLUB.-YOU are hereby Bammoned to meet at No. 394 King street, TO-DAT, at I O c'ock. By order. H. CONKLIN, Secretary. DOTS CAROLINACHAPTER.No. I, R. A. M. The Regular Convocation of Carolina Chap? ter, No. 1, R. A. M., will be held THIS EVENING, at Masonic Hall, at 7 o'clock. Candidates for De? grees will be punctual in attendance, novs JOSEPH H. OPPENHEIM. Secretary. SOUTH CAROLINA FRIENDLY SOCIE? TY.-A Regular Monthly Meeting of this So? ciety will be held THIS EVENING, at 7 o'clock, at Lindsted t Hall, corner King and Calhoun streets. Members are requested to oe punctual in atten? dance. By order of the President. FRIED. HISCH, nov8-* Treasurer. ST. PATRICK'S BENEVOLENT SOCIE? TY.-Attend the Regular Monthly Meeting or your Society, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, a: 7 d'clock, at Masonic Hall. W. BAKER, nov8 Secretary. SOCIAL CLUB.-ATTEND THE MONTH? LY Meeting of your Club, THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, at the President's Residence, at hair past 8 o'clock. Members are requested to be punctual and come prepared to pay arrears. By order. J. VICTOR ST. AMAND, nov8-l* Secretary pro tem. CHABLESTON HOOK AND LADDER COMP*NY, No. C.-Attend the Regular Monthly Meeting of your Company, at your Hall, THIS EVENING, the 8th Instant, at 7 o'clock pre? cisely. Members will please be punctual. By order. EDWARD MAGUIRE, nov8 Secretary. ?airs. gOUTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE. The Fair will be continued on MOND?T, the 7th, and TUESDAY, the 3th Inst. The Judges are ex? pected to report, and an announcement be made Of the Premiums on MONDAY, at 3 P. M. And lt is .proposed to have a repetition of the Tournamen: on TUESDAY, at ll A.M. WILMOT G. DESAUSSTTRE, nov7 Secretary. gOUTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE. PROGRAMME FOR TO-DAY. The TOURNAMENT will commence at l o'clock. 3 o'clock-TROTTING MATCH, mlle heat J, be3t two In three. Mr. TODD enters Bay Mare Governess. Mr. LONG enters Gray Horse V "* 3>; o'clock-ONE MILE DASH. Mr. HOGAN enters Horse Too Soon. Mr. BOSWELL enters Bay Mare Fortune Tel? ler. GAME OF BASE BALL Will be played at three-quarters past 3 o'clock, between Palmetto and Schachte Clubs By order of the Board. WILMOT G. DESAUSSURE, nov8-t Secretary. .fnrnitnre tiJcirerooms. .pURNLTURE ! FURNITURE ! ! GOOD AND CHEAP, AT R. WHITE'S WARE P. 00 MS, No. 236 KING STREET. Everybody seems to know lt, no one denies it, and everything warranted as represented, or no sale. Parlor and Chamber Suites, very low; Sofas, Lounges, Chairs, Bedsteads, Mattresses, Pillows, Glasses, Children's Carriages, Ac, Ac, In abun? dance, at less than auction prices In many in? stances. Go and see. novs-2 Cumber, incl, &z. CHARLESTON STEAM SAW AND PLANING MILL. The proprietor respectfully Inform* his friends and the public, that arrangements have boen made by which he will continue to fill all orders for SAWED LUMBER, with satisfaction and dis? patch. Now on han 1, an assortment of Sawed Lumber, andu large stock of Seasoned Dressed Lamber. JOHN H. STEINME?ER, Gadsden, west end Beaufaln and Wenthworth ats. Just recelvel. forty (40) thousand prime CYPRESS SHINGLES. For sale at lowest market prices. nov8-5 Gt Jnenrance. UARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY o? NEW YORE. OBGANIZBD IN l?.jfi. ALL POLICIES N0N-F0BFWTA3LE. H.ALF LOAN TAKEN. NO NOTES REQUIRED. LAST CASH DTYIDKNO (V1FTY) 50 PgE CENT. STATEMENT. Polices in Assets. i,?oo,ooo Annual Income. soo.occ Losses Paid. 600,000 07FICXB8. W. H. PECKHAM, President. WM. T. HOOKER, Vlce-Presld ; L. MCADAM, Secretary and Actuary. DIRSCTOUe. Hon. John A. Dix, New York. Hon. Jamos Harper, Firm of Harper A Bros., ex Mayor New York. John J. Crane, President Bank Rcpnollc. Wm. M. Vermllye, Banker, (Vermllye A Co.) Chas. G. Rockwood, Cashier Newark Bankin;' Company. Hon. Georgo ?pydykc. ex-Mayor New York. Minot 0. Morgan, Banker. Thomas Rigney, Firm Thomas Rigney A Co. Benj. B. Sherman, Treasurer New York Stearn Sugar Refining Company. - Aaron Arnold, Firm of Arnold, Constable A Cc. Richard H. Bowne, Wetmore A Bowne, L-twyets. E. V. Haffghwou:, Firm E. V. Uaaghwou:. i co. Wm. Wiikena, Firm of Wttfceaa A Co. Julius JJ, Pratt, Mercsuut. Wm. w. Wright, Merchant. Charles J. Starr, Merchant. William Allen, Marchant. Geo. W. Cuvier, Banker, Palmyra. ST. Y. Ocr-. 7. Hope, PredJsot continental Fire insnr once Compila.;. John G. Sherwood, Park Place. Walton H. Peckham, corner F'Jth ace Twenty-third street. Edward H. Wright, Newark, N. J. Geo. w. Farlee, Counsellor, W. L. Cogswell. Merc'uau:. KEIJl A IS3BRT2L, Genera! Agents for So:ir,h Carolina and Georgia, oaiceNo. 40 Broad street, Cfcarlsstou, E. 0. Dr. T. REEXSTJKRNA, Eramming Physician. janis tDrjging, &c. gOUTHEEN DYE HOUSE. A new FRENCH DYE HOUSE has been opened at Xo. 339 Klug street, where OVEIXG tn aU col? ors, and Cleaning of all kinds is done at the shortest notice and In the best sr vie. BLASCOW, BILLER A CO., French Dyers. No. 3.?0 King street, near comer George street, seplrt-lyr FLEALLNG'S WORM CONFECTION?, (SANTON1NE.) They i * s purely vegetable, safe and sure. Tar best in nae. For sale by Dr. H. BAER, No. 131 Meering street, octa Wholesale Agent ^.imsaattxts. CAD EMT OP MUSIC. W. ii. HOLLAND.Lessee and Mira ager. JOSEPH MC A EDLE.Business Manager. The great Tragedian EDWIN FORREST, Supported by Miss LILLIE, Mr. W. HARRIS and W. M. HOLLAND'S Dramatic Company. For Are nights, commencing MONDAY, NOVEMBER, 7 1870. TUESDAY1, November 8.DAMON A PYTHIAS. WEDNESDAY, Novembero... .OTHELLO. THURSDAY, November 10.KINO LEAR. FBIDAY, November ll. ?? General admission $1. Reserved seats ii co. Fam?y Circle- 60 cents. Gallery 25 cents. Boxes $7 50 and $15. Two Grand Performances SATURDAY AFTER? NOON and EVENINGS November 12 on which occa? sion the Eifln Star, Miss EFFIE JOHNS, will appear. Special trains will be nm to accommodate par? ties at a distance, and seats can be secured by mall or telegraph from this date at the Box Office of the Academy of Music QCC31-12_F. C. WELLS, Agent. ^CADEMY OF MUSIC. Lessee.?.LAURA EEBNB. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. ! Tue management tatces great pleasure In In? forming the public that the distinguished Artists, i MR. AND MRS. W. J. FLORENCE, 1^ Have been secured and will commence an eu* gagemtnt of SIX NIGHTS ONLY, MONDAY, NOVEMBER uro. Box sheet opens at Holmes's Book Store THURS? DAY MORNING. Particulars in future advertisements. nov7_ fJIHE SKATING ASSEMBLIES Will be resumed TUESDAY EVENING, November 8th, at which time the proprietor would be happy to see all his old patrons. novB-3_T. M. DBHONEY, Proprietor. ROLLER SKATING AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC HALL, COMMENCING SATURDAY EVENING, OCT. 1. The assemblies will be as follows : MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY AFTERNOONS from 4 to S o'clock, and TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS from half-past 7 to 10. Admission to' Night Assemblies 50 cents; Chil? dren 25 cents. Tickets la packages of twelve, SS. Use of Skates, 25 cents. Afternoon Assemblies, Ladles and Children, in? cluding use of Sates, 25 cents; Gentlemen, includ? ing use of Skates, 50 cents. Season tickets of admission (good for all assem? blies daring three mouths) for gentlemen $5; for ladles S3; for gentlemen and lady $7 60. sep27-3mos D Drrj ?coos, &t. RY GOODS! DRY GOODS! CARPETING, MATTING, Ac, Ac, Ac. 1870. FALL AND WINTER. 1870. M CLO Y A RICE, No. 270 KING STREET, CORNER OF HASEL STREET, 7 Have received per recmt arrivals the largest and most complete stock of DRY GOODS, CARPETING, MATTING, Ac, Sj 3 Ac, TO BE FOUND IN THE CITY. We respectfully and confidently Invite strang, ers and our country friends to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. A Urge saving guarenteed. No. 270 KING STREET, CORNER OE HASEL STREET. ALEXANDER McLOY. J. W. RICE, novl-tntbslmo -pURCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., No. 241 KING STREET. DRESS G00D8. Largest, best and finest selection lu town. 1 case of fine DRESS GOODS at 20c, worth 80c l case of Plain Poplins, our -own Importation, only 25c, worth 37J<c 1 case of. German Plaids, of all shades, only 40c, worth 60. n 1 case or % Black and White Poplin only 25c. worth 40C 1 case of Empress Cloths, in all colors, only 65c celebrated Lenos make. A large stock of the celebrate 1 "Elephant" Al? paca?, at very low figures. AU colors 10 Twilled Merinos, 4-4, at 85 to 90c. 25 piece' Irian Silk Poplins at $1, worth St 50. A grand selection of Albaoate Striped, Plain and Reppe i Silk Poplins, at reasonable prices. 10 pieces of Heavy Black Mik at $2, worth $260. Also, a fine selection of Colored Silks, Colored and Black Velvet ines and Velvets. A full assortment of the latest styles Derby Shawl Suits. oc*3i ?pURCHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO.. No. 244 KING STREET. SHAWL DEPARTMENT. 1 case Black and White Large SHAWLS, only $2 25, worth $3. l case B ack and White Doable Shawls, only $4 25, worth $5, 1 case Men's Travelling Shawls, only $5, worth $8. ? full selection of other Shawls from 75c. to $10. 3 cases o( good quality Balmoral Skirts, only $1. A full assortment or latest style Cloaks, octal JpURCHGOTT, BENEDICTA CO., No. 244- KING STREET. CLOTH DEPARTMENT. A supply or the Finest French, Belgian, German English and Domestic CLOTHS. Beaven, Doeskins, Broad Cloths, Velvet in es, Diagonal's, Meltons, Cheviots, Corduroy, Cassi meres. Ladies' Cloaking-prices guaranteed to give full satisfaction. 1 case of doable width English Waterproof Cloth, only $1, worth $1 50. Call In tune to se? cure it._oct31 pURCHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO., No. 244 KING STU Ii ET. FLANNEL DEPARTMENT. lease OPERA FLANNELS, only 4-> and 50c, worth 75P. Red and White Flannels, fromi25c. np. loo pair White Blankets, io 4, at $3 50, worth $5. loo pair white Blankets, 10-4. Extra, at $5, worth $7. Our Blanket stock bel?g very large, and bought direct irorrMhc ractory, lt will be for the henetlt of those In want of Blaukets to give us tue first call. oc31 ipUECHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., No. 244 KING STREET. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. A full assortment of Hecker's SHOPPERS, Wax A Son's B.ilbrigans, sold at Imuurtlng prices. loo dozeu of the celebrated '?Valette" Kid Gloves at $1, quality warranted. The only place to get the celebrated French make of conpe Jouviu nuil Alexander Derrent Kid Gloves-flt and quality guatauteed. A full line of Ti ?nuning and Sash Ribbons; Plain, Striped aud Plaid always on hand. 25 cartoons o' Black and Colored Velvet Rib* bons, at prices to defy competition. A iuil assortment of FURS on band. oc?31 ?pURCHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO , No. 244 KING STREET. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. ?0 rolls or two and three-ply CARPETS will be sold 20 per cent, below their yolue. Rugs, Mats, Oil Cloths-large variety. octsi (Totten Sics. TJ E AB IVs" LOCK TI ES. . These TIES have Jost been receive* by the Eng? lish vessel Gove, and are now lu store. Orders will be Ailed with prom; -.ness and atten? tion. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., Factors, nov4-10 Church street, City. J1L0DB, SIDES, SHOULDERS, HAMB, PORK, COFFEE, SUGAR, Ac. JEFFORDS & CO.. NOS. 17 and 10 VENDUE RANGE, OFFER AT LOWEST HARKET RATES: 500 bola Fresh Ground FLOUR 26 hhds. Choice Clear Rib Sides 20 hhds. Prime Smoked Shoulders 10 tierces Choice s. C. Hams io tierces Pure Leaf Lard 25 bois. Heavy Cit; Mess Pork 20.000 pounds Prime Dry Salt Sides 10,000 pounds Dry Salt Bellies loo sa ka Rio Coffee 150 bbls. Refined Sugars loo cases 2 and 8 tb, Fresh Tomatoes 76 cases Fresh Peaches 100 cases, l and 2 ra, Fresh Oysters, octll-tnthfamos J^EW YORK- ELEPHANT BAGGING.?j Rolls of the above choice heavy BAGGING, "Elephant" brand, constantly for aale by , oct25-tathalmo ?_MORDECAI A CO. gUPEBIOR RED ASH COAL A cargo of this Superior Parlor COAL ls expect? ed daily. . Engagements to supply families wUlbe made at reasonable rates. A constant supply In yard and for sale at low? est market rates, by THOS. S. BUDD, nov4-ftnw3 No. 15 Boyce's Wharf. ?ORN AND OATS. 10.000 bushels prune old CORN 3,000 bushels prime black and white Seed and feeding Oats. For sale by no vi T. J. KERR A 00. T AR FOR SALE. loo barrels on wharf ? loo barrels to arrive 20 barrels Pish (N. 0. Mullets) 20 barrels Tam Potatoes. Apply on OCt25_MARSHALLS WHARF. H BATH ? RICE, No. 9 HA YNESTREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C., WHOLESALE MALUS IN WHISKIES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, OIGAB TOBACCO, Ac, Have on hand, and are daily receiving, a L.. ? and wen selected stock of the above, which the offer on the moat favorable terme. We have still retained the services of Mr. JOB DAWSON, who will be pleased to see his fTllonds. aepis F ?cfrcer; tuent Saloons. RESH BBEAD MORNING AND EVENING, At KINSMAN'S SALOON, No. 270 Klag Street, and at their BAKERY, NO. 84 Market street. nov7-2 ftgrica?arol JmpUmaUs.. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLOUGH. THE WATT PLOUGH THE WATT PLOUGH THE WATT PLOUGH THE WATT PLOUGH THE WATT PLOUGH THE WATT PLOUGH THE WATT PLOUGH THE WATT PLOUGH AGAIN TRIUMPHANT, AGAIN TRIUMPHANT, AGAIN TRIUMPHANT, AGAIN TBIUMPHANT, AGAIN TBIUMPHANT, AGAIN TBIUMPHANT, After taking the Sliver Medal at the last State Fair lu Columbia. It has Just taken both the First Premiums at the South Carolina Institute Fair as the best ONE HORSE and the best TWO-HORSE PLOUGH on the field, anetta thorough trial. One-Horse Plough and extras, $5 75. Two-Horse Plough and extras, from f.8 to $9 50. For sale at above prices, freight added, by J. E. ADOER ? CO., SOM! AGENTS, No. 139 Meeting street and No. 62 East Bay street, nov; CHABLESTON, S. C. Neto -ynbluationst J^ARTIFS~BOOK DEPOS?TOBYT SCHOOL BOOKS, and ail descriptions of School Stationery. We call especial attention to our School Pena and Writing Books, which are made to our order, and will be found good and cheap. Especial attention will be given to orders from Teachers in the country. A complete catalogue of School Books, with the prices attached, will bo sent free on application. CATALOGUE NO. 43. BEAUTIFUL THOUGHTS, from Greek authors, with English Translations and Lives of the authors, with English Index; also referx enees to parallel passages from the Scrip, tures, Latin and Engllsn authors, by 0. Tait Ramage, LL. D. $3. Beautiful Thoughts, from French and Italian au? thors. $3 60. Beautiful Thoughts, from German and Spanish authors. $3. Beautiful Thoughts, from Latin authors. $3 60. Memoir of Wm. Ellerry Channing, with Extracts from his Correspondence. Ac. 2 vols. $3 60. Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Thomas Chalmers, D. D., LL.D, by bis son-in-law, the Kev. Wm. Lanna 4 vols. Edlaburgh edL $7 60. The Early Years of Christianity, by E. DePres sense, D.D., translated by Annie Harwood. The Apostolic Era. $1.76. Days In North India, by Norman Macleod, editor of ''Good Words." Illustrated. $2. Thc Poultry Book, comprising the Breeding and Management of Profitable and Ornamental Poultry, their qualities and characteristics, by W. B. Tegelmeler, F. R. s., with colorea Illustrations, by Harrison Wier, and numer? ?os wood engravings. $9. The Pleasures of Old Age, from the French of Emile Souvestre. $2. The Book? of Shakespeare Gems, In a series of landscape Illustrations of thc most Interest? ing localities nf shakespeare's dramas, mo? rocco cloth, gilt. $4. Knight's Half Hours with the best Letter Writers and Autobiographers, i vols. $6. The Rudiments or Colors and of Coloring, with the nature of Pigments; for the use of deco? rative artists, painters, Ac, by Geo. Fields; revised and re-wrltten by Mallet, $2. The Godey's Lady's Book Receipts and Honsehohv Hints, arranged by Mts. Frost. $2. Paris lu December, 1851, or, the Coup d'etat of Napoleon HI. by Eugene Tenot. $2 60. Ligh.houses and Lightships, a descriptive and historical account of their mode of construc? tion and organlxa lon, by W. H. D. Adama; profusely Illustrated. $160. The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man, with remarks ? n theories of the origin of species by variation, by slr Charles Lyell, F. RS.; Illustrated. $3. Fisk's Manual of Classical Literature, from the German of J. J. Eschenburg. $4. *"? French, English and American Note and Letter Papers and Envelopes, together with a general stock of Blank Books and Stationery. N. B. Our Monthly Literary Bulletin will be sent Free to persons In the country. 43- Persons residing in the country will please bear in mind that nv sending their orders to ns for any books published In America, they will be charged only the price of the book. We pay tor the postage or express. aa~ Address . FOG ARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, No. 260 King street, (in the Bend,) Charleston, S. 0. Jun26-tuths8mos ?*ab pipe. gHEET LfclAD, LEAD PIPES. Ac FOR SALE BY WM. SHEPHERD A -fcO., No. 24 H A YNE STREET AND No. 33 PINCKNEYI STREET. tu TQB. BING'S PILE REMEDY. For sate by Da. H. BA ER. Joly*