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WAR X0PIC8. Tbe Rival Br-wh-Lotdtrs-The Needle Gan ?nd tko CDMiepot. . ' if this new war does not produce some other weapon hitherto known only to those accustomed to manipulate lt In secret practice, ' the Chaaaepot and the Prussian breeoh-loader will be fairly tried against each other. But - there are already suspicions or rumors that each foe brings Into the fight new weapons which will contemplate the test. There ls tte Protea mitrailleuse, it ls said, which can rain 1 bullets like hail. There is also the Prussian kugelhiteen. Whether hail or conical shot will carry the day it is impossible to say; bat: it ls noticeable that the war of the nineteenth century ls transferred to the artisan's shop, and that diplomacy and "tented fields" are bot agencies and instruments wherewith is obtained a trial ol the inventive genies of bel? licose Dallons. - The'Prusslaii needle gun ls the invention Of Hr. Dreyse, a manufacturer of arms at Som . ,.mei??vwno spent over thirty years in- trying <?o 'construct a perfect breech-loading rifle. The cartridge ra inserted at the rear, anet the Ignition ia produced by the intrusion, of a oee ; die Into the fulminate attached to the cartri dge. . The barre) la 36.06 Inches long, and .ia rifled ' with . four grooves down to the breech, where '.' the chamber, or bcd for the cartridge, is et' ?mooth and a little larger than, the bore. The bed eBiargea slightly to the rear so ap to itdnric . .the cartridge freely, and,tb? lower part of the ' bore for a dlRtance of ?.17 Inches is enlarged so that the ball ls gradually compressed into - the'grovee. The rear of tne barrel is conical, and TB. called the mouthpiece; ? Over this part there is a six-sided: cylinder, which holds all . tiie mechanism of the piece. The sir-chamber, next to the cylinder, has -the nee? dle pipe scrowea into: its breech. The bail is spheria-vonlcal. The charge of - powder le ?f^-aina. The weight of the Prus? sian needlegunJa 10.27 pounds to 11.3-pounds. The mechanism can be taken apart without screw-driver, vice, ?c. It can be safely and easily .cleaned, and the gun being small ls par? ticularly adapted for use in the contracted 3?ce- of loopholes, on horseback, &cv The jectlono to the Prussian needle gun ore the .danger of a weakening o? the spiral spring . and the possibility that the 'needle may not he "propelled with aafflclent force to pierce the ::cartridge. OD aeoonnt of the ease and rap!di mtfuf battle.1 wIQ nrl^^'ftJs.L as possible, even when he Koowa we firing no effect. To make the best use of tim e goo. the Boldier ? requires Bpectai tralri The Prussian anny ls very well trained UoltBuse, and tn this respect has aa advantage. ulQTl&tito 'FrS??fyq?ho fcave never been ia a a.which his b?en^adopted by the ls the ?eleh rated Cbasaepot rifle, >'ls Qro"be,blj,tiw meet efficient : weapon -,c?ijff'j>n,t?n;tws?md8-of'an anny of Infantry. f Itresemblestho Prussian, needkgrrn, but pos i war between Prussia and Aus01a,.th^e fictive .wt?'orthe newry,, lirti&nte?? Needle golf ?o tj-icted thc notice, of all .flgh tl og nation a; and .the.?tt?Ech. an?dpa?ng,that theywouldsomo "~ K'1 .called upon to: punish Prussia for ber /arrogance ?nd- wan t ai honor, immedl nseiito /work to intent weapon that aoo?kt surpass the needle gun in its power aa engine of war. The result was the lnveo i?? '. Orasaepot, ai ter long: and careful ylng the Prussian gun to aid bim and ,,?;?'. < op?n. ' *? After the : new rifle :' Be?n. . tested ? over ...and over I again, ? .Abe.atteutlott of the Emperor waa invited tb SySsTti Jt was-not tong before be was ebr> . vineed ol its superiority, and ordered Its ] SltoJptitoMh tMS anny;1 One- ol. the principal tits which the Ch ass?pot has over Jra:of,PruSsIa ls that its movement r, and Instead of being tightly inclosr e -b reaeh by a cylinder, it lg almost a?^olisd, ;'3JM?;ihe? employment of India .obturator.. It Ls argued that the ian gun. afWr^t.-has- been dl?chsKfcd sevorall times m-pnrw. succesaiun, becomes ii dam p In the cylinder, o wing to the in rthe gas; which comes back after the lon of the cartridge, to escape. The In. ..side soon-boco me? dirty, and the soldier ls ref . gplfjed;to take hi?.-piece apart and'clean lt! '.The^Frencb gun is alwaya ?open, and While there is no -gas shut up in' a chamber to cor? rode The metal, it can fa a moment be cleansed from dirt or rust. ..and the eoldle*f is . always abie tot quickly discover - any , accident to bia ' rifle. ItJs claimed that this gun ia not so easily .Clogged aa the Prussian needLejjun, and ismore tubetantialiy built. The Chassepot is bandied "Stth^ltowintimm^ loading, hold ,tbe gun in Ohe. kit haad with the butt er:'J *esc? lng on the left alp. She leser is then turned; i inserted ipto tbs opening thus ef . ? a By a tiird : mcremeait^ushia g bacs; 5 lorex insto its original position-the gun -be "1 ready to be ired off. Tho projectile Li a ?tirer tong slug- with the end rounded and iJ^iM^-Pec'?i-W powder, speedily manu- ' ^tt?vred fer ? the purpose. Tab ' distancio; at | which thia gun carries with certainty, is very considerable-over 1000 metres. Both the In? fantry and the chasseurs have only the one model, but the bayonets differ, in so far as those of the chasseurs are sword bayoneta. !"W The Health of Napoleon. A,Paris correspondent of the New York Eve- | ning Post, referring to the health of the Em? peror Napoleon, states that the physician of his Imperial Highness declares him to be an "impossible" patient, who ia always in auch a : hurry to get well that his convalescence Is re tpxded by bis efforts to help nature in doing1 more than the doctors prescribe. At one time, in the ml Usu ol a severe attack of the gout, he was found by bia attendants applying lighted lucifer matches :to tba soles of his feet as coun? ter-irritants. At another, when t/oubled with a headache,/he pat so much emetic ointment on fte nape of his neck that he was blistered down to his shoulder-blades. "I have overdone lt, doctor." he said, in reply to a remonstrance from the latter, "and lt ls all very well for you to gay. that J had, better, walt lor you, but yon see; 1 havenTtime tb be sick." Indeed, his impatience has become quite feverish; he seems to think that he will die before he can establish his son on the throne, and directly he begins to benefit by a change of air or of medi? cal treatment, overtaxes his strength, bodily and mentally, taking hong and fatiguing walks, and working with his secretaries, during all of which trme a cigarette is never out of his: mouth, lt is also stated.that the Emperor has done what a great many people far less mag niflcent have dane bet?re him. While con-' - tinning to take the prescriptions of the all o- j patitfo doctors, he hos had in a homcepathist, with whom he discusses medical doctrines, and'Ms'own personal symptoms. Into this rather slight concession, lt ls averred, has he. been "candled" by fier Majesty, who has all a .woman's faith in globales. f^^bSti^i War Preparation?. The Paris correspondent of the London Dsily News, writing joly 9, saja : Preparations for war are said to be goinR on npona%rand ecale. 'Marshal LeBoaf bas de aired generals of di vi si oa to send in to bim within three dayna fell report of Lbe state of the arsenals, depots, and barracks,-within their supervision. Circulara cabing upon ail soldiers on turiougb, to join .heit regiments exe ready tobe posted. Powder and mu ni ti on s cf war aro hourly rolling by last trains towards the eastern fron lier. ?nebandlul of ISO OOO men are all ready tc be thrown upon t io Bhineat the first signal. Eighteen commissariat offi? cers have been sent to Hungary to buy hay, whicb, rt u Ha.d may bo got tu oro for half the price which it now ooa:<? iu Fran ce. t>ix bun dred carriages ol tue Eastern Eailway Com Ky nave been engaged io transport forage n. Bantry, mad J portable, in bundles, bv a new system of compression. England ? Interest in the Conflict. ' The London Times, Joly lt, says : .?in urging that every effort should bs made for tbe main t.-uanco of pea oe, we are moved more by moral considera tiona than by tbose of traditional .European policy. We may say at ance that we care very little about the balance af po'wer. w?i cb .wit h ia tbe bist two or three ?aai3 L&B aigniflcintly disappeared from the preamble to the Mutiny aol. A war between France and Prussia would tie a war fir the left bink of the Bal e and would no doubt be fought cot au t il tbe capacity of tbe one to con? quer r of the other to defend thtt debatable land waa faJy deeded.. The mi?tary re?oit of such a war would affect na bat little. The time.i a*.passed WUdu ,T QQQJJJ mattur to Eng land"Wrjetber_?ay: Westorn power possessed a few Btjaare mites ur >re or less, or the command sd thia oz that fonreja. Sines the last settle iKentof Europa States tiave ooma to maturity in the world whi.-b florea en to dwarf the ordi? nary members of the European system. Rcs -sia andaba Omited States are the powers which .taj^ext generation witt look upon an the moat rormidabte. Moreover; jtbe interests and tcnttto ot England ire objefly. concerned with her own growing colonies, and with tha.y|Bt populations of Asia.' The retrait of the Frapdo Prusslan war is oTBttle moment to ns politi? cally, hot we have an. iotereet,'in common with toe whole of Europe, that the two moat ad? vanced nations of The Continent should not plonge into a con teat the effect of which may te to divide them for a generation ay aa en? during hatred. How much the real strength of civilization may loee by1 such a convulsion it is impossible to foretell. We can "only be certain that tbs importance of. Western En rope, the principal field ol' human progress, will be du^umsbed, perhaps permanently, by a fratricidal strife. Spanish Official Version of tn? Crown Question. A-eire ul ar dispatch has been addressed to the Spanish Ministers at the various European Courte. After referring to the instructions given to General Prim, it proceeds : "Invested with these ample powers, General Prim bad ID bis favor, in the discharge of his difficult mis? sion, and besides his high personal political position, tu e moral authority ot the whole gov? ernment, the strength given by'unify of pur? pose and of actiox and the guarantee ol the most absolute secrecy, {reserva.) -It .waa tobe hoped, than, in spite of ibo unfortunate issue of bis first proceedings, that he would BucceeVI in vanqui ?hing drfBoul ti es of every kind.- f>Ud in propoctep to hm oolleapnes io the govern? ment, and presenting tothe approbation of the Coriati tuent Cortes, s candid oe worthy to as? sume the CroWO of Spain and equally accepta? ble to all (he men of Ute great Liberal mon? archical party. The government, c&ui?hed -Ona confidence, which has not been diaappoint oi, and to-day it baa tba satisfaction ot an? nouncing through me to your Excellency that in the council of ministers held .at La Granja on tho 4th of the current month, under the presidency of his Highness the Regent, Prince Leopold or Hobeniwllern-SigmariDgen waa des? ignated as candidate for tbe Throne of Spain. The 'entirely favorable circumstances com? bined in this Prince, and the good reception given bv the public to bis designation, inspires the government with the agreeable hope that rta candidate wfll very speedily be named king hy a large majority of the Cortes, thus dos? ing the glori?os constituent period which be? gan in September, 1868." Impeachment of Napoleon ZIT. The Paria Soir publishes from the pen ot M. Edmond About the following masterly review of Napoleon's official career, and the state? ment of tbe Bufferings he has entailed upon Prance : May I be mistaken ? Bat it seems to mb that we are now beginning to pay very dearly our collective abdication m 1851 and 1852. ? people may imagine itself in clover when it baa relieved itself from tbe trouble of manag? ing i ts.own affdire, and wben. it has. confided its destinies to the hands of a bold and obie man.' The constitution leaves ta this mau the power of commanding the land and sea for casi declaring wf.r and making treat le? bf peace and alliance. What an excellent -prefext tor humble individaaJa to sparp themselves the trouble of thinking about public mtiers, and laying themsel- ea out, to make as much money sa possible in Jieir own private occupations. Bot let nagttf, JOS that the master elected tit the people has more imagination than gening that be has the appetite of' a conqueror with? out the fiimneae SDd. the settled' purpose neoesrary to success; that be reckons too moah upon his star, and expects from luoli and the mistakes or others the ?result? which he ought deliberately to prepare for himself. Let us suppose that he lives trorn hand to moath.Jempttng fortune instead of makins? himaelfmaster of it. Al ways advancing, draw? ing back, and oscillating be twee i tho possible and the impossible, and what is more esriousi between the jost and the unjust; now a champion ot Bight, and to-morrow a champion of State necessity; a Revolutionist or a Reac? tionist, just as it may happen, and ever ready to make a bash of his principles lor the sase of expediency, ins not at all impossible that one fine day 88.000.C0O men may rouse them? selves, and express their dissatisfaction in a way rmi easily to be dealt with. Frenchmen, my good friends, only Think ot the great things which you bavo done by procuration within the last twenty years. O J your behalf your governors have dreamed for yon the oon questofthe world, and universal monarca v. or at least the supremacy of Europe, with the extension of your frou tiers. Io 1849, when you were nominally Republicans, you violently put down the Roman Bepnblic; yon have fought in Italy for that divine right which you have sup Dressed in Pans; yon restored the Pope, who does not thank you, and pays you with all sorts of affront e. At. Sebastopol you humili? ated but did not weaken Russia; you sacrificed a bundled thousand men and spent a milliard af mousy; with no other result than to draw down upon yon the hatred and rancor of a powerful nation. It is true that Turkey owes 5 on a debt of gratitude for having postponed the solution of tba great Eastern pioblem; bot wretched Turkey would be of up use to you io cace of war. In ?jonibardy you weakened Austria, aggrandized Victor Emanuel, and favored the fusion of small, harmless states with a great power. And now ye u bavo been cie\er enough to-alienate that power which' owes everything to you by keeping it out of its capital. After having grouped a real nation around the small King ot Sardinia, yon have, forced that Regalantuomo to be vonr enemy. Ton bave songht adventures in China and Mexico. The great American Republic WAS from its beginning the friend and ally of France. You constrained it io folget that it owed its existence to you, lu the war of the Secession, when you pbould have sympathized wich the cause ot the North, .you shut your ear to true principle*. Tour interests as you understood them led von to side with the South, but you had not the courage or sincerity to act upon, your onioion. Ym o. ly gave' to the slavery carty a hesi tarin cr aud sterile support. Tbe; Omen waa restored in Bpite of you, and its, first movement wa* to raak?) you evacuate' Mexico. In Germany you rr ed surreptitiously to weaken Austria by Prussia and Prussia by Austria. Your diplomatists, wno are supposed to be the pick and choice of human ability, warranted success. After a long and ruin ona war the Austrians, your secret allies, Who, yon had calculated, would be lhe victors, were beaten, and the Prussians, your enemies, .be became masters of Germany. Prussia allied herself with Italy, and your only compensation is the alliance of Austria, who, thinks to yon, is reduced to the last degree of impotency. Such, my dear French people, is the result of your campaigns and y Our negotiations. Peace and war have been almost equally fatal to yon. And yon may be vwiy eure that, on tbe first opportunity, Prussia, Russia, America and Italy will be ready to combine to pay off old scores. This election of a King of Spain may be as good an excuse as any other. - COMMERCIAL NEWS. Exports. KKW YORK-Per steamship Catharine Whiting 99 tierces rice, 20 bags Bea Island cotton, 201 bales upland cotton, 121 bales domestics, 532 obis rosin, 1809 bushels wheat, 10 bblB cotton seed oil, io bales hides.and leather, 3541 Augusta melons, 30 boxes peaches, 68 pkgs. TJic Charleston Cotton, Klee and Naval Stores Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON NEWS, ) WEDNESDAY EVENING, July 27, 1870. . > COTTON.-There was a limited inquiry for good qualities at about previous figures, other kinds neglected. Sales near loo bales, say: 72 atis.v; io at ! s }?. We quote low grades nominally. LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.15 @n Low middling.17X@18 Middling.18X@ Strict middling.18 K@ Rica.-There were no transactions lu this grain. NAVAL STOKES.-Rosins were weak with the following sales, viz: 80 bbls No. 2 at $1 50 per bbl; 129 Obis. Nos. 2 and 3 at Ji 45 per bbl, per 280 lbs. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam, direct nomi? nal, via New York, 7-10d on uplands; ll-ied on sea islands; by sall we quote nominal on upland cotton, and no ninal on sea island cotton. To Havre, by steam, nomi? nal; by sall, nominal at xe on uplands and \}i on sea Islands. Coastwise to New York, by iteam, ;-ic ? ib on uplands and Xe on sea Islands; by sail, >,'c ? a on up? lands. To Boston, by steam, nominal; by sall, >i @K c # rb un uplands. To Philadelphia, by steam, Hc * rb on uplands; by sall, somewhat nomi? nal. To Baltimore, by steam, x@Xe V rb on np]antis;by sall somewhat nominal. EXCHANGE. - sterling 60 day bills nominal. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks purchase sight ch ec it 3 at par, and Bellst x premium. Out? side they purchase at par to x premium, and sell at X premium. G OLD.-Buying at 20 and selling at 21X. Market? by Telegraph. FOREIGN. LONDON, Joly 27-Noon.-Consols 89. Bon dB | 8ix. Common rosin esaas 3d. ' ? ?? . Altein??n.-C?nf?la-89XV bonds 82 Stocks1 Armer and nig n ?v ?*:?..-..'"'.' ?? Evening.-co oso la ?BX; bonds 83. Common rosin Arm. LIVERPOOL, July 27-Noon.-Cotton dull* and irregular; uplands 8Xd; Orleans 8Xa8Xd. Flour MB ed. Afternoon-Cotton Irregular, uplands sasxd ; Orleans sxasxd ; sales ?ooo bales. Pork buoyant. Bacon sus. Evening.-Cotton irregular; uplands 8 as JV ; Or? leans 8j?'a8#;'sales 90?O bales: speculation and; export 20?0 bales; breadstuff's quiet common rosin 6s 6d to 6s Od. FRANKFORT, ?Uly 27.-Bonds closed quiet add" steady at 78. PAMS, July 27.-Bourse opened finn. Rentes 65f?7C. DOMESTIC. NEW YORE, July 27.-Noon.-Stocks heavy. Money4a5 percent. Gold 21?. Bonds 9. Ster? ling, long 9 Ji. Tennessee i ex-coupons ' 83 JV ;' new, 61. Virginia ex-coupons co; new 60. Louisiana, old 67; new 65; Levees sixes 65; eights, 85. Ala-! ,bama eights 98; .fives .72. Georgia, sixes 60; sevens 90. North Carolina old 48; hew 29. South Carolina old 82; new 71. Flour dull and heavy. [ Wheat quiet. Cora unchanged. Pork steady at F $80.' lard 17a?7%. Cotton declining; upland* 120#c; Orleans 20??c; Bales 300 bales. Turpentine j Rosin $1 70 for strained. ' Evening:-Cotton dull and drooping; sales 9O0 ba:es; middling uplands 20XC. Flour, State and Western, io cents lower; superfine State $5 26ao; I Southern heavy ; common to fair extra $6 20a7 30; good to choice $7 36a9 26. Wheat la2 cts lower; white Michigan $1 75; white Southern $180. Corn 'steady; new mixed Western 95ca$l. Beef steady; plain mess $i2al6; extra mess $16a?9. Pork dull and heavy at $30. Lard firmer; kettle nxaisc. whiskey lower at $1 oixal 02. Groceries quiet and dull. Turpentine 40Xc. Roam $l 70a5, and dull. Tallow firm at lOalOJic Freights steady1, easy. Money 5ae. Sterling firm at 9jvaio. Gov? ernments closed dull bnt strong; sixty-twos 9%. Gold 20jva2i: Southerns, nothing doing. BALTIMORE, July 27.-Flour active but less firm. Howard street superfine $6a6 75. Wheat lower; I new red $l-45ai 71; white $l 50al 85: Corn, white, $1 29al 28; yellow $l wal io. Oats, new, 66a67c. Rye 90ca$i. Pork and bacon ? finn. Whiskey. $1 03a$lW. LOUISVILLE, July 28.-Floor firm ; extra family $5 60. Corn ste *V at $1 10; provisions firmer. Pork $31. Shoulders 16c; clear sides 15c; lard 17xe; hams 24xa25c. Whiskey S8a99c. NORFOLK, Joly 27.-Cotton quiet; low middlings I73?al8c; sales 150 bales;, exports, coastwise so bales; stock*493 bates; net receipts' 28 bales/ AUGUSTA, Joly 27. -Market opened with fair de mandat 13c, but close J'dall and easier at i?xa 18c; sales 216 bales; receipts 64 bales. SAVANNAH, July 27.-Cotton dull; low mid? dlings held at 17Xc; net receipts 670 bales; ex? ports coastwise 928 bales; stock 5411 bales. MOBILE, July 27.-Cotton quiet and steady ; mid? dlings l7o; sales 80? bales; net receipts is bales; stock 15,71? baie*. , GALVESTON, July 27.-Cotton in weak demand and moderate; good ordinary i3Xai3j?'c; sales 450 bales; net receipts 49 bales; stock 8160balee. NEW ORLEANS, July 27.-Cotton firm and in fair demand; middlings 17?al8c; sales 1000 bales; nei receipts 144 bales; stock 60,360 bales. Sugar prime at 13c. Molasses, plantation fermenting sec. Sterling 33X. Sight % premium. Gold 21. Havana .Market, HAVANA, July 24.-The following were the quotations of the principle articles in the Havana and Matanzas markets at the close of business on Saturday, afternoon: Sugar-During the week there has been bnt a small business at unchanged quotations; the market closed quiet and steady. This condition of the market ls owing to the un? settled state of European affairs; sales were made on thc basis of 'JX reals per arrbbe for No. 12 D. S. Muscovaiioes-there is a scarcity of stock. The sugar exports during the week were 33,000 boxes and 3200 hhds, including 10,000 boxes aud 2400 hhds to the United States. The stock in the warehouses of Havana and Matanias foots up 331,000 boxes and 7500 hhds. Freights-shippers refuse to charter owing to the unsettled state of the market; per box 01 sugar to the United States $ia$i 26; per hhd of sugar to the United States $4a$5; per hhd of molasses to the United States $3a$3 50; per ton to Falmouth and orders 30sa32s 6d. There is a surplus or tonnage for all parts.1 Lumber ls In demand; white pine $28a$30; pitch pine $29a$30. Exchange-London 19 J? per cent, premium; on United States, co days, In currency, ax per cent, discount; short sight, in currency, 7 per cent, discount; in gold, oodayB' sight, 7,x percent, premium Interior Cotton Market. MACON, July 26.-Receipts to-day 30 bales; salea 22; shipped 17. . The market ia firmer, prices advanced a xe under the favorable evening re? port from Liverpool; closing at 17XC for 'mid? dlings. ...... ATLANTA. July 25.-The market closed at 16c for middlings; 16 for low middlings; 14 for good ordinary ; 13 for ordinary. MONTGOMERY, July 25.-Our market ls quiet but steady to-day ; we quote low middling at iee. Receipts by Railroad, Joly 197. ' SOUTH. CAROLINA RAILROAD. 130 bales cotton, 23 bales goods, so bbls flour, 28.-4 melons, 7 cars lumber, 3 cars stock. toWP Hall, Gibbes A co. Frost A Adger, E J Wiss A co, Pelzer, Rodgers A co, Wagner A Monsees, Raven el A Holmes, H Bischoff A co, J c Mallonee, John Marshall, Smith ? Chapeau, G H Walter A co. Passengers. Per steamship Catharine Whiting, for New York -Jessie Jones, Mrs Cherry and two children, H S Bosworth, F Watt, J J Moslman, W Lubert, H Lu-' bert. D Wing and others. Per steamer Starlight, from Beaufort, Pacific Landing, Ac-Mrs T Fuller, Miss A Fuller, Miss Coate, W W haley, A Lac n eau, Mr Qui g 1 ey, A W Lockhart, and 15 deck. y O HT CAldJSlfDAll. ? ? MOON'S PHASER. First Quarter, 6th, ll hours, io minnies, evenin g. Full Moon, 12th, 5honra, 15 minutes, evening. Last Quarter, 20th, 8 hours. 67 minutes, morning. New Moon, 28th. 6 hours, 68 minutes, morning. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday.. Thursday.... Friday. Saturday Sunday. SUN. RISES. 5..10 5..11 6. 12 6. .12 6. .13 6.. 13 5..14 BUN SETS. 7.. 2 7.. 2 7.. 1 7.. 0 7.. 0 6..69 e..58 MOON B. * a 2..31 3..20 4. .13 sets 8..12 8. .51 9.. 29 HIOH WATEB. 6..27 6. .20 7.. 7 7..66 8..40 9..23 10.. 7 MAMINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, S. C., JULY 28. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Scar Irene Meservey, Wall, Philadelphia-IO days. Mdse. To H F Baker & co, A Tobias' Sons, Railroad Agent, Do wie. Moise A Davis, Dr H Baer. " W Almar, S C Railroad co, Cameron, Barkley A ?, J E Adger A co, J B Duval A Son, G J Luhe, Bollmann Bros, Kllnck, Wickenberg A co, H A Due, Charleston Gas co, C D Franke and A Mc Leish. Steamer Starlight, Coste, Bean lort. Pacific Land? ing, Edisto and Enterprise. Mdse. To J D Aiken A co. . _ , CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Charleston, Berry, New York-James Adger A co. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship Catharine Whiting, Howes, New York. British bark Moselle, Hoare, a port in Great Britain. FROM THIS PORT. Steamship Ashland, Crowell, at New York. July 24. UP FOR THIS PORT. Sehr B N Hawkins, Wyatt, at New York, July 25. LIST OF VESSELS UT, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS PORT. FOREIGN. LIVERPOOL. The Kathleen, Lester, cleared.Jane 18 DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Bark Eva H Fisk, Emery, cleared.July 8 Brig Fanny H Jennings, Noble, np.July ie MEW YOK&? Sehr Wm Bernent, Penny, up.-.May 12 Sehr Henry Ilarteau, Jones cleared.July 18 Sehr Lilly, Hughes, np.July 14 SchrN W Smith; Tooker, cleared...July 15 Sehr B N Hawkins,.Wyatt, op..July 26 .. raiLADBLPB IA. Sohr Ella Matthews,MCEIwee. cleared. ...July- 1 Sehr Frank Jameson, Jameson, cleared...July 14 Sehr T E French; Doughty, np.July 20 Sehr Geo H Squire,Timmons, up. .July 23; BALTIMORE. Brig Lewis Clark, Cobb, cleared.May 23 Sehr Matoaka, Fooks, up.July 12 pipping. JOB NEW YOEE. j [ON SATURDAY.] ' The superior first-cWss "slde-Vireel Bteamahhv CHAMPION', R. W: Lockwood, Commander, or toe New York and Charleston.Steamship:Oom pany?a Line, will leave Adger's Sooth Wharf oh SATURDAY, the 80th July, at 6 o'clock P .M. ' ' j ta- The CHAMPION is handsomely and' com-' fortably fitted np for passengers, acd.her table 'ls BoppUed with all of tho-delicacies or the New. York and Charleston markets, JUT Insurance by thia Une hair per cent. M3~ Cotton t?ken'to New York, liverpool, Bos ton, Providence, and the New England manufac tnrtng towns atlowestmarket rates., .< i?i ? -SST Toe Side-wheel Steamship MANHATTAN, M. 8. WbodhuD, Commander, follows on SAT BDDAY, August 6th, at 1 o'clock P. M. july2b JAMES ADGER A CO., Agents. TD ALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA^ BOS X> TON, AND TUT TUES OF THE NORTH? WEST. TBBOVGE BILLS OF LADING' GIVEN FOB COTTON TQ BREMBN. \ The flneBteamBhip '1 MARYLAND, " Johnson, Commander, will safl for 2_ Baltimore on THURSDAY, 28th July, at a o'clock gar Philadelphia Freights forwarded to tn a city by railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional InBuranoe, and Consignees are allowed am? ple time to sample and ssa their Goods- from iheRaiiroad Depot la Philadelphia. PAUL 0. TRENHQLM, Agent, i ]nly23-6_No. 2 Onion Wharves. ; J>ACLFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPY-S THBOUOB LINE TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JABA-K g-j I FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above line leave Pier. No. 42, North River, foot of Oana street, New York, st 12 o'clock noon, of the and 2ist of every month (except when these dates rall on Sunday, then the Saturday preced? lng. Departure or the 21 st connect at Panama with steamers for South Pacific and Central American ports. Those or ?th tonch at Manzanillo. Steamship CHINA leaves San Francisco for Ja? pan and China August 1, 1870. No California steamers touch at Havana, but | go direct from New York to Asplnwall. One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult. Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Ticketa or other information apply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on thd wharf, foot of Canal street, North River, New, York. F. R. BABY, Agent. 1 JuiylC-lyr --1 JNLAND ROUTE J FOR SAVANNAH, BEAUFORT, PACIFIC LANDt INO, EDISTO, ROCKVILLE AND OTHER POINTS ON THE ROUTE The new and elegant Steamer I "STARLIT, HT, Captain N. L. Coate., will take the place of the "Pilot Boy?' and leave for above places as follows: TUESDAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock, for Edisto. Rockville, Enterprise, Pacinc Landing and Beau, rort. THURSDAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock, for Edisto, Rockville, Enterprise, Pacific Landing, Beaufort and Savannah. I Fine Stateroom accommodations. Freight at reduced rate?. . J. D. AIKEN A CO., Agents, Jon23 South Atlantic Wharf. | F OR FLORIDA (ONCE A WEEK,) VIA SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA, JACKSON? VILLE, PILATK? AND ALL POINTS ON SI". JOHN'S RIVER. The Steamer DICTATOR will sall _ *-??Tsm>*. on and arter ibe stn july for abovedmB3mS3m< places every TUESDAY EVENING, at 8 o'oioos. Fare from Charleston 10 Savannah, including meals and berth, S3._ July! . E VENING EXCURSION, The Steamer POCOSIN, Captain D. Sinclair, Jr., makes an Excor-. sion Trip every Evening, leaving Market wuarf at 6 o'clock, and Sullivan's Island at 7 o'clock. Fare ror Round Trip, 25 cents. . jnly28-l* , . ,, J. H. MURRAY, Agent. T7ESSELS SUPPLIED WITH CABIN AND V MESS STORES ON SHORT NOTICE. Captains and Stewards are respect-. fully invited to call and examine theL_ quality and prices or our GOODS. Full wel? guaranteed. Delivered free of expense. WM. S. OORWIN&CO., No. 276 King Btreet, opposite Hasel, Charleston, s. a Kt- Branch or No. 000 Broadway, New York. jun Hhrngs, QTIjcrnicals, fcc. RUSSELL'S SOOTHING CORDIAL FOB INFANTS TEETHING. ALLAYS INFLAMMATION OF THU O DM8, CURBS CHOLIC, CHOLERA INFANTUM, DYSENTERY, AND ALL DISEASES TD WHICH CHILDREN ARB SUBJECT WHEN TEETHING. CONTAINS NO ANODYNE. RUSSELL'S SOOTHING CORDIAL ls offered to the public with an absolute guarantee against all dancer from its use. Read thc following certifi? cates: CHARLESTON, May ia, 1868. Mr. J. B. RUSSELL, one or our careful and intel? ligent Pharmaceutists and Apothecaries, has sub? mitted to my examination the formula ror the preparation or a Soothing Cordial prepared and vended by him. lt affords me pleasure to express a favorable opinion of its safe and efficient adaptation to the particular cases of thc diseases of children, which it ls designed to relieve. E. GEDDINGS, M. D. Having had occasion to proscribe RUSSBLL'B Soothing Cordial m severe cases of Bowel Com? plaints in children and delicate females, I have been much pleased with its effects. I consider lt a valuable medicine in all cases, in which lt may be advisable to avoid the use or anodyne, and par? ticularly for family usc. as lt ls perfectly safe. W. T. WRAGG, M. D. CHARLESTON. S. C.. 1868. I certify that I have most successfully used RUSSELL'S Soothing Cordial In the Summer Com? plaints of infants. He bas fully exhibited the In? gredients of bis remedy, and the tedious method of preparation. 1 recognize the prescription containing no anodyne whatever-as a most safe and enlcaciousone ia bowel affections or children. When much pain or restlessness attends the affec? tion, doses of Paregoric can be added to the pre Bcribcd doses of the Cordial according to the age or the patient. The oompound, though more olten, acts In an efficient manner without any ad? dition or anodyne. In the Diarrhoea or the aged, In Increased doses, lt is of great value as a remedy; never disagree? ing with the stomach-Increasing appetite, im? proving digestion, and acting as a slow but efl! clent astringent agent. W. M. FITCH, M. D. CHARLESTON, S. C., 1868. Dear Sir-I have used your Soothing Cordial for Diarrhcea in teething children, and find lt a very excellent preparation, lt has a great advantage I over moat preparations o? the kind in containing no Opium or Narcotic. , When these are required they can be added In proportions applicable to the case. I I therefore can recommend Us use in the affec? tions for which lt ls designed. Respectfully yours, Ac, T. L. OG1ER, M. D. MOUNT PLEASANT, S. C., 1868. Mr. J. B. Russell : DEAR SIR-I have used your Soothing Cordial for children extensively in my practice, and most cheerfully testify to Its merita I have found lt, , without an exception, to accomplish all it claims, and com; 'er lt superior to anything la use tor children. Its freeuom from anodyne of any kind recom? mends lt as a perfectly safe preparation ia the hands of mothers and inexperienced nurses. Very respectfully, Ac, D. R. WILLIAMS, M. D. Made by J. B. RUSSELL, Chemist. Sold by Dr. H. RAER, Wholesale Agent ror South Carolina octis THE CELEBRATED THOROUGHBRED Stallion "JUNCR HOOPER" will stand this season in Spring street, near King. Terms-$25 the season and $1 to the groom, payable in ad van oe. For pedigree and any other particulars,*tpply at No. ll Vanderhorst Wharf j ansi li wi ?nairtiS? Zara e. ADAMS, DAMON & CO., 16 BROAD ST., Dealers In Stoves, Bange?, Orates, Ae^AgenM Tor Ute Automatic Washing Machine and Wringer. ALMAR, G. W.-^3B*R0E.DBUGS, CHE? MICALS, Surgical Instrumente, Perfumeries and Toilet Articles, 469 King, cor. Vanderhorst au ?, RCHEK'S BAZAAR, 363 KING ST., L Wholesale and Retail Notions and Fahey ods, 60 per cent, less than elsewhere. ALLAN, JAMES, WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Sterling 8Uver, Platedware, Spec? tacles, Fancy Goods, Ac, No. 807 King street. BAKER, H. F., & CO., SHIPPING AND Commission Merchants, Central Wharf. BABBOT, ALFRED A., AGENT OF THE Havana Cigar Factory,"La Valentina," 118 East Bay street. BAZAAR, F. VON SAN TEN, IMPORT? ER of Farts Fane Goods, Toys, French Con? fectionery 4ndla R?bke Goods Ac, No. 220 King st. BISCHOFF & CO., HENRY, WHOLE? SALE Grocers,: and Dealers In Wines, Li? quors, cigars, Tobacco, Ac, 167 East Bay. CHARLESTON HOTEL. THE BEST . regulated and irnished House In the South ern States. E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor._ GOSGROVE'S SODA WATER MANU? FACTORY and Bottling Warerooms for Bass andHlbbert'B London Ales, 87 Market gt . ; CHAPIN 4 CO., Ia., MANUFACTURERS and.Dealers, m Carriages, Harness, AC,, 20 Hayns, A 33 &35Plncfcney st. ; also, 103 Meeting st. CORWIN 4 CO.. WM. 8., IMPORTERS and Dealers lu Colee Whines, Brandies, Teas and groceries,. Wholesale and Retail' 275 King st /CHAPEE & CO., WM. H., WHOLE ?V/, SALE Dealers in Groceries, Wines, Liquors, , Ac; Agenta for Elton's Crackers, 207 East Bay. CHAFER'S TONIC, j THE BEST AND most pleasant Stomach Regulator extant. <ButfeeA Co., No. 207 East Bay, Manufacturers. DUVAL & SON, J, B., MANUFACTUR? ERS of Tinware, Dealers In Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, Ac, 337 King st. EASON IRON WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1838, Nassau and Columbus streets: Steam Engines, Marine, Portable and Stationery. Boilers. FOLLIN, G., TOBACCO COMMISSION Merchant, Manufacturers' Agent for the ! sale of Standard Brands, No. 16X East Bay. FURNITURE WAREROOMS, ESTAB? LISHED 1838. D.H.SUcox,Noa.l76,177and T?9 King st. Goods carefully packed and shipped. GOLDSMITH &. SON, MOSES, 4, 6 AND 8 Vendue Range, Wholesale Dealers In Ironi Metals, Rags, Paper Stock, Hides, Wool, Ac. GURNEY, WM, FACTOR AND COMMIS? SION Merchant, 102 East Bay, and l Accom? modation Wharf. /^.OUTEVENIER BROS., (SUCCESSORS \jT to A. Diing.) dealers in Millinery, Fancy ?Gooda, Toys, Crana, Glassware. Ac, 287 King st, HENERE Y, WM S., 314 MEETING ST., Machinist and Founder. Manufacturer ol Engines, and improved Agricultural Implements. T7"LNSMAN & HOWELL, GENERAL XV Commission Merchants, and Agents for Majes' Superphosphate of Lime, No. 128 East Bay. LYONS A MURRAY, WHOLESALE AND Retail Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Trunks, Ac, 78 Market st., near Meeting, Sign of "Big Boot." T A CRIOLLA_JOSE JARA, IMPOK XJ TER and Manufacturer or Havana Cigars, Wholesale and Retail, co/. Meeting anti Market ats. ?ITTLE 4 .CO., GEO-, 213 KING ST., Bell the cheapest and best Clothing and Fur? nishing Goods in Charleston. LUNSFORD, J. h., CABINETMAKER and Upholsterer, 27 Queen st. Jobbing neatly done. Agency Common-Sense Sewing Machines. MERTENS* W. A., DEALER IN LA? DIES', Misses', Gent's, Boys' and Children's Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Ac, 282 King st. MERNAUGH, N., DEALER IN BOOTS Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Ac, 212 King street. MARBLE WORKS.-THE OLD ESTAB? LISHMENT, E. R. WHITE, Proprietor, 119 Meeting st,, next old Theatre lot. MAITHIESSEN, WM, STAR SHIRT Emporium and Fine Clothing and Tailoring lluSse, Gents' Furnishing Goods, 291 King st. NEUFVILLE, B. K., BLANK BOOK Manufacturer, Job Printer and Stationer, s Broad st. . Magazines, Ac, bound in all styles. NOAH'S ARK.-WM. McLEAN, JOBBER and Dealer in Toys, Fancy Goods, Show Ca aes. Stamping A Pinking a specialty; 433 King st, STENDORFF A CO., WHOLESALE Grocers, Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Ci? gars, No. 176 East Bay. O'JNEILL, BERNARD, WHOLESALE Grocer and Commission Merchant, 189 East Bay. Foreign and Domestic Exchange for sale. PADDON, W. F., GAS FITTER, STEAM Fitter and Plumber, 447 King st. All kinds of Gas Apparatus made to order. PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC STORE, 191 King st.. ZOGBAUM, YOUNG A CO., Agents for Knabe A Co., Dunham A Sons, etc "SIIONIX IRON WORKS,ESTABLISHED JL 1844, John F. Taylor A Co., Engineers and Boilermakers, 4, 6, 8, io and 12 Pritchard at. PERRY, EDWARD, 155 MEETING ST., Printer, Stationer, and dealer in Blank, School and Law Books. STOLL, WEBB & CO., WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, No. 2su King street, three doors below Wentworth. SCOTTS' STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM and Gents' Furnishing Room, Meeting st. op poslteMnrket Hall. Agentfor the Champion Brace. SPEAR, JAMESE., 235 KING ST., OPPO alte Hasel, Importer and Dealer in Fine Watch? es. Jewelry, silver, Platedware, Fancy Goods, Ac. mHE GREAT SOUTHERN TEA HOUSE. X WM. S. CORWIN A CO., 275 King st., branch House of POO Broadway, New York. VOIGT, C., DEALER JTN FRENCH CALF? SKINS. Oak and Hemlock Solo Leather, Shoe Findings, Hides, Furs and Beeswax, 86 Market st. WLLIAMS & BRO., A M, 143 AND 145 East Bay, up stairs. Railroad, Commercial and General Job Printing, at New York prices. WHLLDEN& CO., WATCHES, JEWEL ry and Silverware, 256 King st. Crockery and Glassware at Wholesale. No. 1ST Meeting."?.. TXTEBB, WM L., IMPORTER OF CHI? VY NA Glo&s and Earthenware, 128 Meeline street._ WING, ROBERT, BELL HANGER AND Locksmith, 122 King.BL Hotels and pri? vate houses fitted np with Sells, Speaking Pipes. w Stat ?riirts. M. MATT H JESSEN, ^^^^ ?^^^p^*^ Ko. 201 KING STREET, CORNER WENTWORTH, AGENT FOR THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED STAR S H IE?S1 EACH QUALITY OF SHIRT IS NUMBERED PRICES AS FOLLOWS :3 No. 42.$2 00 No. 62.'.. 2 60 No. 72. 3 00 No. 92. 3 60 feb8 6mos J3ERFECTION IN BAKING Housekeepers who do their Cooking on Kero? sene or Gas Stoves, should procurer DUVAL'8 PATENT BAKER, which will bake Bread, .Biscuit, Pies, Ac, and Roast Poultry, Beef, Potatoes, Ac, to perfection. For sale by J. B. DUVAL A SON, may2s-sw No. 337 King street. Jfmntanu. J? H E ? O L I C Y - r.'?;!o ID?ES? V LIFE AND TONTINE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF THE SOUTH. No. 29 BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, g. C. WM MrRTTRVfiT Pr?sident GEORGE H. BGt?CSiSecretary. BP ALEXANDER, Vi ce-Preside nt and A ct nary. JOHNT. DARRY. M. D.. MemoalAdvlser. J RGlLMER: ViceVpreEldentnsidenilt. Geom*. AUGUSTINE T. SMYTHE. Solicitor. i^%^':^Vt^ltI*?ml,a 3?TK^&?T???** Medical Exam p? LTJBB i, JR., il. D.. i lxicrs. TRUSTEES William. Mr-Barney, william 0. Bee, Robert Mare Andrew Slmonds, JotoR. Dukes, George W. Williams, Tames R. Pringle, Lewis D. Mowry Wm. E. Ryan, . J. Eli Gregg. J. Harvey wilson, E. Nye Hutchison, Z. B. Yance, M. Mc Rae, . J. F. Gllmer, William Duncan, John Screven, John L. Hardee, John B. Palmer, R. O'Neale, Jr., John T. Darby. IL D., Wm. M. Shannon, D. Wyatt Aiken, Giles J. Patterson, Rev. James!'. Boyce, .Robt. Li McCaughrl?, George H. McMaster, Henry Blschorr. Wm. G. WUUden, A. S. Johnson, George H. Moffett, James Conner, George E. Beggs, John H. Devereux, E. P.. Alexander, E. J. Scott. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS deposited with Comptroller-General for protection of PoUcy-HoTderB". More than ONE MILLION DOLLARS of Assurahce applied for I This Company, having compiled with all Ute conditions of Its Charter, ls now prepared to issue tho usual forms of Life and Endowment Policies on the cash system. . CASH PBBMIUMS! CASH DIVIDENDS! CASH POLICIES! All Policies non-forfeltahle a'ter the payment of ONE Annual Premium. Paid-up Policies issued on tmrrender of the original for an equitable amonnt. Purely MUTUAL I No Stockholders I All Profite DIVIDED among the Poll ?j-Holders. Dividends declared Annually. .! Dividends once declared are non-forfeit able, and may be used to reduce the Premium, to inorease the amount of Assurance, or to make the Policy Belf-sustaintng. Dividends left with the ComjAn y, however applied, may be used, in case of need, td pa; Premiums. . . Investments confined by Charter to the most sorta and reliable Securities. . .' - .' MmT" Patronize the only Life Assurance In the Stave, and keep your MONEY AT HAME. JOHN H. SIMONS, Local Agent. July4-3mo8D*o . ? . _ flitters. j ip P M A N ' S GREAT GERMAN BITTERS! THE PUREST MEDICATED CORDIAL OP, j THE AGE! ALTERATIVE, ANTI-BILIOUS, and INVIGORATING PROPERTIES. LirPMAN'S GREAT GERMAN BITTERS ls pre? pared from the original German receipt now In the possession o? the proprietors, and la the same preparation that was need in Germany upwards of a century ago; and to-day lt ls tuc household remedy of Germany, recommended by ita most eminent physicians. LIPPMAN'S GREAT GERMAN BITTERS ls composed of the purest alcoholic esseuce ol Germany's favorite beverage, Impregnated with the Juices and extracts of rare herbs, roots and barks; all of which combined make it one of the best and surest preparations for tue core of Dyspepsia, Loss of Tone in the Stomach anil Digestive Organs, NERVOUS DEBILITY, LANGOUR, CONSTIPATION, LIVER COMPLAINT, GENERAL EXHAUSTION. AND AS A PREVENTIVE FOR CHILLS AND FEVER, AND MALARIOUS DISEASES GENERALLY. FEMALES Will And LIPPMAN'S GREAT GERMAN BITTERS the best tonic known for the diseases to which they are generally subject, and where a gentle stimulant ls recommended. MATHEW'S BLUFF, S. C., June 2, 1870. MESSRS. LIPPU AN A BRO.: Inclosed please find money for one case of your German Bitters. Persons who have bought them from me express having been greatly benefited by their use. Yours, AC, C. R. FITTS, ORANQEBITRO, s. C., June 4, 1870. MESSRS. LI PPM AN A UKO.: Inclosed find $co; send us more of your Bitters; they are taking well. Yours, Ac. F. H. W. EKIGGMAN A Co. Depots m Charleston S. C. : W. G. TROTT. ED. S. BURNHAM, A. W. ECKEL A CO., G. J. LUHN, W. A. SKR4NE, Wholesale Agents: HENRY BISCHOFF A CO. STEFFENS, WERNER A DUCKER, BOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Druggists, CLACI?S A WITTE. aprl6-6moe iUiscdlaneons. THE BEST," CHEAPEST AND MOST DURA BL F Material for Rooting known. For-sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and cumberland streets, rach24 emo Charleston, S. C. JAMES CONNER'S SONS UNITED STATES TYPE AND ELECTROTYPF FOUNDRY AND PRINTER'S WAREHOUSE, NOS. 28, SO AND 32, CENTRE STREET. CORNER READ AND DUANE STREETS, X ? W YORK. A large Stock of ENGLISH AND GERMAN FACES, both Plain and Ornamental, kept ou hand. AU Type cast at this establishment is manufacturedjrom the metal known a?! Conner^ Unequalled Hard Type Metal. Every article ne oeasary for a perfect Printing Onice furnished. ian29 Rtnthflmos* SHAMPOOING AND HAIR CUTTING. LADIES AND CHILDREN Attended at meir residences promptly and a< reasonable rates. Send orders to W. E. MARSHALL, Barber, Broad stree:, next floor to Telegraph office, may 23 UST RECEIVED, CARBONATE OF AMMONIA Bicarbonate of Soda Cream of Tartar Freeh Hons. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr. H. BA ER, OOH No. 131 Meeting street. Jen. ICE ! ICE MCE I : FOR SALE 30*5 TONS HEAVY MAINE ICE,. APPLY IMMEDIATELY TO "O . C . B A B S O N , . SAGADAHOCK HOUSE, julyl8-12 BATH, MAINE. ittisccUcmcons. FEYER AND AGUE CORE.. A certain cure for CHILLS AND FEVER-a gea uiue Southern preparation, parely vegetable; a. tonic and fe70r preventive, highly recommended, and stands unequalled by any preparation now offered. To pernuna residing in unhealthy sec? tions it ls Invaluable. Warranted-No Humbug. For sale by ail Druggists, and by G. J. LOHN, Agent, Druggist, sou th east corner King and John sta, iunlS-imosnac Charleston, S. C. GEORGE FAGS & CO. ?UMT,'7LT(K!:R OK Patent Portable Circular Saw Mills, fjtaf.ojury r.uJ ? .r*?a.e ^^JA STE AJ?T Ef-iCiKES^^* Junel8-3mos D&W ^ MANHOOD JHOW LOST-HOW RE? STORED I Just published in a Bealed envelope. Pricers!* cents. A LECTURE on the NATURAL TREATMENT and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debili? ty, and Impediment? to Marriage generally; Ner- . vousnes8, Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, Men? tal and Physical Incapacity, resulting from self abose, Ac., by Robert J. Cuiverwell, IL D., author ] of the "Green Book," Ac. "A boon to thousands of sufferers.? Sent under Beal, In a plain envel? ope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps, by OHAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., No. 127 Bowery, New York, Poetomce Box No. 4586. _ AlSo, Dr. Oulverwell's -MARRIAOh> GUIDE,? price 26 cents. may7-stoth3moe JgNOCU MORGAN'S, SONS' (ESTABLISH ED 1809.) * ' (211 Washington street, N. Y. SAP OLIO Is Better and Cheaper than Soap. mchltuth6mos DE FOUNTAIN SYRINGE. SELF ACTING.-NO PUMPING.-NO AIR INJECTED. The best universal SYRINGE in t^g aarlet. It is recommended by the first Phj^icianB of the country. It ls so simple that it .-.anno; ?get out of order There are no valves, and rahing that will cor? rode. One will last a lire, time. Dr. JOS. H. WARRE*;, an eminent Phlslclan, of Boston writes to t?,? manuracturers: "From the tktjt of its simplicity and correct principle in '.ne structure of your 'Fountain Sy? ringe,' an.? for the easy manipulation, practicable result, <?\? comfort to ihe patient, I have recom? mended this instrument extensively." The Profession are invited to call and examine the apparatus. For sale, wholesale and retail, by. Dr. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street, maySO Agent for South Carolina. BING'S PILE For sale by ? jnr/6 J" REMEDY. > DB. H. BAER.